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2001年11月14日新疆青海交界东昆仑山8.1级地震构造背景初探   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
2 0 0 1年 11月 14日中国新疆青海交界昆仑山中的 8.1级地震发生在东昆仑断裂的西段。这是一条大型活动块体边界断裂。青藏高原东北部向东逃逸而产生左旋剪切运动使该断裂成为一条青藏高原北部强震密集带。这次地震震中在北西西向东昆仑断裂与北东东向次级断裂的交汇部位 ,破裂表现为自西向东单向扩展的特点  相似文献   

昆仑山8.1级地震前地磁比值Rq的变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rq为本作者在研究震磁关系时提出的一个新地震物理量,意为磁静日Z分量白天最低值与地方时夜间零点值的比值,在研究我国10个基本台站的资料之后。发现Rq的年变化曲线具有明显的时间变化规律;年相对形态基本不随时间和地理位置而变化。但其零频成份明显随所处纬度的升高而升高;在时间域,则较明显存在约11年太阳周期变化成份,利用Rq的这些规律性研究2001年11月14日在昆仑山发生的8.1级地震的地磁前兆,发现在地震前可能存在有地磁前兆。  相似文献   

M.  Antolik  R  E.  Abercrombie  G.  Ekstroem  何振德 《世界地震译丛》2005,(4):46-57
3 体波反演:滑动分布 在本节,我们基于点源结果和观测的地表破裂几何形状研制了可可西里地震的滑动分布模型。类似于其他的研究(如Wald and Heaton,1994;Kaverina et al,2002:An—tolik and Dreger,2003),我们使用有限断层方法对远震P波的子集进行反演。  相似文献   

2001年11月14日青交界Ms8.1地震地表破烈带的初步调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

对昆仑山8.1级地震前锦州地震台体应变异常变化作了初步的分析与探讨,认为大震前应力变化存在一个"渐变—大变—减变—平静—发展"的过程。  相似文献   

2001年11月14日昆仑山口西M 8.1地震前的缓慢地震事件   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
2001年11月14日昆仑山口西M8.1地震前发生了缓慢运动事件,新疆地震台网记录分析结果表明,这次事件在大震前3.5天开始出现,长周期前驱波持续约47小时,波列呈现规则的正弦波形,视周期约为8.8秒。笔者认为,该慢地震事件是M8.1大震前中昆仑断裂临震预滑动引起的。事实表明,慢地震的观测与研究对深入了解断层失稳过程和实现地震短临预报具有重大意义,同时也显示了宽频带数字地震台网的优越性。  相似文献   

1 空间分布我们采用四川省地震台网目录资料 ,选取发生在北纬 3 0°3 0′~ 3 0°5 0′,东经 1 0 3°5 0′~1 0 5°1 0′德阳及邻区内的地震 ,对 1 970年以来的资料进行了分析。据统计 ,1 970年至 1 999年1 0月 ,该区发生 3 .0级以上地震共 85次 (图1 )。 1 999年 9月 1 4日绵竹清平 5 .0级地震为图 1 德阳地区 M≥ 3.0地震分布图近 3 0年来的最大地震 ,其次是 1 970年 3月 2 2日什邡、绵竹九顶山间 4.9级地震。历史上最大的地震为 1 95 8年 2月 8日绵竹 (微观震中 )6.2级地震 ,宏观震中为北川 ,震害较为严重。2 频次异常从 M-t、 N -…  相似文献   




2001年11月14日青新交界MS8.1地震地表破裂带的初步调查   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
初步的野外调查表明,2001年11月14日青新交界8.1级地震的地表破裂带位于昆仑山南麓,西端可能终止于布喀达坂峰,东端点距青藏公路以东70km.主破裂带总长度可达350km,总体走向N80°~85°W.具明显的左旋水平走滑运动性质,最大左错量为6m.宏观震中初步定在库赛湖东约30km一带,震中区烈度定为Ⅺ度根据初定宏观震中的位置,建议将该地震命名为库赛湖地震.  相似文献   

