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为揭示巢湖水体二氧化碳浓度( cCO 2)时空变化特征及其影响因素,2017年2、4、8和11月分别采集巢湖表层水样,测定水样的理化、生物学参数以及 cCO 2,并以此计算其水-气界面交换通量.结果表明:巢湖表层水体 cCO 2的变化范围为13.31~55.47 μmol/L,年平均值为26.27 μmol/L,在空间上呈现出西高东低的分布趋势;在季节上表现为暖季(夏季)低、冷季(春、秋和冬季)高的规律.巢湖表层水体 cCO 2与溶解性有机碳浓度呈显著正相关,与叶绿素a浓度呈显著负相关,说明有机质分解和光合作用在巢湖CO 2生物化学循环过程中占重要作用;同时,南淝河等入湖河流污染严重,输入大量有机和无机碳,对西巢湖水体CO 2贡献较大.总体上,巢湖CO 2排放量相对较低,巢湖部分区域在冷季(2、11月)表现为CO 2的汇.本研究对于明晰富营养化湖泊CO 2排放特征以及准确估算全球内陆湖泊碳通量等都具有参考价值. 相似文献
本文利用2013年6月至2015年10月北京南苑观象台两年多午后臭氧探空资料,初步分析了北京城区大气混合层内臭氧浓度的垂直分布规律以及典型天气条件下大气边界层臭氧的变化特征.主要结果有:(1)季节平均而言,地表至对流层中部(8 km)的臭氧浓度在夏季最高,冬季最低,相差50~130 μg·m-3,最大差异在边界层.总体而言,对流层臭氧浓度随高度有比较缓慢的增加,但是边界层内臭氧浓度的垂直结构随季节有比较大的差异:夏季混合层中部存在一个臭氧浓度极大值,这与夏季比较强的光化学生成臭氧有关;而在冬季地面臭氧浓度很低,平均值小于40 μg·m-3,说明冬季地面是臭氧很强的汇.(2)臭氧浓度季节内变率的季节差异也十分明显,夏季最大、冬季最小.季节内变率在从边界层向自由对流层过渡区域最小(夏季为24 μg·m-3,冬季仅为10 μg·m-3),在边界层内变率较大,夏季可达64 μg·m-3(冬季为30 μg·m-3),这也说明边界层化学过程明显影响臭氧浓度的变化.(3)我们从所有白天样本中严格筛选了部分混合层样本,并把臭氧浓度在由混合层向自由大气过渡时的垂直分布分成了三类,即臭氧浓度随高度增大(Ⅰ型)、减小(Ⅱ型)以及基本稳定不变(Ⅲ型);臭氧垂直结构类型有明显的季节特征,夏季主要是Ⅱ型,而冬季则以Ⅰ型为主.(4)此外,我们还针对一些典型天气过程(强风、静稳雾天和PM2.5污染)边界层内臭氧的变化特征进行了分析,结果表明:强风切变产生的机械对流引起的充分混合,有利于高层臭氧向低层输送,使得混合层内臭氧浓度的垂直梯度明显减小,同时混合层高度较高,达3 km以上;在高湿度静稳天气控制下,大气混合层较稳定,对北京上空污染物的垂直扩散十分不利:颗粒物浓度升高,削弱到达近地层的太阳辐射,从而降低臭氧的生成效率,混合层内臭氧浓度与混合层厚度都处于较低水平. 相似文献
通过讨论已有的60年来大气中CO 2浓度数据的分布状态,采用趋势分析方法,给出了具体趋势方程形式.与冰芯分析或观测数据对比结果表明,趋势方程曲线与已有数据基本符合,随后初步给出了2010年至2016年间大气中CO 2浓度预测值. 相似文献
利用2001年3月19~29日和2003年8月11~25日中国科学院大气物理研究所325m大气边界层观测塔资料,分析研讨了北京城市大气边界层低层的垂直动力结构特征及其与污染物浓度分布的关系.对比分析了北京城市大气边界层低层不同高度的风、温度和湿度梯度资料、大气湍流和大气化学观测系统资料,综合分析获取了无因次速度、温度湍流方差和湍流通量、湍能分布特征及其与污染物浓度空间分布的关系,同时分析了北京地区沙尘天气过程中城市边界层低层垂直结构特征及其污染物浓度的分布与变化特征.分析结果表明,在不稳定层结条件下,47和120m高度上无因次速度湍流方差和温度湍流方差遵循莫宁-奥布克霍夫相似规律,并给出相应的拟合公式.稳定大气边界层可按层结参数z′/L分成二分区,z′/L<0.1为弱稳定区,此时相似规律可适用,z′/L>0.1为强稳定区,在此区内无因次速度方差随稳定度增大有增大的趋势,而无因次温度方差则保持不变.白天近地层包含了47和120m,而280m已在近地层之上.对2001年3月北京地区一次沙尘天气过程的城市边界层资料分析发现,320m高度上总悬浮颗粒物浓度最高达到913.3μg/m3,在边界层内大气颗粒物从上层向低层输送,这与锋面过境时低空急流从上层向下发展过程并伴随的强下沉运动有关. 相似文献
根据GUFM1和IGRF11模型,计算1590—2010年主磁场总强度F、水平分量H和磁倾角I三个要素的水平梯度和垂直梯度,分析了它们的空间分布和长期变化特点.结果表明:F和H的垂直梯度与其磁场的空间分布类似,水平方向的梯度以及磁倾角I在3个方向的梯度都与其磁场分布有明显差异.H的3个方向的梯度分布清楚地指示出南磁极的位置.梯度的长期变化表明,北半球磁场梯度漂移缓慢,南半球磁场梯度变化较快.磁倾角的垂直梯度显示,中太平洋负异常周围的正异常在围绕该负异常旋转.近赤道的梯度异常带在60°W附近的转折是由印度洋异常向非洲方向移动所致. 相似文献
根据GUFM1和IGRF11模型,计算1590—2010年主磁场总强度F、水平分量H和磁倾角I三个要素的水平梯度和垂直梯度,分析了它们的空间分布和长期变化特点.结果表明:F和H的垂直梯度与其磁场的空间分布类似,水平方向的梯度以及磁倾角I在3个方向的梯度都与其磁场分布有明显差异.H的3个方向的梯度分布清楚地指示出南磁极的位置.梯度的长期变化表明,北半球磁场梯度漂移缓慢,南半球磁场梯度变化较快.磁倾角的垂直梯度显示,中太平洋负异常周围的正异常在围绕该负异常旋转.近赤道的梯度异常带在60°W附近的转折是由印度洋异常向非洲方向移动所致. 相似文献
