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连续测量岩心的流动电势效应和电渗效应,可以获得岩心的动电渗透率,并验证Onsager互易性.通常这两个实验的岩心夹持器需要使用不同的堵头,而更换堵头会导致岩心内流体的参数和边界条件发生变化.本文设计了新的岩心夹持器和激励压力源,避免了在测量过程中更换堵头,提高了两个实验的一致性.本文测量了蒸馏水、以及0.01、0.02、0.05、0.1、0.2、0.4和0.6 mol/L氯化钠溶液饱和的10块岩心的流动电势效应和电渗效应,获得了动电渗透率,并验证了低矿化度下的Onsager互易性.结果表明,Onsager互易性在低矿化度下是成立的;对于高矿化度,电渗效应能够取代流动电势效应用于反演渗透率.


基于动电效应的岩芯渗透率实验测量   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
根据孔隙介质的动电耦合理论设计了一套岩芯渗透率测量系统.实验采用交流锁相放大技术,在低频12~42 Hz范围内完成了砂岩岩样流动电势和电渗实验,得到了流动电势系数KS和电渗压力系数KE,进而计算出岩样动电渗透率,对于中、高渗透率岩样,测量得出的动电渗透率与常规气测渗透率差异较小,两者具有很好的相关性.实验表明,动电测量可作为岩样渗透率测量的一种方法,同时揭示了利用地层动电测井信号反演地层参数的可能性,实验结果对于分析天然地震动电效应也有参考意义.  相似文献   

孔隙岩样动电特性的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文针对流体饱和孔隙介质的动电效应,在实验室内进行了小岩样的动电实验(流动电势实验)测量,获得了10块岩样在6种不同饱和浓度下的流动电势系数,进而分析了饱和溶液浓度、岩样渗透率和泥质含量对流动电势系数的影响,探讨了流动电势系数对上述参数的敏感性,并进一步给出了流动电势系数随这些参数的变化规律.实验结果表明:前人流动电势系数频响曲线中的凹点现象是由实验装置的共振引起,并非岩样动电效应的自身特性.实验还发现:孔隙介质的动电耦合能力与溶液浓度有关,流动电势系数随溶液浓度增大而减小,但在很高浓度溶液中,动电现象依然存在,流动电势系数趋于常数.此外,流动电势系数对地层参数(渗透率和泥质含量)的敏感性受溶液浓度影响较大,随着溶液浓度增大,敏感性降低.因此,可在低浓度饱和情况下(低于0.4 mol/L),利用流动电势系数的幅度对地层渗透率进行直接评价.本文结果对动电测井的可行性及应用条件给出了实验说明.  相似文献   

时鹏  关威  王军 《地球物理学报》2020,63(4):1695-1704



动电测井实验研究Ⅱ:伴随动电场和界面动电场   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
动电效应指孔隙介质中与固/液界面的双电层和孔隙流体渗流有关的弹性-电磁耦合现象,探索基于动电效应的勘探和测井新方法则是石油工业重点关注的研究方向之一.本文对流体饱和孔隙介质中的动电效应进行了实验测量研究,记录到了不同模型井中伴随声波的动电转换信号和界面动电转换信号,对比分析了这两种动电信号的产生条件及传播特性,验证了理论分析结果,并进一步研究了动电信号的分波成分及其与声波信号的关系,探讨了声源激发模式、电极接收方式及数据处理方法对动电信号的影响,为动电测井仪器设计奠定实验基础.  相似文献   




为了探讨地震和煤矿采动耦合作用下的露天矿边坡及采空区的稳定性,以辽宁排山楼金矿露天转井工开采为研究对象,基于FLAC3D有限元分析平台,采用强度折减法研究了未进行煤炭开采时和煤矿采动单独作用下露天矿边坡的安全系数,重点探讨了煤矿采动和地震耦合作用下露天矿边坡及采空区应力场、位移场及塑性区的分布规律。结果表明:未经采动时,露天矿边坡的安全系数为1.21,边坡处于稳定状态;煤矿采动后露天矿边坡安全系数降为1.12,仍处于稳定状态,单独的煤矿采动作用不会导致露天矿边坡失稳;在地震和煤矿采动耦合作用下,露天矿边坡坡体内出现了较大的拉应力,采空区顶板出现冒落现象,底板出现底鼓现象;在地震和采动耦合作用下,边坡将出现失稳破坏,破坏形式主要为采动区顶板的大面积冒落和边坡的崩塌。  相似文献   

The streaming potential across a porous medium is induced by a fluid flow due to an electric double layer between a solid and a fluid. When an acoustic wave propagates through a porous medium, the wave pressure generates a relative movement between the solid and the fluid. The moving charge in the fluid induces an electric field and seismoelectric conversion. In order to investigate the streaming potential and the seismoelectric conversion in the same rock sample, we conduct measurements with Berea sandstone saturated by NaCl solutions with different conductivities. We measure the electric voltage (streaming potential) across a cylindrical sample in NaCl solutions with different conductivities and under different pressures to determine the DC coupling coefficients. We also measure the seismoelectric signals induced by acoustic waves with a Berea sandstone plate at different frequencies and solution conductivities. The pressures of the acoustic waves are calibrated with a standard hydrophone (Brüel & 8103) at different frequencies (15–120 kHz). We calculate the quantitative coupling coefficients of the seismoelectric conversion at DC and at high frequencies with samples saturated by solutions with different conductivities. When the Berea sandstone sample is saturated by the NaCl solution with 0.32 mS/m in conductivity, for example, the DC and seismoelectric coupling coefficients at 15 kHz are 0.024 μV/Pa and 0.019 μV/Pa, respectively. The seismoelectric coupling coefficient is an important and helpful parameter for designing a seismoelectric tool. More experimental measurements of seismoelectric coupling coefficients in the frequency range of 100 Hz to 15 kHz are needed in the future.  相似文献   

