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重结晶作用是白云石形成多期次动态系统中一种常见的成岩后生作用。白云石的成因问题,即“白云岩问题”一直困扰着地质学者,其中一个重要原因是白云岩中白云石的重结晶作用导致白云石形成的原始信息被掩盖,主要包括其结构和地球化学特征的变化。本文在调研国内外有关白云石重结晶作用文献基础上,系统梳理了地质历史时期古老地层中白云石和现代沉积白云石的重结晶作用,以及重结晶模拟实验中白云石岩石学及地球化学变化特征,阐述白云石重结晶的主要条件、影响因素及成岩过程中白云石重结晶作用发生的多期次性及主要变化特征,总结了白云石重结晶作用的研究意义,旨在为“白云岩问题”及成岩作用方面的研究提供一定的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地奥陶系马家沟组马五段属于浅海碳酸盐层系,间夹蒸发岩层。盆地中东部通常含有白云岩,它们是主要油气储集层。一些研究者把它们看成近地表回流白云岩。然而白云岩的岩石学和地球化学表明这些白云岩具有埋藏成因的证据。〓〓马家沟组白云岩(马五段)具有暗红色阴极发光,微量元素Fe为5 500×10-6~6 200×10-6,Mn为170×10-6~210×10-6,稳定同位素氧组分为-7.093‰~-9.932‰PDB,(平均值为-8.671‰PDB),稳定同位素锶(87Sr/86Sr)为0.709 766~0.708 65(有硅质碎屑物的放射性87Sr的影响)。薄片下可以看到白云石沿着裂缝交代,上述特征表明白云岩可能在埋藏条件下形成。〓〓白云岩稀土元素的分布模式与海水的稀土元素分布有明显的差别,缺少Ce和Eu的负异常,表明交代流体不会是海水或蒸发海水。包裹体的均一化温度为160~220℃,盐度为5wt%~25wt%,暗示白云石化作用温度高,压力大,交代流体为卤水。〓〓密西西比谷型(MVT)矿化作用(方铅矿和闪锌矿)以及共生的低温热液矿物——钾长石、萤石、石英、黄铁矿等表明白云岩具有区域热液特征。  相似文献   

通过对比研究塔里木盆地东北缘库鲁克塔格隆起的乌里格孜塔格剖面与加拿大西部盆地寒武系白云岩的岩石学、地球化学及流体包裹体等特征,阐明了前者经历了三次主要白云岩(化)作用事件.①成岩早期-浅埋藏的粉细晶白云岩作用,Sr为42.75×10-6,Mn为315×10-6 ~506×10-6,Fe为0.2650% ~0.403%;δ13 CpDB=一0.47‰ ~-0.28‰,δ18OPDB=-7.3‰ ~-7.43‰,87Sr/86Sr=0.71085;平均REE=18.84×10-6,δEu平均为0.66、δCe平均为0.81,估算的形成温度分别为47.6℃和55.12℃;②中(深)埋藏的细晶及中(粗)晶白云岩化作用;Sr为56.27×10-6,Mn为312×10-6,Fe为0.13%;δ13CPDB=-1.5‰,δ18OPDB=-8.5‰,87Sr/86Sr=0.7100; REE=18.08×10-6,δEu平均为0.72、δCe平均为0.77,盐水包裹体中的均一温度平均为108.34℃,盐度变化为4%~13.7% NaCleqv;③沿裂隙或溶洞形成的粗-巨晶或鞍形的热液白云岩(石)交代充填:Sr为29.1×10-6 ~49.9×10-6,Mn为498×10-6~754×10-6,Fe为0.15% ~ 1.14%;平均δ13 CPDB=-0.48‰,δ18OPDB=-8.82‰,87Sr/86Sr=0.70996;平均REE=15.08×10-6,δEu平均为0.70、δCe平均为0.78;鞍形白云石中的盐水包裹体的均一温度120~150℃,盐度为5% ~ 12% NaCleqv;溶洞中的粗-巨晶白云岩盐水包裹体的均一温度140~180℃,盐度为5% ~ 18% NaCleqv;与西加盆地惠而浦(Whirlpool point)剖面典型的热液白云岩相比较,乌里格孜塔格剖面中寒武系白云岩中缝洞中的粗-巨晶及鞍形白云石中的碳氧同位素、稀土总量、轻重稀土比均要高,但有序度、δEu、δCe、盐水包裹体形成温度及盐度相对低;因而推断它与西加盆地典型的岩浆期后热液来源不同,其流体来源于沿深部伸展走滑断裂-再循环地层热卤水,与海西晚期或燕山期-喜马拉雅期强烈挤压后弱伸展引起的二期或以上的压扭-走滑构造有关.  相似文献   

