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Space and time analysis of the formation of spring overland runoff in forest-steppe and steppe regions of the Russian Plain has been carried out. It has been shown that, in addition to zonal climate conditions, its distribution over the area is largely determined by the agricultural load on river catchment areas, primarily, the structure of agricultural lands—the proportions of areas under winter tillage and consolidated tillage. The character of overland runoff response to present-day climate changes and agricultural activity has been identified, and quantitative estimates have been given to the manifold hydrological role of these factors.  相似文献   

Abandoned rivers (large paleochannels and meanders) are common on river floodplains and low terraces on the East European and West Siberian plains. They are 10–15 times greater in size than the present-day river channels. The large paleochannels are dated back to 11–15 thousand radiocarbon years B.P. (the Late Glacial period). Based on the hydraulic and morphometric relationships for present-day rivers and the method of paleogeographic analogs, the surface runoff during the Late Glacial period was quantitatively reconstructed by the morphometric parameters of large paleochannels. The reconstructed surface runoff exceeded the present values by 1.4 times on the northern mega-slope of the East European Plain (the Northern Dvina, Mezen, and Pechora river basins), by 2.3 times on its southern mega-slope (the Volga, Don, and Dnepr basins), and twofold in West Siberia (the Ob basin). The large surface runoff volumes can be explained by the landscape and climate conditions, including the high coefficients of runoff (due to the permafrost), the increased proportion (and, conceivably, the amount) of snowfall, and, hence, the respective increased intensity of spring floods. The transformation of large Late-Glacial paleorivers due to climate warming at the beginning of the Holocene is a likely scenario of the surface runoff development within the present-day permafrost zone at the ongoing human-induced climate warming. A general decrease in surface runoff and its more uniform intra-annual distribution would result in the reduced size of rivers in the middle Siberia, Yakutia, and northeastern Russia.  相似文献   

Extensive storage of upper-basin Piedmont sediment and apparent low sediment supply to streams in lower-basin Coastal Plain areas generates questions as to the source of alluvium in lower reaches of rivers of the U.S. Atlantic drainage. This was investigated on the Neuse River, North Carolina, using a mineralogical indicator of sediment source areas. The utility of mica flakes for discriminating between Piedmont and non-Piedmont sources of sediment in the lower Coastal Plain reaches of the Neuse was established on the basis of an examination of the U.S. National Soils Database and of 26 soil surveys of the North Carolina Coastal Plain. From the Neuse River estuary to 48 km upstream there are no mica flakes in floodplain soils or in river bank and channel shelf sediments. Mica flakes become more common upstream. This suggests that a very small proportion of the sediment eroded in the Piedmont portion of the watershed is delivered to the river mouth. The small amounts which presumably do reach the lower Coastal Plain are so diluted by Coastal Plain-derived alluvium that no Piedmont origin can be discerned. This demonstrates a dominantly Coastal Plain source and underscores the importance of storage and discontinuous transport in fluvial sediment systems. More importantly, results suggest that upper- and lower-basin sediment dynamics are not only non-linearly related, but may be virtually decoupled.  相似文献   

Quantitative relationships between groundwater runoff and other water balance components are obtained. These relationships enable the prediction of changes in groundwater nourishment in different natural-geographic zones on the Earth because of global climatic changes and intense anthropogenic impact on the water regime of different areas. Groundwater runoff values (natural groundwater resources) in individual river basins are estimated. Digital maps (grid-models) of the space and time distribution of water balance elements (based on GIS-technology) are constructed for major river basins in European Russia, and river runoff is calculated in each grid node in river basins with a step of 0.1° in geographic coordinates. The values of major water balance components, thus related with one another, serve as the basis for their spatial and temporal analysis and cartographic representation. The proposed method was tested against data on Volga basin where long-term observational data on water balance elements are available in a number of hydrometric sections.  相似文献   

Based on snow-depth and measured runoff data in the 19 river basins of the cryosphere areas of China, changes in cold season snow depth (CSSD) and spring runoff, and the relationship between CSSD and spring runoff were analysed. Decreasing trends in CSSD were detected mainly in the plains (plateaus), while increasing trends were found mainly in the mountainous regions. Different combinations of precipitation and temperature may be responsible for these results. The response of spring runoff to CSSD change varied greatly under climate warming. The runoff in April and May was commonly affected by CSSD, while the runoff in March was less affected by CSSD, but more by the increasing temperature causing more snowmelt in March. Due to relatively greater snow accumulation in spring, the runoff during spring was less affected by CSSD in the southern Tienshan Mountains.  相似文献   

