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Beard  James S. 《Journal of Petrology》2008,49(5):1027-1041
If a magma is a hybrid of two (or more) isotopically distinctend-members, at least one of which is partially crystalline,separation of melt and crystals after hybridization will leadto the development of isotopic heterogeneities in the magmaas long as some of the pre-existing crystalline material (antecrysts)retains any of its original isotopic composition. This holdstrue whether the hybridization event is magma mixing as traditionallyconstrued, bulk assimilation, or melt assimilation. Once a magma-scaleisotopic heterogeneity is formed by crystal–melt separation,it is essentially permanent, persisting regardless of subsequentcrystallization, mixing, or equilibration events. The magnitudeof the isotopic variability resulting from crystal–meltseparation can be as large as that resulting from differentialcontamination, multiple isotopically distinct sources, or insitu isotopic evolution. In one model, a redistribution of one-thirdof the antecryst cargo yielded a crystal-enriched sample with87Sr/86Sr of 0·7058, whereas the complementary crystal-poorsample has 87Sr/86Sr of 0·7068. In other models, crystal-richsamples are enriched in radiogenic Sr. Isotopic heterogeneitiescan be either continuous (controlled by the modal distributionof crystals and melt) or discontinuous (when there is completeseparation of crystals and liquid). The first case may be exemplifiedby some isotopically zoned large-volume rhyolites, formed bythe eruptive inversion of a modally zoned magma chamber. Inthe latter case, the isotopic composition of any (for example)interstitial liquid will be distinct from the isotopic compositionof the bulk crystal fraction. The separation of such an interstitialliquid may explain the presence of isotopically distinct late-stageaplites in plutons. Crystal–melt separation provides anadditional option for the interpretation of isotopically zonedor heterogeneous magmas. This option is particularly attractivefor systems whose chemical variation is otherwise explicableby fractionation-dominated processes. Non-isotopic chemicalheterogeneities can also develop in this fashion. KEY WORDS: isotopic heterogeneity; zoning; hybrid magma; crystal separation; Sr isotopes; aplite; rhyolite  相似文献   

SEAMAN  S. J. 《Journal of Petrology》2000,41(5):693-716
The Atascosa Lookout trachyandesite lava flow is the youngestand most compositionally primitive unit in the middle TertiaryAtascosa–Tumacacori–Cerro Colorado volcanic complex(ATCC). The flow hosts a variety of objects of contrasting origin,including (1) clusters of plagioclase ± chromian diopside,magnesian augite, quartz, hornblende, and orthopyroxene; (2)amoeboid-shaped quartz-bearing enclaves; (3) plagioclase crystalswith a concentric interior zone of small melt inclusions (dustyplagioclase); (4) plagioclase crystals with cores filled withlarge melt inclusions (honeycomb plagioclase); (5) plagioclaseglomerocrysts. The groundmass of the trachyandesitic flow istrachydacite. Some crystal clusters, enclaves, and plagioclaseglomerocrysts are surrounded by diffuse envelopes of trachydacitehigher in K and Mg and lower in Si than the trachydacitic groundmassof the flow. This envelope material is interpreted as foreignmagma that engulfed these objects as it invaded their host magma.Both the crystal clusters and plagioclase glomerocrysts maybe the remains of cumulate crystal layers, disrupted by influxesof magma into their reservoirs. Crystals in the lava flow originatedin at least three distinct magmas and their hybrids. The groundmassof the lava flow preserves evidence for repeated infusion ofenvelope magma into the system. These influxes fueled the invasionof crystal clusters, plagioclase glomerocrysts, enclaves, andswirls of the envelope magma into the groundmass of the AtascosaLookout lava flow. Despite the compositional and textural varietyapparent in the lava flow, the magmas involved in its developmentmay have been genetically closely related. The collection offeatures in the lava flow resulted from the development of compositionallayers in the magma, accumulation of crystal-rich horizons,disturbance of the system by repeated magma influx, and minorcrustal assimilation. KEY WORDS: crystal clusters; enclaves; glomerocrysts; trachyandesite  相似文献   

