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刘爽  钟玮  刘宇迪 《地球物理学报》2018,61(6):2207-2219

本文基于正压浅水模型,分析基态位涡(Potential Vorticity:PV)结构对热带气旋(Tropical Cyclone:TC)类涡旋系统稳定性及其波动特征的影响.通过引入基态PV结构参数:宽度δ(眼墙内外边界涡度发生陡变的半径长度之比)和中空度γ(眼心相对涡度与内核区域平均相对涡度之比),设计具有相同基流最大切向风速和最大风速半径的170组不同基态PV环结构的敏感性试验,并讨论了不同基态PV结构下涡旋系统最不稳定波数(the most unstable wavenumber:MUWN)和系统最不稳定模态(the most unstable mode of System:MUMS)的特征频率及其不稳定增长率的大小.结果指出:当PV环较宽,系统表现为低波数最不稳定,相应的MUMS为低频波且增长率小;当PV环较窄,系统表现为高波数不稳定,且PV环越实最不稳定波数越高;当PV环窄且空时,MUMS均为中高频波动,且不稳定增长率随PV环的宽度变窄和中空度变空而明显增大.分析典型PV结构下系统演变特征可知,当PV环较宽,MUMS表现为具有平衡约束的低频波动的线性不稳定特征;当PV环趋向窄且空时,MUMS的平衡性约束趋向弱化,同时不稳定增长表现为明显的指数型增长.进一步讨论系统内部非对称结构的形成和传播机制发现,对于弱不稳定的PV环来说,低波数波最不稳定的特征波动具有典型涡旋Rossby波特征;而对于强不稳定的PV环来说,高波数不稳定的特征波动混合波性质明显.


本文分析长时间强度维持"菲特"台风不同发展阶段的位涡分布特征发现:台风内核区中尺度高值PV带及其变化与台风强度变化具有伴随关系,即高值PV区与内核区强对流不仅具有对应关系;而且其生命史与台风强盛维持期一致;此外在眼墙区附近位涡梯度最大.分析还指出:垂直剖面上的高值PV呈现由单极位涡态(台风发展加强期)向中空位涡态(台风强盛维持期)的转变,到台风快速衰减期,又形成PV量值较小的单极位涡态.位涡收支方程诊断表明:内核区域水平平流、垂直输送和凝结加热的初始增强和大值收支带不仅对台风内中尺度高值位涡分布及长时间强度维持具有重要影响,而且具有伴随关系.此外,位涡收支各项对位涡态的转变起着不同的作用,其中凝结加热在台风强盛期中空位涡塔的建立中作用明显,水平平流项则在眼墙区的位涡塔中上层有着正贡献,垂直输送在高值PV分布的再分配中起中介作用.  相似文献   

刘爽  钟玮  刘宇迪 《地球物理学报》2018,61(9):3592-3606

本文在基态位涡(Potential Vorticity,PV)径向分布和基态涡旋强度对热带气旋(Tropical Cyclone,TC)类涡旋系统稳定性特征影响的研究基础上,结合理想试验和数值模拟诊断分析基态PV径向分布对扰动增长和系统结构变化的影响.基于线性正压浅水模型,设计三种典型基态PV中空结构下基态涡旋强度对系统稳定性影响的敏感性试验.结果表明:基态涡旋的强度主要影响稳定性的强弱,强度越强,不稳定增长率越大,而基态PV径向分布对系统最不稳定波动性质起着决定作用.分析不同波数下扰动的发展及不同波数间扰动的相互作用可知,对于宽且实的PV环,系统稳定性主要取决于低波数不稳定,且最不稳定波数扰动的发展具有明显的优势地位;对于窄且空的PV环,系统稳定性主要取决于高波数不稳定,且多个高波数下增长最快模态的不稳定增长率值十分接近.利用模态线性叠加法讨论扰动增长对系统结构变化的影响表明:最不稳定波数的扰动发展对系统结构变化有关键影响,而多个波数的扰动不稳定增长相当时,不同波数的扰动发生相互作用从而影响系统结构变化.最后,利用实际个例模拟资料分析基态PV径向分布及其变化对TC结构和强度的影响表明:TC内核区出现的多边形眼墙结构与当前时刻基态PV径向分布所决定的最不稳定波数有很好的对应关系,同时基态PV径向分布变化所反映出的系统动力稳定性强弱与TC强度发展阶段具有很好的相关性.


