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We report data for trace elements Ag, Au, Bi, Cd, Co, Cs, Ga, In, Rb, Se, Te, Tl and Zn determined by radiochemical neutron activation analysis in L4–6 chondrites with undisturbed 40Ar release patterns or with patterns showing some disturbance in the 4.4–4.6 Gyr plateau indicating shock-induced loss. Mean concentrations are lower, many significantly so, in 16 chondrites with disturbed patterns than in 4 with undisturbed ones, consistent with shock-induced mobilization. Similar trends were noted earlier in L4–6 chondrites having mineralogically observable shock indicators: mean concentrations are lower in strongly shocked (i.e. > 22 GPa) than in mildly shocked (<22 GPa) samples. From trace element contents, L4–6 chondrites with undisturbed 40Ar release patterns are mildly shocked but chondrites with disturbed patterns are more strongly heated, on average, than those of shock facies d-f (i.e. 22 to > 57 GPa). Pooling these populations, significantly lower mean concentrations of nearly all trace elements in 26 strongly shocked L4–6 chondrites than in 14 mildly shocked ones indicate loss in shock-formed FeS-Fe eutectic and/or by vaporization during cooling of shock-heated collisional debris. Two-element correlations and the pattern of them, i.e. correlation profiles, are also consistent with this picture. Trace elements can act as thermometers for collisional episodes in L4–6 chondrites but not for earlier thermal fractionations, unless compensation can be made for late shock heating.  相似文献   

Rapid accumulation of CaCO3 is occurring in Littlefield Lake, a marl lake located in central Michigan. The sediment, which is 95% CaCO3, primarily consists of eight different genetic groups of carbonate allochems. These include calcite muds, sands, algal oncoids and Chara encrustations, as well as the dominant aragonitic gastropods Valvota tricarinota. Gyraulus deflectus and Amnicola integra. and the dominant aragonitic pelecypod Sphaerium partumeium. Samples of each of these groups were analyzed for Ca, Sr and Mg. Molar MgCa ratios are primarily controlled by allochem mineralogy, with calcitic forms having MgCa ratios 5–10 times larger than aragonitic (shelled) forms. The SrCa ratios are primarily controlled by biochemical fractionation, and are significantly lower than SrCa ratios of inorganically precipitated aragonite from other settings. Partition coefficients were determined for both Sr and Mg for each carbonate allochem group and, based on comparisons with results reported by other workers, the partition coefficients determined here are generally considered ‘typical’ or representative values for biogeneous freshwater carbonates. An analysis of variance of the data indicates that most genera and species of carbonate-secreting organisms in marl lakes have highly characteristic SrCa and MgCa ratios. These ratios can potentially serve as geochemical tracers in future investigations of lacustrine carbonate diagenesis. Both Sr and Mg are influenced by grain size and/or surface area, probably due to the presence of these elements in non-lattice-held (exchangeable) positions.  相似文献   

Goethite samples analyzed for this study have a δD range from ?202 to ?98 per mil with a corresponding δD range of associated waters from about ?110 to +7 per mil. Goethites with the most positive δD values are from marine environments. Goethite-water equilibrium DH fractionation factors measured in this laboratory at 100°C and 145°C and estimated for sedimentary temperatures from data on natural samples have values of about 0.900 at all three temperatures. These data suggest that goethite δD values may be a direct, temperature-independent measure of the δD values of the waters with which the goethite last equilibrated. Most of the goethite δD values in this study reflect the δD values of the modern waters in the locales of origin.Substitution of Mn and/or Al for Fe in the goethite structure may affect the mineral-water fractionation factor. Manganese appears to decrease the value of α. The effect of Al substitution on α has not yet been measured, but preliminary arguments suggest that increasing Al content could increase α values.  相似文献   

The δC13 value for sedimentary organic carbon in four estuaries of the Gulf of Mexico increases with radial distance from the river mouth. Mass balance calculations indicate that terrestrial organic carbon is limited to sediments within a relatively short distance from the river mouth. This distance is a function of the discharge rate of the river. For the Mississippi River, terrestrial organic carbon is limited to sediments within 69 km of the mouth of Pass à Loutre and 61 km of South Pass. These data indicate that the low δC13 (< ?22%.) values reported for Pleistocene sediments in the Gulf of Mexico may be the result of factors in addition to the postulated large influx of terrestrial organic carbon.  相似文献   

The possible importance of SiF4 in volcanic and magmatic gases has been neglected due to the convention of reporting analyses and basing calculations on the presence of HF. Calculated HFSiF4 ratios for natural gas compositions serve to justify this convention by showing that SiF4 is not a significant F-bearing molecular species at high temperatures.  相似文献   