Carbon isotope and molecular compositions of Mississippian to Upper Cretaceous mud gases have been examined from four depth profiles across the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (WCSB). The profiles range from the shallow oil sands in the east (R0 = 0.25) to the very mature sediments in the overthrust zone to the west (R0 = 2.5). In the undisturbed WCSB, δ13C1δ13C2 and δ13C2δ13C3 cross-plots show three maturity and alteration trends: (1) pre-Cretaceous gas sourced from type II kerogen; (2) Cretaceous Colorado Group gas; and (3) Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group biodegraded gas. A fourth set of distinctly different maturity trends is recognized for Lower Cretaceous gas sourced from type III kerogen in the disturbed belt of the WCSB. Displacement of these latter maturity trends to high δ13C2 values suggests that the sampled gas was trapped after earlier formed gas escaped, probably as a result of overthrusting. Unusually 13C-enriched gas (δ13C1 = −34‰, δ13C2 = −13‰, and δ13C3 = 0‰), from the Gething Formation in the disturbed belt, is the result of late stage gas cracking in a closed system. In general, gas maturity is consistent with the maturity of the host sediments in the WCSB, suggesting that migration and mixing of gases was not pervasive on a broad regional and stratigraphic scale. The ‘Deep Basin’ portion of the WCSB is an exception. Here extensive cross-formational homogenization of gases has occurred, in addition to updip migration along the most permeable stratigraphic units.  相似文献   

Rare earth element compositions of Lower Ordovician dolomites in the Central and Northern Tarim Basin are studied. Most dolomite samples are more or less contaminated by clay minerals. Their rare earth element compositions have been consequently changed, showing both seawater-like and non-seawater-like features. The clay contamination should be disposed before the REE data are used. Through ICP-MS and ICP-AES analyses, the REE features are well documented. The clay contamination is quantitatively determined by microscopic investigation, trace elements and REE contents. The dolomites, at least in the Tarim Basin, are thought to be pure when their total LREE contents are less than 3×10^-6. Through comparison, the pure dolomites show similarities in REE patterns but differences in REE contents with co-existing pure limestone, which indicates that dolomitization may slightly change the REE compositions. Nevertheless, whatever the change is, the pure dolomites may act as a potential REE proxy for Ordovician seawater, which would be significant for ancient massive dolomite strata that lack limestone.  相似文献   

Rare earth dement compositions of Lower Ordovician dolomites in the Central and Northern Tarim Basin are studied. Most dolomite samples are more or less contaminated by clay minerals. Their rare earth element compositions have been consequently changed, showing both seawater-like and non-seawater-like features. The clay contamination should be disposed before the REE data are used. Through ICP-MS and ICP-AES analyses, the REE features are well documented. The clay contamination is quantitatively determined by microscopic investigation, trace elements and REE contents. The dolomites, at least in the Tarim Basin, are thought to be pure when their total LREE contents are less than 3x10-6. Through comparison, the pure dolomites show similarities in REE patterns but differences in REE contents with co-existing pure limestone, which indicates that dolomitization may slightly change the REE compositions. Nevertheless, whatever the change is, the pure dolomites may act as a potential REE proxy for Ordovician seawater, which would be significant for ancient massive dolomite strata that lack limestone.  相似文献   

