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H. Douville  F. Chauvin 《Climate Dynamics》2000,16(10-11):719-736
In the framework of the Global Soil Wetness Project (GSWP), the ISBA land-surface scheme of the ARPEGE atmospheric general circulation model has been forced with meteorological observations and analyses in order to produce a two-year (1987–1988) soil moisture climatology at a 1°×1° horizontal resolution. This climatology is model dependent, but it is the climatology that the ARPEGE model would produce if its precipitation and radiative fluxes were perfectly simulated. In the present study, ensembles of seasonal simulations (March to September) have been performed for 1987 and 1988, in which the total soil water content simulated by ARPEGE is relaxed towards the GSWP climatology. The results indicate that the relaxation has a positive impact on both the model's climatology and the simulated interannual variability, thereby confirming the utility of the GSWP soil moisture data for prescribing initial or boundary conditions in comprehensive climate and numerical weather prediction models. They also demonstrate the relevance of soil moisture for achieving realistic simulations of the Northern Hemisphere summer climate. In order to get closer to the framework of seasonal predictions, additional experiments have been performed in which GSWP is only used for initialising soil moisture at the beginning of the summer season (the relaxation towards GSWP is removed on 1st June). The results show a limited improvement of the interannual variability, compared to the simulations initialised from the ARPEGE climatology. However, some regional patterns of the precipitation differences between 1987 and 1988 are better captured, suggesting that seasonal predictions can benefit from a better initialisation of soil moisture.  相似文献   

Seasonal climate forecasts mainly rely on the atmospheric sensitivity to its lower boundary conditions and on their own predictability. Besides sea surface temperature (SST), soil moisture (SM) may be an additional source of climate predictability particularly during boreal summer in the mid-latitudes. In this work, we investigate the role of SM initial conditions on near-surface climate predictability during ten boreal summer seasons using three complementary ensembles of AMIP-type simulations performed with the Arpège-Climat atmospheric general circulation model. First we have conducted an assessment of the SM predictability itself through a comparison of simple empirical SM models with Arpège-Climat. The statistical and dynamical models reveal similar SM prediction skill patterns but the Arpège-Climat reaches higher scores suggesting that it is at least suitable to explore the influence of SM initialization on atmospheric predictability. Then we evaluate the relationships between SM predictability and some near surface atmospheric predictability. While SM initialization obviously improves the predictability of land surface evaporation, it has no systematic influence on the precipitation and near surface temperature skills. Nevertheless, the summer hindcast skill is clearly improved during specific years and over certain regions (mainly north America and eastern Europe in the Arpège-Climat model), when and where the SM forcing is sufficiently widespread and strong. In this case, a significant impact is also found on the occurrence of heat waves and heavy rains, whose predictability at the seasonal timescale is a crucial challenge for years to come.  相似文献   

Global climate models predict that terrestrial northern high-latitude snow conditions will change substantially over the twenty-first century. Results from a Community Climate System Model simulation of twentieth and twenty-first (SRES A1B scenario) century climate show increased winter snowfall (+10–40%), altered maximum snow depth (?5 ± 6 cm), and a shortened snow-season (?14 ± 7 days in spring, +20 ± 9 days in autumn). By conducting a series of prescribed snow experiments with the Community Land Model, we isolate how trends in snowfall, snow depth, and snow-season length affect soil temperature trends. Increasing snowfall, by countering the snowpack-shallowing influence of warmer winters and shorter snow seasons, is effectively a soil warming agent, accounting for 10–30% of total soil warming at 1 m depth and ~16% of the simulated twenty-first century decline in near-surface permafrost extent. A shortening snow season enhances soil warming due to increased solar absorption whereas a shallowing snowpack mitigates soil warming due to weaker winter insulation from cold atmospheric air. Snowpack deepening has comparatively less impact due to saturation of snow insulative capacity at deeper snow depths. Snow depth and snow-season length trends tend to be positively related, but their effects on soil temperature are opposing. Consequently, on the century timescale the net change in snow state can either amplify or mitigate soil warming. Snow state changes explain less than 25% of total soil temperature change by 2100. However, for the latter half of twentieth century, snow state variations account for as much as 50–100% of total soil temperature variations.  相似文献   

