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大地电阻率分布信息是影响磁共振地下水探测反演结果准确性的重要因素.在众多电磁法勘探技术中,瞬变电磁法具有高分辨率、高效率和大探测深度等优势,能准确探测地下几百米范围内的电阻率分布信息.因此磁共振与瞬变电磁联合解释方法具有重要意义.然而,利用单一测点拼接的磁共振与瞬变电磁联合解释方法进行模拟二维反演时存在解释结果不唯一,容易出现错误异常体等问题,尤其在复杂地质情况下,同一测线上相邻测点探测结果连续性差,解释结果偏离实际.基于此,本文提出磁共振与瞬变电磁横向约束联合反演方法(Laterally Constrained Inversion,简称LCI),重点引入外推积分法(quadrature with extrapolation,简称QWE),解决了传统正演过程中基于直接数值积分方法引起的求解效率低的问题,保证了联合反演方法的顺利实施,进而以相邻测点地下结构应具备连续性为依据,引入横向约束反演思想,通过在联合反演目标函数中加入相邻测点间各模型参数约束矩阵,提高磁共振解释结果准确性,加强探测剖面地质结构和含水模型连续性.经过理论模型证实,本文提出的LCI方法能有效提高传统一维反演结果的稳定性和唯一性.最后,对安徽黄山野外实际探测数据进行横向约束联合反演,验证了磁共振与瞬变电磁LCI联合反演方法的实用性.本文的研究成果将为磁共振与瞬变电磁空间约束联合反演奠定基础.  相似文献   

频率域航空电磁数据的加权横向约束反演   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
传统的一维反演技术已经被广泛应用于航空电磁数据解释中.然而,利用单点水平层状介质模型模拟地下复杂地电结构有时会遇到困难.突出表现在反演参数的横向不连续性,即使相邻测点的反演结果也会出现突变.本文针对航空电磁直升机吊舱系统可进行密集采样,相邻测点地下电性结构应具有某种程度连续性的特点,研究航空电磁数据横向约束反演理论,并提出参数加权约束方法.首先阐述频率域航空电磁正演和加权横向约束反演理论,着重介绍这种拟二维反演方法的基本原理和实施步骤,以及将该方法成功应用于频率域航空电磁数据反演处理的方法技术.最后,通过对理论和实测数据反演处理,并与传统的一维反演结果进行对比,验证加权横向约束反演方法的有效性.  相似文献   

航空瞬变电磁法适用于浅表地层的大面积探测,由于实测数据量巨大,一维反演作为一种快速高效的方法被广泛应用.在层状地电条件下,横向约束反演能有效的改善传统单点阻尼最小二乘反演结果中界面横向不连续的情况,但其存在反演过程依赖初始模型,且在复杂层状情况下迭代不稳定的问题.本文提出一种基于OCCAM反演并在正则化项中引入横向光滑约束的光滑拟二维反演方法,在保持OCCAM方法对初始模型依赖性小优势的同时,也使得相邻测点电性横向连续.在反演过程中采用令满足迭代误差的测点不再参与后续迭代的策略,以此减少不必要的正演和雅可比计算,提高反演效率.通过对三个不同地电情况的理论模拟数据进行光滑拟二维反演,并与其他传统反演方法对比,验证了该方法能有效的提高反演稳定性,得到与理论模型高度吻合的反演结果.  相似文献   

航空电磁拟三维模型空间约束反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了克服时间域航空电磁数据单点反演结果中常见的电阻率或层厚度横向突变造成数据难以解释的问题,通过引入双向约束实现航空电磁拟三维空间约束反演.除考虑沿测线方向相邻测点之间的横向约束外,同时还考虑了垂直测线方向测点在空间上的相互约束.为此,首先设计拟三维模型中固定层厚和可变层厚两种空间约束反演方案,然后通过在目标函数中引入沿测线和垂直测线方向上的模型参数约束矩阵,并使用L-BFGS算法使目标函数最小化,获得最优拟三维模型空间反演解.基于理论模型和实测数据反演,对单点反演与两种空间约束反演方案的有效性进行比较,证明本文空间约束反演算法对于噪声的压制效果好,反演的界面连续光滑,同时内存需求和反演时间少,是一种快速有效的反演策略.  相似文献   

