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浅析SVP使用的表层漂流浮标及在我国的应用现状 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
漂流浮标日渐在我国受到重视和应用,本文着重介绍TECHNCCEAN公司生产的测温型拉格郎日浮标构造、原理,数据传输及1996年以来在我国数次海洋调查活动中使用漂流浮标的情况。文章还阐明经努力可达到的目的。 相似文献
为了分析校核全钛海洋资料浮标的整体结构及拖曳强度,本文依据相关标准规范计算了全钛海洋资料浮标作业工况和极限工况下所受的风、浪、砰击载荷,利用有限元方法对全钛海洋资料浮标进行了整体及拖曳强度计算分析。依次分别计算浮标结构为8 mm板厚和6 mm板厚两种方案的应力,并对照《海上浮式装置入级规范(2014)》进行了应力衡准。研究结果表明:无论采用8 mm的板厚还是6 mm的板厚,浮标结构强度及稳定性满足规范要求。在满足强度要求的前提下,使用6 mm板厚方案更具有经济性,也有利于提高浮标的设备承载能力。 相似文献
本文结合卫星高度计和漂流浮标数据,采取海表面高度法发现并跟踪了墨西哥湾东南部附近发生的一次暖涡融合事件,通过该典型暖涡融合过程的研究初步揭示了涡间融合作用模式,有助于进一步理解复杂涡旋作用机制。欧拉涡旋结果显示,一对暖涡彼此吸引并伴随传播3周以上,随后融合为统一涡旋结构并继续向西传播。被其捕获的浮标提供了融合前后的拉格朗日涡旋轨迹,在融合发生前8天时,一个浮标随水流交换切换了原本追随的暖涡,表明融合事件被高度计观测到之前,涡间水体交流作用已经比较显著。融合前后,欧拉涡旋和拉格朗日涡旋半径均存在较大改变,其中欧拉半径提升了96.2%,受两个暖涡牵引的漂流浮标的拉格朗日半径分别提升了49.1%和115.6%。受融合效应影响,海表面温度场也表现出不同的环境响应,进一步验证了融合过程的发生。最后,对融合前后动能、涡度和散度等动力学演变,以及半径、振幅和形状等形态学变化的分析表明:融合大致经历了涡旋渐近、水体交流、轮廓压缩形变、拉长椭圆涡旋生成和边界重塑等过程;涡心所在平面的垂直结构主要表现为由双峰向单峰的演变;涡旋融合后实现了能量向中尺度的逆级联;受限于单核涡结构,在融合过程中部分属性统计存在偏差,可能导致事件前后发生突变。 相似文献
波浪观测是海洋观测的主要内容之一,对海浪的现场观测和深入研究对准确预报海浪具有十分重要的意义。本文设计了一种新型漂流式波浪浮标,采用高精度惯性导航模块作为测量元件,同时高频获取三轴加速度、角加速度、欧拉角、地磁数据,通过内置ARM处理器对测量数据进行波浪参数的采集和解算。浮标具有整体体积小、成本低的特点,既可以漂流观测,也可以定点锚系观测,能够实现对海浪的长期、大范围、高精度观测应用。本文通过该漂流式波浪浮标在2019年西北太平洋航次的观测应用,对西北太平洋黑潮延伸体海区和日本海区域海浪的有效波高、周期等波浪要素的时空变化特征进行了详细分析,取得了良好的测量结果。 相似文献
利用1979-02—2012-03共33a的水帆位于15m层的Argos漂流浮标资料,绘制黑潮流系15m层的多年年平均和月平均流场,运用特征线方法计算得到黑潮流轴,定义黑潮流动路径的边界为流速大小20~30cm/s的过渡性区域。结果显示:黑潮多年年平均流路大致是一个以(13°30′N,142°00′E)为圆心、2 235km为半径的直角弧段,其在吕宋海峡、台湾东北、九州西南及伊豆海岭附近海区发生气旋式弯曲前先进行反气旋式弯曲调整,弯曲处出现的路径开口主要是支流的并入或分支的流出;黑潮流轴整体性偏向黑潮左边界,其中在吕宋岛东北至台湾以东海域最为显著,在本州岛以南海域次之,而在东海段基本居中;黑潮流路上的流速在总体上由南向北呈增大趋势,但并非沿流路持续性逐渐增加,而是呈现出较平直流段的大流速区和弯曲调整流段的低流速区相互交错的状况,其中四国岛以南至伊豆诸岛以西流段的流速为最大。多年月平均流场显示,2月,5月,8月和11月这4个月份是黑潮流路和流轴发生变化的重要转折期,而1月,4月,7月和10月这4个月份则是各季节的代表月份。其中,冬季月份的黑潮流路和流轴最为曲折,向边缘海发生显著入侵;夏季月份的黑潮流路和流轴最为平直,左侧伴随有北向流动;春、秋两季的过渡性特征则比较明显。 相似文献
用表层漂流浮标对海上溢油实时跟踪和监测的方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
一种适用于近海使用的表层漂流浮标,利用GPS定位,通过GSM/CDMA网络传输数据,是一种准确实时、成本低廉的环境监测和海流、污染跟踪工具。文章介绍几种溢油跟踪监测方法和特点、表层漂流浮标的设计及其在溢油漂移轨迹跟踪中应用的特点。 相似文献
大型海洋浮标需具备独立工作、连续监测、实时传输数据的能力,稳定、便利的供电系统是保障浮标正常工作的关键。目前应用较为广泛的太阳能与蓄电池的混合供电系统,受昼夜交替、日照时长和海上高盐高湿环境影响较大,维护成本高。而波浪能作为一种清洁能源同时具有获能不间断的特点,可以为浮标持续性供电。本研究设计了基于振荡水柱原理的大型海洋浮标供电系统,通过数值模拟计算,研究了装置在不同结构形式下的气动性能,计算结果表明波长气室直径比Ld=5.5、孔板面积比e=1.25%、波长气室间距比Lk=7时装置具有最佳功率与俘获宽度比,装置从基本尺寸经结构优化后,俘获宽度比从0.178 m-1增加至0.260 m-1,提高了约46.1%。 相似文献
研究开发了一套依托于海洋平台进行安装的有缆潜标实时内波监测系统.该系统由温度传感器、温盐深传感器(CTD)、定点海流计(DVS)、终端接收机、绞车、钢缆、电缆及锚定重块等组成.温度传感器、CTD和DVS依一定的空间间隔串行连接并固定在系泊钢缆上.系统利用电缆实时供电、采用可寻址RS485总线进行控制和数据传输.集成的有缆潜标内波监测系统在中海油所属的PY30-1平台上进行了现场内波观测,成功捕获了多个内波过程,为获取长时间序列的内波实测数据、进而为开展南海内波机理和工程应用研究提供了有效的技术手段. 相似文献
海洋观测浮标系统应用广泛,浮标体的平衡性能是影响海洋观测浮标使用的重要因素之一(着重观测波浪等水文参数除外)。以一种主体直径为2.3 m的浮标体为例,运用动力学平衡理论,通过数学分析法进行推演计算,分析后得到了此浮标体的重心和浮心的位置。其中,重心位于主浮体的中轴线偏下位置;按照浮标体倾斜一定角度的情况下,推算出浮标体浮心位置,并由此得出其稳心的位置。依据计算,得出浮标体倾斜20°的情况下,此浮标体依然处于稳态平衡,理论结果表明此浮标体设计具有一定的可行性。通过海上实际测试,验证了理论计算分析的正确性。文中对浮标体平衡性的研究采用了理论分析与实验印证相结合的方法,其分析计算方法具有普适性,适用于其他型号的海洋观测浮标体,乃至所有水面浮体的平衡性分析,可为水面浮体设计提供借鉴。 相似文献