Detailed petroleum system analysis allows the direction and extent of hydrocarbon flow to be assessed. In most parts of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, the major pulse of hydrocarbon generation and migration occurred as a result of the Laramide Orogeny in Late Cretaceous–Early Tertiary time. The distribution and chemistry of oils provide a detailed picture of fluid flow at this time with oil migration up to hundreds of kilometres observed. Hydrocarbon generation and migration mostly ceased once uplift of the basin commenced during Eocene time. As the basin evolved so did the hydrodynamic regime reflecting changes in topography, glaciation and other factors. This indicates possible problems with using present day hydrogeology to determine oil migration pathways although hydrogeology can help explain petroleum alteration.  相似文献   

The sulfur isotopic composition (δ34S) of petroleum is believed to be affected mainly by sulfur incorporation reactions into the sedimentary organic matter during the early diagenesis. However, secondary processes could affect the original δ34S of oil under the effect of thermal maturity or of the microbial activity of biodegraded reservoirs. In this study, the different processes that may affect the δ34S of in-reservoir oils were assessed based on the sulfur content and isotopes of a series of oil and core samples coming from various reservoirs of the Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (WCSB). Based on the molecular study, these samples appear to have reached various levels of maturity and biodegradation, ranging from 0 to 6.5 on the biodegradation scale of Peters and Moldowan. In addition, mixing of organic matter coming from different source rocks was identified based on the comparison with extensive correlation studies performed in the WCSB.Investigation of the δ34S shows a trend that seems a priori correlated to the level of biodegradation. However, a careful interpretation of molecular and sulfur isotope data leads to the conclusion that the observed δ34S variations have rather to be ascribed to contributions of oils generated by various source rocks. Alternatively, variations of δ34S could neither be related to maturity differences nor to kinetic effects during organic sulfur compounds biodegradation. In the case of some specific core samples showing a common origin based on biomarker study, δ34S variations might not be related to different sources but to secondary sulfur incorporation/exchange processes occurring within the reservoir. These processes would involve reduced sulfur species from bacterial sulfate reduction formed in situ or migrated into Mannville reservoirs. This hypothesis is supported by laboratory experiments showing sulfur exchange/incorporation under plausible conditions for shallow reservoirs.  相似文献   

