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Laboratory experiments of depth-limited open-channel flows over a gravel bed were conducted in the study.Two gravel patches with identical individual element size and different lengths(3.81 m and 7.5 m)were tested.The depth-limited uniform flow regime with relative submergence S_r(= D/k_s) ranging from2.68 to 5.94 was produced by adjusting the tailgate weir.The velocity profiles were measured by using both an ultra-sound velocity profiler(UVP) and an acoustic Doppler velocimeter(ADV).The conventional methods used to determine the zero-plane displacement and estimate the bed shear velocity were then reviewed and compared.The measured double-averaged(DA) velocity profiles were found to fit well with the log law and defect law with a non-universal Karman constant κ./κ-value remains nearly constant and in the range from 0.2 to 0.3 for the long patch(LP) cases and κ-values are scattered within a wider range from 0.3 to 0.5 for the short patch(SP) cases.While the Br-value in log law remains constant and equal to 8.5 for LP cases,the Br-value was found to decrease with the increase of the dimensionless roughness height k_s~+ for SP cases.The streamwise turbulence intensity distributions were found to be independent on the patch length and agree well with the available experimental data in the intermediate region and wall region.The Manning resistance coefficient and Darcy-Weisbach friction factor were analyzed.The κ-value decreases to 0.22 for the fitting of the logarithmic flow resistance law under small relative submergence.The value of the integration constant Ar in the logarithmic law falls within the normal range between 3.25 and 6.25.  相似文献   

Vegetation on river banks and bed roughness are important factors affecting flow structure, sediment transport, erosion and geomorphology in rivers. In this experimental study, the impacts of vegetation on flume walls, grain size of bed gravels and aspect ratio on characteristics of shear stress distribution, Coles' wake parameter, the kinematic energy correction factor (α) and the momentum correction factor (β) have been assessed. Reynolds stress distribution illustrates a three-layer pattern when the aspect ratio is smaller than 2. In addition, the aspect ratio and changes of vegetation affect α, β as well as the Coles' wake parameter Π.  相似文献   

Existing resistance formulas produce a wide range of friction-factor estimates for gravel bed streams. The purpose of this paper is to develop a reliable resistance formula in terms of the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor f Published data were screened and used to establish the formula. The existing formulas have considered thatfis a function of relative roughness D84/R only, where R is the hydraulic radius and 1984 is the particle size referred to the intermediate diameter that equals or exceeds that of 84 percent of bed sediments. In this paper, f is considered as a ftmction of Froude number in addition to the relative roughness, ffor D84/R〉l displays a different trend than that for Dsn/R〈l perhaps due to the invalid assumption of a logarithmic velocity distribution for D84/R〉l. Anfformula for Dsa/R〈l has been established.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a laboratory flume experimental study on the interaction of bank vegetation and gravel bed on the flow velocity (primarily on the location of the maximum velocity, Umax) and the Reynolds stress distributions. The results reveal that the dip of the maximum velocity below the water surface is up to 35% of flow depth and the difference between Umax and the velocity at the water surface is considerable in the presence of vegetation on the walls. The zone of the log-law varies from y/h=2 up to 15 percent of flow depth and it does not depend on distance from the wall. Deviation of the velocity profile in the outer layer over a gravel bed with vegetation cover on the walls is much larger than the case of flow over a gravel bed without vegetation cover on the walls. The presence of vegetation on the walls changes uniform flow to non-uniform flow. This fact can be explained by considering the nonlinear Reynolds stress distribution and location of maximum velocity in each profile at different distances across the flume. The Reynolds stress distributions at the distance 0.02 m from the wall have negative values and away from the wall, they change the sign taking positive values with specific convex form with apex in higher location. Average of von Karman constant κ for this study is equal to 0.16. Based on to=0.16, the methods of Clauser and the Reynolds stress are compatible for determination of shear velocity.  相似文献   

