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Water resources development and exploitation are critical for a viable and sustainable modern human society. Unfortunately, however, there is a considerable water storage depletion and environmental degradation in especially (semi)‐arid river basins due to the forces of population growth, urbanization, industrialization and intensive agricultural irrigation. Addressing water storage depletion is not only a question of research, but is very much a question of developing appropriate countermeasures to preserve valuable/fragile ecological systems. As one such effort, this study analyzes the hydrology and storage in Baiyangdian Lake as affected by water resources development and exploitation in the Baiyangdian Lake Catchment of Northern China. Three models, WetSpass (Water and Energy Transfer between Soil, Plants and the Atmosphere under quasi‐Steady State), WATBUD (Water Budget) and MODFLOW (USGS three‐dimensional finite‐difference groundwater flow model) were used in combination to simulate the hydrogeologic conditions in the lake catchment for 1956–2008. The model‐calibrated values are in good agreement with the measured values, with R2 > 0·8 and RMSE < 10% of measured values. Runoff, the primary source of water for the lake storage, has steadily declined due mainly to multiple dam construction and reservoir impoundments in the headwater valleys and rivers in the catchment. In addition to dwindling runoff, groundwater levels have declined considerably due to over‐abstraction, mainly for agricultural irrigation. Additionally, evaporation or evapotranspiration is increasing in the lake catchment due to rising temperatures. The worsening hydrological conditions, amid the harsh semi‐arid climate, have resulted in considerable depletion of the storage and hydrology of Baiyangdian Lake. Sustainable countermeasures like agricultural water‐saving and infusion of external water (e.g., via by the South–North Water Transfer Project) could be a viable option for preserving not only the hydrology of the lake catchment, but also storage in Baiyangdian Lake. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

水面面积、水位、蓄水量是水库水资源管理的重要基础数据,遥感是湖库水体提取、水位和蓄水量估算的重要技术手段。由于不同水体提取方法的适用性差异、测高卫星数据的有限时间覆盖度和开源数据集的时空分辨率不足等原因,湖库水面面积、水位、蓄水量的长时序、高频率时空变化监测仍存在一定挑战。本研究以新安江水库为研究区,结合多源遥感、气象、水文和土地利用等数据,基于Google Earth Engine云平台,运用水体指数法,分析1987—2022年新安江水库水面面积时空变化特征,构建水位—水面面积、水位—蓄水量和水面面积—蓄水量响应关系,探究水面面积时空变化成因。结果表明:(1)Landsat 5、Landsat 8和哨兵2号数据的最佳水体提取指数分别为AWEIsh和GNDWI,F1-score分别为91.93%、91.03%和93.14%。相比于开放数据集GSWED(32.61%)、JRC GSW(76.17%)和ReaLSAT(69.76%),基于最优水体指数的水体提取结果具有最高的F1-score(91.26%);(2)时间上,1987—2022年新安江水库水面面积呈显著上升...  相似文献   

Surface water storage—including wetlands and other small waterbodies—has largely been disregarded in traditional hydrological models. In this paper, the grid resampling method is adopted to study the influence of the digital elevation model (DEM) grid resolution on depression storage (DS) considering different rainfall return periods. It is observed that the DEM grid size highly affects DS, and the higher the grid resolution is, the larger the DS value. However, when the grid resolution reaches a certain value, the maximum DS value decreases. This suggests that a critical grid resolution value exists at which the water storage capacity of depressions is maximized, namely, 20 m in this work (except for the overall area simulation under infiltration). This phenomenon is further verified in two test cases with and without the infiltration process, that is, calculations of the local area and without infiltration area, respectively. This research may facilitate the accurate computation of the DS process, which is greatly affected by the grid resolution, thereby improving the reliability of hydrological models.  相似文献   

黑河流域陆地水储量变化对流域下游等周边区域水资源的合理利用以及经济和社会发展等有着重要的意义.本文利用2003年1月至2013年12月的GRACE RL05数据反演了黑河流域陆地水储量长时间序列的变化,并针对重力场模型和数据处理中产生的信号泄漏问题,采用Forward-Modeling方法进行了改正并恢复泄漏信号;将GRACE获得的泄漏信号恢复前后的黑河流域水储量变化结果与全球水文模型GLDAS和CPC进行比较分析,结果表明泄漏信号改正后的结果与水文模型结果的时间序列相关性均有明显提高,从其空间分布结果可以看出Forward-Modeling方法有效地恢复初始信号、增强被湮没的信号,泄漏信号误差减小;通过分析黑河流域水储量变化的长时间序列结果,发现其具有明显的阶段性变化特征,即2003—2006年呈明显下降趋势,约为-0.86 cm·a-1,在2007—2010年趋于平衡状态,而2011—2013年则呈现缓慢上升趋势约为0.14 cm·a-1;联合GRACE数据和GLDAS数据反演了黑河流域地下水储量变化,并与全球降雨数据GPCC进行了比较分析,两者相关性可达到0.88以上.  相似文献   

