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In the Wadi Feiran area, amphibolites occur as inclusions, bands, linear bodies of variable thickness and irregular lenses in para-geneisses. Chemical evidence indicates that these amphibolites display an igneous origin and were derived from magma essentially of tholelitic rather than alkaline composition; transitional in character between continental and island-arc. The chemistry of amphiboles, related to pressure and temperature conditions of meta-morphism, showed that they were formed under low pressure and high temperature conditions.  相似文献   

The Gabal Marwa area is located in the southeastern part of Sinai,Egypt.It comprises gneisses and migmatites,granodiorites and monzogranites.Field,petrographic,mineralogic and chemical investigations indicated that the Gabal Marwa granites are classified as granodiorites and monzogranites.The monzogranites constitute the most predominant rock unit exposed in the study area.They have been subjected to hydrothermal alterations,especially along the shear zones.Sericitization,desilicification,nametasomatism and development of spotty or dendritic manganese oxides are the most pronounced alteration features.These alterations resulted in the increase of TiO2,Al2O3,FeOt,MnO,CaO,MgO,Na2O,K2O and Cr,Zr,Rb,Y and Sr and the decrease of SiO2,P2O5,Ni,Zn,Ba and Nb.Radiometric studies indicated that the altered granites belong to high thorium,high uranium granites.The U,Th,U and Th,Th/U,Th and U-K variation diagrams suggested that magmatic processes controlled the distribution of these elements but the effect of hydrothermal alteration processes were clearly distinct.The Scanning Electron Microscope and X-ray Diffraction analyses indicated that the most important radioactive minerals include uranothorite,thorite,zircon,monazite and samarskite.Cinnabar and Mn minerals were also found.From the U,Th,Ra and K activity concentrations obtained for all the studied granitic samples,radium equivalent activity(Raeq),external hazard index(Hex),and internal hazard index(Hin),were calculated to assess the radiation hazard to human beings living in dwellings made of the studied granites.Altered monzogranites have radioactivity above the proposed acceptable level and,therefore,caution must be taken when these granites are used as building materials.  相似文献   

埃及西奈半岛西南部Um Bogma地区是埃及著名的金属与非金属矿产区,区内盛产锰铁矿、铜矿、铀矿、高岭石和石英砂等矿产,铀矿化与三水铝石体关系密切.通过详细的野外地质调查和室内分析鉴定,从三水铝石体和铀矿(化)体的时空分布、结构构造、矿物组成、化学成分、稀土元素及微量元素特征等方面,分析探讨了该地区三水铝石体与铀矿(化)体的内在联系,认为该地区广泛发育于石炭系Um Bogma组中的三水铝石体是红土化作用的结果,铀矿化与三水铝石体的关系十分密切,富含三水铝石、高岭石、蒙脱石等粘土矿物的三水铝石体是铀的良好聚集剂,在长期的表生风化过程中,从岩石活化淋滤出来的铀以微粒及超显微颗粒逐渐被三水铝石体所吸附而形成铀矿(化)体.  相似文献   

Neoproterozoic metavolcanic rocks of Kolet Um Kharit (KUKh) in the southern Eastern Desert of Egypt have been traditionally regarded as a bimodal island-arc sequence. However, geological and geochemical arguments presented here make this interpretation doubtful. Geochemically, these rocks are classified into mafic (tholeiitic basalts) and felsic (high-K rhyodacites to rhyolites) groups. Both the KUKh mafic and felsic metavolcanic rocks show similar geochemical characteristics, implying a genetic link. They have comparable trace element ratios, such as Zr/Nb (27–30 vs. 20–36), Y/Nb (5.44–6.25 vs. 5.05–5.9), K/Rb (577–1164 vs. 573–937), Ba/La (4.29–25–9 vs. 11.4–16.2), Nb/Yb (1.82–2.03 vs. 1.76–1.99). Similarly both groups have parallel LREE-enriched patterns (La/YbCN=2.37–2.81 vs. 2.55–3.17); and negative Nb and Ta anomalies (Nb/Lapm=0.51–0.58 vs. 0.45–0.52 and Ta/Lapm=0.51–0.62 vs. 0.49–0.55). The observed negative Nb and Ta anomalies in the KUKh metavolcanic rocks cannot be attributed to crustal contamination or fractional crystallization. These rocks could represent either a remnant of break-up LIP or were derived from an enriched mantle source containing subduction components beneath an intraoceanic back-arc basin. The recognition of the KUKh rocks as derived from an enriched mantle source revives interest in models that involve enrichment from “plume” interaction during the evolution of the Arabian-Nubian Shield.  相似文献   

