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音响驯化技术被广泛应用于海洋牧场及淡水水域对鱼类行为的控制,但在采用何种频率和波形声音方面的研究积累尚少。试验室条件下,利用400 Hz矩形波连续音对鲤、草鱼进行了音响驯化试验。结果表明,鲤、草鱼的反应时间和聚集时间均逐日减少。平均反应时间分别为25.4 s和34.6 s,平均聚集时间分别为48.9 s和56.9 s;聚集率则逐日增加.驯化5 d后,鲤、草鱼的聚集率均达到100%,平均聚集率分别为89.7%和94.1%。由此可见.400 Hz矩形波连续音对鲤、草鱼均有明显的驯化作用。  相似文献   

音响驯化技术是控制鱼群和提高放流回捕率的有效方法。目前,对海水鱼类进行音响驯化时关于音响驯化时段选择的研究积累尚少。本试验研究了在7:20、10:20、13:20、16:20和19:20 5个不同驯化时段水平下,许氏平鲉幼鱼在430Hz正弦波连续音刺激下的行为反应,分别探究了在不考虑非音频刺激因素和减轻(甚至避免)非音频刺激因素对音响驯化效果干扰的前提下,许氏平鲉幼鱼的优势音响驯化时段。结果表明,无论考虑非音频刺激因素对音响驯化效果的影响与否,7:20时段都是许氏平鲉幼鱼的优势音响驯化时段。  相似文献   

正弦波交替音对黑鲷音响驯化的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
音响驯化作为一种控制鱼群行为的技术,在海洋牧场开发中的应用前景广阔。在室内控温和投饵条件下,用300 Hz和400 Hz正弦波交替音对黑鲷(Sparus macrocephalus)进行音响驯化实验。结果表明,黑鲷对交替音的驯化效果经历了适应期、变化期和维稳期3个阶段;黑鲷的反应时间逐日缩短并逐渐接近对照组,第1~4天黑鲷的反应时间显著高于对照组(P<0.01),第5天开始对刺激产生正反馈,第10天低于对照组并出现实验期最小反应时间;聚集率则逐日增加并从第5天开始显著高于对照组 (P<0.01),第7天后聚集率稳定在100%;驯化后的黑鲷在饥饿状态下对音响刺激的兴奋度比饱食后相对更高。由此可见,300 Hz和400 Hz正弦波交替音对黑鲷的反应和聚集具有明显的效果,交替音可作为黑鲷音响驯化的一种有效手段,结合投饵可以在控制鱼类行为中发挥出更大作用。  相似文献   

生物絮团技术在对虾养殖中的应用及展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
<正>对虾海水养殖业是中国乃至世界水产养殖业中的重要组成部分,来自世界粮农组织的统计数据显示,对虾海水养殖业在未来数年中仍将保持一个较高的增长速度[1]。随着人们对对虾产品需求量的进一步增加,中国作为世界上最大的对虾生产国以及出口国,对虾海水养殖规模在近年来也稳步扩大,这就使得对虾海水养殖与土地资源、水资源以及周围环境之间的矛盾日益突出。此外,自20世纪90年代暴发的对虾白斑病开始,多种病原和病因引起的虾病一直困扰着广大水产从业者,因此寻找一种新的  相似文献   

分子生物学技术在水产养殖动物病原快速检测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贺电  吴后波 《海洋科学》2007,31(3):76-81
在动植物病原体的检测中,方法学历经了生物培养、显微镜观察、生化检测、免疫学到分子生物学几个阶段的变更,朝着更特异、更快速、更便捷、更安全、集成化、微量化、定量化、费用低廉化的方向发展。传统病原检测主要依据致病病原体在介质或细胞中的培养、分析病原体表型或血清型特征,或采用组织学检测病原体对宿主器官的影响[1]。这类方法耗时、特异性和灵敏度低,远远不能满足日常快速检测工作的需要。免疫学方法可以在一定程度上缩短检验时间,就灵敏度而言,酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)要高于免疫荧光、反向免疫凝胶电泳和免疫扩散,是最常用的免疫学检测病原体方法[2]。  相似文献   

贝藻混养技术是一种极有发展前途的养殖方式 ,对改善目前我国海水养殖中存在的水质污染严重、养殖品种生长缓慢等问题 ,具有十分积极的作用。从几十年来我国海水养殖中贝藻混养技术的发展、应用及研究现状等几个方面 ,综合论述了这一技术的优点和发展动态 ,为我国海水养殖业的进一步健康发展提供参考  相似文献   