This study uses a combination of evidence from ground penetrating radar, borehole, video, and wireless probe data to assess temporal changes in englacial water content associated with Briksdalsbreen, a rapidly retreating Norwegian glacier. Over a 13 day period in 2006, ice radar‐wave velocity varied between 0·135 m/ns (± 0·009) and 0·159 m/ns (± 0·003), and water content from 7·8% (+2·6, ?2·8) to 2·5% (+0·9, ?1·1) [derived from the Looyenga (Physica 31 (3): 401–406, 1965) formula]. It is suggested that during warm precipitation free days, void spaces within the glacier become filled with water, resulting in low radar‐wave velocity. This stored water then drained during cold, high precipitation days, allowing the radar‐wave velocity to rise. These changes in englacial storage were caused by the enhanced crevassing generated by the newly floating ice margin, and were associated with accelerated glacier retreat. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Peat specific yield (SY) is an important parameter involved in many peatland hydrological functions such as flood attenuation, baseflow contribution to rivers, and maintaining groundwater levels in surficial aquifers. However, general knowledge on peatland water storage capacity is still very limited, due in part to the technical difficulties related to in situ measurements. The objectives of this study were to quantify vertical SY variations of water tables in peatlands using the water table fluctuation (WTF) method and to better understand the factors controlling peatland water storage capacity. The method was tested in five ombrotrophic peatlands located in the St. Lawrence Lowlands (southern Québec, Canada). In each peatland, water table wells were installed at three locations (up‐gradient, mid‐gradient, and down‐gradient). Near each well, a 1‐m long peat core (8 cm × 8 cm) was sampled, and subsamples were used to determine SY with standard gravitational drainage method. A larger peat sample (25 cm × 60 cm × 40 cm) was also collected in one peatland to estimate SY using a laboratory drainage method. In all sites, the mean water table depth ranged from 9 to 49 cm below the peat surface, with annual fluctuations varying between 15 and 29 cm for all locations. The WTF method produced similar results to the gravitational drainage experiments, with values ranging between 0.13 and 0.99 for the WTF method and between 0.01 and 0.95 for the gravitational drainage experiments. SY was found to rapidly decrease with depth within 20 cm, independently of the within‐site location and the mean annual water table depth. Dominant factors explaining SY variations were identified using analysis of variance. The most important factor was peatland site, followed by peat depth and seasonality. Variations in storage capacity considering site and seasonality followed regional effective growing degree days and evapotranspiration patterns. This work provides new data on spatial variations of peatland water storage capacity using an easily implemented method that requires only water table measurements and precipitation data.  相似文献   

The interaction between surface water and groundwater is an important aspect of hydrological processes. Despite its importance, groundwater is not well represented in many land surface models. In this study, a groundwater module with consideration of surface water and groundwater dynamic interactions is incorporated into the distributed biosphere hydrological (DBH) model in the upstream of the Yellow River basin, China. Two numerical experiments are conducted using the DBH model: one with groundwater module active, namely, DBH_GW and the other without, namely, DBH_NGW. Simulations by two experiments are compared with observed river discharge and terrestrial water storage (TWS) variation from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE). The results show that river discharge during the low flow season that is underestimated in the DBH_NGW has been improved by incorporating the groundwater scheme. As for the TWS, simulation in DBH_GW shows better agreement with GRACE data in terms of interannual and intraseasonal variations and annual changing trend. Furthermore, compared with DBH_GW, TWS simulated in DBH_NGW shows smaller decreases during autumn and smaller increases in spring. These results suggest that consideration of groundwater dynamics enables a more reasonable representation of TWS change by increasing TWS amplitudes and signals and as a consequence, improves river discharge simulation in the low flow seasons when groundwater is a major component in runoff. Additionally, incorporation of groundwater module also leads to wetter soil moisture and higher evapotranspiration, especially in the wet seasons.  相似文献   


