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By applying a number of analytical techniques across a spectrum of spatial scales (centimeter to micrometer) in juvenile components, we show that the Cerro Galán volcanic system has repeatedly erupted magmas with nearly identical geochemistries over >3.5 Myr. The Cerro Galán system produced nine ignimbrites (∼5.6 to 2 Ma) with a cumulative volume of >1,200 km3 (DRE; dense rock equivalent) of calc-alkaline, high-K rhyodacitic magmas (68–71 wt.% SiO2). The mineralogy is broadly constant throughout the eruptive sequence, comprising plagioclase, quartz, biotite, Fe–Ti oxides, apatite, and titanite. Early ignimbrite magmas also contained amphibole, while the final eruption, the most voluminous Cerro Galán ignimbrite (CGI; 2.08 ± 0.02 Ma) erupted a magma containing rare amphibole, but significant sanidine. Each ignimbrite contains two main juvenile clast types; dominant “white” pumice and ubiquitous but subordinate “grey” pumice. Fe–Ti oxide and amphibole-plagioclase thermometry coupled with amphibole barometry suggest that the grey pumice originated from potentially hotter and deeper magmas (800–840°C, 3–5 kbar) than the more voluminous white pumice (770–810°C, 1.5–2.5 kbar). The grey pumice is interpreted to represent the parental magmas to the Galán system emplaced into the upper crust from a deeper storage zone. Most inter-ignimbrite variations can be accounted for by differences in modal mineralogy and crystal contents that vary from 40 to 55 vol.% on a vesicle-free basis. Geochemical modeling shows that subtle bulk-rock variations in Ta, Y, Nb, Dy, and Yb between the Galán ignimbrites can be reconciled with differences in amounts of crystal fractionation from the “grey” parent magma. The amount of fractionation is inversely correlated with volume; the CGI (∼630 km3) and Real Grande Ignimbrite (∼390 km3) return higher F values (proportion of liquid remaining) than the older Toconquis Group ignimbrites (<50 km3), implying less crystal fractionation took place during the upper-crustal evolution of these larger volume magmas. We attribute this relationship to variations in magma chamber geometry; the younger, largest volume ignimbrites came from flat sill-like magma chambers, reducing the relative proportion of sidewall crystallization and fractionation compared to the older, smaller-volume ignimbrite eruptions. The grey pumice clasts also show evidence of silicic recharge throughout the history of the Cerro Galán system, and recharge days prior to eruption has previously been suggested based on reversely zoned (OH and Cl) apatite phenocrysts. A rare population of plagioclase phenocrysts with thin An-rich rims in juvenile clasts in many ignimbrites supports the importance of recharge in the evolution and potential triggering of eruptions. This study extends the notion that large volumes of nearly identical silicic magmas can be generated repeatedly, producing prolonged geochemical homogeneity from a long-lived magma source in a subduction zone volcanic setting. At Cerro Galán, we propose that there is a zone between mantle magma input and upper crustal chambers, where magmas are geochemically “buffered”, producing the underlying geochemical and isotopic signatures. This produces the same parental magmas that are delivered repeatedly to the upper crust. A lower-crustal MASH (melting, assimilation, storage, and homogenization) zone is proposed to act as this buffer zone. Subsequent upper crustal magmatic processes serve only to slightly modify the geochemistry of the magmas.  相似文献   