Intermediate-composition plagioclase (An40–60) is typicallyless dense than the relatively evolved basaltic magmas fromwhich it crystallizes and the crystallization of plagioclaseproduces a dense residual liquid, thus plagioclase should havea tendency to float in these magmatic systems. There is, however,little direct evidence for plagioclase flotation cumulates eitherin layered intrusions or in Proterozoic anorthosite complexes.The layered series of the Poe Mountain anorthosite, southeastWyoming, contains numerous anorthosite–leucogabbro blocksthat constrain density relations during differentiation. Allblocks are more mafic than their hosting anorthositic cumulates,their plagioclase compositions are more calcic, and each blockis in strong Sr isotopic disequilibrium with its host cumulate.Associated structures—disrupted and deformed layering—indicatethat (1) a floor was present during crystallization and thatplagioclase was accumulating and/or crystallizing on the floor,(2) compositional layering and plagioclase lamination formeddirectly at the magma–crystal pile interface, and (3)the upper portions of the crystal pile contained significantamounts of interstitial melt. Liquid densities are calculatedfor proposed high-Al olivine gabbroic parental magmas and Fe-enrichedferrodioritic and monzodioritic residual magmas of the anorthositestaking into account pressure, oxygen fugacity, P2O5, estimatedvolatile contents, and variable temperatures of crystallization.For all reasonable conditions, calculated block densities aregreater than those of the associated melt. The liquid densities,however, are greater than those for An40–60 plagioclase,which cannot have settled to the floor. Plagioclase must eitherhave been carried to the floor in relatively dense packets ofcooled liquid plus crystals or have crystallized in situ. Asloping floor, possibly produced by diapiric ascent of relativelylight plagioclase-rich cumulates, is required to allow for drainingand removal of the dense interstitial liquid produced in thecrystal pile and may be a characteristic feature during thecrystallization of many Proterozoic anorthosites and layeredintrusions. KEY WORDS: magma; density; Proterozoic anorthosites; blocks; plagioclase  相似文献   

The crystal size distributions (CSDs) of plagioclase and amphibolewere determined from andesites of the Soufrière Hillsvolcano, Montserrat. Plagioclase occurs as separate crystalsand as chadocrysts in large amphibole oikocrysts. The chadocrystsrepresent an earlier stage of textural development, preservedby growth of the oikocryst. Seventeen rock and eight chadocrystplagioclase CSDs are considered together as a series of samplesof textural development. All are curved, concave up, and coincident,differing only in their maximum crystal size. Three amphiboleCSDs have a similar shape and behaviour, but at a differentposition from the plagioclase CSDs. A dynamic model is proposedfor the origin of textures in these rocks. Crystallization ofplagioclase started following emplacement of andesite magmaat a depth of at least 5 km. A steep, straight CSD developedby nucleation and growth. This process was interrupted by theinjection of mafic magma into the chamber, or convective overturnof hotter magma. The magma temperature rose until it was buffered,initially by plagioclase solution and later by crystallization.During this period textural coarsening (Ostwald ripening) ofplagioclase and amphibole occurred: small crystals dissolvedsimultaneously with the growth of large crystals. The CSD becameless steep and extended to larger crystal sizes. Early stagesof this process are preserved in coarsened amphibole oikocrysts.Repetitions of this cycle generated the observed family of CSDs.Textural coarsening followed the ‘Communicating Neighbours’model. Hence, each crystal has its own, unique growth–solutionhistory, without appealing to mixing of magmas that crystallizedin different environments. KEY WORDS: Ostwald ripening; textural coarsening; oikocryst; CSD; texture  相似文献   

Magmatic accretion is potentially an important mechanism inthe growth of the continental crust and the formation of granulites.In this study, the thermal evolution of a magmatic arc in responseto magmatic accretion is modeled using numerical solutions ofthe one-dimensional heat conduction equation. The initial andboundary conditions used in the model are constrained by geologicalobservations made in the Kohistan area, NW Himalayas. Takingconsideration of the preferred intrusion locations for basalticmagmas, we consider two plausible modes of magmatic accretion:the first involves the repeated intrusion of basalt at mid-crustaldepths (‘intraplate model’), and the second evaluatesthe simultaneous intrusion of basalt and picrite at mid-crustaldepths and the base of the crust respectively (‘double-platemodel’). The results of the double-plate model accountfor both the inferred metamorphic PT paths of the Kohistanmafic granulites and the continental geotherm determined frompeak PT conditions observed for granulite terranes. Thedouble-plate model may be applicable as a key growth processfor the production of thick mafic lower crust in magmatic arcs. KEY WORDS: thermal model; magmatic underplating; PT path; granulite; lower crust  相似文献   