A crescent-shape granitic stock and associated dykes is located to the East Gabal Nuqra at the extreme western part of Wadi Natash,South Eastern Desert,Egypt.The examined granites are classified as alkali-feldspar granites and mainly consist of quartz,potash feldspars,plagioclases,and aegirine-augite.Xenotime,zircon,apatite and allanite are accessories representing the source of Y,U,Th and REEs in these rocks.These granites are characterized by high K2O,Na2O and Zn contents and Rb/Sr ratio.Also,they are highly enriched in high field strength elements(HFSE),especially Zr(1529×10-6),Nb(100×10-6),Hf(91×10-6) and Y(624×10-6) and light rare-earth elements(LREE,141×10-6) concentrations and strongly depleted in Ca,Mg,Sr and Eu contents.These features suggest that they are similar to A-type granites(type-2).The rhyolite dykes and granites have similar geochemical characteristics whereas the chondrite-normalized REE patterns show a LREE enriched feature with strong negative Eu-anomaly,whereas the REE pattern of trachydacites show slightly fractionated pattern with no Eu-anomaly.It is suggested that the trachydacites were generated by small degree of partial-melting deep-seated basic source.Such liquid,when subjected to fractional crystallization involving separation of plagioclases as residue,generated the alkali-feldspar granites.And further fractional crystallization gave rise to the alkali rhyolites.The igneous rock suite originated from metaluminous to alkaline trachytic magma,and was developed in a within-plate tectonic environment.The extension caused by NW-SE right-lateral shear in area led to the emplacement of the alkali-feldspar granites.The later extrusion of the alkali rhyolite and trachydacite dykes was due to cauldron subsidence.  相似文献   

桂北前寒武纪花岗岩类岩石的地球化学与成因   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
桂北广泛发育前寒武纪花岗岩类岩石,按岩石组合特征可区分为二类,一类为花岗闪长质岩石,另一类为黑云母花岗质岩石。二类岩石的A/NKC值均在1.10以上,属铝过饱和岩石,但花岗闪长质岩石相对贫硅、钾,富铁,镁,贫铷,富锶、钡,并具有较高的稀土元素总量和轻重稀土元素比值;黑云母花岗质岩石则具更显著的铕负异常,二类岩石εNd(T)值的变化范围与四堡群基底相近,但花岗闪长岩石更接近四堡群基底中的变质镁铁质-超镁铁质杂岩,黑云母花岗质岩石则更靠近四堡群基底中的浅变质沉积岩,对岩石产出动力地质背景的全面分析表明,区内二类花岗质岩石是华夏地块与扬子地块碰撞俯冲作用的不同阶段由成熟度不同的四堡群变质基底在不同深度经部分熔融作用的产物。  相似文献   

The field relations, mineralogy, and major and trace elements (including REE analyses of whole-rock samples and minerals) of granites and their associated molybdenite uranium mineralized aplites in Southeastern Desert, Egypt, have been studied. The granites are leucocratic and mostly peraluminous in nature with muscovite increasing at the expense of biotite. The chemical and mineralogical characteristics of the granitic rocks indicate that their melts originated from the LILE-enriched mantle wedge by partial melting and are contaminated by crustal melts, followed by thermogravitational processes. Leucogranites with higher Na2O/K2O ratios from Um Dargag and Um Maiat crystallized under H2O-saturated equilibrium conditions in which the exsolved vapor continuously migrated away. The REE patterns of the granites studied are characterized by LREE enrichments and negative Eu anomalies. In comparison, the potassic aplites and the more sodic leucogranites are depleted in LREE, enriched in HREE and show more remarkable negative Eu anomalies. Allanite and monazite are the most important REE carriers in the granites. These minerals are strongly enriched in LREE, whereas fluorite and xenotime, which are more abundant in the aplites, are enriched in HREE. The average Lu/Ce ratio represents the fractionation trend with respect to HREE. It is 0.71 for radioactive fluorite, and it increases to 1.22 for non-radioactive fluorite. The high REE contents of molybdenite represent re-deposition of the mobilized Mo and REE. Due to the strong control of accessory minerals, the REEs are of limited use in petrogenetic modelling of highly evolved granitic systems.  相似文献   

