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The amphipod Gammarus oceanicus can survive being frozen into solid sea ice at a temperature of –6 to 7C- The animals appear to be supercooled at this temperature. No thermal hysteresis agents were present the haemolymph, and the prevention of internal freezing in the animals thus requires a body surface with a low Permeability to water and ice. Gammarus oceanicus is a euryhaline species. Below 700 mOsm seawater, it displays a very efficient osmoregulation, whereas it is an osmoconformer at seawater osmolalities above this value. At +5°C the amphipods die whenever their body fluid osmolality exceeds about 1000 mOsm. When the animals are trapped in freezing seawater, the osmolality of the brine may exceed this value considerably. The tolerance of the animals to hyperosmotic stress thus seems to be higher at subzero temperatures than at +5°C.  相似文献   

The cold-hardiness, high temperature tolerance and metabolic activity of summer specimens of staphylinid beetles ( Atheta graminicola ), collembolans ( Onichiurus groenlandicus ), spiders ( Erigone arctica ), and prostigmatid mites ( Molgus littoralis ) from Spitsbergen were investigated. The animals displayed cold-hardiness and haemolymph melting points within the normal ranges for summer insects from temperate regions, but were less tolerant to high temperatures. Haemolymph from spiders and from one species of collembolans ( Isotoma sp.) was found to contain thermal hysteresis factors. The beetles, collembolans, and mites were found to have oxygen consumption rates above the values of their relatives in other climatic zones, whereas the spiders had values within the range of temperate arachnoids. The study supports the view that polar arthropods have activation energy values lower than those of temperate animals.  相似文献   

Thermal regime of a valley glacier, Erikbreen, northern Spitsbergen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The thermal regime of the valley glacier, Erikbreen, northern Spitsbergen (79°40'N, 12°30'E) was studied using radio-echo sounding and temperature measurements from eight boreholes ranging from 13.5 to 24 m. Radar images indicate a glacier with a two-layered thermal structure. A surface layer of cold ice, 20 to 60 m thick along the centre flow line, extends from an altitude above equilibrium line to the glacier front. This layer represents 20 to 35% of the glacier thickness, except at the floating front, where the cold layer is about 50%. The ice beneath the cold surface layer is interpreted to be temperate. Cold-based areas exist near the glacier margin and in some locations in the accumulation area; the ice is interpreted to be entirely temperate in central parts of the accumulation area at high altitude. Freezing of temperate ice at the base of the cold surface layer is probably the main mechanism of cold ice formation in the frontal parts of Erikbreen. Calculated heat fluxes based on the borehole measurements show that a steady state cold layer 25 to 30 m thick is likely, assuming a surface melting of 1.7 m/y and a maximum water content of 3%. In the frontal parts the calculated mean annual upward heat flux at 10 to 15 m depth is roughly 0.6 W/m2.  相似文献   

Heavy metals and sulphur in mosses from southern Spitsbergen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Concentrations of Cd, Pb. Ni, Cu. Zn and S were determined in 16 moss species collected from 9 localities in southern Spitsbergen (mostly within the Hornsund region). Two species, Sanionia uncinata and Hylocomium splendens , were objects of more thorough studies. In Sanionia uncinata the mean concentrations were (ug/g): Cd-0.59, Pb-7.07, Ni-4.25, Cu-6.01. Zn-21.13 and S- 1, 481. Hylocomium splendent accumulated similar quantities of these elements. The concentrations of metals and sulphur in mosses differed significantly {p 0 .05) from site to site, depending on geological and climatic conditions specific to the Arctic region. The effect of remote sources of pollution reaching Spitsbergen on the levels of heavy metal concentrations was taken into account, as well as the effect of local emissions from the Polish Polar Station. At 10-25 metre distances from the Station, the levels of heavy metals and sulphur were 3-10 times higher than at a 300-metre distance.  相似文献   

Glacierkarst is a common phenomenon on Spitsbergen. The Spitsbergen glaciers circulate large amounts of liquid water, even during the polar winter. Investigations have revealed two types of drainage systems: marginal drainage canals and central drainage canals. Marginal drainage canals are located within the medial moraines or between the glacier margin and the unglaciated valley slope. Lengths up to 1 km and diameters of 10 m are known. The marginal drainage canals are often founded on solid bedrock. The central drainage systems are less well understood, but are located within the glacier mass, founded on ice. The two types of drainage canal systems contain many features associated with classic calcareous karst, such as phreatic tubes, vadose canyons, dripstones (in ice), multilevel development and integrated drainage. Surface analogs such as dry valleys, uvalas, ponors and poljes also exist. Conduits are found as much as 40 m below the ice surface.  相似文献   

