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月球撞击坑的动力学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
月球探测和月球资源的合理利用引起了广泛关注,月球撞击坑的研究可以提供月球的重要信息.统计研究表明,撞击坑的直径和大于该直径的撞击坑数目之间满足分形分布N(≥D)∝r-FD,撞击坑的深度和撞击坑的直径满足多项式关系d=kdDn.简化月球表面撞击过程为一个简单的完全非弹性碰撞,可以得到撞击的动力学微分方程;对撞击过程的阻力项做非线性近似并忽略非齐次项,可以得到撞击方程的解析解:y=dtanh(kdt).由此得到撞击物的撞击速率随撞击深度二次方减小:v=kd2-ky2,撞击坑形貌方程满足方程:lnr=1/nln(kd2)/(vt)-β/nr.理论推导撞击坑的深度和撞击坑的直径满足多项式关系,这和实际撞击坑的统计结果相符合.在无标度区域,撞击物的速率和大于该撞击速率的撞击物数目之间满足分形关系:N(≥v)∝v-FD,速率分布为:f(v)∝v-(FD+1).  相似文献   

具有辐射纹的撞击坑是一种特殊的撞击构造,只形成于某些区域一定规模的撞击事件.由于大部分撞击事件都是斜撞击,本文以Messier复合撞击坑为例研究并模拟了斜撞击抛射和辐射纹形成物理过程.Messier复合撞击坑包含Messier撞击坑和Messier A撞击坑,是月球上典型的小角度斜撞击形成的撞击坑.对Messier复合撞击坑的对称性分析发现,Messier A撞击坑对称轴相对于Messier撞击坑对称轴存在一个逆时针小角度偏转,这个小角度偏转说明Messier复合撞击坑起源于一次非理想斜撞击.基于对辐射纹形成过程的认识,本文建立了斜撞击抛射模型,合理解释了Messier复合撞击坑的南北方向辐射纹以及朝西方向辐射纹成因;并利用蒙特卡洛方法数值模拟了斜撞击产生的辐射纹分布,为Messier复合撞击坑的形成提供了一种新的合理解释.  相似文献   

近年来,月球南极地区因其特殊的光照条件以及撞击坑永久阴影区中可能存在的水冰而成为未来探测的焦点.沙克尔顿(Shackleton)撞击坑几乎位于月球南极点,已成为包括嫦娥七号任务在内的未来着陆任务最热门的目的地.然而,人们对该撞击坑周围的电势和尘埃环境仍然知之甚少.本文建立了一个理论模型来研究撞击坑周围的月表电势和尘埃的静电输运.研究发现,由于地形遮挡,该撞击坑的底部会充负电,背风侧坑壁表面电位最低可至-175V.相应地,有大量带电尘埃颗粒会从背风侧坑壁发射出来,迁移高度可达10km,水平迁移距离约为40km,这使得撞击坑附近可形成局部尘埃云.通过数值模拟对地形遮挡和局部尘埃云进行了验证,发现撞击坑附近确实产生了局部尘埃云,典型尘埃密度为104~105m-3.研究结果对未来撞击坑附近月面探测的环境评估具有重要意义.此外,研究结果还有助于理解其他无大气天体的表面充电和尘埃静电输运过程.  相似文献   

基于"嫦娥一号"激光测高数据的月球极区光照条件研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
月球极区光照模型为研究月球车着陆点选择和水冰存在的探测提供了依据.利用"嫦娥一号"探月卫星获取的激光测高数据,得到了全月面高精度的数字高程模型(DEM),特别是在月球两极地区,地形细节清晰可见,为极区光照模型的建立提供了精确的数据基础.本文通过由测高数据建立的DEM和月球轨道参数相结合,采用地形最大高度角法,对月球极区的光照条件及其应用进行了研究和分析.光照率的计算周期为19年,考虑了黄道和白道交点进动的影响(18.6年).计算结果表明:(1)未发现有持续光照区;(2)有长久阴影区存在;(3)在南极或北极的夏季,撞击坑边沿高地处可以享受到连续的光照;(4)Shackleton撞击坑可以作为月球车着陆的首选目标之一.  相似文献   

