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刘祎  周晨  赵正予  赵庶凡  张学民  孔建 《地震》2018,38(1):74-83
地震会造成电离层电子密度扰动。 基于三维电场渗透模型和SAMI2模型, 模拟地震发生前产生的异常电场对电离层电子密度的影响。 模拟结果表明, 地震前形成的附加电流会引起电离层产生异常电场, 且异常电场值与地震震级和地震发生时间有着明显的相关。 同时异常电场会使电子产生E×B漂移, 造成电子密度扰动。 随着时间的推移, 电子密度扰动逐渐减小且扰动区域会向着靠近磁赤道方向或远离磁赤道方向漂移。  相似文献   

极区电离层加热的数值模拟与实验对比   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
大功率无线电波能加热电离层等离子体,可以引起电离层电子温度和密度的扰动,实现电离层的人工变态.从电子的连续性方程、动量方程和能量方程出发,我们给出了地面人工大功率无线电波加热电离层的数值模型.通过对方程的数值求解,计算了极地电离层条件下,电子温度、电子密度的加热效应,讨论了泵波参数对加热效应的影响.研究结果表明,电子温度几乎在整个高度上表现为一致性的幅度增强,且在反射高度附近形成温度增强峰很平缓.电子密度在峰上高度附近形成密度谷,谷两侧存在密度增强.加热效应基本随加热功率的增大而增大,随加热频率的增大而减小.使用我国2008年1月在挪威进行的电离层加热实验的电离层参量作为仿真初值,对6个O波加热时刻进行了数值仿真,仿真结果与实验观测基本保持一致.  相似文献   

本文分析了1987年9月23日日环食期间,我国14个电离层站和1988年3月18日日全食期间两个站的垂测仪和偏振仪记录,并综合50年代以来历次日食电离层效应的观测结果,证实:1.E层和F1层光食效应明显,F2层动力学效应显著;2.f0F2存在日食日值大于、小于或等于控制日值三种典型情况;3.TEC食变曲线有凹陷和不凹陷两种典型情况,甚至出现日食日值大于控制日值的异常现象. 本文对F2层和外电离层的动力学特征作了定性讨论,认为:空间等离子体温度急剧下降和沿场扩散是F2层和外电离层日食效应的最主要因素;而磁赤道上空等离子体的沿场扩散、“喷泉”效应,热层风和全(环)食带方位是影响位于磁赤道异常区各电离层站日食电离层效应的主要因素.  相似文献   

日食电离层效应   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
本文分析了1987年9月23日日环食期间,我国14个电离层站和1988年3月18日日全食期间两个站的垂测仪和偏振仪记录,并综合50年代以来历次日食电离层效应的观测结果,证实:1.E层和F1层光食效应明显,F2层动力学效应显著;2.f0F2存在日食日值大于、小于或等于控制日值三种典型情况;3.TEC食变曲线有凹陷和不凹陷两种典型情况,甚至出现日食日值大于控制日值的异常现象. 本文对F2层和外电离层的动力学特征作了定性讨论,认为:空间等离子体温度急剧下降和沿场扩散是F2层和外电离层日食效应的最主要因素;而磁赤道上空等离子体的沿场扩散、“喷泉”效应,热层风和全(环)食带方位是影响位于磁赤道异常区各电离层站日食电离层效应的主要因素.  相似文献   

释放化学物质耗空电离层电子密度的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
电离层作为电波传播的主要通道和载体,影响着无线电通信的质量,因此人工电离层扰动具有广阔的应用前景.在电离层中释放具有较强电子亲和力的化学物质可以耗空电离层F区的电子密度,是人工电离层扰动的有效手段之一.本文通过对CO2和SF6气体在电离层中的扩散和离子化学反应过程的分析,理论计算了在我国北京地区上空释放这两种气体后电离层电子密度的时空演变过程.结果表明:(1)在电离层高度上释放100 kg的CO2或SF6气体后,电离层电子密度迅速减少,释放点周围局部区域的电子密度被耗空,能够形成一定尺度的电离层空洞,上述现象能够维持数小时之久;(2)与CO2气体相比,SF6气体具有扩散慢且化学反应快的优点,对电离层的影响较大,具有更好的电离层扰动效果.  相似文献   

