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泥河湾层磁性地层学研究回顾   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
泥河湾盆地以富含哺乳动物化石和古人类遗址而引起了古人类学家和地贡学家的广泛关注,泥河湾层是该盆地中发育的一套晚新生代河湖相沉积物.磁性地层学研究结果表明泥河湾层的形成始于高斯正极性世,经历了松山反向极性世,结束于布容正极性世.本文回顾了针时泥河湾层的磁性地层学研究工作,选取了小长梁、东谷坨、郝家台、洞沟、红崖、虎头粱及许家窑等七个剖面作详细介绍,并进行了横向时比.  相似文献   

兰州附近下白垩统河口群中下岩段磁性地层划分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孟自芳 《地球物理学报》1994,37(A02):342-347


塔里木盆地的高分辨率沉积记录对于理解青藏高原隆升、亚洲内陆干旱化乃至全球气候变化至关重要.建立可靠的地层年代标尺对于研究塔里木盆地晚新生代沉积环境演化、构造运动及古气候变化具有重要意义.本文对塔里木盆地东北缘库尔勒地区的两个全取心钻孔ZK3(深500 m)、ZK5(深300 m)进行详细的磁性地层学研究,结果表明,ZK3孔中更新统底界为54.8 m,下更新统底界为167.0 m,上新统底界为432.0 m,钻孔底部年龄约为6.2 Ma,属上中新统上部;ZK5孔中更新统底界为64.7 m,下更新统底界为241.5 m,钻孔底部年龄约为3.2 Ma,属上上新统.基于上述磁性地层年代标尺,通过沉积速率分析发现ZK3孔在3.0—3.6 Ma之间沉积速率明显增大,反映了塔里木盆地北部天山在此期间的快速隆升.通过东西部多个盆地地质剖面沉积速率的对比分析发现,这期构造活动在区域上具有准同期活动特征,在时代上与晚中新世以来青藏高原快速隆升的时代一致,可能与青藏高原的隆升扩展效应有关.


元谋盆地河湖相沉积物分布广泛,沉积连续性好,富含古人类和哺乳动物化石,是进行磁极性地层学研究和探讨西南季风演化与转型、早期人类迁徙、哺乳动物扩散与交流的理想材料.本文对已有的磁性地层学研究作了较系统的总结与分析,发现造成对元谋人生活年代和盆地形成与演化过程的争议,主要是由于过去的磁性地层学研究所涉及的采样间隔太大和实验室测试条件不足等诸多因素的影响.这是未来元谋盆地研究必须注意的问题.  相似文献   

山西交城水峪贯三叠系下统磁性地层学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对水峪贯三叠系下统刘家沟组及和尚沟组的古地磁学研究 ,建立了该地层段的极性地层柱 ,极性柱具有混合极性的特点 .其中刘家沟组正反极性的组合格式与前人在鄂尔多斯盆地的结果基本一致 ,但和尚沟组差别较大 .根据特征剩磁确定的早三叠世刘家沟组的古地磁极位置经纬度分别为 347.5°和 69.5° ,这与前人在太原西山三叠系下统的研究成果 ,古地磁极位置经纬度 348.3° ,61 .9°大体一致  相似文献   

通过对水峪贯三叠系下统刘家沟组及和尚沟组的古地磁学研究,建立了该地层段的极性地层柱,极性柱具有混合极性的特点.其中刘家沟组正反极性的组合格式与前人在鄂尔多斯盆地的结果基本一致,但和尚沟组差别较大.根据特征剩磁确定的早三叠世刘家沟组的古地磁极位置经纬度分别为347.5°和6.5°,这与前人在太原西山三叠系下统的研究成果,古地磁极位置经纬度348.3°,61.°大体一致.  相似文献   

蓝田盆地新生代时期地层以蕴含丰富的哺乳动物化石而备受关注,尤其是公王岭和陈家窝第四纪黄土地层中曾经分别发掘出了蓝田猿人头骨和下颌骨化石.基于过去对中国北方黄土高原第四纪黄土的深入研究,针对本区沉积物的磁性地层的研究似乎变得相对容易.但由于蓝田盆地毗邻秦岭北麓,区域构造地貌发育,第四纪风成沉积序列发育常常并不完整,这给特...  相似文献   

