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The mixing of seawater/hydrothermal fluid within the large seafloor hydrothermal sulfide deposits plays a key role in the formation processes of the sulfide deposits. Some issues attract considerable attentions in the study of seafloor hydrothermal system in recent years, such as the relationships among different types of vent fluids, the characteristics of chemical compositions and mineral assemblages of the hydrothermal deposits and their governing factors. Combined with the measured data of hydrothermal fluid in the TAG field, the thermodynamic model of mixing processes of the heated seawater at different temperatures and the hydrothermal fluid is calculated to understand the precipitation mechanism of anhydrite and the genetic relationships between the black and white smoker fluids within the TAG mound. The results indicate that the heating of seawater and the mixing of hydrothermal fluid/seawater are largely responsible for anhydrite precipitation and the temperature of the heated seawater is not higher than 150°C and the temperature of the end-member hydrothermal fluid is not lower than 400°C. Based on the simulated results, the evolving patterns of fluids within the TAG deposit are discussed. The mixed fluid of the end-member hydrothermal fluid and the seawater heated by wall rock undergoes conductive cooling during upflowing within the deposit and forms “White Smoker” eventually. In addition, the end-member hydrothermal fluid without mixed with seawater, but undergoing conductive cooling, vents out of the deposit and forms “Black Smoker”. Supported by China Ocean Mineral Resources Research and Development Association Program (Grant No. DY115-02-1-01) and National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. G2000078503)  相似文献   

During August 1994 to March 1995, a period that included ODP Leg 158 drilling, bottom-water and sub-bottom temperatures were continuously logged by a long-term temperature monitoring system ‘Daibutsu’ at the base of the central black-smoker complex (CBC) and within the low heat flow zone at the TAG hydrothermal mound on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The temperature of hydrothermal fluid at CBC was also measured with a small high-temperature probe ‘Hobo’. Bottom-water temperature variations measured with Daibutsu at both sites have predominant semi-diurnal periods, causing the sub-bottom temperatures to fluctuate at these periods with reduced amplitudes and phase delays at sub-bottom depths. Seawater entrainment into the mound has been previously suggested at the low heat flow zone. We quantitatively evaluate the seawater entrainment rate at both sites from a one-dimensional numerical model, combined with a heat conduction model for the semi-diurnal variations. The entrainment rate of seawater at the base of CBC is estimated as 1.3±0.5×10−5 m/s, at least from August 17 to 30, 1994. On the other hand, the seawater entrainment rate at the low heat flow zone was undetected by long-term temperature monitoring at shallow sub-bottom depth. Nevertheless an increase in heat flow observed at the low heat flow zone during ODP drilling can be interpreted as a decrease in the entrainment rate of seawater. Before ODP Leg 158, Daibutsu measured three sub-bottom temperature anomalies at the base of CBC not derived from bottom-water temperature variations and Hobo also detected a CBC fluid temperature anomaly, indicating some natural changes in fluid flow within the mound. Daibutsu and Hobo also measured temperature anomalies during and after drilling at the ODP TAG-1 area. The Hobo temperature anomalies are inferred to have occurred when the cold fluid entrained through the drill holes at TAG-1 site reached or cooled the main fluid path to CBC. The entrained seawater through the drill holes appears to have contributed to dissolution and precipitation of anhydrite within the mound and perhaps affected the local permeability structure inside the mound. The temperature anomalies measured with Daibutsu at the base of CBC may have been induced by the change in the fluid flow pattern as a result of such permeability changes within the mound.  相似文献   

