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秋季北极海冰对中国冬季气温的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用海冰资料、中国地面气候资料、环流特征量资料及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,研究了秋季北极海冰变化对中国冬季平均气温、日气温变率以及异常低温天气的影响。分析结果表明,秋季北极海冰异常偏多年中国冬季常为暖冬;异常偏少年中国冬季常为冷冬,且异常低温天气出现频率更高,常发生低温灾害事件。秋季北极海冰通过影响后期的北半球极涡、东亚冬季风和西伯利亚高压进而影响中国冬季的平均气温,且通过影响冬季异常强西伯利亚高压的出现频次,影响中国冬季异常低温天气的发生频次。合成分析结果表明,秋季北极海冰异常偏少年的冬季,中国以北亚欧大陆高纬度的偏北风较强,且中国及其以北的中高纬度地区空气异常偏冷,导致极地和高纬度的冷空气易向南爆发,造成中国冬季气温偏低,异常低温天气频发。  相似文献   

利用中国东北地区1981—2018年166个地面气象观测站资料,定义了中国东北地区秋冬季霾日指数,分析了年际尺度上该地区霾日数与同期大气环流异常的内在关系。结果表明:中国东北地区秋冬季霾日指数存在显著的年际变化特征,欧亚—太平洋遥相关型(Eurasia-Pacific Teleconnection Pattern, EUP)负位相、东亚大槽偏弱等大气环流异常配置导致中国东北地区秋冬季霾的发生频次增加。巴伦支海与喀拉海北部海域是影响中国东北地区秋冬季霾日年际变化的海冰关键区,该区域海冰面积与霾日数呈显著负相关,北极海冰通过改变大气环流间接影响中国东北地区秋冬季霾日发生频次,当北极海冰异常偏少时,东亚冬季风偏弱,近地面风速偏低,环境湿度偏高,中国东北地区受东北亚异常反气旋西侧的异常偏南风控制,且受“EUP”负位相模态影响,东亚大槽减弱,有利于大气污染物和水汽向中国东北地区输送,该地区秋冬季霾的发生频次增加。  相似文献   

利用1961—2015年Hadley中心逐月海表温度资料、海冰密集度资料以及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,探讨了秋季北极海冰对于EP型ENSO事件的异常响应,并进一步研究了这种异常响应的可能原因。结果表明,秋季北极海冰对EP型ENSO的响应具有非线性,特别是喀拉海海域(60°~90°E,70°~80°N)海冰无论在EP型El Ni?o或是La Ni?a位相,均表现为显著的负异常。进一步研究发现,不同ENSO位相造成该区域海冰异常偏少的机制有明显不同。EP型El Ni?o年秋季菲律宾附近海域对流活动被抑制,所激发的经向波列在高纬地区形成异常反气旋环流,其南风分量向喀拉海输送暖平流,造成海冰异常偏少。而EP型La Ni?a年喀拉海海域则主要受到来自大西洋开放性海域西风异常的影响,合成结果和个例年均显示EP型La Ni?a年秋季北大西洋上空存在一个显著的西风急流中心,有利于北大西洋开放性海域较暖海水向下游输送,进而影响喀拉海海冰。这些结果表明,热带外地区大气环流场对EP型ENSO的非线性响应导致了喀拉海海冰对EP型ENSO事件的响应也表现出明显的非线性。  相似文献   

Seasonal prediction skill of winter mid and high northern latitudes climate from sea ice variations in eight different Arctic regions is analyzed using detrended ERA-interim data and satellite sea ice data for the period 1980–2013. We find significant correlations between ice areas in both September and November and winter sea level pressure, air temperature and precipitation. The prediction skill is improved when using November sea ice conditions as predictor compared to September. This is particularly true for predicting winter NAO-like patterns and blocking situations in the Euro-Atlantic area. We find that sea ice variations in Barents Sea seem to be most important for the sign of the following winter NAO—negative after low ice—but amplitude and extension of the patterns are modulated by Greenland and Labrador Seas ice areas. November ice variability in the Greenland Sea provides the best prediction skill for central and western European temperature and ice variations in the Laptev/East Siberian Seas have the largest impact on the blocking number in the Euro-Atlantic region. Over North America, prediction skill is largest using September ice areas from the Pacific Arctic sector as predictor. Composite analyses of high and low regional autumn ice conditions reveal that the atmospheric response is not entirely linear suggesting changing predictive skill dependent on sign and amplitude of the anomaly. The results confirm the importance of realistic sea ice initial conditions for seasonal forecasts. However, correlations do seldom exceed 0.6 indicating that Arctic sea ice variations can only explain a part of winter climate variations in northern mid and high latitudes.  相似文献   

