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A high resolution tunable diode laser absorption spectrometer (TDLAS) was used to measure the broadening effect of water vapor and other gases (dry air, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and helium) on three methane lines in the v4 fundamental. The effects on methane eddy correlation flux measurements amount to a few percent for the least broadened line for expected H2O fluxes, to 10% for the most broadened line for higher H2O and lower CH4 fluxes likely to be encountered. The broadening coefficients of methane measured for air, N2, O2, and He are in good agreement with recently published values.  相似文献   

The flux footprint is the contribution, per unit emission, of each element of a surface area source to the vertical scalar flux measured at height z m ; it is equal to the vertical flux from a unit surface point source. The dependence of the flux footprint on crosswind location is shown to be identical to the crosswind concentration distribution for a unit surface point source; an analytic dispersion model is used to estimate the crosswind-integrated flux footprint. Based on the analytic dispersion model, a normalized crosswind-integrated footprint is proposed that principally depends on the single variable z/z m , where z is a measure of vertical dispersion from a surface source. The explicit dependence of the crosswind-integrated flux footprint on downwind distance, thermal stability and surface roughness is contained in the dependence of z on these variables. By also calculating the flux footprint with a Lagrangian stochastic dispersion model, it is shown that the normalized flux footprint is insensitive to the analytic model assumption of a self-similar vertical concentration profile.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is funded by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Summary Water vapour flux profiles in the atmospheric boundary layer have been derived from measurements of water vapour density fluctuations by a ground-based Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) and of vertical wind fluctuations by a ground-based Doppler lidar. The data were collected during the field experiment LITFASS-2003 in May/June 2003 in the area of Lindenberg, Germany. The eddy-correlation method was applied, and error estimates of ±50 W/m2 for latent heat flux were found. Since the sampling error dominates the overall measurement accuracy, time intervals between 60 and 120 min were required for a reliable flux calculation, depending on wind speed. Rather large errors may occur with low wind speed because the diurnal cycle restricts the useful interval length. In the lower height range, these measurements are compared with DIAL/radar-RASS fluxes. The agreement is good when comparing covariance and error values. The lidar flux profiles are well complemented by tower measurements at 50 and 90 m above ground and by area-averaged near surface fluxes from a network of micrometeorological stations. Water vapour flux profiles in the convective boundary layer exhibit different structures mainly depending on the magnitude of the entrainment flux. In situations with dry air above the boundary layer a positive entrainment flux is observed which can even exceed the surface flux. Flux profiles which linearly increase from the surface to the top of the boundary layer are observed as well as profiles which decrease in the lower part and increase in the upper part of the boundary layer. In situations with humid air above the boundary layer the entrainment flux is about zero in the upper part of the boundary layer and the profiles in most cases show a linear decrease.  相似文献   

The bandpass eddy covariance method has been used to measure the turbulent flux of scalar quantities using a slow-responsescalar sensor. The method issimilar in principle to the traditional eddy correlation method but includes the estimation of high-frequency components of the flux on the basis of cospectral similarity in the atmospheric surface layer. In order to investigate the performance of the method, measurements of the water vapour flux over a forest with the bandpass eddy covariance method and the direct eddy correlation method were compared. The flux obtained by the bandpass eddy covariance method agreed with that by the eddy correlation method within ±20% for most cases, in spite of a rather slow sensor-response of the adopted hygrometer. This result supports its relevance to a long-term continuous operation, since a stable, low-maintenance,general-purpose sensor canbe utilized for scalar quantities. Oneweak point of the method isits difficulty in principle to measure the correct flux when the magnitude of the sensible heat flux is very small, because the method uses the sensible heat flux as a standard reference for the prediction of undetectable high-frequency components of the scalar flux. An advanced method is then presented to increase its robustness. In the new method, output signals from a slow-response sensor are corrected using empirical frequency-responsefunctions for the sensor,thereby extending the width of the bandpass frequency region where components of the flux are directly measured (not predicted). The advanced method produced correct fluxes for all cases including the cases of small sensible heat flux. The advanced bandpass eddy covariance method is thus appropriate for along-term measurement of the scalar fluxes.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to find the mean velocities and stresses in the turbulent, neutral, barotropic planetary boundary layer (PBL). Correction functions are introduced similar to those used by Millikan and Hinze in discussions of flows in a pipe and in a turbulent boundary layer. The functions for the PBL are determined semi-empirically and, with a choice of constants, the resulting velocity distributions are in reasonable agreement with the Leipzig profile. The paper also discusses the correction functions for pipe and boundary-layer flows and for plane Couette flow. The results are in excellent agreement with observations.  相似文献   