植被变化对西北地区陆气耦合强度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
西北地区地处欧亚大陆腹地,生态系统对于气候变化和人为影响十分敏感,同时该区也是湿润的东亚季风区与干燥的中亚干旱区的过渡区域,陆气相互作用比较强烈.本文对西北地区植被变化对当地的陆气耦合强度及其与之相关的地表水文过程的影响进行了分析研究,并且找出适于增加植被以缓解西北地区荒漠化趋势的最具成效的地区.本文利用美国国家大气科学研究中心(NCAR,National Center for Atmospheric Research)研制的通用大气模式CAM3(Community Atmosphere Model Version 3)对西北地区植被变化的影响进了数值模拟.本文共设计了三个试验,使用正常地表植被覆盖的参考试验,地表下垫面变为裸土的去植被试验和植被增加的生态环境好转试验.首先,本文对西北地区植被变化对于当地降水量、地表水分盈余量、径流量、地表土壤含水量等地表水文变量的影响进行了分析研究.然后对西北地区植被变化对当地的陆气耦合强度的影响进了分析研究,陆气耦合强度是衡量局地陆气相互作用强弱程度的一个新标准,基于计算年降水量与蒸散量的协方差与降水量方差之比而得到.它利用观测数据或模式输出数据,计算起来简便容易,物理意义明确清晰,陆气相互作用越强烈的地区,其陆气耦合强度也越高.最后,本文计算了一个蒸散-水汽通量散度指数来衡量植被变化对局地蒸散与大气水汽通量散度的影响,其在一定程度上反应了植被变化对局地陆气相互作用和大尺度大气环流输送作用的影响,也可以视为一个评估人为生态环境工程效果的指标.西北地区陆气耦合强度由东南向西北递增.去植被之后,西北地区降水与蒸发普遍减少,其中在东南部区域,地表径流增加约10~40 mm,渗流量与地表土壤含水量分别减少约40~80 mm和5~20 mm3·mm-3,陆气耦合强度上升,这有可能导致水土流失,不利于当地植被的恢复.生态环境好转之后,内陆地区降水与蒸发明显增加,但地表盈余水分有所减少,主要原因是蒸散量相较于降水量增加的更多.其中在沙漠戈壁区边缘的新疆南部与内蒙西部,渗流量与地表土壤含水量分别上升约5~20 mm和5~20 mm3·mm-3,陆气耦合强度降低,蒸散-水汽通量散度指数较高,这可能主要是由于植被变化对局地陆气相互作用的改变而造成的.植被对于西北地区地表水文过程有着明显的影响,植被的存在能加速西北地区地表水文循环过程,减小陆面蒸散的变化,降低陆气耦合强度.在有限的人力与财力条件下,集中力量在在沙漠戈壁区边缘的新疆南部与内蒙西部适当种植灌木与青草并防止过度放牧,能有效降低当地陆气耦合强度,缓解西北地区荒漠化加剧的趋势.本文下一步还需考虑如模式地表植被数据与真实情况的差异性,海洋因素变化对于植被变化的反馈,以及进行集合实验来增加研究结果的可靠性.  相似文献   

