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The geochemistry of the non-carbonate fraction of sediments from the continental shelf and slope off northwest Africa has been investigated using R-mode factor analysis. The geochemistry is governed by a small number of factors controlled quantiatively by glauconite, phosphorite, quartz, clay minerals and secondary iron oxides. The distributions of the factors and of their controls are governed by mineral provenance and by depositional processes. Clay mineral factors predominate in fine grained sediments. Phosphorite, glauconite and oxide factors and quartz predominate in sands. Provenance controls the relative abundances of the minerals of the sand fraction all of which, except a proportion of the glauconite which is clearly recent, are relict and detrital. The recent glauconite is concentrated in poorly oxidised sediments off the southern Sahara. Provenance differences are detected between Saharan and Moroccan clays, and also exist between the clays of north and south Morocco.  相似文献   

Total dissolvable Cu and Mn have been measured in seawaters collected from the continental shelf of the eastern Bering Sea. Copper concentrations of < 3 nmole kg−1 were measured over the shelf break but concentrations increased to >4 nmole kg−1 inshore of a hydrographie front over the 100 m isobath. Manganese concentrations also were low over the shelf break, <10 nmole kg−1, and increased systematically to concentrations >10 nmole kg−1 inshore of the hydrographic front. Depth distributions of Mn at all continental shelf stations showed gradients into the sediments, with concentrations typically >20 nmole kg−1 in a bottom layer extending about 30 m off the bottom. Benthic Cu and Mn fluxes are indicated by cross-shelf pore water profiles that show interfacial concentrations more than an order of magnitude greater than in bottom water. These data and the results of a model of metal transport across the shelf suggest that Cu and Mn fluxes, estimated at 2 and 18 nmole cm−2y−1, respectively, from continental shelf sediments may be one “source” of these metals to the deep sea.  相似文献   

Ordination is a multivariate technique developed by plant ecologists which has proven effective in the interpretation of paleoenvironments. It allows gradational relationships among samples to be depicted in contrast to other quantitative techniques which classify samples into discrete groups. In this study, ordination is used to interpret textural data for 62 bottom samples taken from the Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, continental margin. The ordination suggests the existence of six sedimentary facies that are similar to those obtained by cluster analysis using a dendrograph display. The facies represented are: littoral sands and outer-shelf shelly sands; inner-shelf sands; outer-shelf sands and silts; outer-shelf slope silts; and two highly biogenic, deep-water silt and clayey silt facies with similar characteristics. The facies are related in a qualitative manner to the environmental processes operating off Cape Hatteras. Chicago Bridge Technical Paper No. 5139.  相似文献   

Apatite fission track analysis of samples from the shoulder (marginal ridge) of the Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana transform continental margin reveal a cooling of the margin between 85 and 65 Ma for the central and eastern parts of the ridge. All samples were heated in situ during sedimentary burial with a temperature >120 °C, except for two samples located in the eastern part which were heated between 105 and 120 °C. For the first time, age/depth diagram along a transform margin shows a shape involving erosion starting at the bottom of the continental slope, then stepping backwards towards the edge of the slope. This retrogressive erosion can result from the deepening of the lithospheric plate sliding along the transform margin, from thick continental crust to thin continental crust, and finally to oceanic crust. This process could be at the origin of the shoulder uplift by flexural response to the important crustal discharge (>2 km).  相似文献   

Fluoride analyses display downward decreasing pore water gradients in Peru shelf phosphatic muds that require diffusion from the overlying seawater into the sediment column and removal by reaction within the upper few tens of centimeters, presumably by incorporation into carbonate fluorapatite. The profiles can be modeled as first-order F-removal with rate constants of ~3 yr?1 and asymptotic F-concentrations deep in the cores of 35–45 μM, almost one-half the seawater value. The integrated flux of fluoride from seawater into organic-rich shelf sediments in coastal-upwelling zones (phosphatic muds) yields a contemporaneous global F-burial of 0.54 × 1010 mol-F yr?1, about one-fifth the burial in other sinks (mostly carbonates and opal). The associated burial flux of phosphorus in shelf phosphorites is about 1.6 × 1010 mol-P yr?1, comparable to P-burial in the deep sea with organic matter (~1.4 × 1010 mol yr?1) and biogenic carbonates (~1.4 × 1010 mol yr?1). Thus phosphorite formation on the Peru shelf is a significant contemporaneous process.  相似文献   