利用储层岩石流动电位的频散特性评价复杂储层已经成为勘探地球物理领域关注的热点,但是目前还没有形成基于储层岩石储渗特性及电化学性质的具有普遍指导意义的理论方法和数学模型.本文利用微观毛管理论,通过随时间谐变条件下渗流场和电流场的耦合模型,建立了描述储层岩石流动电位频散特性的数学方法,定量分析了频率域储层岩石动态渗透率、动电耦合系数和流动电位耦合系数随储层岩石孔隙度、溶液浓度和阳离子交换量的变化规律.研究结果表明:储层岩石流动电位频散特性是储层流体惯性力与流体黏滞力相互作用的结果.储层岩石孔隙度越大,储层维持流体原有运动状态的能力越大,临界频率越小;储层岩石的溶液浓度和阳离子交换量对临界频率没有影响.储层岩石的孔隙度越大,流体流动能力越强,流动电位各耦合系数的数值越大;溶液浓度越小或阳离子交换量越大,孔隙固液界面的双电层作用越强,各耦合系数的数值越大.  相似文献   

核幔耦合对地球自由核章动的激发影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文



基于流体饱和孔隙介质中声波-电磁场耦合效应的测井方法具有潜在的应用价值.本文从Pride动电耦合波方程组入手,推导了伴随斯通利波的井孔电场与声压比值(电声比)的频率域表达式.结果表明,在较低频率条件下,电声比幅角的正切值与渗透率呈反比.在此基础上,提出了利用低频的声电效应测井全波反演地层渗透率的方法.针对砂岩地层,从计...  相似文献   

Streaming‐potentials are produced by electrokinetic effects in relation to fluid flow and are used for geophysical prospecting. The aim of this study is to model streaming potential measurements for unsaturated conditions using an empirical approach. A conceptual model is applied to streaming potential measurements obtained from two drainage experiments in sand. The streaming potential data presented here show a non‐monotonous behaviour with increasing water saturation, following a pattern that cannot be predicted by existing models. A model involving quasi‐static and dynamic components is proposed to reproduce the streaming potential measurements. The dynamic component is based on the first time derivative of the driving pore pressure. The influence of this component is investigated with respect to fluid velocity, which is very different between the two experiments. The results demonstrate that the dynamic component is predominant at the onset of drainage in experiments with the slowest water flow. On the other hand, its influence appears to vanish with increasing drainage velocity. Our results suggest that fluid flow and water distribution at the pore scale have an important influence on the streaming potential response for unsaturated conditions. We propose to explain this specific streaming potential response in terms of the behaviour of both rock/water interface and water/air interfaces created during desaturation processes. The water/air interfaces are negatively charged, as also observed in the case of water/rock interfaces. Both the surface area and the flow velocity across these interfaces are thought to contribute to the non‐monotonous behaviour of the streaming potential coefficient as well as the variations in its amplitude. The non‐monotonous behaviour of air/water interfaces created during the flow was highlighted as it was measured and modelled by studies published in the literature. The streaming potential coefficient can increase to about 10 to 40 when water saturation decreases. Such an increase is possible if the amount of water/air interfaces is increased in sufficient amount, which can be the case.  相似文献   

Physical property measurements were integrated with mineralogical analyses to better understand the nature of the seismic reflectivity of the deepest (>3.5 km depth) gold ore body (Carbon Leader Reef). The CLR lies at depths between 3.5 km and 4.5 km below the surface. Over 50 drill-core samples were selected for geochemical analyses, density and seismic velocity measurements. Ultrasonic measurements were conducted at ambient and elevated stresses, using transducers operating at 0.5 MHz. The study reveals that P-wave velocities generally increase with increasing bulk density. The CLR conglomerate, the gold-bearing reef, has slightly higher P-wave velocity (~5070–5468 m/s) and density values (~2.78 g/cm3) amongst the quartzitic units, possibly due to its massive pyrite content. The quartzite hangingwall and footwall rocks to the CLR exhibit similar P-wave velocity (~5028–5480 and ~4777–5211 m/s, respectively) and density values (~2.68 and 2.66 g/cm3, respectively). The reflection coefficients calculated at the interface between the CLR conglomerate and its hangingwall and footwall units range between ~0.02 and 0.05 which is below the required minimum reflection coefficient value of 0.06 to produce a strong reflection between two lithological boundaries. This suggests that seismic reflection methods might not be able to directly image the CLR, as observed from its poor reflectivity in the 3D seismic data. Samples were also subjected to stresses of up to 65 MPa to simulate in situ-like conditions and to investigate the dependence of seismic velocities on applied stresses. P-wave velocities increase with progressive loading, but at different rates in shale and quartzite rocks as a result of the presence of micro-defects.  相似文献   

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