本文应用WRF(v 3.4) 模式输出资料,揭示了风垂直切变(Vertical Wind Shear:VWS)在垂直方向上的波状变化特征,这种波状变化在台风不同发展时期又有不同形态,其中在持续强盛期呈双模态分布.应用VWS引起的次级垂直环流影响台风对流分布和强度变化的基本原理,用模式资料分析发现:对流层中层具有的VWS是整层VWS的主要部分,台风强度变化滞后VWS的形态突变6h左右;双模态波状变化的VWS产生的次级环流和台风垂直环流的配置不同使台风强对流带结构变得不对称及眼墙区对流强度在垂直分布上变得不均匀,随着持续强盛期涡旋运动的增强,强对流带分布又趋于对称.又根据VWS形成的垂直方向上涡度力分布不均匀引起台风内中尺度滚轴状对流带不稳定发展原理,分析表明:对流层中、低层的涡度力有利于对流不稳定增强,垂直速度的最大值与风垂直廓线的拐点在同一高度上,这与理论模型的结论一致.因此,VWS的波状变化分布特征不仅影响台风强对流带中尺度结构的改变,也对台风持续强盛具有重要作用;同时也是台风内滚轴状对流带不稳定的可能启动机制.  相似文献   

利用JTWC提供的1981~2010年北印度洋热带气旋路径资料,NECP提供的风场、OLR场等资料,以及NOAA提供的SST资料,使用统计诊断方法研究了北印度洋热带气旋活动时空分布特征及其与印度洋海温的关系.结果表明:北印度洋热带气旋活动频次EOF1占总方差贡献的比例为16%,反映了北印度洋整个海盆尺度热带气旋活动频次变化基本一致的分布形态,但是其空间分布具有不均匀性,表现为以孟加拉湾热带气旋偏西路径变化为主的特征;小波分析表明EOF1模态有显著的准5年变化周期.印度洋偶极子对北印度洋热带气旋活动年际变化影响显著,其影响机制概念模型为:印度洋偶极子处于正(负)位相模态时,印度洋海温异常呈显著的西暖东冷(西冷东暖)型分布,造成北印度洋上空对流减弱(加强)、低层有反气旋(气旋)式环流异常,不利(有利)于热带气旋在北印度洋生成,北印度洋热带气旋活动频次偏少(多);且可造成孟加拉湾上空西风引导气流加强(减弱),进一步使得出现在孟加拉湾90°E以西的偏西路径热带气旋偏少(多).  相似文献   

基于位涡(PV)理论并运用1998年个例分析,本文研究了非绝热加热弓I发的南亚高压不稳定增长及其对印度季风爆发的影响,探讨印度季风爆发的主要原因.1998年印度季风的爆发与前期徘徊于阿拉伯海南部的热带低压北移发展有关,而高低空涡旋系统锁相斜压发展是中低层热带低压迅速北移发展的主要原因.研究表明孟加拉湾季风和南海季风爆发后,在东亚和东南亚强降水释放的潜热加热激发下,南亚高压不稳定增强,位涡(PV)纬向非对称强迫发展,高压东侧北风弓l导高纬度高PV南下,在平流作用下可达高压西北侧,其上不断有高PV涡旋向西输送,是春末夏初阿拉伯海高层PV异常的主要来源.355K上从南亚高压东北侧平流到阿拉伯海上空的高PV涡强迫出气旋性环流,使该处南亚高压产生气旋性弯曲,辐散增强,在高层形成抽吸作用.低空原位于阿拉伯海低纬度的涡旋向北移动,高层高位涡向下向南伸展,在其强迫下,低涡系统出现斜压不稳定发展,最终增长成为印度季风爆发涡旋,导致印度夏季风爆发.研究还表明,阿拉伯半岛对流层中层副热带高压的变化是导致印度季风爆发的另一重要因素.季风爆发前,阿拉伯半岛维持强感热加热,对流层中层春季位于阿拉伯海上空的副高向西撤退至阿拉伯半岛上并迅速增强,位涡纬向非对称强迫逐渐发展;副高东侧的北风引导高纬度高PV南下,在阿拉伯海形成一高PV槽,有助于低纬热带低压北移正压发展为印度季风爆发涡旋.由此表明,与孟加拉湾季风爆发和南海季风爆发不同,印度夏季风爆发是发生在特定的高、中、低层充分耦合的环流背景下的、受动力和热力共同驱动的特殊过程.  相似文献   

