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煤层流变及其与煤矿瓦斯突出的关系—以淮北海孜煤矿为例   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
琚宜文  王桂梁 《地质论评》2002,48(1):96-105
复杂地质条件下煤层受层间滑动作用容易发生流变。本文以淮北海孜煤矿为例,详细分析了煤层流变所引起的煤层形变宏观、微观及构造煤特征,总结了煤层流变构造发育的规律。煤层流变引起煤层形态、煤厚及煤体结构的变化,并形成各种构造煤。利用煤镜质组光率体各向异性进行了应力、有限应变分析,探讨了煤层流变机制是以剪切为主,伴有挤压的后期构造作用。海孜煤矿构造活动具有多期性,但煤层受力的主要方向始终为NW-SE向,这与煤层发生流变形成总体NE-SW向增厚变薄带的展布方向是一致的。已采区的煤层流变有:韧性流变、脆性流变及韧脆性流变。煤层流变引起的厚度变化和煤体结构的破坏是造成煤矿瓦斯突出的主要因素。  相似文献   

Risk analysis for drought hazard in China: a case study in Huaibei Plain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent decades, risk management is significant to mitigate the severe status caused by droughts. As one of the primary components in risk analysis, drought hazard analysis is basic but important. In this paper, the framework of drought risk analysis and the methodology for drought hazard analysis are presented, and Huaibei Plain of China is chosen as the study area. The whole study region is divided into three parts (northern, central, and southern) by geographical factors, and a developed index named drought comprehensive Z index (DCZI) containing hydrological and meteorological factors is employed for drought hazard analysis in each area. By comparison, it implicates that DCZI is applicable for Huaibei Plain and indicates drought extent more objectively. Moreover, the results of drought hazard analysis reflect that the northern area is affected by droughts more seriously. As for the whole region, there is a great probability of severe drought. Finally, some policy recommendations on drought management are also made.  相似文献   

Composition and quality of coals in the Huaibei Coalfield, Anhui, China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Huaibei Coalfield, Anhui Province, China, is one of the largest coalfields in China. The coals of Permian age are used mainly for power generation. Coal compositions and 47 trace elements of the No. 10 Coal of the Shanxi Formation, the No. 7, 5, and 4 Coals of the Lower Shihezi Formation, and the No. 3 Coal of the Upper Shihezi Formation from the Huaibei Coalfield were studied. The results indicate that the Huaibei coals have low ash, moisture, and sulfur contents, but high volatile matter and calorific value. The ash yield increases stratigraphically upwards, but the volatile matter and total sulfur contents show a slight decrease from the lower to upper seams. Magmatic intrusion into the No. 5 Coal resulted in high ash, volatile matter, and calorific value, but low moisture value in the coal. Among the studied 47 trace elements, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Th, U, V, and Zn are of environmental concerns. Four elements Hg, Mo, Zn, and Sb are clearly enriched in the coals as compared with the upper continental crust.  相似文献   

Since the early 1980s, fifteen outbursts have occurred in the Huaibei Coalfield of China. These outbursts were reported to be associated with sills. To study the effect of sill intrusions on coal seam and their relationship to methane outbursts, eleven samples from the No. 10 coal seam were taken from the Wolonghu Mine at various distances from a diorite sill. Comparisons were made between unaltered and heat-affected coals using petrographic and chemical data, micropore characteristics, adsorption properties of coal, and gas outburst indexes from field. Approaching the intrusion, vitrinite reflectance levels increased from 2.74% to 5.03%, and the thermal aureole of the sill ~ 60 m (from the sill boundary to sample 9). Three zones along this gradient were identified as corresponding to (1) thermal evolution zone No. 1 (0-5 m from sill), (2) thermal evolution zone No. 2 (5-60 m from sill), and (3) unaltered zone. The methane adsorption capacity of coal samples in the thermal evolution zone No. 2 was generally higher than in the two other zones, and the unaltered zone higher than the thermal evolution zone No. 1. It is concluded that the contact-metamorphism decreased the adsorption capacity of coal and the thermal evolution of sill increased it. The trap effect of sill, combined with the mudstone and siltstone roof and floor of the No. 10 coal seam, provided a seal for the formation of a gas pocket. Abnormally high formation pressures at the No. 10 coal seam led to two outbursts.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine low sulfur coal samples were selected to determine the magnitude and variability of mercury (Hg) content in a well-documented stratigraphy system including ten continuous coal seams in Zhuji Coal Mine, Huainan Coalfield, Anhui Province, North China. Mercury content of samples was measured on a direct mercury analyzer and confident results were obtained as evaluated by standard references, sample replicates and procedural blanks. The calculated overall mine average Hg content is 71.19?±?9.28 ng/g based on seam averages and weighting by the estimated reserve of each coal seam. The estimated Hg emission potential for Huainan coalfield is obviously lower than that calculated from coal emission factor in industrial use. An increasing trend of Hg content with the evolution of depositional environment was observed from Nos. 3 to 11-2 coal seams. Combining the evidence of sedimentology and paleontology, a better understanding was gained of the mechanism of Hg sequestration in specific coal benches. A large portion of Hg residing in the low sulfur coals presumably integrated to the functional groups of organic constitution, whereas pyrite was generally abundant in the high sulfur coals.  相似文献   

