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南海夏季风爆发与南大洋海温变化之间的联系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用1979-2009年NCEP第二套大气再分析资料和ERSST海温资料,分析南海夏季风爆发时间的年际和年代际变化特征,考察南海夏季风爆发早晚与南大洋海温之间的联系.主要结果为:(1)南海夏季风爆发时间年际和年代际变化明显,1979-1993年与1994-2009年前后两个阶段爆发时间存在阶段性突变;(2)南海夏季风爆发时间与前期冬季(12-1月)印度洋-南大洋(0-80°E,75°S-50°S)海温、春季(2-3月)太平洋-南大洋(170°E -80°W,75°S-50°S)海温都存在正相关关系,当前期冬、春季南大洋海温偏低(高)时,南海夏季风爆发偏早(晚).南大洋海温信号,无论是年际还是年代际变化,都对南海夏季风爆发具有一定的预测指示作用;(3)南大洋海温异常通过海气相互作用和大气遥相关影响南海夏季风爆发的迟早.当南大洋海温异常偏低(偏高)时,冬季南极涛动偏强(偏弱),同时通过遥相关作用使热带印度洋-西太平洋地区位势高度偏低(偏高)、纬向风加强(减弱),热带大气这种环流异常一直维持到春季4、5月份,位势高度和纬向风异常范围逐步向北扩展并伴随索马里越赤道气流的加强(减弱),从而为南海夏季风爆发偏早(偏晚)提供有利的环流条件.初步分析认为,热带大气环流对南大洋海气相互作用的遥响应与半球际大气质量重新分布引起的南北涛动有关.  相似文献   

本文采用OLR和风场等NCEP再分析资料、日本APHRO_MA_V1003R1降水资料和CPC提供的MJO指数,分析了1979~2008年南海夏季风的季节内振荡特征和年际差异、对应的低频环流和对流场及降水分布、夏季风ISO的传播路径以及热带印度洋MJO对南海夏季风ISO的影响,发现:(1)气候均态下的南海夏季风在夏季(5~8月)共有3次ISO波动.每一次完整波动中经历发展-最强-减弱-抑制-最弱-恢复的6个位相(弱位相除外).由于热带低频对流的东传和北传,在阿拉伯海-西太平洋纬带上,1~3位相和4~6位相的低频对流场和环流场呈反位相特征.对应雨带分布在1~3位相和4~6位相也大致呈反位相特征,20°N以南的热带地区主要是雨带随着低频对流的东移而东移,而20°N以北的东亚副热带地区则主要是雨带随着南海低频对流的北移而北移.(2)南海夏季风ISO强度具有显著年际变化特征.在南海夏季风ISO强年,夏季共有3次较强的ISO波动,前两次均来自于热带印度洋ISO先北传到孟加拉湾、再沿10°~20°N纬带东传到南海、在南海加强并激发ISO的北传,构成热带印度洋ISO向我国华南的经纬向接力传播;而在南海夏季风ISO弱年,其振荡强度大为减小且很不规律,ISO的经纬向传播也较弱;在平均状况下,热带印度洋ISO向南海的传播需要约20d左右(1/2个ISO周期)的时间.(3)MJO1(CPC提供的MJO指数第一模态)在4月第1~2候的平均值与南海夏季风ISO强度呈显著负相关,当热带印度洋MJO在4月第1~2候较活跃时,在随后5~8月中也大致偏强,ISO向南海地区的传播也较强,使得南海夏季风ISO加强;反之,则南海夏季风ISO将减弱.MJO在4月第1~2候的异常状况可以为我们预测随后的南海夏季风ISO强度以及分析相关地区的降水异常提供一定的理论依据.  相似文献   