南京地区低电离层加热效应的初步模拟   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
孟兴  方涵先 《地球物理学报》2014,57(11):3642-3649
从电子能量方程和连续性方程出发,利用国际参考电离层(IRI-2007)和中性大气模型(NRLMSISE-00)得出背景参数,数值计算了大功率无线电波加热南京地区低电离层的电子温度和电子密度扰动幅度,并对比了不同加热条件下的电离层扰动效应.结果表明,大功率无线电波入射到电离层后,与等离子体相互作用,能够有效造成电子温度的升高而产生电子温度扰动;由于电子温度升高,等离子体碰撞频率增加且电子的复合系数减小,导致电子密度扰动;电子温度和电子密度的扰动幅度随着加热时间的推移而减小,即扰动逐渐趋于饱和;电子温度扰动的弛豫时间尺度为微秒量级,电子密度扰动的弛豫时间尺度为毫秒量级;在欠密加热条件下,X波模比O波模更容易吸收.  相似文献   

<正>GPS(Global Positioning System,全球定位系统)无线电掩星技术具有全球覆盖、垂直分辨率高等优点,为电离层的研究提供了十分丰富的资料。本论文的研究主要基于COSMIC(Constellation Observing System for Meteorology Ionosphere and Climate)掩星电离层数据,详细介绍了电离层的基本理论;阐述利用掩星技术探测电离层的基本原理;针对COSMIC掩星数据分布特点,建立了数据分析和研究方法;目前的研究对电离层物理量不同区域分布差  相似文献   

电离层加热实验中超强电子密度增强特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2011年11月利用欧洲非相干散射雷达协会(EISCAT)的大功率加热设备和诊断设施开展了挪威高纬度地区电离层加热实验. 在此次加热实验中, UHF雷达探测到了十分明显的电子密度增强现象, 反射高度附近电子密度最大增幅可达269.3%, 而在远离谐振区的300~500 km及以上高度的增幅也可达30%~50%. 通过对加热前后离子线谱和数据残差的对比分析, 表明300~500 km的电子密度增强是真实可信的, 在如此大的空间范围出现增幅如此大的电子密度增强特征实属罕见. 另外通过对等离子体线谱的分析, 得到了等离子体线双谐振峰结构, 本文利用电子的速度分布函数和等离子体线谱之间的关系, 对加热实验中观测到的等离子体线谱进行了仿真, 提出了超热电子是引起本次电子密度增强的可能机制. 并利用仿真中所使用的超热电子速度参数对超热电子的电离能力、横向和纵向自由程进行了计算, 最终验证了所提出的物理机制的合理性.  相似文献   

激发态氮分子N*2在电离层F区中起着重要的作用,它使F区占主导地位的O+离子的损失率增大,从而使该区的电子浓度减少. 本文利用理论电离层数值模型,通过考虑与不考虑N*2的作用,对包括1990年6月、1997年5月、1998年5月以及2000年4月磁暴事件在内的时间区间的电离层响应情形进行模拟研究,并与实测结果进行对比. 结果表明,N*2对电离层电子浓度的影响在太阳活动高年非常明显,在太阳活动低年虽有些影响,但效果并不明显,其程度远不如高年. 在太阳活动高年,不仅是磁暴期间,在较宁静期间也必须考虑N*2的影响. 而且,在考虑N*2的作用时,还与激发态振动温度Tν有关,在采用Tν=Tn(其中Tn为背景中性大气的温度)的简化处理时,所得结果与观测结果的符合程度不如对Tν进行精确计算时所得的结果好. 模拟结果还表明,太阳活动高年,N*2作用的结果主要是使150km高度以上的F区电离层电子浓度减少,而对150km以下高度的电离层电子浓度则影响不大. 另外,N*2基本不影响F2层峰高hmF2的值.  相似文献   

