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We have investigated spectral features of strong radio burst emission for the 21st cycle of solar activity. The maximum daily radio fluxes in 8 frequency ranges are analyzed. For every year, the classification of these daily spectra is obtained by the cluster analysis method.We have shown that strong bursts are characterized by the stable shape of the mean radio emission spectra. For these bursts the total level of radio emission does not depend on the phase of the solar 11-yr cycle and varies with the quasi-period of 4 yr.The basic features of burst spectra can be explained by the gyrosynchrotron radiation of nonthermal electrons and plasma radiation at the second harmonic of plasma frequency. We supposed that in the generation region of centimetric emission, if the strength of the magnetic field B 100 G, the number of microbursts can amount to (6–7) × 103. In the generation region of decimetric emission, the energy of Langmuir waves changes as W l n e 0.4.  相似文献   

We examine a number of high time resolution intensity-time profiles of EUV impulsive bursts as observed by the Harvard College Observatory EUV Spectroheliometer carried aboard the Skylab Apollo Telescope Mount. These bursts are found to be synchronous (to within the instrumental time resolution of 5.5 s) in all wavelengths observed, corresponding to emissions from temperatures ranging from upper chromospheric to coronal. The distribution with temperature of a suitably defined emission measure parameter is also examined as a function of time throughout the bursts and a marked similarity in the shape of this distribution, both between different events and throughout the time history of any particular event, is noted. The significance of these observations for physical processes associated with EUV bursts is briefly discussed.On leave from Dept. of Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Scotland, U.K.  相似文献   

We compare the millimeter, microwave, and soft X-ray emission from a number of solar flares in order to determine the properties of the high-frequency radio emission of flares. The millimeter observations use a sensitive interferometer at 86 GHz which offers much better sensitivity and spatial resolution than most previous high-frequency observations. We find a number of important results for these flares: (i) the 86 GHz emission onset appears often to be delayed with respect to the microwave onset; (ii) even in large flares the millimeter-wavelength emission can arise in sources of only a few arc sec dimension; (iii) the millimeter emission in the impulsive phase does not correlate with the soft X-ray emission, and thus is unlikely to contain any significant thermal bremsstrahlung component; and (iv) the electron energy distributions implied by the millimeter observations are much flatter (spectral indices of 2.5 to 3.6) than is usual for microwave or hard X-ray observations.  相似文献   

It has been controversial whether the flare-associated hard X-ray bursts are thermal emission or non-thermal emission. Another controversial point is whether or not the associated microwave impulsive burst originates from the common electrons emitting the hard X-ray burst.It is shown in this paper that both the thermal and non-thermal bremsstrahlung should be taken into account in the quantitative explanation of the time characteristics of the hard X-ray bursts observed so far in the photon energy range of 10–150 keV. It is emphasized that the non-thermal electrons emitting the hard X-rays and those emitting the microwave impulsive burst are not common. The model is as follows, which is also consistent with the radio observations.At the explosive phase of the flare a hot coronal condensation is made, its temperature is generally 107 to 108K, the number density is about 1010 cm–3 and the total volume is of the order of 1029 cm3. A small fraction, 10–3–10–4, of the thermal electrons is accelerated to have power law distribution. Both the non-thermal and thermal electrons in the sporadic condensation contribute to the X-ray bursts above 10 keV as the bremsstrahlung. Fast decay of the harder X-rays (say, above 20 keV) for a few minutes is attributed to the decay of non-thermal electrons due to collisions with thermal electrons in the hot condensation. Slower decay of the softer X-rays including around 10 keV is attributed to the contribution of thermal component.The summary of this paper was presented at the Symposium on Solar Flares and Space Research, COSPAR, Tokyo, May, 1968.  相似文献   

