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Effects of vegetation on flow conveyance and sediment transport capacity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In-stream and riparian vegetation may significantly affect flow and sediment transport in vegetated channels. A hydraulic model has been developed in this paper to compute the flow discharge in channels with rigid and flexible vegetation under emergent and submerged conditions. An empirical formula has also been presented to determine the bed-load discharge in vegetated channels. The model has been tested against experimental and field data available in the literature. The computed flow discharge and bed-load transport rate agree well with the measured data.  相似文献   

A numerical method of the Godunov type is presented for solving either Two-Phase or Two-Layer forms of Debris Flow Models (DFMs) describing shallow-water flow and sediment dynamics. DFMs explicitly link sediment concentrations to the momentum balance, and thus can be applied to cases involving high sediment concentrations, as in debris flows, in addition to low concentration test cases typically found in surface waters. In this paper, Two-Phase and Two-Layer DFMs are presented in a common mathematical framework to illuminate key similarities and differences and lay a foundation for a general purpose DFM solver. The proposed solver termed LHLLC is shown to achieve good accuracy over a wide range of test cases. Importantly, numerical diffusion of sediment profiles is minimized, particularly on steep slopes, the scheme is shown to preserve stationary solutions involving wet/dry interfaces, and the scheme accounts for gravity-driven slumping (avalanching) which cannot be resolved by classical DFMs.  相似文献   

The paper addresses the individual and collective contribution of different forcing factors (tides, wind waves, and sea-level rise) to the dynamics of sediment in coastal areas. The results are obtained from simulations with the General Estuarine Transport Model coupled with a sediment transport model. The wave-induced bed shear stress is formulated using a simple model based on the concept that the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) associated with wind waves is a function of orbital velocity, the latter depending on the wave height and water depth. A theory is presented explaining the controls of sediment dynamics by the TKE produced by tides and wind waves. Several scenarios were developed aiming at revealing possible trends resulting from realistic (observed or expected) changes in sea level and wave magnitude. The simulations demonstrate that these changes not only influence the concentration of sediment, which is very sensitive to the magnitude of the external forcing, but also the temporal variability patterns. The joint effect of tides and wave-induced bed shear stress revealed by the comparison between theoretical results and simulations is well pronounced. The intercomparison between different scenarios demonstrates that the spatial patterns of erosion and deposition are very sensitive to the magnitude of wind waves and sea-level rise. Under a changing climate, forcing the horizontal distribution of sediments adjusts mainly through a change in the balance of export and import of sediment from the intertidal basins. The strongest signal associated with this adjustment is simulated North of the barrier islands where the evolution of sedimentation gives an integrated picture of the processes in tidal basins.  相似文献   

The paper presents the development of a morphological model and its application to experimental model rivers.The model takes into account the key processes of channel migration,including bed deformation,bank failure and wetting and drying.Secondary flows in bends play an important role in lateral sediment transport,which further affects channel migration.A new formula has been derived to predict the near-bed secondary flow speed,in which the magnitude of the speed is linked to the lateral water level gradient.Since only non-cohesive sediment is considered in the current study,the bank failure is modelled based on the concept of submerged angle of repose.The wetting and drying process is modelled using an existing method.Comparisons between the numerical model predictions and experimental observations for various discharges have been made.It is found that the model predicted channel planform and cross-sectional shapes agree generally well with the laboratory observations.A scenario analysis is also carried out to investigate the impact of secondary flow on the channel migration process.It shows that if the effect of secondary flow is ignored,the channel size in the lateral direction will be seriously underestimated.  相似文献   

