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中太平洋海山铁锰结壳生物地层学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用生物地层学方法对位于中太平洋同一座海山上的2块铁锰结壳样品进行了生物地层学详细研究,发现2块样品的生长层位对应,生物组合也相同.经鉴定,2块结壳的主要生长期都是晚古新世、中始新世至晚始新世、中中新世至上新世、上新世至更新世,2个主要的结壳生长间断分别在渐新世和早始新世.  相似文献   

Ferromanganese(Fe-Mn) crusts are potential archives of the Cu and Zn isotope compositions of seawater through time. In this study, the Cu and Zn isotopes of the top surface of 28 Fe-Mn crusts and 2 Fe-Mn nodules were analysed by MC-ICP-MS using combined sample-standard bracketing for mass bias correction. The Zn isotope compositions of the top surface of Fe-Mn crusts are in the range of 0.71‰ to 1.08‰, with a mean δ~(66) Zn value of 0.94‰±0.21‰(2 SD, n=28). The δ~(65) Cu values of the top surface of Fe-Mn crusts range from 0.33‰ to0.73‰, with a mean value of 0.58‰±0.20‰(2 SD, n=28). The Cu isotope compositions of Fe-Mn crusts are isotopically lighter than that of dissolved Cu in deep seawater(0.58‰ vs. 0.9‰). In contrast, the δ~(66) Zn values of Fe-Mn crusts appear to be isotopically heavy compared to deep seawater(0.94‰±0.21‰ vs. 0.51‰±0.14‰). The isotope fractionation between Fe-Mn crusts and seawater is attributed to equilibrium partitioning between the sorption to crusts and the organic-ligand-bound Cu and Zn in seawater. The Cu and Zn isotopes in the top surface of Fe-Mn crusts are not a direct reflection of the Cu and Zn isotopes, but a function of Cu and Zn isotopes in modern seawater. This study proposes that Fe-Mn crusts have the potential to be archives for paleoceanography through Cu and Zn isotope analysis.  相似文献   

铁锰结壳(又称富钴结壳、多金属结壳)富含Co、Cu、Mn、Ni、Ti、V、REE、Y和Zn等人类日常生活和高新技术产业亟需的关键金属,是一种重要的战略性矿产资源。本文对九州-帕劳海脊南段水深1900~2600 m处获得的9个站位铁锰结壳样品进行了矿物学和地球化学研究,分析了铁锰结壳的矿物组成、主微量元素和稀土元素含量,并进一步探讨了铁锰结壳的成因类型。结果表明,研究区铁锰结壳的矿物组成以水羟锰矿为主,同时含有大量非晶态铁氧/氢氧化物;Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、Cu平均含量分别为16.15%、15.38%、0.32%、0.33%、0.10%;CaO/P2O5均值为5.93,表明九州-帕劳海脊南段铁锰结壳样品均未发生磷酸盐化作用;铁锰结壳明显富集稀土元素(含Y,REYs),平均含量为1194 μg/g,轻稀土显著富集,稀土元素经后太古代澳大利亚页岩(PAAS)标准化后配分模式整体相对平坦,呈现Ce正异常而Eu无异常,与海水呈现镜像关系,说明铁锰结壳稀土元素主要来源于海水。铁锰结壳的矿物组成和元素判别图均表明九州-帕劳海脊南段铁锰结壳属于水成型,未受明显的成岩作用影响。  相似文献   

西太平洋麦哲伦海山区是全球重要的铁锰结壳资源分布区,具有丰富的稀土元素资源潜力。本文对采自麦哲伦海山区Kocebu海山的11个铁锰结壳表层样(<1 mm)进行稀土元素地球化学研究,探讨其含量特征、成因和影响稀土元素富集的环境因素。结果表明:Kocebu海山铁锰结壳表层样品ΣREY(Rare earth elements and yttrium)平均含量为1 366 mg/kg,低于前人在麦哲伦海山区其他海山以及邻近的马尔库斯–威克海山区的分析结果;样品轻稀土富集和Ce正异常(平均值为1.45)特征以及稀土元素成因图解、配分曲线和分配系数曲线等均表明该海山结壳属于水成成因;海水中稀土元素含量和溶解氧含量是控制结壳生长的关键环境参数,二者在Kocebu海山所在海区的浅水环境中含量较低;结壳ΣREY含量偏低与采样点水深较浅导致的海水稀土元素含量和溶解氧含量较低密切相关,受碎屑矿物的稀释作用影响较小。在开展铁锰结壳地球化学特征研究和资源勘探评价时应充分考虑采样水深的分布范围,局部水深样品的分析结果可能导致研究结果出现较大偏差。  相似文献   

