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中国古代的星表工作在唐宋时期有了明显的进步,分析表明,一行观测得到的恒星去极度数据精度是不高的,这可能是这些数据未能反映实际精度的缘故。一行发现了在不同时期观测得到的恒星位置数据之间存在的差异,虽然并未认识到这是由岁差现象上起的,但由此人们开始了对恒星位置的经常性观测,这一发现具有相当重要的意义。宋代的两本星表精度有显的提高,皇You星表的精度接近0.5°,与数据的诸数精度相当,基本上反映了当时恒星观测的精度水平。  相似文献   

系外行星直接成像探测能够获取系外行星更全面的物理信息,是未来搜寻系外生命的关键技术之一.针对近期地基望远镜高对比度成像观测数据,对新发现的多星候选体进行系统展示.前期,结合地基系外行星高对比度成像设备观测能力,从已发表文献整理的Gaia星表恒星数据中筛选,得到约1000个观测目标.这些目标分布于不同的年轻星团中.近期,使用Palomar天文台Hale望远镜对上述观测目标中的42个目标在K波段开展了高对比度成像观测.这些目标恒星在可见光波段为7.5-14.2019年经过两轮观测,发现了6个多星系统候选体,这些目标在Gaia Data Release 2星表和Gaia early Data Release 3星表中难以确认是单星还是多星系统.  相似文献   

我国综合授时赤经星表(简称CTC),是利用我国五个天文台站(上海天文台,紫金山天文台,北京天文台,陕西天文台以及上海天文台的海南岛临时观测站)的五个光电中星仪和一个目视中星仪测时资料综合而成的.该星表共包括星等范围为0.~m1-6.~m6,赤纬区间为-30°- 66°的1156颗恒星。该星表以FK_4星为基础进行了恒星赤经的个别改正和系统修平,未进行春分点改正和没有建立自己自行系统,因此是一个相对星表.该星表采用了3-5年的观测数据,总观测星次达76847次,从而达到了比较高的精度,尤其是在赤纬带-5°- 56°范围内的1043颗星,其定位精度一般均优于±4ms.在本文中给出了CTC星表的编算方法及其精度.由于CTC星表已专刊发表,本文仅发表CTC星表的三个台站以上观测过恒星的赤经位置(1975.0历元),观测历元,观测次数,赤经位置的总精度σ及内部精度m,以供今后星表工作参考.  相似文献   

该文简述了巡天观测和星表编制的历史和意义.介绍了天体测量星表与巡天观测的最新进展,如位置星表URAT、Pan-STARSS、LSST;自行星表LSPM、PM2000、BDKP;视差星表USNO,CTOPI、L和T型星的视差测定等.简略介绍了天体物理星表,其中包括测光星表GCPD、UBV、GSPC;光谱星表MSS、BDSS,SDSS和视向速度星表GCRV、CORALIE、RAVE.特别描述了恒星名至今仍在使用的20世纪初编制的Durchmusterung、Lowell、HenryDraper星表.描述了近年来普遍受到人们关注的联合星表编制的发展,如SKYMAP、距离太阳10 pc内的近距星表RECONS、描述了局部天区的HDF、双星星表等.另外还介绍了其他波段的巡天观测,如射电的NVSS、FIRST;近红外的IRAS PSC和FSS;X波段的WGCAT星表等.最后,对今后开展巡天观测和编制星表提出了应注意的几个问题.  相似文献   

利用太阳及大行星的观测来决定星表系统的经典方法,已不能适合于现代星表及基本系统所提出的要求了。日间的及具有圆盤形的天体的观测,伴随着特殊的系统误差,这些误差,都将引入观测的结果,星表中去。小行星具有和恒星一样的外形,可以如恒星一样的来观测它,是决定星表系统差最适宜的天体。  相似文献   

(接上期)宋代的恒星观测持续不断,观测记录翔实丰富,星图绘制准确科学。宋代的恒星观测成果丰富,给我们留下了大量宝贵的科学遗产,表明它在中世纪时期达到了巅峰。天文仪器日臻完善,是这—硕果的保证。北宋至南宋的300余年中有记载的制造浑天仪6座、浑天象4座,大规模恒星实测有7次。其中景祐年间的恒星测量现留有341颗星的位置表——杨惟德星表,皇祐年间(公元1052年)的恒星观测现留有360颗星的位置表——周琮星表。  相似文献   

本文给出了紫台光电中星仪1980—1985年的观测归算到FK5(J2000.0年)星表系统的508颗恒星的赤经改正.平均误差为±2.12ms.  相似文献   

本文从明钞本和《四库全书》文津阁本《灵台秘苑》以及《文献通考》、《天文大成管窥辑要》和《天元历理全书》等五种古籍中,搜辑了宋皇祐年间的恒星(包括二十八宿距星)观测记录,审订考校,并参酌《新仪象法要》星图及南宋苏州石刻《天文图》,整理得到360颗恒星的入宿度及去极度等资料,再据此换算为A. D. 1052年的赤经与赤纬,归算出1975年的坐标,并给出与现代星表的对照。就整个系统而言,对于我国传统的283官1464星,已概括了282官1457星,仅缺少紫微左垣的“少丞”及离宫六星。这部星表的恒星位置符合中国历代文献记载,反映和代表了我国古代的星像系统,它是继《石氏星表》之后的第二部恒星星表。在中国天文学历史上,《宋皇祐星表》实为一部可靠而重要的基本星表。  相似文献   