The Kalatongke Cu–Ni sulfide deposits located in the East Junggar terrane, northern Xinjiang, western China are the largest magmatic sulfide deposits in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). The chemical and carbon isotopic compositions of the volatiles trapped in olivine, pyroxene and sulfide mineral separates were analyzed by vacuum stepwise-heating mass spectrometry. The results show that the released volatiles are concentrated at three temperature intervals of 200–400°C, 400–900°C and 900–1200°C. The released volatiles from silicate mineral separates at 400–900°C and 900–1200°C have similar chemical and carbon isotopic compositions, which are mainly composed of H2O (av. ~92 mol%) with minor H2, CO2, H2S and SO2, and they are likely associated with the ore-forming magmatic volatiles. Light δ13CCO2 values (from ?20.86‰ to ?12.85‰) of pyroxene indicate crustal contamination occurred prior to or synchronous with pyroxene crystallization of mantle-derived ore-forming magma. The elevated contents of H2 and H2O in the olivine and pyroxene suggest a deep mantle-originated ore-forming volatile mixed with aqueous volatiles from recycled subducted slab. High contents of CO2 in the ore-forming magma volatiles led to an increase in oxygen fugacity, and thereby reduced the solubility of sulfur in the magma, then triggered sulfur saturation followed by sulfide melt segregation; CO2 contents correlated with Cu contents in the whole rocks suggest that a supercritical state of CO2 in the ore-forming magma system under high temperature and pressure conditions might play a key role in the assemblage of huge Cu and Ni elements. The volatiles released from constituent minerals of intrusion 1# have more CO2 and SO2 oxidized gases, higher CO2/CH4 and SO2/H2S ratios and lighter δ13CCO2 than those of intrusions 2# and 3#. This combination suggests that the higher oxidation state of the volatiles in intrusion 1# than intrusions 2# and 3#, which could be one of key ore-forming factors for large amounts of ores and high contents of Cu and Ni in intrusion 1#. The volatiles released at 200–400°C are dominated by H2O with minor CO2, N2+CO and SO2, with δ13CCO2 values (?25.66‰ to ?22.98‰) within the crustal ranges, and are considered to be related to secondary tectonic– hydrothermal activities.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地西部地区新生代沉积与构造演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方向 《地质与勘探》2014,50(1):28-36
[摘要]新生代柴西地区南北变形具有很好的对称性,盆地边缘发育高角度逆冲断层,古近纪时期库木库里和苏干湖盆地与柴达木盆地相连,据此认为柴西地区是地壳纵弯褶皱的机制下形成的新生代向斜沉降区。其构造演化经历了古新世~渐新世早期纵弯褶皱形成、晚渐新世~中新世纵弯褶皱发展和晚期盆内断褶构造强烈活动三个阶段,控制了相应时期的沉积边界和沉积相分布。古近纪时期库木库里盆地和苏干湖盆地是柴达木盆地的一部分,新近纪以来,由于盆缘逆冲断层的活动,库木库里和苏干湖盆地逐步与柴达木盆地分割开来。据此认为盆地中部一里坪地区和盆地边缘的油气勘探有较大潜力。  相似文献   

Isotopic compositions of carbon-bound hydrogen in individual n-alkanes and acyclic isoprenoid alkanes, from a number of crude oil samples, were measured using gas chromatography-thermal conversion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry. The precision of this technique is better than 3‰ for most alkanes, compared to the large range of δD variation among the samples (up to 160‰). The oils were selected from major genetic oil families in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, with source rocks ranging in age from Ordovician (and possibly Cambrian) to Cretaceous. The hydrogen isotopic composition of alkanes in crude oils is controlled by three factors: isotopic compositions of biosynthetic precursors, source water δD values, and postdepositional processes. The inherited difference in the lipid's biosynthetic origins and/or pathways is reflected by a small hydrogen isotopic variability within n-alkanes, but much larger differences in the δD values between n-alkanes and pristane/phytane. The shift toward lighter hydrogen isotopic compositions from Paleozoic to Upper Cretaceous oils in the WCSB reflects a special depositional setting and/or a minor contribution of terrestrial organic matter. The strong influence of source water δD values is demonstrated by the distinctively lower δD values of lacustrine oils than marine oils, and also by the high values for oils with source rocks deposited in evaporative environments. Thermal maturation may alter the δD values of the alkanes in the oil to some extent, but secondary oil migration does not appear to have had any significant impact. The fact that oils derived from source rocks that could be of Cambrian age still retain a strong signature of the hydrogen isotopic compositions of source organic matter, and source water, indicates that δD values are very useful for oil-source correlation and for paleoenvironmental reconstructions.  相似文献   