青藏高原春季积雪在南海夏季风爆发过程中的作用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文应用欧洲中期预报中心(ECMWF,European Centre for Medium\|Range Weather Forecasts—ERA\|40)资料和美国国家环境预测中心和国家大气研究中心(NCEP/NCAR, National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research)资料,研究了青藏高原雪深变化对南海夏季风爆发的影响和ENSO对青藏高原降雪的影响.结果表明:(1)ECMWF的雪深资料是可信的,可以用来研究青藏高原雪深变化对南海夏季风爆发的影响;(2)青藏高原的积雪异常影响到500 hPa以上的温度异常和印度洋与大陆间的气温对比,一方面使上层的南亚高压移动速度发生变化,另一方面也影响到低层大气的运动和东西向风异常,在青藏高原少雪年,东印度洋产生西风异常和一个气旋对,而在青藏高原多雪年,东印度洋产生东风异常和一个反气旋对;(3)ENSO与青藏高原春季积雪关系密切.东太平洋SST正异常时,东印度洋和南海气压偏高,从而导致该区海陆经向压强梯度增强和西风异常.另外,此时青藏高原北部气压偏高,北风偏强,副热带锋面增强,同时,印度洋的SST偏高,为青藏高原降雪提供了水汽保障,这些都有利于青藏高原的降雪.  相似文献   

平流层准两年变化对南海夏季风影响机制的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用美国大气研究中心(the National Center for Atmospheric Research, NCAR)的中层大气模式模拟了平流层准两年振荡(Quasi-Biennial Oscillation, QBO)过程对对流层顶和对流层上层的影响, 并结合NCEP(the National Centers for Environmental Prediction)/NCAR、欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, ECMWF)月平均的风场资料和实际的探空观测资料, 分析了平流层QBO对南海夏季风的影响作用. 结果表明: 平流层QBO会引起平流层的异常经向环流并向下传播, 在QBO位相的中后期和位相转换期影响到对流层顶和对流层上层, 使热带和低纬度的对流层上层形成异常的经向气压梯度, 最终在夏季的对流层热带地区激发出不同类型的异常环流—西风位相时, 激发出与南海夏季风环流相反的异常环流, 在南海地区有显著的异常下沉运动, 对南海夏季风有削弱作用; 东风位相时, 激发出反Hadley环流型的异常环流, 在南海地区有明显的异常上升气流, 对南海夏季风有加强的效果. 虽然QBO对南海夏季风经向环流有影响, 但它并不是决定南海夏季风准两年变化的唯一因子.  相似文献   

在扰动位能(PPE)理论的基础上,针对不同高度上局地环流能量转换问题,本文提出了分层扰动位能(LPPE)的概念.研究表明850hPa的分层扰动位能一阶矩(LPPE1)在热带地区为正,高纬度地区为负,200 hPa高度LPPE1在北美高纬度地区出现正值分布,100 hPa及以上LPPE1热带地区为负,高纬度为正.LPPE1冬季半球的分布与年平均相似,北半球夏季大陆上出现正的极大值.在局地,LPPE1在数值上远远大于分层扰动位能二阶矩(LPPE2)及更高阶矩,因此,LPPE的分布与LPPE1的分布相似.南海季风区低层动能的季节变化与LPPE呈现反向变化关系.相关分析表明,南海夏季风(SCSSM)与春季的LPPE1偶极型分布之间存在着显著的年际(正)相关关系,可以作为SCSSM强度的一个预报因子.春季赤道印度洋、西太平洋海表温度(SST)的负(正)异常对应春季、夏季LPPE1的南负北正(南正北负)偶极型分布,夏季(JJAS) LPPE1的偶极型分布与南海季风区动能的一致增大(减小)是两者耦合模态的主导模态,夏季南海季风区的西风增强(减弱), SCSSM增强(减弱),这是能量异常影响SCSSM的一个可能的机制.  相似文献   