Intense precipitation or seismic events can generate clustered mass movement processes across a landscape. These rare events have significant impacts on the landscape, however, the rarity of such events leads to uncertainty in how they impact the entire geomorphic system over a range of timescales. Taiwan is steep, tectonically active, and prone to landslide and debris flows, especially when exposed to heavy rainfall events. Typhoon Morakot made landfall in Taiwan in August of 2009, causing widespread landslides in southern Taiwan. The south to north trend in valley relief in southern Taiwan leads to spatial variability in landslide susceptibility providing an opportunity to infer the long‐term impact of such landslide events on channel morphology. We use pre‐ and post‐typhoon imagery to quantify the propagating impact of this event on channel width as the debris is routed through the landscape. The results show the importance of cascading hazards from landslides on landscape evolution based on patterns of channel width (both pre‐ and post‐typhoon) and hillslope gradients in 20 basins along strike in southern Taiwan. Prior to Typhoon Morakot, the river channels in the central part of the study area were about 3–10 times wider than the channels in the south. Following the typhoon, aggradation and widening was also a maximum in these central to northern basins where hillslope gradients and channel steepness is high, accentuating the pre‐typhoon pattern. The results further show that the narrowest channels are located where channel steepness is the lowest, an observation inconsistent with a detachment‐limited model for river evolution. We infer this pattern is indicative of a strong role of sediment supply, and associated landslide events, on long‐term channel evolution. These findings have implications across a range of spatial and temporal scales including understanding the cascade of hazards in steep landscapes and geomorphic interpretation of channel morphology. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The current features of the space and time variations of river runoff in Kamchatka Krai have been considered. Two relatively long cycles have been shown to exist in water runoff variations in the major portion of the examined rivers. The renewable water resources were increasing until 1970–1980, while in the following years (up to 2010), they were gradually decreasing. Current data on river runoff were used to prove the existence of three zonal types of water regime in Kamchatka Krai; five azonal types of annual runoff distribution are characterized. One of them (nearly uniform annual distribution caused by the predominance of groundwater recharge) has been theoretically predicted in the classification proposed by M.I. L’vovich, though without factual confirmation. The specific features of water regime of rivers whose basins lie on the slopes of active volcanoes are considered for the first time. This type of regime typically shows alternating periods of the presence and absence of surface runoff in river channels, corresponding to the inflow of snowmelt or rainfall runoff at high level of subsoil water (when channel deposits are fully saturated with water) or at its low position (when moisture is deficient).  相似文献   

Recent studies of sediment delivery and budgets in the United States indicate that upland erosion rates at a given time may not explain contemporaneous sediment yields from a drainage basin. This suggests temporal discontinuities in sediment delivery associated with hillslope and channel storage processes. Integration of sediment production, storage and transport is essential to understand sediment routing in basins. We analysed each process chronologically using aerial photographs, monitoring data of sediment movement and annual tree-rings, and then compared estimated temporal changes in sediment production from hillslopes, floodplain disturbance areas and sediment transport in river channels. Toeslopes, floodplains and alluvial fans together contained 59 per cent of sediment eroded from uplands over the last 30 years. Monitoring results of riverbed changes showed that the volume of stored sediment on floodplains decreased exponentially with succeeding floods. The age distribution of floodplain deposits reflected the disturbance history of a river channel, and followed an exponential decrease with age. The results of this study may have important implications for sediment control plans for watersheds in steep regions.  相似文献   

Regularities of long-term within-year and between-zone variations in climate characteristics (air temperature and precipitation) were identified, and estimates were obtained for the response time of the factors of hydrothermal state of watersheds at the beginning of snow-melting (maximal snow storage, freezing depth, and soil moisture content), spring surface slope runoff, annual and spring river runoff of small rivers in different natural zones of Russian Plain.  相似文献   

Three stages were identified in the development of meandering rivers and the formation of floodplains with natural levees in Northern Eurasia: the development of rivers with size larger than that of the modern ones; the development of rivers smaller than the modern ones; and the development of rivers of the present-day morphodynamic type. Small oxbows of the second stage are widespread in the floodplains of lowland rivers in Northern Eurasia. The largest amount of floodplain segments with such oxbows can be seen in the forest zone, mostly in the coniferous forests of northeastern European Russia. The available radiocarbon datings show that river channel were significantly decreasing in size and the steepness of meanders was increasing during the Atlantic period of the Holocene. Data on changes in the size of river channels were used to evaluate the ratios between paleo- and modern discharges and to construct a map of difference between runoff depths in the Holocene optimum and in the present and assess changes in water runoff volume. The discharges in the basins of the Vyatka and middle Irtysh accounted for as little as 40–50% of their current values. North, east, and west from those basins, the ratio of ancient and present-day discharges increases. During the Holocene optimum, water runoff from the northern megaslope of the East European Plain was ∼180 km3/year, which is 30% less than the present runoff from the same drainage area. The annual runoff in Volga basin was ∼134 km3, which is almost half as large as the present value. The runoff in Don and Dnieper basins during the Holocene optimum was 40% less, and that in the Ob and Irtysh basin was 30% less than the present one. If we accept the hypothesis that the Holocene optimum was a climate analogue of global anthropogenic warming of the mid-XXI century, the obtained estimates of the state of water resources in Northern Eurasia acquire great prognostic importance.  相似文献   