热带气旋(Tropical Cyclone,TC)生成过程中的垂直耦合过程及其机制,是一项隐含在TC生成关键因子——弱的水平风垂直切变条件下的,重要但尚未被解答的基础科学难题.文章通过实例数值模拟和理论分析对这一问题开展了针对性研究,主要结论如下:即使是发生在正压环境下的TC生成过程,仍然存在TC胚胎区的对流层中低层槽...  相似文献   

近百年中印缅热点的强度变化及其对气候的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文给出了中印缅热点的定义、区域及其强度变化指标(直接指标和间接指标),指出了热点强度的变化与天文、地球因素的关系,即太阳活动强时,地球自转快,热点活跃,反之亦然.热点强度的月际变化与东亚地区的气温、降水场变化关系密切,在强地热释放期间,东亚地区的气温、降水场呈围绕热点区的平面波状分布,且同向等距.地热涡列的相干共振是引起我国局部地区大洪水的必要条件之一.  相似文献   

全球重力异常对大气活动中心、气旋多发区的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
利用卫星观测和地面实测资料统一归算的全球空间重力异常,探讨重力异常对全球冬夏大气活动中心、热带气旋以及温带气旋和高原低涡多发区的影响,并对其物理机理作一简要讨论.认为重力异常是大气运动发生发展不可忽视的因子之一.  相似文献   

本文利用WRF模式及其伴随模式研究了2005年发生在西北太平洋的一对双台风玛娃和古超的移动路径与强度的伴随敏感性特征,一方面探讨了环境场对双台风的影响,另一方面也讨论了双台风之间的相互影响过程的差异.首先,利用双台风初始化技术准确地模拟了双台风的演变过程,并以此模拟结果为背景场计算了台风的中心扰动气压和引导气流的伴随敏感性.研究结果表明:伴随敏感性不但能反映环境场对双台风的影响,还能指示双台风之间相互影响过程的差异.从台风强度的敏感性来看,影响台风强度变化的高影响区均位于台风中心附近,弱台风古超的强度敏感性的量级要大于强台风玛娃的强度敏感性,表明双台风中较弱的那个更容易受到外部环境变化的影响.台风引导气流的敏感性分布也存在较大差异,强台风玛娃的移动主要受到其西北侧的高空槽,其自身环流以及台风古超的影响,而弱台风古超的引导气流的敏感性主要位于其自身环流附近以及双台风之间的区域.最后,通过在理想试验中增加初始时刻高空槽的强度以及弱台风古超的强度,证实了台风玛娃的移动路径的变化与伴随敏感性的分析一致.  相似文献   

This paper is the third one of a series of three papers on the fluid evolution of the crust-upper mantle and the causes of earthquakes. Based on the last two papers, a model of the crustal resistivity structure and the deep-seated fluid evolution is presented, and also a seismogeny theory is set up, which is called the potential-kinetic energy transformation model. In this model, the crustal deep-seated fluid evolution is considered to take the most important effect on the seismogenic process. Taking the Tangshan M7.8 earthquake of 1976 as an example, the earthquakes occurred in a pull-apart rifting basin are analyzed, and finally the crust outgassing in the seismogenic processes is discussed, referring to the here-presented theory of seismogeny. This paper is supported by the Eight Five-Year Target of the State Seismological Bureau, China.  相似文献   

