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Some unusual karst structures occur in the upper part of the evaporite-dominated sequence of the Gipshuken Formation. This Lower Permian unit is characterized by interbedded anhydrite and dolomites, and is now interpreted in terms of superimposed sabkha cycles. The karst structures are found in the inner Part of Skansdalen in Dickson Land, and have not yet been observed elsewhere in corresponding horizons in Svalbard. These structures, often seen as linked hemispheroids, consist of almost pure anhydrite and are here interpreted as representing the remnants of consolidated sabkhas; the original sabkha plain was flooded and partly dissolved, and abandoned channels between the hemispheroidal structures were then filled with sediments of later sabkha cycle. The younger sediments which fill the relief between and above the structures contain small enterolithic folds which indicate primary formed anhydrite. Anhydrite is still the most common subsurface mineral in these sulphatic deposits, and there is no evidence of gravitational or tectonic movements within these beds.  相似文献   

A new Lower Cretceous lithostratigraphic unit of the Western Barents Shelf, named the Klippfisk Formation, is formally introduced. The formation represents a condensed carbonate succession deposited on platform areas and structural highs, where it consists of limestones and marls, often glauconitic. The limestones may have a nodular appearance, and fossil debris, which are dominated by Inoceramus prisms, may be abundant. The Klippfisk Formation is composed of two members: the Kutling Member defined herein from cores drilled on the Bjarmeland Platform, and the coeval Tordenskjoldberget Member described on Kong Karls Land. The base of the formation is defined by the abrupt decrease in gamma-ray intensity, where the dark shales of the underlying Hekkingen or Agardhfjellet formations are replaced by marls. It is often unconformable. The Klippfisk Formation is of Berriasian to Early Barremian age and appears to be time-transgressive over parts of the Western Barents Shelf (including Kong Karls Land). It passes laterally into the basinal Knurr Formation. On Kongsøya (Kong Karls Land) a thin shale unit, bounded by unconformities, earlier included in the Tordenskjoldberget Member, represents the northernmost extension of the overlying Kolje Formation in the Barents Shelf.  相似文献   

Four relative sea-level curves from Edgeøya and Barentsøya are constructed based on 81 radiocarbon age determinations on carefully selected and levelled samples in raised beaches, mostly driftwood embedded in beach gravel. All the dates, covering the period from the deglaciation to the present, are calibrated to calendar years, and the sea-level curves are defined by fitting the data with a least square regression curve. The dates are internally very consistent, and the results are some of the most precise sea-level curves from the Arctic.
The four curves are quite similar, and from the marine limit at 85-90 m a.s.l. they show a rapid emergence (ca 40 mm/year), formed about 11,000 cal yrs BP (∼10,00014C yrs BP). A minimum rate of emergence close to 8000 cal years ago is explained by a decreased rate in isostatic uplift parallel with a sustained rate of eustatic sea-level rise. During the last 7000 cal years, the emergence rate has decreased linearly. The uplift rates have been slightly higher on southern Edgeøya than further north during the last 7000 years. By comparing the sea-level curves from Storøya (ca 270 km to the north) and Hopen (ca 150 km to the south), we suggest that a memory of an earlier and larger glacio-isostatic downwarping in the southern Barents Sea is detected in the sea-level curves from Hopen and southern Edgeøya.  相似文献   

World-class examples of fault-controlled growth basins with associated syn-kinematic sedimentary fill are developed in Upper Triassic prodelta to delta-front deposits exposed at Kvalpynten, SW Edgeøya in East Svalbard. They are interpreted to have interacted with north-westerly progradation of a regional delta system. The syn-kinematic successions consist of 4 to 5 coarsening-upward units spanning from offshore mudstones to subtidal heterolithic bars and compound tidal dunes, which were blanketed by regional, post-kinematic sandstone sheets deposited as laterally continuous, subaqueous tidal dune fields. The rate of growth faulting is reflected in the distribution of accommodation, which governs sedimentary architecture and stacking patterns within the coarsening-upward units. Fully compartmentalized basins (12, 200–800 m wide and c. 150 m high grabens and half grabens) are characterized by syn-kinematic sedimentary infill. These grabens and half-grabens are separated by 60–150 m high horsts composed of pro-delta to distal delta-front mudstones. Grabens host tabular tidal dunes (sandwaves), whereas half-grabens bound by listric faults (mainly south-dipping) consist of wedge-shaped, rotated strata with erosive boundaries proximal to the uplifted fault block crests. Heterolithic tidal bars (sand ridges) occur in narrow half-grabens, showing migration oblique to the faults, up the dipslope. Structureless sandstone wedges and localized subaqueous slumps that formed in response to collapse of the block crests were only documented in half-grabens. Late-kinematic deposition during the final stages of faulting occurred in partly compartmentalized basins, filled with variably thick sets of continuous sandstone belts (compound tidal dunes).  相似文献   