碳酸盐岩台地作为陆地与深海间的过渡带,其沉积记录了海洋和邻近陆地的演化。结合已有的沉积学工作,对塔里木盆地西部台地寒武系碳酸盐岩进行全岩及酸不溶物地球化学研究。塔西台地寒武纪主要发育局限台地、局限-蒸发台地或蒸发台地相沉积。碳酸盐岩的地球化学特征主要受沉积环境和成岩作用影响,对研究区寒武系白云岩来说,其元素组成极易受沉积微相的控制,氧同位素组成则很可能已被成岩作用改造,仅原生、准同生白云岩的Sr/Ba、Fe/Mn和C同位素可反映沉积相演化对应的古盐度、离岸距离等沉积环境特征的变化,酸不溶物化学蚀变指数(CIA值)则指示邻近陆地的化学风化强度与气候特征。寒武纪时期,塔西台地在相对海平面较高时发育局限台地相沉积,以水体盐度较低、沉积环境离岸较远和生物活动相对较弱为特征,陆地化学风化强度适中,气候温暖湿润;在相对海平面较低时发育蒸发台地相沉积,具有水体盐度较高、沉积环境离岸较近和生物活动相对较强等特点,陆地化学风化强烈,气候炎热极端;在相对海平面适中时发育局限-蒸发台地,沉积环境和邻近陆地的特征介于前述二者之间。沉积相演化对应的较长周期的海陆演化可能主要受全球海平面升降及宏观气候变化控制,具体表现为相对海平面升降所导致的海相沉积环境的变化,以及气候变化引起的陆地化学风化强度的变化。寒武纪塔西台地所处区域的海洋-陆地演化具有高度耦合的特征。  相似文献   

彩虹地区存在两类烃源岩,一类形成于深水高盐蒸发环境,另一类形成于较浅水碳酸盐环境。采用多元统计方法对本区来自不同油蘸的26个油样的地球化学特征进行分析,并研究其空间变化规律及其与地质控制因素的关系。研究结果表明该地区油样成分特征和空间展布的两分性明显。油样成分两分主要是由于母源的差别所致。而油气特征在空间上的两分则可能反映盆地演化过程中构造作用对沉积环境和礁体空间展布的控制。礁间盐层的存在限制礁体间的横向连通性。石油就近聚集的结果导致在空间上原油特征沿袭了母岩的分布特点。  相似文献   

东尼日尔Termit盆地是中西非裂谷系中典型的中—新生代裂谷盆地。在充分应用钻井和地震解释资料的基础上,根据构造、沉积充填及主要区域性不整合面的特征,分析了该盆地的演化过程。盆地内主要发育两类断层,第一类断层形成于早白垩世,于古近纪发生继承性活动,第二类断层为形成于古近纪的新生断层。全盆地普遍存在4个主要区域性不整合面,分别位于下白垩统、上白垩统、古近系、新近系—第四系底部。下白垩统和古近系沉积特征受断层活动控制明显,上白垩统和新近系沉积中心位于盆地中部,在其沉积时构造活动较弱。构造和沉积充填特征表明,Termit盆地经历了白垩纪和古近纪—第四纪两期裂谷旋回叠置的演化过程。下白垩统和古近系沉积于同裂谷期,沉积充填受断层活动控制;上白垩统和新近系—第四系沉积于后裂谷期,以热沉降拗陷作用为主。  相似文献   

对柴达木盆地西部地区下干柴沟组湖相白云岩的岩石组构、矿物成分、主微量元素地球化学及碳氧同位素特征进行研究,并分析白云岩成因。研究区白云岩沉积环境为浅水相对封闭湖相环境,白云岩以泥晶白云岩为主,层状、块状分布,见藻云岩、膏质白云岩及颗粒云岩,有序度普遍较低。主量元素中Mg2+/Ca2+比值低,Mn、Fe、Na、Sr元素含量高,指示沉积环境水体盐度较高和相对封闭;微量元素中稀土元素具有轻稀土相对富集、Eu负异常特征,反映低温浅埋藏的成岩环境;氧同位素为较低的负值,反映整体咸化水体特征,碳同位素为较低的正值或负值,主要是受到大气水影响和生物的影响。研究认为白云石形成于准同生期相对封闭咸化环境中,白云石化流体中Mg2+主要来源于大气水的淋滤和深部卤水,少数来自于藻类的分解;Mg2+通过蒸发、盐类矿物沉淀而富集,富Mg2+流体通过回流渗透交代方解石发生白云石化。  相似文献   

