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Non-linear analysis of undrained cyclic strength of soft marine clay   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Iwan models are used to simulate the non-linear and hysteretic behaviour of soils under cyclic loading conditions. However, the model in its original form cannot take into account the stiffness degradation which is observed during cyclic loading of soft clays. Studies show that the stiffness reduction (expressed as degradation index) can be represented as a function of the number of cycles and of a degradation parameter depending on the strain amplitude in the case of strain controlled cyclic loading tests. This degradation index has been incorporated into Iwan's series–parallel model as a single fatigue parameter to account for the degradation during cyclic loading. The comparisons made with the existing results of two marine clays tested under undrained cyclic triaxial and simple shear conditions provided an opportunity to understand the capability of the one dimensional model.  相似文献   

Undrained shear strength is a fundamental parameter for estimating the stability of soft soils. This study explores the relationship between undrained shear strength, void ratio, and shear wave velocity for saturated and normally consolidated clay specimens. The undrained shear strength void ratio-shear wave velocity relationship was correlated to empirically determined parameters of selected marine clay specimens. To verify the proposed relationship between undrained shear strength and shear wave velocity, in situ flat dilatometer tests were used for determining the undrained shear strength, and downhole tests were used to assess the shear wave velocity on a natural soil deposit at various depths. The undrained shear strength estimated from the in situ shear wave velocities was compared to the undrained shear strength obtained in the field. The results show that the inferred undrained shear strength yield similar values and follow the same trends as the in situ undrained shear strength data. This method using shear wave velocity can help to nondestructively estimate the undrained shear strength of soft soils in the field and be used in both on-shore and off-shore geotechnical engineering projects.  相似文献   

鉴于海底浅表层软黏土强度测试精细化程度不足的现状,引入流体测试中的流变仪,对青岛海域海底浅表层软黏土开展多组原状和重塑试样的不排水剪切强度试验,通过对比静力触探和微型十字板测试结果,验证了流变仪测试方法的有效性。基于流变仪试验结果,揭示了海底软黏土原状和重塑状态下不排水剪切破坏模式,探讨了海底软黏土不排水剪切强度和灵敏度随埋深及液性指数的发展演变趋势,评价了软黏土的结构性特征。最后,引入含水率与液限之比对海底浅表层软黏土重塑不排水剪切强度进行了归一化分析,为近海海洋开发活动提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a modified-theoretical approach to interpreting the undrained shear strength from piezocone tests in clays. Assuming the shear and normal stresses on the cone face to be the friction at the cone–soil interface and the ultimate expansion pressure, respectively, an expression of the tip resistance is first derived at force equilibrium. The undrained shear strength is then determined by combining the derived expression of tip resistance with the formulation for pore pressure at the cone shoulder position. Many factors, such as the penetration rate and the cone roughness, are considered in this model. Different shaped model penetrometers, including cone- and ball-shaped ones, are adopted in centrifuge tests to investigate the validity of the proposed method. The undrained shear strength estimated from the piezocone test is found to agree well with that from ball penetrometer test. Case studies are also presented to show the application of the proposed method. Comparisons between the predicted and measured values of undrained shear strength indicate that the proposed approach is generally applicable for nonfissured clays, especially intact clays.  相似文献   

通过对南海重塑粉质粘土土样的大量动三轴试验结果分析,得到此种土在波浪荷载作用后不捧水抗剪强度衰化同动载作用引起的动应变幅及平均累积孔压之间的相互关系和预估公式;并通过与超固结土样的静三轴剪切试验结果的比较,发现动、静三轴两种试验结果具有很好的吻合关系。建议可用超固结土样的静三轴剪切试验同时结合部分动三轴试验来预估土样在波浪荷载作用后不排水抗剪强度衰化与平均累积孔压之间的关系。  相似文献   