Modeling geomorphic evolution in estuaries is necessary to model the fate of legacy contaminants in the bed sediment and the effect of climate change, watershed alterations, sea level rise, construction projects, and restoration efforts. Coupled hydrodynamic and sediment transport models used for this purpose typically are calibrated to water level, currents, and/or suspended-sediment concentrations. However, small errors in these tidal-timescale models can accumulate to cause major errors in geomorphic evolution, which may not be obvious. Here we present an intermediate step towards simulating decadal-timescale geomorphic change: calibration to estimated sediment fluxes (mass/time) at two cross-sections within an estuary. Accurate representation of sediment fluxes gives confidence in representation of sediment supply to and from the estuary during those periods. Several years of sediment flux data are available for the landward and seaward boundaries of Suisun Bay, California, the landward-most embayment of San Francisco Bay. Sediment flux observations suggest that episodic freshwater flows export sediment from Suisun Bay, while gravitational circulation during the dry season imports sediment from seaward sources. The Regional Oceanic Modeling System (ROMS), a three-dimensional coupled hydrodynamic/sediment transport model, was adapted for Suisun Bay, for the purposes of hindcasting 19th and 20th century bathymetric change, and simulating geomorphic response to sea level rise and climatic variability in the 21st century. The sediment transport parameters were calibrated using the sediment flux data from 1997 (a relatively wet year) and 2004 (a relatively dry year). The remaining years of data (1998, 2002, 2003) were used for validation. The model represents the inter-annual and annual sediment flux variability, while net sediment import/export is accurately modeled for three of the five years. The use of sediment flux data for calibrating an estuarine geomorphic model guarantees that modeled geomorphic evolution will not exceed the actual supply of sediment from the watershed and seaward sources during the calibration period. Decadal trends in sediment supply (and therefore fluxes) can accumulate to alter decadal geomorphic change. Therefore, simulations of future geomorphic evolution are bolstered by this intermediate calibration step.  相似文献   

Vegetation in rivers, estuaries and coastal areas is often submerged and highly flexible. The study of its interaction with the ambient flow environment is important for the determination of the discharge capacity, morphological characteristics and ecological conditions of the water course where it grows. In this work the hydrodynamics of submerged flexible vegetation with or without foliage is investigated by using a 3D numerical model. Flexible vegetation is modeled by momentum sink terms, with the velocity-dependent stem height determined by a large deflection analysis which is more accurate than the previously used small deflection analysis. The effect of foliage on flow resistance is expressed in terms of the change in the product of the drag coefficient and the projected area, which is supported by available experimental data. The computed results show that the vertical profiles of the mean horizontal velocity and the vertical Reynolds shear stress are correctly simulated. The temporal variation of the stem deflection follows closely that of the velocity and the ‘Honami’ phenomenon can be reproduced. The numerical simulations also confirm that the flexibility of vegetation decreases both the vegetation-induced flow resistance force and the vertical Reynolds shear stress, while the presence of foliage further enhances these reduction effects.  相似文献   

Climate change is an issue of major concern nowadays.Its impact on the natural and human environment is studied intensively,as the expected shift in climate will be significant in the next few decades.Recent experience shows that the effects will be critical in coastal areas,resulting in erosion and inundation phenomena worldwide.In addition to that,coastal areas are subject to "pressures" from upstream watersheds in terms of water quality and sediment transport.The present paper studies the impact of climate change on sediment transport and morphology in the aforementioned coupled system.The study regards a sandy coast and its upstream watershed in Chalkidiki,North Greece;it is based on:(a)an integrated approach for the quantitative correlation of the two through numerical modeling,developed by the authors,and(b)a calibrated application of the relevant models Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT)and PELNCON-M,applied to the watershed and the coastal zone,respectively.The examined climate change scenarios focus on a shift of the rainfall distribution towards fewer and more extreme rainfall events,and an increased frequency of occurrence of extreme wave events.Results indicate the significance of climatic pressures in wide-scale sediment dynamics,and are deemed to provide a useful perspective for researchers and policy planners involved in the study of coastal morphology evolution in a changing climate.  相似文献   

Field studies on sandy soils of the Cottenham Series in mid-Bedfordshire show that the mean annual rate of sediment transport by overland flow on an 11° mid-slope is 98 g cm1. The feasibility of using sediment transport equations to predict erosion by overland flow on a storm basis is examined by comparing the observed values of sediment yield with values predicted by four sediment transport equations and a regression equation which relates soil loss to runoff energy and rainfall energy. An expression combining Engelund's sediment transport capacity equation and the Manning equation for flow velocity, as modified by Savat for disturbed flow, best reflects field conditions. Although there is a significant correlation (r = 0.69; n 30) between the observed and predicted values using this expression, the coefficient of determination is too low for predictive purposes. Reasons for this are presented.  相似文献   

