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Total thickness of strata and coal cycle parameters of the three formations, i.e. Karharbari, Barakar, and Barren Measures of the Damuda Group of the Talchir Gondwana basin were subjected to bivariate and multivariate statistical analyses. Polynomial regression lines were fitted to data sets consisting of total thickness of strata, number of coal cycles, and average thickness of coal cycles of the three formations of the Damuda Group. A significant direct relationship is observed between total thickness (net subsidence) of strata and number of coal cycles, while a significant inverse relationship exists between the number of coal cycles and their average thickness. Principal component and multiple regression analyses suggest that lithological parameters of the coal bearing strata reflect the dynamic of the basin subsidence. The sedimentary distributive mechanism in the form of lateral migration of streams or drainage diversion caused in response to differential subsidence of the depositional surface seem to be appropriate mechanisms for the development of coal cycles and peat swamps in the Talchir basin. Often during Karharbari sedimentation, peat accumulated in abandoned channels was scoured away by high energy migrating channels. On the other hand, Barakar peat swamps developed in a distal part of the flood plain, as a result of which many of the coal seams could be of appreciable thickness. The advent of arid climatic condition retarded the growth of vegetation to a larger extent that prevented profuse development of coal seams during the Barren Measures Formation.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2007,11(3-4):363-369
In peninsular India, Gondwana strata are disposed linearly as strings of isolated basins conforming to the trend of the present day Koel–Damodar, Son–Mahanadi and Prahnita–Godavari river valleys. There are seven exposed and one concealed Gondwana basins/outliers in Orissa belonging to the Son–Mahanadi valley system. The present study is concerned with the consanguinity of the Talchir and Ong-river basins of Orissa. Similarity and dissimilarity of palaeocurrent population in these two basins were taken into consideration to test the consanguinity of the basins under consideration. Statistical analysis suggests that the sampled palaeocurrent data of the same formation belong to the same population when considered for both basins. In geologic terms, the basin parameters were identical when considered for either the Talchir or the Karharbari Formation that proves the consanguinity of both the basins and the possible existence of a master basin that encompassed other sister Gondwana basins in Orissa.  相似文献   

Up until now, it has been assumed that oil in the Palaeozoic reservoirs of the Tazhong Uplift was derived from Upper Ordovician source rocks. Oils recently produced from the Middle and Lower Cambrian in wells ZS1 and ZS5 provide clues concerning the source rocks of the oils in the Tazhong Uplift, Tarim Basin, China. For this study, molecular composition, bulk and individual n-alkane δ13C and individual alkyl-dibenzothiophene δ34S values were determined for the potential source rocks and for oils from Cambrian and Ordovician reservoirs to determine the sources of the oils and to address whether δ13C and δ34S values can be used effectively for oil–source rock correlation purposes. The ZS1 and ZS5 Cambrian oils, and six other oils from Ordovician reservoirs, were not significantly altered by TSR. The ZS1 oils and most of the other oils, have a “V” shape in the distribution of C27–C29 steranes, bulk and individual n-alkane δ13C values predominantly between −31‰ to −35‰ VPDB, and bulk and individual alkyldibenzothiophene δ34S values between 15‰ to 23‰ VCDT. These characteristics are similar to those for some Cambrian source rocks with kerogen δ13C values between −34.1‰ and −35.3‰ and δ34S values between 10.4‰ and 21.6‰. The oil produced from the Lower Ordovician in well YM2 has similar features to the ZS1 Cambrian oils. These new lines of evidence indicate that most of the oils in the Tazhong Uplift, contrary to previous interpretations, were probably derived from the Cambrian source rocks, and not from the Upper Ordovician. Conversely, the δ13C and δ34S values of ZS1C Cambrian oils have been shown to shift to more positive values due to thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR). Thus, δ13C and δ34S values can be used as effective tools to demonstrate oil–source rock correlation, but only because there has been little or no TSR in this part of the section.  相似文献   