Three ensembles of AMIP-type simulations using the Arpege-climat coupled land–atmosphere model have been designed to assess the relative influence of SST and soil moisture (SM) on climate variability and predictability. The study takes advantage of the GSWP2 land surface reanalysis covering the 1986–1995 period. The GSWP2 forcings have been used to derive a global SM climatology that is fully consistent with the model used in this study. One ensemble of ten simulations has been forced by climatological SST and the simulated SM is relaxed toward the GSWP2 reanalysis. Another ensemble has been forced by observed SST and SM is evolving freely. The last ensemble combines the observed SST forcing and the relaxation toward GSWP2. Two complementary aspects of the predictability have been explored, the potential predictability (analysis of variance) and the effective predictability (skill score). An analysis of variance has revealed the effects of the SST and SM boundary forcings on the variability and potential predictability of near-surface temperature, precipitation and surface evaporation. While in the tropics SST anomalies clearly maintain a potentially predictable variability throughout the annual cycle, in the mid-latitudes the SST forced variability is only dominant in winter and SM plays a leading role in summer. In a similar fashion, the annual cycle of the hindcast skill (evaluated as the anomalous correlation coefficient of the three ensemble means with respect to the “observations”) indicates that the SST forcing is the dominant contributor over the tropical continents and in the winter mid-latitudes but that SM is supporting a significant part of the skill in the summer mid-latitudes. Focusing on boreal summer, we have then investigated different aspects of the SM and SST contribution to climate variations in terms of spatial distribution and time-evolution. Our experiments suggest that SM is potentially an additional source of climate predictability. A realistic initialization of SM and a proper representation of the land–atmosphere feedbacks seem necessary to improve state-of-the-art dynamical seasonal predictions, but will be actually efficient only in the areas where SM anomalies are themselves predictable at the monthly to seasonal timescale (since remote effects of SM are probably much more limited than SST teleconnections).  相似文献   

土壤湿度对东亚夏季气候潜在可预报性影响的数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用全球大气环流模式NCARCAM3进行了在给定的观测海温条件下的22a(1979—2000年)5—8月的2组集合试验。运用方差分析方法,分析了在气候态和年际变化的表层土壤湿度情况下,CAM3模式模拟的东亚夏季气候潜在可预报性及其差异。结果表明:在给定的观测海温条件下,采用气候态的土壤湿度时,CAM3模式模拟的东亚夏季气候的潜在可预报性偏低;而采用年际变化的土壤湿度时,模拟的夏季气候潜在可预报性有所提高,尤其是在中国西北地区;后者模拟的中国西北地区夏季降水和气温的潜在可预报性比前者的模拟结果提高0.1以上。其原因可能是:采用年际变化的土壤湿度时,模式可以更好地模拟出中国西北地区的地表蒸发量和湍流热通量的年际变化,进而使得模式对该地区夏季气候的预报技巧得到提高。  相似文献   

Zhu  Siguang  Chen  Haishan  Dong  Xuan  Wei  Jiangfeng 《Climate Dynamics》2020,54(7):3375-3385
Climate Dynamics - Soil moisture is a key variable of the land surface and its variations are an important issue in climate studies. In this study, we employed the Community Earth System Model...  相似文献   

Morphological characteristics of snow ripples formed by drifting snow were investigated as functions of wind velocity in a cold wind tunnel at -15 °C. Wave-length, wave height and migration rate of snow ripples increased from 5 to 20 cm, 3 to 5 mm and 1 to 8 cm/min, respectively, with increasing wind velocity from 5 to 7 m/s. Measured size distributions of snow particles in snow ripples showed sorting of large particles in ridges, suggesting that the snow ripple migration is caused by creeping of large particles. The snow drift rate caused by creep, that is, by the ripple migration, was estimated to amount, at least, to 6% of the total snow drift rate.  相似文献   

Climatic soil moisture deficit - climate and soil data integration in a GIS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses a GIS based implementation of a model for soil droughtiness assessment evaluating the impact of possible climate change. It focuses, in particular, on the development of a methodology for mapping Available Water Capacity. An assessment of the Soil Drought Susceptibility for Scotland in the year 2030 is made and illustrated with maps and derived statistics.  相似文献   

This paper shows demonstrable improvement in the global seasonal climate predictability of boreal summer (at zero lead) and fall (at one season lead) seasonal mean precipitation and surface temperature from a two-tiered seasonal hindcast forced with forecasted SST relative to two other contemporary operational coupled ocean–atmosphere climate models. The results from an extensive set of seasonal hindcasts are analyzed to come to this conclusion. This improvement is attributed to: (1) The multi-model bias corrected SST used to force the atmospheric model. (2) The global atmospheric model which is run at a relatively high resolution of 50 km grid resolution compared to the two other coupled ocean–atmosphere models. (3) The physics of the atmospheric model, especially that related to the convective parameterization scheme. The results of the seasonal hindcast are analyzed for both deterministic and probabilistic skill. The probabilistic skill analysis shows that significant forecast skill can be harvested from these seasonal hindcasts relative to the deterministic skill analysis. The paper concludes that the coupled ocean–atmosphere seasonal hindcasts have reached a reasonable fidelity to exploit their SST anomaly forecasts to force such relatively higher resolution two tier prediction experiments to glean further boreal summer and fall seasonal prediction skill.  相似文献   

