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Studying the influence of shale gas exploration and development on groundwater environment is the basis of guiding water environment protection in the process of shale gas exploration and development.Groundwater environmental pollution is concealed,complex and persistent.Once it is difficult to control the pollution,the current commercial shale gas development zones in Sichuan Basin that are mostly located in karst areas and highly sensitive to groundwater will be vulnerable to the impact of shale gas exploration and development.Based on the hydrogeological conditions of shale gas exploration and development area and combined with engineering analysis of exploration and development,various risk pathways that may affect the groundwater environment during process of shale gas exploration,mining well construction,mining operations and other stages were identified in this paper.Some existing risk pathways were proved by verification of typical areas and should not be ignored.Based on the actual situation of typical areas,the countermeasures of groundwater environmental protection in the process of shale gas exploration and development in karst areas were discussed.It is believed that the groundwater environment can be better protected by strengthening administration,research and application of new technologies,precise design,hydrogeological conditions,and research and feedback of groundwater environmental protection.  相似文献   

Studying the influence of shale gas exploration and development on groundwater environment is the basis of guiding water environment protection in the process of shale gas exploration and development. Groundwater environmental pollution is concealed, complex and persistent. Once it is difficult to control the pollution, the current commercial shale gas development zones in Sichuan Basin that are mostly located in karst areas and highly sensitive to groundwater will be vulnerable to the impact of shale gas exploration and development. Based on the hydrogeological conditions of shale gas exploration and development area and combined with engineering analysis of exploration and development, various risk pathways that may affect the groundwater environment during process of shale gas exploration, mining well construction, mining operations and other stages were identified in this paper. Some existing risk pathways were proved by verification of typical areas and should not be ignored. Based on the actual situation of typical areas, the countermeasures of groundwater environmental protection in the process of shale gas exploration and development in karst areas were discussed. It is believed that the ground-water environment can be better protected by strengthening administration, research and application of new technologies, precise design, hydrogeological conditions, and research and feedback of groundwater environmental protection.  相似文献   

王建坡  王传尚  吕嵘  田巍 《中国地质》2021,48(5):1499-1509
湖南上泥盆统弗拉阶佘田桥组泥页岩是重要的页岩气勘探目的层。由于区域上具有岩相分异显著、变化快的特征,佘田桥组存在多个同期地层,容易造成引用和野外识别困难,严重制约其页岩气调查工作进程。通过梳理佘田桥组及其同期地层的历史沿革,明确和圈定了它们的分布区域和使用范围。基于佘田桥组的岩石组合特征、有机碳含量的区域变化和已有调查成果,提出受陆缘碎屑输入影响较强的新化-涟源、邵东地区为页岩气有利勘探区的设想,同时认为找准台盆范围是页岩气调查发现的关键。  相似文献   

A review of the geochemistry of methane in natural gas hydrate   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The largest accumulations on Earth of natural gas are in the form of gas hydrate, found mainly offshore in outer continental margin sediment and, to a lesser extent, in polar regions commonly associated with permafrost. Measurements of hydrocarbon gas compositions and of carbon-isotopic compositions of methane from natural gas hydrate samples, collected in subaquatic settings from around the world, suggest that methane guest molecules in the water clathrate structures are mainly derived by the microbial reduction of CO2 from sedimentary organic matter. Typically, these hydrocarbon gases are composed of > 99% methane, with carbon-isotopic compositions (δ13CPDB) ranging from − 57 to − 73‰. In only two regions, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caspian Sea, has mainly thermogenic methane been found in gas hydrate. There, hydrocarbon gases have methane contents ranging from 21 to 97%, with δ13C values ranging from − 29 to − 57‰. At a few locations, where the gas hydrate contains a mixture of microbial and thermal methane, microbial methane is always dominant. Continental gas hydrate, identified in Alaska and Russia, also has hydrocarbon gases composed of > 99% methane, with carbon-isotopic compositions ranging from − 41 to − 49‰. These gas hydrate deposits also contain a mixture of microbial and thermal methane, with thermal methane likely to be dominant. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd  相似文献   