Statistical evaluation of 3056 δ13C measurements in carbonate rocks and fossils shows that they record a 2‰ 13C depletion from the late Proterozoic to the early Paleozoic, a 2.5‰ enrichment to the Permian, and a 1.5‰ depletion to the Cenozoic. These variations, not controlled primarily by facies or alteration phenomena, correlate negatively with the δ34S sulfate secular trend, as confirmed by collation of 1083 δ34S measurements. The correlation suggests that the biologically mediated redox fluxes of the C and S cycles have been approximately balanced through this long span of geological time, generally levelling available oxygen. Such a redox system is consistent with the controlling mechanism proposed by Garrels and Perry (1974). Consequently, the sedimentary reservoirs of Corganic as well as Sbacteriological'have varied through geological time.  相似文献   

Earlier studies have shown that an unusual C27 triterpane is abundant in sediments from the Norwegian Continental Shelf and the North Sea. This compound was assigned the tentative structures 24,28,30-trisnormoretane or 25,28,30-trisnormoretane, but we have now shown from detailed retention time measurements and a reinterpretation of the mass spectral data that its correct structure is 17α(H),18α (H),21β(H)-25,28,30-trisnorhopane. Two other triterpanes, 25,28,30-trisnormoretane and 28,30-bisnormoretane, have also been identified as minor constituents of extracts of sediments from the North Sea. Possible origins for these compounds are discussed.  相似文献   

Measurements of DH ratios of tree sap can be used to determine the source water for a tree. Based on these measurements, trees can be separated into three categories: those which rely solely on summertime rainfalls, those which rely solely on groundwaters and those which utilize both water sources. For trees in the last category, DH ratios of sap can be used to quantify the relative contributions to the tree's source water of summertime rainfalls and groundwaters. These measurements can be used to select trees for tree ring isotope studies. Single source trees, those which rely solely on summertime rain or groundwaters, appear to be the best choices for measuring long records of tree ring DH ratios.  相似文献   

Partial fluorination experiments developed on a 26 mg sample of Luna 16 fines show a big 18O enrichment in the first oxygen evolved similar to those observed by Epstein and Taylor on Apollo samples and probably related to the high solar wind content of this sample.  相似文献   

40Ar39Ar age spectrum analyses of three microcline separates from the Separation Point Batholith, northwest Nelson, New Zealand, which cooled slowly (~5°C-Ma?1) through the temperature zone of partial radiogenic 40Ar accumulation are characterized by a linear age increase over the first 65 percent of gas release with the lowest ages (~80 Ma) corresponding to the time that the samples cooled below about 100°C. The last 35 percent of 39Ar released from the microclines yields plateau ages (103,99 and 93 Ma) which reflect the different bulk mineral ages, and correspond to cooling temperatures between about 130 to 160°C. Theoretical calculations confirm the likelihood of diffusion gradients in feldspars cooling at rates ≤5°C-Ma?1. Diffusion parameters calculated from the 39Ar release yield an activation energy, E = 28.8 ± 1.9 kcal-mol?1, and a frequency factor/grain size parameter, D0l2 = 5.6?3.9+14sec?1. This Arrhenius relationship corresponds to a closure temperature of 132 ± 13°C which is very similar to the independently estimated temperature. From the observed diffusion compensation correlation, this D0l2 implies an average diffusion half-width of about 3 μm, similar to the half-width of the perthite lamellae in the feldspars. The range in microcline K-Ar ages from the Separation Point Batholith is the result of relatively small temperature differences within the pluton during cooling. Comparison of the diffusion laws determined for microcline with those for anorthoclases and other homogeneous K-feldspars (E = 40 to 52 kcal-mol?1) reveals that Ar diffusion is more highly temperature dependent in the disordered structural state than in the ordered structural state. Previously published U-shaped age spectra are probably the result of the superimposition of excess 40Ar upon diffusion profiles of the kind described here.  相似文献   

Rates of surficial sediment mixing and sediment burial are measured in Shagawa Lake, Minnesota, using radionuclide tracers. Based on 106Ru profiles in 16 cores, mixing rates average 13 cm2/yr within the upper 9 cm of sediment. Two other nuclides, 210Pb and 137Cs, provide further evidence for calculation of mixing rates. In addition, 210Pb profiles estimate sediment burial rates (about 0.4 cm/yr). Mixing estimates are shown to be fairly insensitive both to uncertainties in sediment burial rates and to temporal patterns of 106Ru deposition.  相似文献   

