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The extent and variability of water storage and residence times throughout the open water season in beaded arctic streams are poorly understood. Data collected in Imnavait Creek, a beaded stream located north of the Brooks Range in Alaska, were used to better understand the effects of in‐pool and riparian storage on heat and mass movement through beaded streams. Temperature data of high spatial resolution within the pools and surrounding sediments were used with volumetric discharge and electrical conductivity to identify storage areas within the pools, banks, and other marshy areas within the riparian zone, including subsurface flow paths that connect the pools. These subsurface flows were found to alter water conductivity and the character of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in short reaches (10 s of m) while influencing the chemistry of downstream pools. During low flow periods, persistent stratification occurred within the pools due to absorption of solar radiation by DOM coupled with permafrost below and low wind stress at the pool surface. Additionally, one of the shallow pools (<0.5 m depth) remained stratified during higher flow periods and lower radiation inputs due to dense subsurface flows entering the bottom of the pools. This consistent separation of surface and bottom water masses in each pool will increase the travel times through this and similar arctic watersheds, and therefore will affect the evolution of water chemistry and material export. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Urban development significantly alters the landscape by introducing widespread impervious surfaces, which quickly convey surface run‐off to streams via stormwater sewer networks, resulting in “flashy” hydrological responses. Here, we present the inadequacies of using raster‐based digital elevation models and flow‐direction algorithms to delineate large and highly urbanized watersheds and propose an alternative approach that accounts for the influence of anthropogenically modified land cover. We use a semi‐automated approach that incorporates conventional drainage networks into overland flow paths and define the maximal run‐off contributing area. In this approach, stormwater pipes are clustered according to their slope attributes, which define flow direction. Land areas drained by each cluster and contributing (or exporting) flow to a topographically delineated catchment were determined. These land masses were subsequently added or removed from the catchment, modifying both the shape and the size. Our results in a highly urbanized Toronto, Canada, area watershed indicate a moderate net increase in the directly connected watershed area by 3% relative to a topographically forced method; however, differences across three smaller scale subcatchments are greater. Compared to topographic delineation, the directly connected watershed areas of both the upper and middle subcatchments decrease by 5% and 8%, respectively, whereas the lower subcatchment area increases by 15%. This is directly related to subsurface storm sewer pipes that cross topographic boundaries. When directly connected subcatchment area is plotted against total streamflow and flashiness indices using this method, the coefficients of variation are greater (0.93 to 0.97) compared to the use of digital elevation model‐derived subcatchment areas (0.78 to 0.85). The accurate identification of watershed and subcatchment boundaries should incorporate ancillary data such as stormwater sewer networks and retention basin drainage areas to reduce water budget errors in urban systems. 相似文献
Understanding potential hydrologic influences to continued climate change in Himalayan watersheds is important for management of transnational water resources. This study estimates the climate change impacts on hydrologic processes of the Kali Gandaki watershed from central Himalayan region using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool. Daily predicted stream discharge of the basin for 1981–95 following calibration was accurate with Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency value >0.75. Sensitivity analysis of the hydrologic parameters showed the precipitation and temperature lapse rates as the most sensitive parameters to the stream discharge. To assess the influence of continued climate change on hydrologic processes, we modified the weather inputs for the model using average, minimum and maximum temperature, and precipitation changes for the Special Report on Emission Scenarios B1, A1B and A2 derived from 16 General Circulation Models for 2080s. Mean annual stream discharge was approximately 39% higher than current values for the maximum temperature and precipitation changes of the A2 scenario and 22% less for minimum changes of the same scenario. Stream discharge was projected to be changed by +9% during monsoon season and by ?6% during pre‐monsoon season. Snowfall and snow melt were projected to be 30% and 29%, respectively, less than the current average for the maximum temperature and precipitation changes of the A2 scenario. Future simulations showed potential increase in monsoonal stream discharge associated with projected higher precipitation which when coupled with enhanced summer glacier melt might influence the downstream water availability of the basin. