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基于MOM模式的物理框架,妥善考虑了开边界的物理过程,改造和发展了一个区域海洋数值模式。本模式不仅可以方便地调整开边界条件,使之满足边界的特定物理条件,而且可以方便地做针对性修改,使模式更加可靠。改进后的模式具有MOM模式物理概念明确、公式便于理解、结果便于表达的全部特点,同时克服了MOM模式边界条件不完整、程序不易调整、参数难以改变的缺点。区域性模式比全球模式的计算速度快很多倍,可以成为区域性研究的有效工具。将此模式应用于南海,利用Hellerman&Rosenstein气候态风应力驱动模式10a,得到与全球模式效果相当的结果。模式模拟结果展现了南海流场的季节特征,在模式分辨率下表现出了多涡结构。根据模拟的流场计算了南海与其它海域的水交换通量。在年平均意义下,外海水通过吕宋海峡进入南海,南海水通过台湾海峡、民都洛海峡和卡里马塔海峡流出南海。各海峡水通量具有明显的季节变化。  相似文献   

Researches on the currents in the South China Sea (SCS) and the interaction between the SCS and its adjacent seas are reviewed. Overall seasonal circulation in the SCS is cyclonic in winter and anticyclonic in summer with a few stable eddies. The seasonal circulation is mostly driven by monsoon winds, and is related to water exchange between the SCS and the East China Sea through the Taiwan Strait, and between the SCS and the Kuroshio through the Luzon Strait. Seasonal characteristics of the South China Sea Warm Current in the northern SCS and the Kuroshio intrusion to the SCS are summarized in terms of the interaction between the SCS and its adjacent seas.  相似文献   

首先依据拉格朗日环流理论与黄、东海的环流物理和几何特征建立一个黄、东海环流的动力学统一模型 ,并按其无因次方程的量阶分析获得其零阶和一阶模型方程。最后依此模型方程的数学、物理特征确立了流速分解方案 ,从而形成完整的黄、东海拉格朗日环流数值模型。该课题组已完成较系统地对黄、东海环流的数值研究。该篇论文为系列报道之首篇。  相似文献   

利用GDEM温盐资料,采用P矢量方法计算了与温盐资料时间序列相对应的不同季节、不同层深的南海海洋环流及流涡系统,并且得出了相关的结论。  相似文献   

邵关  王为成 《海洋测绘》2007,27(1):66-69
研究南海环流的方法很多,采用GDEM资料,运用P矢量方法,得出了南海春季、夏季局部的上层流场分布情况.通过分析并结合UCM-60超声海流计和ADCP走航式测流仪相关实测数据,初步验证了这种研究南海上层季节环流所用的数值计算方法.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial variations of sea surface circulation in the South China Sea were revealed with use of altimetric data provided by TOPEX/POSEIDON from December 1992 to October 1997. The estimated distribution of sea surface dynamic heights from altimetric data coincide well with the results of observation by Soong et al. (1995) and Chu et al. (1998). The RMS variability of sea surface dynamic height, which is obtained after tidal correction based on Yanagi et al. (1997), is high in the central part of the South China Sea, the Gulf of Tongking, the Sunda Shelf and the Gulf of Thailand. The high RMS variability in the Gulf of Tongking, the Sunda Shelf and the Gulf of Thailand is due to set up and set down of sea water by the East Asian monsoon, which is northeasterly during winter and southwesterly during summer. Also, the high RMS variability in the central part of the South China Sea is due to the variations of basin-wide circulation. The circulations are dominant in the central part of the South China Sea during summer and winter, an anticyclonic circulation during summer and a cyclonic circulation during winter. It is suggested that these circulations are controlled by the East Asian monsoon. Hence, there is an interannual variability of the basin-wide circulation associated with the variation of the East Asian monsoon.  相似文献   

Intercomparison of three South China Sea circulation models   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
1IntroductionTheSouthChinaSeaisthelargesttropicalmarginaldeepsealocatingbetweenthewesternPacificOceanandtheeasternIndianOcean.AsapartofAsia-Australiamaritimecontinent,monsoonisaprimaryfactorforcingtheSouthChinaSeaCurrent(SCSC)variation.Drivenbynortheasterlymonsooninwinterandsouth-westerlymonsooninsummer,respectively,theSCSCbehavesacyclonicgyreandananticy-clonicgyre,correspondingly(Wyrtki,1961;Xuetal.,1982).Owingtotheshortageandexpen-sivenessofdirectobservationsintheSCS,fur-therunder…  相似文献   