La Pacana is one of the largest known calderas on Earth, andis the source of at least two major ignimbrite eruptions witha combined volume of some 2700 km3. These ignimbrites have stronglycontrasting compositions, raising the question of whether theyare genetically related. The Toconao ignimbrite is crystal poor,and contains rhyolitic (76–77 wt % SiO2) tube pumices.The overlying Atana ignimbrite is a homogeneous tuff whose pumiceis dacitic (66–70 wt % SiO2), dense (40–60% vesicularity)and crystal rich (30–40 % crystals). Phase equilibriaindicate that the Atana magma equilibrated at temperatures of770–790°C with melt water contents of 3·1–4·4wt %. The pre-eruptive Toconao magma was cooler (730–750°C)and its melt more water rich (6·3–6·8 wt% H2O). A pressure of 200 MPa is inferred from mineral barometryfor the Atana magma chamber. Isotope compositions are variablebut overlapping for both units (87Sr/86Sri 0·7094–0·7131;143Nd/144Nd 0·51222–0·51230) and are consistentwith a dominantly crustal origin. Glass analyses from Atanapumices are similar in composition to those in Toconao tubepumices, demonstrating that the Toconao magma could representa differentiated melt of the Atana magma. Fractional crystallizationmodelling suggests that the Toconao magma can be produced by30% crystallization of the observed Atana mineral phases. Toconaomelt characteristics and intensive parameters are consistentwith a volatile oversaturation-driven eruption. However, thelow H2O content, high viscosity and high crystal content ofthe Atana magma imply an external eruption trigger. KEY WORDS: Central Andes; crystal-rich dacite; eruption trigger; high-silica rhyolite; zoned magma chamber  相似文献   

A Complex Petrogenesis for an Arc Magmatic Suite, St Kitts, Lesser Antilles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
St Kitts forms one of the northern group of volcanic islandsin the Lesser Antilles arc. Eruptive products from the Mt Liamuigacentre are predominantly olivine + hypersthene-normative, low-Kbasalts through basaltic andesites to quartz-normative, low-Kandesites. Higher-Al and lower-Al groups can be distinguishedin the suite. Mineral assemblages include olivine, clinopyroxene,orthopyroxene, plagioclase and titanomagnetite with rarer amphibole,ilmenite and apatite. Eruptive temperatures of the andesitesare estimated as 963–950°C at fO2 NNO + 1 (whereNNO is the nickel–nickel oxide buffer). Field and mineralchemical data provide evidence for magma mixing. Glass (melt)inclusions in the phenocrysts range in composition from andesiteto high-silica rhyolite. Compositional variations are broadlyconsistent with the evolution of more evolved magmas by crystalfractionation of basaltic parental magmas. The absence of anycovariation between 87Sr/86Sr or 143Nd/144Nd and SiO2 rulesout assimilation of older silicic crust. However, positive correlationsbetween Ba/La, La/Sm and 208Pb/204Pb and between 208Pb/204Pband SiO2 are consistent with assimilation of small amounts (<10%)of biogenic sediments. Trace element and Sr–Nd–Pbisotope data suggest derivation from a normal mid-ocean ridgebasalt (N-MORB)-type mantle source metasomatized by subductedsediment or sediment melt and fluid. The eruptive rocks arecharacterized by 238U excesses that indicate that fluid additionof U occurred <350 kyr ago; U–Th isotope data for mineralseparates are dominated by melt inclusions but would allow crystallizationages of 13–68 ka. However, plagioclase is consistentlydisplaced above these ‘isochrons’, with apparentages of 39–236 ka, and plagioclase crystal size distributionsare concave-upwards. These observations suggest that mixingprocesses are important. The presence of 226Ra excesses in twosamples indicates some fluid addition <8 kyr ago and thatthe magma residence times must also have been less than 8 kyr. KEY WORDS: Sr–Nd–Pb isotopes; U-series isotopes; crystal size distribution; petrogenesis  相似文献   

Mantle preconditioning may be defined as the extraction of smallmelt fractions from mantle asthenosphere during its flow tothe site of magma generation. Equations may be written for mantlepreconditioning, assuming that the mantle comprises enriched‘plums’ in a depleted matrix. The equations takeinto account variations in mass fraction of plums, the relativerate of melting of plums and matrix, the temperature and pressureof melt extraction, the mass fraction of melt extracted, theextent of chemical exchange between plums and matrix, and theefficiency of melt extraction. Monitoring mineralogical changesand variations in partition coefficients along the inferredPTt path of the mantle asthenosphere allows theequations to be correctly applied to the conditions under whichmelt extraction takes place. Numerical experiments demonstratethe influence of petrogenetic variables on the shape of meltextraction trajectories and provide new criteria for distinguishingbetween melt extraction and mixing as the cause of regionalgeochemical gradients. Representative examples of arc–back-arcsystems (Scotia), continental break-up (Afar) and plume–ridgeinteraction (Azores) indicate that the compositions of the mantlesources of mid-ocean ridge basalts and island arc basalts maybe determined, at least in part, by the melt extraction historiesof their asthenospheric sources. KEY WORDS: geochemical modelling; mantle flow; isotope ratios; trace elements  相似文献   

