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地磁规则日变化的有效提取能够提高地磁活动指数现报的准确性.本文基于1998—2013年北京十三陵(BMT)台站的地磁数据,利用卡尔曼滤波(KF)方法提取了地磁场规则日变化(S_R)曲线.该方法提取的S_R曲线具有明显的逐日变化特征,能够准确反映S_R曲线的季节变化和地方时效应.根据KF方法得到的S_R日变幅度逐日变化的结果,改进了K指数的量算方法,重新计算了十三陵台站的K指数以及Ak指数,并分析了S_R日变幅度的逐日变化对K指数量算的改进程度.分析结果表明,当K≤3时,KF方法可以较好地改善S_R曲线扰动幅度的计算,提高了地磁规则日变化提取的有效性,从而改进相应的地磁活动指数的量算.  相似文献   

FMI方法计算地磁K指数的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对使用地磁场X和Y分量计算地磁K指数的FMI方法进行修改,使其成为适合于我国地磁观测H分量K指数的计算方法——FMI—H方法。使用该方法,对肇庆数字地磁仪的分钟值数据计算了K指数,并与全国平均K指数进行比较和统计检验。结果表明,使用FMI—H方法计算的K指数,不管是在K频次分布还是逐时值,或是日总和,都与全国平均K指数有很好的一致性。该方法可应用于我国数字化地磁资料的K指数测定计算。  相似文献   

北京地磁台K指数3小时扰幅修正及 K指数计算机标定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
我国基本处于磁纬40°以下地区,K指数的3小时扰幅一般取:3-6-12-24-40-70-120-200-300 nT.这一K指数3小时扰幅是以磁纬20.88°的佘山地磁台观测数据为基础,按照Bartels 提出的一系列准则而确定的.然而,由于不同地磁台地磁纬度的不同,K指数的3小时扰幅也需要进行相应的修正.本文以北京地磁台(磁纬29.63°)为例,通过频次比较的方法,分别以佘山台K指数和Kp为标准,根据1994~1999年共6年的北京地磁台H分量分均值数据,给出了一个比较合理的北京地磁台K指数3小时扰幅:3.9-7.8-15.6-31.2-47.5-70-120-200-300 nT.基于这一3小时扰幅,采用修正的FMI方法标定了1997年北京地磁台的K指数.将标定结果与磁暴基础数据库中北京台、佘山台和Kp指数进行频次比对,并进行同一3小时段标定差异统计.数据分析表明,修正后比修正前K指数的标定更加合理.  相似文献   

在探索震前地磁每日一值空间相关异常机理的基础上,利用2008—2018年130个台站地磁场数据计算地磁场总强度F每日一值一阶差分在空间上变化的不同步现象,并提取震前地磁异常。结果表明:当地磁场总强度F逐渐增大这一趋势变化出现不同步现象时,研究区内一阶差分值全正或者全负的正常状态会被打破,从而导致区域内出现各台站F每日一值一阶差分正、负值台站分布较为集中的现象,且正、负值台站之间出现明显的异常分界线(0值线),通过异常与对应震例统计,发现该异常发生后8个月内在0值线300 km附近有发生5级以上地震的可能性。  相似文献   

为考察我国地磁台站高K指数纬度分布的同一性,选择北京台,佘山台和广州台磁暴时H分量上最大地磁活动8小时K_(max)≥5时段作样本,按其磁纬分别与国外相应的地磁台站结成对比组。对比发现,我国3个台站K≥6的指数存在不同程度的系统偏高趋势,进一步与K_P指数对比确认,反映我国3个台站上的K≥6高K指数及其相应磁场变幅的系统偏高是一种表观现象,原因是这3个台站的H磁变仪都存在着定向差和其它磁变仪的磁系附加磁场影响的缘故。  相似文献   

一种基于径向基神经网络的地磁场K指数实时标定方   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
K指数是一种重要的地磁活动指数,标定K指数的难点在于规则日变化SR的确定,尽管FMI(Finnish Meteorological Institute,芬兰气象学院)方法能够比较准确地识别规则日变化SR,给出合理的K指数,但是该方法存在一天的延迟,无法实现实时标定.为了解决这一问题,本文提出了一种基于径向基神经网络的K指数实时标定方法:首先用修正后的FMI方法提取H分量的时均值序列,接着以径向基神经网络对该序列进行建模,最后基于神经网络模型实时获取规则日变化,并结合H分量分均值观测数据标定K指数.实验结果表明:该方法能够以3.8598 nT的标准误差实时获取规则日变化SR;实时标定的K指数与直接用FMI-H方法延迟一天标定的K指数相比,完全吻合的占69.8%,差别大于一个标度的仅占0.77%.  相似文献   

