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The South China Sea (SCS) is a region of interaction among three major plates: the Pacific, Indo-Australian and Eurasian. The collision of the Indian subcontinent with the Eurasian plate in the northwest, back-arc spreading at the center, and subduction beneath the Philippine plate along Manila trench in the east and the collision along Palawan trough in the south have produced complex tectonic features within and along the SCS. This investigation examines the satellite-derived gravity anomalies of the SCS and compares them with major tectonic features of the area. A map of Bouguer gravity anomaly is derived in conjunction with available seafloor topography to investigate the crustal structure. The residual isostatic gravity anomaly is calculated assuming that the Cenozoic sedimentary load is isostatically compensated. The features in the gravity anomalies in general correlate remarkably well with the major geological features, including offsets in the seafloor spreading segments, major faults, basins, seamounts and other manifestations of magmatism and volcanism on the seafloor. They also correlate with the presumed location of continental-oceanic crust boundary. The region underlain by oceanic crust in the central part of the SCS is characterized by a large positive Bouguer gravity anomaly (220–330 mgal) as well as large free-air and residual isostatic anomalies. There are, however, important differences among spreading segments. For example, in terms of free-air gravity anomaly, the southwest section of mid-ocean has an approximately 50 km wide belt of gravity low superimposed on a broad high of 45 mgal running NW–SE, whereas there are no similar features in other spreading segments. There are indications that gravity anomalies may represent lateral variation in upper crustal density structure. For instance, free air and isostatic anomalies show large positive anomalies in the east of the Namconson basin, which coincide with areas of dense volcanic material known from seismic surveys. The Red River Fault system are clearly identified in the satellite gravity anomalies, including three major faults, Songchay Fault in the southwest, Songlo Fault in the Northeast and Central Fault in the center of the basin. They are elongated in NW–SE direction between 20±30'N and 17°N and reach to Vietnam Scarp Fault around 16°30'N. It is also defined that the crustal density in the south side of the Central Basin is denser than that in the north side of the Central Basin.  相似文献   

Three long, strike-parallel, seismic-refraction profiles were made on the continental shelf edge, slope and upper rise off New Jersey during 1975. The shelf edge line lies along the axis of the East Coast Magnetic Anomaly (ECMA), while the continental rise line lies 80 km seaward of the shelf edge. Below the unconsolidated sediments (1.7–3.6 km/sec), high-velocity sedimentary rocks (4.2–6.2 km/sec) were found at depths of 2.6–8.2 km and are inferred to be cemented carbonates. Although multichannel seismic-reflection profiles and magnetic depth-to-source data predicted the top of oceanic basement at 6–8 km beneath the shelf edge and 10–11 km beneath the rise, no refracted events occurred as first arrivals from either oceanic basement (layer 2, approximately 5.5 km/ sec) or the upper oceanic crust (layer 3A, approximately 6.8 km/sec). Second arrivals from 10.5 km depth beneath the shelf edge are interpreted as events from a 5.9 km/sec refractor within igneous basement. Other refracted events from either layers 2 or 3A could not be resolved within the complex second arrivals. A well-defined crustal layer with a compressional velocity of 7.1–7.2 km/sec, which can be interpreted as oceanic layer 3B, occurred at 15.8 km depth beneath the shelf and 12.9 km beneath the upper rise. A well-reversed mantle velocity of 8.3 km/sec was measured at 18–22 km depth beneath the upper continental rise. Comparison with other deep-crustal profiles along the continental edge of the Atlantic margin off the United States, specifically in the inner magnetically quiet zone, indicates that the compressional wave velocities and layer depths determined on the U.S.G.S. profiles are very similar to those of nearby profiles. This suggests that the layers are continuous and that the interpretation of the oceanic layer 3B under the shelf edge east of New Jersey implies progradation of the shelf outward over the oceanic crust in that area. This agrees with magnetic anomaly evidence which shows the East Coast Magnetic Anomaly landward of the shelf edge off New Jersey and with previous seismic reflection data which reveal extensive outbuilding of the shelf edge during the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous, probably by carbonate bank-margin accretion.  相似文献   

