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The role of tropical Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies during ENSO episodes over northeast Brazil (Nordeste) is investigated using the CPTEC/COLA Atmospheric General Circulation Model (AGCM). Four sets of integrations are performed using SST in El Niño and La Niña (ENSO) episodes, changing the SST of the Atlantic Ocean. A positive dipole (SST higher than normal in the tropical North Atlantic and below normal in the tropical South Atlantic) and a negative dipole (opposite conditions), are set as the boundary conditions of SST in the Atlantic Ocean. The four experiments are performed using El Niño or La Niña SST in all oceans, except in the tropical Atlantic where the two phases of the SST dipole are applied. Five initial conditions were integrated in each case in order to obtain four ensemble results. The positive SST dipole over the tropical Atlantic Ocean and El Niño conditions over the Pacific Ocean resulted in dry conditions over the Nordeste. When the negative dipole and El Niño conditions over the Pacific Ocean were applied, the results showed precipitation above normal over the north of Nordeste. When La Niña conditions over Pacific Ocean were tested together with a negative dipole, positive precipitation anomalies occurred over the whole Nordeste. Using the positive dipole over the tropical Atlantic, the precipitation over Nordeste was below average. During La Niña episodes, the Atlantic Ocean conditions have a larger effect on the precipitation of Nordeste than the Pacific Ocean. In El Niño conditions, only the north region of Nordeste is affected by the Atlantic SST. Other tropical areas of South America show a change only in the intensity of anomalies. Central and southeast regions of South America are affected by the Atlantic conditions only during La Niña conditions, whereas during El Niño these regions are influenced only by conditions in the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Relationship Between East Asian Winter Monsoon and Summer Monsoon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Centre for Atmospheric Research(NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis data and monthly Hadley Center sea surface temperature(SST) data,and selecting a representative East Asian winter monsoon(EAWM) index,this study investigated the relationship between EAWM and East Asian summer monsoon(EASM) using statistical analyses and numerical simulations.Some possible mechanisms regarding this relationship were also explored.Results indicate a close relationship between EAWM and EASM:a strong EAWM led to a strong EASM in the following summer,and a weak EAWM led to a weak EASM in the following summer.Anomalous EAWM has persistent impacts on the variation of SST in the tropical Indian Ocean and the South China Sea,and on the equatorial atmospheric thermal anomalies at both lower and upper levels.Through these impacts,the EAWM influences the land-sea thermal contrast in summer and the low-level atmospheric divergence and convergence over the Indo-Pacific region.It further affects the meridional monsoon circulation and other features of the EASM.Numerical simulations support the results of diagnostic analysis.The study provides useful information for predicting the EASM by analyzing the variations of preceding EAWM and tropical SST.  相似文献   

东亚季风区夏季陆地生态系统碳循环对东亚夏季风的响应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
东亚地区陆地生态系统的时空变率表现出明显的对季风气候的响应特征。使用EOF(经验正交分解)方法分析了AVIM2动态植被陆面模式离线模拟试验模拟的1953~2004年东亚季风区夏季陆地生态系统总初级生产力(GPP)、生态系统净初级生产力(NPP)、净生态系统初级生产力(NEP)、植被呼吸以及土壤呼吸的时空分布特点,探讨了东亚夏季风对陆地生态系统碳循环影响机制。研究发现,在强季风年,江淮地区高温少雨的特点限制了光合作用,造成GPP偏低;而华南地区在强季风年气候温暖湿润,利于植被生长,GPP偏高。季风对于植被呼吸和土壤呼吸影响不明显,使得GPP和植被呼吸之差NPP的变化及NPP和土壤呼吸之差NEP的变化与GPP的变化保持一致。在强季风年江淮流域地区干热的气候条件使得NPP和NEP降低;但是在华南地区温度升高的同时降水增多使得在NPP偏高的基础上NEP也偏高。  相似文献   

亚洲夏季风是低层污染物进入平流层的重要途径   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
夏季亚洲季风区是对流层低层水汽和污染物进入全球平流层的一个重要通道, 自然或人为污染物通过该通道进入平流层后对臭氧层的破坏以及全球气候环境的影响, 成为目前国际科学界关注的热点问题。早先观点认为: 夏季青藏高原是对流层低空物质向平流层输送的一个重要渠道。然而, 越来越多的观测表明: 包括青藏高原在内的整个亚洲夏季风通过强对流的快速输送以及大尺度输送过程可以把低层大气物质输送到全球平流层。在地面物质进入平流层的过程中有两个关键过程, 一是垂直快速输送的对流活动, 这对于短寿命化学成分非常重要, 二是缓慢的大尺度反气旋输送和限制作用。但是, 目前对于亚洲季风区不同源区的贡献还有很大的争议。  相似文献   

