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青藏高原及其邻区地壳上地幔S波速度结构   总被引:36,自引:2,他引:34  
利用CDSN、IRIS、GEOSCOPE等台网33个数字台站及部分数字流动台的长周期面波资料,采用改进的Occam网格反演方法,在获得中国大陆及其邻近区域(5°~55°N,68°~150°E)1°×1°的7~184 s周期Rayleigh波群速度频散的基础上,进一步反演青藏高原及邻区(20°~40°N,75°~105°E)内每个经纬度节点介质的S波速度结构,获得了0~420 km深度地壳上地幔的三维速度分布.研究结果显示:青藏高原不但具有厚壳(60~70 km)和厚岩石圈(超过200 km),而且高原深部结构和速度分布存在明显的横向变化和分区特征.  相似文献   

华南东部地区上地幔P波速度结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于华南东部宽频地震流动台阵的观测资料,采用三维有限差分走时成像法(FDtomo),开展了华南东部地区地壳-上地幔三维P波速度结构成像研究,结果显示华南东部地区水平面内速度分布差异较大,约163 km以上的地壳到上地幔下扬子地块存在近EW向的相对低速异常,而华夏地块则为高速异常,约163 km以下的上地幔下扬子地块和华夏板块速度异常发生反转,且两者大致以江山—绍兴断裂带为界呈反对称,对比显著。笔者认为该结构特征反映了晚中生代扬子克拉通岩石圈的拆沉过程。这一成果对理解中国东部中生代以来的构造演化以及壳幔的动力学过程提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

本研究利用114个固定台站记录的121个远震事件,以钦杭结合带为中心,采用天然地震层析成像构建了华南东南部上地幔P波速度结构模型。研究结果表明:(1)钦杭结合带、武夷成矿带以及南岭成矿带的深部结构存在着差异,说明3个成矿带经历了不同的构造演化过程;(2)江绍断裂的上地幔中存在着低速异常,推测该低速异常为从地幔过渡带或者下地幔上涌的热物质,与钦杭结合带和武夷成矿带的成矿作用有着密切的关系;(3)下扬子地区上地幔底部的高速异常可能为拆沉的岩石圈,而华夏板块上地幔顶部的高速异常则有待进一步研究。本研究的结果为认识华南东南部的深部结构提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

华北地区地壳P波三维速度结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1968年邢台地震以后的30余年中, 中国地震局系统先后在大华北地区布置30余条、近20000km的人工地震宽角反射/折射深地震测深(DSS) 剖面, 用以研究地壳及上地幔顶部的速度结构, 取得了大量研究成果.但以往的研究明显的不足是未能形成华北区域性的地壳三维速度结构模型, 从大区域的角度为研究华北地区地壳深部构造特征提供地震学方面的依据.因此, 在现已发表的DSS剖面资料的基础上, 选择了14条测线的资料, 利用地理信息系统(ARC/INFO) 的“矢量化”功能, 以及克里格数据网格化技术构建华北区域性的地壳三维速度结构模型, 从而对华北研究区内地壳三维速度结构的特点得到如下认识: (1) 华北地区地壳表层P波速度变化幅度大, 平面结构较复杂, 大体上划分为相间排列、走向趋势以北西向为主的3个速度区.海河平原和渤海湾的低速带是研究区范围内速度最低的低速区.资料的情况说明, 研究区内沉积盖层的地质构造与上地壳构造之间虽有一定继承性, 但也存在较大差别. (2) 总体上看, 在华北研究区内地壳的P波速度随深度增大而增大, 但局部地区出现速度倒转的现象, 东区的海河平原低速异常逐渐消失, 而西区的山西地堑则以相对低速异常特征为主.区内地壳以太行山脉为界, 划分为东、西两区; 东部和西部, 结晶基底以上地层的构造方向不完全一致; 东部的黄淮海地块, 区域构造以北东向为主, 而西部包括山西地块和鄂尔多斯地块东缘, 其构造方向则以北西向为主. (3) 根据莫霍面的形态特征, 研究区地壳可大致划分为6个区块; 在山西地块范围内, 莫霍面呈近南北向的凹陷带, 地壳厚度大; 内蒙古地块南缘和燕山地块南部, 莫霍面表现出褶皱带的构造特征, 其延展趋势为近东西方向; 鄂尔多斯地块东缘, 莫霍面构造相对复杂, 呈近北西向凸、凹相伴的褶皱; 黄淮海地块(华北裂谷带中、北部) 为莫霍面隆坳区, 隆、坳相间排列, 构造较复杂, 但从整体上看, 这是全区莫霍面最浅的隆起区段; 鲁西台背斜主要为莫霍面断陷区, 其断陷带沿枣庄—曲阜一线向北西方向延伸.   相似文献   