In 2001, the International Seabed Authority (ISBA) initiated the consideration relating to the Regulations for Prospecting and Exploration for Hydrothermal Polymetallic Sulphides and Cobalt-rich Ferromanganese Crusts in the Area at its 7th session. Since then, the consideration of the Regulations has been mainly focused on the size of areas to be allocated for exploration and exploitation of the crusts. This paper, based on the investigation data and the analysis of the distribution characteristics of the crusts, suggests a model for determining the size of areas for exploration and exploitation of the crusts, taking into account various factors such as production scale, crust thickness and grade, mineable area proportion, recovery efficiency, exploration venture, and so on. Through the modeling, the paper suggests that the exploration area (the area covered by each application for approval of a plan of work for exploration of cobalt-rich crusts) shall be 4 856 km2 and the exploitation area (the mine site area) shall be 1 214 km2, for 20 years of 1 million wet tonnes annual production.  相似文献   

Marine hydrogenetically precipitated ferromanganese crusts are widespread in the Pacific Ocean. They occur as pavements coating volcanic or sedimentary hard-rock substrates, mainly on the slopes of seamounts, plateaus and hills in ocean basins and continental margins. We studied three ferromanganese crusts from one dredge haul from the Rivera Plate (western margin of Mexico), which are up to 15 mm thick and grow directly on a substrate of pillow basalt fragments. They consist of laminated, botryoidal, porous aggregates mostly of Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides and up to 10% silicates. XRD analysis showed the predominance of poorly crystallized mineral phases in the crusts that include Mn-feroxyhyte and vernadite, and an authigenic smectite-like clay. Detrital minerals probably derive from granodiorites of the eastern wall of the neighboring Middle America Trench. Scattered barite grains occur on the crust surface and suggest plume fall-out derived from hydrothermal vents, although a possible pelagic source cannot be dismissed. Ratios between major (Fe, Mn, Si) and trace (Co, Ni, Cu) elements reveal that such crusts are predominantly hydrogenetic in origin, although they show a hydrothermal influence that increases in the outer layers. Iron contents range from 16.2 to 25.2 wt.%, and manganese from 3.4 to 14.5 wt.%. The Fe/Mn ratio ranges from 1.6 to 7.0. The SiO2/Al2O3 ratio ranges from 4.3 to 6.6, indicating the presence of biogenic silica (radiolarians). The concentrations of copper (up to 383 ppm) and cobalt (up to 534 ppm) are significantly below those of the typical hydrogenetic crusts, whereas Ni (up to 1320 ppm) is about the same or slightly lower. REE normalized profiles and ΣREE values (486 to 732 ppm) match those reported for hydrogenetic crusts, but suggest a hydrothermal contribution for the later crust layers. The inferred crust growth rates using the Co-chronometer (44 and 229 mm/Myr) are higher than those reported for pure hydrogenetic crusts (mostly 1 to 6 mm/Myr), thus indicating an increasing hydrothermal influence. The highest growth rate (229 mm/Myr, corresponding to the outer crust layers) suggests a regional hydrothermal input of iron and manganese to seawater. The intensification of regional submarine hydrothermal activity began about 13,000 yr ago, and may be related to the tectonic activity in the complex junction of the Rivera, Cocos, Pacific and North America plates.  相似文献   