In 1977 the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Hannover, carried out a large scale multichannel reflection seismic survey in the Labrador Sea. This survey provided an opportunity for the direct comparison of the geologic structure of the Labrador and Greenland margins. The seismic records across the Labrador Shelf show a thick, prograding sedimentary wedge consisting of several seismic sequences onlapping an acoustic basement that dips steeply seaward. The surface of the acoustic basement is irregular below the continental slope, indicating Late Cretaceous—Early Tertiary faulting. The thick sedimentary section below the slope is divided by an unconformity, tentatively identified as Late Tertiary in age, into two seismic megasequencies which can be subdivided. The acoustic basement on the Greenland side is also strongly faulted but is overlain, in the south, by a thin sedimentary section. The sediment cover thickens on the Greenland Shelf to the north as the shelf becomes wider.As with more southerly parts of the western Atlantic margin, a positive free-air anomaly (30–50 mgal) lies landward of the shelf break off Labrador and a smaller negative anomaly follows the base of the slope. Similar, but generally narrower features are observed along the Greenland margin. West of the negative anomaly off the Greenland slope a narrow band of lower amplitude positive anomalies tends to be associated with an acoustic basement high observed in the reflection profiles. A landward negative gradient in the simple Airy isostatic anomaly across this margin suggests that the ocean—continent boundary is related to this high.Detailed magnetic measurements across the northern Labrador margin show that well-developed oceanic anomalies trending north-northwest lie east of the large Labrador Shelf gravity high, beyond the 2000 m isobath. Landward of these magnetic anomalies is a quiet magnetic zone within which the linear gravity high is parallel to the shelf break and correlates with a deep, sediment-filled basin. It is inferred that oceanic-type crust or greatly-attenuated continental crust underlies this basin and that continental crust thickens markedly westward of the gravity high over a distance of about 50 km.  相似文献   

The western continental margin and the intraplate Narmada-Tapti rifts are primarily covered by Deccan flood basalts. Three-dimensional gravity modeling of +70mgal Bouguer gravity highs extending in the north-south direction along the western continental margin rift indicates the presence of a subsurface high density, mafic-ultramafic type, elongated, roughly ellipsoidal body. It is approximately 12.0 ±1.2 km thick with its upper surface at an approximate depth of 6.0 ±0.6 km, and its average density is {dy2935} kg/m3. Calculated dimension of the high density body in the upper crust is 300 ±30 km in length and 25 ±2.5 to 40 ±4 km in width. Three-dimensional gravity modeling of +10mgal to -30mgal Bouguer gravity highs along the intraplate Narmada-Tapti rift indicates the presence of eight small isolated high density mafic bodies with an average density of {dy2961} kg/m3. These mafic bodies are convex upward and their top surface is estimated at an average depth of 6.5 ±0.6 (between 6 and 8km). These isolated mafic bodies have an average length of 23.8 ±2.4km and width of 15.9 ±1.5km. Estimated average thickness of these mafic bodies is 12.4±1.2km. The difference in shape, length and width of these high density mafic bodies along the western continental margin and the intraplate Narmada-Tapti rifts suggests that the migration and concentration of high density magma in the upper lithosphere was much more dominant along the western continental margin rift. Based on the three-dimensional gravity modeling, it is conjectured that the emplacement of large, ellipsoidal high density mafic bodies along the western continental margin and small, isolated mafic bodies along the Narmada-Tapti rift are related to lineament-reactivation and subsequent rifting due to interaction of hot mantle plume with the lithospheric weaknesses (lineaments) along the path of Indian plate motion over the Réunion hotspot. Mafic bodies formed in the upper lithosphere as magma chambers along the western continental margin and the intraplate Narmada-Tapti rifts at estimated depths between 6 and 8 km from the surface (consistent with geological, petrological and geochemical models) appear to be the major reservoirs for Deccan flood basalt volcanism at approximately 65 Ma.  相似文献   