近半个世纪以来,我国的油、气勘探和开发实践主要集中在中、新生代以来的陆相沉积盆地中,即第一深度空间(5000 m).对第二深度空间(5000~10000 m)陆相和海相,即双相沉积建造中的油、气能源未能给予切实关注,仅为在近年来才得以重视和践行.通过对国内外诸多油、气田中的油、气成藏、储存、运移与深层过程的分析和研究发现,我国广泛陆相沉积建造的深处尚分布着丰富的海相沉积建造;且我国古生代的沉积地层确属变质很浅或不变质的层系;以往的油、气形成温度、压力和孔隙度的门限已逐被国内、外油气勘探与开发的实践所突破;第二深度空间的油、气成藏具有很大潜力.以上理念的提出与实施不仅大为扩展了勘查油、气的深部空间,更为重要的是揭示了第二深度空间将必是21世纪上、中叶在深处发现大型、超大型油、气藏的必然轨迹.  相似文献   

An ensemble of 10 hydrological models was applied to the same set of land use change scenarios. There was general agreement about the direction of changes in the mean annual discharge and 90% discharge percentile predicted by the ensemble members, although a considerable range in the magnitude of predictions for the scenarios and catchments under consideration was obvious. Differences in the magnitude of the increase were attributed to the different mean annual actual evapotranspiration rates for each land use type. The ensemble of model runs was further analyzed with deterministic and probabilistic ensemble methods. The deterministic ensemble method based on a trimmed mean resulted in a single somewhat more reliable scenario prediction. The probabilistic reliability ensemble averaging (REA) method allowed a quantification of the model structure uncertainty in the scenario predictions. It was concluded that the use of a model ensemble has greatly increased our confidence in the reliability of the model predictions.  相似文献   


通过对跨越内蒙构造带、阴山造山带、华北克拉通、秦岭造山带、扬子克拉通和华南陆内造山区等几大地质构造单元即北起内蒙满都拉、向南经陕西、越秦岭、过重庆、穿贵州、直抵南端广西凭祥全长2280 km超长重力探测剖面的数据进行处理分析和解释,构建了沿剖面的二维地壳密度结构模型,并详细分析了沿剖面壳内各界面与Moho界面展布的深部结构和构造特征,构划出了沿剖面主要深部断裂分布,研究分析了剖面辖区跨越的克拉通、造山带、盆山耦合带等各个不同构造单元的重力异常场、地壳密度结构、界面起伏及断裂构造分布的特征与差异.着重探讨了各构造单元之间的相互关系、相互作用等整体的系统关连性.以期能对深化认识该剖面跨越地区的特异地壳结构、各构造单元的界域与关连、以及全剖面的大陆动力学研究等,提供相关重力场的依据.


The eastern Alboran basin and its transition to the Algerian basin is a key area in the Mediterranean realm where controversial kinematic and geodynamical models are proposed. Models imply striking differences regarding the nature of the crust, the prevalence of brittle faulting and ductile shear, the origin of magmatism, the style of Miocene deformation and the driving mechanisms of the Alboran plate kinematics. Combining a new chronostratigraphic chart of the Alboran and Algerian basins based on the Habibas (HBB-1) core drill, deep seismic sections striking WSW-ENE and SSE-NNW, and potential field data, we re-assess the tectonic evolution that controlled the sedimentation and basement deformation of the westernmost limit of the Algerian basin and its transition with the Alboran domain. A WSW-directed extensional tectonic phase has shaped a stretched continental crust with typical tilted blocks along ∼100 km from Burdigalian to Tortonian times, which is assumed to result from the WSW-directed migration of the Alboran block driven by a narrow slab rollback. In the Algerian basin, this event was followed by the emplacement of an oceanic-type crust. Potential field signatures of the deep basin as well as geometrical correlations with onland outcrops of inner zones suggest a minimum WSW-directed displacement of the Alboran terrane of ∼200 km. At the southern foot of the Algerian basin, the continent-ocean transition is sharp and may result from the westward propagation of a slab tear at depth, forming two segments of STEP (Subduction-Transform Edge Propagator) margins. Our results support models of intense shear tractions at the base of an overriding plate governed by slab rollback-induced mantle flow. Finally, Messinian salt tectonics affected overlying deposits until today. A late Tortonian to Quaternary dominantly transpressive tectonic episode linked to the Africa-Iberia convergence post-dates previous events, deforming the whole margin.  相似文献   