为了从FMI资料中提取定量信息,一个很重要的步骤就是要对FMI图像数据进行分割.即从实际FMI资料中分离出反映孔洞、裂缝的子图像,然后用相应的方法对分割后的子图像进行分析处理,提取相应参数.本文通过研究大量图像分割算法,认为奇异点多阈值分割算法、基于过度区的分割算法、Hopfield网络方法、基于图像间模糊散度的阈值化算法是FMI图像分割的有效方法,实现了从FMI图像中将地层中有用目标,从背景中分离出来.同时,为了得到孔洞及裂缝的形状参数,本文还研究了轮廓跟踪标识边缘的方法以及根据标识的边缘进行填充的算法.在此基础上,也研究了根据目标边缘坐标计算目标的长度、宽度、圆度、裂缝密度、孔洞密度等参数的方法.上述所有方法在SUN工作站GeoFrame平台上开发成功,通过对LX45等八口井的处理结果与岩心分析数据对比表明,效果较好.  相似文献   

对2017年8月8日九寨沟7.0级地震前后四川及其邻区地磁台站数据进行垂直强度极化方法计算, 使用5~100 s周期发现震前地磁极化计算结果存在如下的显著异常特征: ① 2017年3月震中附近地磁台站同步存在极化超阈值异常, 时间上显示为短期异常; ② 同步异常台站出现最大幅度的时间较一致; ③ 九寨沟地震发生在异常阈值线附近, 对该方法预测地点有一定指示意义; ④ 对比异常时段内的Dst指数, 认为此次同步超阈值异常不是空间电流体系所造成的; ⑤ 3月18日地磁台站出现极化异常的台站数量较多, 异常分布区域面积较大, 异常主要集中在西北地区可能反映了该区域的应力作用。  相似文献   

使用地电扰动幅度与静日变化幅值比的地电活动指数(GEI)计算方法,连续计算江苏、安徽两省6个地电场台站2018年第一季度的单台地电指数D、平均地电指数Ds。同时将地电指数D、Ds与单台地磁指数K、平均地磁指数K(即[K+0.5])对比得到:86.48%的指数D与指数K完全相同或仅相差1,89.44%的指数D s与指数完全相同或仅相差1。两类电、磁指数的高度吻合说明:(1)连续产出的地电指数是可靠的。(2)地电指数D、Ds可以量化界定地电场活动水平。极个别的地电指数D、Ds与地磁指数K、仍存在一定差异,这与地电场台站观测有关,提升地电场观测资料的质量能更好地确定地电指数。(3)地电指数与地磁指数相互弥补能更准确地确定地球电磁活动水平,其在相关的地球科学技术领域有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

通过分析单台长期地磁场扰动幅度和地磁行星指数Ap和Kp关系,对1小时磁扰幅度rH的日平均与Ap进行拟合,快速估算Ap指数.对3小时内rH的平均与Kp进行对数拟合,估算Kp指数.采用肇庆地震台2003-2008年地磁H分量分钟值数据,估算行星Ap和Kp指数,与世界数据中心(WDC)给出的Ap和Kp指数进行统计分析.结果发...  相似文献   

Pressure–volume measurements have been performed for CaSiO3 perovskite to 108 GPa at 300 K using NaCl and argon pressure-transmitting media, and energy dispersive X-ray diffraction (EDXD) in a diamond-anvil cell (DAC). By determining a parameter that is the product of the elastic anisotropy, S, and the uniaxial stress component, t, for each data point, we define the stress condition of the sample. For different points at the same pressure in a temperature-quenched sample, the St value can differ by as much as a factor of 5, indicating heterogeneity in the stress condition. This may be responsible for the large scatter of earlier PV measurements in the DAC which in general used a large diameter X-ray beam. Also, the St value provides insight into the elastic anisotropy, S, of CaSiO3 perovskite and platinum. The sign of S (positive) for CaSiO3 perovskite agrees with first principles calculations but the magnitude may be inconsistent. A new compression curve at 300 K was obtained for CaSiO3 perovskite by using those data points which represent the most nearly hydrostatic conditions. It is observed that the data points with high St values yield larger volumes than the points with small St values at a given pressure. By selecting the data points having low St values (St≤0.005), combining with lower pressure large volume press (LVP) measurements and fitting to third order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state (EOS), we find that CaSiO3 perovskite is more compressible (V0=45.58±0.05 Å3, KT0=236±4 GPa, and KT0′=3.9±0.2 GPa) than suggested by previous studies. The density and bulk modulus of CaSiO3 perovskite at lower mantle pressures and 300 K are 1–3% greater and 5–15% smaller, respectively, than found in previous studies. This study demonstrates that defining the stress state of the sample is crucial to obtain an accurate 300 K compression curve for unquenchable high-pressure phases.  相似文献   