From detailed fieldwork and biotite 40Ar/39Ar dating correlated with paleomagnetic analyses of lithic clasts, we present a revision of the stratigraphy, areal extent and volume estimates of ignimbrites in the Cerro Galán volcanic complex. We find evidence for nine distinct outflow ignimbrites, including two newly identified ignimbrites in the Toconquis Group (the Pitas and Vega Ignimbrites). Toconquis Group Ignimbrites (~5.60–4.51 Ma biotite ages) have been discovered to the southwest and north of the caldera, increasing their spatial extents from previous estimates. Previously thought to be contemporaneous, we distinguish the Real Grande Ignimbrite (4.68 ± 0.07 Ma biotite age) from the Cueva Negra Ignimbrite (3.77 ± 0.08 Ma biotite age). The form and collapse processes of the Cerro Galán caldera are also reassessed. Based on re-interpretation of the margins of the caldera, we find evidence for a fault-bounded trapdoor collapse hinged along a regional N-S fault on the eastern side of the caldera and accommodated on a N-S fault on the western caldera margin. The collapsed area defines a roughly isosceles trapezoid shape elongated E-W and with maximum dimensions 27 × 16 km. The Cerro Galán Ignimbrite (CGI; 2.08 ± 0.02 Ma sanidine age) outflow sheet extends to 40 km in all directions from the inferred structural margins, with a maximum runout distance of ~80 km to the north of the caldera. New deposit volume estimates confirm an increase in eruptive volume through time, wherein the Toconquis Group Ignimbrites increase in volume from the ~10 km3 Lower Merihuaca Ignimbrite to a maximum of ~390 km3 (Dense Rock Equivalent; DRE) with the Real Grande Ignimbrite. The climactic CGI has a revised volume of ~630 km3 (DRE), approximately two thirds of the commonly quoted value.  相似文献   

Estimates of pyroclastic flow emplacement temperatures in the Cerro Galán ignimbrite and Toconquis Group ignimbrites were determined using thermal remanent magnetization of lithic clasts embedded within the deposits. These ignimbrites belong to the Cerro Galán volcanic system, one of the largest calderas in the world, in the Puna plateau, NW Argentina. Temperature estimates for the 2.08-Ma Cerro Galán ignimbrite are retrieved from 40 sites in 14 localities (176 measured clasts), distributed at different distances from the caldera and different stratigraphic heights. Additionally, temperature estimates were obtained from 27 sample sites (125 measured clasts) from seven ignimbrite units forming the older Toconquis Group (5.60–4.51 Ma), mainly outcropping along a type section at Rio Las Pitas, Vega Real Grande. The paleomagnetic data obtained by progressive thermal demagnetization show that the clasts of the Cerro Galán ignimbrite have one single magnetic component, oriented close to the expected geomagnetic field at the time of emplacement. Results show therefore that most of the clasts acquired a new magnetization oriented parallel to the magnetic field at the moment of the ignimbrite deposition, suggesting that the clasts were heated up to or above the highest blocking temperature (T b) of the magnetic minerals (T b = 580°C for magnetite; T b = 600–630°C for hematite). We obtained similar emplacement temperature estimations for six out of the seven volcanic units belonging to the Toconquis Group, with the exception of one unit (Lower Merihuaca), where we found two distinct magnetic components. The estimation of emplacement temperatures in this latter case is constrained at 580–610°C, which are lower than the other ignimbrites. These estimations are also in agreement with the lowest pre-eruptive magma temperatures calculated for the same unit (i.e., 790°C; hornblende–plagioclase thermometer; Folkes et al. 2011b). We conclude that the Cerro Galán ignimbrite and Toconquis Group ignimbrites were emplaced at temperatures equal to or higher than 620°C, except for Lower Merihuaca unit emplaced at lower temperatures. The homogeneity of high temperatures from proximal to distal facies in the Cerro Galán ignimbrite provides constraints for the emplacement model, marked by a relatively low eruption column, low levels of turbulence, air entrainment, surface–water interaction, and a high level of topographic confinement, all ensuring minimal heat loss.  相似文献   

From the last deglaciation to the Holocene, the Greenland Ice Core (GISP2) δ 18O records as well as the records of ice-rafted debris on the surface of the North Atlantic have revealed a succession of sudden cooling events on the centennial to millennial scales. However, the temperature proxy records are rarely studied systematically and directly to ensure that this air temperature cooling pattern simultaneously existed in the East Asian Region, in addition to the repeated pattern occurring in the Greater Atlantic Region. A peat cellulose δ 18O temperature proxy record proximately existing for 14000 years was picked up from the Hani peat in Jilin Province, China. It suggests by comparison that the sudden cooling events, such as the Older Dryas, Inter-Allerød, Younger Dryas, and nine ice-rafted debris events of the North Atlantic, are almost entirely reiterated in the temperature signals of Hani peat cellulose δ 18O. These cooling events show that the repeatedly occurring temperature cooling pattern not only appeared in the North Atlantic Region in the high latitudes, but also in the Northwest Pacific Region in the middle latitudes. The climate change events marking the start of the Holocene Epoch, the Holocene Megathermal, the “8.2 kyr” event, the “4.2 kyr” event, the Medieval Warm Period, and the Little Ice Age are further discussed. The sensitivity response of Hani peat cellulose δ 18O to the land surface temperature and the reason for the age accuracy of peat cellulose 14C are also discussed based on the characteristics of the peat bog environment.  相似文献   