Glacial striae and other ice movement indicators such as roche moutonées, glacial erratics, till fabric and glaciotectonic deformation have been used to reconstruct the Late Weichselian ice movements in the region of eastern Svalbard and the northern Barents Sea. The ice movement pattern may be divided into three main phases: (1) a maximum phase when ice flowed out of a centre east or southeast of Kong Karls Land. At this time the southern part of Spitsbergen was overrun by glacial ice from the Barents Sea; (2) the phase of deglaciation of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet, when an ice cap was centred between Kong Karls Land and Nordaustlandet. At the same time ice flowed southwards along Storfjorden; and (3) the last phase of the Late Weichselian glaciation in eastern Svalbard is represented by local ice caps on Spitsbergen, Nordaustlandet, Barentsoya and Edgeøya.
The reconstructed ice flow pattern during maximum glaciation is compatible with a centre of uplift in the northern Barents Sea as shown by isobase reconstructions and suggested by isostatic modelling.  相似文献   

Zircon U–Pb geochronometry, heavy mineral analyses and conventional seismic reflection data were used to interpret the provenance of the Lower Triassic Bunter Sandstone Formation. The succession was sampled in five Danish wells in the northern part of the North German Basin. The results show that sediment supply was mainly derived from the Ringkøbing‐Fyn High situated north of the basin and from the Variscan belt located south of the basin. Seismic reflection data document that the Ringkøbing‐Fyn High was a local barrier for sediment transport during the Early Triassic. Hence, the Fennoscandian Shield did not supply much sediment to the basin as opposed to what was previously believed. Sediment from the Variscan belt was transported by wind activity across the North German Basin when it was dried out during deposition of the aeolian part of the Volpriehausen Member (lower Bunter Sandstone). Fluvial sand was supplied from the Ringkøbing‐Fyn High to the basin during precipitation events which occurred most frequently when the Solling Member was deposited (upper Bunter Sandstone). Late Neoproterozoic to Carboniferous zircon ages predominate in the Volpriehausen Member where the dominant age population with a peak age of 337 Ma corresponds to the culmination of Variscan high‐grade metamorphism, whereas a secondary age population with a peak at 300 Ma matches the timing of volcanism and magmatism at the Carboniferous/Permian boundary in the northern Variscan belt. Parts of the basement in the Ringkøbing‐Fyn High were outcropping during the Early Triassic and zircon ages similar to this Mesoproterozoic basement are present in the Bunter Sandstone. The heavy mineral assemblage of the Solling Member is uniform and has a high garnet content compared to the contemporaneous sediments in the Norwegian‐Danish Basin and in the southern part of the North German Basin. This finding confirms that a local source in the Ringkøbing‐Fyn High supplied most of the fluvial sediment in the northern part of the North German Basin. The northernmost part of the Bunter Sandstone is situated on a platform area that is separated from the basin area by a broad WNW–ESE‐oriented fault zone. The most promising reservoir in the basin area is the aeolian Volpriehausen Member since the sandstone has a wide lateral distribution and a constant thickness. The alluvial to ephemeral fluvial Solling Member may be a good reservoir in the platform area and marginal basin area, but the complex sand‐body architecture makes it difficult to predict the reservoir quality.  相似文献   

The 500 m thick Lower Triassic succession of western comprises two shale-dominated formations, which both show upward-coarsening motifs. These reflect repeated coastal basin dominated by low energy fine-clastic sediments. The track fossils Rhizocorallium jenense and Skolithos are found in the coarser part of these units and variations in size and orientation of R. jenense give important palaeoenvironmental information.
Rhizocorallium jenense occurs in storm-generated siltstones and stones, whose deposition interrupted prevailing intermediate energy levels. Size variations and trace fossil abundance suggest an optimal habitat in the shoreface zone, with poorer adaptation to both offshore and shallower environments. Age-equivalent marine sediments on north-eastern Greenland also contain local abundant occurrences Rhizocorallium . These Arctic occurrences contrast with the same trace fossil's distribution in the Jurassic of Britain and France, where it characterizes shallower and higher energy environments; such sequences on Spitsbergen show an ichnofauna dominated by Skolithos and bivalve escape shafts.
Orientations shown by the R. jenense U-tubes show a generally, but not solely, unimodal distribution, with the curved distal entedusually oriented toward onshore. Presumed aperture lineations show strongly unimodal trends, probably related to longshore currents. Burrows in bed at the top of individual storm lobe units show more complex ably patterns probably reflecting both current and wave reworking following lobe abandonment. All finds suggest early colonization by the burrowing organisms. These were not followed by other burrowers, either because of the nutrient-poor nature of the sediment or because of high sedimentation rates.  相似文献   

