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Based on the interpretation of the twin kilohertz Quasi Periodic Oscillations (kHz QPOs) of X-ray spectra of Low Mass X-Ray Binaries (LMXBs) ascribed to the Keplerian and the periastron precession frequencies at the inner disk respectively, we ascribe the low frequency (0.1–10 Hz) Quasi Periodic Oscillations (LFQPO) and HBO (15–60 Hz QPO for Z sources or Atoll sources) to the periastron precession at some outer disk radius. It is assumed that both radii are correlated by a scaling factor of 0.4. The conclusions obtained include: All QPO frequencies increase with increasing accretion rate. The theoretical relations between HBO (LFQPO) frequency and the kHz QPO frequencies are similar to the measured empirical formula.  相似文献   

We present the broad-band noise structure of selected anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) and soft gamma-ray repeaters (SGRs) in the 2–60 keV energy band. We have analysed Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Proportional Counter Array archival light curves for four AXPs and one SGR. We detect that the persistent emission of these sources shows band-limited noise at low frequencies in the range 0.005–0.05 Hz varying from 2.5 to 70 per cent integrated rms in times of prolonged quiescence and following outbursts. We discovered band-limited red noise in 1E 2259+586 only for ∼2 yr after its major 2002 outburst. The system shows no broad-band noise otherwise. Although this rise in noise in 1E 2259+586 occurred following an outburst which included a rotational glitch, the other glitching AXPs showed no obvious change in broad-band noise, thus it does not seem that this noise is correlated with glitches. The only source that showed significant variation in broad-band noise was 1E   1048.1−5937  , where the noise gradually rose for 1.95 yr at a rate of ∼3.6 per cent per year. For this source the increases in broad-band noise was not correlated with the large increases in persistent and pulsed flux, or its two short SGR-like bursts. This rise in noise did commence after a long burst, however, given the sparsity of this event, and the possibility that similar bursts went unnoticed the trigger for the rise is noise in 1E   1048.1−5937  is not as clear as for 1E 2259+586. The other three sources indicate a persistent band-limited noise at low levels in comparison.  相似文献   

Power spectra of the light curves of semiregular variables, based on visualmagnitude estimates spanning many decades, show clear evidence forstochastic excitation. This supports the suggestion byChristensen-Dalsgaard et al. (2001) that oscillations in these stars aresolar-like, i.e., stochastically excited by convection, with mode lifetimesranging from years to decades.  相似文献   

Gravitational radiation tends to drive gravity modes in rotating neutron stars to become unstable. For an inviscid star, the instability sets in when the rotation frequency is about 0.7 times the corresponding mode frequency of the non-rotating star. Neutron stars with spin frequencies ≳100 Hz are susceptible to this instability, with a growth time of the order of years. However, it is likely that viscous dissipation suppresses the instability except for a narrow range of temperatures around 109 K. We also show that the viscosity-driven instability of g-modes is absent.  相似文献   

We present a numerical study of the hydrodynamics in the final stages of inspiral of a black hole–neutron star binary, when the binary separation becomes comparable to the stellar radius. We use a Newtonian three-dimensional smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code, and model the neutron star with a soft (adiabatic index Γ=5/3) polytropic equation of state, and the black hole as a Newtonian point mass that accretes matter via an absorbing boundary at the Schwarzschild radius. Our initial conditions correspond to tidally locked binaries in equilibrium, and we have explored configurations with different values of the mass ratio q M NS M BH, ranging from q =1 to 0.1. The dynamical evolution is followed for approximately 23 ms, and in every case studied here we find that the neutron star is tidally disrupted on a dynamical time-scale, forming a dense torus around the black hole that contains a few tenths of a solar mass. A nearly baryon-free axis is present in the system throughout the coalescence, and only modest beaming of a fireball that could give rise to a gamma-ray burst would be sufficient to avoid excessive baryon contamination. We find that some mass (of the order of 10−3–10−2 M) may be dynamically ejected from the system, and could thus contribute substantially to the amount of observed r-process material in the galaxy. We calculate the gravitational radiation waveforms and luminosity emitted during the coalescence in the quadrupole approximation.  相似文献   