Mountainous areas are characterized by steep slopes and rocky landforms, with hydrological conditions varying rapidly from upstream to downstream, creating variable interactions between groundwater and surface water. In this study, mechanisms of groundwater–surface water interactions within a headwater catchment of the North China Plain were assessed along the stream length and during different seasons, using hydrochemical and stable isotope data, and groundwater residence times estimated using chlorofluorocarbons. These tracers indicate that the river is gaining, due to groundwater discharge in the headwater catchment both in the dry and rainy seasons. Residence time estimation of groundwater using chlorofluorocarbons data reveals that groundwater flow in the shallow sedimentary aquifer is dominated by the binary mixing of water approximating a piston flow model along 2 flow paths: old water, carried by a regional flow system along the direction of river flow, along with young water, which enters the river through local flow systems from hilly areas adjacent to the river valley (particularly during the rainy season). The larger mixing ratio of young water from lateral groundwater recharge and return flow of irrigation during the rainy season result in higher ion concentrations in groundwater than in the dry season. The binary mixing model showed that the ratio of young water versus total groundwater ranged from 0.88 to 0.22 and 1.0 to 0.74 in the upper and lower reaches, respectively. In the middle reach, meandering stream morphology allows some loss of river water back into the aquifer, leading to increasing estimates of the ratio of young water (from 0.22 to 1). This is also explained by declining groundwater levels near the river, due to groundwater extraction for agricultural irrigation. The switch from a greater predominance of regional flow in the dry season, to more localized groundwater flow paths in the wet season is an important groundwater–surface water interactions mechanism, with important catchment management implications.  相似文献   