A detailed study of the pyroclastic deposits of the AD 79 ‘Pompei’Plinian eruption of Vesuvius has allowed: (1) reconstructionof the thermal, compositional and isotopic (87Sr/86Sr) pre-eruptivelayering of the shallow magma chamber; (2) quantitative definitionof the syn-eruptive mixing between the different magmas occupyingthe chamber, and its relationships with eruption dynamics; (3)recognition of the variability of mafic magma batches supplyingthe chamber. During the different phases of the eruption 25–30%of the magma was ejected as white K-phonolitic pumice, and 70–75%as grey K-tephri-phonolitic pumice. The white pumice resultsfrom the tapping of progressively deeper magma from a body (T= 850–900%C) consisting of two distinct layers mainlyformed by crystal fractionation. The grey pumice results fromsyn-eruptive mixing involving three main end-members: the phonolitic‘white’ magmas (salic end-member, SEM), mafic cumulates(cumulate end-member, CEM) and a crystal-poor ‘grey’phono-tephritic magma (mafic end-member, MEM), which was nevererupted without first being mixed with ‘white’ magma.Evidence is provided that mixing occurred within the chamberand was characterized by a transition with time from physicalmixing at a microscopic scale to chemical hybridization. TheMEM magma had a homogeneous composition and constant 87Sr86Srisotopic ratio, possibly as a result of sustained convection.No unambiguous liquidus phases were found, suggesting that theMEM magma was superheated (T = 1000–1100C); its verylow viscosity was a main cause in the establishment of a physicaldiscontinuity separating the white and the grey magmas. Thewhite-grey boundary layer possibly consisted of a multiply diffusiveinterface, periodically broken and recreated, supplying thephonolitic body through mixing of moderate amounts of fractionatedgrey melts with the overlying white magma. The presence of alarge overheated mass indicates the young, growing stage ofthe AD 79 chamber, whose main engine was the periodic arrivalof hot mafic magma batches. These were characterized by K-tephriticto K-basanitic compositions, high temperatures (>1150C),high volatile contents (20–25% H2O +Cl+F+S), low viscosities[(1+2 102 poises)] and relatively low densities (2500–2600kg/m3). The birth of the Pompei chamber followed the repeatedarrival of these batches (on average characterized by 87Sr/86Sr070729)into a reservoir containing a tephriticphonolitic, crystal-enriched,magma, a residue from the preceding ‘Avellino’ Plinianeruption (3400 BP).In fact, about half of magma ejected duringthe AD 79 eruption could have been inherited from pre-Avellinotimes. KEY WORDS: Vesuvius; magma chamber; magma mixing; compositional layering phonolites; magma supply; potassic magmas *Correponding author  相似文献   

Mechanisms of fractional crystallization with simultaneous crustalassimilation (AFC) are examined for the Kutsugata and Tanetomilavas, an alkali basalt–dacite suite erupted sequentiallyfrom Rishiri Volcano, northern Japan. The major element variationswithin the suite can be explained by boundary layer fractionation;that is, mixing of a magma in the main part of the magma bodywith a fractionated interstitial melt transported from the mushyboundary layer at the floor. Systematic variations in SiO2 correlatewith variations in the Pb, Sr and Nd isotopic compositions ofthe lavas. The geochemical variations of the lavas are explainedby a constant and relatively low ratio of assimilated mass tocrystallized mass (‘r value’). In the magma chamberin which the Kutsugata and Tanetomi magmas evolved, a strongthermal gradient was present and it is suggested that the marginalpart of the reservoir was completely solidified. The assimilantwas transported by crack flow from the partially fused floorcrust to the partially crystallized floor mush zone throughfractures in the solidified margin, formed mainly by thermalstresses resulting from cooling of the solidified margin andheating of the crust. The crustal melt was then mixed with thefractionated interstitial melt in the mushy zone, and the mixedmelt was further transported by compositional convection tothe main magma, causing its geochemical evolution to be characteristicof AFC. The volume flux of the assimilant from the crust tothe magma chamber is suggested to have decreased progressivelywith time (proportional to t–1/2), and was about 3 x 10–2m/year at t = 10 years and 1 x 10–2 m/year at t = 100years. It has been commonly considered that the heat balancebetween magmas and the surrounding crust controls the couplingof assimilation and fractional crystallization processes (i.e.absolute value of r). However, it is inferred from this studythat the ratio of assimilated mass to crystallized mass canbe controlled by the transport process of the assimilant fromthe crust to magma chambers. KEY WORDS: assimilation and fractional crystallization; mass balance model; magma chamber; melt transport; Pb isotope  相似文献   