Ferromanganese crusts comparable with central Pacific occurrences with respect to thickness and extension have been discovered at the Tropic Seamount in the subtropical NE Atlantic. A comparison with typical hydrogenetic crusts from a central Pacific seamount revealed lower concentration of the Mn phase with Mn, Co, Ni, Zn, and Cu but a strongly increased terrigenous input of Fe, Pb, Al, and Si in the Atlantic crusts. Growth rates are increased compared with the Pacific crusts, and crust ages average at 10 My. The old phosphatized crust generation that started to grow about 20 My ago on the Pacific seamounts is not pronounced at the Tropic Seamount. The typical hydrographic and morphological parameters for hyrogenetic crust growth have also been found at the Tropic Seamount, which implies that the Tropic Seamount crusts have developed according to the hydrogenetic growth model. There are no indications of hydrothermal influence.  相似文献   

南海东部管事海山铁锰结壳的矿物组成和地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于开阔大洋海山结壳的矿物组成和地球化学特征研究已经比较深入,但对边缘海海山铁锰结壳的研究却较少。以在南海东部管事海山上采集的两块铁锰结壳为研究材料,对其进行了X射线衍射、扫描电镜及电子探针微区的分析,结果显示结壳矿物以水羟锰矿为主,含有少量针铁矿,碎屑矿物主要是石英和长石。结壳的显微结构呈现条带状分布,有10~15μm长的空隙和0.5μm直径大小的孔洞。相对于大洋结壳,结壳的Mn含量较高,与马尼拉海沟附近火山喷发物质有关,但Cu、Co和Ni含量更低,可能与边缘海沉积速率高或有机络合物吸附有关。矿物组成及元素比值表明结壳主要是水成的,但未发生明显磷酸盐化作用。元素比值和相关性表明,Mn主要来源于南海扩张停止后火山喷发、玄武岩风化形成溶解Mn;Fe与Si元素均来自火山碎屑、生源物质和陆源物质,还受到管状蠕虫吸附的影响。南海管事海山结壳是在富氧环境中上升流作用下选择性吸附水体中溶解化学元素缓慢沉积而成。结壳中元素含量随时间变化趋势反映了南海的古环境变化。  相似文献   

In the present paper, iodine(I), iron(Fe), manganese(Mn), cobalt(Co), phosphorus(P) and calcium(Ca)contents in three ferromanganese crusts from the Pacific Ocean are measured by spectrophotometric method and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometers(ICP-AES) to investigate the contents and distribution of iodine in ferromanganese crusts. The results show that iodine contents in three crusts vary between 27.1 and 836 mg/kg, with an average of 172 mg/kg, and the profile of iodine in the three crusts all exhibits a two-stage distribution zone: a young non-phosphatized zone and an old phosphatized zone that is rich in I, P and Ca. The iodine content ratios of old to young zone in MP5D44, CXD62–1 and CXD08–1 are 2.3, 3.4 and 13.7, respectively.The boundary depths of two-stage zone in MP5D44, CXD62–1 and CXD08–1 locate at 4.0 cm, 2.5 cm and 3.75 cm,respectively, and the time of iodine mutation in three crusts ranges from 17–37 Ma derived from 129 I dating and Co empirical formula, which is consistent with the times of Cenozoic phosphatization events. The present study shows that the intensity of phosphatization is the main responsible for the distribution pattern of iodine in the crusts on the basis of the correlation analysis. Consequently, iodine is a sensitive indicator for phosphatization.  相似文献   

大洋铁锰结壳是潜在的重要海洋资源,多年来世界各国对此已作了大量调查.传统意义上的铁锰结壳均分布于3000m水深以浅的海山基岩上.中国科学院海洋研究所在对东菲律宾海的地质调查中采集到大量褐黑色深水铁锰结壳.在300多个站位的取样中,在44个站位采集到结壳样品,可见结壳在研究区的分布较为广泛.该结壳发育于4000~5000m水深的致密至半固结沉积物的表层,厚度一般为2~3cm,最厚可达7cm.结壳为板(层)状.  相似文献   

