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Angular unconformities, time gaps, and progressive increase of thickness in the Mesozoic sedimentary pile of the Western High Atlas, Morocco, point to mid-Jurassic tectonic pulses in this area. Red beds, Middle Jurassic in age, were deposited in the nearshore Agadir-Essaouira basin in contrast to transgressive tendencies of the eustatic curve. These phenomena are easily explained by uplift and erosion in the central part of the mountain belt even in the Middle Jurassic. Thus, a rift stage (Permian to Early Jurassic) in the tectonic history of the Western High Atlas was followed by a gulf stage (Late Jurassic to Middle Cretaceous) until later the high mountain range generated by inversion in Late Cretaceous and Neogene to recent times. Tensional forces that created the mobile rift belt were superimposed by vertical uplift during the Middle Jurassic that gave rise to a NNE-SSW stretching high. Even in the present-day high mountain range this area, called the »ancient massif«, is strongly elevated. Thus, the evaluation of the geological history of the Western High Atlas seems much complicated.
Zusammenfassung Bei Kartierarbeiten und Profilaufnahmen im Westlichen Hohen Atlas in Marokko beobachtete Winkeldiskordanzen, Schichtlücken und progressive Mächtigkeitsentwicklungen deuten auf mitteljurassische tektonische Aktivitäten hin. Unterstützung erhält diese Hypothese durch Rotsedimente des Dogger im Küstenbecken von Agadir-Essaouira, die hier im Gegensatz zur allgemeinen Meeresspiegelentwicklung zum Absatz kamen.In der tektonischen Entwicklung ergibt sich ein Rift-Stadium von Perm bis Unterjura, das von einem Golf-Stadium von Oberjura bis Mittelkreide abgelöst wird, bevor sich durch Inversion in der Oberkreide und seit dem Jungtertiär das heutige Hochgebirge bildete. Im Mesozoikum wird Zerrungstektonik überlagert durch vom Atlantik ausgehende Vertikaltektonik. Sie führte bereits im Mittleren Jura zu einem NNE-SSW verlaufenden Hochgebiet, das auch im heutigen »massif ancien« des Westlichen Hohen Atlas gipfelt und die Aufklärung der sedimentären Vorgeschichte des Gebirges erheblich erschwert.

Résumé Dans les couches mésozoïques du Haut Atlas occidental (Maroc), des discordances angulaires, des lacunes stratigraphiques ainsi que des variations progressives d'épaisseur, témoignent d'activités tectoniques au Jurassique moyen. C'est ainsi qu'au Dogger, des couches rouges se sont déposées dans le bassin côtier d'Agadir-Essaouira en opposition avec les tendances transgressives générales de la courbe eustatique. Ces phénomènes s'expliquent facilement par des processus de soulèvement et d'érosion dans la partie centrale de la zone mobile atlasique au Jurassique moyen.L'histoire tectonique a comporté une période de rifting (du Permien au Jurassique inférieur) suivie par une période où le golfe marin atlasique s'est constitué (du Jurassique supérieur au Crétacé moyen) et enfin par un processus d'inversion qui, au Crétacé supérieur et depuis le Néogène, a produit le relief moderne du Haut Atlas.Les forces d'extension, responsables de la naissance de la zone mobile du rift atlasique, ont été suivies au Jurassique moyen par un soulèvement vertical en relation avec l'expansion de l'Océan atlantique. Il en est résulté un bombement NNE - SSW, appelé la »Terre des Almohades« par les auteurs français. Le »massif ancien« dans la zone centrale de la haute montagne actuelle est une partie de ce vieux bombement, où on ne trouve guère de séries mésozoïques. C'est de ce fait que la reconstitution de l'histoire du Haut Atlas occidental est particulièrement difficile.

, , , . Agadir-Essaouira, . , , ; , . , , . , NNE SSW; .