Re-examination of the Skaergaard intrusion in the context ofits regional setting, combined with new data from explorationdrilling, has resulted in a revised structural model for theintrusion. It is modelled as an irregular box, c. 11 km fromnorth to south, up to 8 km from east to west, and 3·4–4km from the lower to the upper contact. The walls of the intrusionare inferred to follow pre-existing and penecontemporaneoussteep faults, and the floor and roof seem largely controlledby bedding planes in the host sediments and lavas, similar toregional sills. The suggested shape and volume are in agreementwith published gravimetric modelling. Crystallization alongall margins of the intrusion concentrated the evolving meltin the upper, central part of the intrusion, best visualizedas an ‘onion-skin’ structure inside the box. Thetotal volume is estimated to c. 280 ± 23 km3, of which13·7% are referred to the Upper Border Series (UBS),16·4% to the Marginal Border Series (MBS) and 69·9%to the Layered Series (LS). In the LS, the Lower Zone (LZ) isestimated to constitute 66·8%, the Middle Zone (MZ) 13·5%and the Upper Zone (UZ) 19·7%. The new volume relationshipsprovide a mass balance estimate of the major and trace elementbulk composition of the intrusion. The parental magma to theSkaergaard intrusion is similar to high-Ti East Greenland tholeiiticplateau basalts with Mg number c. 0.45. The intrusion representsthe solidification of contemporary plateau basalt magma trappedand crystallized under closed-system conditions in a crustalreservoir at the developing East Greenland continental margin. KEY WORDS: bulk composition; emplacement; mass proportions; Skaergaard intrusion; structure  相似文献   

Petrological and geochemical variations are used to investigatethe formation of granite magma from diatexite migmatites derivedfrom metasedimentary rocks of pelitic to greywacke compositionat St. Malo, France. Anatexis occurred at relatively low temperaturesand pressures (<800°C, 4–7 kbar), principally throughmuscovite dehydration melting. Biotite remained stable and servesas a tracer for the solid fraction during melt segregation.The degree of partial melting, calculated from modal mineralogyand reaction stoichiometry, was <40 vol. %. There is a continuousvariation in texture, mineralogy and chemical composition inthe diatexite migmatites. Mesocratic diatexite formed when metasedimentaryrocks melted sufficiently to undergo bulk flow or magma flow,but did not experience significant melt–residuum separation.Mesocratic diatexite that underwent melt segregation duringflow generated (1) melanocratic diatexites at the places wherethe melt fraction was removed, leaving behind a biotite andplagioclase residuum (enriched in TiO2, FeOT, MgO, CaO, Sc,Ni, Cr, V, Zr, Hf, Th, U and REE), and (2) a complementary leucocraticdiatexite (enriched in SiO2, K2O and Rb) where the melt fractionaccumulated. Leucocratic diatexite still contained 5–15vol. % residual biotite (mg-number 40–44) and 10–20vol. % residual plagioclase (An22). Anatectic granite magmadeveloped from the leucodiatexite, first by further melt–residuumseparation, then through fractional crystallization. Most biotitein the anatectic granite is magmatic (mg-number 18–22). KEY WORDS: anatexis; diatexite; granite magma; melt segregation; migmatite  相似文献   

The inferred crystallization history of the troctolitic LowerZone of the Kiglapait Intrusion in Labrador is tested by meltingmineral mixtures from the intrusion, made to yield the observedcrystal compositions on the cotectic trace of liquid, plagioclase,and olivine. Melting experiments were made in a piston-cylinderapparatus, using graphite capsules at 5 kbar. Lower Zone assemblagescrystallized from 1245°C, 5% normative augite in the liquid,to 1203°C, 24% normative augite in the liquid at saturationwith augite crystals. This transit is consistent with modaldata and the large volume of the Lower Zone. The 1245°Ccotectic composition matches the average Inner Border Zone composition.Quenched troctolitic liquid from the Upper Border Zone, andothers from nearby Newark Island, plot on or near our experimentalcotectic, supporting a common fractionation history. Olivine–plagioclaseintergrowths from cotectic troctolitic melt show mosaic texturesreflecting the differing barriers to nucleation of these twophases. The linear partitioning of XAb in plagioclase–meltyields an intercept constant KD = 0·524 for these maficmelts. Observed subsolidus exchange of Ca between plagioclaseand olivine elucidates the loss of Ca from plutonic olivines.The bulk composition of the intrusion is revised downward inFo and An. KEY WORDS: experimental; olivine; plagioclase; Kiglapait; partitioningAbbreviations: AP, MT, IL, OR, AB, AN, DI, HY, OL, FO, NE, Q, FSP, AUG: (Oxygen) Normative components; Ap, Aug, Ilm, Ol, Pl: Phases; Ab, An, Di, Fa, Fo, Or, Wo: Phase components; also ternary endmembers; BSE: Back-scattered electron; CaTs: Calcium Tschermak's component, CaAlAlSiO6; D: Partition coefficient; f: Fugacity; FL: Fraction of the system present as liquid = 1 – (PCS/100); FMQ: Fayalite = magnetite + quartz buffer; IBZ: Inner Border Zone; IW: Iron = wüstite buffer; kbar: kilobar, 108 pascal; KD: Exchange coefficient; KI: Kiglapait Intrusion; L: Liquid phase; LLD: Liquid line of descent; Ma: Mega-annum, age; Myr: Mega-year, time; OLHY: Normative OL + HY; OLRAT: The ratio OLHY/(OLHY + AUG); P: Pressure; P: Phosphorus; PCS: Percent solidified (volume); SMAR: South Margin average composition; T: Temperature, °C; UBZ: Upper Border Zone; WM: Wüstite = magnetite buffer; Wo: Wollastonite component of pyroxene; X: Mole fraction; XMg: Molar ratio Mg/(Mg + Fe2+); , XMg(0): Initial XMg before MT is formed in the norm calculation; X: Coordinate, horizontal axis; Y: Coordinate, vertical axis  相似文献   