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Urban growth is a global phenomenon, and the associated impacts on hydrology from land development are expected to increase, especially in peri‐urban catchments. It is well understood that greater peak flows and higher stream flashiness are associated with increased surface imperviousness and storm location. However, the effect of the distribution of impervious areas on runoff peak flow response and stream flashiness of peri‐urban catchments has not been well studied. In this study, a new geometric index, Relative Nearness of Imperviousness to the Catchment Outlet (RNICO), is defined to correlate imperviousness distribution of peri‐urban catchments with runoff peak flows and stream flashiness. Study sites include 21 suburban catchments in New York representing a range of drainage area from 5 to 189 km2 and average imperviousness from 10% to 48%. On the basis of RNICO, all development patterns are divided into 3 classes: upstream, centralized, and downstream. Results showed an obvious increase in runoff peak flows and decrease in time to peak when moving from upstream to centralized and downstream urbanization classes. This indicates that RNICO is an effective tool for classifying urban development patterns and for macroscale understanding of the hydrologic behavior of small peri‐urban catchments, despite the complexity of urban drainage systems. We also found that the impact of impervious distribution on runoff peak flows and stream flashiness decreases with catchment scale. For small catchments (A < 40 km2), RNICO was strongly correlated with the average (R2 = .95) and maximum (R2 = .91) gaged peak flows due to the relatively efficient subsurface routing through stormwater and sewer networks. Furthermore, the Richards–Baker stream flashiness index in small catchments was positively correlated with fractional impervious area (R2 = .84) and RNICO (R2 = .87). For large catchments (A > 40 km2), the impact of impervious surface distribution on peak flows and stream flashiness was negligible due to the complex drainage network and great variability in travel times. This study emphasizes the need for greater monitoring of discharge in small peri‐urban catchments to support flood prediction at the local scale. 相似文献
Local governmental agencies are increasingly undertaking potentially costly “status‐and‐trends” monitoring to evaluate the effectiveness of stormwater control measures and land‐use planning strategies or to satisfy regulatory requirements. Little guidance is presently available for such efforts, and so we have explored the application, interpretation, and temporal limitations of well‐established hydrologic metrics of runoff changes from urbanization, making use of an unusually long‐duration, high‐quality data set from the Pacific Northwest (USA) with direct applicability to urban and urbanizing watersheds. Three metrics previously identified for their utility in identifying hydrologic conditions with biological importance that respond to watershed urbanization—TQmean (the fraction of time that flows exceed the mean annual discharge), the Richards‐Baker Index (characterizing flashiness relative to the mean discharge), and the annual tally of wet‐season day‐to‐day flow reversals (the total number of days that reverse the prior days' increasing or decreasing trend)—are all successful in stratifying watersheds across a range of urbanization, as measured by total contributing area of urban development. All metrics respond with statistical significance to multidecadal trends in urbanization, but none detect trends in watershed‐scale urbanization over the course of a single decade. This suggests a minimum period over which dependable trends in hydrologic alteration (or improvement) can be detected with confidence. The metrics also prove less well suited to urbanizing watersheds in a semi‐arid climate, with only flow reversals showing a response consistent with prior findings from more humid regions. We also explore the use of stage as a surrogate for discharge in calculating these metrics, recognizing potentially significant agency cost savings in data collection with minimal loss of information. This approach is feasible but cannot be implemented under current data‐reporting practices, requiring measurement of water‐depth values and preservation of the full precision of the original recorded data. With these caveats, however, hydrologic metrics based on stage should prove as or more useful, at least in the context of status‐and‐trends monitoring, as those based on subsequent calculations of discharge. 相似文献