本文从海面高度异常与海洋热含量变化的线性关系出发,利用1992~2004年多颗卫星融合海面高度资料,对南海海域的热含量异常进行了计算.这一计算结果与基于气候态温盐资料计算的热含量季节变化具有很好的一致性.本文得到的结果还显示南海热含量异常具有明显的长周期变化,表现为:1992~1998年基本保持比较稳定的年际变化特征,1998年之后,热含量出现明显的跃变,这一跃变一直维持到2001年,在2002年开始出现热含量的递减趋势.对此时间序列进行谐波分析可以看出,南海热含量异常除了具有显著的年变化周期外,还存在明显的0.5、1.5、2.4、4年和6年的变化周期.进一步分析还发现,南海12月份热含量异常可以作为南海夏季风爆发的一种预报指标.  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR R1再分析资料,分析了阿拉伯海上空对流层低层惯性不稳定现象对印度夏季风爆发过程的影响,揭示了纬向地转动量的纬向平流在惯性不稳定中的重要作用.研究表明,在印度夏季风爆发过程中,由于强烈的跨赤道气压梯度,对流层低层的绝对涡度零线(η=0)在阿拉伯海南部上空自赤道向北推进,从而在北半球近赤道区域形成负绝对涡度区,该区域表现出明显的自由惯性不稳定.在摩擦作用下,当气流自南向北通过这一区域时,在绝对涡度零线北侧出现低层辐合中心,有利于低纬度对流发展.然而这种经典的惯性不稳定对流只出现在近赤道地区,对印度季风爆发的直接影响不明显.另一方面在η=0线北侧海平面低压中心南部,尽管该区域大气处于惯性稳定状态,低空西风气流的发展造成明显的纬向地转动量的纬向平流.理论和诊断分析表明,该纬向地转动量平流与南北方向海陆热力差异沿着纬圈非均匀分布密切相关,它引起低空辐合中心出现在印度大陆西南海岸低空急流附近及其北侧,为印度夏季风爆发提供有利的低空环流条件.说明春末夏初阿拉伯海地区低层对流的发展除了受摩擦惯性不稳定影响外,更受到海陆热力差异纬向分布不均匀的强烈影响.此外,在印度夏季风爆发前,对流层高层的南亚高压东伸发展,将中纬度高位涡输送到阿拉伯海上空,形成局地"喇叭口"状流场,产生明显的高空抽吸作用,为夏季风的爆发推进提供了有利的高空背景条件.当其与南北海陆热力对比的纬向差异所强迫的低空辐合中心在印度大陆西南海岸附近垂直耦合引起大气斜压不稳定发展时,激发了印度夏季风爆发.  相似文献   

利用2002年4月24日至6月20日在西沙海区进行的第三次南海海-气通量观测试验资料,采用涡相关法和TOGA COARE2.5b版本通量计算方案,计算了西南季风爆发前后海洋-大气间的通量交换,讨论了辐射、动量、感热通量、潜热通量、海洋热量净收支的时间变化特征及其与气象要素变化的关系.结果表明:西南季风爆发前后,太阳短波辐射、海面净辐射、潜热通量和海洋热量净收支变化特别强烈;通量变化受不同环境要素的影响:感热通量与海-气温差呈正相关关系,与气温呈明显的负相关关系.潜热通量与风速、海-气温差及海面水温均有正相关关系,其中与风速的关系最密切.动量通量(τ)主要随风速变化,它与风速(V)的关系可以表示为τ=0.00185V2-0.00559V+0.01248.  相似文献   

孟加拉湾夏季风爆发的判断指标及其年际特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
晏红明  孙丞虎  王灵  李蕊  金燕 《地球物理学报》2018,61(11):4356-4372

利用高低层大气环流、OLR(向外长波辐射)、CMAP降水、SST(海表温度)等资料分析了孟加拉湾地区3—5月多年气候平均大气环流及不同要素的演变特征,定义了一个新的孟加拉湾夏季风(BOBSM,下同)爆发指标为孟加拉湾地区(5°N—15°N,90°E—97.5°E)850 hPa和200 hPa纬向风区域平均的变化同时满足U850 > 3 m·s-1和U200 < -5 m·s-1,并持续5天的第一天即作为BOBSM爆发日期.该季风指数有明确的天气学意义,可以反映孟加拉湾低层西南风持续稳定和南亚高压在青藏高原建立早晚的特征.文章进一步分析了BOBSM爆发的年际特征及其前兆海洋信号特征,结果表明:1981—2010年BOBSM爆发的平均日期为5月10日,季风爆发有显著的年际波动,爆发最早在1999年(4月11日)和最晚在1968年(6月1日),年代际尺度上表现为由爆发偏晚至偏早的变化趋势;BOBSM爆发早(晚)与热带印度洋地区850 hPa的越赤道气流和西风异常加强(减弱),以及200 hPa青藏高原南亚高压的季节性建立偏早(晚)等密切联系;前期冬季赤道西太平洋的海温冷(暖)变化对BOBSM爆发早(晚)有很好的指示意义,前期冬季海温偏高(低)有利于季风偏早(晚),其影响的主要途径是通过热源变化激发纬向垂直环流及其热带印度洋和太平洋低层环流异常,进而影响季风爆发早晚.