The Paleozoic massif of Tichka in the southern part of the Western High Atlas of Morocco constitutes a structural transition between the Meseta and the Anti-Atlas domains. It was affected by a complex network of fractures noticeable at different scales. Using Landsat ETM+ imagery permits detecting the main fracture directions. Various techniques of lineament’s extraction were applied, including the colored compositions, spectral band ratios, and directional filters applied to the principal component analysis. Lineament’s extraction is based on visual interpretation and completed by field observations. The resulted map allows recognizing at least four trending fracture system, with average N-S, NE-SW, E-W, and NW-SE orientations. The surrounding rocks of the granitic massif show a high fracture density. Tectonic indicators show that this massif is initially affected by NW-SE Variscan tectonic extension, followed by NW-SE Variscan compression. This regime is being maintained until the late Variscan period corresponding to the relaxation of the NW-SE major Variscan stress. A clockwise rotation of the latter stress, which became N-S to NNE-SSW, related to the late Variscan deformation, is responsible for reworking preexisting faults.  相似文献   

New evidences based on a combination of field and laboratory investigations reinforce the hypotheses that the circulation of warm fluids has remarkably contributed to the origin and development of the Devonian Kess Kess mounds of the Hamar Laghdad Ridge (eastern Anti‐Atlas, Morocco). The limestones of the Hamar Laghdad Ridge were deposited above a structural high generated by calc‐alkaline volcanic activity that has probably fuelled the circulation of warm fluids throughout the overlying carbonate units. The geological and palaeontological attributes described throughout the succession of the Hamar Laghdad Ridge (from the Lochkovian to Frasnian intervals) are interpreted as the result of hydrothermal processes related to a volcanic system. In particular, these attributes seem consistent with a chemo‐physical environment fuelled by the circulation of warm and late magmatic fluids. These attributes include a very low oxygen stable isotope signature (δ18O ~ −10‰) for carbonates. Evidences for a late magmatic fluid circulation consist of volcanic glass and pyroclasts replacement with hydrothermal minerals such as quartz, anatase and clinochlore. Fluids circulating through veins and pores into sediments, and venting to the seafloor, probably induced the formation of cavities where monospecific trilobite communities were detected. The partially silicified trilobite remains are associated with traces of goethite. This iron‐bearing oxide mineral is also present in the upper part of the Hamar Laghdad Ridge. All these attributes are here interpreted as possible evidences for a low‐temperature hydrothermal venting system active during the Lochkovian–Frasnian time span. This study combines an updated revision with new petrographic, geological and geochemical results aimed at providing an overall framework on the origin and early diagenesis of the Devonian succession of Hamar Laghdad. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cenozoic continental sedimentary deposits of the Southern Atlas named "Imerhane Group" crop out (a) in the Ouarzazate foreland basin between the Precambrian basement of the Anti Atlas and the uplifted limestone dominated High Atlas, and (b) in the Aït Kandoula and Aït Seddrat nappes where Jurassic strata detached from the basement have been thrust southwards over the Ouarzazate Basin. New biostratigraphic and geochronological data constraining the final Eocene marine regression, the characterization of the new "Aït Ouglif Detrital Formation" presumed to be of Oligocene age, and the new stratigraphic division proposed for the Continental Imerhane Group clarify the major tectonogenetic alpidic movements of the Central High Atlas Range. Four continental formations are identified at regional scale. Their emplacement was governed principally by tectonic but also by eustatic controls. The Hadida and Aït Arbi formations (Upper Eocene) record the major Paleogene regression. They are composed of margino-littoral facies (coastal sabkhas and fluviatile systems) and reflect incipient erosion of the underlying strata and renewed fluvial drainage. The Aït Ouglif Formation (presumed Oligocene) had not been characterized before. It frequently overlies all earlier formations with an angular unconformity. It includes siliciclastic alluvial deposits and is composed predominantly of numerous thin fining-upward cycles. The Aït Kandoula Formation (Miocene-Pliocene) is discordant, extensive, and represents a thick coarsening-upward megasequence. It is composed of palustro-lacustrine deposits in a context of alluvial plain with localized sabkhas, giving way to alluvial fans and fluviatile environments. The Upper Conglomeratic Formation (Quaternary) is the trace of a vast conglomeratic pediment, forming an alluvial plain and terraces. The second and third formations correspond to two megasequences engendered by the uplift of the Central High Atlas in two major compressive phases during late Oligocene and Miocene-Pliocene times. These two geodynamic events were separated by a tectonically calm phase, materialized by palustro-lacustrine sedimentation (Görler et al. 1988). Tectono-sedimentary analysis of the two megasequences shows that the basin structure and depositional processes were controlled by the compressive tectonic context generated by the collision of North Africa and Iberia in Tertiary times (Jacobshagen et al. 1988). The Quaternary Formation was apparently controlled by a tectonic continuum and by climatic variations.  相似文献   

