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Two new Early Cretaceous fossil rove beetle species, Paleosiagonium brevelytratum n. gen. n. sp. and Paleosiagonium adaequatum n. gen. n. sp. are described from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liaoning Province, China. They are clearly placed in the extant Piestinae according to the following characters: body elongate and flat; anterior coxae small and globose; abdomen long and parallel-sided, with six visible sterna and one pair of paratergites on segments III–VII. This is the first report on the occurrence of the coleopteran subfamily Piestinae in the fossil record. The new discoveries indicate that Piestinae have originated at least by the Early Cretaceous, at about 125–120 Ma.  相似文献   

Specimens of the Venicoridae (Heteroptera) occur in the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation in northeastern China. We describe a new genus and two new species Halonatusivena shii gen. et sp. nov. and Halonatusivena nervosus sp. nov. from this formation. The veins of the membrane are distinctive; the edges of veins are not simple but resemble an irregular stain, with a reduced vasiform structure previously unknown in the Heteroptera. Remarkably, the antennae of one of the specimens of Halonatusivena shii exhibit morphological abnormality. An identification key for the known species of the Venicoridae is provided.  相似文献   

A new genus and species Platycteniopus diversoculatus is described from the Lower Cretaceous (Yixian Formation, Laoning, China). The new genus belongs to the tribe Cteniopodini as shown by six visible abdominal ventrites (ventrite 6 is sternite VIII), in comparison with other Alleculinae which have five abdominal ventrites; epistomal canthus of eyes not emarginate; anterior margin of first abdominal ventrite not bordered. On the other hand, Platycteniopus diversoculatus has some characters not typical for Cteniopodini: bifid mandibles and serrate antennae. The oldest representative of the tribe has combination of characters of tribes Alleculini and Cteniopodini. Recent representatives of Cteniopodini are associated with flowers of angiosperms, while other groups of Alleculinae, especially Gonoderini and Alleculini are mainly saprophagous and lichenophagous. Age of Platycteniopus finding coincides with the beginning of the angiosperms heyday.  相似文献   

Ptisma zasukhae gen et sp. nov. is described from the Lower Cretaceous Lebanese amber and attributed to a new family Ptismidae fam. nov. with unclear position within the infraorder Staphylinoformia, hypothetically in the superfamily Staphylinoidea. This species is characterized by the rather small body size (0.59 mm) and structural similarities with different staphylinoid groups. The particular development of the legs of the new taxa shows some similarities with those of small and medium-sized jumping beetles from the superfamilies Scirtoidea, Buprestoidea, Tenebrionoidea, Chrysomeloidea and Curculionoidea. However, jumping beetles of these groups have strong femora and tibiae with large spurs and thick apical setae only on the posterior legs while P. zasukhae sp. nov. demonstrates such features on both mid and posterior legs. Another particularity of P. zasukhae sp. nov. is the unusual large femoral plate of metacoxae extending behind the suture between ventrites 2 and 3. Strong development of these structures are rare among Coleoptera and occurs in different taxonomic groups without close relationship. The studies were carried out with the usage of usual conventional light microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy.  相似文献   

Leptotarsus (sensu lato) lukashevichae sp. nov. is described and illustrated, based on a single but very well preserved female specimen from the Crato Formation of Brazil (Aptian, ca. 112 Ma). Along with other Leptotarsus species recently described from Lower Cretaceous beds of Brazil, Spain, Russia and China, this new species is among the oldest known records of the genus Leptotarsus and the family Tipulidae.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of Scoliidae (Hymenoptera), Sinoproscolia yangshuwanziensis gen. et sp. nov., is described from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation in Inner Mongolia, China and attributed to the subfamily Proscoliinae. Some characteristics, including complete crossveins 1r-rs and 2r-m in the forewing, and a free section present in almost all longitudinal veins indicate a basal position of the new genus in Proscoliinae. The presence of vein 2A suggests its atavistic origin in Sinoproscolia gen. nov. rather than a true plesiomorphy.  相似文献   