段升妮  姜智娜 《气象学报》2021,79(2):209-228
基于ERA-Interim再分析资料,借助大气模式CAM4,分析了北半球冬季不同月份的平均大气对巴伦支海不同振幅及不同季节海冰扰动的敏感性,并考察了中高纬度典型大气模态的分布变化情况.结果表明,冬季巴伦支海海冰的减少,会导致湍流热通量异常向上、局地异常变暖及水汽含量的异常升高,且相关异常的强度和范围随着海冰减少幅度的减...  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal pattern of the link between the winter precipitation variability and variations in the North Atlantic sea surface temperature, the Arctic sea ice concentration, and 500 hPa geopotential height in the Northern Hemisphere is analyzed for the period of 1952-2012. The analysis reveals two principal modes of covariability in the analyzed characteristics. The first mode which explains the most part of covariability, is related to the impact of the North Atlantic Oscillation. The second mode indicates the significant contribution of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation associated with winter precipitation anomalies of the same sign in Europe with the maxima on the East European Plain and in the Balkan region during the positive phase of AMO.  相似文献   

国家气候中心气候系统模式(BCC_CSM)将美国Los Alamos国家实验室发展的海冰模式CICE5.0替代原有的海冰模式SIS,形成一个新版本耦合模式,很好地提高了模式对北极海冰和北极气候的模拟能力.在此基础上,本文评估新耦合模式对1985-2014年东亚冬季气候的模拟性能,检验北极海冰模拟性能的改进对东亚冬季气候...  相似文献   

对1979—2012年冬季气温应用经验正交分解方法,并利用北极海冰密集度(Sea Ice Concentration,SIC)和欧亚大陆雪盖(SNow Cover,SNC)观测数据,计算出秋季SIC和SNC对气温变化有显著影响的区域,建立SIC和SNC指数。基于交叉验证方法构建冰雪指数和我国气温的预测模型,定量评估冰雪因子对冬季气温的预测技能。结果表明,在预报技巧范围和评分上,9月SIC和11月SNC指数的综合预报效果优于单个指数的预报效果,高预报技巧区主要位于我国华北和东北地区,该区域平均距平相关系数为0.58,并且优于气候态后报高达18.7%,表明在季节预报系统中考虑冰冻圈的异常是非常有必要的。  相似文献   

Based on the simulated ice thickness data from 1949 to 1999,monthly mean temperature data from 160 stations,and monthly mean 1 × 1 precipitation data reconstructed from 749 stations in China from 1951 to 2000,the relationship between the Arctic sea ice thickness distribution and the climate of China is analyzed by using the singular value decomposition method.Climate patterns of temperature and precipitation are obtained through the rotated empirical orthogonal function analysis.The results are as follows.(1) Sea ice in Arctic Ocean has a decreasing trend as a whole,and varies with two major periods of 12-14 and 16-20 yr,respectively.(2) When sea ice is thicker in central Arctic Ocean and Beaufort-Chukchi Seas,thinner in Barents-Kara Seas and Baffin Bay-Labrador Sea,precipitation is less in southern China,Tibetan Plateau,and the north part of northeastern China than normal,and vice versa.(3) When sea ice is thinner in the whole Arctic seas,precipitation is less over the middle and lower reaches of Yellow River and north part of northeastern China,more in Tibetan Plateau and south part of northeastern China than normal,and the reverse is also true.(4) When sea ice is thinner in central Arctic Ocean,East Siberian Sea,Beaufort-Chukchi Seas,and Greenland Sea;and thicker in Baffin Bay-Labrador Sea,air temperature is higher in northeastern China,southern Tibetan Plateau,and Hainan Island than normal.(5) When sea ice is thicker in East Siberian Sea 5 months earlier,thinner in Baffin Bay-Labrador Sea 7-15 months earlier,air temperature is lower over the north of Tibetan Plateau and higher in the north part of northwestern China than normal,and a reverse correlation also exists.  相似文献   