受激电效应影响,航空瞬变电磁响应曲线经常出现异常快速衰减和符号反转现象,使用Cole-Cole模型的等效电阻率代替原模型实电阻率能很好的解释该现象,但由于激电多个参数的引入,使得反演多解性问题更加严重.本文基于Cole-Cole模型实现了航空瞬变电磁一维正演,采用横向约束反演同时计算激电参数及层厚,增加约束条件改善多解...  相似文献   

基于自适应遗传算法的MRS-TEM联合反演方法研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
地面磁共振法(MRS)因具有定性、定量分析地下水能力,而备受关注.传统磁共振地层含水量反演多采用均匀半空间模型,忽略电阻率分布信息对结果的影响.针对这一问题,本文基于多层电介质中磁共振响应理论,提出MRS与瞬变电磁(TEM)联合反演方法,通过电阻率分布信息对含水量反演过程的实时修正,提高了解释结果的准确度.反演算法采用自适应遗传算法(AGA)进行,基于繁殖规则,动态调整交叉概率和变异概率,解决了标准遗传算法易未成熟收敛而难以得到全局最优解问题.模型数据表明,含噪10%情况下,联合反演仍能较准确地反映地下含水单元模型结构,对比MRS单独反演优势明显.同时,内蒙古白旗野外观测数据联合反演结果与钻井资料基本一致,充分验证了AGA反演算法的实用性及MRS-TEM联合反演的实际意义.  相似文献   

为解决当前城市道路地下病害快速而有效的探测,尝试将浅层瞬变电磁法引入到城市道路地下病害检测工作中.本文首先阐述了瞬变电磁法的基本原理,介绍了浅层瞬变电磁仪及其工作装置,并简要地分析了基于"烟圈"理论的一维快速反演解释,最后结合试验和工程实例,探讨了浅层瞬变电磁法在城市道路地下病害检测中的应用效果.实例表明,浅层瞬变电磁法在城市道路地下病害检测中效果较好.  相似文献   

从煤矿采空区诱发的地质灾害对国民经济建设的危害和采空区探测与治理的现实意义出发,总结了煤矿采空区探测中的地球物理方法技术现状,分析了开展煤矿采空区地球物理探测的物性差异前提.在简要介绍高密度电阻率法和瞬变电磁法基本原理的基础上,结合我国新疆某地区的探测实例,研究总结了高密度电阻率法和瞬变电磁法在煤矿采空区探测中的应用效果.结果表明,由于煤矿地下采空区和未采区之间存在有明显导电性(电阻率)差异,使用高密度电法和瞬变电磁法综合勘察煤田采空区效果较好,工作区120 m以上浅部采空区采用高密度电法探测,其定量解释结果精度较高,而100~350 m深度范围内采用瞬变电磁法探测作定量推断解释效果较好.文章还结合应用实例探讨了利用高密度电阻率法评价煤矿采空区注浆治理效果的可行性.  相似文献   

从瞬变电磁响应中提取IP信息的研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对浙江省某铜矿进行瞬变电磁勘查时,由于感应激发极化效应的影响,造成瞬变电磁晚期测道的数据发生倒转。采用常规的瞬变电磁数据处理方法难以处理,造成晚期测道数据不可用,影响TEM的探测深度及精度。针对这个情况,采用Cole.Cole模型分析了均匀半空问模型中直流电阻率、充电率、时间常数以及频率相关系数对磁性源瞬变电磁响应的影响规律。利用奇异值分解法(The Singular Value Decomposition,简称SVD)对实测TEM数据进行分析及反演,并且从瞬变电磁响应数据中分离出勘探区瞬变电磁测量数据Cole—Cole模型的各参数,将分离出来的参数用于探测结果的辅助解释。经过分析得出充电率和频率相关系数对瞬变电磁响应的影响较大,而直流电阻率和时间常数对其影响较小的结论。通过常规方法和奇异值分解法对实测数据分别进行处理,发现后者视电阻率断面图的异常更加突出,从而较准确的圈定了铜矿体地范围,此结论得到_『钻孔的验证,与实际地质情况吻合较好。  相似文献   