A nonlinear mathematical model for estimating the water content dependent undrained shear strength of clayey soils was developed. Three types of clay mixtures (kaolinite, bentonite, and kaolinite-bentonite) were considered. The shear strength of the given soil samples was determined via torvane tests. Experimental results were compared with three numerical results: (i) the analytical function fit, (ii) modeling without the water content effect, and (iii) modeling with the water content effect using the Mohr-Coulomb (M-C) model. There was good agreement among the experimental, analytical, and numerical results with and without the water content effect in the fully softening zone. However, there was a large difference between the numerical results obtained from the developed model with and without the water content effect in the flow zone with a high liquidity index, because the shear strength may decrease significantly to low value in the case of an abrupt increase of the water content. The greatest advantage of the developed model is that it can simulate the reduction of the shear strength and shear band development under the high water content condition, which may trigger a large mobile mass movement.  相似文献   

使用有限元方法对不同边界条件下受轴向压力的多种类型开孔板的极限强度进行了研究。考虑到板的极限强度所涉及的非线性问题,运用ABAQUS/Standard弹塑性大挠度分析来求解极限强度。在计算了系列不同开孔位置及开孔大小的板的屈曲强度后,分析了各种边界条件及开孔形式对开孔板的极限强度的影响程度。最后在得到规律的基础上提出了适用于一定边界条件下的经验公式,可以在初步设计中用于估算开孔板的极限强度值。  相似文献   


Under seismic loading, the soil layer is subjected to multidirectional cyclic shear stress with different amplitudes and frequencies because of the coupling of multiple shear waves and the soil element within a slope or behind a retaining wall is subjected to initial static shear stress before subjected to cyclic loading. Due to the complexity of seismic loading propagation, a phase difference exists between the initial static shear stress and cyclic shear stress. To investigate the influence of the phase difference and initial static shear stress on cyclic shear strain, cyclic modulus, and cyclic strength, a series of laboratory tests are performed on Wenzhou marine soft clay by multi-directional simple shear system, which can simulate the actual state better by controlling the horizontal cyclic stress in the x and y directions simultaneously. As the phase difference varies from 0° to 90°, the dynamic shear modulus increases and cyclic strain accumulation decreases with an increasing number of cycles. The shear strain increases with the initial shear stress.  相似文献   

The Huanghe River(Yellow River) Delta has a wide distribution of fine-grained soils. Fluvial alluviation, erosion,and wave loads affect the shoal area, resulting complex physical and mechanical properties to sensitive fine-grained soil located at the river-sea boundary. The cone penetration test(CPT) is a convenient and effective in situ testing method which can accurately identify various soil parameters. Studies on undrained shear strength only roughly determine the fine content(FC) without ma...  相似文献   

A total of 1,014 measures of sediment shear strengths were measured by means of miniature vane shear and fall cone tests on five gravity cores collected in Eckernfo‐erde Bay, Baltic Sea. Paired t test was used to compare the shear strengths measured by the two methods. It was found that fall cone strength calculated with Wood's K60value (0.29) overestimates the vane shear strength by 0.15 kPa (a = 0.001) and the sample mean of the fall cone strength is 4.1% higher than the mean of the vane shear strength. However, fall cone strength calculated with Hansbo's K60 value (0.24) underestimates the vane shear strength by 0.88 kPa (a = 0.001), and the sample mean of the fall cone strength is 13.8% less than the mean of the vane shear strength. Both calculated fall cone strengths are significantly different from the vane shear strength, with a p value of less than 0.001. Regression analysis of the Echernfoerde Bay data indicates that a new K60 value is 0.275 with a confidence interval (a = 0.01) from 0.2704 to 0.2786. Paired t test shows that there is no significant difference between miniature vane shear and fall cone tests for these samples if the fall cone strength is calculated with K60 = 0.275.  相似文献   

本文阐述了对海底沉积物样品在应力-应变过程中进行同步声学测量的实验工具和方法,分析了采自南海45个站位的海底沉积物样品的实验数据资料,结果表明,沉积物颗粒越粗、孔隙越小、无侧限抗压强度越大,声速越高。沉积物样品在受力应变过程中,声速具有明显的随应力而变化的特征。进一步探讨了不同应变阶段沉积物的声学特征以及应力所导致沉积物微结构变化对其声速的影响过程,这一研究将在石油地质测井和海底工程基底稳定性评价等方面具有重要的应用意义。  相似文献   