低渗透砂岩储层孔隙结构复杂,储层有效性识别及饱和度准确计算难度较大.笔者以东营凹陷南坡沙四段(Es4)低渗透砂岩为研究对象,根据压汞、物性、薄片及核磁等资料,将研究区孔隙结构分为三大类、五小类.在岩样孔隙结构分类基础上,明确了孔隙结构类型与岩电参数之间存在确定的关系,而核磁共振T2谱定量特征参数在一定程度上能够表征孔隙结构类型及其细节信息,通过提取T2谱中T2几何平均值(T2g)、T2均值(T2)、峰度(KG)、可动流体分量(Smf)及区间孔隙分量等孔隙结构参数,建立了基于核磁T2谱特征参数的孔隙结构识别图版,显示核磁T2谱孔隙结构参数对不同类型的储层有较好的识别效果,进而探讨核磁孔隙结构参数和岩电参数之间的关系,结果表明,T2谱峰度值与孔隙胶结指数(m)值相关性较高,进一步确定了岩电参数m的核磁计算公式.最终,将该套方法应用于研究区井筒剖面中,有效地提高了饱和度计算精度,也为东营凹陷南坡低渗透砂岩油藏储量估算与高效开发提供了依据.  相似文献   

本文利用2014年9月到2017年8月全球高时空分辨率TEC数据对北半球四个经度带电离层中纬槽的发生率和槽极小位置的变化进行了统计研究.基于Kp指数,我们引入了一个包含地磁活动变化历史效应的地磁指数(Kp 9)来分析中纬槽位置变化与地磁活动水平的关系.通过与其他地磁活动指数的对比,发现槽极小纬度与Kp 9指数的相关性最好.此外,本文重点分析了中纬槽发生率及槽极小纬度的经度差异、季节变化、地方时变化以及与地磁活动强度等的关系.结果表明,中纬槽的发生率与经度关系不大,主要受到季节、地方时与地磁活动的影响.午夜中纬槽发生率在夏季较低,其随地方时的变化则呈现出负偏态分布的特点,在后半夜发生率更高,而地磁活动增强对中纬槽的发生具有明显的促进作用.对于槽极小纬度,其在四个经度带的分布差异不大,但月变化各不相同,其中-120°经度带呈单峰分布,在夏季槽极小纬度更高,而0°经度带夏季槽极小纬度更低.槽极小的位置显著依赖于地磁活动、地方时以及季节变化.一般说来,地磁活动越强,中纬槽纬度越低.中纬槽位置随地方时的变化有明显的季节差异,冬季昏侧槽极小纬度随地方时变化较快,弱地磁活动条件下22∶00 LT前即达到最低纬度,其后位置几乎保持不变,而两分季槽极小纬度从昏侧至午夜都在降低,夏季槽极小纬度从昏侧连续下降至03∶00 LT左右.  相似文献   

Analytical solutions of drawdown in unconfined aquifers are widely applied for determining the specific yield, Sy, and the horizontal and the vertical hydraulic conductivity Kr and Kz, respectively. In many previous studies, estimates of Sy and Kz were observed to be highly variable and physically unrealistic. This has been attributed to the conceptualization of flow above the declining water table and aquifer heterogeneity in the applied models. We present the analysis of time-drawdown data from a pumping test instrumented with depth-differentiated observation piezometers arranged in clusters. Applying homogeneous anisotropic aquifer models in combination with nonlinear least squares parameter identification techniques, the data were analyzed in different groups: analysis of data from individual piezometer clusters and simultaneous analysis of the entire data set from all piezometer clusters (global analysis). From the cluster analyses, estimates of Sy and Kz exhibit large variances and depart from a priori estimates inferred from the hydrostratigraphy. Parameter estimates from the global analysis do not fall within the parameter bounds (minimum and maximum values) defined by the cluster analyses. While heterogeneity appears to be the important reason for large parameter variances, we discuss the influence of rarely considered aquifer return flow on drawdown and the inconsistent results from the cluster and global analyses. We corroborate our findings with data on hydraulic gradients, slug test data, and results from the application of a more realistic numerical flow model.  相似文献   