A 1000-km-long lithospheric transect running from the Variscan Iberian Massif (VIM) to the oceanic domain of the Northwest African margin is investigated. The main goal of the study is to image the lateral changes in crustal and lithospheric structure from a complete section of an old and stable orogenic belt—the Variscan Iberian Massif—to the adjacent Jurassic passive margin of SW Iberia, and across the transpressive and seismically active Africa–Eurasia plate boundary. The modelling approach incorporates available seismic data and integrates elevation, gravity, geoid and heat flow data under the assumptions of thermal steady state and local isostasy. The results show that the Variscan Iberian crust has a roughly constant thickness of 30 km, in opposition to previous works that propose a prominent thickening beneath the South Portuguese Zone (SPZ). The three layers forming the Variscan crust show noticeable thickness variations along the profile. The upper crust thins from central Iberia (about 20 km thick) to the Ossa Morena Zone (OMZ) and the NE region of the South Portuguese Zone where locally the thickness of the upper crust is <8 km. Conversely, there is a clear thickening of the middle crust (up to 17 km thick) under the Ossa Morena Zone, whereas the thickness of the lower crust remains quite constant (6 km). Under the margin, the thinning of the continental crust is quite gentle and occurs over distances of 200 km, resembling the crustal attitude observed further north along the West Iberian margins. In the oceanic domain, there is a 160-km-wide Ocean Transition Zone located between the thinned continental crust of the continental shelf and slope and the true oceanic crust of the Seine Abyssal Plain. The total lithospheric thickness varies from about 120 km at the ends of the model profile to less than 100 km below the Ossa Morena and the South Portuguese zones. An outstanding result is the mass deficit at deep lithospheric mantle levels required to fit the observed geoid, gravity and elevation over the Ossa Morena and South Portuguese zones. Such mass deficit can be interpreted either as a lithospheric thinning of 20–25 km or as an anomalous density reduction of 25 kg m−3 affecting the lower lithospheric levels. Whereas the first hypothesis is consistent with a possible thermal anomaly related to recent geodynamics affecting the nearby Betic–Rif arc, the second is consistent with mantle depletion related to ancient magmatic episodes that occurred during the Hercynian orogeny.  相似文献   

Takeshi Kudo  Koshun Yamaoka   《Tectonophysics》2003,367(3-4):203-217
The driving force for the basin subsiding against isostatic balance in and around Lake Biwa in the Kinki district, Japan is discussed. The lake region is characterized by strong negative Bouguer anomalies, especially by a steep horizontal gradient zone of gravity anomaly running along the western margin of the lake. The large negative anomaly (>50 mgal) cannot be explained by low-density sediments beneath it. A down-warping structure extending to the Moho depth should be taken into account. This conjecture has been strongly supported by a short-period receiver function imaging, which shows a clear offset of about 8 km for the Moho discontinuity under the steep gravity gradient zone.A question arises as to what is the driving force to create such a large down-warping structure. We consider that the subduction of the shallow-dipping slab under the region (Philippine Sea Slab) may cause crustal deformation by dragging the viscous mantle downward. In order to verify this model, we simulated the induced mantle flow due to the subduction of the Philippine Sea Slab and the pressure distribution on the crust–mantle boundary. This numerical experiment showed that the induced flow makes a strong negative pressure zone under the lake region if the slab has a vertical offset along the direction of subduction. This offset of the slab is consistent with plate models deduced from hypocentral distributions and Sp phases of the deep-focus earthquakes.  相似文献   