Momentum and gravity effects during the constant velocity water entry of wedge-shaped sections 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Computational fluid dynamics analysis was used to investigate the added mass momentum, flow momentum and gravity effects during the constant velocity water entry of wedge-shaped sections with deadrise angles from 5° to 45°. It is shown that the added mass continues to increase for a time after chine immersion and that added mass can be estimated in terms of a constant added mass coefficient and an effective wetted width. A momentum theory is presented in which the water entry force is explained as the sum of the rate of change of added mass momentum, which becomes zero at immersion to chine depth ratios greater than about three, and the rate of change of flow momentum, which continues at deep immersions. The effect of gravity on the water entry force is given as the hydrostatic force together with the force necessary to create the potential energy in the water pile up. Hydrodynamic forces are not significantly changed by the effect of gravity on the flow fields. 相似文献
The aim of the paper is to provide an experimental reference for investigation of asymmetric water entry of wedges. Parameters of the study include initial deadrise angle, inclination angle and impact speed. Initial deadrise angles of the wedges were 20° and 30° with inclination angles ranging from 0° to 15° in 5° increments. Wedges were freely fallen from three different heights. Time histories of impact pressure and body acceleration were recorded. Sampling rate of measurements were set to 25 KHz. Main configuration of each test including mass of the wedge and water level were kept unchanged during all experiments. Additionally, several calibration tests were conducted to assess the repeatability and accuracy of the recorded data. The experimental results are compared with different entry theories and other available experiments. The comparison shows a reasonable agreement and indicates that the inclination angle can dramatically affect the impact pressure experienced by the wedges. Finally, the results show that the traditional asymmetric theories are not appropriate for all inclination angles. 相似文献
《Ocean Engineering》2004,31(8-9):1063-1082
An analytical method is presented to analyze the radiation and diffraction of water waves by a rectangular buoy in an infinite fluid domain of finite water depth. Analytical expressions for the radiated potentials and the diffracted potentials are obtained by use of the method of separation of variables. The unknown coefficients in the expressions are determined by use of the eigenfunction expansion matching method. The added masses and damping coefficients for the buoy heaving, swaying and rolling in calm water are obtained by use of the corresponding radiated potentials. Wave excitation forces are calculated by two different approaches, one is by use of the radiated potentials through Haskind’s theorem and the other is by the diffracted potential. It can be seen that the latter approach for wave forces on a rectangular buoy is much simpler than the former. To verify the correctness of the method, two specific examples in the past references are recomputed and the obtained results are in good agreement with those by use of other methods, which shows that the present method is correct. 相似文献
Johansen T.A. Fossen T.I. Sagatun S.I. Nielsen F.G. 《Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Journal of》2003,28(4):720-728