A simple method is described for estimating the sensible heat flux by using a Doppler sodar system and a thermal probe. This method, which can be applied to a convective boundary layer in morning hours, is based on knowing the zero heat flux level from the reflectivity and the vertical wind speed.  相似文献   

The budget equation for carbon dioxide variance can be represented by production, dissipation and flux divergence terms. Each term is measured under near neutral to moderately unstable conditions over vegetated fields. The flux divergence term is about an order of magnitude smaller than production and dissipation terms, though it shows a loss for 0.006 < v < 1 and a gain for 1 < - v < 10. Here, v is the Monin-Obukhov stability parameter including humidity effect. As expected from a closure of the budget, the nondimensional production and dissipation terms are basically identical and represented by the same functional form: (1–16 v )–1/2.  相似文献   

Scalar fluxes measured through the eddy-correlation technique are prone to two types of errors caused by the sensor-induced flow distortion: those due to crosstalk from the horizontal flux, and those due to amplification or attenuation due to flow blocking. We show that the crosstalk error can be eliminated by designing the sensor array to be vertically symmetric about its horizontal midplane. In such an array, the flow-blocking effect causes the scalar flux to be overestimated, but this error can be made negligible by designing an array with minimal stagnation loss in streamwise speed at the flux-measurement point.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Results of studying processes of gaseous exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the water surface-atmosphere system of Lake Baikal are considered. Measurements were carried out in the littoral of the lake near the settlement of Bol’shie Koty. The measurement point was selected for the following reasons. First, it is the place where water chemistry and biota have been studied for several tens of years. Second, by its meteorological conditions the place can be considered as background. It is shown that during all hydrological seasons the gas exchange of CO2 in the Baikal water surface-atmosphere system has a well-pronounced trend, whose amplitude depends on the season. The data obtained are indicative of the main role that Lake Baikal biota plays in regulating the intensity of gas exchange.  相似文献   

From measurements in the atmospheric surface layer over a paddy field, the Kolmogorov constants for CO2 and longitudinal wind velocity were obtained. In this study, the nondimensional dissipation rate nc = (1–16 v )-1/2 for CO2 variance and = (1–16 v )-1/4 v for turbulent energy were used, assuming the equality of the local production term and the local dissipation term, and neglecting the divergence flux term in the budget equation. The value of the constant for CO2 was consistent with recent determinations for temperature and humidity. The constant for longitudinal wind velocity showed good agreement with other recent observations.  相似文献   

Atmospheric surface-layer measurements of terms in the equation for the streamwise heat flux confirm previous results in both laboratory and atmosphere that the temperature-pressure gradient correlation acts as a sink, approximately equal in magnitude to the production term. The measured viscous dissipation term is independent of stability and represents less than 10% of the production term over the range of experimental stability conditions. Models for the temperature-pressure gradient correlation are compared with the measurements.  相似文献   

利用上海郊区奉贤的涡动相关通量观测资料,对2015年9月至2016年8月二氧化碳(CO2)通量的时空分布特征、年总排放量进行了分析.结果表明,上海奉贤春、夏、秋季的9-14时CO2通量几乎全为负值,冬季CO2通量则全天均为正值.奉贤CO2通量没有明显的周末效应.植物光合作用是影响奉贤CO2通量时间变化特征的主要因素.各...  相似文献   