 The 1998 eruption of Volcan Cerro Azul, Isla Isabela, Galápagos Islands, was observed in near real-time by the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-8 (GOES-8) weather satellite. Due to the remote location of the eruption site, 3.9-μm radiance values derived from GOES band 2 provide the best timing of the start and termination of the eruption, which occurred on 15 Sept. and 21 Oct., respectively. Throughout the 36-day long eruption, a total of 1335 thermal infrared images were collected, of which 851 were cloud-free and permitted the thermal anomaly to be detected. A detailed chronology including 77 separate events was assembled from the GOES data and field observations. Numerous attributes of the eruption were observed from the GOES data, including the sizes and dispersal of seven eruption plumes and the occurrence and timing of intra-caldera effusive activity. The growth of a lava flow on the SE flank, the formation of smoke and volcanic haze from the flank vent, and burning of vegetation caused by lava flows entering vegetated areas were monitored both on the ground and with the satellite data. In most cases GOES images were processed as they were received every 30 min and were then distributed over the Internet within minutes of reception. These data provided timely high-temporal information to field parties as well as enabled the documentation of the eruption. The GOES observations of Cerro Azul serve as a further example of the way in which the remote sensing community and field volcanologists can collaborate during future eruptions, and permit the temporal and spatial resolution requirements for future satellites systems to be better defined. Received: 27 April 1999 / Accepted: 21 February 2000  相似文献   

3 ) erupted from circumferential vents near the summit. These flows are nearly an order of magnitude smaller in volume than the predominantly aa flows erupted from radial eruptive fissures near the break in slope (0.06–0.1 km3). The differences in volume and flow morphology with altitude are due to slower eruption rates from summit vents than from flank vents, which, in turn, are attributable to the different heights the magmas must ascend from shallow reservoirs. These observations support the contention that the steep upper flanks were constructed by the buildup of short lava flows rather than by the structural deformation of originally gently dipping flanks. In addition to the higher eruption rates, a subdued lower flank geometry is promoted by the deposition of lava deltas onto the shallow Galápagos platform on the western, northern, and eastern flanks of the volcano. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and volume estimates show that, despite their morphologic differences, the growth of the western Galápagos shields has been nearly synchronous, precluding an evolutionary model for their development. The wide variations in elevation, volume, area, and the distribution of slope angles among the western volcanoes can be linked instead to different long-term eruption rates and, to a lesser degree, the position of each volcano relative to the edge of the Galápagos platform. Received: 24 September 1998 / Accepted: 7 August 1999  相似文献   

A redetermination of the isotopic composition of atmospheric argon by Lee, J.-Y., Marti, K., Severinghaus, J.P., Kawamura, K., Yoo, H.-S., Lee, J.B., Kim, J.S. [2006. A redetermination of the isotopic abundances of atmospheric Ar. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70, 4507–4512] represents the first refinement since the work of Nier [1950. A redetermination of the relative abundances of the isotopes of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and potassium. Physical Reviews 77, 789–793]. The new 40Ar:38Ar:36Ar proportions imply <1% adjustments to 40Ar/39Ar ages in all but exceptional cases of very young and/or K-poor and/or Ca-rich samples, or cases in which samples are grossly under- or over-irradiated. Analytical protocols employing atmospheric argon to determine mass discrimination corrections are insensitive to the effects of revision on the air correction, but are subject to non-negligible adjustments arising from expanded heavy to light isotope ratios attending the increased mass discrimination correction. The competing effects of increased 40Ar/39Ar and 40Ar/37Ar ratios render the adjustments a function of sample chemistry and neutron irradiation parameters. The improved precision of atmospheric 40Ar/36Ar and 38Ar/36Ar permits increasingly sensitive detection of departures from atmospheric values. Non-atmospheric initial 40Ar/36Ar values are increasingly well-documented in volcanic materials, including subatmospheric values correlated with 38Ar/36Ar in a trend consistent with kinetic mass fractionation whereby incomplete equilibration between magma and atmosphere favors light isotope enrichment in the magma. The detailed mechanism(s) of such fractionation are unclear and must be clarified by further study. A detectable increase in atmospheric 40Ar/36Ar in the past 800 ka [Bender, M.L., Barnett, B., Dreyfus, G., Jouzel, J., Porcelli, D., 2008. The contemporary degassing rate of 40Ar from the Earth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105, 8232–8237] suggests that ages of late Quaternary (e.g., <100 ka) materials incorporating large amounts of atmospheric argon such as biotite may be underestimated by as much as 100% if a modern atmospheric 40Ar/36Ar value is erroneously assumed, unless air argon is used to determine mass discrimination. Further evaluation of the evolution of paleoatmospheric 40Ar/36Ar, and the fidelity with which argon trapped in igneous materials reflects this, would be very productive. The use of isochrons rather than model (e.g., plateau) ages mitigates the vagaries associated with uncertain trapped argon isotope ratios, and the importance of strategies to derive statistically valid isochrons is underscored.  相似文献   