The volcano-sedimentary succession around Wadi Zaghra in Sinai, at the northernmost segment of the Arabian Nubian Shield, comprises volcanic rocks interbedded with rather immature sediments. The succession is dominated by intermediate to silicic volcanics of medium-to high-K calc-alkaline affinity. It is divided into two units, the lower unit includes intermediate rocks and dacites interbedded with graywackes, semi-pelites and pelites and topped by polymict conglomerates. This unit is subjected to folding and regional metamorphism(up to garnet zone) and is intruded by quartz diorite-granodiorite inducing, locally, low-pressure contact thermal metamorphism. The unmetamorphosed upper unit encompasses acid volcanics intercalated with litharenite, sublitharenite and minor arenite. The rhyolites of this unit pertain to the highly fractionated granites and are characterized by an agpaitic index(NK/A) ranging from 0.87 to 0.96. They may reflect either extensive interaction of subduction-related magmas with the continental crust or a change in the tectonic regime. The present lithological and geochemical characteristics of the studied sediments together with available zircon ages indicate rather distal provenance of their detritus. This detritus comprises fluvial-alluvial sediments accumulated in the intermontane basins, which are half-grabens or tilted fault blocks. The tectonic setting of the depositional basins is active continental margin and continental island arcs. Geochemical patterns of the Zaghra volcano-sedimentary succession indicate their correlation with the Dokhan Volcanics-Hammamat Clastics sequence of the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Also, the Zaghra volcanics display geochemical similarities with those exposed in Sinai, at the Rutig, Ferani and Iqna Shar'a areas. The Zaghra succession is dated as Ediacaran but is not related either to the ensimatic island arc assemblage or to the rift-related assemblage formed during the early stages of the break-up of Rodinia as previously thought.  相似文献   

The SEM-EDX technique was applied to investigate Au, and Cu+Sn alloyed grains in the mineralization of the Um Shashoba mine for achieving further understanding of occurrences, internal structures and microchemistry of Au and Cu alloys and associated minerals, and mineralization type. This study is aiming at the genetic history of ore-bearing fluid events, geochemical evaluation and exploration significance. The results showed that the mineralization could be considered as a single major episode generated by metamorphic mesothermal solution rich in sulfides and unsaturated respect to Au. It was differentiated into many stages; started with formation of auriferous pyrite that was pseudomorphed by secondary hematite, limonite and goethite. Three phases of Au alloy were precipitated, and Cu+Sn and Ag-rich alloys were produced respectively and followed by deposition of two generations of barren pyrite. Calcite and ankerite were crystalized, surrounded and partially replaced some of early formed minerals. Finally, barren muscovite recrystallized around and inside both later formed carbonate minerals that were free of any sign of Au in their structures. The processes of deformation, recrystallization, annealing, dissolution, remobilization and re-precipitation played the most important roles in the genetic history of the mineralization.  相似文献   

The Feiran–Solaf metamorphic belt consists of low-P high-T amphibolite facies, partly migmatized gneisses, schists, amphibolites and minor calc-silicate rocks of metasedimentary origin. There are also thick concordant synkinematic sheets of diorite, tonalite and granodiorite orthogneiss and foliated granite and pegmatite dykelets. The gneissosity (or schistosity) is referred to as S1, and is almost everywhere parallel to lithological layering, S0. This parallelism is not due to transposition. The gneissosity formed during an extensional tectonic event (termed D1), before folding of S0. S1 formed by coaxial pure shear flattening strain (Z normal to S0, i.e. vertical; with X and Y both extensional and lying in S1). This strain also produced chocolate tablet boudinage of some layers and S1-concordant sills and veins. S1 has a strong stretching lineation L1 with rodding characteristics. Within-plane plastic anisotropy (lower ductility along Y compared to along X) resulted in L1-parallel extensional ductile shears and melt filled cracks. Continued shortening of these veins, and back-rotation of foliations on the shears produced intrafolial F1 folds with hinges parallel to the stretching lineation. F1 fold asymmetry variations do not support previous models involving macroscopic F1 folds or syn-gneissosity compressional tectonics. The sedimentary protoliths of the Feiran–Solaf gneisses were probably deposited in a pre-800 Ma actively extending intracratonic rift characterizing an early stage of the break-up of Rodinia.  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Wadi Kid metamorphic belt in southeastern Sinai in Egypt represents a structurally and metamorphically complex assemblage of metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks folded into a series of ENE–WSW-trending antiforms and synforms. Geological mapping in this region is challenging, primarily due to difficult access, complexity of structures, and lack of resolution and areal integrity of lithological differentiation using conventional mapping techniques. Spectral ratioing of selected bands of Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data of the area, in synergy with geological field observation, proved effective in resolving geological mapping problems in the region. A new ASTER band-ratio image 4/7-4/6-4/10 is applied successfully for lithological mapping in the Wadi Kid area, showing improvement over previous techniques in detailing the main rock units. These are gneiss and migmatite, amphibolite, volcanogenic sediments with banded iron formation, meta-pelites, talc schist, meta-psammites, meta-acidic volcanics, meta-pyroclastics volcaniclastics, albitites and granitic rocks. Validating the use of the new ASTER band-ratio image relied on both calculating statistical optimum index factor (OIF) and matching interpreted lithological boundaries to field data and previously published geologic maps. The adopted ASTER band-ratio image demonstrates the benefit of using ASTER remote sensing data in lithological mapping of the Wadi Kid area and therefore for lithological mapping in the Arabian–Nubian shield and other arid areas.  相似文献   