Sheet flow hydrodynamics over a non-uniform sand bed channel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The current study experimentally investigates the flow characteristics and temporal variations in the sheet flow profile of a non-uniform sand bed channel. Experiments were done to explore turbulent structures in the presence of a sheet flow layer with and without seepage. The turbulent events, such as stream wise velocity, Reynolds shear stresses, and turbulence intensities were found to be increasing and vertical velocity was found decreasing with a sheet layer. The presence of a sheet layer also effects the turbulent energy production and energy dissipation. All the turbulence parameters with and without a sheet layer have also been influenced by the presence of downward seepage. The rate of sheet flow movement is increased with seepage, owing to increased turbulence with seepage. The current study used wavelet analysis on temporally lagged spatial bed elevation profiles obtained from a set of laboratory experiments and synchronized the wavelet coefficients with bed elevation fluctuation at different spatial scales. A spatial cross correlation analysis at multiple scales, based on the wavelet coefficients, has been done on these bed elevation datasets to observe the effect of downward seepage on the dynamic behavior of sheet flow at different length scales. It is found that seepage increases average bed celerity and also increases the celerity of sheet flow of similar length scales. This increase in the celerity has been hypothesized as the increase of sheet flow movement as well as the increase in turbulent parameters with seepage, which destabilizes the bed particles resulting in a disruption in the continuous propagation pattern of the sheet flow. The increase of sheet flow celerity with seepage is confirmed from the saturation level of the wavelet power spectra of the bed elevation series. The presence of seepage also affects the non-uniformity of collective sheet material.  相似文献   

In this study the effects of the different rough porous beds in an open inclined channel are studied experimentally for impermeable and permeable porous bed.For the simulation of porous bed two different types of permeable bed with the same thickness(s' = 3 cm) and the same porosity ε=0.70 are used:(a) porous filters and(b) gravel bed.Laboratory experiments were used for the calculation of turbulent velocity profiles.Measurements of velocity were taken for inclined channel for three different slopes(S=-0.002,S=-0.004 and S=-0.006) and for five different flow depths(h=5 cm,7 cm,9 cm,11 cm and 13 cm).The total discharge Q varies from 0.78 to 1.31 1/s.The measurements were obtained using a two-dimensional(2D) Particle Image Velocimetry(PIV).The total discharge was estimated using a calibrated venture apparatus.Results showed that the presence of rough porous bed in inclined open channels influence significantly the turbulent characteristics of the flow in comparison with impermeable open channels with the same slopes.  相似文献   

Biogeotextiles can be used to facilitate the formation of vegetation cover and to reduce soil erosion.Studies have demonstrated that only biogeotextile or vegetation cover can greatly reduce soil erosion.However,information about the effects of the combination of biogeotextile and vegetation cover on soil erosion is still limited,despite that the combination is the commonly practical form for bare road slope protection.Experimental plots,consisting of a relatively loose surface layer and a compacted sublayer,were constructed using movable soil-bin trolleys(200 x 100 x 40 cm3)filled with silt loam sieved through 1-cm screen.The plots were seeded with a seed mixture of tall fescue(Festuca elata Keng ex E.Alexeev)and alfalfa(Medicago sativa L)as a grass-legume regime.Then the plots were covered with three types of biogeotextile,i.e.,coir blanket(CB),mixed coir-straw blanket(MB),and straw blanket(SB).A bare slope(BS)was constructed as the control experiment.Irrigation was applied to ensure vegetation germination and growth.Plant characteristics were measured after every 20 days.Laboratory simulated rainfall of 71 mm/h intensity was applied to each plot for 60 min after 20,40,and 60 days.Surface runoff and sediment were collected every 5 min during rainfall.The results showed that the MB and SB pro-moted increased total emergence density of plants by 47%and 23%,respectively,compared to case of vegetation growth without biogeotextiles.The dense structure of the CB impeded the emergence of alfalfa,leading to 9%lower total emergence density.Compared with bare slope(0 day BS),biogeotextiles increased runoff by 3%(MB)—19%(CB)and reduced erosion by 96%(MB and SB)—98%(CB).After 60 days,vegetation cover reduced runoff by 54%and reduced erosion by 81%compared with the BS case.The combination of biogeotextile and vegetation cover reduced runoff by 44%(CB)-62%(SB)and reduced erosion by no less than 99%compared to the BS case.Compared with biogeotextile alone,the combi-nation reduced runoff by 53%(CB)-64%(SB).Compared with vegetation cover alone,the combination reduced erosion by 94%(MB)-99%(CB).The combination takes advantages of vegetation cover for long-term protection and of biogeotextile for facilitating the formation of vegetation cover and immediate erosion control.Thus,the combination is a better choice for road slope protection in northern China.These findings may promote the understanding of how biogeotextiles and vegetation cover work together for runoff and erosion control on bare slopes.In future research more attention should be paid to the selection of plant species and biogeotextile types to avoid impediment by the biogeotextile on the formation of vegetation cover like CB affected alfalfa in this study.  相似文献   