The South Middle Atlas front constitutes a northeast-trending shear zone, located north of the Neogene Missour basin and east of the Taza Guercif basin. This paper analyses the Southern Middle Atlas Fault Zone (SMAFZ) deformation since the Pliocene. The set of structures observed suggests that reverse and thrust faulting along the central part of the SMAFZ are combined with left-lateral slip along N–S striking faults of its south-western termination and right-lateral faulting along E–NE striking faults of the east–northeast termination. Thrusts and oblique thrust-related anticlines of the two lateral ramps partly accommodate north-west directed motion of the African plate. The Thrusts probably resulted from rejuvenation of Jurassic normal faults; they were active during the Upper Miocene–Pliocene and the Pleistocene. The geometries of positive inversion structures and buttressing effects are clearly dependent on the geometry and sedimentology of the original basin-controlling fault system and on the presence of a décollement level. Field mapping is integrated with Landsat imagery and a digital elevation model to investigate the morphotectonic evolution of the south-eastern range front of the Middle Atlas. Geomorphological features provide significant information on the processes that govern lateral propagation of active anticlines. Both suggest that the deformation front may have been active since Pliocene.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the Mesozoic the structural development of the Middle Atlas and the central High Atlas was controlled by a pre-existent fault pattern, which was reactivated repeatedly in various manners.The fault pattern is characterized by two main directions. The first runs 35–45° and dominates in the Middle Atlas, the second runs 70° and is common in the southern part of the central High Atlas; between these regions both directions overlap. In the Atlas of Demnat, Beni Mellal and El Ksiba at the northern border of the central High Atlas a further direction, the one of 120°, locally gains in significance. Into the gores of the pattern commonly magmatites intruded during the Mesozoic, in the course of the following compressive deformation often a cleavage was formed there.The compressive deformation started in the Oligocene; the directon of the main compressional stress 1 lay at 160°. Dependant on their orientation to 1 the pre-existent faults reacted differently on this stress: The 70° faults were reactivated as upthrusts, the 35° ones as sinistral oblique slip reverse faults and those of 120° as dextral oblique slip reverse faults. At the northwestern border of the hinge area between the Middle and the High Atlas this scheme of movements was complicated by an interference with movements along the Transalboran fault system.Because of changes in the style of deformation the so-called B-B fault zone, running ENE from El Ksiba to Aghbala, can be defined as the structural border between the High and the Middle Atlas.
Zusammenfassung Die strukturelle Entwicklung des Mittleren Atlas und des zentralen Hohen Atlas seit dem Beginn des Mesozoikums wurde durch ein Bruchmuster präexistenter Störungen gesteuert, die sich im Verlauf dieser Zeit wiederholt in verschiedener Weise durchgepaust haben.Das erwähnte Bruchmuster wird durch zwei Hauptrichtungen charakterisiert, deren eine von 35–45° im Mittleren Atlas vorherrscht, während die andere von 70° für den südlichen Teil des zentralen Hohen Atlas bestimmend ist, in einem Zwischenbereich überlappen sich beide Richtungen. Im Atlas von Demnat, Beni Mellal und El Ksiba am Nordrand des Hohen Atlas tritt lokal begrenzt eine weitere Richtung von 120° hinzu. In die Zwikkel des Bruchmusters drangen im Verlauf des Mesozoikums verbreitet Intrusiva ein, während der anschließenden kompressiven Deformation wurde dort häufig eine Schieferung angelegt.Die kompressive Deformation setzte im Oligozän ein, wobei die Richtung der kompressiven Hauptnormalspannung 1 ca. 160° betrug. Die präexistenten Störungen reagierten auf dieses Stressfeld je nach ihrer Lage zu 1 unterschiedlich: Die 70°-Störungen wurden als Aufschiebungen reaktiviert, die 35°-Störungen als sinistrale Schrägaufschiebungen und die 120°-Störungen als dextrale Schrägaufschiebungen. Kompliziert wurde dieses Bewegungsschema am Nordwestrand des Scharnierbereiches zwischen Hohem und Mittlerem Atlas durch eine Überlagerung mit Bewegungen entlang des Transalboran-Störungssystems.Als strukturelle Grenze zwischen Hohem und Mittlerem Atlas kann aufgrund von Änderungen im Baustil die sog. B-B-Störungszone, die von El Ksiba Richtung nach ESE bis Aghbala verläuft, angesehen werden.