We reconstruct the history of denudation and landscape evolution of the northern East- Brazilian continental margin using apatite fission-track thermochronology and thermal history modeling. This part of the Brazilian Atlantic margin is morphologically characterized by inland and coastal plateaus surrounding a wide low-lying inland region, the Sertaneja Depression. The apatite fission track ages and mean track lengths vary from 39 ± 4 to 350 ± 57 Ma and from 10.0 ± 0.3 to 14.2 ± 0.2 μm, respectively, implying a protracted history of spatially variable denudation since the Permian at relatively low rates (<50 m My−1). The Sertaneja Depression and inland plateaus record Permian-Early Jurassic (300–180 Ma) denudation that precedes rifting of the margin by > 60 Myrs. In contrast, the coastal regions record up to 2.5 km of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous (150–120 Ma) denudation, coeval with rifting of the margin. The samples from elevated coastal regions, the Borborema Plateau and the Mantiqueira Range, record cooling from temperatures above 120 °C since the Late Cretaceous extending to the Cenozoic. We interpret this denudation as related to post-rift uplift of these parts of the margin, possibly resulting from compressional stresses transmitted from the Andes and/or magmatism at that time. Several samples from these areas also record accelerated Neogene (<30 Ma) cooling, which may record landscape response to a change from a tropical to a more erosive semi-arid climate during this time. The inferred denudation history is consistent with the offshore sedimentary record, but not with evolutionary scenarios inferred from the recognition of “planation surfaces” on the margin. The denudation history of the northeastern Brazilian margin implies a control of pre-, syn- and post-rift tectonic and climatic events on landscape evolution.  相似文献   

Glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether (GDGT)-based proxies are increasingly used in modern carbon cycling and palaeoenvironmental investigations. It is therefore crucial to examine the robustness (sources, transport and degradation) of all GDGT-based proxies in continental margins, where sedimentation rates and extent of carbon cycling are high. We have analyzed the distributions of GDGTs in surface sediments from the Lower Yangtze River and East China Sea (ECS) shelf. The results revealed multiple sources and complex shelf processes that govern the distributions. The isoprenoid GDGT-inferred sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are robust and reflect the satellite-derived annual mean SSTs on the shallow ECS shelf, confirming an origin from surface water column-dwelling crenarchaeota. The input from methanogen-sourced, isoprenoid GDGTs is significant in the river surface sediments but they are almost absent from the ECS shelf. Branched GDGTs are also abundant in the river sediments, but ca. 95% are degraded in the Yangtze estuary, a much greater extent than observed for other terrigenous organic matter (OM) proxies. There is also evidence for production of branched GDGTs in the oxic ECS shelf water column and the anoxic sediments/waters of the Lower Yangtze River. As a result, branched GDGT-based proxies in the lower river and ECS surface sediments do not reflect the catchment environmental conditions. The effective degradation in the estuary and widespread aquatic contributions of branched GDGTs improves our understanding of how to use branched GDGT-based proxies in marginal seas.  相似文献   

The concentrations of authigenic phases of Cd, Re, U, and Mo increase with depth in four 45-cm-long sediment box cores collected along the axis of the Laurentian Trough, Gulf of St. Lawrence. Average authigenic accumulation rates, estimated from element inventories, are similar to rates in other continental margin environments. Strong regional variations in sediment accumulation rate and sulfide concentration have little influence on the accumulation rates of Cd and Re. This suggests that slow precipitation kinetics controls the accumulation of Cd and Re in these sediments. The accumulation rate of authigenic U is more variable; it may be tied to the kinetics of microbially mediated U reduction and be controlled by the availability of reactive organic matter. Authigenic Mo is distinguished by a sharp subsurface concentration minimum, above which Mo cycles with manganese. Mo released to pore water upon reduction of Mn oxides diffuses downward and enriches the subsurface sediment. Mo accumulates most rapidly in the sediment with the highest sulfide content. Slow conversion of molybdate to thiomolybdate may explain the much slower Mo accumulation rate in the less sulfidic sediments. A component of authigenic Mo accumulates with pyrite in an approximately constant Mo:Fe ratio. The accumulation rate of pyrite and associated Mo is insensitive to AVS abundance. Pyrite formation may be limited by the reactivity of iron oxide minerals.  相似文献   