为进一步探索基于多颗卫星观测数据的地震电离层现象识别,利用Swarm星座三颗卫星观测的电子密度数据和磁场数据,对已报道的2017年11月12日伊朗MW7.3地震震前第9天震中附近的一次地震电离层扰动现象进行辨识。通过分析三颗卫星相邻轨道的电离层扰动特征,获得了异常扰动存在的空间范围;利用Swarm星座三颗卫星轨道的时间和空间差异,计算出异常扰动在空间中可能的传播特征;使用同步观测的磁场数据判断其电磁辐射特性。最终根据现有对地震电离层耦合的认知,并结合分析的结果,认为该扰动为非震源发出的声重波扰动,非沿纬向传播的电离层行波扰动,非同步电磁辐射引发扰动,而是与伊朗MW7.3地震孕育活动无关的一次高纬度强烈电离层活动所引起的扰动变化。  相似文献   

The existence and development of the quasi-2-day oscillations in the plasma frequency variations of the F region at northern middle latitudes are investigated. A new approach to study the quasi-2-day oscillations is presented, using a methodology that allows us to do such a study at fixed heights. The hourly values of plasma frequency at fixed heights, from 170 km to 220 km at 10 km step, obtained at the Observatori de lEbre station (40.8°N, 0.5°E) during 1995 are used for analysis. It is found that quasi-2-day oscillations exist and persisted in the ionospheric plasma frequency variations over the entire year 1995 for all altitudes investigated. The dominant period of oscillation ranges from 42 to 56 h. The amplitude of oscillation is from 0.1 MHz to 1 MHz. The activity of the quasi-2-day oscillation is better expressed during the summer half year when several enhancements, about 15–30 days in duration, were observed. The largest enhancements of the oscillation occurred during early June, July and early August; i. e., near and after the summer solstice when the 2-day wave in the middle neutral atmosphere typically displays its largest activity in the Northern Hemisphere. The results obtained may help us understand better the possible influencing mechanisms between the 2-day wave in the middle neutral atmosphere and the ionospheric quasi-2-day oscillations.  相似文献   

Results on heating the ionospheric F region above Tromsø, Norway are presented. The ionosphere was monitored by satellite tomography and amplitude scintillation methods as well as the EISCAT incoherent scatter radar. No effect of heating was observed in the daytime. In the evening and in the pre-midnight sector, noticeable tilts of the F region were observed during heating periods. The tilts overlapped the heating cone, where the electron density decreased and irregularities exceeding 10 km in size appeared. Between the heating periods the F layer was restored to its horizontal shape. The anisotropic parameters of small-scale irregularities with scale lengths of hundreds of metres were also determined. It was found that the perpendicular anisotropy points in the direction of F region plasma flow. In some cases the results can be explained by assuming that the small-scale irregularities were generated within the heating cone and drifted out of the heating region where they were subsequently observed.  相似文献   

三维模式约束的电离层掩星反演方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
目前电离层掩星数据反演是基于电离层电子密度分布局部球对称近似的Abel反演方法,实际电离层的非球对称性会给电子密度反演结果带来误差.本文研究利用三维电离层模式来提供电子密度水平变化的先验信息约束电离层掩星反演的方法,即三维模式约束法;并将该方法应用于模拟掩星观测数据和实测掩星数据的反演.模拟观测数据的反演结果表明,与Abel反演方法相比,三维模式约束法能够减小反演误差.采用IRI2001模式作为约束,对COSMIC电离层掩星实测数据反演,将反演结果与全球的垂测仪数据进行比较,结果表明,三维模式约束法和Abel反演方法都能很好地反演电离层掩星.  相似文献   