Reliable seasonal forecasting of water resources variability may be of great value for agriculture and energy management in Ethiopia. This work aims to develop statistical forecasting of seasonal total water storage (TWS) anomalies in Ethiopia using sea-surface temperature and sea-level pressure indices. Because of the spatial and temporal variability of TWS over the country, Ethiopia is divided into four regions each having similar TWS dynamics. Periods of long-term water deficit observed in GRACE TWS products for the region are found to coincide with periods of meteorological drought. Multiple linear regression is employed to generate seasonal forecasting models for each region. We find that the skill of the resulting models varies from region to region, with R 2 from 0.33 to 0.73 and correlation from 0.27 to 0.77 between predicted and observed values (using leave-one-out cross-validation). The skill of the models is better than the climatology in all regions.  相似文献   

We used the new process‐based, tracer‐aided ecohydrological model EcH2O‐iso to assess the effects of vegetation cover on water balance partitioning and associated flux ages under temperate deciduous beech forest (F) and grassland (G) at an intensively monitored site in Northern Germany. Unique, multicriteria calibration, based on measured components of energy balance, hydrological function and biomass accumulation, resulted in good simulations reproducing measured soil surface temperatures, soil water content, transpiration, and biomass production. Model results showed the forest “used” more water than the grassland; of 620 mm average annual precipitation, losses were higher through interception (29% under F, 16% for G) and combined soil evaporation and transpiration (59% F, 47% G). Consequently, groundwater (GW) recharge was enhanced under grassland at 37% (~225 mm) of precipitation compared with 12% (~73 mm) for forest. The model tracked the ages of water in different storage compartments and associated fluxes. In shallow soil horizons, the average ages of soil water fluxes and evaporation were similar in both plots (~1.5 months), though transpiration and GW recharge were older under forest (~6 months compared with ~3 months for transpiration, and ~12 months compared with ~10 months for GW). Flux tracking using measured chloride data as a conservative tracer provided independent support for the modelling results, though highlighted effects of uncertainties in forest partitioning of evaporation and transpiration. By tracking storage—flux—age interactions under different land covers, EcH2O‐iso could quantify the effects of vegetation on water partitioning and age distributions. Given the likelihood of drier, warmer summers, such models can help assess the implications of land use for water resource availability to inform debates over building landscape resilience to climate change. Better conceptualization of soil water mixing processes and improved calibration data on leaf area index and root distribution appear obvious respective modelling and data needs for improved simulations.  相似文献   

Time‐lapse geophysical surveys can map lingering hyporheic storage by detecting changes in response to saline tracer. Tracer tests were conducted in Crabby Creek, an urban stream outside Philadelphia, to examine the influence of stream restoration structures and variable sediment thickness. We compared electrical resistivity surveys with extensive well sampling (57 wells) in two 13.5‐m‐long reaches, each with a step drop created by a J‐hook. The two step drops varied in tracer behaviour, based on both the well data and the geophysical data. The well data showed more variation in arrival time where the streambed sediment was thick and was more uniform where sediment was thin. The resistivity in the reach with thin sediment showed lingering tracer in the hyporheic zone both upstream and downstream from the J‐hook. In the second reach where the sediment was thicker, the lingering tracer in the hyporheic zone was more extensive downstream from the J‐hook. The contrasting results between the two reaches from both methods suggested that sediments influenced hyporheic exchange more than the step at this location. Resistivity inversion differed from well data in both reaches in that it showed evidence for tracer after well samples had returned to background, mapping lingering tracer either upstream or downstream of a step. We conclude that resistivity surveys may become an important tool for hyporheic zone characterization because they provide information on the extent of slow moving fluids in the hyporheic zone, which have the potential to enhance chemical reactions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, the spatial and temporal variabilities of terrestrial water storage anomaly (TWSA) and snow water equivalent anomaly (SWEA) information obtained from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) twin satellites data were analysed in conjunction with multisource snow products over several basins in the Canadian landmass. Snow water equivalent (SWE) data were extracted from three different sources: Global Snow Monitoring for Climate Research version 2 (GlobSnow2), Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System (AMSR-E), and Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC). The objective of the study was to understand whether SWE variations have a significant contribution to terrestrial water storage anomalies in the Canadian landmass. The period was considered from December 2002 to March 2011. Significant relationships were observed between TWSA and SWEA for most of the 15 basins considered (53% to 80% of the basins, depending on the SWE products considered). The best results were obtained with the CMC SWE products compared with satellite-based SWE data. Stronger relationships were found in snow-dominated basins (Rs > = 0.7), such as the Liard [root mean square error (RMSE) = 21.4 mm] and Peace Basins (RMSE = 26.76 mm). However, despite high snow accumulation in the north of Quebec, GRACE showed weak or insignificant correlations with SWEA, regardless of the data sources. The same behaviour was observed in the Western Hudson Bay basin. In both regions, it was found that the contribution of non-SWE compartments including wetland, surface water, as well as soil water storages has a significant impact on the variations of total storage. These components were estimated using the Water-Global Assessment and Prognosis Global Hydrology Model (WGHM) simulations and then subtracted from GRACE observations. The GRACE-derived SWEA correlation results showed improved relationships with three SWEA products. The improvement is particularly important in the sub-basins of the Hudson Bay, where very weak and insignificant results were previously found with GRACE TWSA data. GRACE-derived SWEA showed a significant relationship with CMC data in 93% of the basins (13% more than GRACE TWSA). Overall, the results indicated the important role of SWE on terrestrial water storage variations.  相似文献   