Nevados de Chillán Volcanic Complex, central Chile, has been active for at least 640 ka—a period spanning a number of glacial and interglacial periods. Geologic mapping, radiometric dating and geochemical analysis have identified six new volcanic units and produced four new 40Ar/39Ar ages for Cerro Blanco, the northern subcomplex of Nevados de Chillán volcano. Compositions range from dacite to basaltic-andesite and a new geologic map is presented. Examination of lava fracture structures on both newly mapped lavas and those mapped during previous studies has enabled interpretations of former eruptive environments. Palaeoenvironment reconstructions, combined with 40Ar/39Ar ages and comparison with the marine oxygen isotope record, show that at least three phases of volcanic activity have occurred during the evolution of Cerro Blanco: (1) a constructive, pre-caldera collapse period; (2) a period of caldera formation and collapse; and (3) a constructive period of dome growth forming the modern day volcanic centre. This style of volcanic evolution, whereby large-scale caldera collapse is followed by growth of a new stratocone is common at Andean volcanoes.  相似文献   

Geochemistry, zircon U–Pb geochronology, and Hf isotope data for the Early Paleozoic granites in the Baoshan Block reveal the Early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Proto-Tethys. The samples are high-K, calcalkaline, strongly peraluminous rocks with A/CNK values of 1.37–1.46, are enriched in SiO2, K2O, and Rb, and are depleted in Nb, P, Ti, Eu, and heavy rare earth elements,which indicates the crystallization fractionation of the granitic magma. Zircon U–Pb dating indica...  相似文献   

During the 22nd Chinese Antarctic Research Expedition (CHINARE-22), the atmospheric gas samples above the oceanic surface and near the surface were collected on the track for the scientific ship “Xuelong” and on Millor Peninsula of eastern Antarctica, respectively, using the Tedlar gas bags. Every day the sampling times were 10:00 and 22:00 (local time), respectively. In the laboratory, high-precision measurement of the isotopic compositions for N2O in these gas samples was conducted using Thermo Finnigan MAT-253 Isotopic Mass Spectrometer with a fully automated interface for the pre-GC concentration (PreCon) of trace gases. The temporal and spatial variations of δ 15N and δ 18O in atmospheric N2O were analyzed. The mean δ 15N and δ 18O-N2O values above the oceanic surface were (7.21±0.50)‰ and (44.52±0.52)‰, respectively. From 30°N to Antarctica, the δ 15N (6.05‰–7.88‰) linearly increased with the rate of about 0.01‰ with the latitude while the δ 18O (43.05‰–48.78‰) showed a large fluctuation. The δ 15N negatively correlated with air temperature and N2O concentration, and slightly positively correlated with δ 18O. The summertime variations of δ 15N and δ 18O-N2O appeared the same trend on Millor Peninsula of eastern Antarctica. They significantly positively correlated with each other and negatively with N2O concentration. The δ 15N and δ 18O-N2O at different sites averaged (7.42±0.35)‰ and (44.69±0.49)‰, respectively, slightly higher than those above the oceanic surface, significantly higher than those of atmospheric N2O in the low-latitude regions of Northern Hemisphere. The predominant factors affecting the spatial variations of δ 15N and δ 18O values were also discussed. The isotopic data given in this study can help to investigate the global and regional N2O budgets. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40676005 and 40406001)  相似文献   