月球极区光照模型为研究月球车着陆点选择和水冰存在的探测提供了依据.利用“嫦娥一号”探月卫星获取的激光测高数据,得到了全月面高精度的数字高程模型(DEM),特别是在月球两极地区,地形细节清晰可见,为极区光照模型的建立提供了精确的数据基础.本文通过由测高数据建立的DEM和月球轨道参数相结合,采用地形最大高度角法,对月球极区的光照条件及其应用进行了研究和分析.光照率的计算周期为19年,考虑了黄道和白道交点进动的影响(18.6年).计算结果表明:(1)未发现有持续光照区;(2)有长久阴影区存在;(3)在南极或北极的夏季,撞击坑边沿高地处可以享受到连续的光照;(4) Shackleton撞击坑可以作为月球车着陆的首选目标之一.  相似文献   

对南极的探测是几乎所有月球卫星探测任务的重点目标之一.其目标意在利用该地的光照资源和可能存在的冰为今后建立月球基地提供条件.利用多层微波辐射传输方程模拟并分析了多种影响因子对月壤微波亮温的影响.使用“嫦娥一号”微波探测仪(CELMS)所获得的观测数据研究了月球南极的微波辐射分布规律.在分析其普遍规律的基础上,研究了具有异常微波辐射特征的地区.月球极地微波亮温呈现规则环状分布,从赤道向两极递减.分析认为,在赤道月壤内温度梯度较大,越向两极月壤内的平均温度梯度越小.随着频率降低,白天夜晚的亮温差也逐渐降低.据此制作了两极月球亮温分布图.研究发现,微波亮温的变化在南纬85°以后逐渐与高程变化同步.这一现象与太阳照射月球的角度有关,并指示了南极月壤温度的冷热分布.所提取出的异常冷点分布是永久阴影区的搜索方向,异常热点则标志着该地有丰富的热量资源.  相似文献   

位于美国弗吉尼亚东海岸直径85 km的Chesapeake湾撞击坑,是十几年前发现的由一颗陨星撞击形成的一个复杂撞击坑. 该坑的研究经历四个阶段:地下水调查、撞击坑的发现、美国多学科多部门的综合研究和即将进行的国际钻探取心项目. 钻井岩心中的角砾成份和微体化石,提示撞击坑的存在,并确定撞击发生在35 Ma前,即始新始晚期. 地震反射剖面资料帮助寻找到撞击坑的具体位置,确定撞击坑的结构和形态特征. Chesapeake湾撞击坑埋藏在新生界沉积层之下,是全球已知最大的、保存最好的撞击坑之一. Chesapeake湾撞击坑主要形态像一顶倒置的宽边大草帽,包括外缘、环状洼地、峰环(内缘)、内盆和中央峰. 撞击坑的形成破坏了原来的含水层,撞击坑当时即被富含咸水的抛射角砾岩和海啸角砾岩充填,再被后来的沉积层覆盖. Chesapeake湾撞击坑导致地面沉降、河流变向、海岸含水层的中断、内陆咸水楔的出现、地震,决定Chesapeake湾本身的位置,至今仍然影响当地居民的生活. 了解Chesapeake湾撞击坑对我国撞击坑研究具有借鉴作用.  相似文献   

本文针对已有月球探测任务主要为极轨的特点,仿真分析了大倾角轨道卫星跟踪数据在月球重力场解算中的贡献.文中针对极轨道、77°倾角和极轨道结合77°倾角轨道三种情况各三个月的轨道跟踪数据进行了月球重力场模型仿真解算,通过重力场功率谱、基于解算模型位系数协方差矩阵的重力异常及月球大地水准面误差以及精密定轨等手段对解算模型进行...  相似文献   