鄂西南利川二叠纪吴家坪组硅质岩成因及沉积环境   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
鄂西南利川吴家坪组硅质岩与海相石煤及多层火山粘土岩共生,产海绵骨针及放射虫化石,放射虫组合以泡沫虫类为主,内射球虫类次之,隐管虫类很少,代表外陆棚沉积环境。硅质岩的陆源元素Al、Ti含量较高,热水来源元素Fe、Mn含量较低,Al/(Al+Fe+Mn)值在0.64~0.83之间,平均值0.73。在Al-Fe-Mn三角图中,样品位于或紧邻非热水沉积区,在 SiO2- (K2O+Na2O)、SiO2-Al2O3, (K2O+Na2O)-Al2O3 图解中大多数样品落在火山成因区,少数位于火山成因与生物成因区之间。相对于沉积岩的微量元素丰度,生命元素Mo、V富集,指示热水沉积的特征元素Ba、As、Sc亏损。∑REE较低,∑LREE/∑HREE平均值为3.02,Ce、Eu均轻度负异常(δCe:0.75~0.83,平均值0.79;δEu:0.61~0.95, 平均值0.84),经北美页岩标准化后稀土元素配分曲线近水平。以上地球化学特征表明研究区硅质岩属火山成因,并伴有生物作用。氧化还原判别指标U/Th、V/(V+Ni)及Ceanom,沉积环境判别指标MnO/TiO2,LaN/YbN 与判别图解100×TFe2O3/SiO2-100 Al2O3/SiO2、TFe2O3/(100-SiO2)-Al2O3/(100-SiO2)、TFe2O3/TiO2-Al2O3/(Al2O3+TFe2O3)、LaN/CeN-Al2O3/(Al2O3+TFe2O3)与∑LREE/∑HREE-100×Eu/∑REE一致表明硅质岩形成于大陆边缘缺氧环境。  相似文献   

The Um Ara area, in the south Eastern Desert of Egypt contains a number of uranium occurrences related to granitic rocks. U-rich thorite, thorite and zircon are the main primary uranium- and thorium-bearing minerals found in mineralized zones of the Um Ara alkali-feldspar granites; uranophane is the most common secondary uranium mineral. U-rich thorite contains blebs of galena, has rims of uranophane and contains inclusions of Zr-rich thorite. Electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) provides an indication of a range of solid solution between thorite and zircon, in which intermediate phases, such as Th-rich zircon and Zr-rich thorite, were formed. These phases have higher sum of all cations per formula (2.05 to 2.06 apfu, for 4 oxygen atoms) than that of ideal thorite and zircon. This is attributed to the presence of substantial amount of interstitial cations such as Ca, U and Al in these phases. Some zircon grains are stoichiometric in composition, other altered grains display lower SiO2 and ZrO2 contents. Enrichment of Th and U in altered zircon preferentially involves coupled substitution (Ca2+ + (Th,U)4+ ↔ 2Zr4+ + 2Si4+), implying that significant U and Th may enter the Zr and Si position in zircon. Negative correlation of Zr vs. Hf and Al may indicate that Hf and Al have been introduced to the zircon during later fluid alteration rather than during the primary magmatic event. A two-stage metallogenetic model is proposed for the alteration processes and origin of U- and Th-bearing minerals in the Um Ara alkali-feldspar granite: 1) the first stage was dominated by hydrothermal alteration and accompanied by albitization, k-feldspathization, desilicification, chloritization, hematitization, silicification, argillization, fluoritization and corrosion of primary U-bearing minerals. Solid-solution between thorite and zircon occurred during this stage. The second stage occurred at the near-surface profile where circulating meteoric water played an important role in mobilizing the early formed primary U-bearing minerals. Uranium was likely transported as a calcium uranyl carbonate complexes. When these complexes lost their stabilities by precipitation of calcite, they decomposed in the presence of silica to form uranophane.  相似文献   