A new genus Barbderma gen. nov. with a new species, Barbderma oblonguata sp. nov., and a new species, Sinoprotodiplatys ellipsoideuata sp. nov., of the family Protodiplatyidae are described from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation at the Huangbanjigou Village, Beipiao City, Liaoning Province, China. Both new species are assigned to Protodiplatyidae mainly based on their diagnostic characters of antenna, pronotum, tegmina, tarsi and the distinct long, slender, multi-segmented cerci. These findings of fossil Protodiplatyidae provide more evidence to confirm the existence of these basal earwigs in the Early Cretaceous. Key diagnostic characters for genera of Protodiplatyidae are compared to highlight the generic variations and similarities. Evolutionary trend of cerci morphology suggests that it is likely that the cerci were evolved from long, slender and segmented to the stout terminal forceps without segmentation.  相似文献   

Two new genera and two new species of fossil Throscidae: Potergosoma gratiosa gen. et sp. nov. and Rhomboaspis laticollis gen. et sp. nov. are described from the Lower Cretaceous Lebanese amber and are compared with extant and extinct genera. The described amber inclusions are the oldest known representatives of the family Throscidae. Some hypotheses on the phylogeny of the family Throscidae and the position of it in the superfamily Elateroidea are discussed.  相似文献   

The byrrhid subfamily Lidryopinae subfam. nov. is proposed for Lidryops occultus gen. et sp. nov. described from Lower Cretaceous “opaque” amber originated from Archingeay-Les Nouillers, Charente-Maritime, southwest France which was studied using propagation phase contrast X-ray synchrotron microtomography at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Grenoble). This byrrhid subfamily differs from members of the closely related groups (Chelonariidae, Limnichidae, Dryopidae, Elmidae, Lutrochidae) in the set of characters including the moderately convex dorsum, the subpectinate antennae, the five-segmented tarsi with strongly lobed tarsomeres 1–4, subsecuriform ultimate maxillary and labial palpomeres. An assumption on probable lifestyle of Lidryops occultus gen. et sp. nov. is proposed on the basis of structural peculiarities. A short review of the byrrhid fossil record and its analysis are made.  相似文献   

A new fossil soldier beetle Myamalycocerus vitalii gen. et sp. nov., is described and illustrated from an inclusion in Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber (Myanmar). It differs from all extant genera that have elytra adorned with small striae by possessing raised punctation, very probably an ancient character as it is absent among current species. It differs from the fossil Ornatomalthinus Poinar et Fanti, by the long elytra and relief points which are less raised and more numerous. This new genus appears vaguely related (not necessarily phylogenetically) to the current genus Lycocerus Gorham.  相似文献   

Seven specimens of fossil scorpionflies (Mecoptera) not assignable to any known family were discovered in the Wealden Supergroup (Lower Cretaceous) of southern England. They were found at Rudgwick Brickworks, West Sussex and Smokejacks Brickworks, Surrey and came from the Upper Weald Clay Formation, dated as Barremian (∼129.4–125 Ma). A new family – Englathaumatidae fam. nov., new genus – Englathauma gen. nov. and two new species E. crabbi sp. nov. and E. mellishae sp. nov. are described. A discussion of systematic position of these new taxa within the order Mecoptera is given. Englathaumatidae fam. nov. has been a nomen nudum since the year 2002, due to the first author's untimely death.  相似文献   

Two new genera from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Beipiao City, Liaoning Province, northeastern China are described and illustrated. Paracretocateres gen. nov. (type species P. bellus, sp. nov.) and Yixianteres gen. nov. (type species Y. beipiaoensis sp. nov.) are assigned to the subfamily Lophocaterinae based on the state of the procoxae which are not projecting, the transverse procoxal cavities, and the exposed protochantins. The new taxa broaden the diversity of this family and provide further morphological characters for phylogenetic studies of Trogossitidae. They also provide evidence that lophocaterines well-diversified prior to the trogossitines and their biologies may have been similar to extant forms.  相似文献   