太阳活动对印度夏季风降水的可能影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
印度夏季风降水在南亚气候系统中是一个非常重要的内容,近年来对它的研究日益受到人们的重视.本文主要结合Scargle周期图和小波分析的方法研究了1871-2004年间该降水变化的周期性.结果表明,该降水变化非常复杂,其周期性波动具有明显的时变特征.进一步考察了印度夏季风降水与太阳活动的可能关联后,作者认为太阳活动在一定程度上影响印度的夏季风降水.  相似文献   

The paper defines the intertropical convergence zone. (ITCZ) in the Indian monsoon region during the northern summer, identifies it with the northern boundary of the advancing monsoon and suggests that its seasonal movement can serve as an indicator of onset, advance and withdrawal of the monsoon. Evidence suggesting the movement of the ITCZ which is associated with the equatorial trough of low pressure is indirectly furnished by an analysis of the isallobaric or height-tendency field which reveals a distinct gradient towards the north/south during period of advance/withdrawal of the monsoon. A comparative study of the dates of onset of monsoon during two successive years appears to suggest that some of the problems encountered in using rainfall as the sole criterion for determining the onset and advance of the monsoon may be over-come by using the ITCZ concept as proposed in the present paper. Attention is drawn to the effects of synoptic-scale disturbances on the normal dates of onset, advance and withdrawal of the monsoon.  相似文献   

通过一系列的理想数值试验,研究了亚、非地区热带次尺度的海陆分布和青藏高原大地形在亚洲夏季风形成中的作用.试验结果显示:海陆分布的存在以及海陆分布的几何形状对亚洲夏季风的形成有非常重要的影响.下垫面全是海洋,没有陆地时,无季风现象的存在.当仅有副热带大尺度陆地,而缺乏南亚次尺度陆地和非洲大陆热带陆地时,夏季无明显的越赤道气流,仅在欧亚副热带陆地的东南部有弱的季风,无印度、孟加拉湾和南海夏季风.中南半岛、印度半岛和非洲大陆热带陆地的存在,在夏季引导南半球的东南信风越赤道转向为西南气流,使得南海的北部、中南半岛、孟加拉湾和印度半岛、阿拉伯海上空的低层为强西南气流控制,印度、孟加拉湾和南海夏季风产生.副热带陆地向热带的深入对副热带陆上产生夏季强对流性降水起着至关重要的作用.青藏高原的存在加强了高原东侧的季风,使得季风区向北发展,青藏高原对东亚季风起放大器的作用;减弱了高原西侧的季风,使得季风区向南收缩.  相似文献   

The western boundary current in the southern South China Sea (SCS) in summer does not always flow northward along the Indo-China Peninsula, it leaves the southeast coast of peninsula around 10–14°N, forming a strong eastward jet called “Vietnam Coastal Current” or “Southeast Vietnam Offshore Current” (SVOC). It is known that the wind stress curl is the major driving factor responsible for this current. In this paper, we carry on the study of the separation position, strength and forming time of this current. A connected single-layer/two-layer model is employed here to study these problems. According to the numerical experiments and analyses of the vorticity dynamics, it is found that, the local wind stress curl (including the northern cyclonic and the southern anticyclonic wind forcing curl), the nonlinear term, the topographic effect, the planetary vorticity advection and the water exchange between the SCS and Java Sea via the Sunda Shelf have an important effect on both the position where this current leaves the coast and its strength; when there is an inflow via the Sunda Shelf, the current is stronger and the separation position is more northward; whereas the water stratification, the coastline and the inflow of Kuroshio have little effect on its separation. In fact, two opposite flowing currents, the northward SVOC and the southward western branch of the cyclonic eddy to its north near the Indo-China Peninsula, collide with each other, and the strength of these two currents determine the separation position of the SVOC. Origin of the SVOC may be driven by the local negative wind stress curl in the middle SCS in mid-spring, this current flows along the coast of the Indo-China Peninsula and leaves the coast at high latitude, flowing northeastward; once the local positive wind stress curl near the northern Indo-China Peninsula or the negative one near the southern Indo-China Peninsula is large enough, this current will begin to leave the coast at low latitude.  相似文献   