Abstract: The northern part of Um Naggat granite massif (UNGM) has suffered extensive post-magmatic metasomatic reworking which results into the development of (Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, U, Th, F)– and albite-enriched and greisenized apogranite body (UNAP) of 600 m thick, and more than 3 km in the strike length.
Albitization produced an enrichment in Zr (av. 2384 ppm), Hf (61), Nb (419), and U (43). The Th/U ratio ranges between 1. 33 and 1. 90. Extreme albitization (i. e. the albitite rock) is characterized by sharp decrease in the rare metals contents. However, extreme greisenization (i. e. endogreisen bodies) is characterized by a considerable enrichment in Zr (av. 5464 ppm), Hf (143), Nb (2329), Ta (152), U (66) and Th (178). The Th/U ratio ranges between 1. 57 and 3. 60. In contrast to extreme greisenization, it seems that extreme albitization does not apparently change the fluid pH and therefore poor amounts of rare metals are localized in the albitites.
It is suggested that the presence of Na+, H+ and F- in the ore fluids was essential to stablize complexes of Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, U, Th, and HREE during extraction and transportation. In contrast, contemporaneous decrease of temperature and increasing pH due to decreasing pressure are considered the essential factors for localization of disseminated mineralization of Zr and Nb in the apical parts of the UNAP. The enhanced uranium content in the alteration facies of UNAP coupled with the absence of significant uranium mineralization may indicate the metalliferous rather than mineralized nature for the UNAP. The high uranium contents are stabilized in refractory accessory minerals. However, with repect to Zr and Nb, the UNAP especially the albitized and greisen facies, can be categorized as a mineralized productive granite.  相似文献   

Post-collisional alkaline magmatism (∼610–580 Ma) is widely distributed in the northern part of the Neoproterozoic Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS), i.e. the northern part of the Egyptian Eastern Desert and Sinai. Alkaline rocks of G. Tarbush constitute the western limb of the Katharina ring complex (∼593 ± 16 Ma) in southern Sinai. This suite commenced with the extrusion of peralkaline volcanics and quartz syenite subvolcanics intruded by syenogranite and alkali feldspar granite. The mineralogy and geochemistry of these rocks indicate an alkaline/peralkaline within-plate affinity. Quartz syenite is relatively enriched in TiO2, Fe2O3, MgO, CaO, Sr, Ba and depleted in SiO2, Nb, Y, and Rb. The G. Tarbush alkaline suite most likely evolved via fractionation of mainly feldspar and minor mafic phases (hornblende, aegirine) from a common quartz syenite parental magma, which formed via partial melting of middle crustal rocks of ANS juvenile crust. Mantle melts could have provided the heat required for the middle crustal melting. The upper mantle melting was likely promoted by erosional decompression subsequent to lithospheric delamination and crustal uplift during the late-collisional stage of the ANS. Such an explanation could explain the absence or scarce occurrence of mafic and intermediate lithologies in the abundant late- to post-collisional calc-alkaline and alkaline suites in the northern ANS. Moreover, erosion related to crustal uplift during the late-collision stage could account for the lack or infrequent occurrence of older lithologies, i.e. island arc metavolcanics and marginal basin ophiolites, from the northern part of the ANS.  相似文献   

在青藏高原腹地可可西里地区发育一套新生代碱性、高钾钙碱性——钾玄岩火山岩类,由于该时期正是亚洲大陆内部岩石圈发生剧烈变形,青藏高原强烈隆升的重大变革时期,火山岩的形成在这些重大事件中扮演什么角色?很值得探讨。通过对区内火山岩Rb、Sr、Sm、Nd、Pb同位素的研究,在火山岩的岩浆来源、成因等方面获得了大量信息。研究表明:新生代火山岩主要来源于富集 型地幔区,部分为具极高εSr和极低εNd的酸性火山岩,它是与区内钾质熔岩同源的晚期分异产物;碱性火山岩在成因上与板内初始裂谷有关。研究成果为青藏高原特有的"壳-幔混合层"的形成提供了证据。  相似文献   