Nutrient dynamics in karst agroecosystems remain poorly understood, in part due to limited long‐term nested datasets that can discriminate upland and in‐stream processes. We present a 10‐year dataset from a karst watershed in the Inner‐Bluegrass Region of central Kentucky, consisting of nitrate (nitrate‐N [NO3?]), dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP), total organic carbon (TOC), and total ammoniacal‐N (TAN) measurements at nested spring and stream sites as well as flowrate at the watershed outlet. Hydrograph separation techniques were coupled with multiple linear regression and Empirical Mode Decomposition time‐series analysis to determine significance of seasonal processes and to generate continuous estimates of nutrient pathway loadings. Further, we used model results of benthic algae growth and decomposition dynamics from a nearby watershed to assess if transient storage in algal biomass could explain differences in spring and downstream watershed nutrient loading. Results highlight statistically significant seasonality for all nutrients at stream sites, but only for NO3? at springs with longitudinal variability showing significant decreases occurring from spring to stream sites for NO3? and DRP, and significant increases for TOC and TAN. Pathway loading analysis highlighted the importance of slow flow pathways to source approximately 70% of DRP and 80% of NO3?. Results for in‐stream dynamics suggest that benthic autotroph dynamics can explain summer deviations for TOC, TAN, and DRP but not NO3?. Regarding upland dynamics, our findings agree well with existing perceptions in karst for N pathways and upland source seasonality but deviate from perceptions that karst conduits are retentive of P, reflecting the limited buffering capacity of the soil profile and conduit sediments in the Inner‐Bluegrass. Regarding in‐stream fate, our findings highlighted the significance of seasonally driven nutrient processing in the bedrock‐controlled streambed to influence nutrient fluxes at the watershed outlet. Contrary to existing perceptions, we found high N attenuation and an unexplained NO3? sink in the bedrock stream, leading us to postulate that floating macrophytes facilitate high rates of denitrification. 相似文献
Kathleen Rugel C. Rhett Jackson Stephen W. Golladay David W. Hicks John F. Dowd 《水文研究》2012,26(4):523-534
Extensive implementation of centre pivot irrigation systems occurred between 1970 and 1980 in the lower Flint River Basin (FRB) of southwestern Georgia, USA. Groundwater within this karstic system is in direct hydraulic connection with regional streams, many of which are incised through the overburden into underlying limestone. We used long‐term U.S. Geological Survey gaging station data to evaluate multiple flow metrics of two tributaries (Ichawaynochaway Creek and Spring Creek) in the lower FRB to determine the extent of changes in stream behaviour since irrigation practices intensified. We compared pre‐ and post‐irrigation flow duration curves, 1‐, 7‐, and 14‐day minimum flows, and 8‐day (seasonal) and annual baseflow recession slopes, in addition to evaluating regional climate data to determine whether significant differences existed between the pre‐ and post‐irrigation periods. Our results showed significant changes in low‐flow durations in the post‐irrigation record for both gages, including a decrease by an order of magnitude for 98% exceedance flows at Spring Creek. Both gages indicated significant reductions in 1‐, 7‐, and 14‐day low flows. Eight‐day baseflow recession curves (within early summer months) and annual baseflow recession curves became significantly steeper during the post‐irrigation period for Ichawaynochaway Creek. We also found that a significant relationship existed between winter and summer minimum flows in both streams in the pre‐irrigation period which was disrupted in post‐irrigation years. Regional climate data for the study period revealed no significant changes in rainfall totals or frequency of drought; however, there was evidence for a shift in seasonal rainfall patterns. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Katherine L. Meierdiercks Mary Beth Kolozsvary Kevin P. Rhoads Michele Golden Nicholas F. McCloskey 《水文研究》2017,31(24):4384-4397