Swarm A/C卫星在460 km左右高度伴飞,地方时差异5.6 min,为赤道电离异常(Equatorial Ionization Anomaly,EIA)研究提供了一个绝好的观测机会.本文利用Swarm A/C卫星2014-2017年期间的电子密度观测数据,研究了地磁活动相对平静期EIA特征参量地方时梯度的日变化特征.分析发现:(1)EIA驼峰强度和位置的地方时梯度,ΔNe和Δβ,在正午前随地方时线性减小,午后达到极小值;傍晚前后,二者先增大后减小.该日变化特征在各季节具有普适性.(2)ΔNe和Δβ的日变化表现出紧密的相关性,且在白天和日落后两个时段内遵从明显不同的线性关系.(3)ΔNe和Δβ对赤道等离子体抬升通量地方时梯度,Δflux,的响应非常迅速,滞后时间约为1 h. 相似文献
利用17年的SABER(Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry)Level2C数据研究了中间层与低热层大气(MLT, Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere) CO 2 VMR(Volume Mixing Ratio)的年际变化特征.使用多元线性回归模型对双月平均时间序列拟合,定量地提取各变化特征.结果表明,SABER CO 2 VMR长期趋势在中间层保持在5.5%/decade左右,在中间层顶和低热层降低至4.5%/decade左右;结果与模式预测在统计意义上相符.长期趋势没有显著的纬度差异,但在各纬度上都具有明显的季节依赖,MLT CO 2 VMR长期趋势的季节性改变源自低层大气长期趋势季节性改变.SABER CO 2 VMR对QBO (Quasi-Biannual Oscillation)和ENSO (El Ni1o-Southern Oscillation)在绝大多数区域没有统计显著的响... 相似文献
为了解用电阻率法、电磁法和激发极化法监测地下水污染的可能性,给出了在水样和含水砂样中,加入了不同浓度的无机污染物和有机污染物时,样品电阻率、极化率、半衰时和偏离度等导电性和激电性参数与浓度变化关系的几个实验观测结果.水样中的观测结果表明,除个别有机污染样品的电阻率随浓度增加有所增大外,其余所有无机污染和有机污染样品的电阻率均随浓度的增加而减小.含水砂样中的观测结果表明,不同污染成分样品的电阻率和极化率,均随孔隙液浓度的增加而减小,但对反应样品激电时间特性的参数而言,则有半衰时随浓度增加而减小,偏离度随浓度增加而增大的规律.同时指出,用电阻率法、电磁法和激发激化法监测地下水污染是十分困难的. 相似文献
By utilizing observational data from a 325 m tower of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) on March 19-29, 2001 and August 11-25, 2003, a comprehensive study was conducted on the vertical dynamical and thermodynamic characteristics of the urban lower boundary layer (ULBL) and its relationship with aerosol concentration over Beijing. Firstly, a comparative analysis was made on the gradient data (wind, temperature and humidity), ultrasonic data (atmospheric turbulences) and air-quality observations at different tower heights (47, 120 and 280 m). Secondly, a diagnosis was made to reveal the major features of normalized variances of velocity and temperature, turbulence kinetic energy as well as their relationship with aerosol concentrations. Furthermore, the characteristics of the ULBL vertical structure and the TSP concentration/distribution variations during a sand/dust weather process were also analyzed. The outcome of the study showed that under unstable stratification, the normalized variances of velocity (σu/u*, σv/u*, σw/u*) and temperature (σT/T*) at 47 and 120 m heights fit the Monin-Obukhov similarity (MOS) framework and the fitting formulas were given out accordingly. According to the stratification parameter (z′/L), the stable ULBL could be divided into 2 zones. With z′/L<0.1, it was a weakly stable zone and MOS framework was applicable. The other was a highly stable zone with z′/L>0.1 and the normalized velocity variances tended to increase along with higher stability, but it remained constant for normalized temperature variances. At