张国宏 《干旱气象》2022,40(2):187-194
利用中国京津冀地区94个气象台站气温观测资料以及美国国家环境预报中心和国家大气研究中心联合制作的再分析资料、美国国家海洋和大气管理局海冰密集度资料,采用经验正交函数分解、相关分析、回归分析、合成分析等方法,研究冬季气候变暖背景下近32 a中国京津冀地区Feb4-20(2月4—20日)平均气温异常与前期秋季北极海冰异常的关系,探讨秋季巴伦支海海冰影响中国京津冀地区Feb4-20气温的可能机制。结果表明:(1)1988/1989年冬季是中国京津冀地区冬季变暖的突变点,暖背景下Feb4-20气温第一模态呈空间一致变化型,其时间系数年际变化特征明显;(2)秋季巴伦支海、喀拉海和东西伯利亚海关键区海冰密集度与中国京津冀地区Feb4-20气温存在显著正相关,可作为Feb4-20气温预测的前兆信号;(3)秋季巴伦支海关键区多(少)冰年,其冬季海冰也偏多(少),为持续冷(热)源,在欧亚大陆对流层中高层激发出负(正)位相的斯堪的纳维亚遥相关型分布,西伯利亚高压偏弱(强),欧亚中高纬近地面多为南(...  相似文献   

Arctic sea ice concentration (ASIC) in boreal autumn exhibits prominent interannual variability since 1979. The physical mechanism responsible for the year-to-year variation of ASIC is investigated through observational data analyses and idealized numerical modeling. It is found that the ASIC interannual variability is closely associated with the anomalous meridional circulations over the Northern Hemisphere, which is further linked with the tropical sea surface temperature (SST) forcing. A tropics-wide SST cooling anomaly leads to an enhanced meridional SST gradient to the north of the equator in boreal summer, generating strengthened and northward shifting Hadley circulation over the Northern Hemisphere. Consequently, the meridional circulations are enhanced and pushed poleward, leading to an enhanced descending motion at the North Pole, surrounded by an ascending motion anomaly; the surface outflow turns into easterly anomalies, opposing the mean-state winds. As a result, positive cloudiness and weakened surface wind speed emerge, which reduce ASIC through changes in the surface latent heat flux and the downward longwave radiation.  相似文献   

A large scale numerical time-dependent model of sea ice that takes into account the heat fluxes in and out of the ice, the seasonal occurrence of snow, and ice motions has been used in an experiment to determine the response of the Arctic Ocean ice pack to a warming of the atmosphere. The degree of warming specified is that expected for a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide with its associated greenhouse effect, a condition that could occur before the middle of the next century. The results of three 5-year simulations with a warmer atmosphere and varied boundary conditions were: (1) that in the face of a 5 K surface atmospheric temperature increase the ice pack disappeared completely in August and September but reformed in the central Arctic Ocean in mid fall; (2) that the simulations were moderately dependent on assumptions concerning cloud cover; and (3) that even when atmospheric temperature increases of 6–9 K were combined with an order-of-magnitude increase in the upward heat flux from the ocean, the ice still reappeared in winter. It should be noted that a year-round ice-free Arctic Ocean has apparently not existed for a million years or more.Currently on leave, working for the World Meteorological Organization in Geneva, Switzerland, on the World Climate Programme.The calculations for this work were carried out while both authors were at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), which is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