Résumé Depuis le début du Mésozoïque, l'histoire structurale du Moyen-Atlas et du Haut Atlas central aété déterminée par un réseau de failles préexistantes qui ont été réactivées à diverses reprises et de diverses manières.Ce réseau de failles est caractérisé par deux directions principales: l'une (35° à 45°) domine dans le Moyen Atlas, l'autre (70°) dans la partie sud du Haut Atlas central. Entre ces deux régions, les deux directions coexistent. Dans l'Atlas de Demnat, de Beni Mellal et d'El Ksiba, à la bordure nord du Haut Atlas central, une troisième direction (120°) présente une importance locale. Pendant le Mésozoïque, des magmas se sont intrudés dans les ouvertures du réseau, tandis qu'une schistosité apparaissait souvent dans les régions en compression.La déformation compressive a débuté à l'Oligocène, avec une contrainte principale 1 orientée à 160°. Les failles préexistantes ont réagi de manières différentes, selon leur orientation par rapport à 1: les failles de direction 70° ont été réactivées en chevauchement, les failles à 35° ont donné des failles inverses à jeu oblique sénestre, et les failles à 120° des failles inverses à jeu oblique dextre. Le long de la bordure nord-ouest de la zone charnière entre le Moyen et le Haut Atlas, ce schéma s'est compliqué par interférence avec des mouvements le long de l'accident transalborien.Eu égard aux changements dans le style de la déformation, la zone failleuse dite B-B, qui s'étend en direction ENE de El Ksiba à Aghbala, peut se définir comme la frontière structurale entre le Haut et le Moyen Atlas.

, . : 35–45° , 70° ; . Demnat, Beni Mellal El Ksiba 120°. , . , , , I1 160°. , I1: 70° , 30° , 120° - . - Transalboran. .. -, E-S Aghbala.

The Saghro Group consists of a thick volcanic-sedimentary sequence with intercalated basaltic lavas, the first magmatic event in eastern Saghro area. Nd isotopes of basaltic pillow lavas show TDM model ages ranging from 640 to 580 Ma, which represent a maximum age for basalt eruption.Granitoids within the Saghro Group consist of a charnockitic suite, tonalites, granodiorites and monzogranites. They are high-K calc-alkaline (HKCA) with a post-collisional character, and were emplaced at high-levels in the crust. Their ages of emplacement are within the 580–560 Ma bracket, implying that the entire Saghro Group is slightly older than or partly coeval to granitoid emplacement and implying a common geodynamical setting. Sr–Nd isotopic compositions and Nd TDM model ages point to a mixed origin, combining a juvenile mantle source and an Eburnean crustal component, which could be the West African Craton (WAC). The juvenile component in the Saghro granitoids could be the depleted upper mantle that has sourced the earlier basalts.Field observations, geochemical and geochronological data together support that, during the Pan-African orogeny, the Anti-Atlas was subjected to a regional transpressional to transtensional event. This event would have been responsible for the dissection of the northern margin of the WAC into several blocks, the development of deep sedimentary basins and the emplacement of HKCA magmas.  相似文献   

Apatite fission-track (AFT) data have been obtained along a traverse across the Marrakech High Atlas to constrain its tectono-thermal evolution. AFT ages vary between 212 ± 15 Ma and 20 ± 4 Ma. An Early Miocene AFT age accompanied by long mean track length from the central part of the chain has been interpreted as the timing of the main inversion of this region with the creation of relief because of the shortening induced by the interplay between the African and Eurasian plates. Thermal modelling of samples collected south of the South Atlas Fault Zone indicates a Middle-Late Miocene or even later cooling that has been attributed to the component of the uplift of the chain related to the thermal anomaly present beneath the Atlas Mountains.  相似文献   