The processes that control run‐off quantity and quality in urban watersheds are complex and not well understood. Although impervious surface coverage has traditionally been used to examine altered hydrologic response in urban watersheds, several studies suggest that other elements of the urban landscape, particularly those associated with urban infrastructure and the drainage system, play an equally important role. The relative importance of impervious surfaces, stormwater ponds, expansion of the drainage network, and drainage network structures in controlling hydrologic response was examined in the subwatersheds of the Kromma Kill, an urban watershed located in Albany County, NY. In this study, geographic information systems was used to compute geospatial land surface and drainage network properties of 5 Kromma Kill subwatersheds. In these same subwatersheds, water quantity (rainfall and run‐off) and quality (macroinvertebrates, nitrate, total nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids, and nonpurgable organic carbon) parameters were measured. Strong and significant correlations were identified between land surface and drainage network properties and field observations. Causal relationships were then tested using the Environmental Protection Agency's Stormwater Management Model. Field and model analyses suggest that whereas percent imperviousness is a dominant control on water quality, drainage density and slope are equally important. However, for water quantity, whereas imperviousness is positively correlated with increased run‐off volumes, drainage network properties and slope are the dominant controls on run‐off volumes. Results have important implications for stormwater management plans, especially those aimed at reducing the effective impervious surface coverage of urban watersheds. Reducing the percentage of effective imperviousness in a watershed is not a “one size fits all” solution and can help to meet some management objectives, such as reducing nitrogen concentrations and improving water quality, but may not serve as the most effective, and therefore economical, solution for every management objective including reducing run‐off volumes. 相似文献
太湖流域的快速城市化使河流形态发生了改变,影响了平原河网水系结构与连通性本文以近几年城市化发展较为迅速的张家港地区为例,基于景观生态学和图论的相关理论,利用2002与2015年的水系数据,对全区以及各行政分区水面率、河网密度、河频率等指标进行研究,旨在揭示该地区河网水系结构与连通性参数变化及城市化对其影响结果表明:研究区2015年与2002年相比全区各水系结构指标都呈减小趋势,水面率、河网密度、河频率的衰减率分别为15.7%、12.6%、33.3%,河网有主干化趋势,干流面积与长度发育的同步性较好;不同行政区的水系变化有明显的空间分异,张家港南部水系较北部水面率、河频率衰减更剧烈;东北部地区河网密度与河网复杂度变化明显;张家港全区河网连通性略有提高,但地区分异明显,沿江的西北部地区河网连通能力有所加强,而东南部内河区域河网畅通程度减弱,被圩区、水闸与泵站切断的水系需要更合理的调度方案才能增强并维持水体的连通度;水面率、河网密度与人口、GDP之间相关水平较高,各地区水系结构参数与其变化率的空间分异和该地区人口、经济发展水平密切相关;河网河链数、节点数受城市化影响较大,线点率、实际连通度的变化与城市化指标相关性较弱本研究可以为后期张家港地区优化水系结构及防洪排涝建设提供基础,并帮助基于各片区的特点开展因地制宜的管理. 相似文献
Adam N. Wlostowski Michael N. Gooseff Diane M. McKnight Christopher Jaros W. Berry Lyons 《水文研究》2016,30(17):2958-2975
Streams in the McMurdo Dry Valleys (MDVs) of Antarctica moderate an important hydrologic and biogeochemical connection between upland alpine glaciers, valley‐bottom soils, and lowland closed‐basin lakes. Moreover, MDV streams are simple but dynamic systems ideal for studying interacting hydrologic and ecological dynamics. This work synthesizes 20 years of hydrologic data, collected as part of the MDVs Long‐Term Ecological Research project, to assess spatial and temporal dynamics of hydrologic connectivity between glaciers, streams, and lakes. Long‐term records of stream discharge (Q), specific electrical conductance (EC), and water temperature (T) from 18 streams were analysed in order to quantify the magnitude, duration, and frequency of hydrologic connections over daily, annual, and inter‐annual timescales. At a daily timescale, we observe predictable diurnal variations in Q, EC, and T. At an annual timescale, we observe longer streams to be more intermittent, warmer, and have higher median EC values, compared to shorter streams. Longer streams also behave chemostatically with respect to EC, whereas shorter streams are more strongly characterized by dilution. Inter‐annually, we observe significant variability in annual runoff volumes, likely because of climatic variability over the 20 record years considered. Hydrologic connections at all timescales are vital to stream ecosystem structure and function. This synthesis of hydrologic connectivity in the MDVs provides a useful end‐member template for assessing hydrologic connectivity in more structurally complex temperate watersheds. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Surface runoff plays an important role in contaminant transport, nutrient loss, soil erosion and peak discharges in streams and rivers. Because it is the result of a variety of complex hydrological processes, estimating surface runoff using physically based hydrological models is challenging. Upscaling of physical soil properties is necessary to cope with the limits of computational power in surface runoff modelling. In flat landscapes, the (micro)topographic surface controls the onset and progression of surface runoff on saturated soils during rain events. Therefore, its proper representation is crucial when attempting to model and predict surface runoff. In this study, the influence of microtopography (centimetre scale) on estimations of maximum depression storage (MDS), random roughness (RR) and the connectivity threshold (CT) is explored. These