The flow division at an open channel junction is affected by the inflow discharge and the downstream water depths of the junction. The growth of vegetation in a channel system is environmental friendly, but its effect on the flow in an open channel junction can be significant. In this work a 3D RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes equation) model has been implemented to investigate the flow phenomena in channel junctions with or without vegetation. The model is first validated by two cases: flow in an open channel T-junction without vegetation, and flow in a single open channel with vegetation. The model is then applied to simulate flow in an open channel T-junction with varying width ratio and vegetation density of the branch channel. The results quantitatively predict the trend of increasing flow in the branch channel with the increase in branch channel width and/or the decrease in vegetation density. The overall energy loss coefficient of the system, however, decreases with the amount of flow in the branch channel.  相似文献   

The relation between tidal flow asymmetry and net transport of sediment in the semidiurnal regime has been extensively described. This study reveals that in the diurnal regime, the direction of long-term net bed-load transport and resulting morphologic changes is partly determined by the phase-angle relationship of O1, K1, and M2. Simple analytical formulations of time-averaged bed-load transport were derived which separate the relative contributions of tidal asymmetry from that of residual flow with tidal stirring. In this particular case, the Red River Delta in Vietnam, transports related to tidal asymmetry are larger than those induced by the monsoon currents, and are an order of magnitude larger than those associated with topographic residual flow around the delta. Tide-induced morphologic changes dominate at water depths between 10 and 25 m, of which the patterns of erosion and deposition overlap with observed bathymetric changes. Additional observed changes that occur in more shallow water cannot be explained by tidal asymmetry and are probably related to wave action and to deposition from the buoyant river plume.Responsible Editor: Jens Kappenberg  相似文献   

The fluid-structure interaction curvilinear immersed boundary (FSI-CURVIB) numerical method of Borazjani et al. [3] is extended to simulate coupled flow and sediment transport phenomena in turbulent open-channel flows. The mobile channel bed is discretized with an unstructured triangular mesh and is treated as a sharp-interface immersed boundary embedded in a background curvilinear mesh used to discretize the general channel outline. The unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) equations closed with the k − ω turbulence model are solved numerically on a hybrid staggered/non-staggered grid using a second-order accurate fractional step method. The bed deformation is calculated by solving the sediment continuity equation in the bed-load layer using an unstructured, finite-volume formulation that is consistent with the CURVIB framework. Both the first-order upwind and the higher-order hybrid GAMMA schemes [12] are implemented to discretize the bed-load flux gradients and their relative accuracy is evaluated through a systematic grid refinement study. The GAMMA scheme is employed in conjunction with a sand-slide algorithm for limiting the bed slope at locations where the material angle of repose condition is violated. The flow and bed deformation equations are coupled using the partitioned loose-coupling FSI-CURVIB approach [3]. The hydrodynamic module of the method is validated by applying it to simulate the flow in an 180° open-channel bend with fixed bed. To demonstrate the ability of the model to simulate bed morphodynamics and evaluate its accuracy, we apply it to calculate turbulent flow through two mobile-bed open channels, with 90° and 135° bends, respectively, for which experimental measurements are available.  相似文献   

The current study focuses on the application of a three-dimensional numerical model for the prediction of morphological bed changes. The sediment deposition in a reservoir during a 10-year-flood was investigated and the results of the simulation were validated with data derived from a physical model study. Because of the small grain sizes in the prototype, synthetic granulate was used in the physical model. The numerical computation domain was a reproduction of the physical model, including the grain sizes and the density of the particles, in order to ensure comparability. The CFD code SSIIM, which solves the RANS-equations in three-dimensions, was used for the simulations. The sediment transport in SSIIM is divided into suspended sediment transport, computed by solving the convection-diffusion equation, and bed-load transport, calculated by an empirical formula. The results of the numerical simulation correspond well to the results of the physical model study. The simulated location and the pattern of the sediment deposition in the reservoir are an accurate representation of the observed distribution in the physical model.  相似文献   

Tidal bores may appear in some estuaries when the tides quickly reach a high level. This phenomenon is rare but has a strong impact during its short duration: i.e. the river bed is significantly eroded and sediments are then transported. In this paper, the trajectories of suspended particles induced by this flow are numerically studied. Four undular bores with Froude numbers between 1.1 and 1.2 are studied. Despite similar Froude numbers, various initial flow conditions were selected to produce or not an inversion of the flow direction during the bore passage. The particle trajectories associated with each distinct flow configuration are presented and analyzed. These trajectories, estimated by solving the Maxey-Riley equation, appear to be very different even though the Froude numbers of flows are similar. These observations are important because the Froude number is often used to characterize a tidal bore as it describes well the free surface, however, it cannot describe the sediment transport. Finally, Chen's model of wave-current interactions is adapted to fit the cases studied and is applied to the four bores simulated. The results highlight that this latter model can reproduce the observed trajectories and dissociate their different components. From this model, it is shown that the inertial and Basset history effects can be neglected compared to the gravity and flow entrainment effects due to the viscous drag when one wants to determine the long-term trajectories of suspended particles.  相似文献   