The conversion of bedrock to regolith marks the inception of critical zone processes, but the factors that regulate it remain poorly understood. Although the thickness and degree of weathering of regolith are widely thought to be important regulators of the development of regolith and its water‐storage potential, the functional relationships between regolith properties and the processes that generate it remain poorly documented. This is due in part to the fact that regolith is difficult to characterize by direct observations over the broad scales needed for process‐based understanding of the critical zone. Here we use seismic refraction and resistivity imaging techniques to estimate variations in regolith thickness and porosity across a forested slope and swampy meadow in the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory (SSCZO). Inferred seismic velocities and electrical resistivities image a weathering zone ranging in thickness from 10 to 35 m (average = 23 m) along one intensively studied transect. The inferred weathering zone consists of roughly equal thicknesses of saprolite (P‐velocity < 2 km s?1) and moderately weathered bedrock (P‐velocity = 2–4 km s?1). A minimum‐porosity model assuming dry pore space shows porosities as high as 50% near the surface, decreasing to near zero at the base of weathered rock. Physical properties of saprolite samples from hand augering and push cores are consistent with our rock physics model when variations in pore saturation are taken into account. Our results indicate that saprolite is a crucial reservoir of water, potentially storing an average of 3 m3 m?2 of water along a forested slope in the headwaters of the SSCZO. When coupled with published erosion rates from cosmogenic nuclides, our geophysical estimates of weathering zone thickness imply regolith residence times on the order of 105 years. Thus, soils at the surface today may integrate weathering over glacial–interglacial fluctuations in climate. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

GRACE估算陆地水储量季节和年际变化   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
利用最新公布的GRACE GFZ RL04数据,分析了2003年1月~2007年12月全球27条流域和陆地水储量的季节性和年际变化.结果表明,相近流域季节性变化相位接近.2003年1月~2007年12月陆地水储量季节性变化为1572.4 km3,其中变化最大流域为亚马逊河,其次分别为鄂毕河、尼罗河和尼日尔河等流域.5年来 GRACE陆地水储量的年际变化为-75.4±40.3 km3/a,其中亚马逊河、勒拿河和马更些河等流域的年际变化呈现正增长,而刚果河、密西西比河、恒河、育空河和雅鲁藏布江等流域则相反.GRACE与GLDAS数据均表明2006年后陆地水储量年际变化存在明显增加.  相似文献   

本文利用GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) 卫星重力资料研究了亚马逊流域2002—2010年的陆地水变化,并与水文模式和降雨资料进行了比较分析.在年际尺度上,GRACE结果表明:2002—2003年和2005年,亚马逊流域发生明显的干旱现象;2007年至2009年,陆地水呈逐年增加的趋势,并在2009年6月变化值达到最大,为772±181 km3;自2009年6月至2010年12月,陆地水总量又急剧减少了1139±262 km3,这相当于全球海平面上升3.2±0.7 mm所需的水量.水文模式得到的亚马逊流域陆地水在2010年也表现出明显的减少.降雨资料与GRACE观测资料有很好的一致性.在2005年和2010年的干旱期,亚马逊流域的降雨显著减少,说明降雨是亚马逊流域陆地水变化的重要因素.此外,本文采用的尺度因子的方法有效地降低了GRACE后处理误差的影响.  相似文献   