Analysis of benthic foraminiferal assemblages was performed in Bathonian to Kimmeridgian deposits through a section covering the lower half of the Agardhfjellet Formation in central Spitsbergen. The section consists mainly of organic-rich shales, which contain low-diversity agglutinated assemblages. In this foraminiferal succession five morphogroups were differentiated according to shell architecture (general shape, mode of coiling and number of chambers), integrated with the supposed microhabitat (epifaunal, shallow infaunal and deep infaunal) and feeding strategy (suspension-feeder, herbivore, bacterivore, etc.). The environmental evolution of the analysed section is interpreted by using the stratigraphic distribution of morphogroups, combined with species diversities and sedimentary data, in a sequence stratigraphic framework. The section comprises two depositional sequences, which demonstrate that species diversity and relative frequency of morphogroups are correlative with transgressive–regressive trends controlling depth and oxygenation of the water column. In both sequences, the maximum flooding interval is characterized by increased organic carbon content, dominance of the epifaunal morphogroups and reduced species diversity: features reflecting the increased degree of stagnation separating the transgressive phase from the regressive phase.  相似文献   

Metabolic rates and Q10 values were determined for three species of Spitsbergen Coleoptera, Amara quenseli, Simplocaria metallica and Rhynchaenus flagellum . The beetles had metabolic rates which were elevated compared to values of Coleoptera from other regions. This is interpreted as an adaptation to the prevailing low temperatures and short activity period on Spitsbergen.
A. quenseli had rates of water loss comparable to values of beetles in temperate and tropical xeric habitats, indicating that the habitat of the beetles on Spitsbergen at least occasionally is xeric.
Determination of cold-hardiness parameters such as supercooling point and haemolymph melting point of A. quenseli beetles revealed that the beetles had values corresponding to those of active insects in the temperate and tropical region. They had no thermal hysteresis factors. Thus, during summer they show no physiological adaptations to cold.  相似文献   

Three radiocarbon dates on marine organic material from southernmost Spitsbergen are presented, making it possible to compare the Holocene shoreline displacement in this area with that of other areas of Svalbard. The most distinct raised beach feature is the large beach ridge terrace about 10 m above sea level which most probably is the result of a marine transgression ca. 6500 years ago. Dating of 2700-year-old laminaria from about 2 m above sea level demonstrates a small rising of the land during the youngest Holocene.  相似文献   

Light-photosynthesis curves for 9 species of benthic algae from the Hornsund fiord were determined. As a result of adaptation to the conditions in the Arctic, benthic algae from Spitsbergen have a low requirement of light. Saturation and compensation points are low and within a range typical for shadow-tolerant plants.The values for gas exchange rates indicate that Arctic algae have lower photosynthctic capacity than temperate species.  相似文献   

During the period August 1981 to July 1982, samples of six species of Amphipoda common to Hornsund were collected, and a study of their energy value changes was carried out. Only slight fluctuations of energy values were observed throughout the year, and no distinct seasonal changes as in the case of boreal organisms. Individuals of greater body size exhibit higher energy values. The lowest energy values 10.93 kJ g−1 d.w. (SD = 3.01) and highest ash contents 29.8% (SD = 7.6) were found in small Amphipoda (e.g. Ischyrocerus anguipes) , while species attaining greater body size were characterized by higher energy values and lower ash contents, for example Gammarellus homari 16.96 kJ g−1d.w. (SD = 0.50), and 22.9% (SD = 3.3%) ash.  相似文献   

Concentrations of heavy metals Zn, Mn, Cu, Fe, Ni, Cr, Pb, Cd, Hg and Co were determined in surface waters, glacier ice and plant and animal materials from three regions in Spitsbergen, Svalbard. The concentrations of these metals in two samples of surface waters and in the vascular plants from Spitsbergen were found to be lower than what is commonly found in Cental Europe. Elevated concentrations were found in old ice from the surface of a glacier. The concentrations of heavy metals in algae were lower than in vascular plants. The concentrations of metals in the samples of feathers and animal hair from Spitsbergen were higher than what is common for Central Europe.  相似文献   