The Murzuq Basin is one of the most petroliferous basins of North Africa. Its remote eastern flank has been largely ignored since early reconnaissance work in the 1950s and 1960s. This article presents new stratigraphic and sedimentological data on the Neoproterozoic through Devonian succession from the Mourizidie and Dor el Gussa regions. The Neoproterozoic to Cambrian Mourizidie and Hasawnah formations in the eastern part of the Mourizidie region dip to the east and north‐east, resting directly on late Precambrian metasediments and granitoids. These strata record the initial progradation of sand‐dominated braidplain systems upon peneplained Precambrian basement. Rhyolite clasts in the Hasawnah Formation may record tectonically driven uplift and unroofing in the southern Tibesti Massif or tectonomagmatic rejuvenation to the south of this massif. In the western part of the Mourizidie region, Late Ordovician through Silurian strata (Mamuniyat and Tanezzuft–Akakus formations) directly overlie late Precambrian metasediments and granitoids, and dip at a low angle towards the west into the Murzuq Basin. Elsewhere at the eastern Murzuq Basin flank, in Dor el Gussa, Late Ordovician glaciogenic sediments rest with angular unconformity upon shallow marine sandstones of Cambrian–Ordovician age. This angular unconformity may also occur in the Mourizidie region and indicates widespread tectonism, either as a result of a Middle–Late Ordovician orogenic event, far‐field tectonism related to the opening of the Rheic Ocean along the northern margin of Gondwana or alternatively crustal depression associated with the growth of Late Ordovician ice sheets. Unconformity development was also probably associated with glacial incision. Following ice sheet retreat, isostatic rebound during deglaciation resulted in uplift of tens to hundreds of metres, locally removing all Cambrian and Ordovician formations. Rising sea levels in the Silurian led to deposition of the Tanezzuft Formation on Precambrian basement in the northwestern Mourizidie region.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(5):1042-1073
The Late Triassic outcrops on southern Edgeøya, East Svalbard, allow a multiscale study of syn‐sedimentary listric growth faults located in the prodelta region of a regional prograding system. At least three hierarchical orders of growth faults have been recognized, each showing different deformation mechanisms, styles and stratigraphic locations of the associated detachment interval. The faults, characterized by mutually influencing deformation envelopes over space‐time, generally show SW‐ to SE‐dipping directions, indicating a counter‐regional trend with respect to the inferred W‐NW directed progradation of the associated delta system. The down‐dip movement is accommodated by polyphase deformation, with the different fault architectural elements recording a time‐dependent transition from fluidal‐hydroplastic to ductile‐brittle deformation, which is also conceptually scale‐dependent, from the smaller‐ (3rd order) to the larger‐scale (1st order) end‐member faults respectively. A shift from distributed strain to strain localization towards the fault cores is observed at the meso to microscale (<1 mm), and in the variation in petrophysical parameters of the litho‐structural facies across and along the fault envelope, with bulk porosity, density, pore size and microcrack intensity varying accordingly to deformation and reworking intensity of inherited structural fabrics. The second‐ and third‐order listric fault nucleation points appear to be located above blind fault tip‐related monoclines involving cemented organic shales. Close to planar, through‐going, first‐order faults cut across this boundary, eventually connecting with other favourable lower‐hierarchy fault to create seismic‐scale fault zones similar to those imaged in the nearby offshore areas. The inferred large‐scale driving mechanisms for the first‐order faults are related to the combined effect of tectonic reactivation of deeper Palaeozoic structures in a far field stress regime due to the Uralide orogeny, and differential compaction associated with increased sand sedimentary input in a fine‐grained, water‐saturated, low‐accommodation, prodeltaic depositional environment. In synergy to this large‐scale picture, small‐scale causative factors favouring second‐ and third‐order faulting seem to be related to mechanical‐rheological instabilities related to localized shallow diagenesis and liquidization fronts.  相似文献   

