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In this article, the degradation of the lateral bearing capacity of piles in soft clay subjected to cyclic lateral loading is studied numerically. A modified kinematic hardening constitutive model is employed to simulate the degradation of soft clay after cyclic loading. The modified model is verified by comparing the numerical simulation results with the results of centrifuge model tests. Furthermore, the modified model is applied to numerical simulations for evaluating the lateral bearing capacity of piles in soft clay subjected to cyclic lateral loading. The degradation of the lateral bearing capacity of piles in soft clay after different cyclic displacement levels and different numbers of cycles is investigated. The study reveals that the modified kinematic hardening constitutive model can effectively estimate the cyclic degradation behavior of piles in soft clay subjected to cyclic lateral loading. The degradation of the ultimate lateral bearing capacity progresses slowly with increasing cyclic displacement level for fewer cycles, and the degradation develops significantly at higher levels of cyclic displacement after applying a larger number of cycles.  相似文献   

Static stability mainly against sliding of a typical, relatively large skirted gravity structure was investigated using three-dimensional finite element modeling. The numerical model was validated against centrifuge test results. A specific set of dimensions was chosen to model a typical skirted gravity structure in a centrifuge with two types of foundation soils: uniform saturated sand and a clay zone sandwiched between two sand layers. Soil shear strength parameters used in the finite element models were estimated from in-flight cone penetration resistance measurements obtained in the centrifuge. Numerical parametric studies were conducted using the validated finite element model. The parameters included were the depth and strength of the clay zone and the inclination of external load. It is shown that a relatively simple three-dimensional finite element model was effective in providing information that would be needed to design such a critical and expensive offshore structure. Basic Mohr-Coulomb strength parameters and moduli based on cone penetration resistance measurements and published empirical correlations were appropriate in modeling the soils in the finite element simulations.  相似文献   

In offshore engineering, pile foundations are commonly constructed in marine deposits to support various structures such as offshore platforms. These piles are subjected to lateral cyclic loading due to wind, wave action, and drag load from ships. In this paper, centrifuge model tests are conducted to investigate the response of the existing single piles due to lateral cyclic loading. The cyclic loading was simulated by a hydraulic actuator. It is found that the residual lateral movement and bending strain are induced in the existing pile after each loading–unloading cycle. This is because plastic deformation is induced in the soil surrounding the existing pile during each loading–unloading cycle. By increasing the applied loads during cyclic loading–unloading process, the lateral movements and bending strains induced in the pile head increase simultaneously. As the cyclic loading varies from 10 to 50 kN, the residual pile head movement increases from 40 to 154?mm, and the residual bending strain of the existing pile varies from 100 to 260 με. The ratio of residual to the maximum pile head movements varies from 0.17 to 0.22, while the ratio of residual to the maximum bending strains is in a range of 0.12–0.55.  相似文献   

复合加载下桶形基础循环承载性能数值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种新型基础形式,吸力式桶形基础除了承受海洋平台结构及自身重量等竖向荷载的长期作用之外,往往还遭受波浪等所产生的水平荷载及其力矩等其它荷载分量的瞬时或循环作用。对复合加载模式下软土地基中桶形基础及其结构的循环承载性能尚缺乏合理的分析与计算方法。应用Andersen等对重力式平台基础及地基所建议的分析方法,基于软黏土的循环强度概念,在大型通用有限元分析软件ABAQUS平台上,通过二次开发,将软土的循环强度与Mises屈服准则结合,针对吸力式桶形基础,基于拟静力分析建立了复合加载模式下循环承载性能的计算模型,并与复合加载作用下极限承载性能进行了对比。由此表明,与极限承载力相比,桶形基础的循环承载力显著降低。  相似文献   

p-y 曲线法常用于水平静力受荷桩的分析,但海洋工程中的桩基除静力外还承受波、流等循环荷载作用,将静力 p-y曲线直接用于循环荷载下桩基的设计研究时,往往会产生误差。本文梳理了水平循环荷载作用下 p-y 曲线模型的研究成果, 按照得到循环 p-y 曲线的不同方式,将其分为总体调整法和参数修正法。在参数修正法中,根据修正时考虑的因素不同,分为考虑荷载特性的修正和考虑桩土相互作用的修正。最后通过对循环荷载作用下 p-y 曲线研究现状的总结对比,评价了不同方法的特点,讨论了当前研究存在的问题并给出了建议。  相似文献   

