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叶灿  成泽毅  高宇  宋金宝  李爽 《海洋与湖沼》2023,54(6):1537-1550
当水流经过海洋地形时,水流的不稳定性会引起垂向混合并伴随大量湍流过程。针对传统海气耦合模式缺少在湍流尺度上讨论海洋地形与风速对海气相互作用影响的问题,使用并行大涡模拟海气耦合模式(the parallelized large eddy simulation model, PALM)在5 m/s的背景风场下,引入理想立方体地形,对比有无地形的影响;设置地形边长为L,高为3L (其中大气部分高L), L与水深H之比为L/H=1/2;然后保持地形条件不变。设置5、10和15 m/s三种风速,讨论风速对小尺度海气相互作用的影响。研究表明:地形在大气部分减弱顺风向速度,增强侧风向速度,影响0~5L的高度区域,而对垂向作用较小;无地形条件下湍流垂向涡黏系数Km在-0.3L时,水深达到最大值0.024 m2/s,有地形条件下Km在-0.8L时,达到最大值为0.16 m2/s,地形的存在使得上层海洋混合加强, Km最大值增加1个数量级。随风速增大海洋和大气中的净热通量、淡水通量和浮力通量都相应...  相似文献   

基于大涡模拟与被动示踪物模型的人工鱼礁数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王者也  李爽 《海洋与湖沼》2021,52(6):1376-1387
投放人工鱼礁是解决海洋生态环境问题的重要措施之一。通过使用并行大涡模拟模式(the parallelizeda large-eddy simulation model,PALM)及被动示踪物模型模块,研究了不同流速条件(0.1,0.2,0.4和0.6 m/s)下方型人工鱼礁对流场形态、营养盐的抬升作用、和湍流动能收支的影响。研究表明,鱼礁的存在使得其附近垂向速度增大,产生上升流。受到上升流的抬升作用,鱼礁底部的示踪物迅速进入海洋上层,之后遇到鱼礁后方的背涡流,示踪物的抬升受阻,高度逐渐降低。在上升流区域以及背涡流区域的共同影响下,示踪物抬升区域的最大高度与来流流速无关。不同上升流定义对应的上升流区域的高度与来流流速均不相关;上升流区域的最大速度、平均速度与来流流速都成线性增加的关系;然而随着来流流速的增大,不同上升流定义对应的上升流区域面积的变化趋势却完全不同。投放鱼礁后,鱼礁区域底部的混合增强,区域底部的能量被输运至上层。这说明,鱼礁的存在不仅对营养物质具有抬升作用,还能将能量向上输运。  相似文献   

孙丹译  李爽 《海洋与湖沼》2020,51(6):1310-1319
大气和海洋是影响地球气候系统的两个重要因素,它们之间的相互作用是海洋和大气研究的重要课题,海气耦合模式则是研究海气相互作用的重要工具,而海气耦合模式重点考虑的参数是海气通量。针对传统的大尺度海气耦合模式缺少湍流尺度分析的问题,本文使用并行大涡模拟海气耦合模式(The Parallelized Large-Eddy Simulation Model,PALM),在小尺度上探究风速对海气通量及湍流动能收支(Turbulence Kinetic Energy Budget,TKE Budget)的影响,设置了5、10和15m/s三种地转风速度对大气边界层(Atmospheric Boundary Layer,ABL)和海洋混合层(Oceanic Mixed Layer,OML)进行海气耦合模拟。研究表明:海气通量的分布与风速大小密切相关,风速越大,净热通量和浮力通量相对越大,由于温度上升导致海水蒸发加剧,使得大气的淡水通量增大;海洋湍流动能收支各项在近海面处受风速影响较大,且随着深度加深而逐渐减弱。本研究初步展示了小尺度海气耦合模式在海气通量研究中的应用,对进行小尺度海气相互作用研究具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

大涡模拟及其在海洋湍流数值模拟中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文概述了大涡模拟的定义及特征,介绍了大涡模拟的几种常用方法以及它在海洋湍流场数值模拟中的应用,并指出了一些尚待改进的问题。  相似文献   