High-resolution clay mineral records combined with oxygen isotopic stratigraphy over the past 190 ka during late Quaternary from core MD01-2393 off the Mekong River in the southern South China Sea are reported to reconstruct a history of East Asian monsoon evolution. The dominating clay mineral components indicate a strong glacial-interglacial cyclicity, with high glacial illite, chlorite, and kaolinite contents and high interglacial smectites content. The provenance analysis indicates the direct input of clay minerals via the Mekong River drainage basin. Illite and chlorite derived mainly from the upper reach of the Mekong River, where physical erosion of meta-sedimentary rocks is dominant. Kaolinite derived mainly from active erosion of inhered clays from reworked sediments in the middle reaches. Smectites originated mainly through bisiallitic soils in the middle to lower reaches of the Mekong River. The smectites/(illite+chlorite) and smectites/kaolinite ratios are determined as mineralogical indicato  相似文献   

Based on the theory of potential vorticity(PV),the unstable development of the South Asia High(SAH)due to diabatic heating and its impacts on the Indian Summer Monsoon(ISM)onset are studied via a case diagnosis of 1998.The Indian Summer Monsoon onset in 1998 is related to the rapidly strengthening and northward moving of a tropical cyclone originally located in the south of Arabian Sea.It is demonstrated that the rapid enhancement of the cyclone is a consequence of a baroclinic development characterized by the phase-lock of high PV systems in the upper and lower troposphere.Both the intensification of the SAH and the development of the zonal asymmetric PV forcing are forced by the rapidly increasing latent heat released from the heavy rainfall in East Asia and South East Asia after the onsets of the Bay of Bengal(BOB)monsoon and the South China Sea(SCS)monsoon.High PV moves southwards along the intensified northerlies on the eastern side of the SAH and travels westwards on its south side,which can reach its northwest.Such a series of high PV eddies are transported to the west of the SAH continuously,which is the main source of PV anomalies in the upper troposphere over the Arabian Sea from late spring to early summer.A cyclonic curvature on the southwest of the SAH associated with increasing divergence,which forms a strong upper tropospheric pumping,is generated by the anomalous positive PV over the Arabian Sea on 355 K.The cyclone in the lower troposphere moves northwards from low latitudes of the Arabian Sea,and the upper-layer high PV extends downwards and southwards.Baroclinic development thus occurs and the tropical low-pressure system develops into an explosive vortex of the ISM,which leads to the onset of the ISM.In addition,evolution of subtropical anticyclone over the Arabian Peninsula is another important factor contributing to the onset of the ISM.Before the onset,the surface sensible heating on the Arabian Peninsula is very strong.Consequently the subtropical anticyclone which dominated the Arabian Sea in spring retreats westwards to the Arabian Peninsula and intensifies rapidly.The zonal asymmetric PV forcing develops gradually with high PV eddies moving southwards along northerlies on the eastern side of the anticyclone,and a high PV trough is formed in the middle troposphere over the Arabian Sea,which is favorable to the explosive barotropic development of the tropical cyclone into the vortex.Results from this study demonstrate that the ISM onset,which is different from the BOB and the SCS monsoon onset,is a special dynamical as well as thermodynamic process occurring under the condition of fully coupling of the upper,middle,and lower tropospheric circulations.  相似文献   

Records of Toba eruptions in the South China Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three layers of volcanic tephra, sampled from ODP 1143 Site in the South China Sea, were observed at the mcd depth of 5.55 m, 42.66 m, and 48.25 m, and named, in this paper, layers of A, B, and C, respectively. All of these tephra layers have an average thickness of ca. 2 cm. They were constrained in age of ca. 0.070 Ma, ca. 0.80 Ma, and ca. 1.00 Ma, respectively, by the microbiostratigraphy data. These tephra layers were predominated by volcanic glass shards with a median grain size of 70–75 μm in diameter. Major chemical compositions analyzed by EMPA and comparison with the previous data from other scatter areas suggest that these three layers of tephra can correspond to the three layers of Toba tephra, YTT, OTT, and HDT, respectively, erupting during the Quaternary. The occurrence of these tephra layers in the South China Sea implies that the Toba eruptions often occurred in the summer monsoon seasons of the South China Sea during the Quaternary, and that the strength of eruptions was probably stronger than that previously estimated.  相似文献   

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