东亚夏季风的季节内振荡研究   总被引:34,自引:10,他引:34  
琚建华  钱诚  曹杰 《大气科学》2005,29(2):187-194
利用动力学因子和热力学因子结合的方法,将东亚夏季风区的西南风与OLR进行了综合处理,构造成东亚季风指数(IM).研究结果表明,该指数既可很好地反映东亚季风区的风场、高度场的环流特征,又能较好地描述我国长江中下游地区夏季降水和气温的变化.通过功率谱和带通滤波结合的方法研究东亚夏季风中的季节内振荡,东亚夏季风区内低频振荡在夏季主要是以30~60天周期的振荡为主;东亚夏季风的季节内振荡在东亚沿海呈波列的形式,并表现为随时间向北传播的季风涌;由于该季节内振荡的波动,造成了东亚热带夏季风在东亚热带和副热带地区活动的反位相关系.  相似文献   

关键海区海温异常的变化与中国区域降水和气温的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用 1951年到 1998年的月平均海温资料及同时期中国 160个测站的降水和气温的月平均资料,选用海温异常的变化趋势一变温,讨论了关键海区海温异常的变化与我国降水和气温的关系,旨在探讨变温因子与我国降水和气温的关系与海温距平与降水和气温的关系有什么不同,用变温因子能否降低降水预报的不确定性。结果表明:降水异常对海温异常两种变化趋势的响应不完全相同,说明分别讨论同一种海温异常态的两种变化趋势对降水的影响比单独讨论海温距平对降水的影响更有效一些,有助于降低预报的不确定性;除西太平洋海区外,气温异常对各海区海温异常两种变化趋势的响应较一致。降水异常对变温的响应与对海温异常的响应,有一致之处,也有不同之处。  相似文献   

热带太平洋海表温度年际变化对降水季节内振荡的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据 1982—1992年期间的日平均 MSU(Spencer, 1993)海洋降水和 5天平均的CMAP(Xie& Arkin, 1997)降水观测资料,分析了热带太平洋大气季节内振荡(MJO)的年际变化特征。在太平洋海表温度(SST)年际变化的正常年份(1982—83年, 1986—88年, 1991—92年),均有明显的MJO信号传到日界线以东并在中、东太平洋维持数月。热带MJO活动强度的年际变化与局地SST的变化存在正相关。中、东太平洋降水的季节内振荡的年际变化与热带太平洋SST的最强正相关在Nino3区附近。以观测SST场强迫CCM3大气模式的数值试验基本上真实地再现了11年期间热带太平洋降水季节内振荡的年际变化总趋势,但模拟季节内振荡的强度较观测平均偏弱。对比分别采用周平均和月平均SST强迫场的积分结果,发现在中、东太平洋,二个积分模拟的降水季节内振荡强度的年际变化接近并且趋势与观测基本一致,而在西太平洋二个积分的模拟结果差别较大。这表明在热带中、东太平洋,SST强迫的年际变化对MJO强度的变化有强的制约。而在MJO总体活跃的热带西太平洋,SST强迫场的季节变化对模拟MJO活动也有较大影响。CCM3模拟  相似文献   

亚洲冬夏季风对ENSO事件的响应   总被引:95,自引:26,他引:95  
陶诗言  张庆云 《大气科学》1998,22(4):399-407
根据NCEP/NCAR_1980~1995年的再分析资料,分析了1980年以来5个El Ni?o和La Ni?a年冬、春和夏季200、500和850 hPa合成高度场、风场、流函数场及温度场。发现在冬季El Ni?o(La Ni?a)年亚洲上空的环流型不利(有利)于寒潮向南爆发,导致亚洲冬季风和大洋洲夏季风弱(强)。在El Ni?o(La Ni?a)年冬季华南和青藏高原降水或降雪量为正(负)距平,这使得在晚春和初夏南亚的加热慢(快),导致夏季海陆的热力对比小(大),因而出现弱(强)夏季风。我们还发现强El Ni?o年冬季,在印度洋-亚洲上空出现类似于东太平洋-北美上空的PNA遥相关,我们称之为印度洋-亚洲遥相关型(IA),引起亚洲冬夏季风年际变化的物理过程都是由IA遥相关型引起的。  相似文献   