为建立来源于锦鲤的细胞系,本文采用组织块法,对来源于锦鲤(Cyprinus carpio)鳍条、吻端、肌肉、心脏、鳔、肠道、卵巢等组织的细胞进行原代培养和传代培养.在25℃下,添加20%胎牛血清、0.2μg/mL表皮生长因子(EGF)和25ng/mL成纤维生长因子(FGF)的L-15培养基中进行培养.结果显示,鳍条、心脏、鳔、吻端、肌肉、肠道、卵巢分别在原代培养第3、6、12、13、15、3、3天,有细胞从组织块迁出;对长至单层的鳍条、心脏、肌肉细胞进行传代培养,鳍条细胞已传至第39代,心脏和肌肉细胞分别传到第2代和第4代;鳍条、心脏和肌肉细胞分别呈现上皮细胞样、上皮细胞样和上皮细胞样与成纤维状混合型.第6代锦鲤鳍细胞的染色体计数,结果显示,细胞染色体数目分布范围为55~154条,2n=100.病毒敏感性实验,发现锦鲤鳍条细胞对草鱼出血病病毒(GCRV)和鲤春病毒血症病毒(SVCV)都敏感,且在24h内出现细胞病变(CPE);但对斑点叉尾鮰病毒(CCV)不敏感.锦鲤鳍条细胞系的建立为后期建立更多的锦鲤细胞系和鱼类病毒研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Based on the Burgers equation and Manley?Rowe equation, the derivation about nonlinear interaction of the acoustic waves has been done in this paper. After nonlinear interaction among the low-frequency weak waves and the pump wave, the analytical solutions of acoustic waves’ amplitude in the field are deduced. The relationship between normalized energy of high-frequency and the change of acoustic energy before and after the nonlinear interaction of the acoustic waves is analyzed. The experimental results about the changes of the acoustic energy are presented. The study shows that new frequencies are generated and the energies of the low-frequency are modulated in a long term by the pump waves, which leads the energies of the low-frequency acoustic waves to change in the pulse trend in the process of the nonlinear interaction of the acoustic waves. The increase and decrease of the energies of the low-frequency are observed under certain typical conditions, which lays a foundation for practical engineering applications.  相似文献   

海洋声场环境研究需要对不同深度的海洋声学环境要素进行同步测量,而感应耦合数据传输技术可实现多个单通道水声测量仪之间的同步采集和记录。文中阐述了感应耦合数据传输技术的特点及其在海洋声学环境同步测量中的应用,介绍了一种利用感应耦合数据传输技术实现数据同步测量的声学浮标系统,详细描述了系统的方案设计、结构组成及感应耦合部分的关键技术。实验水池测试表明,该系统工作稳定可靠,数据同步性好,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

海洋中声速起伏导致水声信道发生变化,进而引起声线到达结构的变化,对水声传播及定位精度产生一定影响。为讨论这一效应,基于TDOA体制建立了考虑声线弯曲的水下目标无源定位模型,分析了声速起伏对水下声传播路径及传播时间的影响,进而研究了声速起伏对水下无源定位测量精度影响程度。结果表明:当水平传播距离较大时,声速剖面起伏对声传播路径及传播时间的影响更为显著;以典型四元阵为例,若基线长度为20 km,接收阵位于水下5 km处,在不考虑其它随机误差影响下,海洋声速起伏造成的声源定位误差量级在0.5 m以内。分析结果有助于更好地利用环境特征优化无源定位测量方案,可为高精度水下无源定位系统设计及精度评估提供依据。  相似文献   