By compiling wide-angle seismic velocity profiles along the 400-km-long Lofoten–Vesterålen continental margin off Norway, and integrating them with an extensive seismic reflection data set and crustal-scale two-dimensional gravity modelling, we outline the crustal margin structure. The structure is illustrated by across-margin regional transects and by contour maps of depth to Moho, thickness of the crystalline crust, and thickness of the 7+ km/s lower crustal body. The data reveal a normal thickness oceanic crust seaward of anomaly 23 and an increase in thickness towards the continent–ocean boundary associated with breakup magmatism. The southern boundary of the Lofoten–Vesterålen margin, the Bivrost Fracture Zone and its landward prolongation, appears as a major across-margin magmatic and structural crustal feature that governed the evolution of the margin. In particular, a steeply dipping and relatively narrow, 10–40-km-wide, Moho-gradient zone exists within a continent–ocean transition, which decreases in width northward along the Lofoten–Vesterålen margin. To the south, the zone continues along the Vøring margin, however it is offset 70–80 km to the northwest along the Bivrost Fracture Zone/Lineament. Here, the Moho-gradient zone corresponds to a distinct, 25-km-wide, zone of rapid landward increase in crustal thickness that defines the transition between the Lofoten platform and the Vøring Basin. The continental crust on the Lofoten–Vesterålen margin reaches a thickness of 26 km and appears to have experienced only moderate extension, contrasting with the greatly extended crust in the Vøring Basin farther south. There are also distinct differences between the Lofoten and Vesterålen margin segments as revealed by changes in structural style and crustal thickness as well as in the extent of elongate potential-field anomalies. These changes may be related to transfer zones. Gravity modelling shows that the prominent belt of shelf-edge gravity anomalies results from a shallow basement structural relief, while the elongate Lofoten Islands belt requires increased lower crustal densities along the entire area of crustal thinning beneath the islands. Furthermore, gravity modelling offers a robust diagnostic tool for the existence of the lower crustal body. From modelling results and previous studies on- and off-shore mid-Norway, we postulate that the development of a core complex in the middle to lower crust in the Lofoten Islands region, which has been exhumed along detachments during large-scale extension, brought high-grade, lower crustal rocks, possibly including accreted decompressional melts, to shallower levels.  相似文献   

The western Pacific hosts major subduction systems such as Izu–Bonin–Mariana and Tonga–Kermadec, but also less conspicuous systems such as Yap, Mussau and Hjort trenches which constitute the young, incomplete, or ultraslow-member in the evolutionary spectrum of subduction zones. We used satellite-derived gravity data to compare well-developed and immature subduction systems. It is shown that at spatial resolution > 10–20 km or so, the satellite data have accuracy comparable to ship-board gravity measurements over intra-oceanic subduction zones. In the isostatic residual gravity anomaly map, the width of non-isostatically-compensated region of the mature subduction zones is much wider than that of immature ones. More importantly, when the gravitational attraction due to seafloor is removed, a large difference exists between the mature and immature subduction zones in the overriding plate side. Mature subduction zones exhibit broad low gravity anomalies of ~ 200–250 mGal centered at distances of 150–200 km from the trench which are not found over immature subduction zones. The cause of the broad low gravity anomalies over mature subduction zones is debatable due to lack of information on the deep crust and upper mantle structure and property. We discuss the following four causes: (1) serpentinization of the upper mantle beneath the forearc; (2) presence of partial melt in the mantle wedge caused by release of volatiles from the slab, frictional heating and distributed by mantle circulation; (3) difference in density structure between the overriding and subducting plates caused by difference in age and thermal structures with and without compositional stratification between crust and mantle; and (4) anomalous thickness of the arc not explained by isostasy. Our analysis suggests that serpentinization cannot explain the observed gravity anomaly which appears ~ 150–200 km from the trench. Although the extent and distribution of partial melt within the mantle wedge remain in question, to our best estimate, partial melting contributes little (< 50 mGal) to the total negative gravity anomaly. The difference in density structure reflecting temperature difference can only explain less than half of the low gravity anomaly. The sinking of lighter crustal material produces a large negative anomaly in the forearc but its location does not match the observed gravity anomaly. It appears that one cannot explain the total difference in gravity anomaly without invoking anomalous thickness of the arc. Although we could not identify the sole or combination of factors that give rise to the low gravity anomaly in mature subduction zones, the comparison of gravity anomalies between mature and immature subduction zones is likely to provide an important constraint for understanding the evolution and structure of subduction zones as more complementary evidences become available.  相似文献   

南海中部和北部海域重力异常特征与地壳构造关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
1976年,中国科学院南海海洋研究所与国家海洋局南海分局共同协作使用“向阳红”五号海洋调查船,利用西德GSS-2型海洋重力仪和我国的CHHK-1型核子旋进式磁力仪,在南海珠江口外海域(北纬22°—17°、东经113°50′—115°10′),进行约3000公里的海洋重力、磁力和测深。设计的测线方向为南北向,测线距为10海里。  相似文献   

