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A swarm of earthquakes of magnitudes up to M L = 3.8 stroke the region of West Bohemia/Vogtland (border area between Czechia and Germany) in October 2008. It occurred in the Novy Kostel focal zone, where also all recent earthquake swarms (1985/1986, 1997, and 2000) took place, and was striking by a fast sequence of macroseismically observed earthquakes. We present the basic characteristics of this swarm based on the observations of a local network WEBNET (West Bohemia seismic network), which has been operated in the epicentral area, on the Czech territory. The swarm was recorded by 13 to 23 permanent and mobile WEBNET stations surrounding the swarm epicenters. In addition, a part of the swarm was also recorded by strong-motion accelerometers, which represent the first true accelerograms of the swarm earthquakes in the region. The peak ground acceleration reached 0.65 m/s2. A comparison with previous earthquake swarms indicates that the total seismic moments released during the 1985/1986 and 2008 swarms are similar, of about 4E16 Nm, and that they represent the two largest swarms that occurred in the West Bohemia/ Vogtland region since the M L = 5.0 swarm of 1908. Characteristic features of the 2008 swarm are its short duration (4 weeks) and rapidity and, consequently, the fastest seismic moment release compared to previous swarms. Up to 25,000 events in the magnitude range of 0.5 < M L < 3.8 were detected using an automatic picker. A total of nine swarm phases can be distinguished in the swarm, five of them exceeding the magnitude level of 2.5. The magnitude–frequency distribution of the complete 2008 swarm activity shows a b value close to 1. The swarm hypocenters fall precisely on the same fault portion of the Novy Kostel focal zone that was activated by the 2000 swarm (M L ≤ 3.2) in a depth interval from 6 to 11 km and also by the 1985/1986 swarm (M L ≤ 4.6). The steeply dipping fault planes of the 2000 and 2008 swarms seem to be identical considering the location error of about 100 m. Furthermore, focal mechanisms of the 2008 swarm are identical with those of the 2000 swarm, both matching an average strike of 170° and dip of 80° of the activated fault segment. An overall upward migration of activity is observed with first events at the bottom and last events at the top of the of the activated fault patch. Similarities in the activated fault area and in the seismic moments released during the three largest recent swarms enable to estimate the seismic potential of the focal zone. If the whole segment of the fault plane was activated simultaneously, it would represent an earthquake of M L ~5. This is in good agreement with the estimates of the maximum magnitudes of earthquakes that occurred in the West Bohemia/Vogtland region in the past.  相似文献   

For more than 20 years, seismohydrological investigations have been undertaken at the mineral aquifer system of Bad Brambach (Vogtland, Germany). Two strong swarm earthquake series in 2000–2001 and 2008–2009 at the Nový Kostel epicentre (Czech Republic, 10 km E of BB) have enabled for the first time a comparison of seismological and groundwater hydraulic features in a semi-quantitative way. In spite of their similar spatial distribution in 2001 and 2008, the earthquake foci of each swarm migrated differently through time, horizontally as well as in depth. The seismic energy of the 2008–2009 events was released predominantly within 1 month, in contrast to 2000–2001 when it occurred over 3 months. The main distinctive features of each are seen in the hydraulic pressure anomalies which accompanied the earthquake swarms: number, shape, and progression (duration) of the anomalies. The comprehensive hydraulic data, with high temporal resolution, suggest that fluid triggering dominated not only the earthquake initiating phases. In particular, the long-lasting seismicity of the 2008–2009 swarm can be attributed to a continued triggering of weak earthquakes by over-pressured deep fluids. Here, the remaining static strain was obviously not sufficient to generate strong earthquakes as at the beginning of the earthquake swarm periods. Furthermore, the enduring high fluid pressure in 2009 could also indicate a continuation of the long-term gas flow increase observed at several gas outlets in the Vogtland/NW Bohemia region between 1998 and 2008. However, it is not possible at present to derive a systematic relationship between anomaly occurrence and seismic activity, as generally proposed in the context of earthquake prediction discussion.  相似文献   