The Webster and Yang monsoon index (WYI)-the zonal wind shear between 850 and 200 hPa was calculated and modified on the basis of NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. After analyzing the circulation and divergence fields of 150-100 and 200 hPa, however, we found that the 200-hPa level could not reflect the real change of the upper-tropospheric circulation of Asian summer monsoon, especially the characteristics and variation of the tropical easterly jet which is the most important feature of the upper-tropospheric circulation. The zonal wind shear U850-U(150 100) is much larger than U850-U200, and thus it can reflect the strength of monsoon more appropriately. In addition, divergence is the largest at 150 hPa rather than 200 hPa, so 150 hPa in the upper-troposphere can reflect the coupling of the monsoon system. Therefore, WYI is redefined as DHI, i.e., IDH=U850* - U(150 100)*, which is able to characterize the variability of not only the intensity of the center of zonal wind shear in Asia, but also the monsoon system in the upper and lower troposphere. DHI is superior to WYI in featuring the long-term variation of Asian summer monsoon as it indicates there is obvious interdecadal variation in the Asian summer monsoon and the climate abrupt change occurred in 1980. The Asian summer monsoon was stronger before 1980 and it weakened after then due to the weakening of the easterly in the layer of 150-100 hPa, while easterly at 200 hPa did not weaken significantly. After the climate jump year in general, easterly in the upper troposphere weakened in Asia, indicating the weakening of summer monsoon; the land-sea pressure difference and thermal difference reduced, resulting in the weakening of monsoon; the corresponding upper divergence as well as the water vapor transport decreased in Indian Peninsula, central Indo-China Peninsula, North China, and Northeast China, indicating the weakening of summer monsoon as well. The difference between NCEP/NCAR and ERA-40 reanalysis data in studying the intensity and long-term variation of Asian summer monsoon is also compared in the end for reference.  相似文献   

Most major features of the interdecadal shift in boreal winter-spring precipitation over the American continents associated with the 1976–1977 transition are reproduced in atmospheric general circulation model (GCM) simulations forced with observed sea surface temperature (SST). The GCM runs forced with global and tropical Pacific SSTs produce similar multidecadal changes in precipitation, indicating the dominant influence of tropical Pacific SST. Companion experiments indicate that the shift in mean conditions in the tropical Pacific is responsible for these changes. The observed and simulated “post- minus pre-1976” difference in Jan–May precipitation is wet over Mexico and the southwest U.S., dry over the Amazon, wet over sub-Amazonian South America, and dry over the southern tip of South America. This pattern is not dramatically different from a typical El Niño-induced response in precipitation. Although the interdecadal (post- minus pre-1976) and interannual (El Niño?La Niña) SST anomalies differ in detail, they produce a common tropics-wide tropospheric warmth that may explain the similarity in the precipitation anomaly patterns for these two time scales. An analysis of local moisture budget shows that, except for Mexico and the southwest U.S. where the interdecadal shift in precipitation is balanced by evaporation, elsewhere over the Americas it is balanced by a shift in low-level moisture convergence. Moreover, the moisture convergence is due mainly to the change in low-level wind divergence that is linked to low-level ascent and descent.  相似文献   

东亚夏季风对山西省夏季降水的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用NCEP1948~2007年逐日再分析资料、中国600站1960~2007年逐月降水资料和山西省1960~2007年65个测站的逐月、逐日降水资料,确立了850hPa112.5°E上候平均的假相当位温(θse)为340K和候平均的经向风为南风且南风风速≥2.5m·s-1等值线同时通过35°N的日期,将其作为山西省夏季风建立的时间,以θse≥340K的持续候数与平均持续候数相比的标准化值构造为东亚夏季风对山西省影响的强度指数I,可以较好地表征东亚季风区夏季风的强度和降水的空间分布,也可以较好地反映山西省夏季降水的强度和空间分布。该季风指数的年代际变化特征和线性趋势表明,自20世纪70年代以来东亚夏季风对山西省的影响有明显减弱的趋势,并且在1967年季风指数突变性地由强变弱。对山西省夏季风的建立和撤退时间的分析表明,近60年来东亚夏季风对山西省的影响时间越来越短。最后,分析了强弱夏季风指数年大气环流场的异常特征。  相似文献   