福建地区地壳上地幔S波速度结构与泊松比   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
        利用在福建地区布置的 12 个宽频带数字地震流动台站和 8 个固定台站记录的远震 P 波波形数据进行接收函数计算, 运用H-k 搜索叠加方法得到了研究区的平均地壳厚度H 与波速比k(=VP/VS),并运用接收函数反演方法得到了 0~80 km 范 围内的地壳和上地幔 S 波速度结构。H-k 叠加结果表明,福建地区地壳厚度在 28.4~32.8 km 范围内,从内陆到沿海变薄, 从南到北变厚;沿着 NW-SE 方向,泊松比分布有分带特征,沿海地区泊松比高于内陆地区;同时表明,该地区地壳可分 为上、中、下地壳,地壳结构横向差异较明显,多个台站下方可发现壳内低速层,沿海地区上地幔顶部平均速度相对低, 可能暗示了深部存在热异常区域。  相似文献   

李光品  高尔根 《地质与勘探》2000,36(6):58-61,65
从穿越中国西部地区所有双台大圆路径中,选出Rayleigh波记录比较清晰且焦散效应相对较弱的3条双台大圆路径,计算出双台间地震面波相速度频散,群速度频散和随周期变化的衰减因子,进而反演出3条路径下地壳下地幔的平均S波速度和Qβ结构,对应于兰州-高和径,在约72km深度的上是幔中开始出现低速和Qβ层,在深度为6km-20km的地壳中,存在一低Qβ层,而在其下20km~34km深度的地壳中存在一高Qβ夹层,对应于成都-乌鲁木齐路径,在约86km深度的上地幔中开始出现低速Qβ层,在121km深度开始出现明显的低Qβ层,在深度为19km~34km的地壳中,存在一显著的高Qβ层,对应于高台一拉萨路径,在约84km深度的上地幔中开始出现低速和低Qβ层,在15km~29km深度的地壳中,存在一高Qβ夹层。  相似文献   

利用冈底斯中-东部197个宽频带天然地震台站记录到的数据和远震P波走时层析成像方法,获得了该区域的P波速度扰动图像。层析成像结果显示研究区地壳和上地幔地震波速度结构存在着复杂的空间变化。首先,在藏南拆离系断层(STD)以北的特提斯喜马拉雅地壳中存在着较强的低速异常,但是该低速异常的北端在远离裂谷带的地方并没有明显越过雅鲁藏布江缝合线(YZS),这与前人的观测结果略有不同;在亚东-古露(YGR)和措美-桑日(CSR)裂谷带的下方存在低速异常,但异常强度都没有前者大;在两个裂谷带之间的拉萨地块中-南部,地壳表现为强高速特征。这些结果表明,影响青藏高原地壳构造演化的"地壳通道流(Crustal Channel Flow)"在藏南主要分布在特提斯喜马拉雅地区,在雅鲁藏布江缝合线以北的冈底斯地区,可能主要局限于沿裂谷带分布。其次,被解释为印度岩石圈地幔的上地幔高速异常,在研究区西部,抵达了雅鲁藏布江缝合线以北100km或更远的地方,而在研究区东部,并没有越过雅鲁藏布江缝合线,而是停留在缝合线以南~100km的高喜马拉雅下方,印证了前人给出的印度板块俯冲角度在研究区附近存在东西向变化的层析成像结果。此外,我们的层析成像结果还印证了冈底斯东南侧的上地幔低速异常根植于上地幔底部,我们认为该现象可能与巽他块体的顺时针旋转引起向东俯冲的缅甸弧向西后撤有关。  相似文献   