利用30个混凝土试块的超声波声速、回弹、抗压强度实测数据,应用遗传算法建立了新的超声回弹的混凝土强度换算值计算公式,该公式明显改进了高强度区混凝土强度的拟合精度。结果表明,作为一种全局搜索技术,遗传算法在超声回弹综合法测强曲线研制过程中具有实际应用价值。  相似文献   

对从南海海藻内生真菌ZJ27次级代谢产物中分离得到的5种化合物进行抑菌活性的研究,采用96孔板法测定化合物对蜡状芽孢杆菌、枯草芽孢杆菌、大肠杆菌、白色葡萄球菌、藤黄八叠球菌、金黄色葡萄球菌等6种细菌的抑制活性,并用生长速率法测定化合物对黑曲霉、尖孢镰刀菌、立枯丝核菌和白色念珠菌等4种真菌的抑制活性。化合物对上述6种细菌均有不同的抑制作用,其中化合物1对枯草芽孢杆菌、白色葡萄球菌和藤黄八叠球菌有很好的抑制作用,MIC值分别为0.1、0.2、0.2μmol/mL。化合物1和2对黑曲霉、尖孢镰刀菌、立枯丝核菌和白色念珠菌也有很好的抑制作用,化合物1对这4种真菌的IC50分别为15.06、3.09、3.68、8.19μmol/mL,化合物2相应的IC50为22.28、21.32、8.18、21.75μmol/mL。化合物1和2作为天然抗菌物质,具有广谱抑菌效果,具有较高的应用潜力和综合开发前景。  相似文献   

Although extensive research has been performed on the mechanical properties of cement-stabilized clays, quite a few attempts have been made on the compression behavior of remolded cement-admixed clays. The results from oedometer tests have been discussed to investigate the compressibility of remolded cement-admixed clays, taking into consideration cement amount and curing time. The findings show that the difference in shape and position of compression curves is attributed to cement amount and curing time. Most compression index (Cc) values of remolded cement-admixed clays are greater than those of untreated clay due to the presence of remolded yield stress σ′yr that is closely related to initial water content and clay fabric. Based on the obtained test data, the relationships of Cc vs. e0, Cc vs. w0, Cc vs. e1, Cc vs. eyr, and σ′yr vs. eyr are preliminarily discussed and quantitatively established. Especially, an important divergence of void index Iv at effective stress σ′v less than remolded yield stress σ′yr can be observed at different cement amounts and curing durations. Being independent on cement amount, curing time, and initial state of soil, an excellent convergence occurs at stress σ′v greater than yield stress σ′yr. The normalized compression curves of Iv vs. σ′v at σ′v?>?σ′y can be expressed by a unique line that agrees well with intrinsic compression line (ICL) and extended ICL.  相似文献   

The study investigated the effects of salinity on growth,antimicrobial activities and secondary metabolites of 47 marine filamentous fungi isolated from the East China Sea near the western shore of the Taiwan Straits.The results indicate that NaCl promoted the growth up to 91.5% of test strains.However,only 14.9% of them showed a significant increase of antimicrobial activity against Candida albicans.When incubated in different concentrations of NaCl,the colony growth, antimicrobial activities and composition of secondary metabolites of the strain Ty01b-8 of Penicillium sp.varied.Treatment with KCl also showed a similar effect.An alkaloid isolated from the fermentation broth of Ty01b-8 was identified as chrysogine,inhibition activity of which against Hela cells was 15.05% at 20 μ g/ml,and yield was 4.4 and 4.9 times higher in 3 percent and 6 percent NaCl treatments,respectively, compared with the non-salt culture condition. These findings prove that salinity is an important factor influencing growth and secondary metabolites of some marine fungi,which can be used to screen for new metabolites from marine fungi,and to enhance their metabolites production in industrial fermentation.  相似文献   

