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Least-squares by observation equations is applied to the solution of geodetic boundary value problems (g.b.v.p.). The procedure is explained solving the vectorial Stokes problem in spherical and constant radius approximation. The results are Stokes and Vening-Meinesz integrals and, in addition, the respective a posteriori variance-covariances. Employing the same procedure the overdeterminedg.b.v.p. has been solved for observable functions potential, scalar gravity, astronomical latitude and longitude, gravity gradients Гxz, Гyz, and Гzz and three-dimensional geocentric positions. The solutions of a large variety of uniquely and overdeterminedg.b.v.p.'s can be obtained from it by specializing weights. Interesting is that the anomalous potential can be determined—up to a constant—from astronomical latitude and longitude in combination with either {Гxzyz} or horizontal coordinate corrections Δx and Δy, or both. Dual to the formulation in terms of observation equations the overdeterminedg.b.v.p.'s can as well be solved by condition equations. Constant radius approximation can be overcome in an iterative approach. For the Stokes problem this results in the solution of the “simple” Molodenskii problem. Finally defining an error covariance model with a Krarup-type kernel first results were obtained for a posteriori variance-covariance and reliability analysis.  相似文献   

The theory of GBVPs provide the basis to the approximate methods used to compute global gravity models. A standard approximation procedure is least squares, which implicitly assumes that data, e.g. gravity disturbance and gravity anomaly, are given functions in L 2(S). We know that solutions in these cases exist, but uniqueness (and coerciveness which implies stability of the numerical solutions) is the real problem. Conditions of uniqueness for the linearized fixed boundary and Molodensky problems are studied in detail. They depend on the geometry of the boundary; however, the case of linearized fixed boundary BVP puts practically no constraint on the surface S, while the linearized Molodensky BVP requires the previous knowledge of very low harmonics, for instance up to degree 25, if we want the telluroid to be free to have inclinations up to 60°.  相似文献   

One of the most serious practical limitations of boundary element methods for gravity field determination is that they cannot make efficient use of existing satellite geopotential models. Three basic approaches to solving the problem are developed: (1) alternative representation formulas; (2) modified kernel functions of classical representation formulas; and (3) modified trial and test spaces. The three methods are tested and compared for the altimetry–gravimetry II boundary value problem. It is shown that there is in fact a significant improvement when compared to the pure boundary element solution. Most promising is the method of multiscale trial and test spaces which, in addition, yields sparse system matrices. Received: 7 September 1998 / Accepted: 16 June 1999  相似文献   

Various formulations of the geodetic fixed and free boundary value problem are presented, depending upon the type of boundary data. For the free problem, boundary data of type astronomical latitude, astronomical longitude and a pair of the triplet potential, zero and first-order vertical gradient of gravity are presupposed. For the fixed problem, either the potential or gravity or the vertical gradient of gravity is assumed to be given on the boundary. The potential and its derivatives on the boundary surface are linearized with respect to a reference potential and a reference surface by Taylor expansion. The Eulerian and Lagrangean concepts of a perturbation theory of the nonlinear geodetic boundary value problem are reviewed. Finally the boundary value problems are solved by Hilbert space techniques leading to new generalized Stokes and Hotine functions. Reduced Stokes and Hotine functions are recommended for numerical reasons. For the case of a boundary surface representing the topography a base representation of the solution is achieved by solving an infinite dimensional system of equations. This system of equations is obtained by means of the product-sum-formula for scalar surface spherical harmonics with Wigner 3j-coefficients.  相似文献   

Summary The possibility of improving the convergence of Molodensky’s series is considered. Then new formulas are derived for the solution of the geodetic boundary value problem. One of them presents an expression for the boundary condition which involves a linear combination of Stokes’ constants and surface gravity anomalies. This differs from the usually used relation by the appearance of additional terms dependent on second order terns with respect to the elevations of the earth’s surface. The formulas are derived for Stokes’ constants and the anomalous potential in terms of surface anomalies. As compared to the Taylor’s series of Molodensky, they are presented in the form of surface harmonic series. Due regard is made to the earth’s oblateness, in addition to the terrain topography.  相似文献   

Summary The fixed gravimetric boundary value problem of Physical Geodesy is a nonlinear, oblique derivative problem. Expanding the non-linear boundary condition into a Taylor series—based upon some reference potential field approximating the geopotential—it is shown that the numerical convergence of this series is very rapid; only the quadratic term may have some practical impact on the solution. The secondorder solution term can be described by a spherical integral formula involving the deflections of the vertical with respect to the reference field. The influence of nonlinear terms on the figure of the level surfaces (e.g. the geoid) is roughly estimated to have an order of magnitude of some few centimetres, based upon a Somigliana-Pizzetti reference field; if on the other hand some high-degree geopotential model is used as reference then the effects by non-linearity are negligible from a practical point of view.  相似文献   