In this paper, centrifuge model tests were conducted in order to understand the deformation characteristics and behavior of sand compaction piles (SCPs) reinforced grounds in relation to area replacement ratios and penetration ratios. To simulate ground stress conditions, preliminary compaction was conducted to form grounds that maintained a certain level of strength. SCPs were installed in the grounds using compaction methods, and the relationship between loads and settlement as well as stress under rigid loading conditions were compared and analyzed. In addition, finite element analyses were conducted in order to verify the results of the centrifuge model tests and assess the effects of penetration ratios and depths on variations in stress. According to the results of the analyses, stress concentration ratios gradually decreased as depths increased, and the decreasing rate increased as penetration ratios decreased. However, in regions close to the surface layer in depth in which SCPs were installed, stress concentration ratios showed almost the same range regardless of penetration ratios. Stress concentration ratios showed proportional relations with penetration ratios. However, they showed similar values in regions close in depth to the surface of the ground. In particular, they showed very close ranges at penetration ratios of 100% and 80%.  相似文献   

自升式钻井平台插桩是地基土在桩靴荷载作用下发生连续的塑性破坏的动态过程,当地基极限承载力等于桩靴荷载时插桩完成。经典土力学极限承载力理论对土体潜在滑动面做了假设,无法有效分析土体内部的破坏过程。本研究应用有限元法(FEM )对插桩过程进行了模拟,得到地基土的破坏机制以及中间荷载下土体的应力、应变情况,通过和各理论公式计算的极限承载力进行对比分析,分析影响地基极限承载力的因素。研究表明,基础宽度与硬土层厚度的比值 B/H越大,下卧软土层越容易发生塑性破坏,极限承载力明显下降,当B/H<0.286时,可以忽略下卧软土层对地基承载力的影响。  相似文献   

A composite numerical model is presented for computing the wave field in a harbor. The mild slope equation is discretized by a finite element method in the domain concerned. Out of the computational domain, the water depth is assumed to be constant. The boundary element method is applied to the outer boundary for dealing with the infinite boundary condition. Because the model satisfies strictly the infinite boundary condition, more accurate results can be obtained. The model is firstly applied to compute the wave diffraction in a narrow rectangular bay and the wave diffraction from a porous cylinder. The numerical results are compared with the analytical solution, experimental data and other numerical results. Good agreements are obtained. Then the model is applied to computing the wave diffraction in a square harbor with varying water depth. The effects of the water depth in the harbor and the incoming wave direction on the wave height distribution are discussed.  相似文献   

A composite numerical model is presented for computing the wave field in a harbor. The mild slope equation is discretized by a finite element method in the domain concerned. Out of the computational domain, the water depth is assumed to be constant. The boundary element method is applied to the outer boundary for dealing with the infinite boundary condition. Because the model satisfies strictly the infinite boundary condition, more accurate results can be obtained. The model is firstly applied to compute the wave diffraction in a narrow rectangular bay and the wave diffraction from a porous cylinder. The numerical results are compared with the analytical solution, experimental data and other numerical results. Good agreements are obtained. Then the model is applied to computing the wave diffraction in a square harbor with varying water depth. The effects of the water depth in the harbor and the incoming wave direction on the wave height distribution are discussed.  相似文献   