Generally, oxidative regeneration of phosphate from anoxic sediments is by microbially mediated sulfate reduction processes. Stoichiometric modelling of such reactions takes into consideration varying proportions of ‘decomposable’ organically bound P to account for the ratios among nutrients in depth-concentration profiles of near-surface sediments. New results of interstitial water composition from sediments underlying the water masses influenced by coastal upwelling of the eastern boundary current system off Peru indicate that dissolution of phosphatic fish debris represents a mechanism for remineralization of phosphate comparable to or larger in magnitude than that by oxidative regeneration of organically bound P.Dissolved interstitial phosphate from fish debris is revealed by an excess amount of phosphate over that predicted from a simple stoichiometric oxidative regeneration model and by anomalously high dissolved interstitial fluoride concentrations. Phosphate flux estimates based on diffusion from the sediment suggest that this mechanism may generate up to 10% of the nutrient pool in the waters of the Peru undercurrent. Partitioning of P among the two sources reveals further that fish debris phosphate is about four times more important than organically bound P in nutrient generation from sediments of the Peru continental margin. Not only does this mechanism of regeneration affect the nutrient cycling but may also control widespread phosphorite formation in this area.  相似文献   

Iron isotope compositions in marine pore fluids and sedimentary solid phases were measured at two sites along the California continental margin, where isotope compositions range from δ56Fe = −3.0‰ to +0.4‰. At one site near Monterey Canyon off central California, organic matter oxidation likely proceeds through a number of diagenetic pathways that include significant dissimilatory iron reduction (DIR) and bacterial sulfate reduction, whereas at our other site in the Santa Barbara basin DIR appears to be comparatively small, and production of sulfides (FeS and pyrite) was extensive. The largest range in Fe isotope compositions is observed for Fe(II)aq in porewaters, which generally have the lowest δ56Fe values (minimum: −3.0‰) near the sediment surface, and increase with burial depth. δ56Fe values for FeS inferred from HCl extractions vary between ∼−0.4‰ and +0.4‰, but pyrite is similar at both stations, where an average δ56Fe value of −0.8 ± 0.2‰ was measured. We interpret variations in dissolved Fe isotope compositions to be best explained by open-system behavior that involves extensive recycling of Feflux. This study is the first to examine Fe isotope variations in modern marine sediments, and the results show that Fe isotopes in the various reactive Fe pools undergo isotopic fractionation during early diagenesis. Importantly, processes dominated by sulfide formation produce high-δ56Fe values for porewaters, whereas the opposite occurs when Fe(III)-oxides are present and DIR is a major pathway of organic carbon respiration. Because shelf pore fluids may carry a negative δ56Fe signature it is possible that the Fe isotope composition of ocean water reflects a significant contribution of shelf-derived iron to the open ocean. Such a signature would be an important means for tracing iron sources to the ocean and water mass circulation.  相似文献   