Ferromanganese nodules and crusts contain relatively high concentration of rare earth elements(REE) and yttrium(REY),with a growing interest in exploitation as an alternative to land-based REY resources.On the basis of comprehensive geochemical approach,the abundance and distribution of REY in the ferromanganese nodules from the South China Sea are analyzed.The results indicate that the REY contents in ferromanganese deposits show a clear geographic regularity.Total REY contents range from 69.1×10~(–6) to 2 919.4×10~(–6),with an average value of 1 459.5×10~(–6).Especially,the enrichment rate of Ce content is high,accounting for almost 60% of the total REY.This REE enrichment is controlled mainly by the sorption of ferromanganese oxides and clay minerals in the nodules and crusts.Moreover,the total REY are higher in ferromanganese deposits of hydrogenous origin than of diagenetic origin.Finally,Light REE(LREE) and heavy REE(HREE) oxides of the ferromanganese deposits in the study area can be classified into four grades: non-enriched type,weakly enriched type,enriched type,and extremely enriched type.According to the classification criteria of rare earth resources,the Xisha and Zhongsha platform-central deep basin areas show a great potential for these rare earth metals.  相似文献   

深海多金属结核与富钴结壳富含Mn、Co、Ni、Cu及稀土等元素,极具资源潜力,因而广受关注。选择采集自九州-帕劳海脊南段水深约3 000 m的6个多金属结核和2个富钴结壳样品进行地球化学特征研究。结果显示本区样品Mn/Fe比值为0.88~1.07,Co及稀土元素含量高,与库克群岛多金属结核元素特征相似,表现出典型的水成成因特征。与其他地区水成结核、结壳相比,样品具有较高的Ca含量,可能和其所在位置海脊部位水深较浅、位于碳酸盐补偿深度(CCD)以上有关。样品表现出Y负异常、Nd含量高等水成结核的特点,但微弱的Ce正异常特征与其他地区水成多金属结核/壳的强烈Ce正异常特征不同,这表明其生长于弱氧化环境。本区结核分布在CCD以上,最小溶氧层(OMZ)以下,是一种水成成因、贫氧生长的新型多金属结核,其物质来源、成矿模式将为揭示多金属结核的形成分布规律提供一条全新的认识途径。同时研究区结核、结壳Co及稀土元素含量较高,且分布位置较浅,易于开采,具有一定的资源潜力。  相似文献   

全球三大洋海山钴结壳资源量估算   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
钴结壳具有Co、Ni、Cu和Mn及其他金属的潜在矿产资源和储存在结壳层中古环境信息的双重意义。与深海多金属结核和热液硫化物矿床相比,具有较高Co、Ni和Pt含量的海山钴结壳有可能成为商业勘探的潜在目标。为合理地估算出全球三大洋海山钴结壳资源量,基于我国西太平洋海山钴结壳拖网采样调查资料和对太平洋海山钴结壳资源分布规律和钴结壳矿区圈定参数指标的深入研究,按海山不同高度、不同洋壳年龄赋予不同结壳厚度,进而计算出全球三大洋海山钴结壳分布面积为3 039 452.14km2和干结壳资源量为(1 081.166 1~2 162.332 2)×108 t。太平洋海山钴结壳分布面积为2 123 087.12km2和干结壳资源量为(513.244~1 026.488)×108 t,大西洋海山钴结壳分布面积为512 509.74km2和干结壳资源量为(116.503 2~233.006 4)×108 t,印度洋海山钴结壳分布面积为403 855.28km2和干结壳资源量为(81.484 9~162.969 8)×108 t。三大洋海山钴结壳的Mn、Co、Ni和Cu金属量分别为(138.848 0~277.696 0)×108 t,(3.967 6~7.935 2)×108 t、(2.793 6~5.587 2)×108 t和(0.825 1~1.650 2)×108 t。根据钴结壳的Co含量、Co通量和厚度相关分析,所赋予的钴结壳厚度占理论推测厚度的6.10%~12.20%,这与Ku等得出"钴结壳生长时间约占其整个生命史4%"的认识非常相近。三大洋海山钴结壳实测厚度与赋值厚度对比分析表明,太平洋海山钴结壳赋值厚度平均值为1.87cm,实测厚度平均值为1.77cm,相对误差为5.35%,大西洋和印度洋相对误差分别为18.18%和23.23%。研究数据表明按海山高度和洋壳年龄所赋的钴结壳厚度基本合理,估算出的钴结壳资源量基本可靠。本文首次估算出三大洋海山钴结壳资源量,为整个海盆和三大洋海山钴结壳资源量估算提供了新方法。  相似文献   