Elemental and organic geochemical studies have been carried out on the Gondwana sediments, collected from the outcrops of Permian and Jurassic–Cretaceous rocks in the Krishna–Godavari basin on the eastern coast of India, to understand their paleo and depositional environment and its implications for hydrocarbon generation in the basin. Amongst the studied formations, the Raghavapuram, Gollapalli and Tirupati form a dominant Cretaceous Petroleum System in the west of the basin. Raghavapuram shales and its stratigraphic equivalents are the source rock and Gollapalli and Tirupati sandstones form the reservoirs, along with basaltic Razole formation as the caprock. Major element systematics and X-ray diffraction study of the sandstones indicate them to be variably enriched with SiO2 relative to Al2O3 and CaO, which is associated, inherently with the deposition and diagenesis of the Gondwana sediments. Post-Archean Average Shale normalized rare earth elements in shales show enrichment in most of the samples due to the increasing clay mineral and organic matter assemblage. A negative europium and cerium anomaly is exhibited by the REE's in majority of rocks. Composed primarily of quartz grains and silica cement, the Gollapalli and Tirupati sandstones have characteristics of high quality reservoirs. The shales show a significant increase in the concentration of redox sensitive trace elements, Ni, V, Cr, Ba and Zn. The total organic carbon content of the shales ranges between 0.1 and 0.5 wt%. Programmed pyrolysis of selected samples show the Tmax values to range between 352–497 °C and that of hydrogen index to be between 57–460 mgHC/gTOC. The organic matter is characterized by, mainly, gas prone Type III kerogen. The n-alkane composition is dominated by n-C11–C18 and acyclic isoprenoid, phytane. The aromatic fraction shows the presence of naphthalene, anthracene, phenanthrene, chrysene and their derivatives, resulting largely from the diagenetic alteration of precursor terpenoids. The organic geochemical proxies indicate the input of organic matter from near-shore terrestrial sources and its deposition in strongly reducing, low oxygen conditions. The organic matter richness and maturity derived from a favorable depositional setting has its bearing upon the Gondwana sediments globally, and also provides promising exploration opportunities, particularly in the Raghavapuram sequence of the KG basin.  相似文献   

Diatomite associated with the Kolubara Coal Basin was studied to better understand early stage silica diagenesis of shallow water deposits. The Kolubara Basin consists of Neogene siliciclastic rocks, diatomite, marlstone and rare carbonates. Palaeozoic metamorphic and Mesozoic sedimentary and igneous basement rocks are transgressively overlain by Upper Miocene sandstone, siltstone, shale and mudstone. This Upper Miocene section is transgressively overlain by the Pontian section, which contains diatomite and coal beds. White and grey diatomite forms beds 0.7-2.2 m thick that are continuous over an area of about 2 km2. Siliceous rocks vary in composition from diatomite (81-89 per cent SiO2) to diatom-bearing shale (58-60 per cent SiO2). Siliceous deposits are laminated in places, with the laminae defined by variations in clay minerals, organic matter and diatoms. Diatomite shows only incipient diagenesis characterized by the fragmentation of diatom frustules, the minor to moderate corrosion of frustules and the formation of minor amounts of opal-A' (X-ray amorphous inorganic opal) cement. The low degree of diagenesis results from the young age of the deposits, low burial temperatures and possibly also from the presence of abundant organic matter and the dissolution of kaolinite. The presence of only weak diagenesis is also reflected by the characteristically poor consolidation of the rocks and low rank of the associated coal.  相似文献   

In the south of the Ordos Basin, the oil source of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation is confused all the time, which affects further exploration. In this study, oil sources from the oil layers of Ch6, Ch8 and Ch9 are all analyzed and confirmed. Through their carbon isotope value and biomarkers, characteristics of crude oils from the Yanchang Formation are analyzed. Then, the oil–source relation is discussed, with the source rocks’ features. Finally, the oil–source relation is calculated through cluster analysis. It is believed that the oils from the Yanchang Formation deposit in a similar redox environment, with weak oxidation–weak reduction, and have all entered maturity stage. Ch9 crude oil is more mature than crude oils from Ch6 and Ch8, and has more advanced plants and fewer algae. Gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis show that crude oils from Ch6 and Ch8 may come from Ch7, and Ch9 crude oil may not. Cluster analysis displays that crude oils from Ch6 and Ch8 have closer squared Euclidean distance with Ch7 source rocks than Ch9 crude oil does, indicating crude oils from Ch6 and Ch8 stem from Ch7 source rocks. And Ch9 crude oil has rather close squared Euclidean distance with Ch9 source rocks, illustrating Ch9 crude oil may be from Ch9 source rocks. This research may provide the theoretical basis for the next exploration deploy in the south of Ordos Basin.  相似文献   