Based on digital teleseismic P-wave seismograms recorded by 28 long-period seismograph stations of the global seismic network, source process of the November 14, 2001 western Kunlun Mountain M S=8.1 (M W=7.8) earthquake is estimated by a new inversion method. The result shows that the earthquake is a very complex rupture event. The source rupture initiated at the hypocenter (35.95°N, 90.54°E, focal depth 10 km, by USGS NEIC), and propagated to the west at first. Then, in several minutes to a hundred minutes and over a large spatial range, several rupture growth points emerged in succession at the eastern end and in the central part of the finite fault. And then the source rupture propagated from these rupture growth points successively and, finally, stopped in the area within 50 km to the east of the centroid position (35.80°N, 92.91°E, focal depth 15 km, by Harvard CMT). The entire rupture lasted for 142 s, and the source process could be roughly separated into three stages: The first stage started at the 0 s and ended at the 52 s, lasting for 52 s and releasing approximately 24.4% of the total moment; The second stage started at the 55 s and ended at the 113 s, lasting for 58 s and releasing approximately 56.5% of the total moment; The third stage started at the 122 s and ended at the 142 s, lasting for 20 s and releasing approximately 19.1% of the total moment. The length of the ruptured fault plane is about 490 km. The maximum width of the ruptured fault plane is about 45 km. The rupture mainly occurred within 30 km in depth under the surface of the Earth. The average static slip in the underground rocky crust is about 1.2 m with the maximum static slip 3.6 m. The average static stress drop is about 5 MPa with the maximum static stress drop 18 MPa. The maximum static slip and the maximum stress drop occurred in an area within 50 km to the east of the centroid position. Foundation item: Joint Seismological Science Foundation of China (103066) and Foundation of the Seismic Pattern and Digital Seismic Data Application Research Office of Institute of Earthquake Science of the China Earthquake Administration.  相似文献   

2001 年11月14日昆仑山口西MS8.1地震是有现代仪器记录以来发生在青藏高原区域最大地震之一,对研究青藏高原的运动学模式具有重要意义.从地震发生至今,不同研究者运用不同资料和方法获取的地震破裂分布还存在一定差异.基于此,本文采用GPS和InSAR资料数据,参考最新研究成果,构建更为合理的断层几何模型,运用SDM方法反演本次地震的破裂分布.在反演中充分考虑不同数据权重的影响及InSAR数据中存在的整体偏移.结果显示本次地震断层性质以左旋走滑为主,最大破裂位错为~6.9 m,分布在35.76°N、93.40°E附近,地震较大破裂区域主要分布在地下20 km以内.同时,反演的位错分布在断层浅部与地质考察得到的地表破裂分布较为吻合.在与前人相关研究的对比中,显示本文结果的可靠性是较高的,例如,近地表破裂包络线与地表考察结果相近,地下破裂分布特征与前人提出的3次子地震事件相一致等,再一次佐证了此次地震由多次子地震事件组成的研究结论.  相似文献   

Introduction On November 14, 2001, a great earthquake occurred in the western Kunlun Mountain area(Figure 1). The original time is 09h26min10.0s (UTC); the hypocentral location is 35.95°N,90.54°E; focal depth is 10 km from USGS National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC);MS=8.1 from China Seismic Network and Mw=7.8 from Harvard and Earthquake Research Insti-tute (ERI), University of Tokyo. This earthquake, known as the western Kunlun Mountain earth-quake, is an extraord…  相似文献   

应用作研究的提取弱短临前兆信息的方法及定量指标^[2],对1990年甘肃、青海、宁夏、陕西四省(区)部分专业台4种手段、31个台(项)的观测资料进行了处理。结果表明,在1990年共和7.0级地震和景泰6.2级地震前,约占总数65%的台项均出现了弱前兆异常。事实进一步证明,作提出的提取弱短临前兆信息的方法是有效和实用的。  相似文献   

A method estimating the stress level in the focal region of an earthquake is proposed here. Taking the 2001 M=8.1 Western Kunlun Mountain Pass earthquake as an example, we estimate its stress level in the focal region before and after it by this method. The results show that the stress level in the focal region just prior to the initiation of this event is approximately 6.3–8 MPa, and about 5–6.7 MPa remained in the focal region after its occurrence. The stress in the focal region decreased by roughly twenty percent after this event. Contribution No. 05FE3026, Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration.  相似文献   