The ~ 14 km diameter Jänisjärvi impact structure is located in Svecofennian Proterozoic terrain in the southeastern part of the Baltic shield, Karelia, Russia. Previous radioisotopic dating attempts gave K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar ages of 700 ± 5 Ma and 698 ± 22 Ma, respectively, with both results being difficult to interpret. Recent paleomagnetic results have challenged these ages and proposed instead ages of either 500 Ma or 850–900 Ma. In order to better constrain the age of the Jänisjärvi impact structure, we present new 40Ar/39Ar data for the Jänisjärvi impact melt rock. We obtained five concordant isochron ages that yield a combined isochron age of 682 ± 4 Ma (2σ) with a MSWD of 1.2, P = 0.14, and 40Ar/36Ar intercept of 475 ± 3. We suggest that this date indicates the age of the impact and therefore can be used in conjunction with existing paleomagnetic results to define the position of the Baltica paleocontinent at that time. Argon isotopic results imply that melt homogenization was achieved at the hundred-micrometer scale certainly, because of the low-silica content of the molten target rock that allows fast 40Ar? diffusion in the melt. However, the large range of F(40Ar?inherited) (4.1% to 11.0%) observed for seven grains shows that complete isotopic homogenization was not reached at the centimeter and perhaps the millimeter scale. The F(40Ar?inherited) results are also in good agreement with previous Rb and Sr isotopic data.  相似文献   

Data on variations in the content of the 14C cosmogenic isotope in tree rings and the Earth’s atmosphere (Δ14C) make it possible to study the behavior of solar activity (SA) in previous centuries and millenniums. The latter is related to the fact that SA temporal variations result in a change in the IMF (Interplanetary Magnetic Field) parameters and, as a consequence, in the galactic cosmic ray (GCR) flux, under the action of which the 14C isotope is produced in the Earth’s atmosphere. This makes it possible to study SA history based on data on the 14C isotope content in tree rings. However, in this case we have several difficulties related to climate change. Climate changes result in carbon redistribution between natural reservoirs, which is reflected in radiocarbon data and results in solar signal distortion. The effect of variations in the global temperature and carbon dioxide concentration on the reconstruction of the heliospheric modulation potential and Wolf numbers from the late 14th century to the early 19th century is considered. It has been shown that the radiocarbon data do not make it possible to conclude that SA during the Maunder minimum was extremely low as compared to SA during the Dalton minimum.  相似文献   

The significance of the O+-ion density altitude profile of the outer ionosphere for determination of the Ionospheric Alfvén Resonator (IAR) lower harmonic structure has been demonstrated. The O+-reduced and exponentially extrapolated ionosphere models at high altitudes are generally acceptable for the IAR interpretation of subauroral broadband Pc1 events. Instantaneous ionospheric plasma data based on simultaneous EISCAT (CP-1, CP-7) measurements should be most suitable for the interpretation of different pulsation events. The limited applicability of the averaged International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) models has also been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Formation of the Cretaceous Caribbean plateau, including the komatiites of Gorgona, has been linked to the currently active Galápagos hotspot. We use Hf–Nd isotopes and trace element data to characterise both the Caribbean plateau and the Galápagos hotspot, and to investigate the relationship between them. Four geochemical components are identified in the Galápagos mantle plume: two ‘enriched’ components with ϵHf and ϵNd similar to enriched components observed in other mantle plumes, one moderately enriched component with high Nb/Y, and a fourth component which most likely represents depleted MORB source mantle. The Caribbean plateau basalt data form a linear array in Hf–Nd isotope space, consistent with mixing between two mantle components. Combined Hf–Nd–Pb–Sr–He isotope and trace element data from this study and the literature suggest that the more enriched Caribbean end member corresponds to one or both of the enriched components identified on Galápagos. Likewise, the depleted end member of the array is geochemically indistinguishable from MORB and corresponds to the depleted component of the Galápagos system. Enriched basalts from Gorgona partially overlap with the Caribbean plateau array in ϵHf vs. ϵNd, whereas depleted basalts, picrites and komatiites from Gorgona have a high ϵHf for a given ϵNd, defining a high-ϵHf depleted end member that is not observed elsewhere within the Caribbean plateau sequences. This component is similar, however, in terms of Hf–Nd–Pb–He isotopes and trace elements to the depleted plume component recognised in basalts from Iceland and along the Reykjanes Ridge. We suggest that the Caribbean plateau represents the initial outpourings of the ancestral Galápagos plume. Absence of a moderately enriched, high Nb/Y component in the older Caribbean plateau (but found today on the island of Floreana) is either due to changing source compositions of the plume over its 90 Ma history, or is an artifact of limited sampling. The high-ϵHf depleted component sampled by the Gorgona komatiites and depleted basalts is unique to Gorgona and is not found in the Caribbean plateau. This may be an indication of the scale of heterogeneity of the Caribbean plateau system; alternatively Gorgona may represent a separate oceanic plateau derived from a completely different Pacific plume, such as the Sala y Gomez.  相似文献   