Gravity data have been used to examine the crystalline basement morphology along five geotransects in Somalia defined by the Global Geotransect Project (Monger 1989). The gravity data were digitized from the 1:1 000 000 Gravity Anomaly Map of Somalia produced by the African Gravity Project. After the removal of the non-crustal wavelength anomalies from the observed gravity field, the remaining gravity anomalies were interpreted in terms of 2.5D crustal models. Available geophysical and well data, and other geological information, were used as constraints for the construction of the crustal sections. Mean densities varying from 3.30 to 3.15 g cm−3 were used for dense bodies observed on the lower continental crust of the southern Somali basins. A density of 3.00 g cm−3 was given to the oceanic crust offshore. The density of the crystalline basement and the overlying sediments were, respectively, assumed to be 2.85 g cm−3 and 2.46 g cm−3. Coherent and incoherent marine sediments were given densities varying from 1.70 g cm−3 to 2.30 g cm−3. The results of the 2.5D gravity modelling indicate that the basement beneath the southern Somali basins is partially or totally transformed to denser material and that, just a few hundred kilometres offshore from Somalia, the basement is of an oceanic nature.  相似文献   

Regional-scale geophysical information, which includes aeromagnetic, gravity, seismic refraction, multi-channel seismic reflection and electromagnetic induction data, is used to extend our knowledge of the Canadian Shield beneath the Phanerozoic Williston basin of south-central Canada and the north-central United States. A new tectonic map based on this information shows the Proterozoic Flin Flon-Snow Lake and La Ronge-Lynn Lake volcanic island arcs and their associated fore-arc (Kisseynew belt) and back-arc (Reindeer-South Indian Lakes belt) basins wedged between the Archean Superior craton on the east and the Archean parts of the Churchill and Wyoming cratons on the west. Along the western margin of the Superior craton the Thompson nickel belt, including its extension southwards beneath the Williston basin, is interpreted to have been successively the site of continental rifting and rupturing, an evolving continental margin, a continent-volcanic island arc “suture” zone and eventually a continental-scale strike-slip fault. The North American Central Plains electrical conductivity anomaly and closely related seismic low-velocity zones are explained by the presence in the lower crust of buried slices of hydrated oceanic-type material, situated within the southward extension of the Reindeer-South Indian Lakes remnant back-arc basin and adjoining tectonic units. A new plate tectonic model is proposed for this region that involves the rifting and rupturing of the Archean continents and the opening and closing of one or more oceanic basins. This model is shown to be consistent with most of the geological, geophysical and geochronological data that pertains to the Proterozoic evolution of the exposed Shield and similar geophysical data and subsurface geochronological information from further south.  相似文献   

Ewald Lüschen 《Tectonophysics》1986,130(1-4):141-146
Crustal studies in western Colombia, by deep seismic, gravity and geomagnetic surveys, during the last two decades have revealed an extremely anomalous crustal structure as compared to the South American Andes further south. Strong gravity gradients and differences in seismic velocities showed a transition from oceanic to continental character between the Western and Central Andes.

Measured gravity and height variations of opposite sign and lengths of 50 to 100 km on three east-west running profiles correlate surprisingly well with the typical positive Bouguer anomaly of the Western Andes which represents an isostatic instability. A gravity decrease of 0.5–1.0 mGal on two profiles and an increase on an intermediate one and corresponding ratios of gravity to apparent height variations of nearly −20 mGal/m are interpreted as consequences of deep-seated density variations. They may be related to collision tectonics and recent obduction processes between aseismic ridges riding on the Pacific Nazca plate and the continent.  相似文献   