通过引入模糊均值聚类(FCM)模型约束函数对电阻率与速度进行约束,开展二维直流电阻率法与地震初至波走时成像法联合反演研究.在地下浅层结构勘探中,通常低电阻率的地质体具有低速特征,较高电阻率的地质体表现为较高的地震波速度.直流电阻率法因为低电阻率区域吸引电流而对其敏感,地震走时成像法因为射线集中在高波速区而对高速体敏感,因此,两者联合成像能够大幅度提高反演效果.合成数据反演表明,直流电阻率法和地震初至波走时联合反演对于两类地质体的分辨能力均有提升,能够优势互补.尤其是引入FCM模型约束进行联合反演,根据已知物性进行监督学习,进一步提高了反演质量,改善了成像模型的分辨率.  相似文献   

Helicopter-borne frequency-domain electromagnetic (HEM) surveys are used for fast high-resolution, three-dimensional resistivity mapping. Standard interpretation tools are often based on layered earth inversion procedures which, in general, explain the HEM data sufficiently. As a HEM system is moved while measuring, noise on the data is a common problem. Generally, noisy data will be smoothed prior to inversion using appropriate low-pass filters and consequently information may be lost.For the first time the laterally constrained inversion (LCI) technique has been applied to HEM data combined with the automatic generation of dynamic starting models. The latter is important because it takes the penetration depth of the electromagnetic fields, which can heavily vary in survey areas with different geological settings, into account. The LCI technique, which has been applied to diverse airborne and ground geophysical data sets, has proven to be able to improve the HEM inversion results of layered earth structures. Although single-site 1-D inversion is generally faster and — in case of strong lateral resistivity variations — more flexible, LCI produces resistivity — depth sections which are nearly identical to those derived from noise-free data.The LCI results are compared with standard single-site Marquardt–Levenberg inversion procedures on the basis of synthetic data as well as field data. The model chosen for the generation of synthetic data represents a layered earth structure having an inhomogeneous top layer in order to study the influence of shallow resistivity variations on the resolution of deep horizontal conductors in one-dimensional inversion results. The field data example comprises a wide resistivity range in a sedimentary as well as hard-rock environment.If a sufficient resistivity contrast between air and subsurface exists, the LCI technique is also very useful in correcting for incorrect system altitude measurements by using the altitude as a constrained inversion parameter.  相似文献   

地下工程灾害水源的磁共振探测研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
地面磁共振探测(Surface Magnetic Resonance Sounding,SMRS)是近年来发展起来的一种地球物理新方法,这种在地面直接探测地下介质中氢核丰度的技术,不仅可以用于缺水地区的地下水资源勘查与评价,还可以在地下水引起的堤坝渗漏、滑坡、海水入侵等地质灾害水源的探测预警中发挥独特的作用.本文首次提出了地下磁共振探测方法(Underground Magnetic Resonance Sounding,UMRS),将SMRS方法引入到地下工程领域,实现隧道工程和煤矿开采等地下狭窄空间极端环境的探测.为应用UMRS方法,需要深入研究地下水超前探测理论、准全空间处理与反演方法、旋转多匝小线圈探测模式,强电磁干扰环境自适应噪声压制策略、以及复杂地质环境磁共振与瞬变电磁联合探测关键技术等难题.论文还简要介绍了超导磁探测技术和工程盾构及掘进实时探测等新技术在地下工程生产安全探测预警中的应用前景.  相似文献   