D. Raje  P. Priya  R. Krishnan 《水文研究》2014,28(4):1874-1889
In climate‐change studies, a macroscale hydrologic model (MHM) operating over large scales can be an important tool in developing consistent hydrological variability estimates over large basins. MHMs, which can operate at coarse grid resolutions of about 1° latitude by longitude, have been used previously to study climate change impacts on the hydrology of continental scale or global river basins. They can provide a connection between global atmospheric models and water resource systems on large spatial scales and long timescales. In this study, the variable infiltration capacity (VIC) MHM is used to study large scale hydrologic impacts of climate change for Indian river basins. Large‐scale changes in runoff, evapotranspiration and soil moisture for India, as well as station‐scale changes in discharges for three major river basins with distinct climatic and geographic characteristics are examined in this study. Climate model projections for meteorological variables (precipitation, temperature and wind speed) from three general circulation models (GCMs) and three emissions scenarios are used to drive the VIC MHM. GCM projections are first interpolated to a 1° by 1° hydrologic model grid and then bias‐corrected using a quantile–quantile mapping. The VIC model is able to reproduce observed statistics for discharges in the Ganga, Narmada and Krishna basins reasonably well, even at the coarse grid resolution employed using a calibration period for years 1965–1970 and testing period from 1971–1973/1974. An increasing trend is projected for summer monsoon surface runoff, evapotranspiration and soil moisture in most central Indian river basins, whereas a decrease in runoff and soil moisture is projected for some regions in southern India, with important differences arising from GCM and scenario variability. Discharge statistics show increases in mid‐flow and low flow at Farakka station on Ganga River, increased high flows at Jamtara station upstream of Narmada, and increased high, mid‐flow and low flow for Vijayawada station on Krishna River in the future. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Among the different controls of erosion budget at basin level, the relative impact of dams and land management is yet to be investigated. In this paper, the impact of dams on sediment yield has been assessed by using a conceptual modelling framework which considers the gross erosion and the cascade of dams constructed on a river network. The sediment budget has been estimated based on the gross erosion, deposition of sediment in reservoirs, and sediment yields of 23 mainland river basins of India. The gross erosion of the country is estimated as 5.11 ± 0.4 Gt yr?1 or 1559 t km?2 yr?1, out of which 34.1 ± 12% of the total eroded soil is deposited in the reservoirs, 22.9 ± 29% is discharged outside the country (mainly to oceans), and the remaining 43.0 ± 41% is displaced within the river basins. The river basins of northern India contribute about 81% of the total sediment yield from landmass while the share of southern river basins is 19%. The components of revised sediment budget for India are prominently influenced by the sediment trapped in reservoirs and the treatment of catchment areas by soil and water conservation measures. Analysis of sediment deposition in 4937 reservoirs indicated the average annual percentage capacity loss as 1.04% though it varies from 0.8% to >2% per year in smaller dams (1–50 Mm3 capacity) and from <0.5% to 0.8% per year in larger dams (51 to >1000 Mm3 capacity). Siltation of smaller dams poses a serious threat to their ecosystem services as they cater to a wider population for domestic, agricultural, and industrial purposes. Amongst the environment controls, land use significantly impacts the gross erosion rate and specific sediment yield as compared to climatic and topographic parameters. However, to analyse their integrated effect on the complex processes of sediment fluxes in a basin, further research efforts are needed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Changes in runoff and sediment loads to the Pacific Ocean from 10 major Chinese rivers are presented in this paper To quantitatively assess trends in runoff and sediment loads, a parameter called the "Trend Ratio T" has been defined in this paper. To summarize total runoff and sediment load from these rivers, data from 17 gauging stations for the duration 1955 to 2010 has been standardized, and the missing data have been interpolated by different approaches according to specific conditions. Over the observed 56-year study period, there is a quite stable change in total runoff. Results show that the mean annual runoff flux entering the Pacific Ocean from these rivers is approximately 1,425 billion cubic meters. It is found that all northern rivers within semi-arid and transitional zones including the Songhua, Liaohe, Haihe, Yellow and Huaihe rivers present declining trends in water discharge. Annual runoff in all southern rivers within humid zones including the Yangtze, Qiantang, Minjiang, Pearl and Lancang rivers does not change much, except for the Qiantang River whose annual runoff slightly increases. The annual sediment loads of all rivers show significant declining trends; the exceptions are the Songhua and Lancang rivers whose annual sediment loads have increasing trends. However, the mean annual sediment flux carried into the Pacific Ocean decreased from 2,026 million tonnes to 499 million tonnes over the 56-year period. During this time there were 4 distinct decreasing phases. The decrease in annual sediment flux is due to the integrated effects of human activity and climate change. The reduction in sediment flux makes it easy for reservoir operation; however, the decrease in sediment flux also creates problems, such as channel erosion, river bank collapse and the retreat of the delta area.  相似文献   

Regulated rivers generally incise below dams that cut off sediment supply, but how that happens and what the consequences are at different spatial scales is poorly understood. Modern topographic mapping at meter‐scale resolution now enables investigation of the details of spatial processes. In this study, spatial segregation was applied to a meter‐scale raster map of topographic change from 1999 to 2008 on the gravel‐cobble, regulated lower Yuba River in California to answer specific scientific questions about how a decadal hydrograph that included a flood peak of 22 times bankfull discharge affected the river at segment, reach, and morphological unit scales. The results show that the river preferentially eroded sediment from floodplains compared to the channel, and this not only promoted valley‐wide sediment evacuation, but also facilitated the renewal and differentiation of morphological units, especially in the channel. At the reach scale, area of fill and mean net rate of elevational change were directly correlated with better connectivity between the channel and floodplain, while the mean rate of scour in scour areas was influenced by the ratio of slope to bankfull Froude number, a ratio indicative of lateral migration versus vertical downcutting. Hierarchical segregation of topographic change rasters proved useful for understanding multi‐scalar geomorphic dynamics. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the last few years, the scientific community has developed several hydrological models aimed at the simulation of hydrological processes acting at the basin scale. In this context, the portion of peak runoff contributing areas represents a critical variable for a correct estimate of surface runoff. Such areas are strongly influenced by the saturated portion of a river basin (influenced by antecedent conditions) but may also evolve during a specific rainfall event. In the recent years, we have developed 2 theoretically derived probability distributions that attempt to interpret these 2 processes adopting daily runoff and flood‐peak time series. The probability density functions (PDFs) obtained by these 2 schematisations were compared for humid river basins in southern Italy. Results highlighted that the PDFs of the peak runoff contributing areas can be interpreted by a gamma distribution and that the PDF of the relative saturated area provides a good interpretation of such process that can be used for flood prediction.  相似文献   