Apatite fission-track analysis was applied to Triassic and Cretaceous sediments from the South-Iberian Continental Margin to unravel its thermal history. Apatite fission-track age populations from Triassic samples indicate partial annealing and point to a maximum temperature of around 100–110 °C during their post-depositional evolution. In certain apatites from Cretaceous samples, two different fission-track age populations of 93–99 and around 180 Ma can be distinguished. Track lengths associated with these two populations enabled thermal modelling based on experimental annealing and mathematical algorithms. These thermal models indicate that the post-depositional thermal evolution attained temperatures ≤ 70 °C, which is consistent with available vitrinite-reflectance data. Thermal modelling for the Cretaceous samples makes it possible to decipher a succession of cooling and heating periods, consisting of (a) a late Carboniferous–Permian cooling followed by (b) a progressive heating episode that ended approximately 120 Ma at a maximum T of around 110 °C. The first cooling episode resulted from a combination of factors such as: the relaxation of the thermal anomaly related to the termination of the Hercynian cycle; the progressive exhumation of the Hercynian basement and the thermal subsidence related to the rifting of the Bay of Biscay, reactivated during the Late Permian. Jurassic thermal evolution deduced from the inherited thermal signal in the Cretaceous sediments is characterized by progressive heating that ended around 120 Ma. This heating episode is related to thermal subsidence during Jurassic rifting, in agreement with the presence of abundant mantle-derived tholeiitic magmas interbedded in the Jurassic rocks. The end of the Jurassic rifting is well marked by a cooling episode apparently starting during Neocomiam times and ending at surface conditions by Albian times.  相似文献   

Cartographic neotectonic models have been created for the key areas of the coastal sea zone (CSZ) in the Western Arctic. These areas were identified within platforms of different ages. The neotectonics predetermines the most durable component of the CSZ, i.e., a wireframe with a fault block structure, and is one of the principal factors governing its development. In particular, it manifests itself in the difference between the exodynamics of parts of the CSZ, with their morpholithodynamic boundaries being similar to the structural aspect, their lithology being close, and the exposition to sea waves being the same. In predicting the development of the CSZ in the 21st century, one can say that there is a reason for some concern, but not for panic. The results of the investigations performed will assist in developing a more effective concept of shoreline protection and solving other applied and scientific problems associated with the junction zone between land and sea.  相似文献   

The continental margins of Atlantic Canada described in this paper show the effects of plate tectonic motions since Precambrian time and thus represent an ideal natural laboratory for geophysical studies and comparisons of ancient and modern margins. The Grenville Province shows vestiges of Helikian sedimentation on a pre-existing continental block beneath which there may have been southeastward late-Helikian subduction resulting in collision between the Grenville block and the continental block comprised of the older shield provinces to the north. The Grenville block was subsequently split in Hadrynian time along an irregular line so that the southeastern edge of the Grenville exhibited a series of promontories and re-entrants similar to those seen at the present Atlantic continental margin of North America. That margin, which had a passive margin history perhaps comparable with that of the present Atlantic margin, was separated by the lapetus ocean from the Avalon zone whose Precambrian volcanism has been attributed both to that associated with an island arc and with intra-cratonic rifting. However, the lapetus ocean appears to have been subducted in early Paleozoic time with a southeastward dip beneath the Avalon zone, leaving exposures of oceanic rocks in place as in Notre Dame Bay, or transported onto Grenville basement as at Bay of Islands.Plate motions proposed for Devonian and Carboniferous time are numerous, but resulted in the welding of the Meguma block to the Avalon zone of New Brunswick and northern Nova Scotia, extensive faulting within Atlantic Canada which can be correlated with contemporaneous European faulting and extensive terrestrial sedimentation within the fault zones. Graben formation, continental sedimentation and basaltic intrusion in the Triassic represent the tensional prelude to the Jurassic opening of the present Atlantic Ocean.This Jurassic opening produced a rifted margin adjacent to Nova Scotia and a transform margin along the southern Grand Banks. The width of the ocean-continent transition across the transform margin (approx. 50 km) is narrower than for the rifted margin (approx. 100 km). The eastern part of the transform margin is associated with a complex Cretaceous (?) volcanic province of seamounts and basement ridges showing evidence of subsidence. The western portion of the transform margin is non-volcanic, adjacent to which lies the 350 km wide Quiet Magnetic Zone floored by oceanic crust.Development of the margin east of Newfoundland was more complicated with continental fragments separated from the shelf by deep water basins underlain by foundered and atypically thin continental crust. Although thin, the crust appears unmodified, the similarities between the crustal sections of the narrow Flemish Pass and the wide Orphan Basin suggesting that the thinning is not simply due to stretching. The Newfoundland Basin shows evidence for two-stage rifting between the Grand Banks and Iberia with both lateral separation and rotation of Spain, leaving a wide zone of transitional crust in the south. The overall pattern of variations in crustal section for the margin east of Newfoundland is comparable with that of the British margin against which it is located on paleogeographical reconstructions.The major sedimentary unconformities on the shelves (such as the Early Cretaceous unconformity on the Grand Banks) reflect uplift accompanying rifting. Tracing of the sedimentary horizons across the shelf edge is complicated by paleocontinental slopes, which separate miogeocline and eugeocline depositional environments. The subsidence of the rifted margins is primarily due to cooling of the lithosphere and to sediment loading. The subsidence due to cooling has been shown to vary linearly with (time) , similar to the depth—age behaviour of oceanic crust. The consequent thermal history of the sediments is favourable for hydrocarbon generation where other factors do not preclude it.  相似文献   