To obtain information on the contribution of aromatic fragments to the chemical structure of humic substances, we carried out a study on the [1H]NMR and [13C]NMR spectra of humic and fulvic acids and their oxidative degradation products extracted from an Andosol soil.[1H]NMR spectra of all organic fractions present considerable adsorption between 7.4 and 8.8 ppm, due to the presence of aromatic protons.The percentages of aromatic protons in respect to the total amount of protons are as follows: FA 20%, HA 19%, degraded FA < 12%, degraded HA 14%. The values indicate that the contribution of aromatic structures to the humic substances is significant, also considering that they are highly substituted.The degraded fractions contain smaller amounts of aromatic protons, because degradation causes the opening of the aromatic rings. Thus results obtained from the degradation do not seem to be reliable for defining the importance of aromatic structures in humic substances.Also the [13C]NMR spectra show signals in the aromatic region which derive from unsubstituted carbon atoms, while signals originating from tertiary carbon atoms merge with the noise. We believe that, at present, [1H]NMR spectroscopy is more suited for studying the role played by aromatic compounds in organic soil fractions.  相似文献   

The relative abundance of 226Ra and 228Ra were determined in the groundwater from 125 drilled wells containing from < 0.1 to 51.3 pCi/l of 226Ra. The determination of 228Ra was carried out with a liquid scintillation counter by measuring only the weakly energetic β particles emitted from 228Ra. Thus the interference from the daughter nuclides of 226Ra was avoided, without specific separation of 228Ac. The direct measurement of 228Ra made the method decisively simpler and faster in terms of the chemistry involved.The concentration of 228Ra was found to be independent of the amount of 226Ra present in the samples. The concentrations of 228Ra were nearly the same over the whole range of 226Ra concentrations and the average sol226Ra228Ra ratio sharply increased as the 226Ra content of water increased. The 226Ra228Ra ratio in the drilled wells varied from 0.3 to 26. Abnormally high 226Ra228Ra ratios were found in areas with known uranium deposits as well as in several drilled wells at other locations. The abnormally high 226Ra228Ra ratios present in groundwater suggest that the radioactivity anomaly is caused by uranium deposits and not by common rocks. In samples with a low radioactivity level the average 226Ra228Ra ratio was slightly below unity, corresponding to the typical U/Th ratio of granite, the most common kind of rock in the study area. The samples from the rapakivi area proved to be exceptional in that they had a low 226Ra228Ra ratio independent of the concentration of 226Ra.  相似文献   

Radiochemical neutron activation analysis of Ag, As, Au, Bi, Co, Cs, Ga, In, Rb, Sb, Te, Tl and Zn and major element data in 14 L4-6 and 3 LL5 chondrites indicates that the L-group is unusually variable and may represent at least 2 sub-groups differing in formation history. Chemical trends in the S/Fe-rich sub-group support textural evidence indicating late loss of a shock-formed Fe-Ni-S melt; the S/Fe-poor sub-group seemingly reflects nebular fractionation only. Highly mobile In and Zn apparently reflect shock-induced loss from L-chondrites. Data for L5 chondrites suggest higher formation temperatures and/or degrees of shock than for LL5 chondrites.  相似文献   

Some of the factors that affect the preferred positions of cations in ionic-solid solutions were investigated utilizing vibrational spectroscopy. Solid solutions of the sulfate and chromate ions codoped with La3+ and Ca2+ in a KBr host lattice were examined as a function of the polyvalent-cation concentration. The cation—anion pairing process was found to be random for Ca2+ whereas the formation of La3+SO42? ion-pairs with a C2v bonding geometry is highly preferential to any type of La3+CrO42? ion-pair formation. The relative populations of ion-pair site configurations are discussed in terms of an energy—entropy competition which can be applied to the partition of trace elements during magmatic processes.  相似文献   

A method is described to predict P2O5 content in the product (of phosphate beneficiation by calcination) as a function of the composition of an untreated and also of a washed raw material. The method consisted of: (a) developing an on-line multielement analysis by XRF; (b) finding the elemental and mineralogical relationships in the product, by factor analysis; (c) determination of the independent variables; (d) finding the relationships between the concentrations of the impurity variables in the raw material and in the product; (e) developing a linear model to predict P2O5 content. The predictions are used for mining and for plant control.  相似文献   

Six oil shales and their kerogen concentrates have been studied using 13C CP/MAS NMR techniques to study the distribution of organic carbon species. It is found that if the aromatic and aliphatic regions are divided at about 80 or 100 ppm, the apparent aromaticities of a raw shale and its kerogen concentrate are in good agreement. The presence of oxygen-substituted carbons in the raw shales and their depletion in the kerogen concentrates are observed and discussed.  相似文献   

Results of an 40Ar39ArAr age spectrum obtained on a sample of the Kirin chondrite (K-5-13) show a similar character to previous published analyses of Kirin samples K-1 and K-2. The K-5-13 age spectrum shows clear evidence of having been substantially outgassed during a presumed collisional event about 0.5 Ga, ago, in good agreement with the estimate obtained from K-2, The differing amounts of 40Ar loss registered by K-2 and K-5-13 during the 0.5 Ga event of about 60 and 50%, respectively, allows calculation of their vertical separation in the parent body at about 10cm.  相似文献   

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