Digital elevation models of the surface and bed of Midtdalsbreen, Norway are used to calculate subglacial hydraulic potential and infer drainage system structure for a series of subglacial water pressure assumptions ranging from atmospheric to ice overburden. A distributed degree‐day model is used to calculate the spatial distribution of melt on the glacier surface throughout a typical summer, which is accumulated along the various drainage system structures to calculate water fluxes beneath the glacier and exiting the portals for the different water pressure assumptions. In addition, 78 dye‐tracing tests were performed from 33 injection sites and numerous measurements of water discharge were made on the main proglacial streams over several summer melt seasons. Comparison of the calculated drainage system structures and water fluxes with dye tracing results and measured proglacial stream discharges suggests that the temporally and spatially averaged steady‐state water pressures beneath the glacier are ~70% of ice overburden. Analysis of the dye return curves, together with the calculated subglacial water fluxes shows that the main drainage network on the eastern half of the glacier consists of a hydraulically efficient system of broad, low channels (average width/height ratio ≈ 75). The smaller drainage network on the west consists of a hydraulically inefficient distributed system, dominated by channels that are exceptionally broad and very low (average width/height ratio ≈ 350). The even smaller central drainage network also consists of a hydraulically inefficient distributed system, dominated by channels that are very broad and exceptionally low (average width/height ratio ≈ 450). The channels beneath the western and central glacier must be so broad and low that they can essentially be thought of as a linked cavity system. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In glacierized catchments, meteorological inputs driving surface melting are translated into runoff outputs mediated by the glacier hydrological system: analysis of the relationship between meteorology and diurnal and seasonal patterns of runoff should reflect the functioning of that system, with the role of meltwater storage likely to be of particular importance. Daily meltwater storage is determined for a glacier at 78 °N in the Svalbard archipelago, by comparing inputs calculated from a surface energy balance model with measured outputs (proglacial discharge). Solar radiation, air temperature, wind speed and proglacial discharge are then analysed by regression and time‐series methods, in order to assess the meteorology–discharge relationship and its variation at diurnal and seasonal time‐scales. The recorded discharge time‐series can be divided into two contrasting intervals: up to early August, proglacial discharge was high and variable, mean hydrographs showed little indication of diurnal cycling, ARIMA models of discharge indicated a non‐seasonal, moving‐average generating process, and there was a net loss of meltwater from storage; from early August, proglacial discharge was low and relatively invariable, but with clearer diurnal cycles, regression models of discharge showed substantially improved correlations with air temperature and solar radiation, ARIMA models indicated a non‐seasonal, autoregressive generating process, and eventually a seasonal component, and there was a net gain in meltwater storage. The transition between the two periods is brief compared with the duration of the melt season. The runoff response to meteorology therefore lacks the strongly progressive element previously identified in mid‐latitude glacierized catchments. In particular, the glacier hydrological system only appears responsive to diurnal forcing following the depletion of the seasonal snowpack meltwater store. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

卫星重力捕捉龙滩水库储水量变化   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
詹金刚  王勇 《地球物理学报》2011,54(5):1187-1192
利用近7年的Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE)重力卫星资料,采用改进的滑动窗去相关滤波和扇形滤波技术计算了红水河上游区域的重力变化,结果显示红水河上游区域重力场有明显的上升趋势.利用Global Land Data Assimilation Systems (GLDAS)土壤湿度模型计算了地表水对重力场的影响,结果表明土壤湿度变化对重力场的影响主要表现为季节变化特征, 对该地区重力上升趋势的变化并没有明显的贡献.扣除土壤湿度影响之后的剩余重力变化曲线显示,在2006年9月前后该地区剩余重力有一约2.17 μGal的重力抬升.报道资料和水库储水量模拟结果表明,这一重力抬升与我国在建第三大水电站——龙滩水电站水库蓄水有关.这一结果说明GRACE卫星不仅能够反映大尺度的季节变化信息,而且能够为监测大型水库水储量变化提供近实时的空间对地测量资料.  相似文献   

Seasonal water storage change of the Yangtze River basin detected by GRACE   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
1 Introduction Large-scale mass redistribution, or temporal varia- tion of mass within the Earth system, the driving force of interactions between solid Earth and geophysical fluids envelope (i.e., atmosphere, ocean, and hydro- sphere), is an important geophysical process critical to human life. Most of the interactions between solid Earth and the atmosphere/oceans happen at seasonal and inter-annual time scales. One important contribu- tor of mass redistribution at seasonal and inter-annual …  相似文献   

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