A caisson breakwater is built on soft foundations after replacing the upper soft layer with sand. This paper presents a dynamic finite element method to investigate the strength degradation and associated pore pressure development of the intercalated soft layer under wave cyclic loading. By combining the undrained shear strength with the empirical formula of overconsolidation clay produced by unloading and the development model of pore pressure, the dynamic degradation law that describes the undrained shear strength as a function of cycle number and stress level is derived. Based on the proposed dynamic degradation law and M-C yield criterion, a dynamic finite element method is numerically implemented to predict changes in undrained shear strength of the intercalated soft layer by using the general-purpose FEM software ABAQUS, and the accuracy of the method is verified. The effects of cycle number and amplitude of the wave force on the degradation of the undrained shear strength of the intercalated soft layer and the associated excess pore pressure response are investigated by analyzing an overall distribution and three typical sections underneath the breakwater. By comparing the undrained shear strength distributions obtained by the static method and the quasi-static method with the undrained shear strength distributions obtained by the dynamic finite element method in the three typical sections, the superiority of the dynamic finite element method in predicting changes in undrained shear strength is demonstrated.  相似文献   

This paper presents an incremental elastoplastic finite element method (FEM) to simulate the undrained deformation process of suction caisson foundations subjected to cyclic loads in soft clays. The method is developed by encoding the total-stress-based bounding surface model proposed by the authors in the ABAQUS software package. According to the model characteristics, elastoplastic stress states associated with the incremental strains of each iteration are determined using the sub-incremental explicit Euler algorithm, and the state parameters describing the cyclic accumulative rates of strains are updated by setting state variables during the calculations. The radial fallback method is also proposed to modify the stress states outside the bounding surface to the surface during determination of the elastoplastic stress states. The stress reversals of soil elements are judged by the angle between the incremental deviatoric stress and the exterior normal vector at the image stress point on the bounding surface to update the mapping centre and state variables during cyclic loading. To assess the general validity of the method, the reduced scale model tests and centrifuge tests of suction caissons subjected to cyclic loads are simulated using the method. Predictions are in relative good agreement with test results. Compared with the limit equilibrium and quasi-static methods, the method can not only determine the cyclic bearing capacity, but can also analyse the deformation process and the failure mechanisms of suction caisson under cyclic loads in soft clays.  相似文献   

实际工程中存在大量的曲边界,因此在曲边界上的计算准确性可以考察出一个数值模型的实用价值。利用Beji的改进型Boussinesq方程建立了一个有限元方法的数值波浪模型。造波方面采用Fenton提出的非线性规则波浪解;在墙边界处,以求解法线方向和切线方向的速度和导数代替求解x、y方向的速度和导数,从而使边界条件直接适用、严格满足,保证了对曲边界计算的准确性。"重开始广义极小残量法"的使用保证了求解方程组的效率和精度,使造波和边界处理方法的有效性和准确性得到了合理地诠释。通过与试验数据、他人数值结果、解析解的比对,显示出该模型计算稳定、结果准确,真正体现出了有限元方法对曲边界适用的优势。  相似文献   

介绍了用PCPT资料判别浅层砂土液化势的方法,并分别用动三轴试验判别法和PCPT资料判别法比较了南海东部海域两个平台场址的浅层砂土液化势判别结果。通过实例验证说明,在熟练掌握 PCPT测试方法、资料采集、数据处理和成果解释的基础上,用PCPT判别法判别浅层砂土液化势是可行的。  相似文献   

依据环境水文地质条件、污染源的状况和酚、氰化物对地下水长期污染状况,综合临淄地区现场资料对酚、氰化物的污染特性及迁移机理作初步研究。研究表明,淄河沿岸区和冲沟内砂砾石分布区是酚、氰化物进入地下水的主要通道,大气降水是促进酚、氰化物解吸迁移的主要因素。虽然目前研究区域内已无含酚、氰化物的污水直接排放,但吸附于较厚细颗粒包气带土层中的酚、氰化物还将在较长时间内存在并缓慢进入地下水中,其含量将会随时间的推移而呈减少趋势。  相似文献   