GPS observations in the Western Bohemia/Vogtland earthquake swarm region revealed indications of horizontal displacements of low amplitude, and no clear long-term trend in 1993–2007. On the other hand, in 1998–2001 there was relatively significant active movement along NNE-SSW oriented line that we called the “Cheb-Kraslice GPS Boundary” (ChKB), identical with an important limitation of earthquake activity. The most impressive were dextral (right-lateral) movements in the 1998–1999 period followed by reverse sinistral (left-lateral) movements in 1999–2000 that correlate with prevailing motion defined by fault plane solutions of the Autumn 2000 earthquake swarm. Before the February 2004 micro-swarm, two points located on opposite sides of the Mariánské Lázně fault showed extension in the order of about 7 mm in the same NNE-SSW direction of ChKB. The new NOKO permanent GPS station in Novy Kostel showed the peak-to-peak vertical changes up to 10 mm before and during the February 2007 micro-swarm. Annual precise levelling campaigns in the local network around Novy Kostel revealed regular vertical displacements during the 1994, 1997 and 2000 earthquake swarms. The points around the Novy Kostel seismological station showed uplift during the active periods, including the micro-swarm February 2004. However, no such indication was observed on levelling points in the period of the February 2007 swarm. Long-term vertical displacements depend on the same direction NNE-SSW (ChKB) as the GPS displacements. Both geodetic techniques have revealed oscillating displacements, GPS horizontal, and levelling vertical, rather than any long-term trends in the study period 1993–2007. The displacements exhibited significant spatial and temporal relation to tectonic activity (earthquake swarms) including their coincidence with the seismologically determined sense of motion along the fault plane during earthquakes.  相似文献   

We propose an inversion scheme for retrieval of characteristics of seismic point sources, which in contrast to common practice, takes into account anisotropy. If anisotropy is neglected during inversion, the moment tensors retrieved from seismic waves generated by sources situated in anisotropic media may be biased. Instead of the moment tensor, the geometry of the source is retrieved directly in our inversion; if necessary, the moment tensor can be then determined from the source geometry aposteriori. The source geometry is defined by the orientation of the slip vector and the fault normal as well as the strength of the event given by the size of the slip and the area of the fault. This approach allows direct interpretation of the source geometry in terms of shear and tensile faulting. It also makes possible to identify volumetric source changes that occur during rupturing. We apply the described algorithm to one event of the 2000 West Bohemia earthquake swarm episode. For inversion we use information of the direct P waves. The structure is approximated by three different models determined from travel-time observations. The models are inhomogeneous isotropic, inhomogeneous anisotropic, and homogeneous anisotropic. For these models we obtain seismic moments MT = 3.2 − 3.8 × 1014 Nm and left-lateral near-vertical oblique normal faulting on a N-S trending rupture surface. The orientation of the rupture surface is consistent with fault-plane solutions of earlier studies and with the spatial distribution of other events during this swarm. The studied event seems to be accompanied by a small amount of crack opening. The amount of crack opening is slightly reduced when the inhomogeneous anisotropic model is assumed, but it persists. These results and additional independent observations seem to indicate that tensile faulting occurs as a result of high fluid pressure.  相似文献   

《Journal of Geodynamics》2003,35(1-2):221-234
The West Bohemia seismoactive region is characterised by repeated occurrence of earthquake swarms with the strongest event of magnitude M=4.5 recorded during the 1985/1986 swarm. In the 1990s, complex observations of some geodynamic parameters have been introduced. Special attention was paid to geodetic measurements, using the techniques of precise levelling and GPS. In the most active focal zone of the region, vertical movements were distributed with an organised pattern during swarm periods but randomly during quiet periods. The GPS data have not shown any systematic trend of horizontal displacements yet. Consistent compression-like indications were obtained between 1998 and 1999 campaigns, followed by a reverse displacement in the subsequent 2000 swarm period. Temporal gravity changes were analysed from a set of data recorded twice a year since 1993. During the last three swarm periods in December 1994, January 1997 and Autumn 2000, significant temporal variations were observed in the most active focal zone of the region. On the contrary, during seismically quiet periods only weak signals of gravity changes were recorded. The variations probably reflected strain evolution in the upper crust with possible effect of fluid migration and mass displacement on gravity. The groundwater level has been recorded in 2 wells. The water level changes differ significantly in their characteristics. Water level record of the first well provides a smooth curve with a noticeable minimum coinciding exactly with the December 1994 swarm and with some changes before the January 1997 and after the Autumn 2000 swarms. The water level record of the other well reflects significant earth tide and air pressure effects. After a complex analysis, sharp residual signals indicated the first strong, macroseismically recorded, events of the Autumn 2000 swarm.  相似文献   