南海深水海盆环流和温跃层深度的季节变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
受南海季风和复杂地形的影响,南海环流场具有复杂的空间结构和明显的季节变化,同时此海域又是中尺度涡多发海域,这些特征必然对南海温跃层深度的水平分布及季节变化有显著影响。首先,基于GDEM(General-ized Digital Environmental Model)的温、盐资料和利用P矢量方法计算并分析了南海的表层环流和多涡结构的空间分布特征和季节变化规律。在此基础上,分析了南海温跃层深度的空间分布特征和季节变化规律。结果表明,南海环流和多涡结构对南海温跃层具有显著的影响。  相似文献   

Based on a two-level nested model from the global ocean to the western Pacific and then to the South China Sea(SCS), the high-resolution SCS deep circulation is numerically investigated. The SCS deep circulation shows a basin-scale cyclonic structure with a strong southward western boundary current in summer(July), a northeastsouthwest through-flow pattern across the deep basin without a western boundary current in winter(January),and a transitional pattern in spring and autumn. The sensitivity ...  相似文献   

基于黄、东海Lagrange环流数值模型 ,对黄、东海Lagrange斜压环流进行了诊断计算。采用流速分解法将La grange流速分解为梯度流、风海流、潮致余流、热盐环流、零阶环流耦合流 5种分量 ,实现三维计算的准二维化。计算结果较成功地模拟了冬夏两季黄、东海Lagrange环流 ,表明密度环流在冬、夏季均是东海环流的重要分量 ,可显著增强了东海黑潮、东海黑潮、台湾暖流和对马暖流 ;在夏季还是黄海环流的主要分量。  相似文献   

According to the satellite remote sensing monthly mean sea surface temperature data from 1998 to 2002, it is shown that, the Sulu Sea is dominated by a cold eddy both in summer and winter. A coupled single-layer/two-layer model is employed here to study the summery and wintry characteristics and dynamic mechanism of the upper circulation in the Sulu Sea. According to the numerical experiments, it is found that, due to the local monsoon stress cud, the upper circulation in the Sulu Sea is dominated by a weak anticyclonic eddy in summer and a strong cyclonic eddy in winter. Once there is a large outflow via the Sibutu Passage flowing out of the Sulu Sea in summer, the upper circulation in the Sulu Sea may be dominated by a cyclonic eddy instead of the normal anti- cyclonic one. Moreover, in summer, the water exchange between the Sulu Sea and South China Sea via the Mindoro and Balabac Straits might have some effect on the separation position and strength of the northward western boundary current next to the Indo - China Peninsula in the southern South China Sea.  相似文献   

StudyonthecarbonfluxintheSouthChinaSea¥HanWuying;LinHongyingandCaiYanya(ReceivedMarch5,1995;acceptedOctober4,1995)Abstract:Ac...  相似文献   

The calculation of the circulation in South China Sea by a diagnostic model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A high resolved two - dimensional linear global diagnostic model combining with the dynamical calculation is used to calculate ve- locity field in the South China Sea(SCS). The study of model results shows that eddy diffusion does not change basic structure of circulation in the SCS and does not change the direction of invasive water, but changes the value of transport considerably espe- cially in straits. The velocity field is not changed whether the wind stress is considered or not. This result shows the circulation is largely determined by a density field which well records most of the important contribution of the wind stress effect. Potential vor- ticity is calculated to testify the dynamics of the model results. The result shows that a good conservation of the nonlinear PV. This indicates most effects of the important nonlinear processes are well recorded in density and the nonlinear term is negligible so that the simplified model is reliable. The model results show the water exchanges between the SCS and open ocean or surrounding seas. Cold deep water invades through Luzon Strait and Warm shallow water is pushed out mainly through Karimata Straits. The model results also reveal the structure of the circulation in the SCS basin. In two circulations of upper and middle layers, a cyclon- ic one in the north and an anti-cyclonic one in the south, reflect the climatologic average of the circulation driven by monsoon. In the deep or bottom layer, these two circulations reflect the topography of the basin. Above the middle layer, invasive water enters westward in the north but the way of invasion of Kuroshio is not clear. Below the deep layer, a current goes down south near the east basin , and invasive water enters in the basin from the west Pacific.  相似文献   