为了降低空化造成的水动力性能损失,基于仿生学原理,参考座头鲸鳍肢剖面形状,将前缘波浪构型引入到水翼设计中,研究波状前缘水翼的非定常空化特性,并探究前缘参数改变对空化控制的效果和规律。选用NACA634-021水翼为基准模型,进行前缘参数化重构,设计出3种不同的波状水翼进行对比研究。采用大涡模拟(LES)方法对空化流场进行精细化数值模拟,针对基准水翼和不同波幅与波长参数下的波状水翼开展了空化周期、升阻力系数、压力脉动以及流向涡结构的对比分析。结果发现,波状水翼在抑制空化和降低压力脉动方面都取得了显著效果。其中,3种不同的波状水翼空化抑制率分别为15.7%、18.6%和27.9%,压力脉动幅值分别降低了55.3%、67.3%和74.6%。分析表明,波浪前缘的引入使得空化的分区效应更加凸显,空化从波谷处初生,增大波幅或减小波长都可以加强对空化的抑制效果,并可以提高升力系数以及显著降低水翼表面的压力脉动。前缘波浪构型还将诱发向下游发展的对转涡结构,不同前缘参数的波状水翼涡结构的演化是相似的,空泡发展与溃灭的整个过程对涡结构的发展也具有显著影响。  相似文献   

基于大涡模拟和局部滤波同化方法的海洋环流模式   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
结合最小二乘法极值原理,提出了一种基于局部谱展开的滤波同化方法,把测量数据和数值计算过程中出现的高频短波滤掉,并将高度计数据同化到了求解过程中.结果既增加了数值稳定性,又提高了数值模拟的准确性.针对在海洋环流问题中水平的流动性质和垂直的不同的特点,我们还将大涡模拟的思想和直接涡黏的思想分别应用于水平方向和垂直方向,给出的方法是一种适用于海洋环流和浅水环流问题的大涡模拟湍流模式.对热带和北太平洋一年四季非定常季风作用下环流的数值模拟表明,提出的方法非常有效,数值结果与实际相当吻合.  相似文献   

导管推进器是一种普遍应用于无人遥控潜水器(ROV)等潜器中的特种推进器。在桨叶与导管之间的梢隙中存在非常复杂的流动,本研究基于大涡模拟(LES)对导管推进器的梢隙流动进行了数值模拟分析。通过对时间步长的收敛性研究,建立两套基于不同网格类型的计算模型。将计算与试验结果进行对比,比较两种不同类型网格模拟结果的差异,发现切割体网格能够更好地捕捉到泄涡的细节,并结合梢隙流场的原理分析了泄涡发展的过程,梢隙涡的驱动力是吸力面、压力面之间的压差。此外,随着进速系数增大,梢隙周向的涡管轴向分布范围减小,主泄涡发生位置延后,泄出涡的长度和数量都有所减少。  相似文献   

采用低速气流运动控制方程组和湍流大涡模拟方法,研究了来风风向对航母甲板风的影响,得到了不同来风风向条件下,艏艉对称面附近、甲板上方低场及航母后方某点处压力和垂向速度随时间的变化关系。结果表明:航母有一定角度的侧向风对舰载机起飞有利,右舷风比左舷风有利;从有利于舰载机着舰角度看,右舷来风较左舷来风有利;从舰载机着舰下滑稳定性上看,来风风向角度越小越有利。  相似文献   

海底管线上波浪力的大涡模拟及三步有限元数值模拟   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用三步有限元法结合大涡模拟方法(LES)离散非定常不可压流动的Navier-Stokes方程,模拟了波浪场中海底管线周围流场及其受力情况,并把数值模拟的结果与物理实验的实测结果进行了比较,两者符合较好。为了检验三维效应的影响,同时进行了二维和三维流场的数值模拟。  相似文献   

雷诺数为3 900时三维圆柱绕流的大涡模拟   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
自从人们对层流的圆柱绕流现象有了系列研究及清楚的认识后,人们逐渐把目光投向湍流的圆柱绕流,但相关研究主要关注于模拟湍流方法的数值格式和精度问题,而忽略了对高雷诺下圆柱绕流流场本身的认识及规律的总结。基于开源代码Open FOAM的大涡模拟方法以连续方程和Navier-Stokes方程为控制方程,选用Smargorinsky模式为亚格子应力模型,采用有限体积法和一次预测两次修正的PISO算法,对Re=3 900时三维圆柱绕流问题进行了数值模拟研究,并着重分析了其尾流特征和性质。数值计算结果表明:大涡模拟方法可以模拟出细致的流场结构,该雷诺数下的圆柱绕流具有很强的三维及湍流效应,在圆柱后方约一倍直径的范围内存在回流区域,在靠近圆柱壁面的尾流区域的速度剖面呈"U"型,远离壁面的速度剖面呈"V"型。瞬时速度剖面始终围绕着时均速度的周围脉动,且距离圆柱越远瞬时速度场的脉动范围越大。  相似文献   