位于青藏高原中北部的巴颜喀拉地块是我国西部近年来的主体地震活动区,一系列MW7.0以上强震均发生在该次级块体周边,而其北边界东昆仑断裂带是一条长达2000 km、规模最大、活动性最强的深大断裂带.2001年在东昆仑断裂带中段发生了MW7.8昆仑山地震,2021年5月在其震中东南部大约450 km处巴颜喀拉块体内部一次级断裂上发生了MW7.3玛多地震.玛多地震对人们以往认为强震更可能发生在巴颜喀拉块体边界断裂上的认识提出挑战,但是也为研究巴颜喀拉块体边界断裂与块体内部次级断裂活动关系、地震触发关系带来机遇.本文利用前期基于2001年昆仑山地震后积累的大量InSAR数据获得的震后大范围形变场时空演化图像和库仑应力变化模型,探讨昆仑山地震与玛多地震的关系.InSAR震后观测结果显示:昆仑山地震后沿东昆仑断裂带出现了长达500 km的大范围南北不对称震后形变场,其中南盘形变宽度和量级均明显大于北盘,南盘形变宽度达到250 km,断层近场相对平均形变速率达到>20 mm·a-1,而且南盘向南衰减梯度小,整体衰减缓慢,意味着震后形变对巴颜喀拉块体形成持续东向加载作用,并将分摊到块体内部的一系列次级断裂上,应力加载增加次级断层的地震危险性.2015—2020年InSAR震间应变率场则显示次级断裂——昆仑山口—江错断裂呈高剪切应变率特征.本文计算了昆仑山地震同震破裂和震后形变引起的玛多震区多条SE向次级断裂的累积库仑应力变化,结果显示昆仑山地震同震和震后形变对玛多地震发震断裂(昆仑山口—江错断裂)形成了一定的应力加载.本文认为昆仑山地震同震和长时间尺度震后形变加速了巴颜喀拉块体的东向运动,而断层本身运动学性质和区域应力扰动共同影响了玛多地震的发生.


The continuous GPS observation at the fiducial stations in the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC) recorded the crustal movement of Chinese mainland before and after the great Kunlun Mountain earthquake of M=8.1 on November 14, 2001, especially the horizontal crustal movement in the western part of China. Based on the datum defined by a group of stable stations with small mutual horizontal displacements for a few years, the time series of horizontal displacements at fiducial stations were obtained. Significant anomalous horizontal displacements had appeared at the fiducial stations in the western part of China since early November 2000 and several earthquakes with the magnitudes about 6.0 had occurred in Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces. The northward components of the horizontal displacement at the fiducial stations in west China had decreased significantly and even changed in the opposite sense since mid April 2001. After the earthquake, the northward displacements still decreased and there were significant westward displacements. The process of the crustal movement in the western part of Chinese mainland (in reference to east China) suggests that the main force source for this earthquake came from the northward pushing of the Indian plate. The great earthquake released a large amount of energy, as a result, the action applied by the Indian plate to Chinese mainland diminished significantly and after the great earthquake, the seismic activity in Chinese mainland decreased considerably until the end of 2002. Foundation item: The National Development and Programming Project for Key Basic Research (95-13-03-07).  相似文献   

A great earthquake of M S=8.1 took place in the west of Kunlun Pass on November 14, 2001. The epicenter is located at 36.2°N and 90.9°E. The analysis shows that some main precursory seismic patterns appear before the great earthquake, e.g., seismic gap, seismic band, increased activity, seismicity quiet and swarm activity. The evolution of the seismic patterns before the earthquake of M S=8.1 exhibits a course very similar to that found for earthquake cases with M S≥7. The difference is that anomalous seismicity before the earthquake of M S=8.1 involves in the larger area coverage and higher seismic magnitude. This provides an evidence for recognizing precursor and forecasting of very large earthquake. Finally, we review the rough prediction of the great earthquake and discuss some problems related to the prediction of great earthquakes.  相似文献   

地震地下流体在地震预测研究与震情跟踪中发挥着重要作用.本文基于中国地震地下流体前兆观测台网所涉及的资料范围,系统收集了2008年四川汶川8.0级地震的可能地下流体前兆异常,分析了这些异常的空间展布、时空演化以及形态等总体变化特征.结果表明,收集到的68项异常均位于10-8应变量范围内,59项异常位于汶川8.0级地震3倍破裂区(约900 km)范围内,占异常总数的87%,这与国内外已发表的地下流体前兆异常空间分布范围和震级之间的关系相符,说明汶川8.0级巨大地震的前兆观测范围至少包含该地震3倍破裂尺度甚至更大;异常出现时间总体呈现出临近地震异常数量增多的特点,但异常数量并非逐渐增多,而是在震前5个月和1个月突然增多;异常形态特征复杂,水氡和水位总体呈现出趋势性异常特征,水温总体表现出短临变化特征,主要表现为震前1—3个月突升、突降或波动异常变化.此外,本文还结合国内外已发表的地震地下流体前兆异常以及地震孕育理论,讨论了异常的空间分布、时间尺度与未来震中的关系,这对深入认识地下流体前兆异常及产生机理都具有重要的现实意义和科学价值.  相似文献   

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