The Andean geosynclinal pair in Peru consists of a eugeosynclinal marine andesitic volcanic trough and a miogeosynclinal sedimentary trough. Both troughs developed on a block-faulted basement of Precambrian crystalline rocks in which movement occurred along faults parallel to the continental margin. Subsidence in the eugeosyncline was most rapid during the Albian during which period about 7000 m of marine volcanics were deposited. In the miogeosyncline the greatest subsidence took place during the Tithonian but continued throughout the Cretaceous to accumulate a total thickness of about 6000 m. From the Late Cretaceous to the mid-Tertiary the Andean granitoid batholith was emplaced, mainly in the eugeosynclinal zone. A Benioff zone has been active at the continental margin from the Early Jurassic until the present so that the entire geotectonic cycle from the geosynclinal stage through to orogeny and uplift has taken place under a regime of active subduction.During the geosynclinal stage the sedimentary troughs developed in fault-bounded blocks which subsided under tension. It is possible to envisage crustal thinning within the subsident blocks by rotational movement on extensional faults or by plastic stretching of the lower crust. Stretching would be facilitated by the high geothermal gradient resulting from the emplacement of plutonics and volcanics and might be analogous to the formtion of marginal basins of western Pacific type. It is more difficult to account for the subsequent uplift for although the granites contributed to the crustal thickening, the main uplift did not occur in the granitic sector but further inland, and was moreover delayed for at least 20 m.y. after the last granites were emplaced.  相似文献   

李功宇  周建波  李龙  王红燕 《岩石学报》2020,36(6):1719-1730



Radiocarbon-dated marine cores, measurements of sediment density and seismic surveys were used to estimate the sediment and mass accumulation rates (m/kyr and kg/m2/kyr) in the troughs from the southwest to north-central Iceland shelf (i.e. northwest sector of Iceland). The 3.5-kHz seismic survey showed varying thicknesses of acoustically transparent sediment in the troughs, whereas the inter-trough banks were largely devoid of sediment. The survey showed a pervasive reflector 1 to ≥60 m below the sea floor, which turned out to be Saksunarvatn tephra, dated at 10 180±60 cal. yr BP. The 3.5-kHz analogue data were digitized at 1-min intervals and provided 1645 estimates of maximum sediment thickness and 979 estimates of sediment accumulation over the last 10 200 cal. yr BP. Maximum sediment accumulation occurred in the mid-troughs and not, as expected, in the fjords. The median sediment accumulation rate (SAR) based on the core data was 0.23 m/kyr, but was 0.77 m/kyr based on the seismic data: the difference is attributed to coring limitations. Based on the volume of offshore sediment and the contributing terrestrial drainage area, the Holocene denudation of northern Iceland (c. 50 000 km2) is calculated to have been between 0.02 to 0.05 m/kyr, substantially lower that the 1-3 m/kyr derived from the suspended sediment load of rivers from southern Iceland but in agreement with the rate of accumulation of Holocene glacial lacustrine sediments in central Iceland.  相似文献   