This study is devoted to the physicochemical and mineralogical characterizations of palygorskite from Marrakech High Atlas, Morocco. The raw clay and its Na+-saturated <2 μm fraction were characterized using chemical, structural, and thermal analytical techniques. Measurements of specific surface area and porous volume are reported. The clay fraction was found to be made up of 95 % of palygorskite and 5 % of sepiolite. An original feature of this palygorskite is its deficiency in zeolitic H2O. The half-cell structural formula of its dehydrated form was determined on the basis of 21 oxygens to be (Si7.92Al0.08)(Mg2.15Al1.4Fe0.4Ti0.05 $ \square_{1} $ )(Ca0.03Na0.08K0.04)O21, while the hydrated form could be formulated as (Si7.97Al0.03)(Mg2.17Al1.46Fe0.40Ti0.05)(Ca0.03Na0.07K0,03)O20.18(OH)1.94(OH2)3.88·2.43 H2O. These formulas show that the (Al3++Fe3+)/Mg2+ ratio is around 0.84, revealing a pronounced dioctahedral character. Further, inside its octahedral sheet, it was determined that the inner M1 sites are occupied by vacancies, whereas the M2 sites are shared between 90 % of trivalent cations (78 % for Al3+ and 22 % for Fe3+), 7.5 % of Mg2+, and 2.5 % of Ti4+, all of them linked to 1.94 of structural hydroxyls. The two remaining Mg2+ by half-cell occupy edge M3 sites and are coordinated to 3.88 molecules of OH2. Channels of this palygorskite are deficient in zeolitic H2O since they contain only 2.43 H2O molecules. A correlation was found between these results and the observation of very intense and well-resolved FTIR bands arising from dioctahedral domains (mainly Al2OH, Fe2OH, and AlFeOH) along with very small responses from a trioctahedral domain (Mg3OH). Accordingly, a schematic representation of the composition of the octahedral sheet was proposed. The cation exchange capacity, specific surface area, and total pore volume were also assessed to be ca. 21.2 meq/100 g, 116 m2/g, and 0.458 cm3/g, respectively.  相似文献   

The influence of syndepositional fault patterns on palaeocurrents is demonstrated in fluvial to shallow-marine sandstones of Upper Triassic basins in the High Atlas. The synsedimentary nature of faults is deduced from hydroplastic slickensides, thickness variations due to block tilting and dislocation of layers next to the fault scarp. On a regional scale, it is shown that the major normal fault trend of N050–070° controlled the overall palaeocurrent pattern which was directed towards the west-southwest, i.e. in the direction of the future Atlantic ocean. Some anomalies in the palaeocurrent pattern could be related to an increase in subsidence which induced a general coarsening of sediment towards the top of the Triassic.  相似文献   

The Tinitine sub-watershed of Rheraya is renowned for its semiarid climate, irregular supply of water flow, and its historical floods; for these reasons, it is classified as vulnerable areas during a rainfall event. We conducted this study to propose flood prediction models adapted to this risky zone. For this, a hydrological method of flood forecasting rainfall-runoff used to determine a model conforms to the semiarid basin. This model is based on the articulation of the series production and transfer function. The goal of the production function is to determine the portion of the rainfall runoff, which is performed by two approaches that differ in their structures: (1) the first approach is based on the mathematical model of Horton; (2) the second approach is based on the determination of the part of the rain contributes to runoff and obtained by a spatial map of runoff coefficient (GIS). The transfer function is based on the two models of Clark and Nash, rainy efficient routes to the catchment outlet from a unit hydrograph. The characteristic parameters of these models are obtained through the application of mathematical optimization methods such as genetic algorithms. Thereby, the coupling function producing Horton (identified by the parameters: initial infiltration?=?15.03, final infiltration?=?0.3, and phi?=?0.45) and Clark transfer function (identified by the parameters CA?=?0.21 and CB?=?0.79) was given very satisfying results, mainly the low difference between observed and simulated hydrograph and Nash coefficient which is about 85%. This shows the interest of this coupling model in flood forecasting.  相似文献   