玉米农田生态系统CO2通量的动态变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用2008年辽宁锦州农田生态系统野外观测站涡动相关系统通量观测资料,分析了玉米农田生态系统生长季(5-10月)及非生长季CO2通量动态变化。结果表明:玉米农田生态系统的非生长季日动态趋势不明显;生长季日动态明显,呈明显的U型曲线,CO2通量最大值出现在12:00时,为-1.19 mg·m-2·s-1;不同物候期的日动态也呈现U型曲线,各发育期CO2通量日最大值范围为0.07~-0.23 mg·m-2·s-1;玉米农田生长季生态系统净CO2交换日累积(NEE)为-652.8 g·m-2,非生长季NEE499.8 g·m-2,2008年碳收支-153.0 g·m-2,表现为碳汇。  相似文献   

A fast-response chemiluminescent ozone sensor was mounted in an aircraft instrumented for air motion and temperature measurements. Measurements of the vertical flux of ozone by the eddy correlation technique were obtained after correcting for time delay and pressure sensitivity in the ozone sensor output. The observations were taken over eastern Colorado for two days in April, one a morning and the other an afternoon flight. Since the correlation coefficient of ozone and vertical velocity is small compared to, for example, temperature and vertical velocity in the lower part of the convective boundary layer, an averaging length of the order of 100 km was required to obtain a reasonably accurate estimate of the ozone flux. The measured variance of ozone appeared to be too large, probably mainly due to random noise in the sensor output, although the possibility of the production of ozone fluctuations by chemical reactions cannot be dismissed entirely. Terms in the budget equation for ozone were estimated from the aircraft measurements and the divergence of the ozone flux was found to be large compared to the flux at the surface divided by the boundary-layer height.Part of this work was carried out while a visitor at Risø National Laboratory, Denmark.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

A vertically integrated model of a developing boundary layer over a wet surface is presented, and the expected change in the relative humidity is discussed. For the case of cold air moving over a water surface of constant temperature, analytical solutions of the model equations are obtained, giving the height, temperature and relative humidity of the boundary layer as functions of the distance travelled by the air column. The relation to the problem of sea smoke is discussed.  相似文献   

The planetary boundary layer (PBL) over the Indian Antarctic station, Maitri (70.7° S; 11.7° E; 120 m asl) has been studied using a monostatic acoustic sounder. Acoustic sounder records reveal that the Antarctic PBL remains stably stratified throughout the year except for some periods in the peak summer months. The summertime PBL exhibits a diurnal variation with ground-based inversions developing at night and the convective plumes occurring during the peak sunlight hours. The cyclonic inflow of warm oceanic air towards the continent's interior from the coast helps in the development of the elevated layers and the Kelvin-Helmholtz waves observed on the sodar records.  相似文献   

During the hydrological survey from November 4 to 9, 2009, the underway measurements of pH, temperature, and salinity of the surface water in the Peter the Great Bay were carried out using the cell without the liquid junction in the running system. Using the measurement data, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) was computed which was below its atmospheric value and varied from 290 to 360μatm. Thus, during the period under study, the surface water of the bay forms the runoff for the atmospheric carbon dioxide. The minimum values of pCO2 are associated with the warm stream entering the bay from the southwestern part of the open sea. The maximum values of pCO2 are associated with the local upwelling of bottom waters. It is suggested that the horizontal convection caused by the nonuniform cooling of coastal water in the autumn forms the revealed mesoscale dynamic structures.  相似文献   

A model of the planetary boundary layer over a snow surface has been developed. It contains the vertical heat exchange processes due to radiation, conduction, and atmospheric turbulence. Parametrization of the boundary layer is based on similarity functions developed by Hoffert and Sud (1976), which involve a dimensionless variable, ζ, dependent on boundary-layer height and a localized Monin-Obukhov length. The model also contains the atmospheric surface layer and the snowpack itself, where snowmelt and snow evaporation are calculated. The results indicate a strong dependence of surface temperatures, especially at night, on the bursts of turbulence which result from the frictional damping of surface-layer winds during periods of high stability, as described by Businger (1973). The model also shows the cooling and drying effect of the snow on the atmosphere, which may be the mechanism for air mass transformation in sub-Arctic regions.  相似文献   

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