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近期发展的震源反演方法并没有充分利用区域地震图的宽频带性质,原因是用平行层模型计算的格林函数和真实地壳的复杂传播现象不同。这种反演通常去掉了短周期成分,并且只反演记录中选定的部分。在本文中,我们介绍一种估算震源参数的方法,它可以较好地应用整个宽频带记录,而且只采用目前仅有的不完善的格林函数即可。这个方法通过分别拟合格林函数的各个部分来使得记录图与合成图主要的地壳到达波到时差别不大。确定震源参数的原  相似文献   

用数字化宽频带波形资料反演共和地震的震源参数   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10  
许力生  陈运泰 《地震学报》1997,19(2):113-128
1990年4月26日,在青海省共和县境内发生了一次MS=6.9的地震.随后于1990年5月7日、1994年1月3日和1994年2月16日在同一地区相继发生了震级分别为MS=5.5,6.0和5.7的余震.用频率域矩张量反演方法得到了上述地震的矩张量.结果表明,这4次地震的震源机制总体上比较接近,是以逆冲为主的、走向NWW、倾向SSW的断层,其标量地震矩M0分别为:MS=6.9地震,9.41018 Nm;MS=5.5地震,8.01016 Nm;MS=6.0地震,4.91017 Nm;MS=5.7地震,2.91017 Nm.反演结果还表明,这几次地震的震源过程明显不同,MS=6.9地震比较复杂,它主要是由两次规模相当的事件构成的,第一次事件从0 s开始至12 s结束,地震矩为4.71018 Nm;第二次事件从31 s开始至41 s结束,地震矩为2.51018 Nm;另外,在上述两次主要事件之间(12~31 s),还有一次较小的事件发生,地震矩为2.11018 Nm.与MS=6.9主震相比,3次余震的震源过程比较简单,其震源时间函数呈简单脉冲形状,表明这几次余震都是主要由一次连续的破裂构成.MS=5.5地震的上升时间为4 s,持续时间11 s;MS=6.0地震的上升时间为6 s,持续时间16 s;MS=5.7地震的上升时间约为6 s,持续时间13 s.  相似文献   

利用剪切位错点源作为震源模型,采用横向均匀的水平层状介质模型作为地壳近似模型,使用F-K波数积分法计算格林函数并拟合理论地震图.在已有理论方法的基础上,利用国家数字地震台网所记录的宽频带数字资料,选取了2002~2003年间发生在国内Ms≥5.4的5个地震事件进行震源机制解测定.并且,将测定结果与HRV的矩心矩张量解、USGS的地震矩张量解、中国地震信息网的速报震源机制解分别进行了对比,通过实际计算表明测定结果是可靠的.从而初步验证了在中国国家数字地震台网中使用F-K波数积分法测定震源机制解的可行性和准确性.  相似文献   

近震源宽频带记录的地震矩张量反演   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
吴忠良  陈运泰 《地震学报》1994,16(2):141-152
以1985年4月18日云南禄劝地震(Ms=6.1)的15次余震为例, 使用简单介质模型进行近震源记录的地震矩张量反演, 并试图通过反演结果的讨论, 进一步明确有关方法的意义和限度。将DCS-302数字磁带加速度仪组成的小孔径流动台网获得的三分向近震源宽频带记录进行两次积分得到位移地震图, 对依据震相特征选出的信噪比较大的直达P波、直达S波和SP转换波波形在频率域进行矩张量反演。反演中采用均匀弹性半空间的格林函数。计算结果表明, 采用简单的介质模型, 选取信噪比较大的震相进行矩张量反演, 对MLL约为4-5的地震可以较好地给出震源机制解。在不十分了解详细结构的情况下, 用本文所发展的反演方法处理大量中小地震求震源机制和构造应力场是十分便利的。地震矩张量反演的结果给出禄劝地区的主压应力轴为近NNW向, 接近水平, 表明该地震与欧亚板块和印度板块边界的构造运动有关。   相似文献   

高原  吴忠良 《华南地震》1997,17(4):10-18
1988至1990年,青海地区发生了4次震级大于6.0的强震。利用GDSN宽频带波形资料,通过波形模拟,结合地质构造的背景资料对这几次地震进行了震源破裂和发震构造背景的研究。使用台站的准震源时间函数和准时间差的分析方法,对震源和复杂性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