植被变化对西北地区陆气耦合强度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
西北地区地处欧亚大陆腹地,生态系统对于气候变化和人为影响十分敏感,同时该区也是湿润的东亚季风区与干燥的中亚干旱区的过渡区域,陆气相互作用比较强烈.本文对西北地区植被变化对当地的陆气耦合强度及其与之相关的地表水文过程的影响进行了分析研究,并且找出适于增加植被以缓解西北地区荒漠化趋势的最具成效的地区.本文利用美国国家大气科学研究中心(NCAR,National Center for Atmospheric Research)研制的通用大气模式CAM3(Community Atmosphere Model Version 3)对西北地区植被变化的影响进了数值模拟.本文共设计了三个试验,使用正常地表植被覆盖的参考试验,地表下垫面变为裸土的去植被试验和植被增加的生态环境好转试验.首先,本文对西北地区植被变化对于当地降水量、地表水分盈余量、径流量、地表土壤含水量等地表水文变量的影响进行了分析研究.然后对西北地区植被变化对当地的陆气耦合强度的影响进了分析研究,陆气耦合强度是衡量局地陆气相互作用强弱程度的一个新标准,基于计算年降水量与蒸散量的协方差与降水量方差之比而得到.它利用观测数据或模式输出数据,计算起来简便容易,物理意义明确清晰,陆气相互作用越强烈的地区,其陆气耦合强度也越高.最后,本文计算了一个蒸散-水汽通量散度指数来衡量植被变化对局地蒸散与大气水汽通量散度的影响,其在一定程度上反应了植被变化对局地陆气相互作用和大尺度大气环流输送作用的影响,也可以视为一个评估人为生态环境工程效果的指标.西北地区陆气耦合强度由东南向西北递增.去植被之后,西北地区降水与蒸发普遍减少,其中在东南部区域,地表径流增加约10~40 mm,渗流量与地表土壤含水量分别减少约40~80 mm和5~20 mm3·mm-3,陆气耦合强度上升,这有可能导致水土流失,不利于当地植被的恢复.生态环境好转之后,内陆地区降水与蒸发明显增加,但地表盈余水分有所减少,主要原因是蒸散量相较于降水量增加的更多.其中在沙漠戈壁区边缘的新疆南部与内蒙西部,渗流量与地表土壤含水量分别上升约5~20 mm和5~20 mm3·mm-3,陆气耦合强度降低,蒸散-水汽通量散度指数较高,这可能主要是由于植被变化对局地陆气相互作用的改变而造成的.植被对于西北地区地表水文过程有着明显的影响,植被的存在能加速西北地区地表水文循环过程,减小陆面蒸散的变化,降低陆气耦合强度.在有限的人力与财力条件下,集中力量在在沙漠戈壁区边缘的新疆南部与内蒙西部适当种植灌木与青草并防止过度放牧,能有效降低当地陆气耦合强度,缓解西北地区荒漠化加剧的趋势.本文下一步还需考虑如模式地表植被数据与真实情况的差异性,海洋因素变化对于植被变化的反馈,以及进行集合实验来增加研究结果的可靠性.  相似文献   

The paper presents a semi-analytical method for predicting the flow rate hydrograph due to a hypothetical sudden and total dam failure in a natural valley. The method generalizes the approach proposed by Hunt for the dam-break problem in a rectangular frictionless sloping channel to a valley with a cross-section area expressed by a power-law function of water depth, in order to take into account the most common shapes of natural valleys. The parameters of the deriving model can be set by exploiting data usually available concerning the dam section geometry and the reservoir storage-depth curve. The application of the technique to three different reservoirs is discussed. The results show that the flow rate hydrographs obtained at the dam site agree with the ones calculated by means of a finite volume numerical code based on two-dimensional shallow water equations. The method requires moderate computational and data collecting effort, so it can be regarded as a useful alternative to other procedures commonly adopted in the practice.  相似文献   