Models of solar hard X-ray bursts are considered in which non-thermal electrons are impulsively injected into a coronal magnetic trap. Recognising that the ends of the trap are likely to be rooted in the photosphere and that the density of the ambient atmosphere may thus be highly non-uniform along the field lines, it is shown that the X-ray spectra will initially soften with time, due to collisions, when this non-uniformity is strong enough. This removes a well-known discrepancy in models with uniform density.It is shown also that non-uniformity steepens the electron spectrum required to produce a given observed X-ray spectrum. In consequence the total non-thermal electron energy involved in a given burst is greater than that previously inferred from impulsive injection models.  相似文献   

Spectral characteristics of medium-sized solar radio events   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Peak intensities at different frequencies, as reported by several solar radio patrol stations, are used to study the spectrum at the time of maximum intensity of medium-sized solar radio events that cover both the centimetric and metric frequency bands. Two types of spectrum can be distinguished: a V-type of spectrum, where the straight lines, that can be drawn to represent the centimetric and the metric branches, meet each other at a frequency somewhere in the decimetric frequency range and a Jump-type of spectrum, where a discontinuity occurs somewhere in the low-frequency part of the decimetric spectrum. The aspect of the radio response at 600 MHz may have a character which is more centrimetric or more metric. Its character tends to correspond to the spectral branch (metric or centimetric) to which, according to the spectrum, the 600 MHz burst belongs. It is concluded that the centimetric and the metric branch of a cm/m-event are largely independent of each other. It is suggested that a Jump-type of spectrum occurs if some condition relating to the coronal magnetic field is fulfilled.  相似文献   

A simple trap model of solar hard X-ray bursts is discussed in which nonthermal electrons trapped in a magnetic bottle precipitate into the lower chromosphere through the resonant scattering by whistlers. In such a model, the X-ray spectra produced from trapped and precipitating electrons have different spectral shape, and both of the spectra will initially soften with time, provided the precipitation dominates over collisional degradation.  相似文献   

The lack of open literature publication of the distributional properties of the cm-λ spectra of solar microwave bursts has lead to some erroneous concepts of the typical characteristics of these spectra. To provide more accurate information, this paper sets forth various distributions of the peak flux density spectra of large numbers of bursts, based on observations of the Sagamore Hill Radio Observatory at nine discrete frequencies between 245 and 35000 MHz over the years 1968–1971. As a foundation for the distribution studies, the basic spectral classification system is outlined. The majority of burst spectra were found to contain a cm-λ component having a single spectral maximum in the 1400 to 35000 MHz range; such spectra are designated C type. A study of the correlation of the spectral maximum frequency f max of the cm component and the photospheric magnetic field strength of the associated region shows a tendency for greater correlation at higher f max for stronger magnetic sssfields. A study of the correlation for C type spectra between f max and the quasi-cutoff frequency f qc on the low-frequency side shows that for bursts of moderate peak flux density (50–500 sfu) f qc is well correlated with f max; a good fit to the relation f max=A f qc is found with A =3.4. The possible attenuating mechanisms responsible for the spectral shaping of the cm component are discussed.  相似文献   

A survey of the main characteristics of solar microwave bursts in relation to their usefulness for indicating the intensity of associated solar proton emissions suggests that time parameters give much better results than intensity or spectrum parameters. In particular, best results are obtained by using the effective, or mean, burst duration defined by $$T_M = 1/P_{max} \int_0^T {P(t)dt} $$ where T is the overall burst duration, P is the power density at time T, and P max is the maximum power density. For proton energies > 10 MeV the proton flux N p is given approximately by N p = 0.034 T M 3 particles ster?1 cm?2 s?1, where T m is in minutes, with a correlation factor of 0.8. Corresponding coefficients have been derived for a number of energy ranges. Using this parameter solar proton warnings and intensity estimates can be made with observations at only one frequency, preferably in the range 5–20 GHz.  相似文献   