Modern global warming is likely to cause future melting of Earth's polar ice sheets that may result in dramatic sea-level rise. A possible collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) alone, which is considered highly vulnerable as it is mainly based below sea level, may raise global sea level by up to 5–6 m. Despite the importance of the WAIS for changes in global sea level, its response to the glacial–interglacial cycles of the Quaternary is poorly constrained. Moreover, the geological evidence for the disintegration of the WAIS at some time within the last ca. 750 kyr, possibly during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11 (424–374 ka), is ambiguous. Here we present physical properties, palaeomagnetic, geochemical and clay mineralogical data from a glaciomarine sedimentary sequence that was recovered from the West Antarctic continental margin in the Amundsen Sea and spans more than the last 1 Myr. Within the sedimentary sequence, proxies for biological productivity (such as biogenic opal and the barium/aluminum ratio) and the supply of lithogenic detritus from the West Antarctic hinterland (such as ice-rafted debris and clay minerals) exhibit cyclic fluctuations in accordance with the glacial–interglacial cycles of the Quaternary. A prominent depositional anomaly spans MIS 15–MIS 13 (621–478 ka). The proxies for biological productivity and lithogenic sediment supply indicate that this interval has the characteristics of a single, prolonged interglacial period. Even though no proxy suggests environmental conditions much different from today, we conclude that, if the WAIS collapsed during the last 800 kyr, then MIS 15–MIS 13 was the most likely time period. Apparently, the duration rather than the strength of interglacial conditions was the crucial factor for the WAIS drawdown. A comparison with various marine and terrestrial climate archives from around the world corroborates that unusual environmental conditions prevailed throughout MIS 15–MIS 13. Some of these anomalies are observed in the pelagic Southern Ocean and the South Atlantic and might originate in major ice-sheet drawdown in Antarctica, but further research is required to test this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Based on distinctive stratigraphic and/or structural characteristics, the Brazilian continental margin can be divided into two main provinces:
  1. The southeastern-eastern province, extending from the Pelotas to the Recife-João Pessoa Basin, presents a tensional tectonic style of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous age, paralleling the structural alignements of the Precambrian basement, except in the north-eastern segment where the Mesozoic faults of the Recife-João Pessoa Basin cut across the east-west basement directions. The basin-fill, Upper Jurassic through Recent, consists, where complete, of three stratigraphic sequences, each of a distinct depositional environment: (a) a lower clastic non-marine sequence; (b) a middle evaporitic sequence, and (c) an upper clastic paralic and open marine sequence.
  2. The northern province, extending from the Potiguar Basin to the Amazon Submarine Basin, displays both tensional and compressional tectonic styles of Upper Jurassic (?) to Upper Cretaceous age either paralleling or cutting transversally the basement alignments. The stratigraphic column differs from the southeastern-eastern province in lacking the Lower Cretaceous evaporitic rocks.
The integration of the stratigraphie and structural data allows one to determine in the eastern Brazilian marginal basins the main evolutionary stages of a typical pull-apart continental margin: a continental pre-rift and rift stage, an evaporitic proto-ocean stage, and a normal marine open ocean stage. In the northern province it is possible to infer a continental rift-valley-stage, a transform stage and an open continental-margin stage. The relationship between the rift-valley and the transform stages is yet not clear.  相似文献   

The terrigenous fraction of seabed sediments recovered along the north‐west African continental margin illustrates spatial variability in grain size attributed to different transport mechanisms. Three subpopulations are determined from the grain‐size analyses (n = 78) of the carbonate‐free silt fraction applying an end‐member modelling algorithm (G. J. Weltje, 1997). The two coarsest end‐members are interpreted as representing aeolian dust, and the fine‐grained end‐member is related to fluvial supply. The end‐member model thus allows aeolian fallout to be distinguished from fluvial‐sourced mud in this area. The relative contributions of the end‐members show distinct regional variations that can be related to different transport processes and pathways. Understanding present‐day sediment dispersal and mixing is important for a better understanding of older sedimentary records and palaeoclimate reconstructions in the region.  相似文献   

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