郑洪伟  李廷栋  苏刚 《地球科学》2020,45(7):2485-2494
扬子与华北板块在三叠纪的俯冲碰撞形成了著名的苏鲁超高压造山带,其板块碰撞接触关系一直是热点问题.利用国家台网中心64个省台记录的1 079个近震事件的10 922个P波到时和251个远震事件的11 931个P波到时数据,采用远近震联合反演的层析成像方法对苏鲁地区进行了地壳上地幔速度结构反演.结果显示,研究区内两个低速异常区分别对应山东半岛西部的华北板块地幔上隆区和壳幔相互作用强烈的长江中下游成矿带地区.在地幔300 km深度之下出现的高速异常体可能代表了早中生代扬子与华北板块碰撞之前俯冲拆沉的古特提斯洋板块.传统观点的扬子板块岩石圈向北俯冲不明显,华北板块表现为向东南俯冲的高速特征.华北板块俯冲以苏鲁造山带中部的北纬35°为界,分为南北两种俯冲样式.北部俯冲不明显,华北板块停滞在郯庐断裂带以西;南部则表现华北板块向东南陡倾俯冲到苏鲁造山带之下.   相似文献   

利用在2002~2004年新疆天山地区富蕴—库尔勒布设的流动地震台,经过连续两年的观测所采集的数据,挑选远震P波到时数据,进行了地震层析反演处理,获得此剖面地震层析图像推断地壳上地幔的速度结构。反演结果表明,富蕴—库尔勒剖面上塔里木板块向北的推进相对于西部有所减弱,在西部表现强烈的造山作用,向东逐步减缓,在天山的底部不过100km上下。地震活动集中在此范围内。岩石圈物质移动方向发生变化部分向东推移,自然也降低了天山的隆升作用,从而造成天山西段和东段的差异。在本剖面范围内天山的Moho面结构复杂有重叠、斜插特征,深度最大在天山地区达80km,准噶尔盆地和本剖面范围内塔里木盆地北部Moho面深度为40~50km。  相似文献   

华南地区岩石圈地壳速度结构数据处理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用从地球物理综合剖面上取得的P波速度数据,进行数据处理归类,按照VP速度值的大小,结合地质分析,将华南地区岩石圈地壳划分出上、中、下地壳(上地壳P波速度<6.2 km/s,中地壳P波速度6.2~6.7 km/s,下地壳P波速度>6.7 km/s).计算出地壳各层的平均速度和厚度值,以及整个地壳的平均速度和厚度值,为进一步研究地球内部结构特征及其动力学过程提供重要的依据.  相似文献   