The dynamic spectral characteristics of the thermal model for solar hard X-ray bursts recently proposed by Brown et al. (1979) (BMS) are investigated. It is pointed out that this model, in which a single source is heated impulsively and cooled by anomalous conduction across an ion-acoustic turbulent thermal front, predicts that the total source emission measure should rise as the temperature falls. This prediction, which is common to all conductively cooled single-source models, is contrary to observations of many simple spike bursts. It is proposed, therefore, that the hard X-ray source may consist of a distribution of many small impulsively-heated kernels, each cooled by anomalous conduction, with lifetimes shorter than current burst data temporal resolution. In this case the dynamic spectra of bursts are governed by the dynamic evolution of the kernel production process, such as magnetic-field dissipation in the tearing mode. An integral equation is formulated, the solution of which yields information on this kernel production process, from dynamic burst spectra, for any kernel model.With a BMS-type kernel model in one-dimensional form, the derived instantaneous spectra are limited in hardness to spectral indices 4 for any kernel production process, due to the nature of the conductive cooling. Ion-acoustic conductive cooling in three dimensions, however, increases the limiting spectral hardness to 3. Other forms of anomalous conduction yield similar results but could permit bursts as hard as 2, consistent with the hardest observed.The contribution to the X-ray spectrum from the escaping tail of high-energy kernel electrons in the BMS model is calculated in various limits. If this tail dissipates purely collisionally, for example, its thick-target bremsstrahlung can significantly modify the kernel spectrum at the high-energy end. The energetics of this dynamic dissipation model for thermal hard X-ray bursts also are briefly discussed.Now at: Department of Mathematics, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.  相似文献   

Twenty four solar bursts of peak fluxes above 50 sfu are analyzed which were observed with the 17 GHz interferometer at Nobeyama during the period from 1978 September to 1979 December. Source characteristics and their temporal evolutions are investigated on a statistical basis with high time resolutions up to 0.8 s. Use of a model-fitting technique recently developed by Kosugi (1982) is made to derive both the position of centroid and size (~ FWHM) of burst source with an uncertainty of a few arc sec. The results of this study are the following:
  1. Two different phases in the burst, that is to say, the main phase and the post-burst-increase (PBI) phase, are distinguished clearly not only by the morphological difference of flux time profile, but also by the differences of brightness temperature (107-?109 K vs 105–107 K), circular polarization degree (0–50% vs 0–10%), and size (?5–25″ vs 10–70″). There is no definite correlation between the peak fluxes in the two phases.
  2. The majority of the selected bursts (21 of 24) show in the main phase source characteristics of the impulsive burst. The total flux varies rapidly (characteristic time scale defined by FWHM ? 100 s), often associated with the rapid shift of position and the rapid change of polarization degree. The source height of the impulsive source is lower than that of the PBI source. On the other hand, the type IVμ source, seen in three events, shows a gradual variation and the source ascends to a height of ~ 40 000 km above the photosphere.
  3. In the PBI phase, the expansion and ascension of the source occur in general (21 of 23 for the former and 12 of 15 for the latter). The velocities of both the movements are of the order of 5 km s?1.

The burst component of the solar X-ray flux in the soft wavelength range 2 < < 12 Å observed from Explorer 33 and Explorer 35 from July 1966 to September 1968 was analyzed. In this period 4028 burst peaks were identified.The differential distributions of the temporal and intensity parameters of the bursts revealed no separation into more than one class of bursts. The most frequently observed value for rise time was 4 min and for decay time was 12 min. The distribution of the ratio of rise to decay time can be represented by an exponential with exponent -2.31 from a ratio of 0.3 to 2.7; the maximum in this distribution occurred at a ratio of 0.3. The values of the total observed flux, divided by the background flux at burst maximum, can be represented by a power law with exponent -2.62 for ratios between 1.5 and 32. The distribution of peak burst fluxes can be represented by a power law with exponent - 1.75 over the range 1–100 milli-erg (cm2 sec)–1. The flux time integral values are given by a power law with exponent -1.44 over the range 1–50 erg cm–2.The distribution of peak burst flux as a function of H importance revealed a general tendency for larger peak X-ray fluxes to occur with both larger H flare areas and with brighter H flares. There is no significant dependence of X-ray burst occurrence on heliographic longitude; the emission thus lacks directivity.The theory of free-free emission by a thermal electron distribution was applied to a composite quantitative discussion of hard X-ray fluxes (data from Arnoldy et al., 1968; Kane and Winckler, 1969; and Hudson et al., 1969) and soft X-ray fluxes during solar X-ray bursts. Using bursts yielding measured X-ray intensities in three different energy intervals, covering a total range of 1–50 keV, temperatures and emission measures were derived. The emission measure was found to vary from event to event. The peak time of hard X-ray events was found to occur an average of 3 min before the peak time of the corresponding soft X-ray bursts. Thus a changing emission measure during the event is also required. A free-free emission process with temperatures of 12–39 × 106K and with an emission measure in the range 3.6 × 1047 to 2.1 × 1050 cm–3 which varies both from event to event and within an individual event is required by the data examined.Now at Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey.  相似文献   