余坤  万志军  琚宜文  王朱亭  赵帅  乔鹏 《地质学报》2023,97(8):2690-2701
在“双碳”目标背景下,大力发展以页岩气为代表的低碳清洁能源是实现“碳减排”的重要途径。华北南部淮北地区蕴藏着丰富的煤系页岩气资源,但受复杂构造热演化影响,区域内页岩气生成与保存机理尚不清晰。因此,本文采用镜质组反射率、岩石热解、裂变径迹和盆地模拟技术研究了华北南部淮北地区晚古生代以来的构造热演化与生烃过程,讨论了复杂构造热作用下煤系页岩气的生成和保存机理。结果表明,淮北地区煤系页岩气生成过程受到燕山期构造热事件的显著控制,晚侏罗世基性岩浆侵入煤系使得下石盒子组和山西组页岩经历最高古温度达~172℃,对应热流峰值124 mW/m2。煤系页岩Ro值在0. 87%~1. 74%,最高热解温度(Tmax)在437~563 ℃,表明有机质进入轻质油—湿气生成阶段。研究区二叠系山西组砂岩磷灰石裂变径迹年龄(60~42 Ma)明显小于所在地层年龄(298~272 Ma),部分锆石裂变径迹年龄略低于地层年龄,证实了研究区发生了强烈的岩浆热活动,导致地温梯度达到峰值~65 ℃/km。燕山期岩浆热效应促使区域煤系页岩高效生烃成藏,太平洋板块俯冲后撤引起的伸展断裂使得强构造变形区页岩气藏破坏逸散。因此,在淮北地区,弱构造变形区并伴有适度岩浆活动的区域具备页岩气保存的良好条件,具有良好的油气勘探前景。  相似文献   

地幔柱成矿系统:以峨眉山地幔柱为例   总被引:37,自引:3,他引:37  
地幔柱沟通了地核、地幔、地壳各个圈层之间的物质与能量交换,提供了板内构造岩浆活动及成矿作用的一种重要的动力学机制。峨眉山地幔柱是晚古生代全球最显著的地幔柱活动之一,形成了多种有重大资源经济价值的矿床类型。以峨眉山地幔柱为例,对几种典型矿床类型的产出特征及成因进行了系统分析,阐述了地幔柱成矿系统中各种成矿作用与地幔柱构造岩浆活动的关系及成矿机理。(1)通过对部分典型岩浆硫化物矿床的地质地球化学特征和矿化特征分析,揭示了峨眉山大火成岩省不同矿化特征的岩浆硫化物矿床形成于统一的地幔柱岩浆活动体系,并与峨眉山玄武岩为同源演化关系,岩浆演化过程及硫化物熔离富集过程存在的差异造成了矿化类型的变异。(2)对攀西地区4个超大型钒钛磁铁矿矿床进行了详尽的地质地球化学分析,论述了成矿岩浆的性质、与峨眉山玄武岩的关系及成岩演化过程和成矿模式,表明成矿母岩浆来自于地幔柱,但经历了较大程度的地壳混染作用,提出岩浆的多次补给混合及结晶锋面上发生的双扩散造成的液态分层导致了韵律条带矿石的形成。(3)阐述了滇黔相邻地区玄武岩型自然铜和黑铜矿铜矿化现象,指出玄武岩岩浆气液阶段的自变质作用和玄武岩构造变质热液蚀变改造作用两种方式造成铜矿化富集,岩浆气液阶段的自变质作  相似文献   