A new species, Shoushida infera sp. nov. and a new genus with a new species, Stelepelecinus longus gen. et sp. nov., both in Pelecinidae, are described and illustrated. All specimens were collected from the Lower Cretaceous of Yixian Formation, Jehol Biota at Huangbanjigou, Beipiao City, western Liaoning Province, China. The forewing of Shoushida infera sp. nov. has a rudimentary “X” pattern, formed by veins of Rs, Rs1, Rs2 and 2r-rs, which is similar to but slightly different from that of Shoushida regilla Liu, Shih et Ren, 2009. Consistent with the phylogeny of Pelecinidae reported by Shih et al., 2010, this new species and S. regilla represent a transition between basal and crown pelecinids and the rudimentary “X” pattern evolved later to a more developed and robust “X” pattern in more derived pelecinids. In addition, the long petiole of the basalmost segment of metasoma, present in the male Stelepelecinus longus gen. et sp. nov., is documented for the first time, suggesting a likely Early Cretaceous origination of metasomal evolution leading to the thin and long petiole structure in the extant male Pelecinus thoracicus. We proposed two probable pathways of the transformation of the pelecinid male metasoma from the most plesiomorphic state to the more apomorphic states.  相似文献   

Four new genera and five new species of Archegocimicidae are described from the Lower Cretaceous of England: namely Mortalia martini gen. et sp. nov., Tyrion lannister gen. et sp. nov., T. cersei sp. nov., Stannis baratheon gen et sp. nov., Daenerys khaleesi gen. et sp. nov. A transitional position of the complex between Asian Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous entomofaunas is indicated by this new material.  相似文献   

A new weevil, Oxycorynoides bucklowae sp. nov. is described from the lower Barremian Upper Weald Clay Formation of south Surrey, UK. The new species differs from other species of the nominative subgenus in the large body size; large, elongate eyes; and distinctly curved rostrum. It approaches but is also distinguished from the Berriasian-Hauterivian Oxycorynoides mongolicus Zherikhin, 1986 and O. gurvanensis Legalov, 2010 from Mongolia by the long metaventrite from the former species, and by the short rostrum from the latter.  相似文献   

Diverse new material of mantises found in the Cretaceous amber-bearing deposits from Lebanon (Barremian), Spain (Albian), and Myanmar (Albian–Cenomanian) are described and figured. The Lebanese and Spanish forms are nymphs; while the one from Myanmar is an adult specimen. The Lebanese nymph corresponds to a new specimen of Burmantis lebanensis Grimaldi, 2003 while the adult Burmese (Myanmar) specimen belongs to the new species Burmantis zherikhini. The Spanish specimen represents a new genus and species and is established as Aragonimantis aenigma, but is considered family incertae sedis. The Spanish specimen is the first record of Mesozoic mantises from western-European amber deposits. A revised phylogenetic hypothesis for Cretaceous mantises is proposed.  相似文献   

Two new genera with two new species in Berothidae, Maculaberotha nervosa gen. et sp. nov. and Magniberotha recurrens gen. et sp. nov., are described from Upper Cretaceous Myanmar (Burmese) amber. Based on the new specimens of the same species, we propose some venational characters as intraspecific variations, e.g., the markings on the wings and crossveins in the radial sector. We also study and compare the female genital sclerites from three genera of Haploberotha, Dasyberotha, and Jersiberotha to highlight the importance of using these characters preserved in amber for taxonomic and phylogenetic studies. Furthermore, an updated key to the berothid genera of Myanmar amber is provided.  相似文献   

Rapid radiation of the Bittacidae during the Jurassic resulted in high diversity within this family of Mecoptera. More than 40 species within 23 genera have been described from this period. However, around the end of the Jurassic the abundance and diversity of Bittacidae decreased and only seven species in five genera are known to date from the Cretaceous. A new specimen from the basal Cretaceous of England, Tytthobittacus jarzembowski sp. nov., described here, represents the eighth species and the second fossil representative of this family from the European Cretaceous. This hangingfly belongs to an extant and relictual genus previously known only from Australia. The paper also includes a review of all known Cretaceous bittacids and a re-examination of European species Antiquanabittacus nanus Petrulevičius and Jarzembowski, 2004.  相似文献   

Chrysoraphidia relicta gen. et sp. nov. is described from the Early Cretaceous (Barremian) of the Yixian Formation, Liaoning Province, China. Its venation is characterized by a mixture of character states that occur mainly in the Neuroptera and Raphidioptera. The assignment of Chrysoraphidia gen. nov. to Raphidioptera is supported by the presence of its distinct pterostigma and the configuration of the wing vein ‘subcosta anterior’. It is interpreted as the first record of a group of basal snakeflies (Priscaenigmatomorpha) from the Cretaceous of Asia, hitherto known only from the Early Jurassic of Europe.  相似文献   

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