本文对西沙群岛西科1井钻孔岩心晚中新世-上新世生物礁沉积进行了详细的岩石磁学、磁性扫描与磁性地层学研究.结果显示,西科1井生物礁相沉积中的载磁矿物主要是磁铁矿.我们推测,这些磁铁矿的微小颗粒主要来自海水中含有的陆源物质,在生物生长过程中通过珊瑚体或其它寄生生物对海水的过滤与吸附作用保存在生物礁沉积中.进一步的磁性地层学研究及其与地磁极性年表的对比发现,在上新统莺歌海组、上中新统黄流组内部可获得多个年龄控制点,并对莺歌海组和黄流组的底界位置给出了初步制约.其中,莺歌海组记录了C2An.3n和C3n.4n,黄流组记录了C3An.2n至C5n.2n.虽然这一对比方案存在一定不确定性,但是在现阶段生物地层年代及其它年代学资料相对匮乏的情况下,我们认为本项研究的磁性地层学结果能为西沙群岛晚中新世以来的生物礁沉积提供更多可靠的年龄控制点,并为今后的区域地层对比提供磁性地层年代学依据.  相似文献   

地层学的进展对盆地研究的意义   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
地层学是地质研究的基本问题.从传统地层学发展到地震地层学及层序地层学,地层学的研究发生了一个极大的飞跃.其重要意义可与板块学说的问世相比拟.地震记录仪器的更新换代,地震学和地震勘探技术的发展,是层序地层学得以诞生的基础之一.运用层序地层学理论和方法确切地识别沉积相、沉积环境,建立完整的沉积体系,预测油气的生储盖组合,更易追踪对比的目标层.因此,它对于盆地研究具有非常重要的意义.  相似文献   

通过对河南南阳西峡盆地含恐龙蛋化石的阳域—丹水剖面的岩石磁学与古地磁学研究表明,该陆相沉积地层的特征剩磁载体以赤铁矿与磁铁矿为主,特征剩磁通过了倒转检验,表明其很可能为岩石形成时期获得的原生剩磁.结合该剖面古生物资料,磁性地层学结果表明,剖面上部2973~3023 m处年代为83~79 Ma;该剖面蛋化石所在最高层位年龄不晚于83 Ma,暗示该地区大型爬行动物的绝灭可能与西峡地区当时的气候、环境变化有关.此外,自晚白垩世以来,该剖面所处位置相对华北和华南地块发生了约18°的顺时针旋转,可能由该地区的局部构造活动引起.  相似文献   

现代黄河三角洲沉积物磁性地层年代框架及环境磁学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

本文对黄河三角洲Z07孔沉积物进行了系统的磁性地层学和环境磁学研究.通过结合沉积速率和古地磁长期变化数据,我们为该孔建立了较为精确可信的年代框架(1999-03-2006-06 A.D.).环境磁学结果表明黄河三角洲沉积物与中国黄土的磁学特征相似,主要载磁矿物为单畴(SD)磁铁矿,超顺磁颗粒(SP)含量也较高.整体上,该孔沉积物磁学参数的变化主要受粒度和含量控制.岩芯磁性参数在2003年前后发生了系统变化.我们认为,黄河自2002年起进行调水调沙工程,黄河下游河道冲刷加剧,形成新的物质来源,河流输入的沉积物粒度变粗,输沙量增加,这一新的物质来源是造成Z07钻孔磁性参数发生显著变化的主因.


Observation of the operation of the Sanmenxia Reservoir on the Yellow River has led to the conclusion that to preserve a certain effective storage volume for reservoirs built on heavily silt-laden rivers is feasible if the reservoir is operated according to the principle known as“storing the clear water and discharging the muddy flow”. The relative stability of the bed elevation at the end of the backwater and the reservoir‘s erosion and deposition equilibrium depend on the compatibility of the pool level maintained in non-flood seasons with the conditions of flow and sediment load during flood seasons. Operating the reservoir to regulate the flood and sediment load during flood seasons can reduce the rate ofaggradation in the Lower Yellow River. The basic condition for applying the operation mode of “storing the clear water and discharging the muddy flow” is that a sufficient amount of water should be used for discharging sediment during flood seasons. Under the condition of extremely low flow years, reservoir sedimentation cannot be avoided even if this operation mode is adopted.  相似文献   

Observation of the operation of the Sanmenxia Reservoir on the Yellow River has led to the conclusion that to preserve a certain effective storage volume for reservoirs built on heavily silt-laden rivers is feasible if the reservoir is operated according to the principle known as "storing the clear water and discharging the muddy flow". The relative stability of the bed elevation at the end of the backwater and the reservoir's erosion and deposition equilibrium depend on the compatibility of the pool level maintained in non-flood seasons with the conditions of flow and sediment load during flood seasons. Operating the reservoir to regulate the flood and sediment load during flood seasons can reduce the rate of aggradation in the Lower Yellow River. The basic condition for applying the operation mode of "storing the clear water and discharging the muddy flow" is that a sufficient amount of water should be used for discharging sediment during flood seasons. Under the condition of extremely low flow years, reservoir sedimentation cannot be avoided even if this operation mode is adopted.  相似文献   