The Xiaoxinancha Au-rich copper deposit is one of important Au-Cu deposits along the continental margin in Eastern China. The deposit consists of two sections: the Beishan mine (North), composed of altered rocks with veinlet-dissemination sulfides and melnicovite-dominated sulfide-quartz veins, and the Nanshan mine (South), composed of pyrrhotite-dominated sulfide-quartz veins and pure sulfide veins. The isotope compositions of noble gases extracted from fluid inclusions in ore minerals, i.e. ratios of 3He/4He, 20Ne/22Ne and40Ar/36Ar are in the ranges of 4.45―0.08 Ra, 10.2―8.8 and 306―430, respectively. Fluid inclusions in minerals from the Nanshan mine have higher 3He/4He and 20Ne/22Ne ratios whereas those from the Beishan mine have lower 3He/4He ratios. The analysis of origin, and evolution of the ore fluids and its relations with the ore-forming stages and the ages of mineralization suggests that the initial hydrothermal fluids probably come from the melts generated by partial melting of oceanic crust with the participation of fluids from the mantle (mantle-plume type)/aesthenosphere. This also corresponds to the continental margin settings during the subduction of Izanagi ocaneic plate towards the palaeo-Asian continent (123―102 Ma). The veinlet-dissemination ore bodies of the Beishan mine were formed through replacement and crystallization of the mixed fluids generated by mixing of the ascending high-temperature boiling fluid with young crustal fluid whereas the melnicovite-dominated sulfide-quartz veins were formed subsequently by filling of the high-temperature ore fluid in fissures. Pyrrhotite-dominated sulfide-quartz veins in the Nanshan mine were formed by filling-deposition-crystallization of the moderate-temperature ore fluids and the pure sulfide veins were formed later by filling-deposition-crystallization of ore substance-rich fluids after boiling of the moderate-temperature ore fluids. The metallogenic dynamic processes can be summarized as: (1) formation of fluidand ore substance-bearing Adakitic magma by degassing, dewatering and partial melting during subduction of the Izanagi plate; (2) separation and formation of ore fluids from the Adakitic magma; and (3) success-sive ascending of the ore fluids and final formation of the Au-rich Cu deposit of veinlet-dissemination and vein types by secondary boiling.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal vent fluids were collected from the Lucky Strike site at 37°17′N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in both 1993 and 1996. Seven vents were sampled with the DSV Alvin in 1993 and six vents were sampled in 1996 using the ROV Jason during the LUSTRE '96 Cruise. As three of the vents were sampled in both 1993 and in 1996, a time series of vent fluid chemistry is also reported. Measured temperatures ranged from 202 to 333°C at the 1618–1726 m depth of the vent field, which is located on Lucky Strike Seamount. These fluids are either equal to or less than the local bottom seawater in chlorinity. While the range in fluid compositions at Lucky Strike is generally within that observed elsewhere, the unusual aspects of the fluid chemistries are the relatively high pH and low Fe, Mn, Li and Zn. We attribute this, as well as an usually low Sr/Ca ratio, to reaction with a highly altered substrate. The high Si and Cu contents suggest a deep, as well as hot, source for these fluids. The fluid compositions therefore suggest formation by super-critical phase separation at a depth not less than 1300 m below the seafloor, and reaction with a relatively oxic, and previously altered, substrate. There is temporal variability in some of the vent fluid compositions as Li, K, Ca and Fe concentrations have increased in some of the vents, as has the Fe/Mn (molar) ratio, although the chlorinities have remained essentially constant from 1993 to 1996. While there is not a simple relationship between vent fluid compositions (or temperatures) and distance from the lava lake at the summit of the seamount, the vent fluids from many of the vents can be shown to be related to others, often at distances >200 m. The most southeasterly vents (Eiffel Tower and the Marker/Mounds vents) are distinct in chlorinity and other chemical parameters from the rest of the vents, although closely related to each other within the southeastern area. Similarly all of the vents not in this one area, appear closely related to each other. This suggests one or two source fluids for many of the vents, as is also inferred to be the case at TAG, but which is in contrast to observations on faster spreading ridges. This may suggest inherently different plumbing for hydrothermal systems at slower versus faster spreading ridges.  相似文献   