Several spinel peridotite xenoliths from Spitsbergen have Sr–Ndisotopic compositions that plot to the right of the ‘mantlearray’ defined by oceanic basalts and the DM end-member(depleted mantle, with low 87Sr/86Sr and high 143Nd/144Nd).These xenoliths also show strong fractionation of elements withsimilar compatibility (e.g. high La/Ce), which cannot be producedby simple mixing of light rare earth element-depleted peridotiteswith ocean island basalt-type or other enriched mantle melts.Numerical simulations of porous melt flow in spinel peridotitesapplied to Sr–Nd isotope compositions indicate that thesefeatures of the Spitsbergen peridotites can be explained bychemical fractionation during metasomatism in the mantle. ‘Chromatographic’effects of melt percolation create a transient zone where thehost depleted peridotites have experienced enrichment in Sr(with a radiogenic isotope composition) but not in Nd, thusproducing Sr–Nd decoupling mainly controlled by partitioncoefficients and abundances of Sr and Nd in the melt and theperidotite. Therefore, Sr–Nd isotope decoupling, earlierreported for some other mantle peridotites worldwide, may bea signature of metasomatic processes rather than a source-relatedcharacteristic, contrary to models that invoke mixing with hypotheticalSr-rich fluids derived from subducted oceanic lithosphere. Pbisotope compositions of the Spitsbergen xenoliths do not appearto be consistently affected by the metasomatism. KEY WORDS: Spitsbergen; lithospheric mantle; metasomatism; radiogenic isotopes; theoretical modelling  相似文献   

K-feldspar–plagioclase–quartz mineral textures aswell as biotite and hornblende compositions are compared forsuites of metamorphosed mafic rocks from two widely separatedtraverses. A portion of either traverse has experienced a high-gradedehydration event transforming it from an H2O-rich, hornblende-bearingzone to an H2O-poor, hornblende-free, orthopyroxene-bearing,‘granulite facies’ zone at 700–800°C and7–8 kbar. In the Kigluaik Mountains, Seward Peninsula,Alaska, dehydration took place over an 85 cm thick layer ofmetatonalite in contact with a marble during regional metamorphismand involved a CO2-rich fluid, whereas for the Val Strona diOmegna traverse, Ivrea–Verbano Zone, northern Italy, dehydrationtook place over a 3–4 km thick sequence of metabasitesinterlayered with metapelites in a contact metamorphic eventinvolving basaltic magmas intruded at the base of the sequence.Orthopyroxene-bearing samples from both dehydration zones showmicro-veins of K-feldspar along quartz and plagioclase grainboundaries as well as replacement antiperthite in plagioclase.K came primarily from the breakdown of hornblende + quartz toorthopyroxene ± clinopyroxene, feldspar and fluid. Biotiteeither was stabilized or formed in the dehydration zones andis enriched in Ti, Mg, F and Cl relative to biotite in the amphibolitefacies zone. KEY WORDS: KCl–NaCl brines; metasomatism; granulite facies metamorphism; charnockite–enderbite; orthopyroxene; K-feldspar; biotite; hornblende  相似文献   