利用最新多道地震剖面资料,结合重力、磁力、地形等地球物理资料,揭示了中沙地块南部断裂空间展布特征、断裂发育时期、断裂内部构造形变特征及深部地壳结构,并基于认识探讨了断裂的发育机制。研究结果认为,中沙地块南部陆缘构造属性为非火山型被动大陆边缘:地壳性质从西北向东南由减薄陆壳向洋陆过渡壳再向正常洋壳发育变化;Moho面埋深从中沙地块下方的26 km快速抬升到海盆的10~12 km;从中沙地块陡坡至其前缘海域的重力异常明显负异常区为洋陆过渡带,在重力由高值负异常上升到海盆的低值正、负异常的边界为洋陆边界。中沙地块南部发育有4组阶梯状向海倾的深大正断裂,主要发育时期为晚渐新世到中中新世。断裂早期发育与南海东部次海盆近NS向扩张有关,后期遭受挤压变形、与菲律宾海板块向南海的NWW向仰冲有关。该研究有助于更好认识南海海盆的扩张历史和南海被动大陆边缘的类型。  相似文献   

During summer 1975, a line of large shots was fired across the continental margin between the Rockall Trough and the Hebridean shelf along 58°N. Arrivals were observed at temporary seismic stations set up across Scotland and in northwestern Ireland. A clear P2 phase was observed to cross the margin and a converted phase P1 also seen on the records is interpreted as travelling in the sub-sedimentary oceanic crust of Rockall Trough and in the upper continental crust beneath the shelf.The continental crust beneath the Hebridean shelf is estimated to be 27 ± 2 km thick, with Pg = 6.22 ± 0.03 km/s and Pn = 8.01 ± 0.04 km/s as determined by time-term analysis. Pg delays on the outer shelf are interpreted in terms of a seaward thickening wedge of Mesozoic sediments which pre-date the split. Pn beneath the Rockall Trough was poorly determined at 8.20 ± 0.17 km/s and the Moho is estimated to be 18 ± 2 km deep at 58°N. This and other seismic and gravity work indicates a northward thickening of the crust along the Rockall Trough, accounting for the northward decrease in the height of the slope.Our results, and those of gravity interpretations, indicate a relatively abrupt transition between continental and oceanic crust, possibly correlating with the lack of major shelf subsidence. This is attributed to a relatively cool origin for this margin. The main thinning of the continental crust beneath the slope is attributed to outslip of continental crustal material into and beneath the newly forming oceanic crust during the first few million years after the split, possibly enhanced by pre-split stretching.  相似文献   

The Barents Sea is located in the northwestern corner of the Eurasian continent, where the crustal terrain was assembled in the Caledonian orogeny during Late Ordovician and Silurian times. The western Barents Sea margin developed primarily as a transform margin during the early Tertiary. In the northwestern part south of Svalbard, multichannel reflection seismic lines have poor resolution below the Permian sequence, and the early post-orogenic development is not well known here. In 1998, an ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) survey was collected southwest to southeast of the Svalbard archipelago. One profile was shot across the continental transform margin south of Svalbard, which is presented here. P-wave modeling of the OBS profile indicates a Caledonian suture in the continental basement south of Svalbard, also proposed previously based on a deep seismic reflection line coincident with the OBS profile. The suture zone is associated with a small crustal root and westward dipping mantle reflectivity, and it marks a boundary between two different crystalline basement terrains. The western terrain has low (6.2–6.45 km s−1) P-wave velocities, while the eastern has higher (6.3–6.9 km s−1) velocities. Gravity modeling agrees with this, as an increased density is needed in the eastern block. The S-wave data predict a quartz-rich lithology compatible with felsic gneiss to granite within and west of the suture zone, and an intermediate lithological composition to the east. A geological model assuming westward dipping Caledonian subduction and collision can explain the missing lower crust in the western block by subduction erosion of the lower crust, as well as the observed structuring. Due to the transform margin setting, the tectonic thinning of the continental block during opening of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea is restricted to the outer 35 km of the continental block, and the continent–ocean boundary (COB) can be located to within 5 km in our data. Distinct from the outer high commonly observed on transform margins, the upper part of the continental crust at the margin is dominated by two large, rotated down-faulted blocks with throws of 2–3 km on each fault, apparently formed during the transform margin development. Analysis of the gravity field shows that these faults probably merge to one single fault to the south of our profile, and that the downfaulting dominates the whole margin segment from Spitsbergen to Bjørnøya. South of Bjørnøya, the faulting leaves the continental margin to terminate as a graben 75 km south of the island. Adjacent to the continental margin, there is no clear oceanic layer 2 seismic signature. However, the top basement velocity of 6.55 km s−1 is significantly lower than the high (7 km s−1) velocity reported earlier from expanding spread profiles (ESPs), and we interpret the velocity structure of the oceanic crust to be a result of a development induced by the 7–8-km-thick sedimentary overburden.  相似文献   