The results of one-dimensional compression tests conducted on undisturbed specimens of Jiangsu soft marine clay is presented. Because of its high in situ void ratios and natural water content, Jiangsu soft marine clay displays high values of both the virgin compression index, Cc, and the secondary compression coefficient, Cα. The laboratory data indicates that the value of the ratio Cα/Cc for Jiangsu soft marine clay is constant. However, neither Cα nor Cc are constant: they both depend upon the natural water content (or void ratio) and thus are also dependent on the deformation (or compression) of Jiangsu soft marine clay. Settlement analyses show that the secondary settlement of Jiangsu soft marine clay is a significant component of the field settlement. The concept of a constant value for Cα/Cc is used to predict the secondary settlement of a surcharged embankment founded upon Jiangsu soft marine clay. The predictions are in agreement with the limited post-construction field measurements of the embankment settlement.  相似文献   

The change in strength and deformation behavior of a typical marine clay deposit formed under shallow water is presented and discussed for the conditions of changing water table. This is a costal marine clay deposit with moderate carbonates along the east coast of India. The soil samples were taken from tidal flats where the sea had receded some time back, and the behavior of this deposit had been studied for the conditions of 1976, with high water table, and for the conditions of 2001, with depleted water table. Undisturbed soil samples were taken from sheeted open test pits. Standard consolidation and triaxial shear tests were conducted. Consolidation tests conducted on the samples taken for 1976 conditions with high water contents indicate that cementation effect are erased out under moderate stresses. Beyond this stress range, it behaves like soft, normally consolidated clay. In contrast, the results obtained from samples taken during 2001, with depleted water table, clearly indicate that the soil behaves like an over-consolidated one, and the improvement in the system is due to the chemical bonding and desiccation.  相似文献   

点蚀损伤下桩基式平台腿柱轴压极限承载力研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用圆柱体点蚀损伤模型,建立含细观尺度点蚀损伤的桩基式平台腿柱多尺度精细化数值模型,研究壁厚损伤度、点蚀损伤强度以及点蚀体积损伤强度影响平台腿柱轴压极限承载力的规律。研究结果表明,壁厚损伤度及点蚀损伤强度明显削弱平台腿柱的极限强度,且随点蚀损伤强度增大壁厚损伤度的影响加剧;点蚀体积损伤强度由于综合考虑了壁厚损伤度和点蚀损伤强度的耦合因素,相比于独立考虑后两者,其更能合理地描述点蚀损伤对平台腿柱极限强度的影响,故点蚀体积损伤强度体现了点蚀损伤的关键特征。本方法不仅适用于研究点蚀损伤构件的极限承载力,其所提出的点蚀损伤模型的构建方法,可拓展于研究受点蚀损伤的整体平台结构的极限承载力,且确定点蚀体积损伤强度为描述点蚀损伤特征的关键参数后,有望将其用于修正点蚀损伤平台腿柱的承载力设计公式。  相似文献   

Red tide occurrs frequently and causes signi?cant damage to the environment and human health. As a result, development of new effcient and environment friendly red-tide microalgae inhibitors has gained increasing attention in recent times. Algicolous endophytic fungi with unique habitats are promising sources for active agents owing to their abundant secondary metabolites and distinguished activities. In this study, the algicidal activities of 49 marine macroalgal-derived endophytic fungi against phytoplankton Alexandrium tamarense, Prorocentrum donghaiense, Heterosigma akashiwo, and Chattonella marina were examined using 96-well microplate. Four fungal strains, including Aspergillus wentii(pt-1), A. ustus(cf-42),and A. versicolor(dl-29, pt-20), exhibited potent algicidal activities. A total of 32 pure compounds isolated from these fungi were noted to possess dif ferent degrees of algicidal activities. Of those, 11 compounds comprising ?ve anthraquinones, two terpenoids, and four steroids showed high 24-h inhibition rates for the four red tide algae, with 24 h EC50 values ranging from 0.01 to 14.29 μg/mL. Among them, compound1(1,5-dihydroxy-3-methoxy-7-methylanthraquinone) presented the strongest activity against H. akashiwo,and could decrease its chlorophyll a(Chl a) and superoxide dismutase contents and increase the soluble protein, malondialdehyde, and peroxidase contents. These results suggested that the identi?ed anti-algal compound might inhibit the growth of red tide algae by weakening photosynthesis(reducing Chl a content),destroying cell membrane, and damaging the antioxidant system.  相似文献   

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