In the Seventh cruise of R/V “Professor Logatchev” anomalies of natural electric field (EF), Eh and pS were discovered using a towed instrument package (RIFT) at 14°45′N on the MAR (Logatchev hydrothermal field). The anomalous zone (AZ) is situated close (10–35 m) to two low-temperature venting areas of degrading sulphides and a black smoker (Irina-Microsmoke) forming a distinct buoyant plume. Over or close to the main area of high-temperature venting situated to the south-east from the AZ, no EF or Eh anomalies were observed. According to the results of Mir dives the highly mineralised solutions from smoking craters at the main mound mostly form non-buoyant plumes (reverse-plumes). The buoyant plume structure shows the differentiation of the electrical and Eh fields within the plume. Maxima of the EF, Eh and EH2S anomalies were revealed in the lower part (15 m) of the plume. The negative redox potential plume coupled with a sulphide anomaly is more localized in comparison with the EF. This observation indicates a distinct change in the composition of buoyant plume water, which may be due to the formation and fallout of early formed Fe sulphide particles soon after venting.  相似文献   

Secular variations in the Pb isotopic composition of a mixed hydrogenous-hydrothermal ferromanganese crust from the Bauer Basin in the eastern Equatorial Pacific provide clear evidence for changes in hydrothermal contributions during the past 7 Myr. The nearby Galapagos Rise spreading center provided a strong hydrothermal flux prior to 6.5 Ma. After 6.5 Ma, the Pb became stepwise more radiogenic and more similar to Equatorial Pacific seawater, reflecting the westward shift of spreading to the presently active East Pacific Rise (EPR). A second, previously unrecognized enhanced hydrothermal period occurred between 4.4 and 2.9 Ma, which reflects either off-axis hydrothermal activity in the Bauer Basin or a late-stage pulse of hydrothermal Pb from the then active, but waning Galapagos Rise spreading center.Hafnium isotope time-series of the same mixed hydrogenous-hydrothermal crust show invariant values over the past 7 Myr. Hafnium isotope ratios, as well as Nd isotope ratios obtained for this crust, are identical to that of hydrogenous Equatorial Pacific deep water crusts and clearly indicate that hydrothermal Hf, similar to Nd, does not travel far from submarine vents. Therefore, we suggest that hydrothermal Hf fluxes do not contribute significantly to the global marine Hf budget.  相似文献   

Masanori  Kurosawa  Satoshi  Ishii  Kimikazu  Sasa 《Island Arc》2010,19(1):40-59
Fluid inclusions in quartz from miarolitic cavities, pegmatites, and quartz veins in Miocene biotite-granite plutons, Kofu, Japan, were analyzed by particle-induced X-ray emission to examine chemistries and behaviors of granite-derived fluids in island-arc granite. Most inclusions are aqueous two-phase inclusions, and halite-bearing polyphase inclusions are also observed in quartz veins in the upper part of the plutons. From element contents of fluid inclusions in the miarolitic cavities, the original fluid released from the granite plutons during solidification is inferred to have concentrations of Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Ge, Br, Rb, Pb, and Ba of several tens to hundreds of parts per million by weight (ppm) and a salinity of about 10 wt% NaCl equivalent. We estimated the formation conditions of the fluid to have been at about 1.3–1.9 kb and 530–600°C on the basis of the homogenization temperatures of the inclusions and the solidification conditions of the plutons. The polyphase inclusions probably originated from hypersaline fluid by boiling of part of the released fluid during its ascent in the plutons. The polyphase inclusions contain several hundreds to tens of thousands of ppm of Fe and Mn, and tens to several hundreds of ppm of Cu, Zn, Br, Rb, and Pb. The salinities are about 35 wt% NaCl equivalent. Compositional variations in two-phase inclusions from the miarolitic cavities and quartz veins are primarily explained by mineral precipitation with dilution by surface water exerting a secondary influence. Thus, chemistries and behaviors of the granite-derived fluids in the plutons can be explained by mineral precipitation, boiling, and dilution of the originally released fluid.  相似文献   

The thermal release patterns of He, Ne and Ar from samples of the Carbo iron meteorite show that virtually no fractionation of3He,4He,21Ne and38Ar occurs. Thus, conclusions about iron meteorites based on measured noble gas ratios will be unaffected by gas loss, and measurement of these ratios cannot yield information about possible loss. Further, noble gas loss cannot explain the abnormal elemental and isotopic patterns observed in some iron meteorites, notably hexahedrites.  相似文献   

