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探地雷达(GPR)衰减补偿逆时偏移方法采用互相关成像条件对实际地下结构成像时,由介质小尺度不均匀所产生的散射波和噪声能量在电磁波衰减补偿逆时外推中会急剧增大,严重影响成像分辨率.为此,本文提出一种基于干涉成像条件的GPR衰减补偿逆时偏移方法.该方法通过在逆时外推过程中,人为改变电磁波动方程中衰减项前的正负号,以保持逆时外推的时间对称性,补偿衰减的电磁波能量;干涉成像条件利用Wigner分布函数(WDF)对所有时刻的逆时外推电磁波场进行滤波,以有效压制逆时偏移剖面中的低频噪声及成像伪影.数值试验结果表明:相比于互相关成像条件,干涉成像条件可有效压制衰减补偿逆时偏移过程中由于背景小尺度不均匀性所产生的散射波和低频噪声,且几乎不影响目标体的成像能量;在计算效率相当的同时,成像分辨率更高.  相似文献   




基于双程波动方程的逆时偏移相比于传统的单程波偏移,具有原理简单、成像精确且无倾角限制、适应任意复杂速度模型等诸多优点,在探地雷达(GPR)高精度成像领域得到广泛关注.本文首先回顾和总结了逆时偏移方法在GPR成像领域的研究现状及其存在的问题.然后,分别从多偏移距GPR数据的快速采集,复杂介质的GPR逆时偏移成像、成像条件的稳定性、成像效果的改善、计算效率的提高等方面介绍了GPR逆时偏移成像研究的最新进展及其具体的应用效果.最后对GPR逆时偏移成像的发展趋势进行了总结.  相似文献   

逆时偏移成像(RTM)常用来处理复杂速度模型,包括陡倾角及横向速度变化剧烈的模型.与常规偏移成像方法(如Kirchhoff偏移)相比,逆时偏移成像能提供更好的偏移成像结果,近些年逆时偏移成像越来越广泛地应用到勘探地震中,它逐渐成为石油地震勘探中的一种行业标准.电磁波和弹性波在动力学和运动学上存在相似性,故本文开发了基于麦克斯韦方程组的电磁波逆时偏移成像算法,并将其应用到探地雷达数据处理中.时间域有限差分(FDTD)用于模拟电磁波正向和逆向传播过程,互相关成像条件用于获得最终偏移结果.逆时偏移成像算法中,偏移成像结果受初始模型影响较大,而其中决定电磁波传播速度的介电常数的影响尤为重要.本文基于时间域全波形反演(FWI)算法反演获得了更为精确的地下介电常数模型,并将其反演结果作为逆时偏移成像的初始介电常数模型.为了验证此算法的有效性,首先构建了一个复杂地质结构模型,合成了共偏移距及共炮点探地雷达数据,分别应用常规Kirchhoff偏移算法及逆时偏移成像算法进行偏移处理,成像结果显示由逆时偏移成像算法得到的偏移结果与实际模型具有较高的一致性;此外本文在室内沙槽中进行了相关的物理模拟实验,采集了共偏移距及共炮点探地雷达数据,分别应用Kirchhoff和叠前逆时偏移成像算法进行处理,结果表明叠前逆时偏移成像在实际应用中能获得更好的成像效果.  相似文献   

机载探地雷达可以用于人类无法到达的危险地区、植被严重覆盖的地下目标体探测,然而由于机载探地雷达的特殊性,影响机载探地雷达探测效果的因素包括天线的极化方向、天线的飞行高度以及地表粗糙度等.为了研究这些影响因素与探测效果之间的关系,用三维时间域有限差分模拟电磁波的传播过程,以沙漠地区地下空洞掩体的机载探地雷达探测为实例,分别模拟了不同天线极化方向、天线高度及地表粗糙度情况下的机载探地雷达剖面,分析了各因素对机载探地雷达探测地下空洞目标体的影响.天线极化方向与目标体走向垂直更有利于地下目标体探测;天线距离地表越近,可以获得更高分辨率的雷达剖面;沙漠地表起伏越大,雷达剖面中的散射杂波能量越强,浅部地下目标体信号容易被掩盖.为了消除起伏地形造成的散射杂波,提出用逆时偏移成像技术对共炮集机载探地雷达数据进行偏移成像,成像结果优于基尔霍夫偏移成像结果.  相似文献   