The shale gas resources in China have great potential and the geological resources of shale gas is over 100×1012m3,which includes about 20×1012m3 of recoverable resources.Organic-rich shales can be divided into three types according to their sedimentary environments,namely marine,marine-continental transitional,and continental shales,which are distributed in 13 stratigraphic systems from the Mesoproterozoic to the Cenozoic.The Sichuan Basin and its surrounding areas have the highest geological resources of shale gas,and the commercial development of shale gas has been achieved in the Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation-Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in these areas,with a shale gas production of up to 20×109m3 in 2020.China has seen rapid shale gas exploration and development over the last five years,successively achieving breakthroughs and important findings in many areas and strata.The details are as follows.(1)Large-scale development of middle-shallow shale gas(burial depth:less than 3500 m)has been realized,with the productivity having rapidly increased;(2)breakthroughs have been constantly made in the development of deep shale gas(burial depth:3500-4500 m),and the ultradeep shale gas(burial depth:greater than 4500 m)is under testing;(3)breakthroughs have been made in the development of normal-pressure shale gas,and the assessment of the shale gas in complex tectonic areas is being accelerated;(4)shale gas has been frequently discovered in new areas and new strata,exhibiting a great prospect.Based on the exploration and development practice,three aspects of consensus have been gradually reached on the research progress in the geological theories of shale gas achieved in China.(1)in terms of deep-water fine-grained sediments,organic-rich shales are the base for the formation of shale gas;(2)in terms of high-quality reservoirs,the development of micro-nano organic matter-hosted pores serves as the core of shale gas accumulation;(3)in terms of preservation conditions,weak structural transformation,a moderate degree of thermal evolution,and a high pressure coefficient are the key to shale gas enrichment.As a type of important low-carbon fossil energy,shale gas will play an increasingly important role in achieving the strategic goals of peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality.Based on the in-depth study of shale gas geological conditions and current exploration progress,three important directions for shale gas exploration in China in the next five years are put forward.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2019,2(4):541-556
In this paper, substantial domestic and foreign research results of microscopic shale reservoir space were systemically reviewed, the research history consisting of simple observation and qualitative classification, quantitative research, the combination of qualitative and quantitative research successively as well as the characteristics of each research stage were summarized. In addition, the current problems existing in the characterization methods of shale reservoir space were also analyzed. Furthermore, based on massive actual detection of typical core samples obtained from more than 50 global shale gas wells and relevant practical experience, a comprehensive characterization method of combining qualitative with the semi-quantitative characterization was put forward. In detail, the indicators of the qualitative characterization include pore combination type and organic-matter microscopic morphology type, while the core elements of the semi-quantitative characterization include the percentage of the organic-matter area and the plane porosity of the pores of different types. Based on the reference of the naming and classification of rocks, the three-end-member diagram method was used to characterize microscopic shale reservoir space. This is achieved by plotting the three end-member diagram of 3 kinds of first-order critical reservoir spaces, i.e., organic-matter pores, matrix pores, and micro-fractures, in order to intuitively present the features of the microscopic pore combination. Meanwhile, statistic histograms of organic-matter microscopic morphology type and the plane porosity of different types of pores were adopted to characterize the development degree of second-order pores quantitatively. By this comprehensive characterization method, the importance of both pore combination and the microscopic morphology of organic matter were emphasized, revealing the control of organic-matter microscopic morphology over the organic-matter pores. What is more, high-resolution FE-SEM was adopted to obtain semi-quantitative statistics results. In this way, the features of pore development and pore combination were quantified, not only reflecting the types and storage capacity of the microscopic shale reservoir space, but also presenting the hydrocarbon-generating potential of organic matter in shale. Therefore, the results of this research are capable of providing in-depth microscopic information for the assessment and exploration and development of shale gas resources.  相似文献   

中国南方海相页岩气勘探理论:回顾与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自重庆涪陵焦石坝焦页1井实现我国南方海相页岩气勘探突破后,通过解剖和探索提出了复杂构造区海相页岩气“二元富集”规律的认识。通过“十三五”科技攻关的持续深化研究,进一步阐明了深水陆棚相优质页岩是页岩气“成烃控储”的基础和保存条件是页岩气富集高产的关键的深刻内涵。该套页岩浮游藻类与浮游硅质生物共生、繁盛,硅质生物骨屑的成岩多孔性有利于藻类所生成烃类的原位滞留和后期裂解形成有机孔隙的大量发育与保存,而顶底板封堵条件与后期构造运动强弱是页岩气富集保存的关键要素,揭示了海相页岩气“源储一体,早期滞留,原位富集,晚期改造”的富集保存机理,明确了复杂构造区海相页岩气勘探的目标与方向。深层、常压和陆相页岩气将是四川盆地及周缘页岩气勘探开发的重要接替领域,“十四五”期间四川盆地页岩气勘探将有望得到更大的快速发展。  相似文献   