A fluviatile sequence is described from the Dogger (Bathonian) of Msemrir (Central High Atlas, Morocco). The base comprises laminites with fine clouds of galena and some zinc minerals, while the rest of the profile consists of point bars with conglomerates. Due to their limitation on lower energy levels, the sulphide minerals are interpreted as biological metal accumulations of bacterial metabolic processes.
Zusammenfassung Aus dem Dogger (Bathonium) vom Msemrir (Zentraler Hoher Atlas, Marokko) wird ein vorwiegend fluviatiles Profil beschrieben. An der Basis besteht es aus laminierten Serien, in denen feinverteilter Bleiglanz vorkommt. Am Top des Profils finden sich vor allem große Rinnenkörper mit Konglomeraten und vereinzelten Knochenresten. Die sulfidischen Vererzungen in den niedrig-energetischen Bereichen werden als biogenetische Anreicherungen, hervorgerufen durch bakterielle Umsetzungen, interpretiert.

Résumé Nous présentons et décrivons une séquence fluviatile du Bathonien de Msemrir (Haut Atlas Central, Maroc). La base est constituée de laminites dans lesquelles se trouve de la galène finement répartie. La couche suivante comporte de grands chenaux contenant des conglomérats et, ça et là, des débris osseux et des restes de végétaux. Les minéralisations sulfurées dans les zones de basse énergie sont interprétées comme des accumulations biogénétiques dues à une activité bactérienne.

( ) ( , ). , . . , , .

Seismic wide angle and receiver function results together with geological data have been used as constraints to build a gravity-based crustal model of the central High Atlas of Morocco. Integration of a newly acquired set of gravity values with public data allowed us to undertake 2–2.5D gravity modelling along two profiles that cross the entire mountain chain. Modelling suggests moderate crustal thickening, and a general state of Airy isostatic undercompensation. Localized thickening appears restricted to the vicinity of a north-dipping crustal-scale thrust fault, that offsets the Moho discontinuity and defines a small crustal root which accounts for the minimum Bouguer gravity anomaly values. Gravity modelling indicates that this root has a northeasterly strike, slightly oblique to the ENE general orientation of the High Atlas belt. A consequence of the obliquity between the High Atlas borders and its internal and deep structure is the lack of correlation between Bouguer gravity anomaly values and topography. Active buckling affecting the crust, a highly elevated asthenosphere, or a combination of both are addressed as side mechanisms that help to maintain the high elevations of the Atlas mountains.  相似文献   

Three subsequent Tertiary paleostress fields that are deduced from fault-slip data for the eastern part of the Tajo Basin are analyzed by finite-element studies. The modelling results show that maximum horizontal stresses (SHmax) are mainly controlled by the geometry of the model limits and the boundary conditions applied. The models are used to test two hypotheses on the origin of the Altomira Range. A local stress field responsible for its formation (‘Altomira') can be modelled successfully by superposition in time and place of two major paleostress fields (‘Iberian' and ‘Guadarrama'). Stress trajectories have been modelled with respect to a homogeneous cover and heterogeneous basement to investigate the role of rheological contrasts between different basement blocks on the orientation of the stress field. Results of this kind of modelling suggest a mechanical decoupling between the cover and the basement, especially for the ‘Altomira' paleostress field.  相似文献   

Apatite fission track (AFT) and (U–Th)/He data from the High Atlas have been obtained for the first time to constrain the tectono‐thermal evolution of the central part of the chain. Results from Palaeozoic basement massifs indicate long residence at low temperatures, consistently with their original location out of the deepest Mesozoic rift troughs and indicating minor exhumation. The best rocks for extracting the Alpine history of the Atlas Mountains are Jurassic intrusives, which yield AFT ages centred on c. 80 Ma; thermal models based on AFT data and constrained by (U–Th)/He suggest that these ages are included in a slow cooling trend from intrusion age to c. 50 Ma ago that we attribute to post‐rift thermal relaxation. This is followed by a stability period of c. 30 Ma and then by a final exhumational cooling until present exposure. Eocene intrusives yield AFT ages similar to those of Rb–Sr and K–Ar suggesting rapid emplacement in the uppermost crust.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2018,350(6):289-298
Because of its location in the boundary zone between the Anti-Atlas and the Atlas–Meseta crustal domains of Morocco, the Mougueur Paleozoic Massif is a key area to decipher the evolution of the Gondwana NW margin during the Paleozoic. In this work, we report for the first time the occurrence of Hirnantian sandstones, Silurian (Gorstian) graptolitic shales and probable Lower Devonian turbidites in the Massif. Comparison of our observations with regional stratigraphic data from literature allows us to suggest that the area was included in the distal part of the West African Craton passive margin during Cambrian-Devonian times.  相似文献   