A new strategy for active control in heavy-lift offshore crane operations is suggested by introducing a new concept referred to as wave synchronization. Wave synchronization reduces the hydrodynamic forces by minimizing variations in the relative vertical velocity between payload and water using a wave-amplitude measurement. Wave synchronization is combined with conventional active heave compensation to obtain accurate control. Experimental results using a scale model of a semi-submerged vessel with a moonpool shows that wave synchronization leads to significant improvements in performance. Depending on the sea state and payload, the results indicate that the reduction in the standard deviation of the wire tension may be up to 50%. 相似文献
海洋垂直剖面水温实时监测浮标系统研制与应用 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
为了实时、连续地监测獐子岛海洋牧场养殖区域不同深度的温度状况,为海洋牧场构建和运行提供数据支持,项目组自行研制了海洋垂直剖面水温实时监测浮标系统,可以在水深≤50 m、风速≤60m/s、波高≤15 m的环境下应用。该浮标系统主要包括水面浮标载体子系统和剖面链观测子系统两部分,浮标载体子系统提供了安全可靠的工作平台;而剖面链子系统上的不同位置挂有多个水下传感器,用于测量相应位置的海水温度。耐压试验、温度标定、室内拷机、现场比测、海上拷机的检定数据表明该系统无渗漏、误差小、数据接收率100%。海上运行18个月的结果同样表明,浮标系统运行稳定,数据采集和接收率高,浮标电压稳定。实践表明该浮标系统具有测温精度高、结构简单、使用方便的优点,具有广泛的应用前景。 相似文献
The hydrodynamic problem of a two-dimensional asymmetrical wedge entering calm water obliquely at constant speed is analyzed based on the velocity potential theory. The gravity effect on the flow is ignored based on the assumption that the ratio of the entry speed to the acceleration due to gravity is much larger than the time scale of interest. The problem of this similarity flow is solved by a boundary element method together with an analytical solution for the jet based on the shallow water approximation. Various results are provided for the wave elevation, pressure distribution and force at different deadrise angles and at different oblique entry. The effects of asymmetry and horizontal speed on these results are investigated. 相似文献
The high-speed water entry process of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) has a strong impact nonlinearity, and a cavity formed by air and water will often be generated as part of the entry process. The shape of the water-entry cavity plays an important role in the load characteristics and stability of the water-entry trajectory. In this paper, a numerical model for describing the cavity and impact load characteristics of a high-speed water-entry AUV is established. The simulation results such as cavity shape and impact load are compared with experimental data. The good agreement between the numerical results and those of the experiments reveals the accuracy and capability of the numerical algorithm. Subsequently, the arbitrary Lagrange-Euler (ALE) numerical algorithm is used to simulate and analyse the variation laws of the cavity characteristics and impact loads with different head shapes, water-entry velocities, water-entry angles and angles of attack. The results obtained in this study can provide a good reference for the trajectory control and structural design of the AUV. 相似文献
楔形体在波浪中自由入水的数值模拟 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
物体入水时波浪的影响不可忽略,基于流体力学模型采用VOF法,并利用自定义函数,模拟了楔形体的自由入水过程;同时结合推波板原理及海绵层消波理论实现了数值水槽的造消波,完成了波浪中楔形体自由入水的模拟,计算了楔形体入水时所受的水作用力、自由液面变化及物面压强分布等,研究了不同波高、周期以及在波浪不同位置入水时对楔形体的影响。结果表明:本文建立的数值模型可很好地模拟楔形体入水造成的射流及空泡的形成发展过程,波浪对楔形体入水的影响主要由波浪内部流场变化及表面波形决定,在波浪不同位置处入水对楔形体受力及入水形态均有较大影响。 相似文献