地层骨架孔隙中水合物的高质量形成是开展水合物实验研究的前提和物质基础,可为我国深水油气及水合物资源开发提供理论指导。依据南海GMGS2-07井水合物层地质条件,利用TOUGH+HYDRATE数值模拟软件和自主研制的水合物反应生成装置开展数值模拟和实验研究,在验证数值模拟方法准确性和可靠性的基础上,通过控制变量法分别开展不同地层导热系数和含水饱和度条件下水合物生成质量的影响研究。结果表明:(1) 数值模拟与室内实验过程中,水合物形成时温度、压力与三相物质变化趋势一致且特征值十分接近,验证了数值模拟方法的准确性和可靠性。(2) 导热系数越大,水合物生成越快,最终形成的水合物饱和度越大,分布也更加均匀。但导热系数与最终形成水合物的饱和度的正负相关性,存在临界边界。本次所选用的反应釜尺寸,临界边界距上、右边界距离为1.8 cm,临界边界内导热系数与水合物饱和度呈正相关性,临界边界外呈负相关性。临界边界随着反应釜尺寸的增大而增大,但临界边界位置不受地层渗透率的影响。(3) 随地层含水饱和度增加,最终形成的水合物饱和度先增大后减小,峰值处含水饱和度小于初始压力条件下的理论气水比。当初始压力为7.8 MPa,含水饱和度约22.23%时,所形成的水合物饱和度最大且分布最不均匀。由此可知,选用高导热系数材料制备地层骨架、使初始含水饱和度低于气水理论比以及调整初始温压条件使之偏向相平衡曲线左方有利于形成分布均匀的高饱和水合物。研究认为深水油气含水合物固井和水合物资源钻采提供依据,为水合物商业化开采提供技术储备。


据甲烷包裹体的产出特征和显微激光拉曼分析研究,近年来在川东北地区先后发现了多种类型的高密度甲烷包裹体,揭示了油气藏和石油包裹体的高温热演化作用的重要信息:普光气田三叠系碳酸盐和碎屑岩储层中含焦沥青的高密度甲烷包裹体分别反映了早期油藏阶段矿物捕获的石油包裹体经后期高温极端裂解的成因;普光5井碳酸盐储层中含H2S而不含焦沥青的高密度甲烷包裹体,反映了古油藏高温裂解阶段新生方解石捕获了储层中富含CH4也有“TSR”成因的H2S流体的信息;五科一井下志留统黑色硅质岩石英中发现的高密度甲烷包裹体和少量含轻烃包裹体,反映了本区富有机质的下志留统高演化程度的黑色页岩在地质历史中存在高压甲烷和轻烃产出的证据。以上各种高密度甲烷包裹体成因机理和形成的高温度高压力条件,为川东北地区古油藏裂解气和志留系“页岩气”的勘探评价提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Fine characterization of pore systems and heterogeneity of shale reservoirs are significant contents of shale gas reservoir physical property research.The research on micro-control factors of low productivity in the Qiongzhusi Formation(Fm.)is still controversial.The lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Fm.in the Qujing,Yunnan was taken as the object to investigate the influence of mineral compositions on the phys-ical properties of the reservoir and the heterogeneity of shale,using the algorithm to improve the char-acterization ability of Atomic Force Microscopy(AFM).The results showed that:(1)The pores are mainly wedge-shaped pores and V-shaped pores.The pore diameter of the main pore segment ranges from 5 to 10 nm.Mesopores are mainly developed in the Qiongzhusi Fm.shale in Well QD1,with the average pore diameter of 6.08 nm.(2)Microscopic pore structure and shale surface properties show strong hetero-geneity,which complicates the micro-migration of shale gas and increases the difficulty of identifying high-quality reservoirs.(3)The increase of clay mineral content intensifies the compaction and then destroys the pores.Conversely,brittle minerals can protect pores.The support and protection of brittle minerals to pores space depend on their content,mechanical properties and diagenesis.(4)Compression damage to pores,large microscopic roughness and surface fluctuations and strong pore structure heterogeneity are the reasons for the poor gas storage capacity of the Qiongzhusi Fm.,which will lead to poor productivity in the Qiongzhusi Fm.  相似文献   