As mining depth increases, the gas content and pressure of the coal seams increase, and gas emissions from the coal face are significantly higher than those at shallower locations. This is more likely to occur in high-gas multi-seam mines and can result in fatal gas disasters. Therefore, extracting multiple seams with high methane content frequently requires implementing highly efficient methane extraction technique. Yangquan Coalfield, China, was selected as a case study, theoretical analysis on the evolution law of mining-induced overlying strata fracture was conducted, similarity model test was used to determine the gas enrichment areas, the results indicate that the distressed gas in the multi-seam is enriched in high-level and low-level area, based on the gas zoning enrichment law, a technique for coordinated extraction of the distressed gas in the high-gas multi-seam mining is proposed, and the high-level drilling holes are arranged to extract the gas in the high-level enrichment area, while low-level drilling holes are arranged to extract the gas in the low-level area; after the coordinated proposal was implemented, the workface was advanced faster, and coordinated extraction technique can also be used under other conditions for high-gas multi-seam mining.  相似文献   

Surface subsidence can cause many environmental problems and hazards (including loss of land area and damage to buildings), and such hazards are particularly serious in coal mining districts. Injecting grout into the bed separation in the overburden has been proposed as an effective control measure against surface subsidence during longwall mining. However, no field trials of this technique have been implemented in mines under villages in China, and thus, its ability to control subsidence in such areas has yet to be demonstrated. In this study, field trials using this technique were carried out during longwall mining under villages in the Liudian coal mine, China. The maximum surface subsidence observed after the extraction was only 0.298 m, which accounts for 10 % of the mining height and is 79 % less than the predicted subsidence. Moreover, no damage occurred to the village buildings either during or after extraction and these buildings remain stable. Thus, this study represents the first successful attempt to control surface subsidence under villages in China using grout injection during longwall mining.  相似文献   

Continuous air leakage from ground mining-induced cracks is a significant cause of coal spontaneous combustion, low oxygen at the working face and other disasters in shallow coal seams. This paper studies mining-induced cracks and air leakage caused by the repeated mining of shallow coal seams at the Bulianta coal mine, Shendong Coalfield, China. A similar simulation experiment was carried out in the laboratory, and then the ground mining-induced cracks were observed and the crack air leakage was detected. The results showed that the surface air flowed into the composite goaf before the fractures redeveloped to the surface during the process of lower coal seam mining. Due to the different development processes of vertical fractures in various regions, the width of the vertical fractures in the boundary area of the overlying goaf increases significantly after the repeated mining of coal seams, while the vertical fractures in the central area of the overlying goaf experience almost no change. The distribution of the surface air leakage cracks is in the shape of “回”. Graben-type cracks and half-graben-type cracks are surface air leakage cracks, which are the focus of surface air leakage problems, especially the half-graben-type cracks. The results are important in engineering for reducing air leakage from surface mining-induced cracks.  相似文献   

为探讨岩浆蚀变作用对煤层中锑赋存特征的影响,系统采集安徽淮北煤田卧龙湖煤矿岩浆侵入煤层侵入岩和全煤层样品共12个,利用原子荧光光谱法(AFS)测定样品中Sb含量,并对煤质参数进行分析。结果表明:卧龙湖煤矿岩浆侵入区煤表现为超低挥发分,中等灰分,特低硫的特点,煤中的硫主要以有机硫和黄铁矿硫存在。受岩浆热液影响,煤中灰分增加,挥发分减少;岩浆蚀变煤层中锑明显富集,算术平均值达到10.48 mg/kg,且侵入岩上方煤中Sb的平均含量明显增高,煤岩接触带位置Sb的含量达到最高值(13.93 mg/kg);岩浆蚀变煤中的锑主要以无机结合态形式存在(相关系数r为0.74),有机硫与煤中Sb呈显著负相关(相关系数r为-0.60)。岩浆侵入作用导致卧龙湖煤矿煤的煤质特征及煤层中锑的赋存方式受到不同程度的影响,研究结果可为特殊地质作用下煤中锑的环境地球化学特征提供参考。  相似文献   

A dewatering test is a common tool to estimate the physical properties of water-bearing layers in coal mines. The three step-drawdown dewatering test of unsteady flow, which combines both steady and unsteady flows, is designed in this study. The test design involves the identification of hydrogeological conditions, calculation of hydrogeological parameters, and prediction of mine water yields, particularly those of the Siwan coal mine in the coal mining district of Hebi. The results show that the water storage and the abundance of the second limestone aquifer in Taiyuan formation (L2) is limited and easy to drain, while the Ordovician system aquifer (O2) lateral recharges the L2 by the F8 fault. The correlation curve method, the cone balance method, and the analytical method are conducted in this study. Results show that the average water yield was 1436.1 m3/h when the water level of L2 decreased from +?127 m to +?17 m. The three step-drawdown dewatering test not only provides ways to enrich the experimental data and reveal hydrogeological conditions, but it can also be adopted in several approaches to predict mine water yields.  相似文献   