消除探地雷达数据的子波衰减和频散可以很好地提高探地雷达的勘探深度和勘探分辨率.常用的消除探地雷达数据的子波衰减和频散方法为反Q滤波方法.该方法需要利用地下介质的Q参数,但是正确求取地下介质的Q参数很困难.针对这一问题,本文提出了一种消除探地雷达数据的子波衰减和频散的反滤波方法.该方法以地下介质反射系数是随机数为前提,利用地下介质等效滤波器具有最小相位这个特性,通过求取等效滤波器的振幅谱来求取等效滤波器的反滤波器.最后,利用该反滤波器对探地雷达数据进行反滤波,实现消除探地雷达数据的子波衰减和频散.  相似文献   

高斯束逆时偏移结合了射线类偏移的高计算效率和波动方程逆时偏移的高精度,能很好地处理焦散点、大倾角成像问题,并且具有面向目标成像的能力.多分量地震资料的偏移技术可以对地下复杂构造进行更准确的成像,由于实际地下介质具有黏滞性,研究黏弹性叠前逆时偏移具有一定的现实意义.本文采用高斯束逆时偏移方法对多分量地震数据进行吸收衰减补偿,首先分别给出纵波和转换波共炮域高斯束叠前逆时偏移方法原理,在此基础上推导补偿吸收衰减的表达式,校正Q引起的振幅衰减和相位畸变,实现基于吸收衰减补偿的多分量高斯束叠前逆时偏移.数值模型的测试结果显示,在考虑地下介质的黏滞性时,本文方法具有更高的成像分辨率.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new method of integrated system calibration that uses the transmitting and receiving signals from the impulse ground penetrating radar itself. In order to eliminate the influence from each subsystem or part including antenna, transmitter, receiver, signal processing circuits and transmission cables, two new calibration parameters that are different from the conventional S-parameters are introduced. The characteristic and influence of all parts in the transmitting and receiving channels are incorporated into the calibration equation through the new parameters. The calibration results of the radar detection data show that the new integrated system calibration can improve the quality of the data greatly in many aspects. It removes direct coupled waves, suppresses wave distortion and tail oscillation, and improves the quality of waveform and signal-clutter-ratios. It also compresses the pulse width and enhances resolution.  相似文献   

本文首先通过对波动方程的分析,得出了声波波动方程和雷达波波动方程形式一致性,从而说明了把广泛应用在地震数据处理中的偏移技术引入到GPR资料处理中的可行性;其后说明了时域有限差分法(FDTD)的原理,并用它合成了几种常见的雷达正演剖面;最后利用Kirchhoff积分偏移法对正演所得的雷达剖面进行偏移处理,通过对比偏移处理前后的雷达正演剖面,可知Kirchhoff积分偏移法能使雷达正演剖面中的反射波的归位,绕射波收敛,从而大大地提高了雷达正演剖面的分辨率,更好地指导GPR剖面的地质解释和验证偏移方法的有效性.  相似文献   

Attenuation compensation in reverse‐time migration has been shown to improve the resolution of the seismic image. In this paper, three essential aspects of implementing attenuation compensation in reverse‐time migration are studied: the physical justification of attenuation compensation, the choice of imaging condition, and the choice of a low‐pass filter. The physical illustration of attenuation compensation supports the mathematical implementation by reversing the sign of the absorption operator and leaving the sign of the dispersion operator unchanged in the decoupled viscoacoustic wave equation. Further theoretical analysis shows that attenuation compensation in reverse‐time migration using the two imaging conditions (cross‐correlation and source‐normalized cross‐correlation) is able to effectively mitigate attenuation effects. In numerical experiments using a simple‐layered model, the source‐normalized cross‐correlation imaging condition may be preferable based on the criteria of amplitude corrections. The amplitude and phase recovery to some degree depend on the choice of a low‐pass filter. In an application to a realistic Marmousi model with added Q, high‐resolution seismic images with correct amplitude and kinematic phase are obtained by compensating for both absorption and dispersion effects. Compensating for absorption only can amplify the image amplitude but with a shifted phase.  相似文献   