We summarise the results of seismological studies related to triggering mechanisms, driving forces and source processes of the West Bohemia/Vogtland earthquake swarms with the aim to disclose the role of crustal fluids in the preparation, triggering and governing of the swarms. We present basic characteristics distinguishing earthquake swarms from tectonic mainshock-aftershock sequences and introduce existing earthquakes swarm models. From the statistical characteristics and time-space distribution of the foci we infer that self-organization is a peculiarity of West Bohemia/Vogtland swarms. We discuss possible causes of the foci migration in these swarms from the viewpoint of co-seismic and/or post-seismic stress changes and diffusion of the pressurized fluids, and we summarize hitherto published models of triggering the 2000-swarm. Attention is paid to the source mechanisms, particularly to their non-shear components. We consider possible causes of different source mechanisms of the 1997-and 2000-swarms and infer that pure shear processes controlled solely by the regional tectonic stress prevail in them, and that additional tensile forces may appear only at unfavourably oriented faults. On data from the fluid injection experiment at the HDR site Soultz (Alsace), we also show that earthquakes triggered by fluids can represent purely shear processes. Thus we conclude that increased pore pressure of crustal fluids in the region plays a key role in bringing the faults from the subcritical to critical state. The swarm activities are mainly driven by stress changes due to co-seismic and post-seismic slips, which considerably depend on the frictional conditions at the fault; crustal fluids keep the fault in a critical state. An open question still remains the cause of the repeatedly observed almost simultaneous occurrence of seismic activity in different focal zones in a wider area of West Bohemia/Vogtland. The analysis of the space-time relations of seismicity in the area between 1991 and 2007 revealed that during a significant part of this time span the seismicity was switching among distant focal zones. This indicates a common triggering force which might be the effect of an increase of crustal-fluid pore-pressure affecting a wider epicentral region.  相似文献   

New petrological and geochemical data of upper mantle and lower crustal xenoliths from a Quaternary tephra deposit in Mýtina, Czech Republic, are discussed in the frame of previous geophysical results (receiver functions, reflection seismology) of the western Eger/Ohře Rift area. The Vogtland/NW Bohemia region is well known for intraplate earthquake swarms, which are usually associated with volcanic activity. As previously reported, 3He/4He data of CO2 emissions in mofettes and mineral-water springs point at ongoing magmatic processes in this area. Using teleseismic P receiver functions, an approximately 40-km-wide Moho updoming (from 31 to 27 km) and indications for a seismic discontinuity at 50 to 60 km depth were observed beneath the active CO2-degassing field. The studied xenolith suite probes a lithospheric profile within the structural and gas geochemical anomaly field of the western Eger Rift.With regard to texture, composition, pT estimates and origin, five xenolith groups can be discriminated. Upper crustal xenoliths (quartzites, phyllites, mica schists) resemble crystalline country rocks at surface. One noritic xenolith (6 kbar, 800 °C) could represent a sample of the lower crust. Clinopyroxenites and hornblendites probably represent cumulates of the nephelinitic magma or fragments of magmatic veins. Porous wehrlites and one hornblende peridotite xenolith reflect a metasomatied upper mantle. Megacrysts of Ti-rich amphibole, olivine, clinopyroxene, and phlogopite could be fragments of pegmatitic veins or high-pressure phenocrysts. Most of the ultramafic nodules (xenoliths and megacrysts) formed at pressures between 6 and 11 kbar (22 to 38 km depth), at temperatures well above regional geotherms of the Bohemian Massif calculated from surface heat flow studies. Orthopyroxene-bearing spinel-lherzolite xenoliths were not observed. Our petrographical, geochemical, and thermobarometric results indicate a lithospheric mantle strongly altered by magmatic processes. This metasomatism can cause slower than typical uppermost-mantle seismic velocities in a greater area and might help to explain observed seismic anomalies.  相似文献   