1992年6月28日大贝尔地震宽频记录的分析:多震源的证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
6月28日大贝尔地震发生于15:05:21格林尼(GMT)。该地震被认为是早些时间MW=7.3的兰斯地震的余震。从所有余震的位置和工周期震源研究看一 向北东方向传播的,然而,地表没有发现破裂,由强震和TERRAscope数据所确定的主震位置相互一致,并且没有位于假设的断层面上。此我,对TERRAscope台阵中得到的记录进行的方向性分析表明,显著的短周期和长周期能量沿假定的相对断层向北西方向传播2  相似文献   

中强地震潜在震源区划分原则和方法的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
正确地划分中强地震潜在震源区,是地震区划和地震动预测的基础课题。该文在地分析地震科学联合中基金6个有关课题成果的基础上,对12个相关的问题进行了再研究与论证,从中总结出适合我国东部地区中强地震潜在震源区的划分原则和方法,最后,还对今后的研究工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

基于有限断层模型反演方法,我们利用区域宽频带数据反演得到了2014年8月3日鲁甸MS6.5级地震的震源破裂过程.反演结果显示:此次地震的发震断层走向为北北西向,破裂主要以左旋走滑为主,位移主要发生在震源左上方,最大滑动量为0.7 m,模型显示断层破裂可能接近地表,破裂长度约10 km.此次地震释放的标量地震矩为1.97×1018 N·m,相当于矩震级为Mw 6.1,地震能量主要在前15 s释放.鲁甸地震有四个显著的特点:(1)位移主要集中在浅部,从11 km起破点开始迅速向上传播,大部分位于10 km以上且最大位移位于深度3 km处,从模型来看,破裂可能接近地表,因此地表震动较为强烈;(2)应力降比较大,计算显示释放的同震静态应力降约为2.8 MPa;(3)破裂速度较快,在地表附近超过了2.5 km·s-1;(4)主震可能发生在一个共轭断层系上.这四个特点可能是导致此次地震造成如此重大人员伤亡和财产损失的最重要的原因.  相似文献   

高台以其优越的地理条件 ,使甚宽带数字地震仪有较好的记录效果。两台数据采集器输出 9通道的数采信号更使本台有较丰富的数字记录资料 ,为地震学、地球物理学应用和研究领域提供了更加完善的资料。对于单台来说 ,现在所用的单台交互分析软件已使我们从模拟记录向数字化迈出了可喜的一大步。从这个软件的应用过程 ,我们逐步从陌生走向成熟 ,其中也不乏走过了许多弯路 ,但经过悉心向专家请教和我们不懈的努力 ,此软件已不知不觉地被灵活应用了。现就此软件在使用过程中出现的问题及解决的办法简述如下。1 一个地震事件跨小时 ,即 P头及后续…  相似文献   

Four earthquakes with M > 6.0 occurred in Qinghai Province, China froth 1988 to 1990. Using broadband data from GDSN, the source ruptures of these earthquakes and tectonic surroundings were studied using waveform modelling combined with background data of geological tectonics. Through the analysis of apparent source time function (aSTF) and apparent time difference (aTD), the complexity of sources was discussed, and in view of source analysis, the result further supports the conclusion that the compressive stress axis of tectonic stress field in northeastern Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) plateau is at the NE direction, is nearly horizontal, turns counter-clockwise to the NEE or N to S direction, and is nearly horizontal close to the northern Qinghai-Xizang plateau.  相似文献   

远震体波宽频带记录可以用来研究震源参数和破裂过程。利用宽频带地震记录的P波振幅,可以找到一种较方便地得到一次中强地震的震源机制解的计算方法。1993年10月2日中国新疆南部Mb6.2地震是一个较为复杂的事件,利用宽频带波形资料和本文提出的一种简化的计算震源两个子事件相对位置的方法分析后认为,这次事件实质上是两次破裂的结果。Mb6.2地震事件发生前约2.3秒,有另一个小地震事件发生,两个事件之间的相对距离约为5.5km,沿破裂面接走向以顺时针方向计,小地震事件相对于主破裂之间的方位是295°。对于以上提出的两种算法的结果,我们进行了宽频带地震波形正演拟合检验,证明了算法的有效性。新疆是个多地震地区,本文以新疆南部这次Mb6.2地震为中心,对方圆200km范围内的历史地震序列作了分析,并对这次地震的构造意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