Zhang  Wenbing  Shen  Zhenzhong  Chen  Guanyun  Zhang  Wanlin  Xu  Liqun  Ren  Jie  Wang  Fei 《Hydrogeology Journal》2021,29(5):1831-1855

Seepage analysis and assessment of the effect of seepage control at reservoir sites are essential parts of dam design and operations, and of considerable significance for the safe and economic design of the masses and hydraulic structures associated with reservoir sites. In this study, a systematic process is provided for the optimal design and assessment of seepage control of reservoir dams under karst development conditions. A reservoir dam planned for construction in the middle-upper reaches of the Huayang River in China is selected as a case example for illustration. A three-dimensional equivalent continuum seepage finite-element numerical model is applied to investigate the effectiveness of the proposed and optimized seepage-control schemes, and it is calibrated by an inversion analysis of the initial seepage field based on the flexible tolerance method and field penetration test data. By analyzing the sensitivity of seepage discharge to the length and depth of the grouting curtain, a safe and economic seepage-control optimization scheme is suggested. Additionally, the sensitivity of seepage discharge to the hydraulic conductivity of the limestone layer is analyzed, and the results show that the hydraulic conductivity of the limestone layer has a significant impact on the seepage discharge of the reservoir site. The methodology and results derived from this study can provide technical support and reference for the optimal design and assessment of seepage control for reservoir dam engineering under karst conditions.


Boehmite-rich coal of Pennsylvanian age was discovered earlier at the Heidaigou Surface Mine, Jungar Coalfield, Inner Mongolia, China. This paper reports new results on 29 bench samples of the no. 6 coal from a drill core from the adjacent Haerwusu Surface Mine, and provides new insights into the origin of the minerals and elements present. The results show that the proportion of inertinite in the no. 6 coal is higher than in other Late Paleozoic coals in northern China. Based on mineral proportions (boehmite to kaolinite ratio) and major element concentrations in the coal benches of the drill core, the no. 6 coal may be divided into five sections (I to V). Major minerals in Sections I and V are kaolinite. Sections II and IV are mainly kaolinite with a trace of boehmite, and Section III is high in boehmite. The boehmite is derived from bauxite in the weathered surface (Benxi Formation) in the sediment-source region. The no. 6 coal is rich in Al2O3 (8.89%), TiO2 (0.47%), Li (116 μg/g), F (286 μg/g), Ga (18 μg/g), Se (6.1 μg/g), Sr (350 μg/g), Zr (268 μg/g), REEs (172 μg/g), Pb (30 μg/g), and Th (17 μg/g). The elements are classified into five associations by cluster analysis, i.e. Groups A, B, C, D, and E. Group A (ash–SiO2–Al2O3–Na2O–Li) and Group B (REE–Sc–In–Y–K2O–Rb–Zr–Hf–Cs–U–P2O5–Sr–Ba–Ge) are strongly correlated with ash yield and mainly have an inorganic affinity. The elements that are negatively or less strongly correlated with ash yield (with exceptions of Fe2O3, Be, V, and Ni) are grouped in the remaining three associations: Group C, Se–Pb–Hg–Th–TiO2–Bi–Nb–Ta–Cd–Sn; Group D, Co–Mo–Tl–Be–Ni–Sb–MgO–Re–Ga–W–Zn–V–Cr–F–Cu; and Group E, S–As–CaO–MnO–Fe2O3. Aluminum is mainly distributed in boehmite, followed by kaolinite. The high correlation coefficients of the Li–ash, Li–Al2O3, and Li–SiO2 pairs indicate that Li is related to the aluminosilicates in the coal. The boehmite-rich coal is high in gallium and F, which occur in boehmite and the organic matter. Selenium and Pb are mainly in epigenetic clausthalite fillings in fractures. The abundant rare earth elements in the coal benches were supplied from two sources: the bauxite on the weathered surface of the Benxi Formation and from adjacent partings by groundwater leaching during diagenesis. The light rare earth elements (LREEs) are more easily leached from the partings and incorporated into the organic matter than the heavy REEs, leading to a higher ratio of LREEs to HREEs in the coal benches than in the overlying partings.  相似文献   