The most recent intense earthquake swarm in West Bohemia lasted from 6 October 2008 to January 2009. Starting 12 days after the onset, the University of Potsdam monitored the swarm by a temporary small-aperture seismic array at 10 km epicentral distance. The purpose of the installation was a complete monitoring of the swarm including micro-earthquakes (M L < 0). We identify earthquakes using a conventional short-term average/long-term average trigger combined with sliding-window frequency-wavenumber and polarisation analyses. The resulting earthquake catalogue consists of 14,530 earthquakes between 19 October 2008 and 18 March 2009 with magnitudes in the range of − 1.2 ≤ M L ≤ 2.7. The small-aperture seismic array substantially lowers the detection threshold to about M c = − 0.4, when compared to the regional networks operating in West Bohemia (M c > 0.0). In the course of this work, the main temporal features (frequency–magnitude distribution, propagation of back azimuth and horizontal slowness, occurrence rate of aftershock sequences and interevent-time distribution) of the recent 2008/2009 earthquake swarm are presented and discussed. Temporal changes of the coefficient of variation (based on interevent times) suggest that the swarm earthquake activity of the 2008/2009 swarm terminates by 12 January 2009. During the main phase in our studied swarm period after 19 October, the b value of the Gutenberg–Richter relation decreases from 1.2 to 0.8. This trend is also reflected in the power-law behavior of the seismic moment release. The corresponding total seismic moment release of 1.02×1017 Nm is equivalent to M L,max = 5.4.  相似文献   

Beneath Mount Fuji, the highest active volcano in Japan, deep low-frequency (DLF) earthquake activity has been monitored since the early 1980s. The DLF earthquakes occurred in the mid-crustal depth range, and burst-type activity lasting from several minutes to 30 min was detected 10 to 20 times in an ordinary year. The DLF earthquake activity increased sharply in the period from October 2000 to May 2001, showing swarm-like activity. The occurrence rate during the DLF earthquake swarm was approximately 20 times higher than the usual activity, and the wave energy released during the swarm period was twice as high as the total wave energy during the past 20 years. The DLF earthquakes in the period from 1987 to 2001 were relocated by estimating station corrections in order to reduce the effect of the change of seismic station distribution. The epicenters of most DLF earthquakes occurred in an elongated region with a long axis of about 5 km, whose center is located 2–3 km NE from the summit. A few percent of the DLF earthquakes, however, occurred around the summit area, significantly apart from the main epicenter region. The focal depths of well-located DLF events range from 10 to 20 km. During the high activity period in 2000 and 2001, most DLF events occurred within this main hypocenter area. The sharp increase of DLF earthquake activity at Mount Fuji started immediately after magma discharge and intrusion events in the Miyake-jima and Kozu-shima regions in July and August 2000. The tectonic and volcanic activity changes around the area suggest that the DLF earthquake swarm at Mount Fuji was triggered by the change of state of the deep magmatic system around Mount Fuji.Editorial responsibility: J Stix  相似文献   

Mount Cameroon is an active volcano located in the Gulf of Guinea, west of Central Africa. After the March–April 1999 eruption on the SW flank, another eruption of the volcano occurred in 2000. It took place from three sites on the southwest flank and near the summit. The first eruptive site was located 500 m to the southwest of the summit, at 3900 m altitude. Activity on this site was mainly explosive with no lava flow. The second site was located between 3220 and 3470 m altitude. Lava was emitted along NNE–SSE fissures from this site and flew towards Buea, the main city of the area, stopping ~ 4 km from the first houses. The last site was located in the south western flank at 2750 m altitude. The lava ejected from an old cone near the first 1999 eruptive site was divided into two branches, for a total length of around 1 km. The location of active volcanic cones in 1999 and 2000 seems to be linked to the local tectonics. The pre-eruptive period was characterized by a seismic swarm which may be a precursor recorded in March 2000 by an analogue seismic station. The main shock was a magnitude 3.2 event, and was felt by the population in Ekona town located on the eastern flank. It had a Modified Mercalli intensity of III–IV. When the eruption started, a temporary network of short period 3-component seismic stations was set up around the volcano to improve the monitoring of seismic activity. The co-eruptive period from late May to September was characterized by sequences of earthquake swarms, volcanic tremor and a family of earthquakes having similar waveform and appearing regularly in August and early September. Some of the earthquakes were felt by the population in Buea and its environments. The largest seismic event recorded had a magnitude of 4. During the post-eruptive period from mid-September to December, seismicity returned to its background level of 1–3 earthquakes per 3 days. Hypocenter locations reveal a linear narrow structure under the summit zone which could represent the magmatic conduit of the volcano. The frequency/magnitude relationship revealed a b-value of 1.43 higher than those previously determined, but more representative of volcanic media. Seismic energy release was gradual after the 2000 eruption started.  相似文献   