Excitation of upper hybrid waves associated with the ionospheric heating experiments is assumed to be essential in explaining some of the features of stimulated electromagnetic emissions (SEE). A direct conversion process is proposed as an excitation mechanism of the upper hybrid waves where the energy of an obliquely propagating electromagnetic pump wave is converted into the electrostatic upper hybrid waves due to small-scale density irregularities. We performed electromagnetic particle-in-cell simulations to investigate the energy conversion process in the ionospheric heating experiments. We studied dependence of the amplitude of the excited wave on the propagation angle of the pump wave, scale length of the density irregularity, degree of the irregularity, and thermal velocity of the plasma. The maximum amplitude is found to be 37% of the pump amplitude under an optimum condition.  相似文献   

南极中山站电离层F2层临界频率变化特征   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
对南极中山站数字式电离层测高仪1995~2002年观测数据的月中值进行了统计分析,揭示了中山站电离层F2层临界频率(foF2)的主要特征:foF2存在明显的日变化和年变化;日变化存在“磁中午异常”现象;年变化中中午foF2在太阳活动低年不出现“冬季异常”,在太阳活动高年出现“半年异常”,即两分点高于两至点.本文结合中山站所处的地理位置,考虑太阳辐射电离、磁层的驱动和中性大气成分变化等因素,分析了这些现象的产生机理.  相似文献   

Elevation scans across geomagnetic mid latitudes by the incoherent scatter radar at Millstone Hill captured the ionospheric response to the firing of the Space Shuttle Challenger OMS thrusters near the peak of the F layer on July 30, 1985. Details of the excitation of airglow and the formation of an ionospheric hole during this event have been reported in an earlier paper by Mendillo et al.. The depletion (factor 2) near the 320 km Shuttle orbital altitude persisted for 35 min and then recovered to near normal levels, while at 265 km the density was reduced by a factor of 6; this significant reduction in the bottomside F-region density persisted for more than 3 hours. Total electron content in the vicinity of the hole was reduced by more than a factor of 2, and an oscillation of the F-region densities with 40-min period ensued and persisted for several hours. Plasma vertical Doppler velocity varied quasi-periodically with a 80-min period, while magnetic field variations observed on the field line through the Shuttle-burn position exhibited a similar 80-min periodicity. An interval of magnetic field variations at hydromagnetic frequencies (95 s period) accompanied the ionospheric perturbations on this field line. Radar observations revealed a downward phase progression of the 40-min period density enhancements of -1.12° km–1, corresponding to a 320-km vertical wavelength. An auroral-latitude geomagnetic disturbance began near the time of the Spacelab-2 experiment and was associated with the imposition of a strong southward IMF Bz across the magnetosphere. This created an additional complication in the interpretation of the active ionospheric experiment. It cannot be determined uniquely whether the ionospheric oscillations, which followed the Spacelab-2 experiment, were related to the active experiment or were the result of a propagating ionospheric disturbance (TID) launched by the enhanced auroral activity. The most reasonable conclusion is that the ionospheric oscillations were a result of the coincident geomagnetic disturbance. The pronounced depletion of the bottomside ionosphere, however, accentuated the oscillatory behavior during the interval following the Shuttle OMS burn.  相似文献   

We compare the SuperDARN convection patterns with the predictions of a new numerical model of the global distribution of ionospheric electric potentials. The model utilizes high-precision statistical maps of field-aligned currents (FAC) derived from measurements made by polar-orbiting low-altitude satellites. Both the solar and auroral precipitation contributions are included in order to derive the ionospheric conductance. Taking into account the electrodynamic coupling of the opposite hemispheres, the model allows one to obtain the convection patterns developed simultaneously in both hemispheres for given input parameters. SuperDARN, with its database containing global northern and southern convection maps, provides the unique opportunity to compare the model predictions of electric fields with observations. In the present study we focus on the effect of significant interhemispheric asymmetry governed by the IMF clock angle and solar zenith angle. We calculate the convection patterns for specific cases caused by the sign of BY and season and demonstrate the capability of the FAC-based model reproduce the radar observations. The simulation confirms that the solar zenith angle should be linked to the IMF clock angle to fully characterize the convection patterns. The model predicts that the cross-polar cap potential drop is regularly larger in the winter hemisphere than in the summer hemisphere.  相似文献   

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