Various formulations of the geodetic fixed and free boundary value problem are presented, depending upon the type of boundary data. For the free problem, boundary data of type astronomical latitude, astronomical longitude and a pair of the triplet potential, zero and first-order vertical gradient of gravity are presupposed. For the fixed problem, either the potential or gravity or the vertical gradient of gravity is assumed to be given on the boundary. The potential and its derivatives on the boundary surface are linearized with respect to a reference potential and a reference surface by Taylor expansion. The Eulerian and Lagrangean concepts of a perturbation theory of the nonlinear geodetic boundary value problem are reviewed. Finally the boundary value problems are solved by Hilbert space techniques leading to new generalized Stokes and Hotine functions. Reduced Stokes and Hotine functions are recommended for numerical reasons. For the case of a boundary surface representing the topography a base representation of the solution is achieved by solving an infinite dimensional system of equations. This system of equations is obtained by means of the product-sum-formula for scalar surface spherical harmonics with Wigner 3j-coefficients.  相似文献   

A variational principle for the Stokesian boundary value problem is derived using the Euler-Lagrange theory. The resulting variational principle is then transformed into an equation determining the semi-major axis of the best fitting ellipsoid which fulfills the conditionU 0 =W 0 . The computations using three different geopotential models yields the semi-major axis of the earth ellipsoid asa=6378145.4 metres for the flatteningf=1/298.2564. The corresponding equatorial gravity and the geopotential number are computed as γa=978029.59 mgals andU 0=W 0=6.26367371 106 kgalmeters respectively.  相似文献   

魏子卿 《测绘学报》2022,51(6):797-803
在空间大地测量时代,GNSS可以测定地面点的大地高,使重力扰动变成了直接观测量,以重力扰动为边界条件的第二边值问题在大地测量中得以实用化。它的解与GNSS组合正在成为一种颇有应用前景的海拔高测量方法。本文原理性地讨论了有两种不同边界面的球近似第二大地边值问题。第一种以地形面为边界面,给出了高程异常与地面垂线偏差的解析延拓解;第二种以参考椭球面为边界面,将其外部地形质量按照Helmert第二压缩法移至参考椭球面,然后将Hotine函数与从地球表面延拓至边界面的Helmert重力扰动进行卷积,并顾及地形间接影响,最后得到大地水准面高、椭球面垂线偏差、高程异常与地面垂线偏差的Helmert解。在讨论部分,进行了第二与第三大地边值问题的比较,提出了现有重力点高程从正高或正常高到大地高的改化方法,并展望了它的应用前景。  相似文献   

Employing satellite-geometrical methods, the physical surface of the earth may be assumed to be known, while gravity measurements yield thelength of the gravity vector (including contributions from rotation). The problem then is to determine gravitational potential from such gravity observations. The corresponding linearized problem is an oblique derivative problem. The problem was discussed by Almqvist (1959), Koch (1970, 1971) and Koch and Pope (1972). Our presentation gives proofs for the existence (and uniqueness) of the solution in the non-linear case. The general implicit function theorem (in Banach spaces) is used to provewellposedness at least when data are close to given standard values (closeness is defined either in terms of Hölder or Sobolev norms). Iterative methods for solution by linear operators are given. The linearized problem is solved by harmonic reduction to an internal sphere in a generalization of the method by the first author for the Stokes problem. Also deflections of the vertical are treated.  相似文献   

Summary The geodetic boundary value problem (g.b.v.p.) is a free boundary value problem for the Laplace operator: however, under suitable change of coordinates, it can be transformed into a fixed boundary one. Thus a general coordinate choice problem arises: two particular cases are more closely analyzed, namely the gravity space approach and the intrinsic coordinates (Marussi) approach.  相似文献   

B. Heck  K. Seitz 《Journal of Geodesy》2003,77(3-4):182-192
The geodetic boundary value problem (GBVP) was originally formulated for the topographic surface of the Earth. It degenerates to an ellipsoidal problem, for example when topographic and downward continuation reductions have been applied. Although these ellipsoidal GBVPs possess a simpler structure than the original ones, they cannot be solved analytically, since the boundary condition still contains disturbing terms due to anisotropy, ellipticity and centrifugal components in the reference potential. Solutions of the so-called scalar-free version of the GBVP, upon which most recent practical calculations of geoidal and quasigeoidal heights are based, are considered. Starting at the linearized boundary condition and presupposing a normal field of Somigliana–Pizzetti type, the boundary condition described in spherical coordinates is expanded into a series with respect to the flattening f of the Earth. This series is truncated after the linear terms in f, and first-order solutions of the corresponding GBVP are developed in closed form on the basis of spherical integral formulae, modified by suitable reduction terms. Three alternative representations of the solution are discussed, implying corrections by adding a first-order non-spherical term to the solution, by reducing the boundary data, or by modifying the integration kernel. A numerically efficient procedure for the evaluation of ellipsoidal effects, in the case of the linearized scalar-free version of the GBVP, involving first-order ellipsoidal terms in the boundary condition, is derived, utilizing geopotential models such as EGM96.  相似文献   