We examine the Florida Climate Institute–Florida State University Seasonal Hindcast (FISH50) skill at a relatively high (50 km grid) resolution two tiered Atmospheric General Circulation Model (AGCM) for boreal winter and spring seasons at zero and one season lead respectively. The AGCM in FISH50 is forced with bias corrected forecast sea surface temperature averaged from two dynamical coupled ocean–atmosphere models. The comparison of the hindcast skills of precipitation and surface temperature from FISH50 with the coupled ocean–atmosphere models reveals that the probabilistic skill is nearly comparable in the two types of forecast systems (with some improvements in FISH50 outside of the global tropics). Furthermore the drop in skill in going from zero lead (boreal winter) to one season lead (boreal spring) is also similar in FISH50 and the coupled ocean–atmosphere models. Both the forecast systems also show that surface temperature hindcasts have more skill than the precipitation hindcasts and that land based precipitation hindcasts have slightly lower skill than the corresponding hindcasts over the ocean.  相似文献   

An analysis is presented of an ensemble of regional climate model (RCM) experiments from the ENSEMBLES project in terms of mean winter snow water equivalent (SWE), the seasonal evolution of snow cover, and the duration of the continuous snow cover season in the European Alps. Two sets of simulations are considered, one driven by GCMs assuming the SRES A1B greenhouse gas scenario for the period 1951–2099, and the other by the ERA-40 reanalysis for the recent past. The simulated SWE for Switzerland for the winters 1971–2000 is validated against an observational data set derived from daily snow depth measurements. Model validation shows that the RCMs are capable of simulating the general spatial and seasonal variability of Alpine snow cover, but generally underestimate snow at elevations below 1,000 m and overestimate snow above 1,500 m. Model biases in snow cover can partly be related to biases in the atmospheric forcing. The analysis of climate projections for the twenty first century reveals high inter-model agreement on the following points: The strongest relative reduction in winter mean SWE is found below 1,500 m, amounting to 40–80 % by mid century relative to 1971–2000 and depending upon the model considered. At these elevations, mean winter temperatures are close to the melting point. At higher elevations the decrease of mean winter SWE is less pronounced but still a robust feature. For instance, at elevations of 2,000–2,500 m, SWE reductions amount to 10–60 % by mid century and to 30–80 % by the end of the century. The duration of the continuous snow cover season shows an asymmetric reduction with strongest shortening in springtime when ablation is the dominant factor for changes in SWE. We also find a substantial ensemble-mean reduction of snow reliability relevant to winter tourism at elevations below about 1,800 m by mid century, and at elevations below about 2,000 m by the end of the century.  相似文献   

The interdecadal change in seasonal predictability and numerical models’ seasonal forecast skill in the Northern Hemisphere are examined using both observations and the seasonal hindcast from six coupled atmosphere-ocean climate models from the 21 period of 1960–1980 (P1) to that of 1981–2001 (P2). It is shown that the one-month lead seasonal forecast skill of the six models’ multi-model ensemble is significantly increased from P1 to P2 for all four seasons. We identify four possible reasons accounting for the interdecadal change of the seasonal forecast skill. Firstly, the numerical model’s ability to simulate the mean state, the time variability and the spatial structures of the sea surface temperature and precipitation over the tropical Pacific is improved in P2 compared to P1. Secondly, an examination of the potential predictability of the atmosphere, estimated by the ratio of the total variance to the variance due to the internal dynamics of the model atmosphere, reveals that the atmospheric potential predictability is significantly increased after 1980s which is mainly due to an increased influence of El Niño-Southern Oscillation signal over the North Pacific and North American regions. Thirdly, the long-term climate trends in the atmosphere are found to contribute, to some extent, to the increased seasonal forecast skill especially over the Eurasian regions. Finally, the improved ocean observations in P2 may provide better initial conditions for the coupled models’ seasonal forecast.  相似文献   

Solar radiation cycles, earth-orbital changes, and continental drift drive long to very long term (103–106 years) climatic changes. Lin and North used the stationary solutions of a simple energy balance model (EBM) to study the equilibrium climatic stages. In this paper, we study time dependent solutions and, in particular, transition processes. We make use of two time scales: a seasonal cycle (fast variation) and a long term time change (slow variation). Variations over short time scales are solved using a Fourier transform in time and long term variations are studied using a 4th order Runge-Kutta method. The energy balance equation is a parabolic type equation and it is well posed. Climate changes depend mainly on external forcing and the state of the climate is determined by the slow time scale forcing. In other words, transitions from one climate stage (snow-covered) to another (snow-free) at bifurcation points are monotonic, despite 20% to 50% shortperiod random fluctuations in the solar energy. This smooth transition is especially noticeable when the land bands lie close to the north pole (70° N to 90° N) or at high latitudes (50° N to 75° N).Now at Applied Physics Laboratory, The Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, MD 20723, USA  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy and skill of the UK Met Office Hadley Center Regional Climate Model (HadRM3P) in describing the seasonal variability of the main climatological features over South America and adjacent oceans, in long-term simulations (30 years, 1961–1990). The analysis was performed using seasonal averages from observed and simulated precipitation, temperature, and lower- and upper-level circulation. Precipitation and temperature patterns as well as the main general circulation features, including details captured by the model at finer scales than those resolved by the global model, were simulated by the model. However, in the regional model, there are still systematic errors which might be related to the physics of the model (convective schemes, topography, and land-surface processes) and the lateral boundary conditions and possible biases inherited from the global model.  相似文献   

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