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汶川地震中绵阳市梓潼县水库土坝震害调查与分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
5·12汶川特大地震对绵阳市梓潼县170座水库造成了不同程度的破坏和严重的经济损失.依据绵阳市梓潼县水库地震灾害的现场科学考察资料,对绵阳市梓潼县48座高危以上险情水库土坝的震损情况做了初步总结和分析.典型震害现象包括裂缝、渗漏以及泄水建筑物和附属设施的损毁等;以梓潼县3座典型震损水库土坝为例,总结了震损水库的特点和经验教训,给出了一些建设性结论. 相似文献
The utilization of sediment in reservoirs as resources is an efficient way to reduce reservoir sedi-mentation and turn disadvantage into benefit. Based on economic, social and ecological functions of sediment resources, this paper puts forward a two-layer, three-dimensional evaluation index system. It also establishes six direct and indirect indicators with their formulas to calculate the comprehensive benefits of sediment utilization in the Xixiayuan reservoir of the Yellow River with a volume of 2000 m3. The results show that social benefits would be more prominent, with the ecological benefits coming second. This demonstrates that the indirect public value of utilizing the sediment resources in the Yellow River Basin can be far greater than its direct economic value. 相似文献
The current study utilizes a range of diagenetic fingerprints to differentiate between sandstone facies deposited in the Nile Delta before and during the Messinian salinity crisis(MSC),which is normally a challenging task considering the complex bio-and lithostratigraphic subdivisions of Messinian rock units.Subaerial exposure of the pre-MSC(Qawasim deltaic sandstone),during drawdown of the Medi-terranean Sea at the time of the MSC,triggered pervasive dissolution of unstable rock fragments,kao-linization of feldspar,and meteoric dolomitization of carbonate.This was followed by mesogenetic calcite cementation and kaolinite transformation into dickite in deeply buried Qawasim sandstone.Compara-tively,the Abu Madi estuarine facies,deposited during transgression after drawdown related to the MSC,is characterized by eogenetic iron(Fe)-calcite,glauconite,and pyrite(averages of 14.5%,6%,and 2%,respectively).This facies transition is marked by abundance of mature glauconite(with potassium oxide(K2O)at about 8%)whose content abates upward from the transgression surface.Moreover,the compositional variability of the Abu Madi sandstone gave rise to multiple diagenetic trajectories that resulted in chlorite formation presumably following smectite and kaolinite.Listed diagenetic variations in the studied Messinian sandstone resulted from a complex interplay between rocks'compositional,depositional,and burial attributes,ultimately serving as a basis for high-resolution stratigraphic corre-lation in continental and marginal marine settings with poor biostratigraphic controls. 相似文献
The transformation of natural tidal sea-level and currents is studied resulting from large-scale tidal power plant (TPP) dams in bays of the Sea of Okhotsk (SO). Some effects due to this transformation are estimated based on predictive modelling and a number of expected changes in amplitudes and phases, and spectral composition of tidal oscillations are described. Changes of morphometric properties of basins change the character of tidal motions even on significant distance from a dam. That is why, it is impossible to estimate this impact as usual boundary-value problems. The problem is solved based on “impedance” conditions on the open boundary of the model area, allowing to take into account the radiation of the additional perturbations induced by both waves reflected from the dam and nonlinear effects inside the area. In general, the transformation effects are proportional to the dam size and depend essentially on the dam location, the creation of which can change dissipative and resonance properties of the bays. The changes in tidal energetics of SO due to the dam construction are also considered to show noticeable reconstruction of horizontal energy fluxes and changes in the energy dissipation. Possible environmental consequences are related mainly to the transformation of tidal currents. 相似文献
The porosity origin of dolostone reservoirs in the Tarim,Sichuan and Ordos basins and its implication to reservoir prediction 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
WenZhi Zhao AnJiang Shen JianFeng Zheng ZhanFeng Qiao XiaoFang Wang JunMing Lu 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2014,57(10):2498-2511