Based on field data of river discharge,tide,tidal bore,and riverbed topography,the characteristics of river discharge,the effect of river discharge on riverbed erosion and sedimentation,and the feedback effect of riverbed erosion and sedimentation on the tide and tidal bore in the Qiantang River are analyzed.The results show that the inter-annual and seasonal variation of river discharge in the Qiantang River is noticeable,while the seasonal distribution of river discharge tends to be uniform after the construction of Xin'anjiang Reservoir.River discharge has a major effect on the erosion and sedimentation in the reach from Zhakou to Yanguan.There are laws of riverbed erosion in wet seasons and years and sedimentation in dry seasons and years.Relations in the Zhakou to Yanguan reach among the riverbed volume after the flood season,the mean and maximum river discharge during the flood season,and riverbed volume before the flood season are established.With the riverbed erosion from Zhakou to Yanguan,the low tide level decreases and the tidal range is amplified,and thus,the tidal bore is enhanced.The relation among tidal range,river discharge,and riverbed volume,as well as the one between the tidal bore height and tidal range is established on the basis of the field data.Furthermore,the variation range of tidal bores after the flood season is analyzed in wet and dry years.The indirect effect of the Xin'anjiang Reservoir on the height of the tidal bore is predicted and the mean height of the tidal bore from Zhakou to Yanguan decreases by 0.1-0.2 m.  相似文献   

The flood season is the main period of flow,sediment transport,and sedimentation in the lower Yellow River(LYR).Within the flood season,most of the flow,sediment transport,and sedimentation occurs during flood events.Because of the importance of floods in forming riverbeds in the LYR,the regularity of sediment transport and sedimentation during floods in the LYR was studied.Measured daily discharge and sediment transport rate data for the LYR from 1960 to 2006 were used.A total of 299 floods wer...  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the latest developments, future prospects, and proposed countermeasures of reservoir sedimentation and channel scour downstream of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) on the Yangtze River in China. Three key results have been found.(1) The incoming sediment load to the TGR has been significantly lower than expected.(2) The accumulated volume of sediment deposition in the TGR is smaller than expected because the overall sediment delivery ratio is relatively low, and the deposition in the near-dam area of the TGR is still developing.(3) River bed scour in the river reaches downstream of the Gezhouba Dam is still occurring and channel scour has extended to reaches as far downstream as the Hukou reach. Significantly, sedimentation of the TGR is less problematic than expected since the start of operation of the TGR on the one hand;on the other hand, the possible increases in sediment risks from dependence on upstream sediment control, deposition in the reservoir, and scour along middle Yangtze River should be paid more attention.(1) Sediment trapped by dams built along the upper Yangtze River and billion tons of loose materials on unstable slopes produced by the Wenchuan Earthquake could be new sediment sources for the upper Yangtze River. More seriously, possible release of this sediment into the upper Yangtze River due to new earthquakes or extreme climate events could overwhelm the river system, and produce catastrophic consequences.(2) Increasing sediment deposition in the TGR is harmful to the safety and efficiency of project operation and navigation.(3) The drastic scour along the middle Yangtze River has intensified the down-cutting of the riverbed and erosion of revetment, it has already led to increasing risk to flood control structures and ecological safety. It is suggested to continue the Field Observation Program, to initiate research programs and to focus on risks of sedimentation.  相似文献   

Observations of sediment dispersal from the Santa Clara River of southern California during two moderately sized river discharge events suggest that river sediment rapidly formed a negatively buoyant (hyperpycnal) bottom plume along the seabed within hours of peak discharge. An array of acoustic and optical sensors were placed at three stations 1 km from the Santa Clara River mouth in 10-m water depth during January–February 2004. These combined observations suggest that fluid mud concentrations of suspended sediment (>10 g/l) and across-shore gravity currents (∼5 cm/s) were observed in the lower 20–40 cm of the water column 4–6 h after discharge events. Gravity currents were wave dominated, rather than auto-suspending, and appeared to consist of silt-to-clay sized sediment from the river. Sediment mass balances suggest that 25–50% of the discharged river sediment was transported by these hyperpycnal currents. Sediment settling purely by flocs (∼1 mm/s) cannot explain the formation of the observed hyperpycnal plumes, therefore we suggest that some enhanced sediment settling from mixing, convective instabilities, or diverging plumes occurred that would explain the formation of the gravity currents. These combined results provide field evidence that high suspended-sediment concentrations from rivers (>1 g/l) may rapidly form hyperpycnal sediment gravity currents immediately offshore of river mouths, and these pathways can explain a significant portion of the river-margin sediment budget. The fate of this sediment will be strongly influenced by bathymetry, whereas the fate of the remaining sediment will be much more influenced by ocean currents.  相似文献   