Seven samples from the Limestone and Boulder Conglomerate Members of the Bulltinden Formation have yielded poorly preserved conodonts. On tentative identifications Periodon aculeatus Hadding and Prioniodus cf. P. alobatus Bergstrom at the base of the formation suggest an Ordovician lower Caradoc, or older age. This confirms that the Vcstgotabrcen Formation unconformably beneath underwent high-pressure mctamorphism during the Taconic and/or Finmarkian phases of the Caledonian orogeny. The conodonts show affinity to the North Atlantic Province suggesting a deeper water marine depositional environment. Conodont colour alteration indices of five indicate that the Bulltinden Formation was heated to temperatures in excess of 300°C, probably during the middle-upper Silurian main Caledonian uplift event.  相似文献   

Pyroclastic material of a rhyolite type is present in some thin layers in the upper part of the De Geerdalen Z Formation in the Sassenfjorden area. This is the first evidence of late Triassic (Norian Rhaetian) volcanic activity in Svalbard.  相似文献   

A rich Kimmeridgian ammonite fauna is described from the Janusfjellet Subgroup at Holmgardfjellet, Agardhbukta, East Spitsbergen. The fauna collected from a narrow stratigraphic interval represents a single ammonite assemblage showing a wide but continuous range of variability, with end-forms strongly resembling Amoeboceras (Hoplocardioceras) decipiens Spath and A. (Amoebites) elegans Spath, respectively. Accepting a horizontal classification in ammonite taxonomy, the assemblage may easily be placed into a single species for which the name Amoeboceras (Amoebites) uralense Mesezhnikov, 1973, is available, as this form corresponds to the intermediate and the most common morphotype. The fauna with A. uralense is possibly directly below that with A. elegans and A. decipiens , but above that with A. kochi . Close phyletic relations are suggested between the A. elegans - A. uralense group (traditionally placed in the subgenus Amoebites) and the subgenera Hoplocardioceras (type species A. decipiens) , and Euprionoceras (type species A. kochi).  相似文献   

Aristoptychites kolymensis (Kiparisova) is investigated and described in detail from collections made at Botneheia, Spitsbergen, where it occurs at the top of the Botneheia Formation (Daonella Shale). It is a rather small species and the stratigraphically highest representative of the genus in Spitsbergen. Its suture line is remarkable by its possession of the additional U.-lobes between the internal lobe and the first umbilical lobe. A lobe of this kind has so far been described only once, with Arcestes (Proarcestes) bicarinatus by Schindewolf (1968), which suggests affinities between Ptychitidae and Arcestidae.  相似文献   

10 m and 2.3 m ice cores were obtained on Austre Brøggerbreen, Spitsbergen in Svalbard (78°53 ' N, 11°56 ' E, 450 m a.s.l.) in September 1994 and in March 1995, respectively. Stratigraphy, bulk density, pH, electrical conductivity, and major ions were obtained from the core samples.
The chemical effect of meltwater percolation through snow/ice is examined. Good correlation between Cl and Na+ was obtained. The ratio of Cl to Na+ was 1.14 which was nearly the same value as in bulk sea water. However, the variation of Cl/Na+ shows that higher ratio occured in the bubble-free ice. Furthermore the Cl ions remain in higher concentration than SO 4 2− or Na+ ions.  相似文献   

Investigations were carried out on matter and energy flow through ornithogenic Spitsbergen tundra (Hornsund area, Vestspitsbergen, Svalbard). Data are given on the inflow and dispersion of nutrients in tundra, vegetation, distribution and primary production, organic matter destruction, microfauna abundance and its classification into trophic groups, and the metabolic rate of the dominant species of microfauna. It was found that in the ecosystem examined herbivorous invertebrates are almost lacking, the dominant food chain is detritus type, and the majority of the plant matter produced is removed beyond the system to the sea, in the form of detritus. A qualitative model of matter cycling in the ecosystem is given.  相似文献   

It has been previously suggested that the high-pressure metamorphic rock complex of Motalafjclla, central-western Spitsbergen, is older than Lower Silurian. An unconformity has been discovered at the base of a limestone which contains fossils similar to those reported as Lower Silurian from the same massif. This proves that the high-pressure metamorphics represent an older rock complex. The unconformity surface is inverted in the area, and large recumbent folds involving the Silurian Bulltinden Formation have been mapped. These folds are considered to be pre-Carboniferous.  相似文献   

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