Sea level change is an important consequence of climate change due to its impact on society and ecosystems. Analyses of tide-gauge data have indicated that the global sea level has risen during the 20th century and several studies predict that the mean sea level will continue to rise during the 21st century, intensifying coastal hazards worldwide. In Portugal, the Ria de Aveiro is expected to be one of the regions most affected by sea level change.The main aim of this study is to evaluate the potential impacts of the mean sea level change on the hydrodynamics and morphodynamics of the Ria de Aveiro. With this purpose, local mean sea level change was projected for the period 2091-2100 relative to 1980-1999, for different Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES) scenarios developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). These projections revealed an increase in the mean sea level between 0.28 m under scenario B1 and 0.42 m under scenario A2.The results obtained for sea level rise scenario A2 projection were used to force the morphodynamic model MORSYS2D, previously implemented for the Ria de Aveiro. The modelling results were compared with model forecasts for the present sea level. The residual sediment transport and its balance at the lagoon inlet were computed and analysed for both situations. While the residual sediment transport is generally seaward, sediments tend to deposit inside the inlet due to the weak sediment transport at its mouth. The direction of the residual flux will not change with the sea level rise, but sediment fluxes will intensify, and accretion inside the inlet will increase.The rise in mean sea level will also affect the lagoon hydrodynamics. The tidal prism at the lagoon mouth will increase by about 28% in spring tide. In the lower lagoon only a slight increase of the tidal asymmetry is predicted.  相似文献   

Liquid conductivity (EC) measurement was conducted for the samples collected from several snow pits and ice cores over the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau, with their time range covering seasonal, decadal and centennial scales. Unlike the previous attention mostly focused on the acidity (H+) responding to the solid conductance (ECM) of glacial ice, we introduce the alkalinity (OH?) of snow and ice to show how it responds to EC. Strong linear relationship was established between EC and OH? for these snow pits and ice cores. Positive correlation is also established between EC and major cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and K+). Since the cations are known as the proxies for the intensity of mineral dust influx onto glaciers of the northern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, we believe that EC could be used as an indicator for the history of dust input in deep ice core study. In fact, records in Guliya ice core since the Little Ice Age (LIA) indicate that dust load in glacier may depend on the combination of temperature and humidity. "Cold-dry" combination favors the dust arising, and results in higher EC and OH- values, while "warm-wet" combination prevents dust form and EC and OH- values are lower. In the past century, with the atmospheric warming and precipitation increasing over the northern plateau, which means an atmospheric condition of dust decreasing, both EC and OH- displayed rapid decline.  相似文献   

Ground subsidence of detrital deposits in the Almería basin (SE Spain) was studied using the remote sensing technique of Differential Interferometry SAR (DInSAR). This basin is one of the most arid in Europe, receiving an average rainfall of 250 mm per year. Over the last 60 years the region has experienced an enormous agricultural and urban expansion, whose water demand has been largely supplied from groundwater, leading to the current situation of overexploitation of water resources. This paper outlines the likely relationship between groundwater abstraction and subsidence. To this end, 34 ERS and Envisat images, taken between 2003 and 2009, were analysed to estimate ground surface deformations, and hence, compared with water table variations measured in a number of piezometers in the basin. The analysis shows a clear parallelism between the variations in piezometric level and deformation of the ground surface. In addition, the zones of greatest subsidence coincide with those areas where groundwater abstractions are concentrated. Subsidence over the examined period varies from 10 to 30 mm, with extreme values as high as 50 mm, which translates to a rate of between 1·7 and 5 mm/year, reaching maximum rates of 8 mm/year at some points. Given such subsidence rates, damage to urban infrastructures are, for the moment, incipient. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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