IntroductionAnearthquakeofMs=7.9occurredinMaul,Xizang(Tibet),Chinaat10:02f55.4(UTC),No')ember8.1997.TheepicenterdeterminedbyChinaNationalSeismographNetwork(CNSN)is87.33"E.3>.26'N,thefocaldepthis40km,andthemagnitudeisMs=7.4.Accordingtothedeterllllnati...  相似文献   

TheM s =6.9 Gonghe, China, earthquake of April 26, 1990 is the largest earthquake to have been documented historically as well as recorded instrumentally in the northeastern Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) plateau. The source process of this earthquake and the tectonic stress field in the northeastern Qinghai-Xizang plateau are investigated using geodetic and seismic data. The leveling data are used to invert the focal mechanism, the shape of the slipped region and the slip distribution on the fault plane. It is obtained through inversion of the leveling data that this earthquake was caused by a mainly reverse dip-slipping buried fault with strike 102°, dip 46° to SSW, rake 86° and a seismic moment of 9,4×1018 Nm. The stress drop, strain and energy released for this earthquake are estimated to be 4.9 MPa, 7.4×10–5 and 7.0×1014 J, respectively. The slip distributes in a region slightly deep from NWW to SEE, with two nuclei, i.e., knots with highly concentrated slip, located in a shallower depth in the NWW and a deeper depth in the SEE, respectively.Broadband body waves data recorded by the China Digital Seismograph Network (CDSN) for the Gonghe earthquake are used to retrieve the source process of the earthquakes. It is found through moment-tensor inversion that theM s =6.9 main shock is a complex rupture process dominated by shear faulting with scalar seismic moment of the best double-couple of 9.4×1018 Nm, which is identical to the seismic moment determined from leveling data. The moment rate tensor functions reveal that this earthquake consists of three consecutive events. The first event, with a scalar seismic moment of 4.7×1018 Nm, occurred between 0–12 s, and has a focal mechanism similar to that inverted from leveling data. The second event, with a smaller seismic moment of 2.1×1018 Nm, occurred between 12–31 s, and has a variable focal mechanism. The third event, with a sealar seismic moment of 2.5×1018 Nm, occurred between 31–41 s, and has a focal mechanism similar to that inverted from leveling data. The strike of the 1990 Gonghe earthquake, and the significantly reverse dip-slip with minor left-lateral strike-slip motion suggest that the pressure axis of the tectonic stress field in the northeastern Qinghai-Xizang plateau is close to horizontal and oriented NNE to SSW, consistent with the relative collision motion between the Indian and Eurasian plates. The predominant thrust mechanism and the complexity in the tempo-spatial rupture process of the Gonghe earthquake, as revealed by the geodetic and seismic data, is generally consistent with the overall distribution of isoseismals, aftershock seismicity and the geometry of intersecting faults structure in the Gonghe basin of the northeastern Qinghai-Xizang plateau.Contribution No. 96 B0006 Institute of Geophysics, State Seismological Bureau, Beijing, China.  相似文献   