The present research is an attempt to assess the Barakar Formation of the Raniganj Gondwana Basin, India, in the frame of fluvio-marine (estuarine) depositional systems using sequence stratigraphic elements. Analysis of predominant facies associations signify deposition in three sub-environments: (i) a river-dominated bay-head delta zone in the inner estuary, with transition from braided fluvial channels (FA-B1) to tide-affected meandering fluvial channels and flood plains (FA-B2) in the basal part of the succession; (ii) a mixed energy central basin zone, which consists of transitional fluvio-tidal channels (FA-B2), tidal flats, associated with tidal channels and bars (FA-B3) in the middle-upper part of the succession; and (iii) a wave-dominated outer estuary (coastal) zone (FA-B4 with FA-B3) in the upper part of the succession. Stacked progradational (P1, P2)–retrogradational (R1, R2) successions attest to one major base level fluctuation, leading to distinct transgressive–regressive (T–R) cycles with development of initial falling stage systems tract (FSST), followed by lowstand systems tract (LST) and successive transgressive systems tracts (TST-1 and TST-2). Shift in the depositional regime from regressive to transgressive estuarine system in the early Permian Barakar Formation is attributed to change in accommodation space caused by mutual interactions of (i) base level fluctuations in response to climatic amelioration and (ii) basinal tectonisms (exhumation/sagging) related to post-glacial isostatic adjustments in the riftogenic Gondwana basins.  相似文献   

Three sporopollen assemblages are recognized for the first time from the Cretaceous Yimin Formation in the Hailar Basin of eastern Inner Mongolia. They are (in ascending order): the lmpardecispora-Aequitriradites- Clawttipollenites assemblage; the Triporoletes-Pilosisporites-Asteropollis assemblage; and the Appendicisporites- Asteropollis-Tricolpites assemblage, distributed in Members 1, 2 and 3 of the Yimin Formation respectively. Recognition of this biostratigraphic sequence is very important for the division and correlation of the Yimin Formation in the basin. Meanwhile, the age of the Yimin Formation is considered to be Barremian to Early Albian based on the palynological data.  相似文献   

The Jurassic Walloon Coal Measures of the Surat Basin were previously estimated to be of Middle Jurassic age, ranging from Aalenian to Callovian, based on an uncalibrated eastern Australian biostratigraphic framework. New U–Pb dates of 162.55 ± 0.05 Ma and 158.86 ± 0.04 Ma obtained from zircons in ash-fall volcanic tuffs now place the Walloon Coal Measures of the Surat Basin in the Upper Jurassic Oxfordian. The new dates have several implications for the interpretation of the Jurassic strata in the Surat Basin. First-order subsidence rates of 61 m/Myr for the Walloon Coal Measures are more akin to those of foreland basins than the previously assumed intracratonic setting. The dates also imply deposition of the Walloon coals in substantially higher latitudes than previously assumed and that they accumulated as peats in mires that experienced more than three months’ continual darkness each winter. Zircon dating of tuffs and associated geochemistry should assist with the correlation of the laterally impersistent coals, fluvial sandstone and mudstone of the Walloon Coal Measures, which are currently difficult to correlate over distances of more than a few kilometres. Dating of the palynostratigraphic zones APJ4.2 to APJ5 (Aequitriradites norrisii Association Zone to Murospora florida Association Zone) will also need to be recalibrated.  相似文献   