The crustal history of volcanic rocks can be inferred from the mineralogy and compositions of their phenocrysts which record episodes of magma mixing as well as the pressures and temperatures when magmas cooled. Submarine lavas erupted on the Hilo Ridge, a rift zone directly east of Mauna Kea volcano, contain olivine, plagioclase, augite ±orthopyroxene phenocrysts. The compositions of these phenocryst phases provide constraints on the magmatic processes beneath Hawaiian rift zones. In these samples, olivine phenocrysts are normally zoned with homogeneous cores ranging from ∼ Fo81 to Fo91. In contrast, plagioclase, augite and orthopyroxene phenocrysts display more than one episode of reverse zoning. Within each sample, plagioclase, augite and orthopyroxene phenocrysts have similar zoning profiles. However, there are significant differences between samples. In three samples these phases exhibit large compositional contrasts, e.g., Mg# [100 × Mg/(Mg+Fe+2)] of augite varies from 71 in cores to 82 in rims. Some submarine lavas from the Puna Ridge (Kilauea volcano) contain phenocrysts with similar reverse zonation. The compositional variations of these phenocrysts can be explained by mixing of a multiphase (plagioclase, augite and orthopyroxene) saturated, evolved magma with more mafic magma saturated only with olivine. The differences in the compositional ranges of plagioclase, augite and orthopyroxene crystals between samples indicate that these samples were derived from isolated magma chambers which had undergone distinct fractionation and mixing histories. The samples containing plagioclase and pyroxene with small compositional variations reflect magmas that were buffered near the olivine + melt ⇒Low-Ca pyroxene + augite + plagioclase reaction point by frequent intrusions of mafic olivine-bearing magmas. Samples containing plagioclase and pyroxene phenocrysts with large compositional ranges reflect magmas that evolved beyond this reaction point when there was no replenishment with olivine-saturated magma. Two of these samples contain augite cores with Mg# of ∼71, corresponding to Mg# of 36–40 in equilibrium melts, and augite in another sample has Mg# of 63–65 which is in equilibrium with a very evolved melt with a Mg# of ∼30. Such highly evolved magmas also exist beneath the Puna Ridge of Kilauea volcano. They are rarely erupted during the shield building stage, but may commonly form in ephemeral magma pockets in the rift zones. The compositions of clinopyroxene phenocryst rims and associated glass rinds indicate that most of the samples were last equilibrated at 2–3 kbar and 1130–1160 °C. However, in one sample, augite and glass rind compositions reflect crystallization at higher pressures (4–5 kbar). This sample provides evidence for magma mixing at relatively high pressures and perhaps transport of magma from the summit conduits to the rift zone along the oceanic crust-mantle boundary. Received: 8 July 1998 / Accepted: 2 January 1999  相似文献   

Phenocrysts in porphyritic volcanic rocks may originate in avariety of ways in addition to nucleation and growth in thematrix in which they are found. Porphyritic rhyodacite lavasthat underlie the eastern half of Mount Mazama, the High Cascadeandesite/dacite volcano that contains Crater Lake caldera, containevidence that bears on the general problem of phenocryst origin.Phenocrysts in these lavas apparently formed by crystallizationnear the margins of a magma chamber and were admixed into convectingmagma before eruption. About 20 km3 of pre-Mazama rhyodacite magma erupted during arelatively short period between400 and 500 ka; exposed pre-Mazamadacites are older and less voluminous. The rhyodacites formedas many as 40 lava domes and flows that can be assigned to threeeruptive groups on the basis of composition and phenocryst content.Phenocryst abundance decreases (from 32 to 8 vol.%) and SiO2content increases (from 68 to 73 wt.%) in the apparent orderof eruption. Phenocrysts (plagioclase, orthopyroxene, augite,and Fe-Ti oxides) are commonly fragmental or form polycrystallineaggregates with interstitial glass. Discrete phenocrysts withcomplete euhedral outlines are rare except for small elongatedcrystals. The abundance of discrete phenocrysts increases withthat of aggregates. The grain-size of minerals in the aggregatescovers the range of discrete phenocrysts (0.2–4.2 mm).Rim compositions of phenocrysts and the range of chemical zoningare almost uniform among the three rhyodacite groups, regardlessof whether crystals are discrete or in aggregates. However,a small fraction of phenocrysts, especially small elongatedcrystals, have different compositions: plagioclase with Fe-richcores and augite with Wo-poor cores, both of which are characteristicof crystals in undercooled andesite enclaves in the rhyodacites.The majority of phenocrysts were derived by disintegration ofpolycrystalline aggregates; rare, small phenocrysts crystallizedin andesitic magma similar to that represented by the andesiteenclaves. The modal and chemical compositions of the rhyodacites can beexplained by different degrees of admixing of crystals, representedby the aggregates, into magma having 4 vol.% ‘true’phenocrysts, mainly plagioclase. The aggregates may be partsof the rind formed by in situ crystallization near the walland roof of the magma chamber. The rind was disrupted duringor just before eruption, and pieces were variably disaggregatedand incorporated into erupting magma. The amount of rind incorporateddeclined during the sequence of eruptions. Owing to vesiculationof interstitial liquid and shearing during flow, crystals inthe aggregates were separated and became phenocrysts. Pre-Mazamarhyodacite was erupted dominantly as lava, as opposed to thecompositionally similar rhyodacite pumice of the Holocene caldera-formingeruption of Mount Mazama, apparently because its source chamberwas crystallizing inward rather than actively growing.  相似文献   