A seismic refraction/wide-angle reflection experiment was undertaken in the Levant Basin, eastern Mediterranean. Two roughly east–west profiles extend from the continental shelf of Israel toward the Levant Basin. The northern profile crosses the Eratosthenes Seamount and the southern profile crosses several distinct magnetic anomalies. The marine operation used 16 ocean bottom seismometers deployed along the profiles with an air gun array and explosive charges as energy sources. The results of this study strongly suggest the existence of oceanic crust under portions of the Levant Basin and continental crust under the Eratosthenes Seamount. The seismic refraction data also indicate a large sedimentary sequence, 10–14 km thick, in the Levant Basin and below the Levant continental margin. Assuming the crust is of Cretaceous age, this gives a fairly high sedimentation rate. The sequence can be divided into several units. A prominent unit is the 4.2 km/s layer, which is probably composed of the Messinian evaporites. Overlying the evaporitic layer are layers composed of Plio–Pleistocene sediments, whose velocity is 2.0 km/s. The refraction profiles and gravity and magnetic models indicate that a transition from a two layer continental to a single-layer oceanic crust takes place along the Levant margin. The transition in the structure along the southern profile is located beyond the continental margin and it is quite gradual. The northern profile, north of the Carmel structure, presents a different structure. The continental crust is much thinner there and the transition in the crustal structure is more rapid. The crustal thinning begins under western Galilee and terminates at the continental slope. The results of the present study indicate that the Levant Basin is composed of distinct crustal units and that the Levant continental margin is divided into at least two provinces of different crustal structure.  相似文献   

青藏高原南缘处于重力不均衡状态,由北向南可依次分为高原近重力均衡区、喜马拉雅山正均衡异常区和山前盆地负均衡异常区,正、负异常呈现壮观的镜像分布。本文选取喜马拉雅中东部的均衡重力异常数据,结合地貌高程、地壳厚度、降雨量、冰川及山前沉积等的分布状况,探讨地貌分异与均衡重力异常分布的相互关系。由上述资料获得3条跨越喜马拉雅山的综合剖面,结果显示喜马拉雅中东部正均衡重力异常的分布与冰川、河流等代表的地表剥蚀作用存在明显的空间耦合关系,而与降雨量无直接联系,山前盆地负均衡重力异常与沉积厚度的分布也存在很好的耦合。利用数值模型计算得到了喜马拉雅地区的均衡调整时间域在1 Ma左右的时间尺度内。通过与地貌响应时间域相对比,以及对地表剥蚀厚度的估计,认为山脉地区的正均衡异常主要由地壳厚度补偿不足引起(侧重Airy假说),而山前盆地的负均衡异常主要由低密度沉积层的分布引起(侧重Pratt假说),由于地貌响应时间快于均衡调整时间,在大约5~2 Ma以来,地壳的均衡调整始终延迟于山脉的持续剥蚀和山前的持续沉积,使得岩石圈朝着"反均衡"方向演变,最终形成了喜马拉雅现今壮观的镜像均衡重力异常分布。  相似文献   