daytime, the near-surface layer includes two heights of 47 and 120 m, while 280 m has been above it. The ULBL analysis in conjunction with a sand/dust weather process in Beijing in March 2001 indicated that the maximum concentration of Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) at 320 m reached 913.3 μg/m3 and the particles were transported from the upper to lower ULBL, which was apparently related to the development process of a low-level jet and its concomitant strong sinking motion. 相似文献
河流是连接大陆和海洋两大碳库的桥梁,在全球碳循环中的作用举足轻重.金沙江作为长江的上游段,对区域碳循环及区域化学风化的影响非常重要.于2015年8月8-18日对金沙江下游水-气界面CO_2与CH_4通量特征进行监测与分析.采用顶空平衡法结合薄边界层模型估算法计算表层水体CO_2与CH_4的分压以及水-气界面的交换通量,并分析环境变量与其之间的相关性.研究发现,金沙江下游表层水体p(CO_2)平均值为2724.84±477.18μatm,表层水体p(CH_4)平均值为59.96±6.74μatm;水-气界面CO_2通量平均值为2.24±0.50 mmol/(m2·h),CH_4通量平均值为0.000163±0.00009 mmol/(m2·h),通量与分压趋势基本保持一致.表层水体p(CO_2)与溶解性无机碳浓度、碱度均呈显著正相关,而p(CH_4)与水温、叶绿素a浓度均呈显著正相关,CO_2通量与p(CO_2)、溶解性无机碳浓度、碱度均呈正相关,CH_4通量与p(CH_4)、风速均呈正相关,其他环境因素对通量的影响不明显,仍需进一步研究.金沙江下游水-气界面CH_4扩散通量较低,而CO_2扩散通量在世界主要河流中属于中等水平. 相似文献
湖泊、河流等内陆水体是连接陆地生态系统和海洋的“长程碳环路”的重要节点,也是温室气体二氧化碳(CO 2)排放源,在调节陆地、海洋间的碳迁移转换中发挥着重要作用。相对于自然水体,城市水体因面积小、水深浅且受监测方法限制,水-气界面碳通量经常被忽略。为探讨我国亚热带城市水体温室气体排放特征,本研究以湖南省长沙市典型城市水体,包括洋湖、西湖、松雅湖、月湖4个湖泊和湘江长沙段为研究对象,分别于2022年4和10月采用光化学反馈-腔增强吸收光谱法(OF-CEAS)和扩散模型法对水-气界面CO 2通量进行对比测定。结果表明,长沙城市湖泊与河流春季为CO 2排放源,秋季为吸收汇,河流水-气界面CO 2通量呈显著季节差异。河湖之间CO 2通量在春季表现为显著差异,秋季差异不显著。CO 2通量与水体溶解氧、水体总氮浓度等呈显著正相关。2种方法的CO 2通量对比测定在湖泊上显著相关,但对河流而言相关性不显著。研究揭示的城市湖泊与河流CO 2气体的排放特征有利于深入探究城市水体碳的迁移转化,可对全面了解全球气候变化过程和河湖湿地温室气体减排和调控提供科学支撑。 相似文献
模型估算法与静态箱法是水-气界面气体通量监测的主要方法,因原理不同监测结果通常存在一定差异.目前对引起上述差异的主要环境因素仍不清晰.本研究使用自行设计的静态箱对三峡支流澎溪河水-气界面CO2通量进行监测,并与同步开展的CO2通量薄边界层模型估算法结果相比较,探讨该水域引起这两种监测方法结果产生差异的主要环境因素.结果表明,瞬时风速、水汽温差及水深均会对静态箱法及模型估算法的监测结果产生影响.风速越强、水汽温差越大、水深越大,这两种方法监测结果的差异就越小;而水域面积对两种方法的差异没有影响.比较发现,两种方法所获通量数据呈显著正相关,但静态箱法所获通量数据离散性显著高于薄边界层模型估算法.从方法的稳定性角度,在峡谷河道型水库水体温室气体监测中薄边界层模型估算法可能更为适宜. 相似文献
A two-fluid, small scale numerical ocean model was developed to simulate plume dynamics and increases in water acidity due to leakages of CO 2 from potential sub-seabed reservoirs erupting, or pipeline breaching into the North Sea. The location of a leak of such magnitude is unpredictable; therefore, multiple scenarios are modelled with the physiochemical impact measured in terms of the movement and dissolution of the leaked CO 2. A correlation for the drag coefficient of bubbles/droplets free rising in seawater is presented and a sub-model to predict the initial bubble/droplet size forming on the seafloor is proposed. With the case studies investigated, the leaked bubbles/droplets fully dissolve before reaching the water surface, where the solution will be dispersed into the larger scale ocean waters. The tools developed can be extended to various locations to model the sudden eruption, which is vital in determining the fate of the CO 2 within the local waters. 相似文献