properties are selected because they often serve as surface runoff indicators in hydrological modelling. To characterize microtopography, a terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) is used to generate a digital terrain model (DTM) of the study site with a horizontal spatial resolution of 5 cm. MDS, RR and CT are then calculated and compared to the values generated from the publicly available Dutch national DTM dataset with a resolution of 50 cm. Our results show considerable differences in MDS, RR and CT when calculated for the different input resolution datasets. Using DTMs that do not sufficiently capture microtopography leads to underestimation of MDS and RR, and to overestimation of CT. Our findings indicate that surface runoff indicators, and thereby the surface runoff response of a saturated surface to rainfall events, are defined at scales smaller than the scales of typically available DTMs. Understanding surface runoff through modelling studies therefore requires a framework that accounts for this lack of information arising from using coarser resolution DTMs. We demonstrate a linear relationship between MDS values generated from the different resolution DTMs. This opens the possibility of using empirical scaling relationships between high- and lower-resolution DTMs to account for microtopography. Repetition of our measurements on similar surfaces would contribute to establishing such empirical scaling relationships. Our results should be seen as indicative of flat landscapes and surfaces where centimetre scale microtopography is relevant. 相似文献
How does DEM resolution affect microtopographic characteristics,hydrologic connectivity,and modelling of hydrologic processes? 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The resolution of a digital elevation model (DEM) is a crucial factor in watershed hydrologic and environmental modelling. DEM resolution can cause significant variability in the representation of surface topography, which further affects quantification of hydrologic connectivity and simulation of hydrologic processes. The objective of this study is to examine the effects of DEM resolution on (1) surface microtopographic characteristics, (2) hydrologic connectivity, and (3) the spatial and temporal variations of hydrologic processes. A puddle‐to‐puddle modelling system was utilized for surface delineation and modelling of the puddle‐to‐puddle overland flow dynamics, surface runoff, infiltration, and unsaturated flow for nine DEM resolution scenarios of a field plot surface. Comparisons of the nine modelling scenarios demonstrated that coarser DEM resolutions tended to eliminate topographic features, reduce surface depression storage, and strengthen hydrologic connectivity and surface runoff. We found that reduction in maximum depression storage and maximum ponding area was as high as 97.56% and 76.36%, respectively, as the DEM grid size increased from 2 to 80 cm. The paired t‐test and fractal analysis demonstrated the existence of a threshold DEM resolution (10 cm for the field plot), within which the DEM‐based hydrologic modelling was effective and acceptable. The effects of DEM resolution were further evaluated for a larger surface in the Prairie Pothole Region subjected to observed rainfall events. It was found that simulations based on coarser resolution DEMs (>10 m) tended to overestimate ponded areas and underestimate runoff discharge peaks. The simulated peak discharge from the Prairie Pothole Region surface reduced by approximately 50% as the DEM resolution changed from 2 to 90 m. Fractal analysis results elucidated scale dependency of hydrologic and topographic processes. In particular, scale analysis highlighted a unique constant–threshold–power relationship between DEM scale and topographic and hydrologic parameters/variables. Not only does this finding allow one to identify threshold DEM but also further develop functional relationships for scaling to achieve valid topographic characterization as well as effective and efficient hydrologic modelling. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
We assessed the relative hydrological impacts of climate change and urbanization using an integrated approach that links the statistical downscaling model (SDSM), the Hydrological Simulation Program—Fortran (HSPF) and the impervious cover model (ICM). A case study of the Anyangcheon watershed, a representative urban region in Korea, illustrates how the proposed framework can be used to analyse the impacts of climate change and urbanization on water quantity and quality. The evaluation criteria were measurements of low flow (99, 95, and 90 percentile flow), high flow (10, 5, and 1 percentile value), pollutant concentration (30, 10, and 1 percentile value), and the numbers of days required to satisfy the target water quantity and quality for a sensitive comparison of subtle impacts of variations in these