Analyses of rare earth and trace element concentrations of native sulfur samples from the Kueishantao hydrothermal field were performed at the Seafloor Hydrothermal Activity Laboratory of the Key Labo-ratory of Marine Geology and Environment, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Using an Elan DRC II ICP-MS, and combining the sulfur isotopic compositions of native sulfur samples, we studied the sources and formation of a native sulfur chimney. The results show, when comparing them with native sulfur from crater lakes and other volcanic areas, that the native sulfur content of this chimney is very high (99.96%), the rare earth element (REE) and trace element constituents of the chimney are very low (ΣREE<21×10?9), and the chondrite-normalized REE patterns of the native sulfur samples are similar to those of the Kueishantao andesite, implying that the interaction of subseafloor fluid-andesite at the Kueishantao hydrothermal field was of short duration. The sulfur isotopic compo-sitions of the native sulfur samples reveal that the sulfur of the chimney, from H2S and SO2, originated by magmatic degassing and that the REEs and trace elements are mostly from the Kueishantao ande-site and partly from seawater. Combining these results with an analysis of the thermodynamics, it is clear that from the relatively low temperature (<116 ℃ ), the oxygenated and acidic environment is favorable for formation of this native sulfur chimney in the Kueishantao hydrothermal field.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous δ18O values as low as - 2.6‰ to+7.0% are observed for ultrahigh pressure eclogites from the Dabie Mountains in East China. Oxygen isotope equilibrium has been approached between the eclogite minerals, suggesting that the rocks would have acquired the unusual δ18O values prior to ultrahigh pressure metamorphism by interaction with18O-depleted fluid. δD values of hydroxyl-bearing are between — 51% and - 83‰, precluding the possibility of paleoseawater involvement. The only likely fluid is ancient meteoric water that exchanged oxygen isotopes with the eclogite precursor (a kind of basaltic rocks) formerly resident on the continental crust. This suggests a crustal recycling process in the suture zone of late subduction. Because silicate minerals undergo rapid oxygen isotope exchange at mantle pressures, preservation of the isotopic signature of meteoric water in the eclogites indicates limited crust-mantle interaction and thus a short residence time (<20 Ma) when the plate containing the eclogite precursor was subducted to mantle depths. The agreement in oxygen isotope temperatures for different mineral pairs suggests a rapid cooling and ascent process for the eclogites subsequent to their formation at mantle depths. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

High-sulfidation (HS) epithermal systems have elements in common with passively degassing volcanoes associated with high T, acid fumarole fields or acid crater lakes. They are considered to form in two stages, the first of which involves advanced argillic alteration resulting from intense, strongly acidic fluid–rock interaction. The La Fossa hydrothermal system (Vulcano Island) represents a classic example of such an active HS system and can be considered as a modern analogue of this early stage of alteration, resulting in a core of intense silicic (90–95% pure SiO2) alteration surrounded by alunitic alteration zones.  相似文献   