The Lower Cretaceous sections in northern Sinai are composed of the Risan Aneiza (upper Barremian-middle Albian) and the Halal (middle Albian-lower Cenomanian) formations. The facies reflect subtle paleobathymetry from inner to outer ramp facies. The inner ramp facies are peritidal, protected to open marine lagoons, shoals and rudist biostrome facies. The inner ramp facies grade northward into outer ramp deposits. The upper Barremian-lower Cenomanian succession is subdivided into nine depositional sequences correlated with those recognized in the neighbouring Tethyan areas. These sequences are subdivided into 19 medium-scale sequences based on the facies evolution, the recorded hardgrounds and flooding surfaces, interpreted as the result of eustatic sea level changes and local tectonic activities of the early Syrian Arc rifting stage. Each sequence contains a lower retrogradational parasequence set that constituted the transgressive systems tracts and an upper progradational parasequence set that formed the highstand systems tracts. Nine rudist levels are recorded in the upper Barremian through lower Cenomanian succession at Gabal Raghawi. At Gabal Yelleg two rudist levels are found in the Albian. The rudist levels are associated with the highstand systems tract deposits because of the suitability of the trophic conditions in the rudist-dominated ramp.  相似文献   

Strongly deformed and locally migmatized gneisses occur at several places in the southern Eastern Desert of Egypt and in Sinai and have variously been interpreted as a basement to Pan-african (900 to 600 Ma) supracrustal and intrusive assemblages. A suite of grabbroic to granitic gneisses was investigated in the Hafafit area, which constitutes an I-type calc-alkaline intrusive assemblage whose chemistry suggests emplacement along an active continental margin and whose granitoid members can be correlated with the so-called Older Granites of Egypt.207Pb/206Pb single zircon evaporation from three samples of the Hafafit gneisses yielded protolith emplacement ages between 677 ± 9 and 700 ± 12 Ma and document granitoid activity over a period of about 23 Ma. A migmatitic granitic gneiss from Wadi Bitan, south-west of Ras Banas, has a zircon age of 704 ± 8 Ma, and its protolith was apparently generated during the same intrusive event as the granitoids at Hafafit. Single zircons from a dioritic gneiss from Wadi Feiran in south-west Sinai suggest emplacement of the protolith at 796 ± 6 Ma and this is comparable with ages for granitoids in north-east Sinai and southern Israel. None of the above gneisses is derived from remelting of older continental crust, but they are interpreted as reflecting subduction-related calc-alkaline magmatism during early Pan-african magmatic arc formation.  相似文献   