The deep seismic profile Transalp crosses, from north to south, Germany, Austria and Italy. The gravity measurements for each country were made by national agencies with different reference systems and data reduction methods. Within the frame of the Transalp-project a comprehensive database of the Eastern Alps was compiled covering an area of 3.5° by 4° in longitude and latitude (275 by 445 km), respectively. To increase the data coverage in the south Alpine area two gravity surveys were carried out, resulting in 469 areally distributed new stations, of which 215 have been measured with the intent to improve the geoid in the area of the planned Brenner Basistunnel (BBT). The resulting gravity database is the best in terms of resolution and data quality presently available for the Eastern Alps. Here the free air, Bouguer and isostatic gravity fields are critically discussed. The spatial density of existing gravity stations in the three countries is discussed. On the Italian side of the Alps the spatial density is rather sparse compared to the Austrian side. The Bouguer-gravity field varies between − 190 * 10− 5 m/s2 and + 25 * 10− 5 m/s2, with the minimum located along the Alpine high topographic chain, but with a small offset (a few tens of km) to the greatest topographic elevation, showing that the Airy-type local isostatic equilibrium does not fully apply here. The maximum of the Bouguer anomaly has an elongated shape of 100 by 50 km located between the towns of Verona and Vicenza and covers the Venetian Tertiary Volcanic Province (VTVP), a feature not directly related to the plate collision in the Eastern Alps. The gravity high is only partly explainable by high-density magmatic rocks and requires also a deeper source, like a shallowing of the Moho. The isostatic residual anomalies (Airy model) are in the range ± 50 * 10− 5 m/s2, with the greatest positive anomaly corresponding to the location of the VTVP, indicating here under-compensation of masses. At last a discussion of a 2D density model based on reflection seismic data and receiver functions is made.  相似文献   

The Andaman arc in the northeastern Indian Ocean defines nearly 1100 km long active plate margin between the India and Burma plates where an oblique Benioff zone develops down to 200 km depth. Several east-trending seismologic sections taken across the Andaman Benioff Zone (ABZ) are presented here to detail the subduction zone geometry in a 3-D perspective. The slab gravity anomaly, computed from the 3-D ABZ configuration, is a smooth, long-wavelength and symmetric gravity high of 85 mGal amplitude centering to the immediate east of the Nicobar Island, where, a prominent gravity “high” follows the Nicobar Deep. The Slab-Residual Gravity Anomaly (SRGA) and Mantle Bouguer Anomaly (MBA) maps prepared for the Andaman plate margin bring out a double-peaked SRGA “low” in the range of − 150 to − 240 mGal and a wider-cum-larger MBA “low” having the amplitude of − 280 to − 315 mGal demarcating the Andaman arc–trench system. The gravity models provide evidences for structural control in propagating the rupture within the lithosphere. The plate margin configuration below the Andaman arc is sliced by the West Andaman Fault (WAF) as well as by a set of sympathetic faults of various proportions, often cutting across the fore-arc sediment package. Some of these fore-arc thrust faults clearly give rise to considerably high post-seismic activity, but the seismic incidence along the WAF further east is comparatively much less particularly in the north, although, the lack of depth resolution for many of the events prohibits tracing the downward continuity of these faults. Tectonic correlation of the gravity-derived models presented here tends to favour the presence of oceanic crust below the Andaman–Nicobar Outer Arc Ridge.  相似文献   

The Cape Smith and Belcher foldbelts of Lower Proterozoic (Aphebian) rocks form parts of the proposed Circum-Superior suture which separates the Superior and Churchill structural provinces of the Canadian Shield. Recent marine gravity surveys in eastern Hudson Bay (1976–1979) show that the distinctive linear gravity pattern of paired positive and negative anomalies along the Cape Smith foldbelt of northern Ungava extends southwards into Hudson Bay to the Belcher Islands. Interpretation of five gravity profiles across the Cape Smith and Belcher foldbelts suggests that the Churchill crust is thicker and denser than the Superior. The boundary between the two contrasting crustal blocks is interpreted as a collisional suture. The rocks of the foldbelts which are progressively more volcanic northwards are the source of a residual positive anomaly associated with the Cape Smith foldbelt and a series of discontinuous positive residual anomalies in the Bay. To the north the thicknesses of the foldbelt rocks are estimated to be between 4 and 9 km with a local maximum of 13 km in the northernmost profile. To the south in the Belcher Islands, where geological estimates of formation thickness and measured rock densities provide more constraints on the interpretation of the residual anomalies, the foldbelt rocks are generally 6–7 km thick with a local maximum thickness of about 9 km. One possible interpretation of paleomagnetic results for Belcher Islands rocks in terms of a two-plate model lends support to the collision hypothesis.  相似文献   

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