The surface heat budget of the Arctic Ocean (SHEBA) project has shown that the study of the surface heat budget characteristics is crucial to understanding the interface process and environmental change in the polar region. An arctic single - column model (ARCSCM) of Colorado University is used to simulate the arctic surface radiation and energy budget during the summertime. The simulation results are analyzed and compared with the SHEBA measurements. Sensitivity analyses are performed to test microphysical and radiative parameterizations in this model. The results show that the ARCSCM model is able to simulate the surface radiation and energy budget in the arctic during the summertime, and the different parameterizations have a significant influence on the results. The combination of cloud microphysics and RRTM parameterizations can fairly derive the surface solar shortwave radiation and downwelling longwave radiation flux. But this cloud microphysics parameterization scheme deviates notably from the simulation of surface sensible and latent heat flux. Further improvement for the parameterization scheme applied to the Arctic Regions is necessary.  相似文献   

地形作用下的珠江河口能量平衡   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The Zhujiang River(Pearl River) Estuary(ZRE) is a very complicated and large-scale estuarine system in China. It consists of two parts: the river networks and the estuarine bays. Not only is the network system one of the most complicated in the world, but also each estuarine bay has a very special morphodynamic feature due to the geological settings. Morphological boundary conditions have direct effects on the energy dissipation and balance. On the basis of a three-dimensional(3-D) barotropic model whose domain includes the river networks and the estuarine bays, the energy budget is discussed under the influence of topography in the ZRE. The elevation and discharge of this model are validated by the observations collected in July 1999 and February 2001. The results show that(1) the source of energy in the ZRE is mainly generated by tides and river runoffs, which have an obvious seasonal change, and(2) there are some typical hotspots where the energy dissipation is 1–2 orders higher than those in the immediate upstream and downstream sections in the ZRE. These hotspots are linked with the small-scale dynamic structures(SSDS) and morphological units. On the basis of the characteristics of the morphology and the energy dissipation, the hotspots can be categorized into three types: the outlet of the ZRE, the meandering river, the branch and junction.  相似文献   

何啸  贾村  孟静  刘娟  陈旭  杨小欣 《海洋科学》2023,47(3):1-14
内波是海洋中普遍存在的波动形式。内孤立波是典型的非线性内波,多发于陆架边缘海,如南海等海域,对陆架海域有重要影响。本文针对内孤立波在陆架地形上的传播问题,先基于弱非线性与全非线性数值模型,模拟了不同振幅、地形高度条件下内孤立波的演化的过程,探讨了动力系数对内孤立波演化过程的影响,对比了两模型的模拟结果在内孤立波演化过程、能量分配以及能量耗散的差异,后分析了南海的动力系数分布特征。结果表明,在内孤立波不发生破碎的情况下,弱非线性模型与全非线性模拟结果相近。当发生破碎过程时,弱非线性模型可准确模拟头波,但无法通过强非线性的破碎过程耗散能量,只能以裂变的方式辐射能量。在弱非线性模型中,随地形高度增加,频散系数减小到零,平方非线性系数由负转正,立方非线性系数绝对值增大一个量级,并主导陆架地形上内孤立波的演化过程。通过对比南海夏季与冬季非线性内波动力系数空间分布,发现内孤立波在传播过程由于夏季平方非线性效应、立方非线性效应与频散效应较强的影响,其在夏季更易发生陡化与裂变,波列发生频率高。  相似文献   

Chen-Yuan Chen   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(14-15):1995-2008
Stratified mixing is observed in a wave flume on an internal solitary wave (ISW) of depression or elevation type propagating over a submarine ridge. The submarine ridges, which comprise the seabed topography, are either semicircular or triangular. Tests are performed in a series of combinations of submarine ridges with different heights and ISW in different amplitudes within a two-layer fluid system. When the thickness of the top layer is less than that of the lower layer (i.e., H1<H2), a depression-type ISW may produce a strong hydraulic jump with downwards motion and continuous eddy diffusion. During diffusion, the leading profile of the ISW transforms a wrapped vortex on the front face of the ridge, and a vortex separation at the apex of the ridge. Meanwhile, an elevation-type ISW causes a vortex in the lee of a submarine ridge, which resembles a surface solitary wave in terms of wave transmission process. The degree of wave-obstacle interaction is determined by energy loss, which is induced by submarine ridge blockage. The experiment results suggest that degree of blocking can be applied to classify various degrees of ISW-obstacle encounter in the stratified two-layer fluid system.  相似文献   