王万春  徐永昌 《沉积学报》1992,10(2):135-142
辽河盆地是一新生代断陷盆地,盆地内天然气资源丰富,天然气成因复杂.本文通过对该盆地80个天然气样中烃类气体组分组成及同位素组成的分析研究,探讨了该盆地烃类气体的成因,为盆地天然气勘探提供了地球化学方面的信息.  相似文献   

潮水盆地位于内蒙古西南部和甘肃省东部地区,是我国中新生代含煤断陷盆地.采用粉晶X衍射、ICP-MS、ICP-AES 方法,从煤的岩石学、煤化学及煤地球化学的理论出发,对潮水盆地西部煤样进行了煤化学、显微组分、矿物学及地球化学分析.其研究结果表明潮水盆地西部煤以中等水分、低一中灰分和硫质量分数、高挥发分产率为特征,煤级为烟煤—亚烟煤;煤中有机显微组分以镜质组为主,惰性组次之,煤相类型以潮湿森林沼泽相为主,其次为较浅覆水森林沼泽相;煤中的常量矿物以石英和高岭石为主,部分样品中含有黄铁矿、方解石、菱铁矿和少量的微斜长石;煤中除Sr、B和Cs质量分数相对较高外,其他微量元素质量分数普遍较低.Cr、Ga、Pb、Li、Cu、Ge、V、Sc、Be、W、Th和As,以及Ti和Nb主要与硅铝酸盐矿物有好的亲和性;B和Sr可能主要以碳酸盐矿物的形式存在;S和Mo可能主要以硫化物矿物的形式存在;另外,Ti、Zr、Nb和Ta有好的相关性,可能与重矿物有关.  相似文献   

In the western Yangtze Block, widespread Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic rocks are the key to understanding the Precambrian tectonic-magmatic evolution of the region. However, their petrogenesis and tectonic setting are still controversial. In this paper, zircon U-Pb ages, Sm-Nd isotopic and whole-rock geochemical data are reported from selected fresh samples in the southern Dechang county, southwestern China, in order to constrain their emplacement age and magma source, as well as their petrogenesis and tectonic setting. They are mainly composed of biotite monzogranite, monzonitic granite, biotite granodiorites, and quartz diorite. Two ages of 1055 ± 43 Ma and 837.6 ± 3.8 Ma were obtained through zircon U-Pb dating by LA-ICP-MS and LA-MC-ICP-MS, respectively. According to their major element compositions, the Grenville-age granites are peraluminous calc-alkaline series calcic S-type granite. In contrast, the mid-Neoproterozoic granites are metaluminous calc-alkaline series alkalic I-type granite. Furthermore, the S-type granites are enriched in LREEs relative to HREEs with(La/Yb)_N ratios of 3.85–18.56 and underwent major fractionation with strongly negative Eu anomalies(Eu/Eu~* = 0.38–0.66). In the MORB-normalized trace element variation diagram, all the samples are enriched in Ce and large ion lithophile elements such as Rb, Th, and K, and depleted in high field strength elements such as Nb, and Ti, with negative Sr and Ti anomalies. The I-type granites are enriched in LREEs with slight negative Eu anomalies(Eu/Eu~* = 0.83–0.93). They are characterized by the enrichment of highly incompatible elements(such as K, Rb, Ba, Th) and LREEs, relative to MORB. Neodymium isotopic data show that the S-type granites display ~(143)Nd/(~(144) Nd) values of 0.51241–0.51256, and have ε_(Nd)(t = 1055 Ma) values of(-3.29) to(-3.81). Calculated t_(DM) ages yield values from 1.87 to 1.91 Ga with the t_(DM).2 stg ages of 1.86 to 1.9 Ga. The I-type granites have ~(143)Nd/(~(144) Nd) ratios between 0.51192 and 0.51195, corresponding to initial ε_(Nd)(t = 837 Ma) values of 1.22 to 5.63. Calculated t_(DM) ages yield values from 1.0 to 1.38 Ga and the t_(DM).2 stg ages yield values from 0.99 to 1.06 Ga. The S-type granites are distinguished as syn-collision granite, whereas the I-type granites were formed as arc magmas according to the Rb-(Yb+Ta) and R_1-R_2 tectonic discrimination diagrams. To conclude, there are two types of spatially associated granite, the Mesoproterozoic S-type granite which were derived from remelting of upper crustal mudstone and/or clastics and resulted from the convergence of two continental plates, and the mid-Neoproterozoic I-type granite which formed in continental arc and resulted from mantle-derived magma mixed crust material, in the western Yangtze Block. Furthermore, we suggest that collision between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks occurred at about 1055 Ma, and caused the Stype granite. The I-type granite related to the subduction of oceanic lithosphere eastward underneath the Yangtze Block in the mid-Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   