用上海天文台光电等高仪(Ⅱ型)1975年9月至1978年的观测结果,计算了恒星的星位改正以及星表的系统改正△α_δ、△δ_δ.  相似文献   

作者利用1978年1月至1981年6月期间陕西天文台光电等高仪(Ⅰ)的专门星表观测资料,归算了820颗恒星的星表位置改正Δα和Δδ。文章介绍了观测方案、归算方法以及仪器某些系统误差的分析等。所得到的818颗星的Δα和568颗星的Δδ的平均内部精度分别为m_(Δα)=±0~S.0043,m_(Δδ)=±0″.072。  相似文献   

The historical documents of ancient Korea contain abundant records on various astronomical phenomena. The historical documents of the Joseon dynasty contain observational values based on Chinese equatorial coordinate system (i.e., angular distances from the reference star of a lunar mansion and the North Pole). However, quantitative analysis of the observational values has not been carried out. In this study, we investigate the observational accuracy during the Joseon dynasty by comparing the astronomical records of Joseonwangjo Sillok (Annals of the Joseon Dynasty) and Seungjeongwon Ilgi (Daily Records of the Royal Secretariat) with modern astronomical calculations. Consequently, we find that the observational accuracy during the early Joseon dynasty was approximately 1°.2 and 0°.3 in the right ascension and declination, respectively. On the other hand, we find that the observational accuracy during the later Joseon dynasty was considerably poor. Observations of Halley's comet in 1759 were off by approximately 7° in declination. We believe that further investigation is required to verify the reason for this poor accuracy. Thus, we list the complete records used for this study in the appendix. We believe that these records also can contribute to modern studies on phenomena such as supernovae or Halley's comet. In conclusion, we believe that this study is useful for understanding ancient Korean astronomical records, even though we have considered a small number of astronomical events (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The observational investigation of the evolution of the star formation activities of early-type galaxies (ETGs) with redshifts helps us to understand the formation and evolution of this kind of galaxies. Combined with the highresolution images from HST/ACS (Hubble Space Telescope/Advanded Camera for Surveys) of the GEMS (Galaxy Evolution fromMorphology and SEDs) survey and the multi-band data from Spitzer, GALEX (Galaxy Evolution Explorer) and so on in the CDFS (Chandra Deep Field South) field, a complete sample including 456 ETGs with their redshifts in the range of 0.2 ≤ z ≤ 1.0 is selected on the basis of morphology, color and stellar mass. By using the stacking technique, the ultraviolet and infrared average luminosities of sample galaxies are measured, and the star formation rates of ETGs are estimated. The results indicate that the star formation rates of ETGs are relatively low (< 3 M yr−1) and decrease with decreasing redshifts. The mass contributed by the star formation since z = 1 is less than 15%. The analyses of stellar populations also confirm that the bulk of the population of massive ETGs was formed in the early universe (z > 2).  相似文献   

恒星作为宇宙的基础组成元素,其形成过程一直是天文学中的重要研究对象。人们已基本了解中小质量恒星(质量小于8M⊙)的形成和演化过程;受到数量少、嵌埋深、演化快和反馈剧烈等因素的影响,大质量恒星(质量大于8M⊙)的形成过程依然谜团重重。介绍了小质量恒星形成的基本理论,以及吸积盘、竞争吸积、并合三种主流的大质量恒星形成模型;回顾了以往使用红外或射电望远镜对大质量恒星形成区的观测和分析,以及现阶段使用多波段巡天观测手段对大质量恒星形成区的研究成果;着重介绍了目前公认的大质量恒星形成的示踪物——分子外向流的理论和观测现状,以及大质量外向流的优秀候选体——绿色延展天体的发现、理论及观测研究情况。最后,对大质量恒星形成的理论和观测研究进行了总结和展望。  相似文献   

Interacting galaxies like the famous Antennae (NGC 4038/4039) or Stephan's Quintet (HCG 92) show considerable star forming activity in their tidal arms. High resolution images (e.g. from HST-observations) indicate that these regions consist of up to hundreds of massive stellar clusters or tidal dwarf galaxies (TDG). In this paper we want to investigate the future fate of these clusters of massive star clusters (in this work called super-clusters). We simulate compact super-clusters in the tidal field of a host-galaxy and investigate the influence of orbital and internal parameters on the rate and timescale of the merging process. We show that it is possible that such configurations merge and build a dwarf galaxy, which could be an important mechanism of how long-lived dwarf satellite galaxies form. A detailed study of the merger object will appear in a follow-up paper.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