Early carbonate cements in the Yanchang Formation sandstones are composed mainly of calcite with relatively heavier carbon isotope (their δ^18O values range from -0.3‰- -0.1‰) and lighter oxygen isotope (their δ^18O values range from -22.1‰- -19.5‰). Generally, they are closely related to the direct precipitation of oversaturated calcium carbonate from alkaline lake water. This kind of cementation plays an important role in enhancing the anti-compaction ability of sandstones, preserving intragranular volume and providing the mass basis for later disso- lution caused by acidic fluid flow to produce secondary porosity. Ferriferous calcites are characterized by relatively light carbon isotope with δ^13C values ranging from -8.02‰ to -3.23‰, and lighter oxygen isotope with δ^18O values ranging from -22.9‰ to -19.7‰, which is obviously related to the decarboxylation of organic matter during the late period of early diagenesis to the early period of late diagenesis. As the mid-late diagenetic products, ferriferous cal- cites in the study area are considered as the characteristic authigenic minerals for indicating large-scaled hydrocarbon influx and migration within the clastic reservoir. The late ankerite is relatively heavy in carbon isotope with δ^13C values ranging from -1.92‰ to -0.84‰, and shows a wide range of variations in oxygen isotopic composition, with δ^18O values ranging from -20.5‰ to -12.6‰. They are believed to have nothing to do with decarboxylation, but the previously formed marine carbonate rock fragments may serve as the chief carbon source for their precipitation, and the alkaline diagenetic environment at the mid-late stage would promote this process.  相似文献   

A statistical approach by a modified Markov process model and entropy function is used to prove that the early Permian Barakar Formation of the Bellampalli coalfield developed distinct cyclicities during deposition. From results, the transition path of lithological states typical for the Bellampalli basin is as: coarse to medium-grained sandstone → interbedded fine-grained sandstone/shale → shale → coal and again shale. The majority of cycles are symmetrical but asymmetrical cycles are present as well. The chi-square stationarity test implies that these cycles are stationary in space and time. The cycles are interpreted in terms of in-channel, point bar and overbank facies association in a fluvial system. The randomness in the occurrence of facies within a cycle is evaluated in terms of entropy, which can be calculated from the Markov matrices. Two types of entropies are calculated for every facies state; entropy after deposition E(post) and entropy before deposition E(pre), which together form entropy set; the entropy for the whole system is also calculated. These values are plotted and compared with Hattori’s idealized plots, which indicate that the sequence is essentially a symmetrical cycle (type-B of Hattroi). The symmetrical cyclical deposition of early Permian Barakar Formation is explained by the lateral migration of stream channels in response to varying discharge and rate of deposition across the alluvial plain. In addition, the fining upward cycles in the upper part enclosing thick beds of fine clastics, as well as coal may represent differential subsidence of depositional basin.  相似文献   

Outbursts of coal and gas are closely related to coal microstructures. Part of microstructures of coal areassociated with the coal-forming environments, but most of them are produced by tectonic deformation. In thispaper the types of microstructures of coal are distinguished according to the types and features of tectonicdeformations, which is convenient and can be easily employed by geologists. Based on the SEM study on coalpetrography of No.4 and No.6 coal seams of the Yutianbao coal mine, Nantong coal field, five types of coalare distinguished: nontectonic coal, microfissure coal, microcleavage coal, cataclastic coal and mylonitic coal.The microstructural features of various types are described in detail and their geological implications and rela-tionships with coal and gas outbursts are also discussed. Special mention is made of a series of the features ofplastic deformation of mylonitic coal. It is concluded that, other things being equal, the place with myloniticcoal is the most likely risk site for outbusts.The process and mechanism of coal and gas outbursts are suggested based on a series of changes inmicrostructures of the coal after bursting. In the process of gas outbursts, the plastic deformation issuperimposed by brittle deformation, thus ejecting large quantities of coal dust.  相似文献   