Dolomites occur extensively in the lower Cretaceous along syn-sedimentary fault zones of the Baiyinchagan Sag, westernmost Erlian Basin, within a predominantly fluvial–lacustrine sedimentary sequence. Four types of dolomite are identified, associated with hydrothermal minerals such as natrolite, analcime and Fe-bearing magnesite. The finely-crystalline dolomites consist of anhedral to subhedral crystals (2 to 10 μm), evenly commixed with terrigenous sediments that occur either as matrix-supporting grains (Fd1) or as massive argillaceous dolostone (Fd2). Medium-crystalline (Md) dolomites are composed of subhedral to euhedral crystals aggregates (50 to 250 μm) and occur in syn-sedimentary deformation laminae/bands. Coarse-crystalline (Cd) dolomites consist of non-planar crystals (mean size >1 mm), and occur as fracture infills cross-cutting the other dolomite types. The Fd1, Md and Cd dolomites have similar values of δ18O (−20·5 to −11·0‰ Vienna PeeDee Belemnite) and δ13C (+1·4 to +4·5‰ Vienna PeeDee Belemnite), but Fd2 dolomites are isotopically distinct (δ18O −8·5 to −2·3‰ Vienna PeeDee Belemnite; δ13C +1·4 to +8·6‰ Vienna PeeDee Belemnite). Samples define three groups which differ in light rare-earth elements versus high rare-earth elements enrichment/depletion and significance of Tb, Yb and Dy anomalies. Medium-crystalline dolomites have signatures that indicate formation from brines at very high temperature, with salinities of 11·8 to 23·2 eq. wt. % NaCl and Th values of 167 to 283°C. The calculated temperatures of Fd1 and Cd dolomites extend to slightly lower values (141 to 282°C), while Fd2 dolomites are distinctly cooler (81 to 124°C). These results suggest that the dolomites formed from hydrothermal fluid during and/or penecontemporaneous with sediment deposition. Faults and fractures bounding the basin were important conduits through which high-temperature Mg-rich fluids discharged, driven by an abnormally high heat flux associated with local volcanism. It is thought that differing amounts of cooling and degassing of these hydrothermal fluids, and of mixing with lake waters, facilitated the precipitation of dolomite and associated minerals, and resulted in the petrographic and geochemical differences between the dolomites.  相似文献   

西准噶尔前陆盆地二叠纪火山—沉积序列与盆地演化耦合   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
赵玉光  肖林萍 《地质论评》2000,46(5):530-535
本文探讨了西准噶尔前陆盆地二叠系序界面属性及层序的内部构成,识别并标定了6类层序界面:消截角度不整合、削截不整合、削蚀不整合、削蚀上超不整合、侵蚀上超不整合和上超界面,在此研究的基础上,二叠系被划分为6个三级层序。建立了区内二叠纪火山-沉积盆地演化的序列模型。下二叠统的4个三级层序是火山沉积盆地演化的结果,与前陆盆地早期残余海的演化耦合;中、上二叠统发育的两个三级层序的时空堆叠与前陆盆地晚期地演化  相似文献   

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