星流在星系形成与演化过程中扮演了重要的角色,对银河系中星流的研究将有助于进一步探究银河系的合并历史.将LAMOST(Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope)DR6光谱数据以及SDSS(Sloan Digital Sky Survey)DR12光谱数据分别与Gaia(Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics)DR2天体测量数据交叉匹配,获得恒星自行等数据.对GD-1星流在速度空间、几何空间和金属丰度上进行限制,从LAMOST DR6和SDSS DR12数据中共获得了157颗星流成员星.GD-1星流的平均金属丰度为[Fe/H]=-2.16±0.10 dex,延伸长度超过80°.收集前人给出的GD-1星流高概率成员星,组成较大的成员星样本进行对比分析,发现GD-1星流的金属丰度分布呈现内低外高的特点,沿着星流方向径向速度分布特点是两端大、中间小,?1=-20°(?1为GD-1星流坐标系横坐标)和?1=-60°附近的间隙是因为成员星运动差异形成的.根据成员星分布及其速度分布特性,推测GD-1星流起源位置是在?1=-40°附近.  相似文献   

在基于星敏感器的航天飞行器的自主天文导航中,星图识别是关键技术之一。将改进的HD距离算法用于星图识别,避免了由于个别星体出现较大噪声,以及流星等干扰星出现时发生误匹配的问题。在匹配时利用了星图的全部空间结构信息,具有强的抗星敏感器畸变、噪声和旋转能力,同时也不需要复杂的特征提取算法。仿真实验显示它具有较高的实用价值。  相似文献   

陈培生  张品 《天文学报》2003,44(4):350-354
IRAS 17213-3841作为富碳星列于新版碳星星表中.然而该星的IRAS低分辨率光谱显示富氧的硅酸盐发射特征;光谱观测结果表明,该星是一个接近零龄主序的,光谱型为O9/B0的早型发射线星,而不是碳星,因此应从碳星星表中剔除.此外,将它证认为碳星的近红外-IRAS双色图方法并不是一个完全可靠的方法,用这一方法来证认碳星必须十分小心.  相似文献   

明代正统七年制成的四件大型天文仪器浑仪、简仪、圭表和浑象,其中前三件完好地保存在紫金山天文台上,成为国家重点文物而驰名中外。唯有浑象因为在清朝初年不幸被毁,无缘见其面貌。为了展示明代天文仪器制作成就的全貌,我们对明代浑象进行了复原研究。在考查和分析大量古代天文史料和有关古籍后,我们对该浑象所表现的天文内容、各部尺寸、机械结构、以及外部装饰都做了深入探索。在此基础上,我们绘出了复原制作的工艺草图,作为技术部门施工时的依据。本文系统介绍复原研究中的文献考证、设计过程、以及复原制作工作情况。为了真实地反映此项研究的历史面貌,文中给出五张手绘的设计草图,以资存照。据此复制的明代浑象,现在陈列在紫金山天文台南京天文历史博物馆中。  相似文献   

To accomplish its mission, the spaceborne observatory SNAP (SuperNova Acceleration Probe) requires a pointing stability of <0.03 arcseconds during exposures lasting up to 500 sec. A Monte Carlo simulation of the photoelectron statistics from the guiding star investigates geometrical (such as the pixel size of the detector or the plate scale) and physical parameters (such as the magnitude of the star). It is shown that simple centroiding calculations can lead to the desired accuracy with guide stars as faint as magnitude 16. Availability of these stars is verified thanks to the HST Guide Star Catalog complemented with a statistical model of the distribution of stars. Thus a through-the-lens sensor that uses stars as faint as magnitude 16 to provide the necessary guiding signals is feasible. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A star formation region connected with SNO 41 is investigated. The observations of this region were carried out in the 12CO (1-0) line and in the 1.2-mm (with SIMBA) with the 15-m SEST mm telescope (Cerro La Silla, Chile). A blue shifted outflow is revealed from the 12CO(1-0) observations, while a bipolar outflow is apparent from the 1.2-mm SIMBA image. In CO it seems that a very faint dust envelope around SNO 41 probably exists, which is expanding with a velocity of ∼10.5 km/s. The distance to SNO 41 is estimated as ∼1500 pc. There are outflows also present in 2MASS images. A spiral jet has a condensation (resembling a HH object) at the end. Another jet has a discontinuity and a bow-shock-like structure on it. In 2MASS images there are also spots resembling HH objects. In this region there is also a rather luminous point source (IRAS 08546-4254), which has IR colors typical for an YSO connected with a water maser. The detection of a strong CS (2-1) line emission toward IRAS 08546-4254, with the same velocity as the CO line, shows the existence of a high density core of molecular gas associated to this source. A methanol maser is also associated with that IRAS source. The existence of CS line emission and a methanol maser (at 6.669 Ghz) is an indication of the presence of a very young massive star. It is not excluded that this IRAS source is the center of outflows mentioned above, because this source coincides with the center of the 1.2-mm SIMBA image and also with the place of origin of the jet with bow-shock-like structure. Published in Astrofizika, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 5–15 (February 2007).  相似文献   

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