Seismic impedance inversion is a well-known method used to obtain the image of subsurface geological structures. Utilizing the spatial coherence among seismic traces, the laterally constrained multitrace impedance inversion (LCI) is superior to trace-by-trace inversion and can produce a more realistic image of the subsurface structures. However, when the traces are numerous, it will take great computational cost and a lot of memory to solve the large-scale matrix in the multitrace inversion, which restricts the efficiency and applicability of the existing multitrace inversion algorithm. In addition, the multitrace inversion methods are not only needed to consider the lateral correlation but also should take the constraints in temporal dimension into account. As usual, these vertical constraints represent the stratigraphic characteristics of the reservoir. For instance, total-variation regularization is adopted to obtain the blocky structure. However, it still limits the magnitude of model parameter variation and therefore somewhat distorts the real image. In this paper, we propose two schemes to solve these issues. Firstly, we introduce a fast algorithm called blocky coordinate descent (BCD) to derive a new framework of laterally constrained multitrace impedance inversion. This new BCD-based inversion approach is fast and spends fewer memories. Next, we introduce a minimum gradient support regularization into the BCD-based laterally constrained inversion. This new approach can adapt to sharp layer boundaries and keep the spatial coherence. The feasibility of the proposed method is illustrated by numerical tests for both synthetic data and field seismic data.  相似文献   

核磁共振与瞬变电磁三维联合解释方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
传统核磁共振地下含水量解释多采用基于均匀半空间或层状导电模型的一维反演,分层给出地下含水信息.然而,这些方法忽略了地下复杂电阻率分布信息对结果的影响,也不能很好地反映局部三维含水构造.本文从三维电介质中核磁共振响应的正演理论出发,提出首先利用瞬变电磁数据进行基于等效导电平面法的快速电阻率成像,然后将成像结果作为核磁共振三维反演的电性模型,进行联合解释.激发磁场的分布采用有限元法直接求解,通过引入伪δ源实现电流源的加载,并强加散度条件排除了三维磁场模拟中"弱解"的影响.针对核磁共振灵敏度矩阵的病态性和数据中存在的干扰信号,提出考虑罚项的非线性拟合目标函数,利用线性化方法进行核磁共振反演.模型数据表明该方法能较准确反映地下三维含水构造,实测算例进一步证明了方法的有效性.本研究将促使核磁共振方法在岩溶、裂隙水、孤立水体等复杂水文地质条件及隧道、矿井灾害水源探测等方面得到有效应用.  相似文献   

高级  张海江 《地球物理学报》2016,59(11):4310-4322
在利用不同的地球物理勘探方法对地下复杂介质成像时,因观测系统的非完备性及数据本身对某些岩石物性的不敏感性,单独成像的结果存在较大的不确定性和不一致性.对于地震体波走时成像与直流电阻率成像,均面临着成像阴影区问题.对于地震走时成像,地震射线对低速区域覆盖较差形成阴影区,造成低速区域分辨率降低.对于电阻率成像,电场线在高阻区域分布较少,造成高阻区域分辨率较低.为了提高地下介质成像的精度,Gallado和Meju(2003)提出了基于交叉梯度结构约束的联合地球物理成像方法.在要求不同的物性模型拟合各自对应的数据同时,模型之间的结构要求一致,即交叉梯度趋于零.为了更有效地实现基于交叉梯度的结构约束,我们提出了一种新的交替结构约束的联合反演流程,即交替反演不同的数据而且在反演一种数据时要求对应的模型与另一个模型结构一致.新的算法能够更容易地把单独的反演系统耦合在一起,而且也更容易建立结构约束和数据拟合之间的平衡.基于新的联合反演流程,我们测试了基于交叉梯度结构约束的二维跨孔地震走时和直流电阻率联合成像.合成数据测试表明,我们提出的交替结构约束流程能够很好地实现基于交叉梯度结构约束的联合成像.与单独成像结果相比,地震走时和全通道电阻率联合成像更可靠地确定了速度和电阻率异常.  相似文献   