Resonant cyclotron scattering of the surface radiation in the magnetospheres of neutron stars may considerably modify the emergent spectra and impede efforts to constrain neutron star properties. Resonant cyclotron scattering by a non-relativistic warm plasma in an inhomogeneous magnetic field has a number of unusual characteristics. (i) In the limit of high resonant optical depth, the cyclotron resonant layer is half opaque , in sharp contrast to the case of non-resonant scattering. (ii) The transmitted flux is on average Compton up-scattered by  ∼1 + 2βT  , where  βT  is the typical thermal velocity in units of the velocity of light; the reflected flux has on average the initial frequency. (iii) For both the transmitted and reflected fluxes, the dispersion of intensity decreases with increasing optical depth. (iv) The emergent spectrum is appreciably non-Planckian while narrow spectral features produced at the surface may be erased.
We derive semi-analytically modification of the surface Planckian emission due to multiple scattering between the resonant layers and apply the model to the anomalous X-ray pulsar 1E  1048.1 − 5937  . Our simple model fits just as well as the 'canonical' magnetar spectra model of a blackbody plus power law.  相似文献   

We describe the possible electromagnetic signals expected from the magnetospheric interactions of a neutron star binary prior to merger. We find that both radio and X-ray signals of detectable strength are possible. We discuss possible links with the phenomenon of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and describe the prospects for direct detection of these signals in searches for radio and X-ray transients.  相似文献   

We have discovered a triple-peaked X-ray burst from the low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) 4U 1636−53 with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer ( RXTE ). This is the first triple-peaked burst reported from any LMXB using RXTE , and it is only the second burst of this kind observed from any source. (The previous one was also from 4U 1636−53, and was observed with EXOSAT .) From fits to time-resolved spectra, we find that this is not a radius-expansion burst, and the same triple-peaked pattern seen in the X-ray light curve is also present in the bolometric light curve of the burst. Similar to what was previously observed in double-peaked bursts from this source, the radius of the emitting area increases steadily during the burst, with short periods in between during which the radius remains more or less constant. The temperature first increases steeply, and then decreases across the burst also showing three peaks. The first and last peak in the temperature profile occur, respectively, significantly before and after the first and last peaks in the X-ray and bolometric light curves. We found no significant oscillations during this burst. This triple-peaked burst, as well as the one observed with EXOSAT and the double-peak bursts in this source, all took place when 4U 1636−53 occupied a relatively narrow region in the colour–colour diagram, corresponding to a relatively high (inferred) mass-accretion rate. No model presently available is able to explain the multiple-peaked bursts.  相似文献   

Axisymmetric pulsations of rotating neutron stars can be excited in several scenarios, such as core collapse, crust- and core-quakes or binary mergers, and could become detectable in either gravitational waves or high-energy radiation. Here, we present a comprehensive study of all low-order axisymmetric modes of uniformly and rapidly rotating relativistic stars. Initial stationary configurations are appropriately perturbed and are numerically evolved using an axisymmetric, non-linear relativistic hydrodynamics code, assuming time-independence of the gravitational field (Cowling approximation). The simulations are performed using a high-resolution shock-capturing finite-difference scheme accurate enough to maintain the initial rotation law for a large number of rotational periods, even for stars at the mass-shedding limit. Through Fourier transforms of the time evolution of selected fluid variables, we compute the frequencies of quasi-radial and non-radial modes with spherical harmonic indices l =0 , 1, 2 and 3, for a sequence of rotating stars from the non-rotating limit to the mass-shedding limit. The frequencies of the axisymmetric modes are affected significantly by rotation only when the rotation rate exceeds about 50 per cent of the maximum allowed. As expected, at large rotation rates, apparent mode crossings between different modes appear. In addition to the above modes, several axisymmetric inertial modes are also excited in our numerical evolutions.  相似文献   

We study eigenmodes of acoustic oscillations of high multipolarity l ∼ 100–1000 and high frequency (∼100 kHz), localized in neutron star envelopes. We show that the oscillation problem is self-similar. Once the oscillation spectrum is calculated for a given equation of state (EOS) in the envelope and given stellar mass M and radius R , it can be rescaled to a star with any M and R (but the same EOS in the envelope). For l ≳ 300, the modes can be subdivided into the outer and inner ones. The outer modes are mainly localized in the outer envelope. The inner modes are mostly localized near the neutron drip point, being associated with the softening of the EOS after the neutron drip. We calculate oscillation spectra for the EOSs of cold-catalyzed and accreted matter and show that the spectra of the inner modes are essentially different. A detection and identification of high-frequency pressure modes would allow one to infer M and R and determine also the EOS in the envelope (accreted or ground state) providing a new, potentially powerful method to explore the main parameters and internal structure of neutron stars.  相似文献   

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