Activities of 238U, 228Ra, 226Ra and 210Pb were determined in submarine hydrothermal massive sulfides by nondestructive, gamma-ray spectrometry. The samples were collected by the manned submersible DSRV “Alvin” from active hydrothermal fields on the Endeavour Segment and Axial Seamount of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. 210Pb activities are mostly below the equilibrium level with 226Ra, which is linearly correlated with the concentration of Ba, Sr and Ca in the deposits. The ratios of226Ra to the alkaline earth elements indicate that hydrothermal alteration of the underlying oceanic crust is the dominant source of Ra in the sulfide deposits.The 210Pb/Pb ratios measured in many of the sulfides are higher than the ratio obtained for a basalt source of 210Pb, probably because of 210Pb ingrowth from 226Ra within the sulfide deposits. An isochron approach employing ratios of 210Pb/Pb and 226Ra/Pb yielded an initial 210Pb/Pb ratio in the range of 0–0.57 dpm/μg Pb, implying that the crustal residence time of the hydrothermal fluid in the Endeavour Segment is very short ( < 10 years) and that basalt alteration is the only source of the 210Pb and Pb. For the hydrothermal fluid in Axial Seamount, a residence time of 10–20 years is estimated on the basis of the initial 210Pb/Pb and 228Ra/226Ra ratios of a sulfide chimney. Both residence time estimates are consistent with the results of previous studies. We have estimated the upper limits of sample ages ranging from tens to a hundred years for 12 samples, with the remaining seven samples indicating ages close to or older than 150 years, the practical limit of the 210Pb/Pb dating technique.A concentrically sectioned sulfide chimney from Axial Seamount yielded mean radial growth rates ranging from a few tenths to a few mm/year based on gradients of 210Pb/Pb and 228Ra/226Ra activity ratios, whereas a similarly sectioned chimney from the Endeavour Segment, although collected from the top of an active “black smoker” vent, displayed no 210Pb or 228Ra activity. Our results have implications for the duration and periodicity of hydrothermal circulation and associated mineral deposition at mid-ocean ridges.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal emission of mantle helium appears to be directly related to magma production rate, but other processes can generate methane and hydrogen on mid-ocean ridges. In an on-going effort to characterize these processes in the South Atlantic, the flux and distribution of these gases were investigated in the vicinity of a powerful black smoker recently discovered at 8°17.9' S, 13°30.4' W. The vent lies on the shoulder of an oblique offset in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and discharges high concentrations of methane and hydrogen. Measurements during expeditions in 2004 and 2006 show that the ratio of CH4 to 3He in the neutrally buoyant plume is quite high, 4 × 108. The CTD stations were accompanied by velocity measurements with lowered acoustic Doppler current profilers (LADCP), and from these data we estimate the methane transport to have been 0.5 mol s− 1 in a WSW-trending plume that seems to develop during the ebb tidal phase. This transport is an order of magnitude greater than the source of CH4 calculated from its concentration in the vent fluid and the rise height of the plume. From this range of methane fluxes, the source of 3He is estimated to be between 0.14 and 1.2 nmol s− 1. In either case, the 3He source is significantly lower than expected from the spreading rate of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. From the inventory of methane in the rift valley adjacent to the vent, it appears that the average specific rate of oxidation is 2.6 to 23 yr− 1, corresponding to a turnover time between 140 and 16 days. Vertical profiles of methane in the surrounding region often exhibited Gaussian-like distributions, and the variances appear to increase with distance from the vent. Using a Gaussian plume model, we obtained a range of vertical eddy diffusivities between 0.009 and 0.08 m2m2 s− 1. These high values may be due to tidally driven internal waves across the promontory on which the vent is located.  相似文献   

Re–Os isotope compositions of syngenetic sulphide inclusions in both eclogite suite (E-type) and peridotite suite (P-type) parageneses in diamonds from the Koffiefontein mine, South Africa have been analysed using a technique capable of analysing single inclusion grains, or, in some cases multiple inclusions from the same diamonds. Sulphide inclusion Ni contents broadly correlate with Os abundances in that low-Ni (6.8–8.7% Ni), E-type sulphides have 4.7 to 189 ppb Os whereas the two high-Ni (25%), P-type sulphides have 5986 and 6097 ppb Os. Two P-type sulphides from the same diamond define the first mineral isochron obtained for a single diamond which has an age of 69±30 Ma with chondritic initial 187Os/188Os. This indicates that the sulphides, and hence the host diamond, crystallised close to the time of kimberlite emplacement (90 Ma), in the Mesozoic. This is supported by Pb isotopic measurements of a fragment from one of the sulphides, together with the absence of significant Type IaB nitrogen aggregation in the host diamond lattice. E-type sulphide inclusions have radiogenic Os isotopic compositions, 187Os/188Os 0.346 to 2.28, and Re–Os model ages from 1.1 to 2.9 Ga. They define an array on a Re–Os isochron diagram that may be interpreted as defining a single period of E-type sulphide growth at 1.05±0.12 Ga, with an elevated initial 187Os/188Os. Alternatively, two episodes of sulphide crystallisation, from a chondritic reservoir, may be invoked in the Archaean and in the Proterozoic. The results for both P- and E-type diamonds point to a spectrum of diamond crystallisation ages. High contents of both Re and Os, and the similarity of Re/Os ratios of sulphide inclusions in diamonds to whole rock eclogite and peridotite xenoliths indicate that small amounts of sulphides can dominate the mantle budget of both these elements during melting. Recent addition to the lithospheric mantle of high-Os material similar to that from which the P-type sulphides crystallised may explain the variable, sometimes young Os model ages seen in whole rock xenolith Re–Os data.  相似文献   