measures. Nine scenarios, including three climate scenarios (present conditions, A1B, and A2) and three land use change scenarios, were analysed using the HSPF model. The impacts of climate change on low flow (34·1–59·8% increase) and high flow (29·1–37·1% increase) were found to be much greater than those on the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) (3·8–10·0% decrease). On the other hand, the impacts of urbanization on water quality (19·0–44·6% increase) are more significant than those on high (1·0–4·4% increase) and low flow (11·4–25·6% decrease). Furthermore, low flows are more sensitive to urbanization than high flows. The number of days required to satisfy the target water quantity and quality can be a sensitive criterion to compare the subtle impacts of climate and urbanization on human society, especially as they are much more sensitive than low flow and pollutant concentration. Finally, urbanization has a potent impact on BOD while climate change has a high impact on flow rate. Therefore, the impacts of both climate change and urbanization must be included in watershed management and water resources planning for sustainable development. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Physiography and land cover determine the hydrologic response of watersheds to climatic events. However, vast differences in climate regimes and variation of landscape attributes among watersheds (including size) have prevented the establishment of general relationships between land cover and runoff patterns across broad scales. This paper addresses these difficulties by using power spectral analysis to characterize area‐normalized runoff patterns and then compare these patterns with landscape features among watersheds within the same physiographic region. We assembled long‐term precipitation and runoff data for 87 watersheds (first to seventh order) within the eastern Piedmont (USA) that contained a wide variety of land cover types, collected environmental data for each watershed, and compared the datasets using a variety of statistical measures. The effect of land cover on runoff patterns was confirmed. Urban‐dominated watersheds were flashier and had less hydrologic memory compared with forest‐dominated watersheds, whereas watersheds with high wetland coverage had greater hydrologic memory. We also detected a 10–15% urban threshold above which urban coverage became the dominant control on runoff patterns. When spectral properties of runoff were compared across stream orders, a threshold after the third order was detected at which watershed processes became dominant over precipitation regime in determining runoff patterns. Finally, we present a matrix that characterizes the hydrologic signatures of rivers based on precipitation versus landscape effects and low‐frequency versus high‐frequency events. The concepts and methods presented can be generally applied to all river systems to characterize multiscale patterns of watershed runoff. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Stream temperature is a critical water quality parameter that is not fully understood, particularly in urban areas. This study explores drivers contributing to stream temperature variability within an urban system, at 21 sites within the Philadelphia region, Pennsylvania, USA. A comprehensive set of temperature metrics were evaluated, including temperature sensitivity, daily maximum temperatures, time >20°C, and temperature surges during storms. Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) were the strongest driver of downstream temperature variability along 32 km in Wissahickon Creek. WWTP effluent temperature controlled local (1–3 km downstream) temperatures year-round, but the impacts varied seasonally: during winter, local warming of 2–7°C was consistently observed, while local cooling up to 1°C occurred during summer. Summer cooling and winter warming were detected up to 12 km downstream of a WWTP. Comparing effects from different WWTPs provided guidelines for mitigating their thermal impact; WWTPs that discharged into larger streams, had cooler effluent, or had lower discharge had less effect on stream temperatures. Comparing thermal regimes in four urban headwater streams, sites with more local riparian canopy had cooler maximum temperatures by up to 1.5°C, had lower temperature sensitivity, and spent less time at high temperatures, although mean temperatures were unaffected. Watershed-scale impervious area was associated with increased surge frequency and magnitude at headwater sites, but most storms did not result in a surge and most surges had a low magnitude. These results suggest that maintaining or restoring riparian canopy in urban settings will have a larger impact on stream temperatures than stormwater management that treats impervious area. Mitigation efforts may be most impactful at urban headwater sites, which are particularly vulnerable to stream temperature disruptions. It is vital that stream temperature impacts are considered when planning stormwater management or stream restoration projects, and the appropriate metrics need to be considered when assessing impacts. 相似文献