An earthquake of M S=7.4 occurred in Mani, Xizang (Tibet), China on November 8, 1997. The moment tensor of this earthquake was inverted using the long period body waveform data from China Digital Seismograph Network (CDSN). The apparent source time functions (ASTFs) were retrieved from P and S waves, respectively, using the deconvolution technique in frequency domain, and the tempo-spatial rupture process on the fault plane was imaged by inverting the azimuth dependent ASTFs from different stations. The result of the moment tensor inversion indicates that the P and T axes of earthquake-generating stress field were nearly horizontal, with the P axis in the NNE direction (29°), the T axis in the SEE direction (122°) and that the NEE-SWW striking nodal plane and NNW-SSE striking nodal plane are mainly left-lateral and right-lateral strike-slip, respectively; that this earthquake had a scalar seismic moment of 3.4×1020 N·m, and a moment magnitude of M W=7.6. Taking the aftershock distribution into account, we proposed that the earthquake rupture occurred in the fault plane with the strike of 250°, the dip of 88° and the rake of 19°. On the basis of the result of the moment tensor inversion, the theoretical seismograms were synthesized, and then the ASTFs were retrieved by deconvoving the synthetic seismograms from the observed seismograms. The ASTFs retrieved from the P and S waves of different stations identically suggested that this earthquake was of a simple time history, whose ASTF can be approximated with a sine function with the half period of about 10 s. Inverting the azimuth dependent ASTFs from P and S waveforms led to the image showing the tempo-spatial distribution of the rupture on the fault plane. From the "remembering" snap-shots, the rupture initiated at the western end of the fault, and then propagated eastward and downward, indicating an overall unilateral rupture. However, the slip distribution is non-uniform, being made up of three sub-areas, one in the western end, about 10 km deep ("western area"); another about 55 km away from the western end and about 35 km deep ("eastern area"); the third about 30 km away from the western end and around 40 km deep ("central area"). The total rupture area was around 70 km long and 60 km wide. From the "forgetting" snap-shots, the rupturing appeared quite complex, with the slip occurring in different position at different time, and the earthquake being of the characteristics of "healing pulse". Another point we have to stress is that the locations in which the rupture initiated and terminated were not where the main rupture took place. Eventually, the static slip distribution was calculated, and the largest slip values of the three sub-areas were 956 cm, 743 cm and 1 060 cm, for the western, eastern and central areas, respectively. From the slip distribution, the rupture mainly distributed in the fault about 70 km eastern to the epicenter; from the aftershock distribution, however, the aftershocks were very sparse in the west to the epicenter while densely clustered in the east to the epicenter. It indicated that the Mani M S=7.9 earthquake was resulted from the nearly eastward extension of the NEE-SWW to nearly E-W striking fault in the northwestern Tibetan plateau. Contribution No. 99FE2016, Institute of Geophysics, China Seismological Bureau. This work is supported by SSTCC Climb Project 95-S-05 and NSFDYS 49725410.  相似文献   

2021年5月22日02时04分11.3秒(北京时间)青海果洛州玛多县发生M7.4地震.中国地震台网中心在震后立即启动余震监测和统计工作,于震后9min发布正式速报结果.同时,中国地震台网中心联合多家单位,共产出9类14种数据产品.产品结果显示,本次地震发生在巴颜喀拉块体,位于甘德南缘断裂带和玛多甘德地震带之间,推测极...  相似文献   

2000年青海玛多6.6 级强震中长期预测回顾   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对2000年青海玛多6.6级强震的跟踪预测过程作了简要回顾和总结,结果显示预测效果较好,同时表明翁文波信息预测理论对青藏高原北部地区强震预测具有较高的实用价值。  相似文献   

汶川地震烈度分布与震源过程相关性的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
汶川地震造成了靠近发震断层附近地区的工程结构的严重破坏,由此导致了巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失。汶川地震后,虽然目前还没有得到完整的强震记录,但是作为震害宏观描述的地震烈度,在一定程度上反应了汶川地震近断层地震动与震源过程之间的相关性,如近断层地震动的方向性效应和上盘效应。本文对此做了一些定性的分析,认为高烈度区的分布与震源机制和破裂过程存在一定的相关性,并且在近断层地区很可能存在着较为显著的方向性效应和上盘效应。更详细的研究还需要在得到足够的强震记录后才能进行。  相似文献   

利用滇西北地区震例资料和已有预测指标研究成果,采用层次分析法建立区域综合预测指标体系,获得了各预测指标的权重系数,在此基础上计算综合判定指标Y值并进行预测效能检验。结果显示:(1)本文建立的层次分析结构充分考虑了异常的共性和群体特征,得到了16项预测指标的相对重要性排序,权重值相对较大的指标分别是短期预测指标中的水化学突跳、前兆准同步、小震活动异常以及中期预测指标中的定点形变异常、流体破年变等;(2)Y值考虑了各级预测指标的权重系数,减少了由异常频次来分析震情的主观性,综合预测结果更加合理。震例检验显示综合判定指标Y值与主震震级存在一定的线性关系,且随主震震级的增大而逐渐增大;(3)滇西北地区Y值可以较好地反映中强地震的震兆强弱程度和异常可靠性,为区域震情综合判定提供定量化决策依据。  相似文献   

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