The flow division at an open channel junction is affected by the inflow discharge and the downstream water depths of the junction. The growth of vegetation in a channel system is environmental friendly, but its effect on the flow in an open channel junction can be significant. In this work a 3D RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes equation) model has been implemented to investigate the flow phenomena in channel junctions with or without vegetation. The model is first validated by two cases: flow in an open channel T-junction without vegetation, and flow in a single open channel with vegetation. The model is then applied to simulate flow in an open channel T-junction with varying width ratio and vegetation density of the branch channel. The results quantitatively predict the trend of increasing flow in the branch channel with the increase in branch channel width and/or the decrease in vegetation density. The overall energy loss coefficient of the system, however, decreases with the amount of flow in the branch channel.  相似文献   

Experiments have been conducted in straight compound channels with and without one-line emergent vegetation along the floodplain edge, in which stream-wise velocities and boundary shear stresses have been measured. The experimental results show that the velocity distribution in the vegetation case is considerably different from that in the no vegetation case and the boundary shear stress is also significantly reduced by the additional flow resistance caused by the vegetation at a similar relative water depth. The apparent shear stress distribution which has been calculated with the boundary shear stress and weight component in the vegetation case is totally different from that in the no-vegetation case. New formulae for friction factors for the with and without vegetation cases are developed using vegetation density and flow parameters. The drag force caused by the vegetation is obtained for two different vegetation density cases and the magnitude of its effect on total flow resistance is then investigated. The force balance method is used to predict discharge and this is compared with the discharge predicted by the new formula. A further analysis of the selection of vegetation spacing is carried out, determining its effect on stage-discharge.  相似文献   

Flume experiments were carried out to study the turbulence and its impact on suspension and segregation of grain-sizes under unidirectional flow conditions over the sand-gravel mixture bed. The components of fluid velocity with fluctuations were measured vertically using 3-D Micro-acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV). The theoretical models for velocity and sediment suspension have been developed based on the concept of mixing length that includes the damping effect of turbulence due to sediment suspension in the flow over the sand-gravel mixture bed. Statistical analysis of segregation of grain-sizes along downstream of the bed has been performed using the principle of unsupervised learning or clustering problem. Exploratory data analysis suggests that there is a progressive downstream fining of sediment sizes with selective depositions of gravels, sand-gravels and sand materials along the stream, which may be segmented into three regions such as, the upstream, the transitional and the downstream respectively. This contribution is relevant to understand the direction of ancient rivers, the bed material character in the river form, sorting process and its role in controlling the sediment flux through landscape.  相似文献   

Artificially straight river channels tend to be unstable, and ultimately develop into river meanders through bank erosion and point‐bar deposition. In this paper account is taken of the effects of riparian and floodplain vegetation on bank strength, floodplain flow resistance, shear stress partitioning, and bedload transport. This is incorporated into an existing 2D hydrodynamic‐morphological model. By applying the new model to an initially straight and single‐threaded channel, the way that its planform and cross‐sectional geometry evolve for different hydraulic and floodplain vegetation conditions is demonstrated. The results show the formation and upstream migration of gravel bars, confluence scouring and the development of meandering and braiding channel patterns. In cases where the channel becomes unstable, the instability grows out of bar formation. The resulting braiding patterns are similar to analytical results. The formation of a transition configuration requires a strong influence from vegetation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Flow near a model spur dike with a fixed scoured bed   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three-dimensional flow velocities were measured using an acoustic Doppler velocimeter at a closely spaced grid over a fixed scoured bed with a submerged spur dike. Three-dimensional flow velocities were measured at 3,484 positions around the trapezoidal shaped submerged model spur dike. General velocity distributions and detailed near field flow structures were revealed by the measurement. Clear differences were revealed between flow over fixed flat and scoured beds. Strong lateral flows were the dominant cause of the observed local scour. Shear stresses were higher for the scoured bed than in the flat bed case. Decreasing rates of scour as the scour hole developed were attributed to increases in critical shear stress in the scour holes caused by the increase in the length and magnitude of adverse slopes associated with the two main scour holes.  相似文献   