Regional variation of Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and Cu in ferromanganese oxides (nodules and crusts) in the central south Pacific is related to primary productivity, oxygen minimum layer, and calcium carbonate compensation depth. The largely latitudinal influence of these environmental parameters on nodule and crust composition reflects their predominantly latitudinal variation. Primary productivity is the principal regional environmental control, influencing diagenetic enrichment of these elements in nodules through its effect, mediated by the CCD, on supply and concentration of labile organic matter vs. carbonate remains to the sediments. It influences hydrogenetic enrichment of these elements in nodules and crusts through its effect, mediated by the oxygen minimum layer (mainly in the case of crusts), on their export from surface waters.The elements’ varying susceptibility to being scavenged or organically bound influences the contrasting composition of diagenetic vs. hydrogenetic ferromanganese oxides, which is further influenced by depth. Hydrogenesis is the fundamental process governing nodule and crust formation, superimposed on which is diagenesis under specific circumstances; both are subject to intermittent interruption, diminution and augmentation by changes in environmental parameters. Application of regionally operative environmental controls locally explains local compositional variations and helps refine exploration criteria for economically viable nodules and crusts.  相似文献   

南亚地区经历冈瓦纳陆内裂谷、冈瓦纳裂解与板块漂移及印度板块与欧亚板块的陆-陆碰撞复杂的构造演化,最终形成了以被动大陆边缘盆地为主的,包括克拉通盆地和俯冲-碰撞带盆地在内的3类沉积盆地,其中被动大陆边缘盆地分布广泛,形成了南亚地区的一个主要盆地群。本文通过对南亚盆地生、储、盖等石油地质条件分析,研究不同盆地类型的油气成藏特征。根据盆地的剩余可采储量和远景资源量对南亚地区的资源潜力进行分析,认为被动大陆边缘盆地油气资源潜力最大,并优选出奎师那-哥达瓦里盆地、孟买盆地和科弗里盆地3个有利盆地。  相似文献   

本文从南太平洋地区区域构造演化出发,开展盆地类型划分和石油地质条件分析,了解不同类型盆地的油气成藏特征,并分析油气分布规律和资源潜力,以期对未来油气勘探开发国际合作选区提供借鉴。研究表明:(1)南太平洋地区经历了亨特-鲍恩造山运动、澳大利亚板块与南极洲板块分离、塔斯曼海扩张及珊瑚海扩张、巴布亚新几内亚地区的洋壳俯冲和弧-陆碰撞作用,最终形成了澳大利亚东部南缘和海域及新西兰地区以裂谷盆地为主、澳大利亚东部内陆以克拉通盆地为主的包括晚二叠世-三叠纪前陆盆地、古近纪-新近纪前陆盆地、古近纪-现今弧前盆地和弧后盆地6种盆地类型;(2)澳大利亚内陆南缘和东部海域以及新西兰地区裂谷盆地分布广泛,裂谷盆地油气最为富集,但内陆和海域有所差异,内陆南缘裂谷盆地油气资源丰富且石油与天然气的比值约为2:1,而东部海域裂谷盆地因油气成藏条件差,尚无油气发现;(3)根据盆地的剩余可采储量和远景资源量对南太平洋地区的资源潜力进行分析,认为白垩纪-古近纪裂谷盆地和古近纪-新近纪前陆盆地油气资源潜力最大,并优选出吉普斯兰(Gippsland)、塔拉纳基(Taranaki)和巴布亚(Papua)3个有利盆地。  相似文献   