Origin of dolostone remained a controversial subject, although numerous dolomitization models had been proposed to date. Because of the dolomitization’s potential to be hydrocarbon reservoirs, one debatable issue was the role of dolomitization in porosity construction or destruction. Based upon case studies of dolostone reservoirs in various geological settings such as evaporative tidal flat (Ordos Basin, NW China), evaporative platform (Sichuan Basin, SW China), and burial and hydrothermal diagenesis (Tarim Basin, NW China), here we systematically discuss the origin of porosity in dolostone reservoirs. Contrary to traditional concepts, which regarded dolomitization as a significant mechanism for porosity creation, we found two dominant factors controlling reservoir development in dolostones, i.e., porosity inherited from precursor carbonates and porosity resulted from post-dolomitization dissolution. Actually, dolomitization rarely had a notable effect on porosity creation but rather in many cases destroyed pre-existing porosity such as saddle dolostone precipitation in vugs and fractures. Porosity in dolostones associated with evaporative tidal flat or evaporative platform was generally created by subaerial dissolution of evaporites and/or undolomitized components. Porosity in burial dolostones was inherited mostly from precursor carbonates, which could be enlarged due to subsequent dissolution. Intercrystalline porosity in hydrothermal dolostones was either formed during dolo- mitization or inherited from precursor carbonates, whereas dissolution-enlarged intercrystalline pores and/or vugs were usually interpreted to be the result of hydrothermal alteration. These understandings on dolostone porosity shed light on reservoir prediction. Dolostone reservoirs associated with evaporative tidal flat were laterally distributed as banded or quasi-stratified shapes in evaporite-bearing dolostones, and vertically presented as multi-interval patterns on tops of shallowing-upward cycles. Dolostone reservoirs associated with evaporative platform commonly occurred along epiplatforms or beneath evaporite beds, and vertically presented as multi-interval patterns in dolostones and/or evaporite-bearing dolostones of reef/shoal facies. Constrained by primary sedimentary facies, burial dolostone reservoirs were distributed in dolomitized, porous sediments of reef/shoal facies, and occurred vertically as multi-interval patterns in crystalline dolostones on tops of shallowing-upward cycles. Hydrothermal dolomitization was obviously controlled by conduits (e.g., faults, unconformities), along which lenticular reservoirs could develop. 相似文献
华北地区强震前兆空间动态场中短期综合预报研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过80多种测震学指标的筛选和多种稳定性试验,探索以一种新的指标筛选法-“对比筛选法”选取地震学单参数,在此基础上提取地震学综合预报指标P值。由此,发展了一种新的测震学的定量综合预报方法SQIP。同时研究了非测震学前兆综合指标PP值的确定和应用效果检验及其空间扫描的动态显示,尝试了震兆指标和前兆指标联合应用于地震预报的研究。以动态的思维逻辑不断追踪地震活动的异常行为,判定地震在中短期的危险地点。就 相似文献
This study presents a novel mathematical model for analysis of non-axisymmetrical solute transport in a radially convergent flow field with scale-dependent dispersion. A two-dimensional, scale-dependent advection–dispersion equation in cylindrical coordinates is derived based on assuming that the longitudinal and transverse dispersivities increase linearly with the distance of the solute transported from its injected source. The Laplace transform finite difference technique is applied to solve the two-dimensional, scale-dependent advection–dispersion equation with variable-dependent coefficients. Concentration contours for different times, breakthrough curves of average concentration over concentric circles with a fixed radial distance, and breakthrough curves of concentration at a fixed observation point obtained using the scale-dependent dispersivity model are compared with those from the constant dispersivity model. The salient features of scale-dependent dispersion are illustrated during the non-axisymmetrical transport from the injection well into extraction well in a convergent flow field. Numerical tests show that the scale-dependent dispersivity model predicts smaller spreading than the constant-dispersivity model near the source. The results also show that the constant dispersivity model can produce breakthrough curves of averaged concentration over concentric circles with the same shape as those from the proposed scale-dependent dispersivity model at observation point near the extraction well. Far from the extracting well, the two models predict concentration contours with significantly different shapes. The breakthrough curves at observation point near the injection well from constant dispersivity model always produce lesser overall transverse dispersion than those from scale-dependent dispersivity model. Erroneous dimensionless transverse/longitudinal dispersivity ratio may result from parametric techniques which assume a constant dispersivity if the dispersion process is characterized by a distance-dependent dispersivity relationship. A curve-fitting method with an example is proposed to evaluate longitudinal and transverse scale-proportional factors of a field with scale-dependent dispersion. 相似文献