Relative SV and SH wave speeds are generally attributed to radial seismic anisotropy which can be used as the indicator of crust/mantle deformation styles. Surface wave data were initially collected from events of magnitude Ms  5.0 and shallow or moderate focal depth occurring between 1980 and 2002: 713 of them generated Rayleigh waves and 660 Love waves, which were recorded by 13 broadband digital stations in Eurasia and India. Up to 1525 source-station Rayleigh waveforms and 1464 Love wave trains were earlier analysed by multiple filtering to obtain Love- and Rayleigh wave group velocity curves in the broad period range 10–105 s. We have performed tomographic inversion to obtain period-dependent group velocity and further shear wave velocity at 2° × 2°-sized grid-cells of a mesh covering the model region, after averaging azimuthal effects. Horizontally and vertically varying shear-wave velocities are observed, but the models of isotropic seismic velocity in the crust and upper mantle cannot fit simultaneously the inverted group-velocity dispersion curves due to the discrepancy in the transmission velocities of Love and Rayleigh waves, whose likely origin is the existence of radial anisotropy in the continental crust and topmost mantle. The strength of radial anisotropy computed from the Love–Rayleigh discrepancy and its spatial extent beneath the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are shown as maps of percentage anisotropy at various depths down to 170 km and cross-sections along five profiles of reference. Areas in which radial anisotropy is in excess of 6% are found in the crust and upper mantle underlying most of the plateau, and even up to 10% in some places. The strength and spatial configuration of radial anisotropy seem to indicate the existence of a regime of horizontal compressive forces in the frame of the convergent Himalayan–Tibetan orogen, the laterally variation of the lithospheric rheology and the differential movement as regards the compressive driving forces.  相似文献   

The crustal P-wave velocity structure beneath the Loess Plateau and surrounding regions, which is a transition zone between the Tibetan Plateau and the Huabei and Huanan Blocks of China, was tomographically imaged for the first time down to the depth of 80 km. The seismic sources comprised both local and regional earthquakes and the reconstruction was accomplished using a newly developed simultaneous inversion procedure, which solves for both the earthquake hypocentres and the 3-D velocity field. Special features of the procedure include a modified shortest path algorithm for the bent ray tracing, an analytic Jacobian matrix for solution updating, and a damped, minimum norm, constrained non-linear solver based on a CG approach. The velocity structure obtained is more complex than previously thought. The lateral velocity variations are consistent with the U-shaped seismic ring structure but the vertical variations along the Fenwei seismic belt are consistent with the mechanism of the Mountain-Basin generalized system formation. The velocity images of Loess Plateau, the transition zone may help to build a geodynamic mechanism for inland China, to explain the formation of ground fissures so prevalent in the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

Group velocity dispersion data of fundamental-mode Rayleigh and Love waves for 12 wave paths within southeastern China have been measured by applying the multiple-filter technique to the properly rotated three-component digital seismograms from two Seismic Research Observatory stations, TATO and CHTO. The generalized surface wave inversion technique was applied to these group velocity dispersion data to determine the S-wave velocity structures of the crust and upper mantle for various regions of southeastern China. The results clearly demonstrate that the crust and upper mantle under southeastern China are laterally heterogeneous. The southern China region south of 25°N and the eastern China region both have a crustal thickness of 30 km. The eastern Tibet plateau along the 100°E meridian has a crustal thickness of 60 km. Central China, consisting mainly of the Yangtze and Sino-Korean platforms, has a crustal thickness of 40 km. A distinct S-wave low-velocity layer at 10–20 km depth in the middle crust was found under wave paths in southeastern China. On the other hand, no such crustal low-velocity layer is evident under the eastern Tibet plateau. This low-velocity layer in the middle crust appears to reflect the presence of a sialic low-velocity layer perhaps consisting of intruded granitic laccoliths, or possibly the remnant of the source zone of widespread magmatic activities known to have taken place in these regions since the late Carboniferous.  相似文献   