Simulations are routinely used to study the process of carbon dioxide (CO 2) sequestration in saline aquifers. In this paper, we describe the modeling and simulation of the dissolution–diffusion–convection process based on a total velocity splitting formulation for a variable-density incompressible single-phase model. A second-order accurate sequential algorithm, implemented within a block-structured adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) framework, is used to perform high-resolution studies of the process. We study both the short-term and long-term behaviors of the process. It is found that the onset time of convection follows closely the prediction of linear stability analysis. In addition, the CO 2 flux at the top boundary, which gives the rate at which CO 2 gas dissolves into a negatively buoyant aqueous phase, will reach a stabilized state at the space and time scales we are interested in. This flux is found to be proportional to permeability, and independent of porosity and effective diffusivity, indicative of a convection-dominated flow. A 3D simulation further shows that the added degrees of freedom shorten the onset time and increase the magnitude of the stabilized CO 2 flux by about 25%. Finally, our results are found to be comparable to results obtained from TOUGH2-MP. 相似文献
为研究河流溶解性CO_2(二氧化碳)对城镇化的响应,于2018年8月对三峡库区3条具有不同城镇化强度的河流——汝溪河、南河和桃花溪进行野外在线监测及取样分析,测定了样品有机质(溶解性有机碳DOC)、营养元素(溶解性总氮DTN、溶解性总磷DTP);利用Arc GIS解译各流域的土地利用组成,并利用碳酸盐平衡方程,通过p H、Alk(碱度)、水温计算不同城镇化梯度河流的p CO_2(CO_2分压).结果表明:建设用地占比从低到高依次为:汝溪河南河桃花溪,河流p CO_2依次为1790±1210、2006±3546、4094±4218μatm,与河流的城镇化梯度变化一致,河流水-气界面呈现为CO2源;DOC、DTN浓度、Alk、电导率在各河流间呈现显著性差异.DOC、DTN、DTP浓度和Alk的变化规律与河流的城镇化梯度一致.研究发现城镇化进程增加水体的p CO_2,引起区域城镇扩张进程中河流CO_2释放通量的增加,结论支持强人为活动影响增加河流碳释放的假设. 相似文献
水库近岸湿地(消落区)温室气体(CO 2、CH 4)产汇是水库温室气体效应问题的重要组成部分.本文以三峡水库支流澎溪河的白家溪、养鹿两处大面积消落区为研究对象,于2010年6 9月水库低水位运行期间,对近岸消落区土-气界面CO 2、CH 4通量进行监测.白家溪消落区土-气界面CO 2通量均值为12.38±2.42 mmol/(m 2·h);CH 4通量均值为0.0112±0.0064 mmol/(m 2·h).养鹿消落区CO 2、CH 4通量均值分别为10.54±5.17、0.14±0.16 mmol/(m 2·h).总体上,6 9月土-气界面CO 2通量呈增加趋势,而CH 4通量水平呈现显著的递减趋势.消落区土地出露后植被恢复,在一定程度上促进了土壤有机质含量的增加,使得6 9月CO 2释放通量的总体趋势有所增加.消落区退耕后,其甲烷氧化菌的活性得到恢复,加之在土地出露曝晒过程中土壤透气性增强,使得消落区土壤对大气中CH 4吸收氧化潜势增强.尽管如此,仍需进一步的研究以明晰消落区土-气界面CO 2、CH 4产汇的主要影响因素. 相似文献