The Um Rus tonalite-granodiorite intrusion(~6 km2)occurs at the eastern end of the Neoproterozoic,ENE-trending Wadi Muba rak shear belt in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt.Gold-bearing quartz veins hosted by the Um Rus intrusion were mined intermittently,and initially by the ancient Egyptians and until the early 1900 s.The relationship between the gold mineralization,host intrusion,and regional structures has always been unclear.We present new geochemical and geochronological data that help to define the tectonic environment and age of the Um Rus intrusion.In addition,field studies are integrated with EPMA and LA-ICP-MS data for gold-associated sulfides to better understand the formation and distribution of gold mineralization.The bulk-rock geochemical data of fresh host rocks indicate a calc-alkaline,metaluminous to mildly peraluminous,I-type granite signature.Their trace element composition reflects a tectonic setting intermediate between subduction-related and within-plate environments,presumably transitional between syn-and post-collisional stages.The crystallization age of the Um Rus intrusion was determined by in situ SHRIMP 206 Pb/238 U and 207Pb/235U measurements on accessory monazite grains.The resultant monazite U-Pb weighted mean age(643±9 Ma;MSWD 1.8)roughly overlaps existing geochronological data for similar granitic intrusions that are confined to major shear systems and are locally associated with gold mineralization in the Central Eastrn Desert(e.g.,Fawakhir and Hangaliya).This age is also consistent with magmatism recognized as concomitant to transpressional tectonics(D2:~650 Ma)during the evolution of the Wadi Mubark belt.Formation of the gold-bearing quartz veins in NNE-SSW and N-S striking fault segments was likely linked to the change from transpressional to transtensional tectonics and terrane exhumation(D3:620-580 Ma).The development of N-S throughgoing fault arrays and dike swarms(~595 Ma)led to heterogeneous deformation and recrystallization of the mineralized quartz veins.Ore minerals in the auriferous quartz veins include ubiquitous pyrite and arsenopyrite,with less abundant pyrrhotite,chalcopyrite,sphalerite,and galena.Uncommon pentlandite,gersdorffite,and cobaltite inclusions hosted in quartz veins with meladiorite slivers are interpreted as pre-ore sulfide phases.The gold-sulfide paragenesis encompasses an early pyrite-arsenopyrite±loellingite assemblage,a transitional pyrite-arsenopyrite assemblage,and a late pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite-sphalerite±galena assemblage.Free-milling gold/electrum grains(10 sμm-long)are scattered in extensively deformed vein quartz and in and adjacent to sulfide grains.Marcasite,malachite,and nodular goethite are authigenic alteration phases after pyrrhotite,chalcopyrite,and pyrite and arsenopyrite,respectively.A combined ore petrography,EPMA,and LA-ICP-MS study distinguishes morphological and compositional differences in the early and transitional pyrites(PyⅠ,PyⅡ)and arsenopyrite(ApyⅠ,ApyⅡ).Py I forms uncommon small euhedral inclusions in later PyⅡand Apy II.PyⅡforms large subhedral crystals with porous inner zones and massive outer zones,separated by narrow As-rich irregular mantles.The Fe and As contents in PyⅡare variable,and the LA-ICP-MS analysis shows erratic concentrations of Au(<1 to 177 ppm)and other trace elements(e.g.,Ag,Te,and Sb)in the porous inner zones,most likely related to discrete sub-microscopic sulfide inclusions.The outer massive zones have a rather homogenous composition,with consistently lower abundances of base metals and Au(mean 1.28 ppm).The early arsenopyrite(Apy I)forms fine-grained euhedral crystals enriched in Au(mean 17.7 ppm)and many other trace elements(i.e.,Ni,Co,Se,Ag,Sb,Te,Hg,and Bi).On the other hand,ApyⅡoccurs as coarsegrained subhedral crystals with lower and less variable concentrations of Au(mean 4 ppm).Elevated concentrations of Au(max.327 ppm)and other trace elements are measured in fragmented and aggregated pyrite and arsenopyrite grains,whereas the undeformed intact zones of the same grains are poor in all trace elements.The occurrence of gold/electrum as secondary inclusions in deformed pyrite and arsenopyrite crystals indicates that gold introduction was relatively late in the paragenesis.The LAICP-MS results are consistent with gold redistribution by the N-S though-going faults/dikes overprinted the earlier NNW-SSE quartz veins in the southeastern part of the intrusion,where the underground mining is concentrated.Formation of the Um Rus intrusion and gold-bearing quartz veins can be related to the evolution of the Wadi Mubarak shear belt,where the granitic intrusion formed during or just subsequent to D2 and provided dilatation spaces for gold-quartz vein deposition when deformed by D3 structures.  相似文献   

The Lower Carboniferous sediments at Wadi Abu El Mogheirat consist of four stratigraphic formations, from base upwards: Um Bogma, El Hashash, Magharet El Maiah and Abu Zarab formations. The most-concentrated radioactive anomalies at Wadi Abu El Mogheirat are in the middle member of the Um Bogma Formation. The gibbsitic marl in this formation shows the highest uranium contents (around 710 ppm). Gibbsitic marl and black gibbsite of the middle Um Bogma Formation show higher enrichment in Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn, U, V, Ce and Th. Black gibbsite contains the highest total rare earth elements concentration, especially in terms of LREEs, while gibbsitic marl contains the highest content of HREEs. Anomalous contents of gold at Wadi Abu El Mogheirat are recorded for the first time in the gibbsitic marl (content: 10.4 ppm), black gibbsite (2.8 ppm) of the middle member of the Um Bogma Formation and in the siltstones of the El Hashash Formation (0.6 ppm). Gibbsitic marl shows the presence of uranothorite, celestite, zircon, atacamite, barite, xenotime and rutile. These characteristic demonstrate that the middle member of the Um Bogma Formation constitutes a potential source for gold. This conclusion is reinforced by the potential to exploit other metals such as Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn, U, V, Th and Ce as by-products.  相似文献   

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