The noble gas nuclide abundances and isotopic ratios of the upmost layer of Fe-Mn crusts from the western and central Pacific Ocean have been determined. The results indicate that the He and Ar nu- clide abundances and isotopic ratios can be classified into two types: low 3He/4He type and high 3He/4He type. The low 3He/4He type is characterized by high 4He abundances of 191×10-9 cm3·STP·g-1 on average, with variable 4He, 20Ne and 40Ar abundances in the range (42.8―421)×10-9 cm3·STP·g-1, (5.40―141)×10-9 cm3·STP·g-1, and (773―10976)×10-9 cm3·STP·g-1, respectively. The high 3He/4He samples are characterized by low 4He abundances of 11.7×10-9 cm3·STP·g-1 on average, with 4He, 20Ne and 40Ar abundances in the range of (7.57―17.4)×10-9 cm3·STP·g-1, (10.4―25.5)×10-9 cm3·STP·g-1 and (5354―9050)×10-9 cm3·STP·g-1, respectively. The low 3He/4He samples have 3He/4He ratios (with R/RA ratios of 2.04―2.92) which are lower than those of MORB (R/RA=8±1) and 40Ar/36Ar ratios (447―543) which are higher than those of air (295.5). The high 3He/4He samples have 3He/4He ratios (with R/RA ratios of 10.4―12.0) slightly higher than those of MORB (R/RA=8±1) and 40Ar/36Ar ratios (293―299) very similar to those of air (295.5). The Ne isotopic ratios (20Ne/22Ne and 21Ne/22Ne ratios of 10.3―10.9 and 0.02774―0.03039, respectively) and the 38Ar/36Ar ratios (0.1886―0.1963) have narrow ranges which are very similar to those of air (the 20Ne/22Ne, 21Ne/22Ne, 38Ar/36Ar ratios of 9.80, 0.029 and 0.187, respectively), and cannot be differentiated into different groups. The noble gas nuclide abundances and isotopic ratios, together with their regional variability, suggest that the noble gases in the Fe-Mn crusts originate primarily from the lower mantle. The low 3He/4He type and high 3He/4He type samples have noble gas characteristics similar to those of HIMU (High U/Pb Mantle)- and EM (Enriched Mantle)-type mantle material, respectively. The low 3He/4He type samples with HIMU-type noble gas isotopic ratios occur in the Magellan Seamounts, Marcus-Wake Seamounts, Marshall Island Chain and the Mid-Pacific Sea- mounts whereas the high 3He/4He type samples with EM-type noble gas isotopic ratios occur in the Line Island Chain. This difference in noble gas characteristics of these crust types implies that the MagellanSeamounts, Marcus-Wake Seamounts, Marshall Is- land Chain, and the Mid-Pacific Seamounts originated from HIMU-type lower mantle material whereas the Line Island Chain originated from EM-type lower mantle material. This finding is consistent with varia- tions in the Pb-isotope and trace element signatures in the seamount lavas. Differences in the mantlesource may therefore be responsible for variations in the noble gas abundances and isotopic ratios in the Fe-Mn crusts. Mantle degassing appears to be the principal factor controlling noble gas isotopic abundances in Fe-Mn crusts. Decay of radioactive isotopes has a negligible influence on the nuclide abundances and isotopic ratios of noble gases in these crusts on the timescale of their formation.  相似文献   