"长江三峡水库诱发地震监测研究"项目成果介绍 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
本文详细介绍了“长江三峡水库诱发地震监测研究”项目的立项背景、目标、所开展的主要工作、取得的成果、研究成果的社会效益和对该领域研究未来工作的展望。 相似文献
南海重磁异常特征及火成岩分布(英文) 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
南海火成岩油气藏具有广阔的勘探前景,综合利用地球物理方法圈划与识别火成岩体、研究火成岩分布是火成岩油气藏研究的基础。针对南海重磁场特征,采用低纬度、变倾角化极技术进行了磁异常化极处理,利用优选延拓方法实现重磁异常分离并提取南海海域浅部火成岩重磁异常信息,利用磁异常三维相关成像给出南海火成岩的三维空间等效分布,在重磁梯度突出局部异常边界信息的基础上,通过梯度加权的重磁相关分析勾画不同类型火成岩的平面展布,火成岩的分布特征显示出受地壳深部结构及断裂构造的控制与影响。 相似文献
Richarde Marques da Silva Celso Augusto Guimares Santos José Yure Gomes dos Santos 《国际泥沙研究》2018,33(2):117-125
This paper quantifies the runoff and sediment yield for four different land covers in a semiarid region of Brazil. The WESP model, a distributed, event-oriented runoff-erosion model, was applied and its physical parameters, Ns and KR, were adjusted based on observed runoff and sediment yield data using simulated rainfall with an average intensity of 53 mm h-1. The sediment yield obtained was 53.02 kg ha-1 (caatinga vegetation), 231.96 kg ha-1 (bare soil), 309.75 kg ha-1 (beans), and 847.38 kg ha-1(corn). The results showed that caatinga cover yields the lowest erosion and runoff when compared to the other treatments. The results also show that the sediment yield and runoff values simulated with Ns, KI, and KR parameters were well calibrated, within acceptable deviations. The caatinga vegetation was more effective in protecting the soil, when compared to the other types of coverage. The beans and corn covers had the highest values of runoff and sediment yield, even higher than those observed for bare soil. 相似文献
汶川地震中梁式桥的震害和预防震害的新方法 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
黄勇 《地震工程与工程振动》2008,28(5)
本文基于地震现场考察资料介绍了汶川地震中梁式桥的一些典型震害实例,分析震害原因及其发生规律,并探讨强烈地震作用下防震害的新方法。新方法是以适当的构造方式改变地震能量的传输,减少桥面系与墩台的相对位移,保证下部结构的安全,从而达到防止震害的目的。 相似文献
The joint probability method (JPM) to estimate the probability of extreme sea levels (Pugh and Vassie, Extreme sea-levels from tide and surge probability. Proc. 16th Coastal Engineering Conference, 1978, Hamburg, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, pp 911–930, 1979) has been applied to the hourly records of 13 tide-gauge stations of the tidally dominated Atlantic coast of France (including
Brest, since 1860) and to three stations in the southwest of the UK (including Newlyn, since 1916). The cumulative total length
of the available records (more than 426 years) is variable from 1 to 130 years when individual stations are considered. It
appears that heights estimated with the JPM are almost systematically greater than the extreme heights recorded. Statistical
analysis shows that this could be due: (1) to surge–tide interaction (that may tend to damp surge values that occur at the
time of the highest tide levels), and (2) to the fact that major surges often occur in seasonal periods that may not correspond
to those of extreme astronomical tides. We have determined at each station empirical ad hoc correction coefficients that take
into account the above two factors separately, or together, and estimated return periods for extreme water levels also at
stations where only short records are available. For seven long records, for which estimations with other computing methods
(e.g. generalized extreme value [GEV] distribution and Gumbel) can be attempted, average estimations of extreme values appear
slightly overestimated in relation to the actual maximum records by the uncorrected JPM (+16.7 ± 7.2 cm), and by the Gumbel
method alone (+10.3 ± 6.3 cm), but appear closer to the reality with the GEV distribution (−2.0 ± 5.3 cm) and with the best-fitting
correction to the JPM (+2.9 ± 4.4 cm). Because the GEV analysis can hardly be extended to short records, it is proposed to
apply at each station, especially for short records, the JPM and the site-dependent ad hoc technique of correction that is
able to give the closest estimation to the maximum height actually recorded. Extreme levels with estimated return times of
10, 50 and 100 years, respectively, are finally proposed at all stations. Because astronomical tide and surges have been computed
(or corrected) in relation to the yearly mean sea level, possible changes in the relative sea level of the past, or foreseeable
in the future, can be considered separately and easily added to (or deduced from) the extremes obtained. Changes in climate,
on the other hand, may modify surge and tide distribution and hence return times of extreme sea levels, and should be considered
Parts of this paper have been presented orally at the session “Geophysical extremes: scaling aspects and modern statistical
approaches” of the EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2–6 April 2006. 相似文献