中国煤层气勘探开发进展综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
叶建平 《地质通报》2006,25(9):1074-1078
综述了中国煤层气勘探开发利用现状,尤其是“十五”期间中国煤层气取得的进展。总结了中国煤层气资源勘探开发成果:基础研究和应用研究齐头并进;勘探方向更加明确;煤层气勘探开发关键技术类型多样,试验推广应用范围扩大;十大重要勘探成果初露煤层气产业化曙光。国家级沁南潘河煤层气开发示范项目、晋城寺河煤层气开发项目、沁南枣园煤层气开发试验项目、阜新煤层气开发试验项目的建成和投产,标志着中国开始进入煤层气商业化开发阶段。  相似文献   

中国煤层气勘探开发进展综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了中国煤层气勘探开发利用现状,尤其是“十五”期间中国煤层气取得的进展。总结了中国煤层气资源勘探开发成果:基础研究和应用研究齐头并进;勘探方向更加明确;煤层气勘探开发关键技术类型多样,试验推广应用范围扩大;十大重要勘探成果初露煤层气产业化曙光。国家级沁南潘河煤层气开发示范项目、晋城寺河煤层气开发项目、沁南枣园煤层气开发试验项目、阜新煤层气开发试验项目的建成和投产,标志着中国开始进入煤层气商业化开发阶段。  相似文献   

Measuring the gas content of coal: A review   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Coalbed gas content measurements are commonly used in mine safety as well as coalbed methane resource assessment and recovery applications. Gas content determination techniques generally fall into two categories: (1) direct methods which actually measure the volume of gas released from a coal sample sealed into a desorption canister and (2) indirect methods based on empirical correlations, or laboratory derived sorption isotherm gas storage capacity data. Direct gas content determination techniques may be further subdivided into quick-crushing and extended desorption methods. The quick-crushing methods are primarily used in mine safety applications outside the United States, but have also been used for resource recovery applications. Quick-crushing methods rely on crushing the coal sample soon after collection to release all the desorbable gas, thus significantly shortening the amount of time required for desorption measurements. However, some data useful for resource recovery applications are lost. Extended desorption techniques are most commonly used for resource assessment and recovery applications where information on desorption rates is useful for reservoir modeling, and for fundamental coalbed methane research. Extended desorption methods allow the gases in the coal sample to desorb under controlled laboratory conditions until a defined low desorption rate cutoff point is reached. The sample may then be crushed to measure the amount of gas remaining within the sample. Direct method techniques for gas content measurement are the focus of this paper.  相似文献   

柴西阿尔金山前经历了早期断陷、中期拗陷和晚期隆升的多期改造叠合,其中早、侏罗世断陷期发育陆相湖盆泥页岩。地堑半地堑同沉积断裂控制沉积格局,断陷湖盆长轴为北东向,在小梁山凹陷、七个泉断鼻带和铁木里克凸起构造带沉积半深湖深湖相的泥页岩夹薄层砂岩、粉砂岩。泥页岩空间展布受沉积相控制,因此呈北东向带状连续稳定分布,由阿尔金山前七个泉-红沟子-小梁山构造带向盆地内部厚度逐渐减薄,累积厚度超过300 m,有效厚度在50~70 m,是阿尔金山前中、下侏罗统工业性页岩气聚集成藏必备的物质保障。研究证实,阿尔金山前中、下侏罗统泥页岩干酪根显微组分腐泥组、镜质组、惰性组的平均含量分别为60.7%、33.1%和6.2%,依据Tissot和Welte分类标准,有机质干酪根类型以Ⅱ型为主。 对25个野外样品进行岩石热解测试,TOC含量稳定分布在1%~4%,Ro在0.8%~2.5%,泥页岩有机质含量高,处于成熟过成熟阶段,生气条件优越。与北美和四川盆地海相页岩相比,阿尔金山前中、下侏罗统陆相泥页岩的黏土矿物含量相对较高,平均含量为52.51%;含硅质脆性矿物含量相对较低,平均含量为37.42%。泥页岩中发育大量裂缝、微裂缝、粒间孔、粒内孔和有机质孔,有利于页岩气富集和吸附。泥页岩比表面积在9.13~18.14 m2/g,平均值为13.43 m2/g;孔体积在0.026 6~0.088 7 cm3/g,平均值0.065 41cm3/g,平均孔径在25.76~72.48 nm,平均值为47.87 nm。比表面积和孔径呈负相关,孔体积和孔径呈正相关;孔径越小,泥页岩的比表面积越大。TOC和Ro与泥页岩表面积呈正相关,表明随着有机质成熟生烃形成的有机质孔对比表面有重大影响,比表面越大为页岩气吸附提供的吸附位越多,储集性能优越。上覆灰泥岩、泥灰岩和膏盐岩盖层区域广泛分布,早期浅埋-中期深埋、多次排烃-晚期抬升有利于页岩气藏的保存。综合页岩气成藏实际地质参数,优选出小梁山凹陷、七个泉断鼻带、洪水沟断鼻带和铁木里克凸起4个有利区带。  相似文献   