Bed separation can occur in overlying strata, especially in hard and soft interbedded roof strata. If these strata prone to form bed separation are rich aquifers, water can accumulate into bed separation and maybe cause a serious water hazard under the condition of water inflow passages existence. Therefore, studying these types of roof water inrush mechanisms, forecasting roof water inrush, and formulating preventive and control measures in advance are extremely important to a mine. In this paper, we takes the typical case of water inrush in the workface number 1121 at Hongliu coal mine as an example, and study the mechanism of water inrush in detail. Primarily, field drilling with water leakage and color TV observations showed that the maximum height of the water conducting fractured zone was 12.50 times the thickness of the coal seams, which spread to the overlying coarse-grained sandstone aquifer. Secondly, the numerical simulation indicated that bed separation storage space was prone to form under the combination of coarse-grained sandstone and mudstone geological structure. The detection using UWTEM revealed that the groundwater accumulated in this bed separation and formed a water bag (bed separation water). When the water bag reached a certain degree, water bursting happened with the main roof collapsing. Finally, prevention, effective drainage methods, and successful experiences with bed separation water have been summarized, and it will have a major significance to coal mines suffering from bed separation water inrush.  相似文献   

Soil-rock mixtures (S-RM) are widely distributed in mountainous regions, and there are different genetic types and scales of S-RM slopes. The stability of these slopes is very important for slope safety during the construction and operation of engineering projects. Since the mechanical properties of an S-RM are mainly dominated by its random component, accurately investigating the structure of an S-RM slope is the fundamental basis for evaluating the mechanism of a landslide. In this paper, in situ direct shear tests are used to obtain the “soil” strength parameters of the S-RM, the microtremor survey method (MSM) is introduced to detect the S-RM slope and the numerical method of FEM is utilised to simulate the failure characteristics and stability of the S-RM slope. Based on the MSM, the strata structure and proportions of solitary rock blocks in the S-RM slope are investigated, and three possible models of the S-RM slope are established. By using the strength reduction method in numerical simulations, the potential failure surface and stability of a slope of homogeneous soil and that with solitary rock blocks are discussed. The study results show that the MSM is an effective method to estimate the proportion of rock blocks in the S-RM slope. The presence of solitary rock blocks makes the slope potential slide surface complicated. The factor of safety of the S-RM slope is higher than that of the homogeneous soil slope, the rock blocks at the toe of the slope are favourable for slope stability and the rock blocks near the surface of the slope squeeze the lower soil and improve the safety factor of the slope.  相似文献   


为满足煤矿安全生产的需求,针对煤层顶板高地应力区域易诱发煤矿冲击地压等动力灾害问题,利用微震台站实时传输数据,采用快速三维层析反演算法对煤岩层波速进行反演,从而实现对高地应力区域的实时监测和快速预警。层析反演结果的精度直接决定了高地应力区域的判断,因此,通过建立三维地质模型,分析微震事件空间分布的不同以及高地应力区域与煤层顶板的间距对层析反演结果的影响,并将该方法在某矿区进行了试验。试验结果表明:(1) 由于地震波在煤层和围岩中的传播规律不同,微震事件在煤岩层空间分布不同会降低探测高地应力区域的精确度;(2) 煤层顶板与高地应力区域间距过小时,高波速区域附近所产生的波速梯度会影响低速区域,导致反演结果中煤层位置不清晰;(3) 通过筛选微震事件使其均匀分布以及合理的布置微震地面观测系统可以有效的提高数据完整度和反演精度。研究结果为基于微震的快速三维层析反演技术探测煤层顶板高地应力区域提供理论依据。


Fractured-karst spring-flow protections: a case study in Jinan, China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Jinan Springs are an important historical heritage in China and have been well known for hundreds of years. Over-abstraction of groundwater in the Jinan area has seriously endangered the hydrological system of the springs, which have stopped flowing for significant periods of time in recent years. A three-dimensional finite-element model programmed primarily at the Hefei University of Technology has been developed to simulate groundwater level change in the large fractured-karst aquifer system in the Jinan Springs field. Various spring protection plans have been explored and their effects on the water table analyzed and compared. It was found that the present rate of groundwater withdrawal from the fractured-karst system in this area was inappropriate for spring protection. The simulated results suggest that decreasing the rate of groundwater pumping from 6.9×105 to 2.7×105 m3/day is needed to protect spring flows. Additional water resource requirements in that area may be met by use of surface water and recycled waste water.  相似文献   

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