Microwave observations with exceptionally high spectral resolution are described for a set of 49 solar flares observed between May and October 1981. Total power data were obtained at 40 frequencies between 1 and 18 GHz by the Owens Valley frequency-agile interferometer with 10 s time resolution. Statistical analysis of this sample of microwave bursts established the following significant characteristics of their microwave spectra: (i) Most ( 80%) of the microwave events displayed complex spectra consisting of more than one component during some or all of their lifetime. Single spectral component bursts are rare. It is shown that the presence of more than one component can lead to significant errors when data with low spectral resolution are used to determine the low-side spectral index. (ii) The high-resolution data show that many bursts have a low-side spectral index that is larger than the maximum value of about 3 that might be expected from theory. Possible explanations include the effect of the underlying active region on the perceived burst spectrum and/or the necessity for more accurate calculations for bursts with low effective temperatures, (iii) the peak frequencies of the bursts are remarkably constant during their lifetimes. This is contrary to expectations based on simple models in which the source size and ambient field remain constant during the evolution of a burst.Swiss National Science Foundation Fellow from the University of Bern.  相似文献   

Solar hard X-ray bursts (>10 keV) seem to show a centre-to-limb variation, while softer X-ray bursts show no directivity. This effect of hard X-ray bursts may be due to the directivity of the emission itself. As the cause of the directivity, two possibilities are suggested. One is the inverse Compton effect and the other is the bremsstrahlung from anisotropic electrons.  相似文献   

R. Snijders 《Solar physics》1968,4(4):432-445
In this paper an attempt has been made to investigate theoretically the time-profile of an X-ray burst observed at photon energies well below 0.5 MeV. Following De Jager (1967) this type of X-bursts is called deka-keV X-ray bursts. The energy distribution of fast electrons which emit the hard X-ray burst has been computed as a function of time. On the basis of these expressions the time-profile of a deka-keV burst has been calculated. In this paper two plausible initial electron distributions were chosen, a mono-energetic distribution and a maxwellian distribution of electron energies. It has been proved that the process of energy loss of an electron is completely governed by losses due to magnetic bremsstrahlung emission. This implies that the decay shape of a deka-keV X-ray burst is determined by the value of the magnetic-field strength existing in the plasma. A typical decay time of an X-ray burst, which is about 3 min, can be expected theoretically from a thermal plasma of temperature 109 °K confined by a magnetic field of about 750 gauss. The theory developed in this paper indicates that the soft X-ray burst accompanying the deka-keV burst lasts much longer than the deka-keV burst itself.  相似文献   