李笛  陈海山 《气象科学》2017,37(4):425-435
利用1979—2014年ERA Interim再分析资料和NCAR CAM5.1大气环流模式,围绕海温对夏季亚洲急流变异主模态的影响展开研究。首先通过理论分析和动力诊断方法,对急流主模态的物理特征进行分析,并证实了海温与急流变异的显著联系。随后基于观测结果设计数值试验方案,探究不同区域海温对急流演变的具体贡献。结果表明,急流第一模态与太平洋及印度洋异常海温紧密联系,在二者相似的贡献下,高层异常风场表现为沿急流轴线南北偏移的纬向对称分布;急流第二模态的上、下游风场则受到不同海表热源影响,在印度洋、太平洋及北大西洋异常海温的协同作用下,亚洲上空形成了四极型纬向非对称的风场分布。该结果有利于更加综合地认识亚洲夏季副热带急流的变异特征,也为研究海温对急流的影响效应提供了新的依据。  相似文献   

Using the monthly mean NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and the monthly rainfall observations at 160 rain gauge stations of China during 1961 1999, and based on major characteristics of the atmospheric circulation over East Asia and the western Pacific, a simple index for the East Asian subtropical summer monsoon (EASSM) is defined. The relationship between this index and summer rainfall in China and associated circulation features are examined. A comparison is made between this index and other monsoon indices. The results indicate that the index defined herein is reflective of variations of both the thermal low pressure centered in Siberia and the subtropical ridge over the western Pacific. It epitomizes the intensity of the EASSM and the variability of summer rainfall along the Yangtze River. Analysis shows that the Siberian low has a greater effect on the rainfall than the subtropical ridge, suggesting that the summer rainfall variability over the eastern parts of China is to a large extent affected by anomalies of the atmospheric circulation and cold air development in the midlatitudes. Taking into account of the effects of both the Siberian low and the subtropical ridge can better capture the summer rainfall anomalies of China. The index exhibits interannual and decadal variabilities, with high-index values occurring mainly in the 1960s and 1970s and low-index values in the 1980s and 1990s. When the EASSM index is low, the Siberian low and the subtropical ridge are weaker, and northerly wind anomalies appear at low levels over the midlatitudes and subtropics of East Asia, whereas southwesterly wind anomalies dominate in the upper troposphere over the tropics and subtropics of Asia and the western Pacific. The northerly wind anomalies bring about frequent cold air disturbances from the midlatitudes of East Asia, strengthening the convergence and ascending motions along the Meiyu front, and result in an increase of summer rainfall over the Yangtze River.  相似文献   

The East Asian subtropical summer monsoon(EASSM) is one component of the East Asian summer monsoon system,and its evolution determines the weather and climate over East China.In the present paper,we firstly demonstrate the formation and advancement of the EASSM rainbelt and its associated circulation and precipitation patterns through reviewing recent studies and our own analysis based on JRA-55(Japanese 55-yr Reanalysis) data and CMAP(CPC Merged Analysis of Precipitation),GPCP(Global Precipitation Climatology Project),and TRMM(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) precipitation data.The results show that the rainy season of the EASSM starts over the region to the south of the Yangtze River in early April,with the establishment of strong southerly wind in situ.The EASSM rainfall,which is composed of dominant convective and minor stratiform precipitation,is always accompanied by a frontal system and separated from the tropical summer monsoon system.It moves northward following the onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon.Moreover,the role of the land-sea thermal contrast in the formation and maintenance of the EASSM is illustrated,including in particular the effect of the seasonal transition of the zonal land-sea thermal contrast and the influences from the Tibetan Plateau and midlatitudes.In addition,we reveal a possible reason for the subtropical climate difference between East Asia and East America.Finally,the multi-scale variability of the EASSM and its influential factors are summarized to uncover possible reasons for the intraseasonal,interannual,and interdecadal variability of the EASSM and their importance in climate prediction.  相似文献   

基于观测资料分析,本文讨论了与东亚冬季风(EAWM)异常活动相联系的海-陆-气系统的特征,指出它往往是随后亚洲夏季风异常的一个信号。我们分析并确定了一类重要的海气耦合模态,即EAWM。它所包含的海-气双向相互作用,使该模态的SSTA分布得以发展和持续。特别是在西太平洋和南海等关键地区,SSTA异常将从冬季维持到夏季。在强冬季风年,青藏高原积雪冬季在其东部出现负距平区,春季则延伸到高原西北部。SSTA及高原积雪分布,共同构成调制亚洲季风环流的重要因子,它将有助于1)随后南海季风和季风降水的增强;2)梅雨期西太平洋副高偏北,长江流域少雨;3)夏季我国东北和日本多雨;4)阿拉伯海和印度东北多雨,而印度西南部及孟加拉湾少雨。总之,强EAWM及相联的海气相互作用,一定程度上,预示着亚洲夏季风的活动特征。  相似文献   