A geodetic boundary value problem (GBVP) approach has been formulated which can be used for solving the problem of height datum unification. The developed technique is applied to a test area in Southwest Finland with approximate size of 1.5° × 3° and the bias of the corresponding local height datum (local geoid) with respect to the geoid is computed. For this purpose the bias-free potential difference and gravity difference observations of the test area are used and the offset (bias) of the height datum, i.e., Finnish Height Datum 2000 (N2000) fixed to Normaal Amsterdams Peil (NAP) as origin point, with respect to the geoid is computed. The results of this computation show that potential of the origin point of N2000, i.e., NAP, is (62636857.68 ± 0.5) (m2/s2) and as such is (0.191 ± 0.003) (m) under the geoid defined by W 0 = 62636855.8 (m2/s2). As the validity test of our methodology, the test area is divided into two parts and the corresponding potential difference and gravity difference observations are introduced into our GBVP separately and the bias of height datums of the two parts are computed with respect to the geoid. Obtaining approximately the same bias values for the height datums of the two parts being part of one height datum with one origin point proves the validity of our approach. Besides, the latter test shows the capability of our methodology for patch-wise application.  相似文献   

The idea of transforming the geodetic boundary value problem into a boundary value problem with a fixed boundary dates back to the 1970s of the last century. This transformation was found by F. Sanso and was named as gravity-space transformation. Unfortunately, the advantage of having a fixed boundary for the transformed problem was counterbalanced by the theoretical as well as practical disadvantage of a singularity at the origin. In the present paper two more versions of a gravity-space transformation are investigated, where none of them has a singularity. In both cases the transformed differential equations are nonlinear. Therefore, a special emphasis is laid on the linearized problems and their relationships to the simple Hotine-problem and to the symmetries between both formulations. Finally, in numerical simulation study the accuracy of the solutions of both linearized problems is studied and factors limiting this accuracy are identified.  相似文献   

In this paper an overdetermined Geodetic Boundary Value Problem (GBVP) approach for telluroid and quasi-geoid computations is presented. The presented GBVP approach can solve the problem of potential value computation on the surface of the Earth, which when applied to a mapping scheme, e.g., here minimum distance mapping, provides a point-wise approach to telluroid computation. Besides, we have succeeded in reducing the number of equations and unknowns of the minimum distance telluroid mapping by one. The sufficient condition of minimum distance telluroid mapping is also recapitulated. Since the introduced GBVP approach has the advantage of implementing various gravity observables simultaneously as input boundary data, it can be regarded as a data fusion technique that exploits all available gravity data. The developed GBVP is used for the computation of the quasi-geoid within a test area in Southwest Finland.  相似文献   

 A general scheme is given for the solution in a least-squares sense of the geodetic boundary value problem in a spherical, constant-radius approximation, both uniquely and overdetermined, for a large class of observations. The only conditions are that the relation of the observations to the disturbing potential is such that a diagonalization in the spectrum can be found and that the error-covariance function of the observations is isotropic and homogeneous. Most types of observations used in physical geodesy can be adjusted to fit into this approach. Examples are gravity anomalies, deflections of the vertical and the second derivatives of the gravity potential. Received: 3 November 1999 / Accepted: 25 September 2000  相似文献   

The geodetic boundary value problem using the known surface of the earth is defined and shown to have at most one solution. Furthermore it is proved that the solution exists and that its harmonic part can be represented by the potential of a simple layer under the sufficient condition that at the surface of the earth directions are known which lie differentially close to the gradients of the gravity field. The advantages of this boundary value problem are outlined in comparison to the boundary value problem formulated by Molodensky.  相似文献   

 In the framework of a boundary value problem (BVP), when areas on the boundary are void of data the solution of the problem becomes undetermined and clearly more difficult. Physically, this could be the situation in which a gradiometer on a satellite on a perfectly circular orbit covers a sphere with measured second radial derivatives: if the satellite orbit is not polar, there are caps at satellite altitude which are not covered by data. A solution is presented based on an iterative algorithm, under the hypothesis of using a finite-dimensional model as is usually done in the time-wise approach. The convergence of the iterative solution is proved and a numerical example is shown to confirm the theoretical result. Received: 14 August 2000 / Accepted: 12 April 2001  相似文献   

The estimated coordinates from a minimum-constrained (MC) network adjustment are generally influenced by two different error sources, that is the data noise from the available measurements and the so-called datum noise due to random errors in the fiducial coordinates that are used for the datum definition with regard to an external reference frame. Although the latter source does not affect the estimable characteristics of a MC solution, it still contributes a datum-related noise to the estimated positions which reflects the uncertainty of the coordinate system itself for the adjusted network. The aim of this paper is to develop a new type of MCs which minimizes both of the aforementioned effects in the final coordinates of an adjusted network. This particular problem has not been treated in the geodetic literature and the solution which is presented herein offers an elegant unification of the classic inner constraints into a more general framework for the datum choice problem of network optimization theory. Furthermore, the findings of our study provide a useful and rigorous tool for frame densification problems by means of an optimal MC adjustment in geodetic networks.  相似文献   

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