The Shandong Peninsula (Jiaodong) is a very important gold producer of China. Over ten large and super-large quartz-vein type and shear zone-type gold deposits related to Yanshannian granite intrusions have been exploited in the northern part of the Jiaod…  相似文献   

As for the metamorphic rock series distributed on the “Faku Faulted Convex (FFC)”[1] of the northern Liaoning, the earliest geologic investigation divided it into the Langzishan, Dashiqiao and Gaixian forma-tions1) and considered it to be equivalent to the Liaohe Group in the eastern Liaoning, whereas Liaoning Bu-reau of Geology and Mineral Resources (LBGMR) included it into the Lower Proterozoic basement[1]. Recent 1︰50000 scale geological mapping2) reveals that this deformed and …  相似文献   

The 2.08-Ma Cerro Galán Ignimbrite (CGI) represents a >630-km3 dense rock equivalent (VEI 8) eruption from the long-lived Cerro Galán magma system (∼6 Ma). It is a crystal-rich (35–60%), pumice (<10% generally) and lithic-poor (<5% generally) rhyodacitic ignimbrite, lacking a preceding plinian fallout deposit. The CGI is preserved up to 80 km from the structural margins of the caldera, but almost certainly was deposited up to 100 km from the caldera in some places. Only one emplacement unit is preserved in proximal to medial settings and in most distal settings, suggesting constant flow conditions, but where the pyroclastic flow moved into a palaeotopography of substantial valleys and ridges, it interacted with valley walls, resulting in flow instabilities that generated multiple depositional units, often separated by pyroclastic surge deposits. The CGI preserves a widespread sub-horizontal fabric, defined by aligned elongate pumice and lithic clasts, and minerals (e.g. biotite). A sub-horizontal anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility fabric is defined by minute magnetic minerals in all localities where it has been analysed. The CGI is poor in both vent-derived (‘accessory’) lithics and locally derived lithics from the ground surface (‘accidental’) lithics. Locally derived lithics are small (<20 cm) and were not transported far from source points. All data suggest that the pyroclastic flow system producing the CGI was characterised throughout by high sedimentation rates, resulting from high particle concentration and suppressed turbulence at the depositional boundary layer, despite being a low aspect ratio ignimbrite. Based on these features, we question whether high velocity and momentum are necessary to account for extensive flow mobility. It is proposed that the CGI was deposited by a pyroclastic flow system that developed a substantial, high particle concentration granular under-flow, which flowed with suppressed turbulence. High particle concentration and fine-ash content hindered gas loss and maintained flow mobility. In order to explain the contemporaneous maintenance of high particle concentration, high sedimentation rate at the depositional boundary layer and a high level of mobility, it is also proposed that the flow(s) was continuously supplied at a high mass feeding rate. It is also proposed that internal gas pressure within the flow, directed downwards onto the substrate over which the flow was passing, reduced the friction between the flow and the substrate and also enhanced its mobility. The pervasive sub-horizontal fabric of aligned pumice, lithic and even biotite crystals indicates a consistent horizontal shear force existed during transport and deposition in the basal granular flow, consistent with the existence of a laminar, shearing, granular flow regime during the final stages of transport and deposition.  相似文献   

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