To accurately obtain the spatial distribution characteristics of groundwater level in an extremely arid zone and its dynamic change patterns under the influence of human activities, based on the data of 55 groundwater observation wells in the middle and lower reaches of the Kriya River, spatial interpolation of regional groundwater level data were performed using the inverse distance weight, spline function, trend surface, and the ordinary kriging methods. The optimal interpolation method was selected by its accuracy to spatially interpolate the groundwater level data in the study area from 2019 to 2021. The results show that: (1) the ordinary kriging method has the highest interpolation accuracy (MAE = 7.1393, MRE = 0.0058, RMSE = 9.4314) and reflects the spatial and temporal variability and distribution characteristics of groundwater levels with great accuracy. (2)The relationship between surface water–groundwater recharge and discharge in different areas of the river channel in the desert section varies depending on geological structure, surface water seepage, and other elements. (3) Groundwater in the Taklamakan Desert has little effect on groundwater recharge in the Dariyabui Oasis, and changes in groundwater dynamics in the oasis are predominantly influenced by surface runoff. (4) Monthly changes in groundwater levels in the Yutian Oasis are continuous, with ‘V’ shaped fluctuations, a declining trend in the southern part, no significant change in the central part, and a slight increase in the northern part. These results contribute to the sustainable management of water resources in the Kriya River Basin, provide a basis for groundwater prediction, and offer a reference for studies of other, similar extreme desert area basins.  相似文献   

The basic peculiarities of the hydrological regime of one of the largest mouth areas of the world, i.e., the common mouth of the rivers of Ganges and Brahmaputra, are discussed. The main features of natural conditions (including climatic) of the mouth of these rivers and the delta drainage system are characterized. The hydrological regime of the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers, the largest rivers of South Asia, is studied in greater detail; the quantitative assessments of the water and sediment runoff of these rivers are specified. Provision is made for revealing the basic peculiarities of river flow distribution among numerous delta branches, annual floods during southwest monsoons, tidal phenomena in the maritime zone of the delta, and disastrous storm surges and inundations in the period of tropical cyclones. Flood control measures taken in Bangladesh to protect the population and lands are described.  相似文献   

曾冰茹  李云良  谭志强 《湖泊科学》2023,35(5):1796-1807
由于气候变化和人类活动等多重影响,流域河湖水系格局与连通程度发生了显著变化,进而引发洪涝灾害等一系列水资源问题。本文以鄱阳湖流域为研究区,基于Google Earth Engine(GEE)提取1989—2020年5期水系数据,采用图论方法构建水系评价体系,定量分析该地区近30年来水系格局和结构连通性的时空演变特征,并结合该时期地形、土地利用和归一化植被指数(NDVI)等数据,利用连通性指数(index of connectivity,IC)评估功能连通性的动态变化,进而探讨水文连通与径流量和输沙量的联系。结果表明,近30年来鄱阳湖流域水系结构趋于复杂化,主要体现在流域北部。除干流外,其他等级河流的数量和长度均有所增加,其中Ⅲ级河流最为明显。河网密度、水面率、河网复杂度和发育系数均呈增加趋势,2000年后的变化率约为2000年前的两倍。水系连通环度、节点连接率和水系连通度总体增加,结构连通性呈好转趋势且变化幅度较小。功能连通分析表明,近30年来大部分流域IC减少,流域下游靠近主河道的平坦地区IC较高,上游远离河道的植被密集区域IC较低。此外,IC与年径流量和输沙量表现为显著的正相关性(...  相似文献   

For lakes in desert hinterlands that are not recharged by river runoff, sediment input solely comes from wind transport. While the processes of sediment transport and deposition in these lakes differ significantly from those with river discharge, the spatial distribution of sediment grain size in these groundwater‐recharged lakes remains largely unknown. Moreover, whether the grain size distribution in these lake sediments can be used as a proxy in the study of past climatic change and environmental evolution studies is unclear. In this study, five lakes with a range of surface areas that had no runoff recharge were selected from the hinterland of the Badain Jaran Desert of north‐western China, and a total of 108 samples of lake surface sediments were collected to examine the spatial distribution of grain size. Moreover, an end‐member‐modeling algorithm was used to calculate end members from all grain size measurements. Our results showed that both the median and mean grain sizes in the lake sediments decreased from the nearshore to the offshore, deep‐water zone. However, the lowest median and mean grain sizes were not found in the center of the lakes, in contrast to lakes recharged by surface runoff. The median grain size of sediment in the lake center was negatively correlated with lake level, and thus could help reveal lake evolution at low resolutions. Moreover, EM1 and EM2 were interpreted as wind transported sediment, and sediment perturbed by lake waves after wind transport, respectively. The modal grain size of EM1 varied slightly between lakes, while changes in the modal grain size of EM2 were related to lake area. Given the positive relationship found between EM2 content and lake level, changes in the EM2 content (%) can serve as a rough indicator of lake level fluctuations at low temporal resolutions. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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