The southern Yellow Sea (SYS), located to the north of the East China Sea (ECS), was considered part of the ECS when Tsunogai et al. (1999) proposed the “continental shelf pump” (CSP) hypothesis. However, the original CSP carbon dioxide (CO 2) uptake flux (2.9 mol C m −2 yr −1) appears to have been overestimated, primarily due to the differences between the SYS and the ECS in terms of their CO 2 system. In this paper, we estimated air-sea CO 2 fluxes in the SYS using the surface water partial pressure of CO 2 ( pCO 2) measured in winter, spring, and summer, as well as that estimated in fall via the relationship of pCO 2 with salinity, temperature, and chlorophyll a. The results indicate that overall, the entire investigated area was a net source of atmospheric CO 2 during summer, winter, and fall, whereas it was a net sink during spring. Spatially, the nearshore area was almost a permanent CO 2 source, while the central SYS shifted from being a CO 2 sink in spring to a source in the other seasons of the year. Overall, the SYS is a net source of atmospheric CO 2 on an annual scale, releasing ∼7.38 Tg C (1 Tg=10 12 g) to the atmosphere annually. Thus, the updated CO 2 uptake flux in the combined SYS and ECS is reduced to ∼0.86 mol C m −2 yr −1. If this value is extrapolated globally following Tsunogai et al. (1999), the global continental shelf would be a sink of ∼0.29 Pg C yr −1, instead of 1 Pg C yr −1 (1 Pg=10 15 g).The SYS as a net annual source of atmospheric CO 2 is in sharp contrast to most mid- and high-latitude continental shelves, which are CO 2 sinks. We argue that unlike the ECS and the North Sea where carbon on the shelf could be exported to the open ocean, the SYS lacks the physical conditions required by the CSP to transport carbon off the shelf effectively. The global validity of the CSP theory is thus questionable. 相似文献
We studied the morphological and biochemical changes of mitochondria-rich cells (MRCs) of a demersal teleost, Paralichthys olivaceus, during exposure to 0.98, 2.97 and 4.95 kPa pCO 2. The apical opening area of MRCs increased 2.2 and 4.1 times by 24 h exposure to 2.97 and 4.95 kPa pCO 2, respectively, while the cross-sectional area or density of MRCs did not change. Gill Na +/K +-ATPase activity more than doubled at 72 h and then returned to the pre-exposure level at 168 h in 0.98 kPa pCO 2, while it increased 1.7 times at 24 h at 4.95 kPa. These results indicate that the apical opening area of MRCs and the gill Na +/K +-ATPase activity may be used as an indicator of acute (up to 72 h), but not chronic, impacts of high (>1 kPa) seawater CO 2 conditions in P. olivacues. Limitations of those parameters as indices of CO 2 impacts are discussed. 相似文献