An 8 m long carcass of a bowhead whale ( Balaena mysticetus ) melted out from remnant glacier ice in the lateral moraine of the Jemelianovbreen glacier in August 1996. Folded and sheared sediment bands in the ice suggest that the whale was incorporated during an advance of the glacier. The whale's longitudinal axis was oriented parallel to the direction of the ice-flow, with the thinnest posterior part dipping upflow. The posterior section was best preserved with muscles and blubber, although the entire skin surface was strongly decomposed and only a thick fibrous surface was left of the blubber. The abdominal wall was holed, most likely by marine organisms, and partly filled with a compacted mixture of well-sorted gravelly beach sediments and fat. the whale seems to have been incorporated into the glacier together with glaciomarine sediments and carried by the flowing ice to an altitude of ca. 15 m. Jemelianovbreen is a tidewater glacier with two known surge-episodes. The first and most extensive of these occurred ca. 1900 AD and reached ca. 7 km outside the present coast-line. Radiocarbon dating of a fragment of a caudal vertebra yielded 345 ± 40 14C years BP (1535-1660 cal. AD), suggesting that the whale lived some time during the last part of the cold period known as the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

The change from continental to marine conditions in the Middle Carboniferous on Brøggerhalvøya started at the end of the Bashkirian with short-term transgressive events at the top of the Brøggertinden Formation. Local basin subsidence was responsible for the pulsatory nature of the transgression. The establishment of a shallow marine carbonate-dominated environment is represented by the Moscovian Scheteligfjellet Member which overlies the post-Caledonian red beds of the Brøggertinden Formation. The Scheteligfjellet Member is the lowermost member of the Nordenskioldbreen Formation and shows distinct lateral facies variations. Three facies associations can be distinguished: lagoonal facies, shoal facies and open marine facies. The succeeding two members were deposited in subtidal areas of the carbonate platform. A basin subsidence event at the Carboniferous/Permian boundary was responsible for a short shift into deeper depositional environments during a time of worldwide regression. After this a continuous regression led to supratidal conditions at the top of the Nordenskioldbreen Formation.  相似文献   

The relationships between large‐scale depositional processes and the stratigraphic record of alluvial systems, e.g. the origin and distribution of channel stacking patterns, changing architecture and correlation of strata, are still relatively poorly understood, in contrast to marine systems. We present a study of the Castillian Branch of the Permo‐Triassic Central Iberian Basin, north‐eastern Spain, using chemostratigraphy and a detailed sedimentological analysis to correlate the synrift Triassic fluvial sandstones for ~80 km along the south‐eastern basin margin. This study investigates the effects of Middle Triassic (Ladinian) Tethyan marine transgression on fluvial facies and architecture. Chemostratigraphy identifies a major, single axially flowing fluvial system lasting from the Early to Middle Triassic (~10 Ma). The fluvial architecture comprises basal conglomerates, followed by amalgamated sandstones and topped by floodplain‐isolated single‐ or multi‐storey amalgamated sandstone complexes with a total thickness up to ~1 km. The Tethyan marine transgression advanced into the basin with a rate of 0.04–0.02 m/year, and is recorded by a transition from the fluvial succession to a series of maximum flooding surfaces characterised by marginal marine clastic sediments and sabkha evaporites. The continued, transgression led to widespread thick carbonate deposition infilling the basin and recording the final stage of synrift to early‐post‐rift deposition. We identify the nonmarine to marine transition characterised by significant changes in the Buntsandstein succession with a transition from a predominantly tectonic‐ to a climatically driven fluvial system. The results have important implications for the temporal and spatial prediction of fluvial architecture and their transition during a marine transgression.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton dynamics and carbon input into Arctic and sub-Arctic ecosystems were investigated around Svalbard, in summer 1991. Phytoplankton biomass, species composition and dissolved nutrient concentrations were analysed from water samples collected along seven transects. Phytoplankton biomass was low especially to the north (Chlorophyll-a mean 0.3 pg 1- '), where flagellates dominated the communities and only ice-diatoms were present. To the west, the phytoplankton composition was representative of a summer Atlantic community, in a post-bloom state. Zooplankton grazing, mainly by copepods, appeared to be the main control on biomass to the west and north of Svalbard.
In the Barents Sea (east of Svalbard), an ice edge bloom was observed (Chlorophyll-a max. 6.8 pgl-') and the ice edge receded at a rate of approximately 1 1 km day-'. The phytoplankton community was represented by marginal ice species, especially Phaeocystis poucherii and Chaeroceros socialis. South of the ice edge, Deep Chlorophyll Maxima (DCM) were observed, as surface waters became progressively nutrient-depleted. In these surface waters, the phytoplankton were predominantly auto- and heterotrophic flagellates.
Carbon production measurements revealed high net production (new and regenerated) to the north of the Barents Sea Polar Front (BSPF); it was especially high at the receding ice edge (reaching 1.44gC m-'day-'). To the south, a low level of production was maintained, mainly through regenerative processes.  相似文献   