Azraq Oasis in the eastern Jordanian desert is an important freshwater resource of the country. Shallow groundwater reserves are heavily exploited since the 1980s and in consequence the groundwater table dropped significantly. Furthermore, some wells of the major well field drilled into the shallow aquifer show an increasing mineralization over the past 20 years. A previous study using conventional tracers did not result in a satisfactory explanation, from where the salt originates and why only a few wells are affected. In this study, the application of dissolved noble gases in combination with other tracer methods reveals a complex mixing pattern leading to the very localized salinization within the well field. It is found that primarily the wells affected by salinization 1) contain distinctly more radiogenic 4He than the other wells, indicating higher groundwater age, and 2) exhibit 3He/4He ratios that argue for an imprint of deep fluids from the Earth's mantle.However, the saline middle aquifer below is virtually free of mantle helium, which infers an upstream from an even deeper source through a nearby conductive fault. The local restriction of the salinization process is explained by the wide range of permeabilities of the involved geologic units. As the wells abstract water from the whole depth profile, they initially pump water mainly from the well conductive top rock layer. As the groundwater table dropped, this layer fell progressively dry and, depending on the local conductivity profile, some wells began to incorporate more water from the deeper part of the shallow aquifer into the discharge. These are the wells affected by salinization, because according to the presented scheme the deep part of the shallow aquifer is enriched in both salt and mantle fluids.  相似文献   

四川盆地东部地区下志留统龙马溪组页岩储层特征   总被引:50,自引:1,他引:50  
四川盆地是中国西南部重要的含油气盆地,在东部和南部地区下志留统龙马溪组页岩广泛发育。在川东南、鄂西渝东地区的勘探井中志留系具有良好的气显示。研究区龙马溪组厚65~516m,底部为一套海侵沉积的富含笔石的黑色页岩,龙马溪组向上和向东砂质和钙质含量增加,演变为浅水陆棚沉积。龙马溪组主要由层状-非层状泥/页岩、白云质粉砂岩、层状钙质泥/页岩、泥质粉砂岩、层状-非层状粉砂质泥/页岩、粉-细粒砂岩、钙质结核、富含有机质非层状页岩8种岩相组成。总有机碳含量(TOC)为0.2%~6.7%。有机质以II型干酪根为主,Ro为2.4%~3.6%。页岩中石英矿物含量在2%~93%,主要呈纹层状或分散状分布,主要为陆源碎屑外源成因。龙马溪组页岩岩心孔隙度为0.58%~0.67%,渗透率为0.01×10-3μm2~0.93×10-3μm2。扫描电镜下龙马溪组页岩微孔隙度为2%左右,主要包括晶间孔和粒内孔,孔隙直径为100nm~50μm。页岩储层的形成机理主要为有利矿物组合、成岩作用和有机质热裂解作用。龙马溪组与美国Barnett页岩具有一定差异,主要表现在龙马溪组页岩埋藏较深、热演化程度较高、含气量较低、储层较致密、以陆源成因石英为主。对于评价下志留统龙马溪组页岩气勘探前景而言,今后须重点加强针对龙马溪组底部黑色硅质岩系石英成因、成熟度、埋藏史、含气量等方面的研究,以及进行详细的古地貌和古环境恢复。  相似文献   