Non-uniform sediment deposited in a confined, steep mountain channel can alter the bed surface composition. This study evaluates the contribution of geometric and resistance parameters to bed sta-bilization and the reduction in sediment transport. Flume experiments were done under various hydraulic conditions with non-uniform bed material and no sediment supply from upstream. Results indicate that flume channels respond in a sequence of coarsening and with the formation of bedform-roughness features such as rapids, cascades, and steps. A bedform development coefficient is introduced and is shown to increase (i.e. vertical sinuosity develops) in response to increasing shear stress during the organization process. The bedform development coefficient also is positively correlated with the critical Shields number and Manning's roughness coefficient, suggesting the evolution of flow resistance with increasing bedform development. The sediment transport rate decreases with increasing bed shear stress and bedform development, further illustrating the effect of bed stabilization. An empirical sedi-ment transport model for an equilibrium condition is proposed that uses the bedform development coefficient, relative particle submergence (i.e. the ratio of mean water depth and maximum sediment diameter), modified bed slope, and discharge. The model suggests bedform development can play a primary role in reducing sediment transport (increasing bed stabilization). The model is an extension of Lane's (1955) relation specifically adapted for mountain streams. These results explain the significance of bedform development in heightening flow resistance, stabilizing the bed, and reducing sediment transport in coarse, steep channels.  相似文献   

Many geothermal anomalies are intersected by vertical fault zones (narrow zones of fractured material with large effective permeability). These conduits are probably responsible for much of the upwelling of hot water from depth. This paper considers a shallow aquifer intersected by a vertical fault. The fluid flow in the aquifer is numerically modeled as a two-dimensional problem. It is observed that the temperature distribution in the aquifer is governed primarily by lateral flow of hot water supplied from the intersecting vertical fault and only secondarily by conduction. The numerical results also provide a possible explanation for the local temperature maxima and inversions occasionally observed in borehole measurements. The present model is an alternative to that based on mushroom-shaped isotherm distributions found in high Rayleigh number large-scale circulation cell calculations.  相似文献   

Land use and land cover in China have changed greatly during the past 300 a, indicated by the rapid abrupt decrease of forest land area and the rapid increase of cropland area, which can affect terrestrial carbon cycle greatly. The first-hand materials are used to analyze main characteristics for land use and land cover changes in China during the study period. The following conclusions can be drawn from this study. The cropland area in China kept increasing from 60.78×106 hm2 in 1661 to 96.09×106 hm2 in 1998. Correspondingly, the forest land area decreased from 248.13×106 hm2 in 1700 to 109.01×106 hm2 in 1949. Affected by such changes, the terrestrial ecosystem carbon storage decreased in the mean time. Car-bon lost from land use and land cover changes mainly consist of the loss from vegetation biomass and soil. In the past 300 a, about 3.70 PgC was lost from vegetation biomass, and emissions from soil ranged from 0.80 to 5.84 PgC. The moderate evaluation of soil losses was 2.48 PgC. The total loss from vegetation and soil was between 4.50 and 9.54 PgC. The moderate and optimum evaluation was 6.18 PgC. Such carbon losses distribution varied spatially from region to region. Carbon lost more significantly in Northeast China and Southwest China than in other regions, because losses of forest land in these two regions were far greater than in the other regions during the past 300 a. And losses of carbon in the other regions were also definite, such as Inner Mongolia, the western part of South China, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. But the carbon lost very little from the traditional agricultural regions in China, such as North China and East China. Studies on the relationship between land use and land cover change and carbon cycle in China show that the land use activities, especially those related to agriculture and forest management, began to affect terrestrial carbon storage positively in recent years.  相似文献   

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