从2010年12月30日起,江苏建湖相继发生100多次地震事件(含单台地震事件),其中ML≥3.0地震6次,初步分析发现,与1987年射阳地震前地震活动性具有较好相似性.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of the time-space pattern of seismic activity during the January 1997 swarm demonstrates the gradual and ordered migration of earthquake foci, suggesting a step-by-step penetration of crustal fluids into a remarkably small fractured volume.  相似文献   

A major swarm of intraplate earthquakes at the southeastern end of the Gilbert Islands Chain (3.5°S, 177.5°E) commenced in December 1981 and lasted through March 1983. No seismicity had been reported in the historical record in this region prior to 1981, but during the swarm 217 events with mb ? 4.0 were located by the NEIS, with 86 events having mb ? 5.0. The source region is quite remote, and the uniform detection level for the NEIS is for mb ? 4.8. A b-value of 1.35 is found for the swarm using the maximum likelihood method. Four events in the sequence were large enough (mb = 5.6?5.9) to determine focal mechanisms teleseismically using body- and surface-wave analysis. These events are found to have a range of mechanisms, from predominantly thrust with a significant oblique component, to purely strike-slip. The compression axes are consistent for all four events, with horizontal orientation trending NNE-SSW. This orientation is perpendicular to the direction of plate motion. The events are located at depths between 15 and 20 km placing them deep in the oceanic crust or in the upper mantle. No obvious bathymetric feature can be related to the fault plane orientations, though there is an offset in the island chain near the epicenters. While some characteristics of the swarm suggest a magmatic origin, the nature of the focal mechanisms, the location of the swarm, and the large accumulated moment release of the sequence favor a tectonic origin.  相似文献   

Earthquake swarms are often assumed to be caused by magmatic or fluid intrusions, where the stress changes in the vicinity of the intrusion control the position, strength and rate of seismicity. Fracture mechanical models of natural intrusions or man-made hydrofractures pose constraints on orientation, magnitude, shape and growing rate of fractures and can be used to estimate stress changes in the vicinity of the intrusions. Although the idea of intrusion-induced seismicity is widely accepted, specific comparisons of seismicity patterns with fracture models of stress changes are rarely done. The goal of the study is to review patterns of intrusion-induced earthquake swarms in comparison to the observations of the swarm in NW Bohemia in 2000. We analyse and discuss the theoretical 3D shape of intrusions under mixed mode loading and apparent buoyancy. The aspect ratio and form of the intrusion is used to constrain parameters of the fluid, the surrounding rock and stress. We conclude that the 2000 NW Bohemia swarm could have been driven by a magmatic intrusion. The intrusion was, however, inclined to the maximal principal stress and caused shear displacement additional to opening. We estimate that the density diference between magma and rock was small. The feeding reservoir was possibly much larger than the area affected from earthquakes and may be a vertical dike beneath the swarm region.  相似文献   

系统研究了宁夏及邻区35次小震群活动,总结了震群活动的参数特征,探讨了震群活动与中强以上地震的关系,分析检验了前兆震群类型的判定指标。1970年以来宁夏及邻区35次小震群中有10次对应了5级以上地震,灵武-吴忠地区利用震群预测5.0级以上地震的效果较好,不建议利用震群预测宁夏南部及邻区5.0级以上地震。通过前兆震群类型的判别判断后续是否有中强以上地震,总体而言效果并不十分理想,需要参考其它方法和手段综合判定。  相似文献   

江苏及邻区震群活动特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
系统地整理研究了江苏及其邻近地区36次小震群活动,总结了震群活动的参数特征,探讨了震群活动与大震的关系,分析检验了前兆震群类型的判定指标.江苏地区震群活动分布集中,强度以ML2.0~3.9地震为主,震群序列总频次在30次以下居多,持续时间在15天以内的震群占总数的55%;震群序列中地震总频次和震群持续时间与震群的最大震级之间不成正比;研究区78%震群发生后对应M4.6以上中强地震,其中500km范围内时间间隔在1年内的占对应地震总数的57%,具有一定的中短期地震预测指示意义;震群与未来中强地震的距离较为离散,但尚无在原地发生大地震的震例.震群强度大小与未来中强地震的对应率高低和对应的地震强度大小没有明显的相关关系,震群频次的多少与其后发生地震的对应率高低也没有明显的相关关系.采用U-p组合或者全组合判定震群类型的效果相对较好,检验正确率约占总数的50%,但总体而言效果并不十分有效,需要参考其它方法和手段综合判定.  相似文献   

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