四川盆地长芯1井下志留统龙马溪组页岩气储层特征研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
陈文玲  周文  罗平  邓虎成  李沁  单蕊  戚明辉 《岩石学报》2013,29(3):1073-1086
四川盆地东南部地区长宁构造长芯1井下志留统龙马溪组泥(页)岩,厚度约147m.该套泥(页)岩组合以纹层状泥(页)岩、纹层状含灰质泥(页)岩、纹层状粉砂质泥(页)岩为主,见钙质结核及黄铁矿条带.龙马溪组底部30m以富有机质的黑色纹层状泥(页)岩为主,其石英、长石和黄铁矿总量平均51.9%,粘土矿物含量平均24.7%,方解石和白云石含量平均23.4%,与美国典型页岩储层有相似性.总有机碳含量底部为3.9% ~6.7%,上部为1.0% ~2.1%.龙马溪组页岩岩心平均孔隙度为5.68%,平均渗透率为5.96×10-3 μm2,与孔隙度成明显正相关.扫描电镜下龙马溪组泥(页)岩微孔隙主要包括矿物晶间(溶)孔、晶间隙、晶内孔,有机质内微孔和微裂缝等.根据压汞分析,泥(页)岩孔喉中值半径最大为33nm,平均为10nm.研究表明,长芯1井龙马溪组海相页岩气储层微孔隙发育的受控因素有岩性、成岩演化程度和有机质发育特征等.富有机质泥(页)岩的物性好于粉砂质泥(页)岩和钙质泥(页)岩;成岩阶段晚期,矿物组合发生变化,蒙脱石向伊利石转变,形成新的微孔隙,增加了储层孔隙度;TOC是控制龙马溪组页岩气储层的主要内在因素,也是提供页岩气储存空间的重要物质.  相似文献   

A hydrochemical investigation was conducted in the Ejina Basin to identify the hydrochemical characteristics and the salinity of groundwater. The results indicate that groundwater in the area is brackish and are significantly zonation in salinity and water types from the recharge area to the discharge area. The ionic ration plot and saturation index (SI) calculation suggest that the silicate rock weathering and evaporation deposition are the dominant processes that determine the major ionic composition in the study area. Most of the stable isotope δ18O and δD compositions in the groundwater is a meteoric water feature, indicating that the groundwater mainly sources from meteoric water and most groundwater undergoes a long history of evaporation. Based on radioactive isotope tritium (3H) analysis, the groundwater ages were approximately estimated in different aquifers. The groundwater age ranges from less than 5 years, between 5 years and 50 years, and more than 50 years. Within 1 km of the river water influence zone, the groundwater recharges from recent Heihe river water and the groundwater age is about less than 5 years in shallow aquifer. From 1 km to 10 km of the river water influence zone, the groundwater sources from the mixture waters and the groundwater age is between 5 years and 50 years in shallow aquifer. The groundwater age is more than 50 years in deep confined aquifer.  相似文献   

中国页岩气产业近几年已取得了明显进展。上扬子区下古生界海相地层产能效果显著,四川盆地侏罗系陆相、鄂尔多斯盆地三叠系陆相地层页岩气也实现了突破,此外,在西北地区侏罗系陆相、南方中扬子区上古生界海陆过渡相、东部断陷盆地古近系陆相地层都取得了重要进展。总结了优质页岩气资源区产层涉及的地球化学和沉积特点等关键指标,根据压力系数、TOC、成熟度(Ro)、孔隙度、含气性、含气饱和度、脆性矿物含量、黑色页岩层厚度8个指标参数建立了一种图像判别方法,以快速判断地下页岩气储层是否会产气,且产气层潜力能否达到工业气流(水平井工艺下)。认识到有机纳米孔隙内的有机质具有“接力成气”形成天然气的机理,有机孔隙随有机质成熟度(Ro)先升后减,识别出Ro值在2.60%~2.80%区间为孔隙有利发育带,同时也是最佳生气窗口,该层段地层是页岩气勘探的最佳窗口。物质相态转化可为页岩气排出提供有效动力,页岩气勘探中有机孔隙最佳成熟度窗口Ro值在1.35%~3.00%区间。认识到生油岩生成的石油总量有40%~60%的液态烃滞留在源岩中,为后期裂解成气提供了丰富的物质基础。认为页岩油气的“革命”既是勘探技术的突破,也是开采技术的革命,能提高储气层泄气面积的水平井段多级规模压裂是提高产能的关键,这些都延伸和推广了传统石油地质学理论的内涵和外延,拓展了油气勘探领域的发展潜力。分析了我国页岩气产区部分气井的初期产能和开采潜力特征,认为中国虽在海相地层获得了部分区块的商业性开发,但大部分区域仍待开发中准确评估,页岩气资源开发的关键技术还需提升。对中国部分页岩气产区经济效益情况进行了概要推断分析,认为中国页岩气只在个别地区获得了有价值的商业气流,总体上还处于开发起步阶段,要达到大规模商业开采尚需时日。  相似文献   

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