The identification of marine source rocks in the Tarim Basin is debated vigorously. The intention of this paper is to investigate the asphahenes in heavy oils from the Lunnan and Tabe oilfields and Well TD2 with ruthenium-ions-catalyzed oxidation technique (RICO), in order to explore its role in oil-oil and oil-source correlations, The RICO products included n-alkanoic acids, α,ω-di-n-alkanoic acids, branched alkanoic acids, tricyclic terpanoic acids, hopanoic acids, gammacerane carboxylic acid , regular sterane carboxylic acids and 4-methylsterane carboxylic acids. The n-alkyl chains and biomarkers bounded on the asphaltenes were of unsusceptibility to biodegradation. The distribution and absolute concentrations of n-alkanoic acids in the RICO products of heavy oils from the Lunnan and Tabe oilfields are different from those of Well TD2. The biomarkers bounded on the asphahenes, especially steranes, have a distribution trend similar to that of the counterparts in saturates. The sterane carboxylic acids and 4-methylsterane carboxylic acids in the RICO products of heavy oils from the Lunnan and Tahe oilfields, dominated by C30 sterane and C31 4-methylsterane carboxylic acids, respectively, are significantly different from those of the heavy oils of Well TD2, whose dominating sterane and 4-methylsterane carboxylic acids are C28 sterane and C29 4-methylsterane acids, respectively. The RICO products of the asphaltenes further indicate that the Middle-Upper Ordovician may be the main source rocks for heavy oils from the Lunnan and Tabe oilfields.  相似文献   

The Coal Bed Methane (CBM), a dreadful mining hazard, became eco-friendly clean gas for the third world country when humanity is facing challenges against pollution and energy crisis. It is observed from the studies that the Korba and Ib valley coals have potential for CBM exploration whereas Umaria coals have negligible potential. Though, the Sohagpur coalfields (east of Umaria coalfield) have ample scope of CBM exploration.  相似文献   

Tonstein layers are found worldwide in the Permo–Carboniferous coal-bearing strata. This study investigates the geochronology, mineralogy, and geochemistry of four tonstein samples from the Permo–Carboniferous Benxi Formation, Ordos Basin, North China Craton(NCC). The typical features of the studied tonsteins include thin beds, lateral continuity, angular quartz grains, and euhedral zircons with similar U-Pb ages, indicating a significant pyroclastic origin. In addition, the tonstein samples hav...  相似文献   

Space and time variations of alluvial karst subsidence in the central Ebro Basin are analysed in trenches (paleodolines), aerial photographs (historical dolines) and field surveys (present-day active dolines). The measured subsidence rates, as well as a comparison between densities of paleodolines computed in randomly selected scan-lines and density of active dolines computed in maps, suggest that present-day subsidence in favourable areas is more intense than that of Pleistocene times. According to diachronic maps drawn from (a) different aerial photographs taken after 1946 and (b) field surveys on deformations in urbanized areas, subsidence behaved as a nearly steady process while the whole area was used for agriculture. In contrast, rapid changes (through periods of several tens of years) have occurred in urbanized areas, in which dolines expand their boundaries through small marginal collapses, shifting sharply their sinking centres to neighbouring sites. These rapid changes do not have an equivalent in observed paleodolines.  相似文献   

Motorised transport infrastructure and increasingly specialised labour markets have resulted in energy intensive commuter patterns in many parts of the world. This is cause for concern due to the possibility of oil price shocks and the need to restrict the combustion of fossil fuels to minimise the chances of runaway climate change. The paper investigates methods to identify the spatial distribution and socio-demographic profiles of those who are vulnerable to high oil prices. It does this by use of four metrics of oil vulnerability which were developed using a spatial microsimulation model and applied to the case study region of Yorkshire and the Humber, UK. The metrics capture different aspects of vulnerability and highlight the importance of translating conceptual definitions into practical metrics. The geographically aggregated results coincide with the literature: rural areas are associated with the highest levels of vulnerability. The individual level results indicate that vulnerability can be prevalent even in seemingly resilient areas. Ultimately, we conclude that the social and spatial distribution of oil vulnerability depends on how an energy-constrained future is envisioned. Creating localised metrics about the future is a challenging task fraught with danger but could, provided that these metrics are interpreted with sufficient humility, aid the development of equitable policies to encourage resilience, as part of a worldwide transition away from fossil fuels.  相似文献   