The Chinkuashih district at northern Taiwan hosts one of the largest Au deposits in the western Pacific gold province. Gold were precipitated from hydrothermal solutions as native gold or incorporated into sulfides at a temperature range of 200-350 °C. The sulfides in ore mines have 187Os/188Os ratios varying from 0.139 to 0.249. The positive 187Os/188Os-1/Os correlation is consistent with derivation from the hybrid fluids containing various proportions of mantle and crustal components. The crustal component was the meteoric water that had acquired its Sr and Os isotopic signatures from the local sedimentary formations and dacitic intrusions. The mantle component was the magmatic fluid segregated from the dacitic magma by fractional crystallization. Based on the 187Os/188Os-1/Os correlation, the hybrid fluids forming the Chinkuashih sulfides contained less than 30% magmatic fluid, except for one sulfide sample from Hsumei, which required >40% magmatic fluid. Compared to meteoric water, the magmatic fluid contained a higher Os content (130 times higher) and was enriched in Os relative to Sr with an Os/Sr ratio two orders higher than that of the crustal fluid. Consequently, the Os budget in the hybrid fluids was controlled by the magmatic fluid, although the meteoric water was volumetrically dominated. If gold and Os behave similarly in chemistry, the Chinkuashih gold deposits are of mantle origin and the area where sulfides with the greatest mantle Os signature may host undiscovered gold deposits. Finally, the 187Os/188Os ratios of sulfides show no relationship with the mineral assemblages of sulfides, implying that the sulfide mineral assemblages reflect local surfacial redox conditions rather than the chemical characteristics of parental fluids.  相似文献   

Water-column surveys by combined nephelometer/CTD (NCTD) tows contributed to the 1985 discovery of the first black smokers on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Subsequent regional water-column mapping has helped define the extent, mass and interactions of the suspended particulate matter phase (SPM) of the hydrothermal plumes emanating from the known and other nearby sources. The results of 29 NCTD cast/tows, covering 25–30 km2 of ridge segment, indicate the presence of as many as two additional sources based on SPM concentration gradients and plume-top doming over source areas. Plume doming, documented here for the first time from field observations, conforms strikingly with laboratory experiments and can serve as a marker for source field location. A comparison of the plumes' SPM with potential temperature and salinity distributions indicates close correlation in water-column anomaly patterns for each, confirming modification of the regional potential temperature and salinity structure by hydrothermal plumes, which is expressed by wide separation and sloping of isotherms and isohalines.  相似文献   

In an attempt to determine the helium and neon isotopic composition of the lower oceanic crust, we report new noble gas measurements on 11 million year old gabbros from Ocean Drilling Program site 735B in the Indian Ocean. The nine whole rock samples analyzed came from 20 to 500 m depth below the seafloor. Helium contents vary from 3.3×10−10 to 2.5×10−7 ccSTP/g by crushing and from 5.4×10−8 to 2.4×10−7 ccSTP/g by melting. 3He/4He ratios vary between 2.2 and 8.6 Ra by crushing and between 2.9 and 8.2 by melting. The highest R/Ra ratios are similar to the mean mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) ratio of 8±1. The lower values are attributed to radiogenic helium from in situ α-particle production during uranium and thorium decay. Neon isotopic ratios are similar to atmospheric ratios, reflecting a significant seawater circulation in the upper 500 m of exposed crust at this site. MORB-like neon, with elevated 20Ne/22Ne and 21Ne/22Ne ratios, was found in some high temperature steps of heating experiments, but with very small anomalies compared to air. These first results from the lower oceanic crust indicate that subducted lower oceanic crust has an atmospheric 20Ne/22Ne ratio. Most of this neon must be removed during the subduction process, if the ocean crust is to be recirculated in the upper mantle, otherwise this atmospheric neon will overwhelm the upper mantle neon budget. Similarly, the high (U+Th)/3He ratio of these crustal gabbros will generate very radiogenic 4He/3He ratios on a 100 Ma time scale, so lower oceanic crust cannot be recycled into either MORB or oceanic island basalt without some form of processing.  相似文献   