针对泥质砂岩黏土附加导电还没有综合定量评价指标的现状,从Archie公式和Waxman-Smits方程计算的含水饱和度的相对误差出发定义了黏土附加导电强度指数η,并考察了地层水电导率Cw、阳离子交换容量Qv、含水饱和度Sw、饱和度指数nη的影响,给出了黏土附加导电强度判别方法和图版,通过低阻油气层的工程应用实例探讨了η在饱和度方程选取中的应用.结果表明,ηCwSwn值的增大而以近似乘幂规律减小,随Qv的增大而近似线性增大;CwQvη的影响最大,nSw次之;无法由单一因素判断黏土附加导电性强弱,必须综合考虑QvCwSwn的影响;对于低阻油气层,可利用该指数按照"三步法"及判别图版定量判断低阻成因并为饱和度模型的选取提供技术依据.  相似文献   

The pressure dependence of the three lattice parameters and unit cell volume of fayalite (Fe2SiO4 olivine) was determined by X-ray diffraction under hydrostatic pressures up to 70 kbar. In order to eliminate stress inhomogeneity within a composite material consisting of a specimen mixed with an internal-pressure standard, a liquid (1 : 1 mixture of ethanol and methanol) was used as a pressure-transmitting medium. The isothermal bulk modulus calculated on the basis of the second-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state gives the values K0 = 1.19 ± 0.10 Mbar and K0′ = 7 ± 4, and if we assume K0′ = 5: K0 = 1.24 ± 0.02 Mbar. Three axes of fayalite were found to be compressible in the following order, b >c >a. Comparisons with the results obtained under non-hydrostatic compression are made.  相似文献   

高纬日侧电离层离子上行的地磁活动依赖性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文对比分析了太阳活动高、低年期间高纬日侧顶部电离层离子上行随地磁活动水平的变化特征.按地磁活动水平,将DMSP卫星在太阳活动高年(2000-2002年,F13和F15)及太阳活动低年(2007-2009年,F13;2007-2010年,F15)期间的SSIES离子漂移速度观测数据分为三组:地磁平静期(Kp<3),中等地磁扰动期(3 ≤ Kp < 5)和强地磁活动期(Kp ≥ 5),分别统计分析了高纬日侧顶部电离层离子上行特征的时空分布.对比分析发现:(1)太阳活动低年期间,高纬日侧电离层离子上行发生率以及上行速度峰值均是太阳活动高年的2倍多,而离子上行通量峰值只有高年的1/6-1/4;(2)在相同太阳活动条件下,地磁活动水平对日侧电离层离子上行发生率峰值的影响并不明显,但对离子上行发生率的空间分布有着显著的控制作用:电离层离子上行高发区随地磁活动向低纬度扩展,并在强地磁活动期间呈现饱和的趋势;(3)日侧顶部电离层等离子体似乎存在两个效率相当的上行区域,一个位于极尖/极隙区纬度附近,离子可沿开放磁力线上行进入磁尾;另一个位于晨侧亚极光区附近,离子沿闭合磁力线上行,有可能进入日侧等离子体层边界层.  相似文献   

A relation between surface-wave magnitude Ms and fault area S for great earthquakes has been proposed
log S 2Ms − 11.5 (Ms > 7.5)
A similar formula has been also derived for body-wave magnitude mb* redetermined from maximum amplitudes of short-period P-wavetrains
log S ∝ 1.7 mb*
These are quite different from a theoretical relation expected on the basis of long-wave approximation. Because wavelengths of seismic waves used for the above magnitudes are very short compared to the size of earthquake sources, these relations represent the short-period nature of the earthquake process. The statistical theory of extreme values has been applied to understand the relations considering that the component waves which constitute the wavetrains for mb* and Ms determinations originate from the random fracture of fault heterogeneities.  相似文献   