东亚季风气候对青藏高原隆升的敏感性研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
刘晓东  焦彦军 《大气科学》2000,24(5):593-607
青藏高原隆起是东亚季风形成演化的决定因子之一.利用GCM(大气环流模式)完成的一系列改变青藏高原地形高度的数值试验说明,东亚季风气候变化非常敏感地响应于高原隆升.在高原隆升达到现代高度的一半之前,东亚大约30°N以北地区近地面冬夏反向意义下的季风现象是不存在的.高原隆升对东亚冬季风的影响远大于对夏季风的影响.即使没有青藏高原,仅受海陆热力对比的作用,中国东部地区夏季已能出现偏南风;然而只有在青藏高原存在,且达到一定高度的情况下,东亚北方地区冬季才能盛行偏北风.从温湿状况看,大约长江以北的东亚北方季风强度随高原高度上升几乎呈线性增加,冬夏温度对比不断加大,降水也越来越向夏季集中.但长江以南的东亚南方季风和印度季风与此明显不同,前者对高原隆升具有非线性响应,而后者在高原隆升过程中变化不大.  相似文献   

Time sclice experiments are performed with the atmospheric GCM ARPEGE, developed at Météo-France, to study the impact to increases in the atmospheric carbon dioxide. This spectral model runs at T42 horizontal resolution with 30 vertical layers including a comprehensive tropospheric and stratospheric resolution and a prognostic parameterization of the ozone mixing ratio. The model is forced in a 5-year control run by climatological SSTs and sea-ice extents in order to obtain an accurate simulation of the present-day climate. Two perturbed runs are performed using SSTs and sea-ice extents for doubled CO2 concentration, obtained from transient runs performed by two coupled atmospheric-oceanic models run at the Max Planck Institute (MPI) in Hamburg and the Hadley Centre (HC). A global surface temperature warming of 1.6 K is obtained with the MPI SST anomalies and 1.9 K with the HC SST anomalies. The precipitation rate increases by 4.2% (and 4.7%). The features obtained in the stratosphere (a cooling increasing with the altitude and an increase in the ozone mixing ratio) are not sensitive to the oceanic forcing. On the contrary, the anomalies in the troposphere such as a warming increasing with altitude, an acceleration of westerly jets and a raised cloud height, depend on the oceanic forcing imposed in the two perturbed runs. Special attention is given to continental areas where the impact of the oceanic forcing is studied over eight regions around the globe. Regions sensitive to oceanic forcing such as Europe are identified in contrast with areas where the patterns are driven by land-surface physical processes, such as over continental Asia. Finally, the Köppen classification is applied to the climate simulated in the three experiments. Both doubled CO2 runs show the same predominance of global warming over precipitation changes in the Kbppen analyses.  相似文献   

南半球环流变化对东亚夏季风的影响   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
南半球环流是影响东亚夏季风季节内、季节到年际变化的重要因子之一.作者系统综述了南半球环流各系统包括连接两半球的越赤道气流、马斯克林高压和澳大利亚高压、南极涛动和南极海冰等对东亚夏季风环流和中国夏季降水的影响.特别是,近年来的研究揭示了南极涛动是影响东亚夏季风年际变化的强信号.当南极涛动偏强时,马斯克林高压和澳大利亚高压和相关的越赤道气流也趋于偏强.同时,西太平洋副热带高压偏西偏南,强度增强,长江流域降水偏多,其两侧降水偏少.这对中国夏季降水的预测有重要的应用价值.最后提出了一些相关的科学问题以供进一步研究.    相似文献   

东亚夏季风次季节(10~90 d)变化是中国夏季持续性强降水、高温热浪等高影响天气事件的重要环流载体,处于天气预报上限和气候季节预测下限之间的预报过渡区。研究表明:东亚夏季风次季节变化是东亚夏季风的固有物理特征,它和季节进程之间的时间锁相关系是东亚夏季风次季节变化潜在可预报性的重要来源。东亚夏季风次季节变化与Madden-Julian振荡(MJO)存在显著差异,试图通过MJO来预测东亚夏季风次季节变化的不确定性较大。东亚夏季风次季节预测的另一重要来源是下垫面外强迫,包括欧亚大陆春季积雪、中国东部春季土壤湿度和厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)事件。此外,去趋势偏-交叉相关分析统计方法能够分析东亚夏季风多因子和多时间尺度问题。目前,亟需解决的科学问题包括:东亚夏季风次季节模态的客观定量描述、造成东亚夏季风次季节模态年际变化的关键物理过程、不同外强迫因子对东亚夏季风次季节模态的共同影响。  相似文献   

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