青藏高原通道流模型动力环境的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
"中、下地壳流"模型作为一种可能的动力学演化机制,在解决诸如喜马拉雅造山带和青藏高原东缘、南缘等区域地壳中岩层的通道流或韧性剪切挤出等方面的解释给出了相应的模型和阐述.本文基于青藏高原壳、幔介质平均速度模型,采用二维黏弹性数值模型对高原下地壳物质流动的动力学边界条件进行探讨.研究结果表明:(1)青藏高原下地壳与上地幔盖层物质作为坚硬的固态物质相接,不具备可运动的边界条件,难以在Moho界面处任意地域发生相互运动.壳、幔介质中需存在可供物质高速运动的边界条件,即以上地壳底部的低速层为上滑移面,以上地幔软流圈顶部为下滑移面,才有可能在足够强的力系作用下促使"下地壳+岩石圈盖层"物质发生同步运移;(2)若不具备这样的初始与边界条件是难以产生深部物质运移的.因此,青藏高原深部壳、幔物质运动不可能是普遍存在的,只能是局部和在特异环境下才能实现.  相似文献   

In order to optimize ship navigation in the macrotidal Gironde Estuary, a recent project funded by the port of Bordeaux aims at better understand and forecast hydrodynamic and fine sediment transport within the estuary. In the framework of this project, a two-dimensional hydro-sedimentary model is built. The model includes hydrodynamic forcings, mixed-sediment transport, and consolidation processes. The harmonic analysis of the astronomical tides reveals a strong distortion of the tidal wave inducing the growth of overtide constituents and the non-significant effect of tide-surge interactions in annual-scale prediction. Depending on hydrological conditions, river discharge can considerably alter the model accuracy due to the migration of the turbidity maximum zone modifying the bottom roughness. Comparison with measurements shows the ability of the model to reproduce suspended-sediment concentrations in the central Estuary. Sensitivity of the model to sediment features has also been discussed in regard of suspended-sediment concentrations and fluid mud deposits. The model will be further coupled with ship squat predictions and a morphodynamic model.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional coupled hydrodynamic-sediment transport model for the Texas-Louisiana continental shelf was developed using the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) and used to represent fluvial sediment transport and deposition for the year 1993. The model included water and sediment discharge from the Mississippi River and Atchafalaya Bay, seabed resuspension, and suspended transport by currents. Input wave properties were provided by the Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN) model so that ROMS could estimate wave-driven bed stresses, critical to shallow-water sediment suspension. The model used temporally variable but spatially uniform winds, spatially variable seabed grain size distributions, and six sediment tracers from rivers and seabed.At the end of the year 1993, much of the modeled fluvial sediment accumulation was localized with deposition focused near sediment sources. Mississippi sediment remained within 20-40 km of the Mississippi Delta. Most Atchafalaya sediment remained landward of the 10-m isobath in the inner-most shelf south of Atchafalaya Bay. Atchafalaya sediment displayed an elongated westward dispersal pattern toward the Chenier Plain, reflecting the importance of wave resuspension and perennially westward depth-averaged currents in the shallow waters (<10 m). Due to relatively high settling velocities assumed for sediment from the Mississippi River as well as the shallowness of the shelf south of Atchafalaya Bay, most sediment traveled only a short distance before initial deposition. Little fluvial sediment could be transported into the vicinity of the “Dead Zone” (low-oxygen area) within a seasonal-annual timeframe. Near the Mississippi Delta and Atchafalaya Bay, alongshore sediment-transport fluxes always exceeded cross-shore fluxes. Estimated cumulative sediment fluxes next to Atchafalaya Bay were episodic and “stepwise-like” compared to the relatively gradual transport around the Mississippi Delta. During a large storm in March 1993, strong winds helped vertically mix the water column over the entire shelf (up to 100-m isobath), and wave shear stress dominated total bed stress. During fair-weather conditions in May 1993, however, the freshwater plumes spread onto a stratified water column, and combined wave-current shear stress only exceeded the threshold for suspending sediment in the inner-most part of the shelf.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional(3D) non-hydrostatic numerical model is established to investigate local scour around four aligned circular piles in uniform and non-uniform sediment mixtures and to provide information for improving scour countermeasures design. In the current study, unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes(URANS) equations along with a Re-normalization Group(RNG) k-ε model were applied to simulate the flow field. A non-uniform sediment transport model was applied to estimate the bedload tran...  相似文献   

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