Different opinions exist regarding the specific effect of Mg on soil physical and chemical properties. We hypothesized that Mg2+, compared with Ca2+, reduces saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) via promoting clay swelling, disaggregation, and clay dispersion. Two soils (mixed, mesic Typic Hapludalfs) in packed soil columns were leached with either Ca- or Mg-containing solutions at the successive concentrations of 250, 10, 2, 0.5, and 0 mM. Critical flocculation concentration (CFC) in either Ca or Mg systems was determined with flocculation series tests. Aggregate stability and mean weight diameter (MWD) were assessed by wet-sieving. The CFCs were higher in Mg than in Ca for both soils, indicating that Mg is more dispersive than Ca. The MWDs measured using 1–2 mm aggregates of both soils were significantly larger for Ca-soils than for Mg-soils (P=0.05). The Ksr (normalized with initial Ks) started to decline at higher concentrations for Mg than for Ca, and the reduction was much greater in Mg than in Ca above 0.5 mM. The Ksr and percent transmittance (inversely related to turbidity) of leachate at a given eluted pore volume following ‘steady state’ were higher in Ca than in Mg for both soils (P=0.1), indicating lower permeability and more clay dispersion with the Mg treatment. Swelling and disaggregation, which reduced large pores, appeared to be the dominant process causing the rapid initial decline of Ksr. Clay dispersion and subsequent pore plugging became progressively important when electrolyte concentration was reduced to below CFCs.  相似文献   

The elastic moduli of ScAlO3 perovskite, a very close structural analogue for MgSiO3 perovskite, have been measured between 300 and 600 K using high precision ultrasonic interferometry in an internally heated gas-charged pressure vessel. This new capability for high temperature measurement of elastic wave speeds has been demonstrated on polycrystalline alumina. The temperature derivatives of elastic moduli of Al2O3 measured in this study agree within 15% with expectations based on published single-crystal data. For ScAlO3 perovskite, the value of (∂KS/∂T)P is −0.033 GPa K−1 and (∂G/∂T)P is −0.015 GPa K−1. The relative magnitudes of these derivatives agree with the observation in Duffy and Anderson [Duffy, T.S., Anderson, D.L., 1989. Seismic velocities in mantle minerals and the mineralogy of the upper mantle. J. Geophys. Res. 94, 1895–1912.] that |(∂KS/∂T)P| is typically about twice |(∂G/∂T)P|. The value of (∂KS/∂T)P for ScAlO3 is intermediate between those inferred less directly from V(P,T) studies of Fe-free and Fe- and Al-bearing MgSiO3 perovskites [Wang, Y., Weidner, D.J., Liebermann, R.C., Zhao, Y., 1994. PVT equation of state of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 perovskite: constraints on composition of the lower mantle. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 83, 13–40; Mao, H.K., Hemley, R.J., Shu, J., Chen, L., Jephcoat, A.P., Wu, Y., Bassett, W.A., 1991. Effect of pressure, temperature and composition on the lattice parameters and density of (Mg,Fe) SiO3 perovskite to 30 GPa. J. Geophys. Res. 91, 8069–8079; Zhang, Weidner, D., 1999. Thermal equation of state of aluminum-enriched silicate perovskite. Science 284, 782–784]. The value of |(∂G/∂T)|P for ScAlO3 is similar to those of most other mantle silicate phases but lower than the recent determination for MgSiO3 perovskite [Sinelnikov, Y., Chen, G., Neuville, D.R., Vaughan, M.T., Liebermann, R.C., 1998. Ultrasonic shear wave velocities of MgSiO3 perovskite at 8 GPa and 800K and lower mantle composition. Science 281, 677–679].

Combining the results from the previous studies and current measurements on ScAlO3 perovskite, we extracted the parameters (q and γ0) needed to fully specify its Mie–Grüneisen–Debye equation-of-state. In this study, we have demonstrated that acoustic measurements of KS(T), unlike V(P,T) data, tightly constrain the value of q. It is concluded that ScAlO3 has ‘normal’ γ0 (1.3) and high q (3.6). The high value of q indicates that ScAlO3 has very strong intrinsic temperature dependence of the bulk modulus; similar behaviour has been observed in measurements on Fe- and Al-bearing silicate perovskites (Mao et al., 1991; Zhang and Weidner, 1999).  相似文献   

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