阿尔金断裂中段(阿克塞—芒崖段)的早期断层作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对于阿尔金断裂带中段阿克塞-芒崖地区开展的宏观构造分析、显微构造解析,并结合温压测定与测年分析,证明阿尔金断裂带的早期变形演化是一种韧性走滑剪切变形作用过程,沿断裂带形成了糜棱岩与糜棱状岩石。由变形构造、岩石组构和应变型式判别出与走滑断层作用相伴的中部地壳层次花状构造的存在。构成中部层次花状构造的岩石中同构造变形成因多硅白云母的出现说明韧性变形期间特殊的高围压条件(达0.43GPa),而白色云母(白云母和绢云母)与绿泥石组合指示了较低的温压条件(t:270-350℃;p:0.05-0.43GPa)。断裂带中的异常p/t变化主要归咎于高剪切应力引起的剪切加热与超压效应。依据同变形期矿物(白色云母)^40Ar-^39Ar记年初步证实早期韧性剪切变形发生于早白垩世(91-89Ma)。  相似文献   

The Tafilalt is one of a number of generally unexplored sub‐basins in the eastern Anti‐Atlas of Morocco, all of which probably underwent a similar tectono‐stratigraphic evolution during the Palaeozoic Era. Analysis of over 1000 km of 2‐D seismic reflection profiles, with the interpretation of ten regional seismic sections and five isopach and isobath maps, suggests a multi‐phase deformation history for the Palaeozoic‐aged Tafilalt sub‐basins. Extensional phases were probably initiated in the Cambrian, followed by uniform thermal subsidence up to at least the end of the Silurian. Major extension and subsidence did not begin prior to Middle/Upper Devonian times. Extensional movements on the major faults bounding the basin to the north and to the south took place in synchronisation with Upper Devonian sedimentation, which provides the thickest part of the sedimentary sequence in the basin. The onset of the compressional phase in Carboniferous times is indicated by reflectors in the Carboniferous sequence progressively onlapping onto the Upper Devonian sequence. This period of compression developed folds and faults in the Upper Palaeozoic‐aged strata, producing a structural style characteristic of thin‐skinned fold and thrust belts. The Late Palaeozoic units are detached over a regional décollement with a northward tectonic vergence. The folds have been formed by the process of fault‐propagation folding related to the thrust imbricates that ramp up‐section from the décollement. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rajlich  P.  Legierski  J.  Šmejkal  V. 《Mineralium Deposita》1983,18(2):161-171

Tertiary epigenetic lead ± zinc and copper mineralizations occur in the Mesozoic carbonate cover and stibnite, barite and copper mineralization in the Precambrian to Palaezoic basement in the Eastern High Atlas, Morocco. The carbon isotope data from host carbonates range from +3 to -1‰ PDB. The data are typical for marine carbon. There is no difference between surrounding dolomites and younger vein dolomites. The oxygen isotopic composition of the samples is enriched in 16O; the range is from -3 to -11‰ PDB with respect to that of carbonates in equilibrium with marine water. It is postulated that the isotopic composition was changed during dolomitization being caused by transition of connate formation waters diluted to some degree by meteoritic water. The bacteriogenically reduced sulphur from syngenetic sulphides and Mesozoic marine sulphate mobilized during Tertiary orogenesis are thought to be the source of H2S and SO4. Cambro-Ordovicien sulphate is also supposed to be the source of sulphur in the Jebel Zelmou barite deposit in the basement. Isotopic composition of lead from galenas in the Tertiary deposits from the Mesozoic cover are strikingly homogenous. Model ages vary between 230–180 Ma. It is suggested that important mobilization processes are responsible for Tertiary metallogeny in Morocco.


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