利用视线加速度数据恢复月球近区重力异常的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文阐述了利用分步最小二乘方法拟合视线加速度来确定月球重力异常的原理和计算步骤,并利用"Lunar Prospector"扩展任务实测的视线方向加速度数据计算了月球近区的重力异常.最后将计算结果和现今最高阶次的月球重力场模型LP165进行了比较和分析,得出标准差在纬度-75°~75°范围内为±27.354 mGal,75°~85°和-85°~-75°范围内为±61.965 mGal的精度,从而验证了该解算方法的可行性和可靠性.  相似文献   

岫岩陨石撞击坑结构高精度地震探测研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
我国的岫岩陨石撞击坑位于辽东半岛北部低山丘陵地区,直径1.8 km,保存完好,已被多方面的证据证实为陨石撞击坑.陨石的撞击和此后的沉积作用在坑内形成了特殊的地球物理场,使坑内与坑外的介质在速度、密度等方面存在差异.本次通过采用反射和折射地震相结合的探测方法,利用陨石撞击所形成的岩石的地震波速度和波阻抗差异,获得了陨石坑...  相似文献   

The settling trends of 318 lunar mare craters are compared with predictions of numerical finite-element models in order to determine the creep response of the upper lunar mare crust. No settling is evident in craters smaller than 5 km in diameter. Settling rates of larger craters increase as function of crater size in a manner suggesting a non-linear lunar creep response corresponding to the power law ε? = 8.3 · 10 ?34 σ2 where έ is the strain rate and σ is the differential stress. However, the observed nonlinearity is probably an apparent nonlinearity resulting from the temperature induced viscosity decrease with depth due to a lunar crustal temperature gradient of 3° C/km and a creep activation energy of 20 kcal/mole. It is concluded that creep in the lunar medium is essentially Newtonian, and that the effective viscosity of the upper lunar mare crust is (1.6 ± 0.3) · 1025 poise.  相似文献   

Apollo 15 and 16 subsatellite measurements of lunar surface magnetic fields by the electron reflection method are summarized. Patches of strong surface fields ranging from less than 14° to tens of degrees in size are found distributed over the lunar surface, but in general no obvious correlation is observed between field anomalies and surface geology. In lunar mare regions a positive statistical correlation is found between the surface field strength and the geologic age of the surface as determined from crater erosion studies. However, there is a lack of correlation of surface field with impact craters in the mare, implying that mare do not have a strong large-scale uniform magnetization as might be expected from an ancient lunar dynamo. This lack of correlation also indicates that mare impact processes do not generate strong magnetization coherent over ~ 10 km scale size. In the lunar highlands fields of >100 nT are found in a region of order 10 km wide and >300 km long centered on and paralleling the long linear rille, Rima Sirsalis. These fields imply that the rille has a strong magnetization (>5 × 10?6 gauss cm3 gm?1 associated with it, either in the form of intrusive, magnetized rock or as a gap in a uniformly magnetic layer of rock. However, a survey of seven lunar farside magnetic anomalies observed by the Apollo 16 subsatellite suggests a correlation with inner ejecta material from large impact basins. The implications of these results for the origin of lunar magnetism are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new method of small lunar craters’ automatic identification, using digital orthophoto map(DOM) data. The core of the approach is the fact that the lunar exploration DOM data reveal contrasting highlight and shadow characteristics of small craters under sunlight irradiation. This research effort combines image processing and mathematical modeling. Overall it proposes a new planetary data processing approach, to segment and extract the highlight and shadow regions of small craters,using the image gray frequency(IGF) statistical method.IGF can also be applied to identify the coupling relationships between small craters’ shape and their relative features. This paper presents the highlight and shadow pair matching(HSPM) model which manages to perform highprecision automatic recognition of small lunar craters.Testing was performed using the DOM data of Chang’E-2(CE-2). The results have shown that the proposed method has a high level of successful detection rate. The proposed methodology that uses DOM data can complement the drawbacks of the digital elevation model(DEM) that has a relatively high false detection rate. A hybrid fusion model(FUM) that combines both DOM and DEM data, was carried out to simultaneously identify small, medium, and large-sized craters. It has been proven that the FUM generally shows stronger recognition ability compared to previous approaches and it can be adapted for high precision identification of craters on the whole lunar surface.The results meet the requirements for a reliable and accurate exploration of the Moon and the planets.  相似文献   