The late Palaeozoic to Triassic sedimentary record of the central Argentinean offshore was analysed through the integration of data from exploratory wells and 2D seismic lines. Our interpretations were combined with existing ones in Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and South Africa for their analysis in the late Palaeozoic south‐western Gondwana context. The mapped upper Palaeozoic‐Lower Triassic stratigraphic record offshore Argentina bears a thickness of +7000 m south of the Colorado basin and encompasses the time span between Pennsylvanian and Lower Triassic; this means that it triples that of the Sierras de la Ventana of Argentina and involves a far larger time span. On the basis of seismic stratigraphic interpretations in localities near the coast, we interpret that a strong denudation process removed a great portion of the stratigraphic record in the Sierras de la Ventana, the surrounding plains and the Tandilia system of Buenos Aires. The seismic stratigraphic configuration of the late Palaeozoic succession shows continuous and parallel reflections in a wide sediment wedge extending for more than 1000 km between the Gondwanides orogen core to the south and offshore Uruguay to the north. Two salient aspects of this sedimentary wedge are that no flexural depocentre was observed at the Ventania fold belt front, and that deformation in the orogenic front is post‐Lower Triassic. The original westwards extent of the basin is interpreted to have encompassed the whole of Buenos Aires province in continuity with the Chacoparaná basin; to the east continuity and a straightforward correlation with the Karoo basin was interpreted. The name of Hespérides Basin is proposed herein to refer to a Pennsylvanian to Lower Triassic basin mainly controlled by dynamic subsidence that encompasses and exceeds the area of the Sauce Grande and Colorado basins and the Claromecó fore‐deep in Argentina. The Hespérides basin is interpreted to have been in lateral continuity with the Kalahari, Karoo and Chacoparaná basins of Africa and South America forming a +3 000 000 sq. km depocentre.  相似文献   

Greenish sandstones in the Early Triassic Nogam Formation of the Ryeongnam Block, Korean Peninsula were collected at 23 sites for palaeomagnetic study. A high-temperature magnetization component with unblocking temperatures of 670–690 °C was isolated from seven sites and yielded a positive fold test at the 95 per cent confidence level. The high-temperature component is interpreted to be of primary origin because the folding age is Middle Triassic. The Early Triassic palaeomagnetic direction for the Ryeongnam Block after tilt correction is D =347.1°, I =23.8° ( α 95=5.5°). The palaeomagnetic pole (62.5°N, 336.8°E, A 95 = 4.7°) shows good agreement with the coeval pole for the North China Block, suggesting that the Ryeongnam Block has been part of the North China Block at least since Early Triassic times. A tectonic history of the Korean Peninsula includes obduction of the eastern part of the South China Block onto the central part of the Korean Peninsula in the Permian, with the Ryeongnam Block geographically isolated from the main part of the North China Block. Collision of the North and South China blocks commenced initially at the Korean Peninsula, and suturing of the two blocks progressed westwards.  相似文献   

The Visdalen valley, situated at the northwestern corner of Edgeøya, was investigated with respect to lithostratigraphy and depositional environments of the Quaternary sediments. Eight major lithostratigraphic units are recognised of which seven were deposited during the Late Weichselian to early Holocene glaciation, deglaciation and the subsequent emergence of the area, and one unit deposited prior the last glaciation. Till deposition from a west-flowing glacier was followed by glaciomarine and later marine deposition of fine-grained sediments. Coarse-grained colluvial and alluvial-fan deltas were deposited along the mountainsides in the Visdalen palaeo-bay, and distal sediment gravity-flow deposits from these deltas were interbedded with the glaciomarine-marine sediments. A spit-platform (riegel) was built up across the Visdalen bay contemporaneously with the alluvial fan-deltas. Its formation was time-transgressive, with its highest part in the south close to the marine limit at 85 m a.s.l. and its lowest part in the north at ca 65 m a.s.l. The sediment source was alluvial and colluvial debris, which was entrained by longshore currents along the more exposed coast south of Visdalen and transported northwards to the final place of deposition. The bulk part of the riegel ridge is composed of progradational successions of steep foresets dipping towards NW, N and NE, and clearly rejects an earlier ice-contact model. Datings suggest that the fan-delta deposition and the riegel formation ended before 9,000 BP. A meltwater-fed lagoon with a highest level at >50m a.s.l. was formed behind the riegel ridge in which, according to varve counting, glaciolacustrine sedimentation lasted more than 250 years and occurred within the time span 9,000-8,500 BP. Gradual uplift of the area resulted in drainage of the glaciolacustrine lagoon. Beachface processes and fluvial down-cutting took place during the emergence of the area.  相似文献   

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