东海陆架盆地是发育于西太平洋边缘的前中生代克拉通基础上的中、新生代坳陷-断陷-坳陷叠合型盆地,蕴藏着丰富的油气资源,但深层(上三叠统—白垩系)由于埋藏深,区域构造背景、地球物理场、构造演化复杂,温度场、压力场与应力场变化大,地质结构改造强烈,油气成藏过程复杂,影响了对盆地深层烃源岩与油气生、排、聚潜力综合评价。因此,本文在利用前人研究成果的基础上,综合应用钻井、地球物理和浙闽陆域资料,通过区域地震地质解释和井-震标定,将东海陆架盆地南部深层划分出上三叠统—中侏罗统、上侏罗统和白垩系3个二级构造层序,建立了深部层序格架和层序演化序列,明确了深部主要发育上三叠统—下侏罗统和下白垩统两套受海侵影响或海相泥页岩烃源岩,提出东海陆架盆地南部深层总生烃能力和平均资源丰度较大,具有可观的油气资源潜力,是今后东海深部油气勘探值得探索的重要领域。  相似文献   

The seasonal variabilities of a latent-heat flux (LHF), a sensible-heat flux (SHF) and net surface heat flux are examined in the northern South China Sea (NSCS), including their spatial characteristics, using the in situ data collected by ship from 2006 to 2007. The spatial distribution of LHF in the NSCS is mostly controlled by wind in summer and autumn owing to the lower vertical gradient of air humidity, but is influenced by both wind and near-surface air humidity vertical gradient in spring and winter. The largest area-averaged LHF is in autumn, with the value of 197.25 W/m 2 , followed by that in winter; the third and the forth are in summer and spring, respectively. The net heat flux is positive in spring and summer, so the NSCS absorbs heat; and the solar shortwave radiation plays the most important role in the surface heat budget. In autumn and winter, the net heat flux is negative in most of the observation region, so the NSCS loses heat; and the LHF plays the most important role in the surface heat budget. The net heating is mainly a result of the offsetting between heating due to the shortwave radiation and cooling due to the LHF and the upward (outgoing) long wave radiation, since the role of SHF is negligible. The ratio of the magnitudes of the three terms (shortwave radiation to LHF to long-wave radiation) averaged over the entire year is roughly 3:2:1, and the role of SHF is the smallest.  相似文献   

深海热液流体与周围海水之间存在明显的物理和化学差异,通过检测海水的位温浊度异常是探测深海热液活动的重要手段之一。本文采用"海底火山带项目(Submarine Ring of Fire 2002)"拖曳式温盐深测量仪数据资料,研究了东北太平洋Explorer Ridge热液场的水文特征及物质能量通量的释放。结果表明Explorer Ridge热液场热液羽状流中性浮力层所在深度范围约为1 600~1 900 m,距离海底的高度约为200 m,最大位温、盐度和浊度异常分别为0.04℃、0.004和0.18 NTU;中性浮力层热液羽状流帽呈椭圆结构,其长轴与洋中脊线重合,羽状流帽总面积约为27 km2;热液羽状流在中性层范围内存在明显的分层现象,通过经验公式计算得到Explorer Ridge热液场观测范围内热液喷口的总的浮力通量为6.19×10-2 m4/s3,平均值为2.063×10-2 m4/s3;总的体积通量为9.884×10-2 m3/s,平均值为3.295×10-2 m3/s;总的热通量为194.9 MW,平均值为64.967 MW。  相似文献   

陈旭阳  刘保良 《海洋通报》2012,31(3):297-301
对广西铁山港海域表层沉积物进行采集,对沉积物中重金属(Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、As、Hg)含量进行测定,并采用单因子指数法和Hakanson潜在生态风险指数法进行了评价。结果表明:六种重金属平均含量(×10-6)依次为Zn(61.1)>Pb(15.9)> Cu(13.1)>As(10.1)>Cd(0.27)>Hg(0.068),均低于国家海洋沉积物一类标准;铁山港表层沉积物重金属单因子污染程度总体较轻,属于低污染水平,污染程度排序为Cu>Zn >Hg>As>Cd>Pb;铁山港海域沉积物重金属潜在生态风险排序为Hg>Cd>As>Cu>Pb>Zn,所有站位潜在生态风险指数RI平均值为 63.11,潜在生态风险总体处于较低水平,潜在风险高值区出现在铁山港北部海域,主要受Hg的高潜在风险水平影响。  相似文献   

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