The mean palaeomagnetic pole position obtained from Upper Cretaceous rocks in west Sicily is at 21°N, 100°E (A95 = 15°), and at 38°N, 67°E (A95 = 31°) obtained from Middle Jurassic rocks. These pole positions are completely different from comparable pole positions for southeast Sicily and Africa and imply a clockwise rotation of west Sicily since the Upper Cretaceous of about 90° relative to southeast Sicily and Africa and also a clockwise rotation of about 60° relative to “stable” Europe. The sense of rotation of west Sicily is opposite to any known rotation of other crustal blocks in the central Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Both lunar transient phenomena and 222Rn/210Po anomalies observed by Apollo-15 and -16 orbital alpha spectrometers display preferences for certain kinds of locations: rims of circular maria and craters with central peaks and/or dark floors. If these classes of observations are due to lunar gas venting, why are these types of locations preferred? The hypothesis offered is that these are locations at which cracks or channels exist extending deep enough into the moon to tap lunar volatile reservoirs. Possible channels include circumferential cracks around circular maria, old lava tubes for dark-floor and volcanic central peak craters, and shattered subsurface rock structure for impact central peak craters.  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic analyses of samples collected from a 500 m thick Jurassic section in the Pontides reveal the presence of two components of remanent magnetization: an unstable, low-temperature component which is removed during thermal demagnetization through 220°C and a dominant component which displays consistent directions through 650°. Curie point and IRM studies indicate that goethite is responsible for the low-temperature component whereas both magnetite and hematite contribute to the more stable component. The pole position determined from the stable magnetization is located at 18.8°N, 91.8°E (α95=7.7°, N=134) indicating that the section has undergone more than 90° clockwise rotation since the Late Jurassic. Ancillary geologic evidence, particularly the orientation of Jurassic facies belts is also consistent with a 90° clockwise rotation in this region of northwest Anatolia. The pole suggests that the section may also have migrated slightly northward. Although the age of these movements is currently unknow, it is proposed that they are principally related to the closure of the Neo-Tethys during the Late Cretaceous/Early Tertiary. Some of the rotation may be related to the right lateral movement along the North Anatolian Transform Fault which was initiated in the Miocene.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the magnetic field which magnetized the lunar crust was generated by the dynamo process in a small fluid iron core can now be tested. Because the Coriolis force was a dominant term in the equations of motion in this core, the mean lunar field was aligned along the ancient axis of rotation. From Hood's modelling of the magnetic anomalies in the lunar crust, mapped by the Apollo 15 and 16 subsatellites, the palaeo-directions of this field have been determined. From them, palaeopole positions have been determined and are found to be grouped with respect to age. The palaeoequators corresponding to ages 4 Ga and 3.85 Ga show close relationships with the circular maria or mascons on the near side and multi-ring basins of corresponding age on the far side. The polar displacements indicated from lunar palaeomagnetism can be explained by the changes in the moment of inertia tensor consequent on the excavation and later flooding of these circular mare. Small moons in the primeval Earth-Moon system are inferred to be the impacting bodies.  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic results from the northern arm of Sulawesi show that the arm has been subjected to a clockwise rotation of more than 90° and that its rotational motion began no later than the middle Miocene. The mean direction showing a normal polarity at the Eocene to the early Miocene isD = 98.0° andI = 6.9°. A declination value ofD = 50.1° obtained from Miocene rocks indicates a transition stage of the rotational motion. The datum from Plio-Pleistocene volcanics isD = ?4.6° andI = ?9.3°. This suggests that the rotational motion terminated before the initiation of volcanic activity during the Plio-Pleistocene.  相似文献   

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