利用瓯江口南部海域气枪单道地震剖面资料和第四纪钻孔1的岩芯资料,对研究区第四纪地层结构进行了划分。将根据地震剖面划分的6个声学地层单元(SU1-SU6)与钻孔1岩芯划分的沉积地层单元对比,发现二者具有很好的对应关系。其中,SU1和SU3单元分别为MIS 1、MIS 3形成的海相沉积,SU2和SU4单元分别对应MIS 2、MIS 4期陆相河流或河湖相沉积地层,SU5单元对应MIS 5河流-海相沉积地层,SU6单元则对应MIS 6期及更早的陆相河湖相沉积。对研究区第四纪地层格架的建立和沉积层序分析可为东海第四纪地质和古环境演化研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Abstract. The feeding and resting patterns of Littorina angulifera, the southern periwinkle, were observed in mangrove habitats of Belize (Central America). The snails feed predominantly on the surface of prop roots of Rhizophora mangle in a narrow zone at and above the mean high water mark. This area contains large numbers of hyphae and chlamydospores of an unidentified marine fungus (Deuteromycetes) and filaments of a chlorophyte (Chlorochytrium sp.). Both organisms are ingested by snails whose digestive tracts and fecal pellets contain ground-up cork cells, tricho-sclereids, tracheids, calcium oxalate crystals, fungal hyphae and chlamydospores, as well as undigested cyanobacteria. Most fungal particles pass through the gut unchanged. During dry periods, L. angulifera is in a dormant state, usually attached with dried mucus to leaves high in the tree, causing necrotic, crescent-shaped marks. The leaf tissue under the area of shell attachment becomes meristematic, separating dead tissues from healthy mesophyll. The snails detach during rainfall and move downward to the feeding sites on the prop roots.  相似文献   

声相关海流剖面(ACCP)测量的流速估值方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
声相关海流剖面(ACCP)测量技术对水体回波信号进行空间相关处理来估计流速值,与声学多普勒海流剖面仪(ADCP)相比ACCP的工作频工,更适合深海测流应用,ACCP测量系统对回波信号进行时空相关处理,根据相关函数的位置来估计被测水团的流速值,ACCP从信号中提取流速值要运用参数估计技术,本文介绍了采用极大似然法和最小二乘法进行流速参数的处理方法,给出一些典型流速情形的数值计算结果。  相似文献   

The mudrock log-derived compaction curve is a significant tool for investigating the primary migration of hydrocarbon, predicting fluid overpressure, estimating formation erosion thicknesses and restoring the buried history and paleo-structure of a basin. However, the presence of kerogen in organic-rich shales can create typically high logging values of the acoustic transit time. Thus, the abnormally high values of the acoustic transit time for organic-rich rocks may not truly reflect the porosity variations of subsurface rocks, leading to great uncertainties in the understanding of the mudstone compaction and a certain amount of error in the abnormal fluid pressure estimation when using the mudrock log-derived compaction curve. Therefore, it is necessary to recalibrate the mudstone compaction curve by eliminating the increment of the acoustic transit time caused by the kerogen content of organic-rich mudstones. Taking the southwest Ordos Basin as an example, this paper presents a new equivalent volume model based on the composition of organic-rich shale in which the kerogen content is also considered. Based on the quantitative relationship between the rock composition and the acoustic transit time, a quantitative formula for calculating the acoustic transit time increment caused by the kerogen is derived. This formula shows that the increment depends not only on the organic content but also on the occurrence state, pore size, pore fluid composition and other factors. X-ray diffraction (XRD) data were used to determine the main mineral composition of the mudstone and to calculate the acoustic transit time of the rock skeleton. Then, the mudstone compaction curve in the Zhenjing area was calibrated by combining the measured porosity and total organic carbon (TOC) of the mudstone based on the correction formula. The compaction characteristics varied significantly between before and after the calibration. The slope of the normal compaction trend (NCT) line decreased by 30–55%, and the acoustic transit time deviation from the NCT in the undercompaction interval decreased significantly. The overpressure at the maximum burial depth estimated by the equivalent depth method is in better agreement with the results obtained by numerical simulation after the calibration, and the porosity determined from the well log after the calibration is also closer to the true measured value. The method proposed in this paper is of great significance for improving the reliability and accuracy of compaction research on organic-rich mudstones, especially for the accurate estimation of abnormal pressure in the source rock layer. Additionally, it can be used as an effective reference for mudstone compaction studies in similar geological settings areas or basins.  相似文献   

基于埕岛油田的油藏特征及海上条件限制,依据PI决策理论,选用酚醛树脂交联体系冻胶,高黏的聚合物乳液为过顶替液,通过分轮次注入对4口井进行了深部堵水调剖。堵水调剖后,油藏水驱效果明显改善。通过对堵水调剖效果的分析研究,对深度调剖技术实施过程中堵剂的用量、冻胶凝固时间及施工轮次进行了总结和探索,对其他海上油田开展堵水调剖具有指导意义。  相似文献   

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