We present a 3D S-velocity model for the crust and upper mantle of the South China Sea and the surrounding regions, constrained from the analysis of over 12,000 of fundamental Rayleigh wave dispersion curves between 10 s and 150 s periods. The lateral resolution was found to vary from 2° to 4° with the increasing period over the study region. A robust scheme of Debayle and Sambridge allowed us to conduct the tomographic inversion efficiently for massive datasets. Group velocity maps varying with period show lateral heterogeneities, well related to the geological and tectonic features in the study region. The 3D S-velocity model was constructed from the 1D structure inversion of the tomographic group velocity dispersion curves at each node. The obtained average crustal structure is similar to the PREM model, while the average mantle velocity is typically lower than the global average. The complicated 3D structures reveal three prominent features correlated with geological divisions: sea basin regions, island and arc regions, and continental regions. The derived crustal and lithospheric thicknesses range from ∼15 to >50 km and from ∼60 to >140 km, respectively, with the thinnest in the South China Sea, the thickest in eastern Tibet and the Yangtze Block, and the medium in the South China Fold Belt, Indochina, and island arc regions. Our results further confirm that (1) a Mesozoic subduction zone, which is interpreted as the tectonic weak zone during the Paleogene, exists along the South China margin; (2) the influence of the Indochina extrusion along the Red River Fault is limited for the South China Sea region; (3) there is a slab remnant of the proto-South China Sea beneath Borneo. New findings suggest that the Mesozoic subduction zone should be built into any evolution model for the region, as well as the other two major tectonic boundaries of the Red River Fault and proto-South China Sea subduction zone.  相似文献   

Rrapo Ormeni 《Tectonophysics》2011,497(1-4):114-121
This paper describes the one-dimensional (1D) velocity model computed by VELEST in the SEISAN seismic analysis system, inverting re-picked P-wave and S-wave arrival times recorded during 2002–2006 by the Albanian, Montenegro, Thessalonica and Macedonia seismic networks. The re-picked data yield P-wave and S-wave velocities proved to be more suitable compared to bulletin data for this detailed inversion study. Seismic phases recorded by the Albania seismic network and integrated with data from the Montenegro, Thessalonica and Macedonia networks are used to prepare the Albanian seismic bulletin. Earthquake hypocenters from the Albanian bulletins have also location errors that are negligible for civil protection purposes, large scale seismotectonic analyses and more accurate hypocentral determinations which are necessary for detailed seismotectonic and geodynamic studies.It was noted that the smoothness of the velocity variation increased with depth. A velocity of 5.5 km/s was calculated for the upper crust, 6.1 km/s was calculated for the middle crust and 6.9 km/s was computed for the lower crust. P wave velocity was 7.85 km/s at depth of 50 km and for the upper mantle it is 8.28 km/s. Using the improved velocity model, the earthquakes which occurred in Albania in the past 5 years were able to be relocated, achieving constrained hypocentral determinations for events in Albania. The interpretation of the 1 D velocity models infers interesting features of the deep structure of Albania. These results represent an important step towards more detailed seismotectonic analyses.  相似文献   

We studied the 3D velocity structure of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the Baikal region using tomographic inversion of ∼25,000 P and S arrivals from more than 1200 events recorded by 86 stations of three local seismological networks. Simultaneous iterative inversion with a new source location algorithm yielded 3D images of P and S velocity anomalies in the crust and upper mantle, a 2D model of Moho depths, and corrections to source coordinates and origin times. The resolving power of the algorithm, its stability against variations in the starting model, and the reliability of the final results were checked in several tests. The 3D velocity structure shows a well-pronounced low-velocity zone in the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the southwestern flank of the Baikal rift which matches the area of Cenozoic volcanism and a high velocity zone beneath the Siberian craton. The Moho depth pattern fits the surface tectonic elements with thinner crust along Lake Baikal and under the Busiyngol and Tunka basins and thicker crust beneath the East Sayan and Transbaikalian mountains and under the Primorsky ridge on the southern craton border.  相似文献   

The previously published results of a deep seismic refraction study of the Dead Sea—Gulf of Elat rift show crustal thinning underneath the rift and the presence of a 5 km thick velocity transition zone in the lower crust along the rift. The structural interpretation of the first-arrival data was revised using the detailed velocity-depth distribution.The revised crustal thicknesses are 35 km near Elat and 27 km, 160 km south of Elat.The crustal thinning and the presence of the velocity transition zone are interpreted as being the result of intrusion of upper mantle material into the lower crust, possibly representing the initial shape of the processes which have been active further south in the Red Sea since earlier times.  相似文献   

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