During the field experiment ARKTIS 1993 ten cases of boundary-layer modification in wintertime cold-air outbreaks from the Arctic sea ice in the Spitsbergen region were observed by aircraft over a distance ranging from about 50 km over the ice to about 300 km over the water. The modification depends decisively on the initial conditions over the ice, the boundary conditions at the bottom and top of the boundary layer and on the conditions of the large-scale flow. The modification of the bulk boundary-layer characteristics in relation to these conditions is presented.Besides the air-sea temperature contrast, the most important role for the boundary-layer modification is played by the stability on top of the boundary layer and by the divergence of the large-scale flow. According to the high variability of these conditions the observed boundary-layer modifications were very variable ranging from 100 to 300 m thick boundary layers with air temperatures between -32 and -22 °C over the ice to thicknesses between 900 and 2200 m and air temperatures between -15 and -5 °C after 300 km fetch over the open water. In most cases the large-scale flow was anticyclonic and divergent over the ice and changed to cyclonic and convergent over the water and an ice-sea breeze was superimposed on it.The sensible and latent heat fluxes are the dominant terms in the surface energy budget over the open water and ranged between 200 and 700 W m-2 whereas the net longwave radiation is the dominating term over the ice with the heat fluxes only about 10 W m-2.  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析资料(1958-1997),月平均海表面温度资料(1950-1992)以及月的海冰密集度资料(1953-1995),研究了冬季北极涛动与西伯利亚高压、东亚冬季风以及巴伦支海海冰范围之间的联系。研究结果表明,冬季北极涛动不仅影响北极和北大西洋区域气候变化,并且可能影响冬季西伯利亚高压,进而影响东亚冬季风。当冬季北极涛动处于正位相时,冬季西伯利亚高压和东亚冬季风都偏弱,在西伯利亚南部和东亚沿岸,包括中国东部、韩国和日本,从地表面到对流层中部气温偏高0.5-2℃。当冬季北极涛动处于负位相时,结果正相反。研究结果还表明,冬季西伯利亚高压对北极以及北大西洋区域气候变化没有显的影响,与北极涛动的影响相比,西伯利亚的影响强度和范围明显偏弱。研究进一步揭示了冬季北极涛动可能影响西伯利亚高压的可能机理。冬季西伯利亚高压与动力过程以及从地表面到对流层中部的气温变化有密切的关系。西伯利亚高压的西部变化主要依赖于动力过程,而其东部与气温变化更为密切。冬季西伯利亚高压的维持主要依赖于对流层中的下沉气流,这种下沉气流源于北大西洋区域,其变化受到北极涛动的影响。当冬季北极涛动处于正(负)位相时,气流的下沉运动明显减弱(增强),进而影响冬季西伯利亚高压。此处,冬季北极涛动对同时期的巴伦支海海冰范围有显的影响。  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、北极涛动(AO)指数序列及中国160个台站月温度资料,分析1951-2007年中国冬季气温与AO指数的变化特征及其相互关系。结果表明:1951-2007年AO与中国东部地区冬季气温基本呈正相关关系。中国东部地区冬季气温指数(IWT)与北极涛动指数(IAO)均逐渐增强,并有显著的年际和年代际变化,均存在准18 a的周期变化特征。从偏相关系数来看,在年际尺度上,西伯利亚高压对中国东部地区冬季气温的年际变化影响较大,而AO与冬季气温无显著相关关系;在年代际尺度上,AO对中国东部地区冬季气温的影响较显著,比西伯利亚高压影响大。东亚大槽偏弱时,中国冬季气温偏高,AO指数也偏高,反之则相反。在年际尺度上,东亚大槽对中国东部地区冬季气温的年际变化影响较大,而AO与冬季气温无显著相关关系;在年代际尺度上,AO和东亚大槽对中国冬季气温的变化影响均较显著。  相似文献   

Variation of vertical profiles of sea ice temperature and adjacent atmosphere and ocean temperatures were measured by ice drifting buoys deployed in the northeast Chukchi Sea as part of the 2003 Chinese Arctic Research Expedition.The buoy observations (September 2003 to February 2005) show that the cooling of the ice began in late September,propagated down through the ice,reaching the bottom of the ice in December,and continued throughout the winter.In winter 2003/04,some obvious warmings were observed in the upper portion of the ice in response to major warmings in the overlying atmosphere associated with the periodicity of storms in the northeast Chukchi Sea.It is found that the melt season at the buoy site in 2004 was about 15% longer than normal.The buoy observed vertical ice temperature profiles were used as a diagnostic for sea ice model evaluation.The results show that the simulated ice temperature profiles have large discrepancies as compared with the observations.  相似文献   

Dai  Panxi  Gao  Yongqi  Counillon  Fran&#;ois  Wang  Yiguo  Kimmritz  Madlen  Langehaug  Helene R. 《Climate Dynamics》2020,54(9):3863-3878
Climate Dynamics - The version of the Norwegian Climate Prediction Model (NorCPM) that only assimilates sea surface temperature (SST) with the Ensemble Kalman Filter has been used to investigate...  相似文献   

大洋间海表温度遥联与中国冬季气温的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用SVD方法,在年代际和年际尺度上研究了各季北大西洋和北太平洋海表温度的遥相关关系,给出了冬季两个时间尺度上的遥联指数I,并分析了它们与同期中国冬季气温及亚太冬季风的相关关系.结果表明:北大西洋和北太平洋在两个时间尺度上的海表温度遥联均与同期中国冬季气温相关;特别在年代际尺度上两大洋海表温度遥联与我国河套以南及长江中游地区冬季气温有显著正相关.其影响途径可能是两大洋海温异常引起亚太冬季风异常、继而引起我国冬季气温异常.  相似文献   

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