Recent research on the Mississippi margin indicates notable seasonal variation in seabed dynamics. During years with minimal tropical-system activity, sediments initially deposited from late spring to early fall are remobilized by wind-driven currents and wave energy during extra-tropical weather systems in the winter. This research reveals the profound significance of tropical cyclones on Louisiana Shelf sedimentation. The amount of material delivered to and advected across the shelf by recent tropical cyclones is considerably larger than that related to winter storm systems. In Fall 2004, the river-dominated shelf of Louisiana was impacted by three tropical systems in less than a month, including Hurricane Ivan. Ivan, with maximum sustained winds in excess of 74 m s−1 (144 knots) and a minimum measured central pressure of 910 mbar, was the eighth most intense Atlantic hurricane on record at the time. In order to assess the impact these tropical systems had on the continental margin west of the Mississippi delta, seabed samples were collected from box cores in October 2004 and analyzed for particle-reactive radionuclides 234Th, 7Be, and 210Pb. Radiochemical data and observations from X-radiographs indicate event-driven sediment deposits ranged from 4 to 30 cm on the shelf and 2–6 cm in the Mississippi Canyon. These deposits exhibit distinct radiochemical signatures and differ visually and texturally from the underlying sediment. The well-developed physical stratification and graded nature of the deposits observed in core X-radiographs suggests that the sediment could have been deposited from sediment-gravity flows. Inventories of 7Be and 7Be/234Thxs ratios reveal this series of cyclones transported considerably more material to the outer shelf and slope than periods of minimal tropical-system activity. When compared to seasonal depositional rates created by winter storms, tropical-cyclone-related event deposits on the middle and outer shelf are up to an order of magnitude greater in thickness. The number and thickness of these event deposits decrease with distance from the delta and suggest that only the most severe tropical systems are likely capable of redistributing significant quantities of sediment to more distal portions of the shelf and slope. These severe-event-driven deposits may account for as much as 75% of the sediment burial budget on decadal time scales within Mississippi Canyon. Higher than average tropical cyclone activity, predicted by the National Hurricane Center over the next decade, may be the major mechanism controlling sediment transport and deposition on the Mississippi River continental shelf and in Mississippi Canyon.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the processes and mechanisms of a three‐stage channel adjustment over a cycle of the Yellow River mouth channel extension based on data comprising hydrologic measurements and channel geometric surveys. Rapid siltation in the mouth channel takes place in the young stage when the channel is being built by deposits and in the old stage when the channel cannot further adjust itself to keep sediment transport in equilibrium. It is disclosed that the bankfull width–depth ratio, bed material size and slope decrease in the young and mature stages but do not change in the old stage. The reduction of bankfull width–depth ratio and bed material size during the young and mature stages is found to be able to offset the effect of the slope reduction on sediment transport due to continuous mouth progradation. They reach their limits in old stage, and a constant slope is kept by unceasing sediment accumulation. The grain size composition of incoming sediment and the fining mechanism are responsible for the occurrence of lower limit of bed material size. The reason for the existence of a limit of bankfull cross‐sectional shape is that the large flows can fully transport the sediment load they are carrying, and siltation in the channel in the old stage takes place mainly in the low flows. It is suggested that the bankfull discharge plays an important role in shaping the channel but that the entire channel form is the product of both the large and low flows plus the effects of interaction between them. Channel pattern change shows a process from a braided pattern in the young stage to a straight pattern in the mature and old stages, and the straight channel becomes gradually sinuous. The occurrence and transformation of the channel patterns are supported by two planform predictors, but are also facilitated by some other conditions. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

钱塘江因其恢弘的涌潮现象而举世闻名,对钱塘江涌潮形成机理的探究具有理论与应用双重价值.本文建立了考虑非线性、频散以及耗散作用的二维高阶Boussinesq型方程,并结合有限体积数值方法来描述钱塘江涌潮这一物理过程,复演了最具代表性的"交叉潮"、"一线潮"和"回头潮"三大潮景,同时展现了涌潮的二次自由面起伏现象,重现了钱塘江涌潮的形成、发展和消亡三个完整阶段.从涌潮高度、涌潮速度等涌潮传播表征指标进行探究,分析了不同河段潮景的形成过程以及特征,模拟结果与实际观测结论相吻合.潮景的形成是涌潮进入不同发展阶段的重要标志,"交叉潮"出现在涌潮的形成初期,Froude数接近1,涌潮高度在0.5 m左右;涌潮进入盐官河段后,强度开始增强,形成"一线潮",Froude保持在1.45以上,涌潮高度最大可达3 m以上;"回头潮"出现之后,涌潮强度开始减弱,于三工段区域再次形成小规模的"一线潮",Froude数在1.3~1.4之间,涌潮高度约为2 m;七堡之后,上溯的涌潮进入消亡阶段,Froude数减小至1.3以下,涌潮高度约为1 m.此次研究有助于对钱塘江涌潮特性的进一步认识.  相似文献   

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