Mud volcanism is commonly observed in Azerbaijan and the surrounding South Caspian Basin. This natural phenomenon is very similar to magmatic volcanoes but differs in one considerable aspect: Magmatic volcanoes are generally the result of ascending molten rock within the Earth's crust, whereas mud volcanoes are characterised by expelling mixtures of water, mud, and gas. The majority of mud volcanoes have been observed on ocean floors or in deep sedimentary basins, such as those found in Azerbaijan. Furthermore, their occurrences in Azerbaijan are generally closely associated with hydrocarbon reservoirs and are therefore of immense economic and geological interest. The broadside long‐offset transient electromagnetic method and the central‐loop transient electromagnetic method were applied to study the inner structure of such mud volcanoes and to determine the depth of a resistive geological formation that is predicted to contain the majority of the hydrocarbon reservoirs in the survey area. One‐dimensional joint inversion of central‐loop and long‐offset transient electromagnetic data was performed using the inversion schemes of Occam and Marquardt. By using the joint inversion models, a subsurface resistivity structure ranging from the surface to a depth of approximately 7 km was determined. Along a profile running perpendicular to the assumed strike direction, lateral resistivity variations could only be determined in the shallow depth range using the transient electromagnetic data. An attempt to resolve further two‐dimensional/three‐dimensional resistivity structures, representing possible mud migration paths at large depths using the long‐offset transient electromagnetic data, failed. Moreover, the joint inversion models led to ambiguous results regarding the depth and resistivity of the hydrocarbon target formation due to poor resolution at great depths (>5 km). Thus, 1D/2D modelling studies were subsequently performed to investigate the influence of the resistive terminating half‐space on the measured long‐offset transient electromagnetic data. The 1D joint inversion models were utilised as starting models for both the 1D and 2D modelling studies. The results tend to show that a resistive terminating half‐space, implying the presence of the target formation, is the favourable geological setting. Furthermore, the 2D modelling study aimed to fit all measured long‐offset transient electromagnetic Ex transients along the profile simultaneously. Consequently, 3125 2D forward calculations were necessary to determine the best‐fit resistivity model. The results are consistent with the 1D inversion, indicating that the data are best described by a resistive terminating half‐space, although the resistivity and depth cannot be determined clearly.  相似文献   

电阻率和速度随机分布的MT与地震联合反演   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
在已有研究成果的基础上,为了适应物性参数剧烈变化的复杂模型并满足联合反演的要求,开发了速度和电阻率随机分布共网格单元模型的建模技术.基于这种统一的物性随机分布的网格介质模型,利用有限元方法和改进的射线追踪法分别正演计算大地电磁场和地震走时,结合改进的模拟退火算法,研究实现了电阻率和速度随机分布条件下的大地电磁与地震资料的同步联合反演.对物性界面不完全一致和物性变化剧烈的带地形复杂模型的试验,表明了该方法在精细反演复杂电阻率和速度结构方面的效果,克服了以往研究局限于简单模型的不足.对地震资料品质差的地区开展的实际资料联合反演,表明了方法的适用性,先验信息约束下的联合反演提高了反演精度.  相似文献   

An algorithm for the two-dimensional (2D) joint inversion of radiomagnetotelluric and direct current resistivity data was developed. This algorithm can be used for the 2D inversion of apparent resistivity data sets collected by multi-electrode direct current resistivity systems for various classical electrode arrays (Wenner, Schlumberger, dipole-diplole, pole-dipole) and radiomagnetotelluric measurements jointly. We use a finite difference technique to solve the Helmoltz and Poisson equations for radiomagnetotelluric and direct current resistivity methods respectively. A regularized inversion with a smoothness constrained stabilizer was employed to invert both data sets. The radiomagnetotelluric method is not particularly sensitive when attempting to resolve near-surface resistivity blocks because it uses a limited range of frequencies. On the other hand, the direct current resistivity method can resolve these near-surface blocks with relatively greater accuracy. Initially, individual and joint inversions of synthetic radiomagnetotelluric and direct current resistivity data were compared and we demonstrated that the joint inversion result based on this synthetic data simulates the real model more accurately than the inversion results of each individual method. The developed 2D joint inversion algorithm was also applied on a field data set observed across an active fault located close to the city of Kerpen in Germany. The location and depth of this fault were successfully determined by the 2D joint inversion of the radiomagnetotelluric and direct current resistivity data. This inversion result from the field data further validated the synthetic data inversion results.  相似文献   

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