Major and trace element data for the Tertiary, Shiant IslesMain Sill, NW Scotland, are used to discuss its complex internaldifferentiation. Vertical sections through the sill exhibitsharp breaks in chemistry that coincide with changes in texture,grain size and mineralogy. These breaks are paired, top andbottom, and correspond to the boundaries of intrusive units,confirming a four-phase multiple-intrusion model based on fieldrelations, petrography, mineralogy and isotopes. Whole-rockchemistry is consistent with this model and necessitates onlyminor revisions to the intrusive and differentiation mechanismspreviously proposed. The rocks contain strongly zoned minerals(e.g. olivine Fo70–5, clinopyroxene Mg# = 75–5,plagioclase An75–5) indicating almost perfect fractionalcrystallization, but whole-rock compositions do not show suchextreme variations. Thus, while residual liquids became highlyevolved in situ, they mainly became trapped within the crystalnetwork and did not undergo wholesale inward migration. Someinward (mainly upward) concentration of residual liquids didoccur to form a ‘sandwich horizon’, but the morevolatile-rich, late-stage liquids that did not crystallize insitu appear to have migrated to higher levels in the sill toform pegmatitic horizons. Parental liquid compositions are modelledfor the intrusive units and it is concluded that the originalparent magma formed by partial melting of upper mantle thatwas more depleted in LREE than the sources of most ScottishTertiary basaltic rocks. Incompatible trace elements in thepicrodolerite–crinanite intrusive unit support isotopeevidence that its parent magma was contaminated by crustal material.Attempts to reconcile the chemical characteristics of the sillwith a recently proposed petrogenetic model based on a singleintrusion of magma differentiated by novel, but controversial,processes fail comprehensively. It is predicted that the complexpetrogenetic history of the Shiant Isles sill is not unusualand could become the model for other large (>50 m thick)sills. KEY WORDS: alkali basalt; differentiation; geochemistry; multiple intrusion; Shiant Isles; sill  相似文献   

Mafic inclusions present in the rhyolitic lavas of Narugo volcano,Japan, are vesiculated andesites with diktytaxitic texturesmainly composed of quenched acicular plagioclase, pyroxenes,and interstitial glass. When the mafic magma was incorporatedinto the silica-rich host magma, the cores of pyroxenes andplagioclase began to crystallize (>1000°C) in a boundarylayer between the mafic and felsic magmas. Phenocryst rim compositionsand interstitial glass compositions (average 78 wt % SiO2) inthe mafic inclusions are the same as those of the phenocrystsand groundmass glass in the host rhyolite. This suggests thatthe host felsic melt infiltrated into the incompletely solidifiedmafic inclusion, and that the interstitial melt compositionin the inclusions became close to that of the host melt (c.850°C). Infiltration was enhanced by the vesiculation ofthe mafic magma. Finally, hybridized and density-reduced portionsof the mafic magma floated up from the boundary layer into thehost rhyolite. We conclude that the ascent of mafic magma triggeredthe eruption of the host rhyolitic magma. KEY WORDS: mafic inclusion; stratified magma chamber; magma mixing; mingling; Narugo volcano; Japan  相似文献   

The effects of source composition and source evolution duringprogressive partial melting on the chemistry of mantle-derivedmid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) melts were tested using a comprehensivegeochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic dataset for fresh,magnesian basaltic glasses from the Miocene Macquarie Islandophiolite, SW Pacific. These glasses: (1) exhibit clear parent–daughterrelationships; (2) allow simple reconstruction of primary meltcompositions; (3) show exceptional compositional diversity (e.g.K2O/TiO2 0·09–0·9; La/Yb 1·5–22;206Pb/204Pb 18·70–19·52); (4) preserve changesin major element and isotope compositions, which are correlatedwith the degree of trace element enrichment (e.g. La/Sm). Conventionalmodels for MORB genesis invoke melting of mantle that is heterogeneouson a small scale, followed by binary mixing of variably lithophileelement-enriched melt batches. This type of model fails to explainthe compositions of the Macquarie Island glasses, principallybecause incompatible element ratios (e.g. Nb/U, Sr/Nd) and Pbisotope ratios vary non-systematically with the degree of enrichment.We propose that individual melt batches are produced from instantaneous‘parental’ mantle parageneses, which change continuouslyas melting and melt extraction proceeds. This concept of a ‘dynamicsource’ combines the models of small-scale mantle heterogeneitiesand fractional melting. A dynamic source is an assemblage oflocally equilibrated mantle solids and a related melt fraction.Common MORB magmas that integrate the characteristics of numerousmelt batches therefore tend to conceal the chemical and isotopicidentity of a dynamic source. This study shows that isotoperatios of poorly mixed MORB melts are a complex function ofthe dynamic source evolution, and that the range in isotoperatios within a single MORB suite does not necessarily requiremixing of diverse components. KEY WORDS: mid-ocean ridge basalt; Macquarie Island; radiogenic isotopes; mantle; geochemistry  相似文献   

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