The Paleo-Meso Proterozoic Gwalior basin (E - W), lying to NW fringe of Bundelkhand massif is represented by litho-package of lower arenaceous Par Formation and upper chemogenic Morar Formation. It is bounded by Indo-Gangetic alluvium in north and east, Kaimur sediments in west and Bundelkhand granitoids in south. Gwalior Basin has been the exploration target for uranium mineralization right from early 60’s. Surface radioactivity anomalies due to uranium has been reported in both Par and Morar Formations of Gwalior Group and Vindhyan sediments. Besides presence of syngenetic uranium in the system, presence of post-depositional faults and fractures are the favorable factors. Aeromagnetic survey was carried out by AMD in 2002 with N-S lines of 500 m interval covering 9406 line km. The data with sampling interval of 0.1 sec was corrected for spikes, diurnal variation, IGRF, heading and lag. Final processed images are prepared after suitable leveling and gridding. First vertical derivative of TMI-RTP and tilt-angle derivative images are used to map the litho-contacts, lineaments and structural features. Numerous NE-SW trending low amplitude and NW-SE trending high amplitude magnetic linears corroborate with quartz reefs and basic dykes respectively. Besides, E-W to WNW-ESE and ENE-WSW trending fractures are also evident from the processed image maps. Further, the Euler’s depth solution of gridded aeromagnetic data calculated for structural indices of 0 and 1 are very consistent in locating the position of the causative sources. Based on the amplitude and textural character of processed aeromagnetic data, alteration zone is delineated well within the Morar Formation. Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) image with 30m resolution was merged with IRS PAN 1D (5.8 m resolution) for better spatial/radiometric resolution to extract litho-contacts and lineament patterns. Merged PAN band-4 after linear contrast and edge enhancement techniques deciphered detailed lineament pattern, which corroborate the magnetic data. Merged ETM+ (RGB 751) and PC (PC1-PC2-PC5) images depict litho-logical contrast. Integration of aeromagnetic and satellite imagery data helped in understanding the structural fabric of the Gwalior Basin and to identify favorable loci of uranium mineralization.  相似文献   

GeodynamicsonFormationandEvolutionofBohaiwanBasin,China*ZhangShulinTianShichengDepartmentofPetroleumGeology,ChinaUniversityof...  相似文献   

During the Cretaceous, high global sea-level and low latitudinal temperature variations led to the growth of epeiric carbonate platforms. Platform-scale dolomitization of these platforms is not common, reflecting the low Mg/Ca ratio of seawater and a humid climate. This study describes the processes governing pervasive dolomitization of a land-attached carbonate platform within the Iberian Basin. Dolomite is planar to sub-planar with a geochemical signature consistent with dolomitization from penesaline seawater. Dolomitization was most pervasive during a 1 Myr period in the middle Cenomanian, by repeated reflux of seawater from brine pools formed on the top of a southward-prograding carbonate platform. Tilting and structural reorganization in the Upper Cenomanian led to a reversal in polarity of the platform, and dolomitization was restarted by the northward reflux of seawater. Rising relative sea-level and oceanic acidification led to back-stepping of the platform such that the supply of dolomitizing fluids was cut off. In the Lower Turonian, pervasively dolomitized rudist rudstone facies in the south of the study area indicate that dolomitization restarted, either penecontemporaneously or later, from highly evaporated Campanian–Maastrichtian seawater. A systematic increase in dolomite crystal size up-section ties broadly, but not entirely, to stratigraphy. It is possible that these textural differences reflect changes in fluid chemistry, limestone permeability or precursor rock texture. However, the lack of stratigraphic conformance, and the preservation of the earliest-formed dolomite only in the oldest sediments, could indicate a progressive recrystallization of early-formed dolomite through repeated reflux of brines. As such, the succession appears to preserve a fossilized record of dolomite recrystallization through time during the Cenomanian–Turonian. The results of this study therefore provide a record of the progressive dolomitization of a carbonate platform and demonstrate the important interplay of climate and basin-scale tectonics on dolomite distribution and crystallinity.  相似文献   

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