一种基于Roe格式的有限体积法在二维溃坝问题中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
溃坝属于典型的非恒定含间断的浅水问题。应用有限体积法离散二维浅水控制方程的守恒型方程组,将基于近似黎曼解的Roe格式用于数值计算溃坝问题,并利用MUSCL方法构造二阶空间积分格式和预测-校正二步法构造二阶时间格式,从而使数值解的整体达到二阶,提高了精度。文中算法在一维溃坝的Stoker问题的数值结果与解析解进行对比,结果证明了此方法的可行性。应用此方法在二维溃坝问题上的结果,说明了此算法可有效模拟溃坝水流的演进过程。  相似文献   

In this article, an analytical solution is proposed to investigate the lateral dynamic response of a pile which is partially embedded in saturated soil layer and subjected to combined lateral and vertical loads. The saturated soil is described by Biot’s poroelastic theory and the resistance of soil is derived by potential function method. The governing equation of the pile is solved by coupling soil resistance and continuity conditions between the pile and the soil. The dynamic impedances of the pile are then obtained through transfer matrix method. To verify the validity of the proposed procedure, the present solution is compared with available solution for an idealized case. Finally, a parametric study is performed to investigate the effects of various parameters on the stiffness and damping properties of the pile-soil system. It is found that permeability of the soil and vertical load has significant effects on the dynamic response of the pile.  相似文献   

重力锚锚固是一种常见的锚固形式。为了能够提供足够的水平承载力,传统型式的重力锚普遍比较笨重,在上拔回收时会产生较大的竖向吸附力,不利于重复利用。针对此问题,设计了一种新型铰接式重力锚,并阐述了其铺设与回收方案。其次采用有限元方法对其整体强度进行了校核,结果均符合规范。最后基于模型试验,对铰接式重力锚在黏土中的运动过程进行了研究,进而确定了其在黏土中的水平承载力和回收时的上拔力。结果表明:相较于传统重力锚,新型铰接式重力锚在确保水平承载性能的基础上,能够大幅减小上拔力,从而有效地降低铺设和回收作业的难度,且可适应多种海底土质,但该锚型仅适用于悬链线式系泊系统。相关研究结果可为实际工程中铰接式重力锚的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

An investigation was made to present analytical solutions of cyclic response to suction caisson subjected to inclined cyclic loadings in clay using a three-dimensional displacement approach. A model representing the relationship between vertical load and vertical displacement and that between lateral load and lateral displacement along the skirt of suction caisson subjected to cyclic loadings is proposed for overconsolidated clay. For the effect of vertical load on cyclic load capacity of suction caisson, using the Mindlin solution in the case of a vertical point load, the vertical stress of soil under the base of suction caisson is presented. For the stress state of soil beneath the base of suction caisson subjected to cyclic loading, the Mohr–Coulomb failure line and critical state line are presented and the relationship between total stress, effective mean principal stress, stress difference, and pore-pressure is elucidated. The comparison of results predicted by the present method for a suction caisson subjected to cyclic loadings in clay has shown good agreement with those obtained from field tests. Cyclic behavior of clay up to failure is made clear from the relationship between cyclic tensile load, vertical and lateral displacements, and rotation and that between depth, vertical, and lateral pressures.  相似文献   

This paper presents a potential based boundary element method for solving a nonlinear free surface flow problem for a ship moving with a uniform speed in finite depth of water. The free surface boundary condition is linearized by the systematic method of perturbation in terms of a small parameter up to third order. The surfaces are discretized into flat quadrilateral elements and the influence coefficients are calculated by Morino's analytical formula. Dawson's upstream finite difference operator is used in order to satisfy the radiation condition. The second order solution gives better result than the first or third order solution. So the present method with the second order solution can be adopted as a powerful tool for the hydrodynamic analysis of the thin ship in finite depth of water.  相似文献   

龙江  李适宇 《海洋学报》2007,29(6):10-14
总结了河口二维模型与河网一维模型联解的计算方法的优缺点,借鉴弹性力学中利用有限元法通过固结杆件与块体的连接结点实现两构件组合计算的思路,提出有限元联解方法,实现珠江河网与河口水动力整体求解.应用研究表明,该方法合理,计算结果较理想.  相似文献   

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