Solar noise storms (NS) are analyzed by an algorithm which separates a random signal into pulses. The burst duration distribution is shown to be inversely proportional to the squared duration of bursts. The distribution ordinates are proportional to the average pulse repetition frequency, and the distribution maximum corresponds to the limiting pulse duration equal to 0.4–0.6 s. The aggregate lifetime of all short-lasting bursts is approximately equal to the aggregate lifetime of bursts of any other duration. The energy of short-lasting bursts with a duration of 0.2–0.4 s is five times smaller than the energy of longer bursts, and it constitutes only 2–5 percent of the energy of the NS burst component. The power of bursts increases as their duration changes from 0.2 to 1.2 s until it reaches some limit at a duration of 1.2–1.4 s. The power of longer bursts remains almost unchanged up to the end of the investigated duration interval (up to durations of 300 s). Solar burst chains can be some superposition of short-lasting bursts on one longer burst. Thus, the burst energy measurements do not support the widespread point of view that solar noise storms consist of short-lasting type I bursts.  相似文献   

A model is presented in which we show analytically the three phases of anisotropy which occur during solar cosmic-ray events observed in the 7.5 MeV to 21 MeV kinetic-energy interval and reported by McCracken et al. (1971): (i) a highly anisotropic, near field-aligned, initial phase, (ii) a convective phase, and (iii) a late-time phase in which the anisotropy is approximately perpendicular to the mean interplanetary magnetic field. The model is based on the cosmic-ray particles being convectively transported out from the Sun, undergoing anisotropic diffusion along the interplanetary magnetic-field lines, and losing energy by adiabatic deceleration or by collision processes. The event is seen simply as a pulse moving outward from the Sun after a cosmic-ray burst with a negative density-gradient in front of it and a positive gradient behind. The convective phase (ii) occurs as the spatial peak moves past the observer and has a propagation speed V d associated with it; the anisotropy vector late in the decay phase (iii) is the result of a residual balance between the radial outward convection and the inward radial component of the anisotropic diffusion. The mathematical solutions are based upon a diffusion coefficient proportional to heliocentric radius and independent of energy and are thus rather special. However they yield formulae for the propagation speed of the convective phase and the direction in space of the long-time anisotropy which are useful as a guide to the dependence of these quantities on the solar wind speed V, the diffusion coefficient and the spectral index . In this model V d increases with V, , and ; and , the angle between the anisotropy vector at infinite time and the outward radial direction increases with /V and decreases as is increased. These predictions of the dependence of and V d upon V, , and are open to observational verification.  相似文献   

Belinda Lipa 《Solar physics》1978,57(1):191-204
We have analyzed the hard X-ray emission from 28 large solar events, searching for pulsations in intensity profiles. Periodicity occurred in 26 events, usually soon after the onset, with periods in the range 10–100 s. Pulsations occurring at common frequencies in different energy bands are observed to be closely in phase. Periodic behavior in hard X-ray emission is related to that at microwave and decametric wavelength. We discuss our observations briefly in terms of two models: that of McClean et al. (1971), applied to X-ray emission, and that of Brown and Hoyng (1975). As periodicity is normal in extended hard X-ray bursts and occurs through a broad energy band, it is probably directly related to a principal flare acceleration mechanism. Our observations constrain possible mechanisms of flare acceleration and physical properties of the acceleration region.This work began when the author was at the Institute for Plasma Research, Stanford University.  相似文献   

One recent discovery that provides a strong constraint on the mechanisms of astrophysical activities is the correlation between the flux and the root-mean-squared (rms) variability of X-ray emission. In this work we study the flux-rms relation of solar radio bursts. Four flares observed by the Solar Radio Broadband Spectrometer (SRBS) of China are analyzed. In these flares, fine structures (FSs) emerge at least in one frequency band of SRBS. We find that the flux-rms relation consists of two components. One relates to the non-FS emission and the other to the FS emission. The flux-rms relationship for the non-FS part of the radio bursts is clearly different from that for the FS part. The former shows a curve-like behavior, while the latter shows a dramatic variation. We propose a model to describe the flux-rms relation of the non-FS part. Our results imply that the non-FS part emission could be triggered by some multiplicative processes. On the contrary, multiplicative mechanisms should be excluded from the explanations of FSs in the radio bursts.  相似文献   

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