The impact of parameterized topographic internal lee wave drag on the input and output terms in the total mechanical energy budget of a hybrid coordinate high-resolution global ocean general circulation model forced by winds and air-sea buoyancy fluxes is examined here. Wave drag, which parameterizes the generation of internal lee waves arising from geostrophic flow impinging upon rough topography, is included in the prognostic model, ensuring that abyssal currents and stratification in the model are affected by the wave drag.An inline mechanical (kinetic plus gravitational potential) energy budget including four dissipative terms (parameterized topographic internal lee wave drag, quadratic bottom boundary layer drag, vertical eddy viscosity, and horizontal eddy viscosity) demonstrates that wave drag dissipates less energy in the model than a diagnostic (offline) estimate would suggest, due to reductions in both the abyssal currents and stratification. The equator experiences the largest reduction in energy dissipation associated with wave drag in inline versus offline estimates. Quadratic bottom drag is the energy sink most affected globally by the presence of wave drag in the model; other energy sinks are substantially affected locally, but not in their global integrals. It is suggested that wave drag cannot be mimicked by artificially increasing the quadratic bottom drag because the energy dissipation rates associated with bottom drag are not spatially correlated with those associated with wave drag where the latter are small. Additionally, in contrast to bottom drag, wave drag is a non-local energy sink.All four aforementioned dissipative terms contribute substantially to the total energy dissipation rate of about one terawatt. The partial time derivative of potential energy (non-zero since the isopycnal depths have a long adjustment time), the surface advective fluxes of potential energy, the rate of change of potential energy due to diffusive mass fluxes, and the conversion between internal energy and potential energy also play a non-negligible role in the total mechanical energy budget. Reasons for the <10% total mechanical energy budget imbalance are discussed.  相似文献   

湍流数值模拟中封闭模式应用的局限性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对琼州海峡的潮流场特征进行数值模拟,指出了选择不同的特征混合长度表达式对数值模拟结果的影响,表明了基于特征混合长度理论的流封闭模式在近海湍流数值模拟中应用的局限性。  相似文献   

Large eddy simulations of the flow around a circular cylinder at high Reynolds numbers are reported. Five Reynolds numbers were chosen, such that the drag crisis was captured. A total of 18 cases were computed to investigate the effect of gridding strategy, turbulence modelling, numerical schemes and domain width on the results. It was found that unstructured grids provide better resolution of key flow features, when a ‘reasonable’ grid size is to be maintained.When using coarse grids for large eddy simulation, the effect of turbulence models and numerical schemes becomes more pronounced. The dynamic mixed Smagorinsky model was found to be superior to the Smagorinsky model, since the model coefficient is allowed to dynamically adjust based on the local flow and grid size. A blended upwind-central convection scheme was also found to provide the best accuracy, since a fully central scheme exhibits artificial wiggles, due to dispersion errors, which pollute the solution.Mean drag, fluctuating lift Strouhal number and base pressure are compared to experiments and empirical estimates for Reynolds numbers ranging from 6.31 × 104 to 5.06 × 105. In terms of the drag coefficient, the drag crisis is well captured by the present simulations, although the other integral quantities (rms lift and Strouhal number) show larger discrepancies. For the lowest Reynolds number, the drag is seen to be more sensitive to the domain width than the spanwise grid spacing, while at the higher Reynolds numbers the grid resolution plays a more important role, due to the larger extent of the turbulent boundary layer.  相似文献   

波浪增减水的实用数学模型及其数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
提出了一种模拟近岸区波浪增减水的实用数学模型.首先采用考虑波能损失的抛物型缓坡方程数值模拟波浪破碎引起的波浪复振幅变化,接着根据计算得到的波浪复振幅,采用一种新的辐射应力公式计算辐射应力分量,然后采用深度平均方程计算波浪破碎产生的增减水.采用该模型对规则波和不规则波破碎引起的增减水进行了数值模拟,数值模拟结果与实验结果吻合良好,表明该模型可有效模拟近岸区由于波浪破碎引起的增减水.  相似文献   

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