Restoring hydrologic connectivity between channels and floodplains is common practice in stream and river restoration. Floodplain hydrology and hydrogeology impact stream hydraulics, ecology, biogeochemical processing, and pollutant removal, yet rigorous field evaluations of surface water–groundwater exchange within floodplains during overbank floods are rare. We conducted five sets of experimental floods to mimic floodplain reconnection by pumping stream water onto an existing floodplain swale. Floods were conducted throughout the year to capture seasonal variation and each involved two replicate floods on successive days to test the effect of varying antecedent moisture. Water levels and specific conductance were measured in surface water, soil, and groundwater within the floodplain, along with surface flow into and out of the floodplain. Vegetation density varied seasonally and controlled the volume of surface water storage on the floodplain. By contrast, antecedent moisture conditions controlled storage of water in floodplain soils, with drier antecedent moisture conditions leading to increased subsurface storage and slower flood wave propagation across the floodplain surface. The site experienced spatial heterogeneity in vertical connectivity between surface water and groundwater across the floodplain surface, where propagation of hydrostatic pressure, preferential flow, and bulk Darcy flow were all mechanisms that may have occurred during the five floods. Vertical connectivity also increased with time, suggesting higher frequency of floodplain inundation may increase surface water–groundwater exchange across the floodplain surface. Understanding the variability of floodplain impacts on water quality noted in the literature likely requires better accounting for seasonal variations in floodplain vegetation and antecedent moisture as well as heterogeneous exchange flow mechanisms. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
ABSTRACTMany hydrologic models utilize delineation results from traditional methods which create a hydrologically connected drainage system. In depression-dominated areas, topographic characteristics of depressions are vital to modeling unique hydrologic processes associated with puddle-to-puddle (P2P) filling-spilling dynamics. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impacts of the P2P processes and dynamic changes in contributing area on outlet discharge. To do so, an improved HEC-HMS model is developed by incorporating a depression threshold control proxy (DTCP) and an improved conceptual framework. The DTCP uses a storage–discharge function to simulate the P2P dynamics. The improved conceptual framework counteracts the effect of full hydrologic connectivity created by traditional delineation methods by introducing depressional and non-depressional areas to each sub-basin. Application of the improved HEC-HMS model demonstrated that it was capable of accurately simulating outlet discharge and providing the details on surface connectivity and depression storage. 相似文献
The decommissioning of roads is occurring in many forest environments with the aim of reducing the negative impacts of road runoff on water quality and aquatic habitat. Works associated with decommissioning are expensive so prior assessment of the outcomes of various options is merited. This paper presents a method of quantifying the degree to which a road is hydrologically connected to the stream network and thus the likely impacts of constructing a road of different configurations upon water quality. The method permits comparisons between different road network management options and is useful for assessing the likely result of decommissioning works. Emphasis is placed on quantifying the uncertainty of key performance measures. The procedures developed here are an extension of the probabilistic ‘volume to breakthrough’ model recently formulated by Australian water quality researchers and allow the quantification of road/stream connectivity without the need for extensive parameterization. To demonstrate its utility, the model was applied to an actual road decommissioning and replacement project in southeast Australia. Road areas and drainage outlets were surveyed in the field and flow paths to streams derived from a 1 metre resolution LiDAR based digital elevation model. The results demonstrate that the actual road decommissioning examined in this case was unlikely to reduce runoff to the stream network and that the overall impact of the works in conditions of design storms are likely to result in a net reduction in stream water quality. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献