The detection of buried objects, particularly hazardous waste containers and unexploded ordnance (UXO), has gained significant interest in the Unites States in the late 1990s. The desire to remediate the thousands of sites worldwide has become an increasing concern and the application of radar to this problem has received renewed attention. The US Department of Energy's Special Technologies Laboratory (STL), operated by Bechtel Nevada, has developed several frequency-modulated, continuous-wave (FM-CW) ground penetrating radar (GPR) units. To meet technical requirements for higher-resolution data, STL and the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) is investigating advanced GPR hardware, signal processing, and synthetic-aperture imaging with the development of an innovative system. The goal is to design and fabricate a lightweight, battery-operated unit that does not require surface contact, can be operated by a novice user, and can achieve improved resolution. The latter is accomplished by using synthetic-aperture imaging, which forms the subsurface images by fully utilizing the data sequences collectively along a scan path. We also present the backward propagation algorithm as the basic structure of the multiple-frequency tomographic imaging technique, and the conventional fast Fourier transform (FFT) method which can be described as a degenerated case of the model where the computation procedure is approximated under the narrow-beam assumption.  相似文献   

探地雷达时域多分辨法(MRTD)三维正演模拟   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
应用小波伽略金方法,对Maxwell方程进行离散化,导出了DB2-MRTD算法的探地雷达3D差分公式、数值稳定性条件.在此基础上,开发了探地雷达MRTD(multi-resolution time domain)法正演模拟程序,该程序极大地提高了运算速度,改善了三维探地雷达正演方法,并利用该自制程序,对三角形金属体模型进行了正演模拟,得到了其相应的正演合成三维剖视图及切片图,通过对这些模拟结果进行分析,可以加深对三维雷达反射特征的认识,提高探地雷达探测的可靠性、准确度,同时也说明时域多分辨率法在探地雷达三维正演模拟中的有效性.  相似文献   

The conventional reverse time migration of ground-penetrating radar data is implemented with the two-way wave equation. The cross-correlation result contains low-frequency noise and false images caused by improper wave paths. To eliminate low-frequency noise and improve the quality of the migration image, we propose to separate the left-up-going, left-down-going, right-up-going and right-down-going wavefield components in the forward- and backward-propagated wavefields based on the Hilbert transform. By applying the reverse time migration of ground-penetrating radar data with full wavefield decomposition based on the Hilbert transform, we obtain the reverse time migration images of different wavefield components and combine correct imaging conditions to generate complete migration images. The proposed method is tested on the synthetic ground-penetrating radar data of a tilt-interface model and a complex model. The migration results show that the imaging condition of different wavefield components can highlight the desired structures. We further discuss the reasons for incomplete images by reverse time migration with partial wavefields. Compared with the conventional reverse time migration methods for ground-penetrating radar data, low-frequency noise can be eliminated in images generated by the reverse time migration method with full wavefield decomposition based on the Hilbert transform.  相似文献   

A series of closely spaced parallel ground penetrating radar (GPR) profiles of glaciotectonic deformed glacio-fluvial sediments have been obtained in an ice marginal environment in Northwest Zealand, Denmark. The radar profiles can be differentiated into several radar facies with distinct reflection characteristics. The lithology and depositional environment of the radar facies is interpreted by correlation with information from profiles in gravel pits, geological maps and drill hole data. The radar facies include glaciotectonically disturbed glacio-fluvial sediments, sediments deposited penecontemporaneously with the deformations and sediments deposited post-tectonically. Several thrust planes with dip angles between 25° and 30° as well as major folds and minor faults have been interpreted from the GPR data. The deformation style of the deformed glacio-fluvial sediments is a thin-skinned pro-glacial thrust complex, with associated folding. The deformations have resulted in the present ridge morphology seen in the rim of the composite ridge. Syn- and post-tectonic sediments are deposited on top and in front of the deformed sediments, smoothing the ridge relief created by the thin-skinned thrust complex. A structural geological map constructed from the ground penetrating radar data reveals the extension of the individual radar facies in the thrust complex. Tectonic features such as thrust planes and folds can be followed throughout the mapped area.  相似文献   

黏声介质最小平方逆时偏移   总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
介质的黏滞性是普遍存在的.黏滞性介质中的真振幅成像需要校正由介质的黏滞性引起的振幅衰减与速度频散,然而常规的反Q偏移方法存在不稳定问题.本文在反演的框架下求解黏声介质成像问题,在有效避开不稳定的同时实现真振幅成像.首先将波动方程线性化,并依此建立黏声介质最小平方逆时偏移(LSRTM)的目标函数;然后推导波动方程伴随算子,并在此基础上借助伴随状态法推导迭代求解的具体算法;最后通过引入动态相位编码技术将计算量降至与常规逆时偏移相同的数量级.该方法在真振幅成像过程中考虑了介质黏滞性的影响,更接近实际情况,具有更好的振幅保持性.相对于常规逆时偏移,该方法能够自动压制成像噪声,具有更高的成像分辨率及精度.通过模型试算验证了方法的正确性.  相似文献   

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