The geochemical and U-series isotopic characteristics of hydrothermal sulfide samples from the Jade site (127°04.5′E, 27°15′N, water depth 1300–1450 m) at Jade site in the Okinawa Trough were analyzed. In the hydrothermal sulfide samples bearing sulfate (samples HOK1 and HOK2), the LREEs are relatively enriched. All the hydrothermal sulfide samples except HOK1 belong to Zn-rich hydrothermal sulfide. In comparison with Zn-rich hydrothermal sulfides from other fields, the contents of Zn, Pb, Ag, Cd, Au and Hg are higher, the contents of Fe, Al, Cr, Co, Ni, Sr, Te, Cs, Ti and U lower, and the 210Pb radioactivity ratios and 210Pb/Pb ratios very low. In the hydrothermal sulfide mainly composed of sphalerite, the correlations between rare elements Hf and U, and Hf and Mn as well as that between dispersive elements Ga and Zn, are strongly positive; also the contents of Au and Ag are related to Fe-sulfide, because the low temperature promotes enrichment of Au and Ag. Meanwhile, the positive correlations between Fe and Bi and between Zn and Cd are not affected by the change of mineral assemblage. Based on the 210Pb/Pb ratios of hydrothermal sulfide samples (3.99×10−5-5.42×10−5), their U isotopic composition (238U content 1.15–2.53 ppm, 238U activity 1.07–1.87 dpm/g, 234U activity 1.15–2.09 dpm/g and 234U/238U ratio 1.07–1.14) and their 232Th and 230Th contents are at base level, and the chronological age of hydrothermal sulfide at Jade site in the Okinawa Trough is between 200 and 2000 yr. Supported by the Pilot Project of Knowledge Innovation Project, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZCX2-YW-211), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40830849, 40176020), and Special Foundation for the Eleventh Five Plan of COMRA (Grant No. DYXM-115-02-1-03)  相似文献   

The Main Endeavour Field, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge, experienced intense seismic activity in June 1999. Hydrothermal vent fluids were collected from sulfide structures in September 1999 and July 2000 and analyzed for the abundance of H2, H2S, CH4, CO2, NH3, Mg and Cl to document temporal and spatial changes following the earthquakes. Dissolved concentrations of CO2, H2, and H2S increased dramatically in the September 1999 samples relative to pre-earthquake abundances, and subsequently decreased during the following year. In contrast, dissolved NH3 and CH4 concentrations in 1999 and 2000 were similar to or less than pre-earthquake values. Aqueous Cl abundances showed large decreases immediately following the earthquakes followed by increases to near pre-earthquake values. The abundances of volatile species at the Main Endeavour Field were characterized by strong inverse correlations with chlorinity. Phase separation can account for 20-50% enrichments of CO2, CH4, and NH3 in low-chlorinity fluids, while temperature- and pressure-dependent fluid-mineral equilibria at near-critical conditions are responsible for order of magnitude greater enrichments in dissolved H2S and H2. The systematic variation of dissolved gas concentrations with chlorinity likely reflects mixing of a low-chlorinity volatile-enriched vapor generated by supercritical phase separation with a cooler gas-poor hydrothermal fluid of seawater chlorinity. Decreased abundances of sediment-derived NH3 and CH4 in 1999 indicate an earthquake-induced change in subsurface hydrology. Elevated CO2 abundances in vent fluids collected in September 1999 provide evidence that supports a magmatic origin for the earthquakes. Temperature-salinity relationships are consistent with intrusion of a shallow dike and suggest that the earthquakes were associated with movement of magma beneath the ridge crest. These data demonstrate the large and rapid response of chemical fluxes at mid-ocean ridges to magmatic activity and associated changes in subsurface temperature and pressure.  相似文献   

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