依据黄、东海环流的的动力学模型 ,运用“流速分解法”对黄、东海正压环流进行了数值模拟。计算结果表明冬季黄海正压环流主要受风应力影响 ,基本形态为黄海暖流由济州岛西南进入南黄海中部 ,其东西两侧分别为两支向南流动的沿岸流 ;夏季主要受到潮致体力的影响 ,为一逆时针涡旋。东海环流主要是边界力作用驱动的结果 ,东海黑潮、台湾暖流和对马暖流较稳定。冬季风应力对东海环流表层流场有消弱作用 ,在夏季则有一定增强作用。  相似文献   

A coupled single-layer/two-layer model is employed to study the South China Sea (SCS) upper circulation and its response before and after the onset of summer monsoon. It is found that, in summer, due to the β effect and the first baroclinic mode of the wind-driven current, a northward western boundary jet current is formed along the Indo-China Peninsula coast, and it leaves the coast at about 13° N and diffuses towards northeast; next to the Indo-China Peninsula, a large anticyclonic  相似文献   

通过一个全球的二维诊断模型,采用Levitus温盐资料和COADS风应力资料,并结合动力计算来研究南海上层环流的季节变化。计算结果与其它模式结果和观测结果非常相似。南海北部(南部)全年存在一气旋式(反气旋式)环流。在冬季气旋式环流几乎占据了整个南海,夏季则以反气旋式环流为主。泰国湾的环流在冬季(夏季)是气旋式的(反气旋的)。南海的西边界流有明显的季节变化,其在冬季从卡里马塔海峡流出南海,夏季部分西边界流从台湾海峡流出南海。越南离岸流在春季就开始出现,其位置比夏季的越南离岸流的位置偏北。  相似文献   

The differences of temperature, salinity distribution characteristics and structure of circulation in the upper layer of the South China Sea (SCS) are analyzed, based on the CTD and ADCP data from the two intensive surveyed cruises (IOP1: April 10 - May 5; IOP2: June 12 - July 6) and carried out before and after the Asian monsoon burst (May 25) during the South China Sea Monsoon Experiment (SCSMEX) in 1998. The results showed that field of temperature in the upper layer of the SCS distinctly changed before and after the monsoon burst, the average surface temperature increased by 0.75℃, with its influence down to the depth of 500 m. The interaction of the local circulation in some areas resulted in the complexity and variability of the temperature and salinity structure in the upper layer, and the alternating distribution of cold and warm water regions (blocks). The high salinity subsurface water obviously intruded into the SCS from the Northwest Pacific, but only limited to the area of southwest of Taiw  相似文献   

基于POM(Princeton Ocean Model)海洋模式,对南海不同深度环流的季节性变化进行了数值模拟研究。模拟结果表明:南海表层和上层环流受季风影响,在夏季西南季风驱动下,南海表层环流在南部呈现强反气旋式结构,在南海北部则是一个弱的气旋环流;在冬季东北季风驱动下,南海表层环流结构呈气旋式,并且明显加强了沿越南沿岸向南流动的西边界流;春季和秋季为南海季风的转换期,其对应的环流特征也处于冬季环流与夏季环流的过渡流型,流速与冬季和夏季相比较弱。南海200m层环流的季节变化与表层相似。在500与1 000m层,则出现许多处中尺度漩涡,流场也变得较为紊乱。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONRecentyears’studyhasprimarilyshownthattheSCShasanimportantinfluenceonthemonsooncurrentsandonthefloodactivitiesoccurredintheregionofChina (Sunetal .,1 999,Dingetal.,1 999) .ThemonsoononsetinevitablycausestheadjustmentoftheSCScircula tion ,andinturn ,th…  相似文献   

Mesoscale eddies(MEs) in the South China Sea(SCS) simulated by a quasi-global eddy-resolving ocean general circulation model are evaluated against satellite data during 1993–2007. The modeled ocean data show more activity than shown by the satellite data and reproduces more eddies in the SCS. A total of 345(428) cyclonic eddies(CEs) and 330(371) anti-cyclonic eddies(AEs) generated for satellite(model) data are identified during the study period, showing increase of ~24% and ~12% for the model data, respectively. Compared with eddies in satellite, the simulated eddies tend to have smaller radii, larger amplitudes, a slightly longer lifetime, faster movement and rotation speed, a slightly larger nonlinear properties(U/c) in the model. However, the spatial distribution of generated eddies appears to be inhomogeneous, with more CEs in the northern part of SCS and fewer AEs in the southern part. This is attributed to the exaggerated Kuroshio intrusion in the model because the small islands in the Luzon Strait are still not well resolved although the horizontal resolution reaches(1/10)°. The seasonal variability in the number and the amplitude of eddies generated is also investigated.  相似文献   

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